Timing of onset of symptoms c orrelates with the lifespan of the function al cells .

Early Effects: stem cells are the “target”

Effects occur in a few days to weeks

Rapidly dividing cell populations

Exam ples: skin epiderm i s, gastrointestinal tract, hematopoietic system

Damage can be repaired. Stem cells repopulate rapidly.

La te Effe c t s:

Effects occur in m onths to years.

Slowly proliferating tissues : lung, kidney, liver, CNS

Damage never repaired com p letely

Vascular damage or mature f unctional cells as the “target”?

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Chroni c eff e cts of radiati o n exp o su re

Cells not killed, but damaged…..

Cataract formation

Genetic (hereditary) effects

Effects on the fetus

Carcinogenic effect s (cancer)

Human Radiation Exposure Data

Japanese A-bomb survivors

93,000 survivors

27,000 non-exposed com p arable individuals as controls

Location at the tim e of the blast m u st be accounted for in the dosim etry.

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[Image removed due to copyright considerations]

RERF: Radiation Effects Res earch Foundation

Joint US-Japan research founda tion following all of the survivors for life.


Hereditary Effects: effects on the offspring

Radiation does not produce “new mutations”.

Radiation increases the incidence of mutati ons that occur spontaneously in the population.

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[Image removed due to copyright considerations]

Doubling dose : increases the natural background frequency by a factor of 2.

Background m u tation rate ~ 1-6%

Radiation-induced ri sk of hereditary disorder estimated at

0.6 x 10 -2 /Sv/per person

Dose rate effect data from the “Mega mo use” Experiments at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Fe ta l Effe c t s

Lethal effects


Growth disturbances

Principal factors


Gestation age at ti me of irradiation

[Image removed due to copyright considerations]

Data from rats given 200 rads at various time post-fertilization.

Japanese atom ic bomb survi vors irradiated in utero.

Grow th retardation : height, weight an d head diameter

Mental retardation: observed in children irradiated at 8-15 weeks (only) of pregnancy.

Effects observed at d o ses as low as 0.06 Gy.

[Image removed due to copyright considerations]

Cat a ract s: any detect able ch ange in the norma lly transparent lens of the eye.

Determini s tic respo nse

Cells are p r oduced by m itosis in th e germination zone (GZ) of the epithelium.

Differentiate into lens fibers in the meridional rows (MR).

Cells in the central zone (C Z) do not normally divide.

[Image removed due to copyright considerations]

No blood suppl y.

No mechanism for rem oval of dead or damaged cells.

Abnorm a l fibers m i grate towards the post e rior pole, the beginning of a cat aract.

Single doses > 2 Gy will cause cataracts.

Fractionation and low dose rate incr ease the threshold to 4-5 Gy.

[Image removed due to copyright considerations]

Estimation of risk from radiation exposure

Excess risk: the excess cas es of a particular health effect ass o ciated wi th exposure t o radiation. Excess risk can be described in various ways:

Absolute Risk: the difference in the rate of occurrence of a particular health effect in an exposed populati on and an equivalent population with no radiation exposure. (uni t s : excess num ber of cases pe r person-year-sievert).

Rel a tive Risk: the ratio of the rates in exposed and unexposed populat ions (dim ensionless)

Excess Relative Risk (ERR): the ratio of the rate difference to the rate in an unexposed population (N.B., ER R = the relative risk m i nus 1)

Excess risks depend on:

radiation dose

age at exp o sure

time since exposure

current age


Risk esti mates are us ually reported for a sp ecific dose (often 1 gray or 1 sievert).

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[Image removed due to copyright considerations]

Estimates based on a m odel that acc ounts for age at exposure and gender. The vertical dotted line represents no excess risk.

The solid vertical line represent s the excess relative risk for all cancers.

