22.55 Principles of Radi ation Interactions
Effects of Radiation on DNA
Irradiation of cells causes:
cell killing
m u tagenesis
Understanding the processes between energy deposit ion and expression of dam a ge may allow for manipul ati on of the process to e.g.,
increase the damage t o a tu mor
decrease the damage to norm a l tissues.
A. What is the evidence that DNA is the target?
1. Selectively irradi ate the nucleus or the cytoplasm. Results show the nucleus to be m o re sensitive than the cytoplasm.
To kill a cell the dose to the nucleus is 100 times smaller than the dose to the cytoplasm.
Polonium needle: alpha pa rticle range ~ 4 0 µm .
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Microbeam s capable of delivering partic les (protons or alpha particles) with µm resolution.
22.55 Principles of Radi ation Interactions
2. Incorporation of halogenated base analogues into DNA sensitizes cells. Iodine or brom ine
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[Tubiana, 1990]
Spatially, the halogens are sim i lar to the methyl group, thus “errors” are possi ble anad incorporation int o the DNA strand.
Incorporation makes the DNA m o re susceptible to dam a ge, including radiation damage.
3. Radioisotopes incorporated into DN A kill cells m u ch m o re efficiently than radioi sotopes in RNA or in proteins. 125 I in the DNA is 200-300 times m o re effective than 125 I in the cytoplasm or on the cell membran e .
4. Tritium is particularly useful: em its beta particles of 18 keV, range in tissue is less than 1-2 µm.
Tritiated thym idine….labels DNA
Tritiated uracil ….labels RNA
Tritiated am ino acids to label proteins
Tritiated water (uniform dist ribution) is 1000 tim es less effective than tritiated thym idine (DNA lo calization).
22.55 Principles of Radi ation Interactions
[ 3 H]Thd incorporation caused ch rom o some breaks, correlating with the point of attachm e nt visualized by autoradiography.
5. Correlation between cellular DNA c ontent or chromosom e volume and radiosensit i vity, parti c ularly in sim p ler organism s such as viruses.
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[Tubiana, 1990]
6. Cells deficient in DNA repair enzymes are generally m o re radiosensiti ve. Drugs that inhibit D NA repair are sensiti zers.
22.55 Principles of Radi ation Interactions
B. Types of DNA Damage
Radiation can produce a v a riety of lesions in DNA
Rupture of the strand
Alteration to bases
Destruction of sugars
Crosslinks and formation of di mers
But what about the background levels of DNA damage that occur every day from “natural” sources (prim a rily oxygen)?
We have evolved sophisticated DNA damage detection and repair mechanisms to deal with this damage.
Does radiation produce unique dam a ge?
Clustered Damage
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22.55 Principles of Radi ation Interactions
Radiation damage to DNA
DNA Strand Break s Single strand breaks:
Can take place at the phosphodi este r bond, or at the bond between the base and the sugar.
A large proport i on of the singl e stra nd breaks are caused by hydroxyl radicals ( O H ). Radical scavenging experiments have dem o nstrated this.
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[Roots, 1972]
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[Tubiana, 1990]
22.55 Principles of Radi ation Interactions
Double strand breaks:
Invol ves breakage of both strands at point s less than 3 nucleotides apart (there are still questions a bout whether furthe r spacings are recognized and repaired as dsbs).
Production by singl e particle crossi ng both strands?
Production by two independent events?
Can be measured by various tec hniques (e.g., sucrose gradient centrifugation)
Double strand breaks have shown a di rect proportionality to radiation dose.
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[Prise, 1994]
** X-ray dose of ~1 Gy produc es about 1000 single strand breaks and about 50-100 double strand breaks in a typical mammali an cell.
This dose causes about 50% cell death. DSBs are not necessarily lethal.
22.55 Principles of Radi ation Interactions
Base changes:
Bases can be damaged or destroyed or chem ically modified by radiation. Hydroxyl radical and byprodu cts can add to bases.
Pyrim i dines (T, C) m o re sensitive than purines.
The biological signifi cance of base damag e is less th an that of strand dam a ge.
22.55 Principles of Radi ation Interactions
D. Techniques for measuring DNA damage
Base damage : various techniques exist for measuring the release of bases, or damaged base fragmen ts: e.g., HPLC, GC-MS, 3 H release from previously incorporat ed 3 H-thym idine, imm unological probes.
