22 .5 5 Pri n ci pl e s o f R a di at i on Int e ract i ons

Estimation of risk from exposure to ra don is based on epidem iological data in m i ners, and extrapol ated to the lo w exposure levels present in hom es.

Bronchial epithelial cells in m i ners m a y ha ve been traversed by several particles in a short period.

For the individual in a domestic radon situ ation, it is highl y unlikely tha t any cell will be traversed by m o re than one al pha particle in an entire lifetime.


Investigate the onco g enic effects of exactly one alpha particle.

Co mpare the effects of exactly one to a Poisson mean of one alpha particle.

This is a check on whether the cells receiving m o re than one particle dom inate the response.

“Control” study: com p arison of exactly four with a Poisson mean of four particles.

22 .5 5 Pri n ci pl e s o f R a di at i on Int e ract i ons

The mi crobeam facil ity at Colum b ia.

Continuous im provements in autom a tion ma ke it possible to irradiate ~ 3000 cells per hour.

“Broad beam” studies produce the statis tical Poisson distri buti on of parti c le traversals.

For a m ean of 1 part icle:

37% will see 0 traversals

37% will see 1 traversals

26% will see 2 or m o re traversals

The average dose wi ll be the same as the group that all received exactly one


22 .5 5 Pri n ci pl e s o f R a di at i on Int e ract i ons

Cells are s t ained wit h a Ho ech st dye to visualize the nucleus for targeting. Broad beam groups are also stained as a control.

Transformation was judged by m i croscopic inspection of colonies aft e r 7 weeks of growth. Methods previously reported. Such transform e d cel ls produce tum o rs when injected into animals.

22 .5 5 Pri n ci pl e s o f R a di at i on Int e ract i ons

Transformed cells lose contact inhibition.

[Hall, 2000]

22 .5 5 Pri n ci pl e s o f R a di at i on Int e ract i ons

Transformed cells lose anchorage dependence.

[Hall, 2000]

22 .5 5 Pri n ci pl e s o f R a di at i on Int e ract i ons

Transformation frequency/10 4 surviving cells.

Control rates are sim i lar.

Broad beam results are greater t h an m i crobeam results only at 1 particle.

At 2, 4, and 8 particles the m i crobeam results are th e same (within the error bars) as the broadbeam results.

22 .5 5 Pri n ci pl e s o f R a di at i on Int e ract i ons

Cells traversed by exactly one alpha par ticle show a lower risk than those receiving a mean of one.

Exactly one alpha p a rticle is not si gnificantly differe nt than control s receiving zero!!

This im plies that the majority of tran sformed cells resulting from a mean of one traversal m u st come fro m the subpopu lation tha t received m o re than one traversal.

If traversal by only one particle does not significantly raise the risk of oncogenic transform a tion, estimations by extrapolation from higher doses received b y min e rs will overestimat e the risk.

22 .5 5 Pri n ci pl e s o f R a di at i on Int e ract i ons

Previous work by this group with this cell line

Exact numbers of alpha particles: survi v al and m u tation endpoi nts.

Cytoplasmic irradiation.

Now carried out to 20 particles per nucleus.

D 0 is approxim a tely 3.6 al pha particle traversals.

Survi v al after 20 particles through the nucleus is ~ 1%.

22 .5 5 Pri n ci pl e s o f R a di at i on Int e ract i ons

A L cells: ham s ter with one human chro m o so me that expresses cell surface markers for com p lement inactivation.

~500 cells plated in irradiation dish

At random, 5, 10 or 20% of the cells in the dish irradi ated with 20 alpha particles each

>99% of the survivi ng cells are unirradi ated, but the m u tation rate is 3 times higher tha n control.

Bystander effect in cells not traversed by alpha particles.

The effect appears to “saturate”.

22 .5 5 Pri n ci pl e s o f R a di at i on Int e ract i ons

For the population where 20% of the cells were exposed to 20 alpha particles, 99.8% of the progeny are cal culated to be from unirradiated cells.

The mut a tional spectra ar e clearly different from those that occur spontaneously.

22 .5 5 Pri n ci pl e s o f R a di at i on Int e ract i ons

The bystander m u tagenicity was not affected by ad dition of DMSO.

The effect is not due to a free radical ROS .

Lindane blocks gap junctions a nd reduces the bystander effect.

Cell-cell contact plays an im portant role in this effect.