Cancer deaths between 1950 and 1990 am ong Life Span Study - Survivors with significan t exposure s ( > 0.00 5 Sv)

Dose Ran g e

Nu mber of Cancer


Estimated Excess Deaths

Attributable Fraction (excess

lifetime risk)

0.005-0.2 Sv

3 3 9 1

6 3

2 %

(=100 x 63/3391)

0.2 0.5 Sv

6 4 6

7 6

1 2 %

0.5 1 Sv

3 4 2

7 9

2 3 %

> 1 Sv

3 0 8

1 2 1

3 9 %


4 6 8 7

3 3 9

7 %

Excess Lifetim e Risk

Bas ed on observed cancer inci dence to d a te

Depends on dose, age at exposure, sex.

Lifeti me cancer risks for atomi c bo mb survivors who received an acute dose of 0.2 Sv

Age at exp o sure (years)

Excess lifetime risk

Background lifetim e risk

Excess relative risk (ERR)


1 0

0 . 0 3

0 . 2 6

1 2 %

(= 100 x 0.03/0.26)

3 0

0 . 0 2

0 . 2 8

7 %

5 0

0 . 0 1

0 . 1 8

6 %


1 0

0 . 0 5

0 . 1 9

2 6 %

3 0

0 . 0 3

0 . 2 0

1 5 %

5 0

0 . 0 1

0 . 1 5

7 %

(Data from http://www.r erf.or.jp )

Nu mbers of cancer deaths by cancer type and strength of evidence for a radiation effect





Stom a c h

2 5 2 9

6 5

s t r o n g

L u n g

9 3 9

6 7

s t r o n g

L i v e r

7 5 3

3 0

s t r o n g

U t e r u s

4 7 6


m o d e r a t e

C o l o n

3 4 7

2 3

s t r o n g


2 9 8


w e a k

P a n c r e a s

2 9 7


w e a k

E s o p h a g u s

2 3 4

1 4

s t r o n g

G a l l b l a d d e r

2 2 8

1 2

m o d e r a t e

F. Breast




O v a r y

1 2 0

1 0

s t r o n g

B l a d d e r

1 1 8

1 0

s t r o n g

P r o s t a t e

8 0


w e a k

B o n e

3 2


m o d e r a t e

Other solid




Lym p h o m a

1 6 2


w e a k

Myelom a

5 1


s t r o n g

Statistical significance may v a ry, but ex cess risks are seen for all types of cancer.

Supports t h e notion t h at radiation increas es the risk for ALL t ypes of cancer.

Radiation in Medicine: therapy and diagnosis

a) thyroid cancer: 1930s and 1940s use of x-rays to shrink enlarged thym us in children.

b) Ringworm of the scalp: 1940s and 1950s x rays used to cause tem porary hair loss (several Gy), treat h a ir follic les more effectively. Increases in thyroid cancer, leukem i a, brain tum o rs (10,000 patients in Isra el, 2215 in New York).

c) In Britain, ~14,000 patients with a c ongenital spinal cord probl e m known as ankylosing spondylitis were irradi ated to relieve pain. Increased incidence of leukem i a.

d) Fem a le tuberculosis patie nts undergoing repeated fluoroscopy procedures showed an increas e i n breast cancer.

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Radium dial painters

Practice continued up to 1925. Ingestion of 226 Ra (b one seeker ) caused an increased incidence of bone cancer.

At autopsy, bone was analyzed for radium content.

Note, that there appears to be a thre shol d below which no effects are seen.

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What are the risks from low-doses of radiation?

All human data are relatively high dose and delivered at high dose rates…..

…..and extrapolate d dow n to the lo w dose region at low dose rates.

This is a source of s i gnificant and continuing controversy.

Risk Estimation Models

linear no-threshold



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The choice of model, and the estimate d risk , has serious implications for radiation protection.

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Data from high dose rate e xposures is extrapolated to low doses and low dose rates.

Low dose rate exposure is significantly less dam a ging.

Is there a 4 th curve??

Hormesi s

a term coined to describe the behavior of an agent t h at is lethal at high doses but

beneficial at low doses.

(e.g., nick el, chrom i um , hormones, ultraviolet light)

The radiation effects paradigm :

Radiation exposure i s harm ful.

Radiation exposure i s harm ful at all doses.

There are no effects at low doses that can not be predicted from the effects at high-dose levels.

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