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DNA strand break s :
Many of these techniques can me asure either ssb or dsb by manipulation of the pH.
High pH (alkaline co nditions) will denature DNA (separate the two strands).
Neutral conditi ons: double strands rem a in intact.
22.55 Principles of Radi ation Interactions
Sucrose gradient sedimentation:
cells carefully lysed on top of sucrose gradient,
centrifuged at high speed,
the larger fragments will m i grat e further into the gradient
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[Tubiana, 1990]
Filter elution:
DNA prelabeled by growing cells in radioactive DNA precursors ( 3 H or 14 C thym idine). Cells lysed gently on the filter.
Elution through pores in a filter us ing a pum p and fraction collector.
The am ount of DNA eluted as a func tion of tim e is proporti onal to radiation damage.
Larger fragments elute more sl owly.
Neutral conditi ons or alkaline condit i ons can be used.
22.55 Principles of Radi ation Interactions
Gel electrophoresis:
Separation of DNA fragments according to size (and shape) in a gel of acrylam ide or agarose when exposed to an applied electric field.
Cannot resolve very large fragments.
A variation known as pulsed fi eld gel electrophoresis can resolve mu ch larger frag m en ts. The el ectric field is pulsed and alternated in orientation.
Methods to quantitate the am o unt of DNA m i grating out of the well either radiolabeling or fluorescence (expressed as fraction of activity releas ed, F A R).
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22.55 Principles of Radi ation Interactions
Comet assay:
Single-cell gel electrophoresis.
Cells em b e dded in gel, lysed to re m ove proteins, then subjected to electric field.
Smaller DNA fragments m i grate furt her making a “tail” that can be stained and viewed under a fluorescent microscope.
22.55 Principles of Radi ation Interactions
E. DNA rep air
Repair of dam a ge to DNA is o f central im portance to all cells, and is an ongoing process.
Existing re pair m e chanism s elim in at e m o st radiation-induced lesions.
Restores v i ability
But viable cells may still harb or m u tations or chromosom a l aberrations
Distingui sh repair as
Error-free: restores DNA to its original state
Misrepair: non-lethal errors are incorporated and passed on to daughter cells. This could lead to genom ic instability and carcinogenesis.
DNA repair is governed by a m u ltitude of genes, and executed by DNA repair enzymes.
Mutants deficient in DNA repair genes have helped elucidate t h ese co mp lex system s and their control.
Question: are there radiat ion-i nduced le sions that are unique? Lesions that the sophist icated repair system that has evolved to handle oxidative damage cannot handle?
22.55 Principles of Radi ation Interactions
Example of DNA repair .
Principle mechanism of repair
Operates on single st rand breaks, or dam a ge.
Stepwise repair invol ves at least four di fferent repair enzym e s.
o Recognition of the presence of a lesion
o Excision of the damaged area
o Resynthesis by copying from the adjacen t strand
o Res ealing the break
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[Tubiana, 1990]
22.55 Principles of Radi ation Interactions
Repair of double strand breaks:
Mechanisms not clear.
Repair by recom b ination with t h e hom ologous st rand is possi ble.
Large (com plex) lesions m a y not be repaired correctly
Som e double strand breaks m a y not be repairable at all.
Misrepair or deletions may l ead to chromo some ab errations, m u tations or carcinogenesis.
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22.55 Principles of Radi ation Interactions
So What Kills Cells?
Chromosome aberration s correlate wi th dose.
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[Sachs, 1993]
High LET radiation is more effect ive than low - LET for production of aberrations.
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22.55 Principles of Radi ation Interactions
Chromosome aberrations co rrelate wi th cell dea th.
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[Hall, 2000]
Cornfort h: observed individual cells following irradiation.
If a m i cronucleus was present in th e daughter cell, no colony was form ed.
N.B. , Ab errations presen t at mitosis, may be far removed from initial dam a ge.
Repair, cel l cycle, changes in chromatin s t ructure all can affect the results.
Chromosome aberrat i ons also show the LET dependency with a maxim u m at about 100 keV/ µ m. At high LET, the damage could be too severe for survival.
22.55 Principles of Radi ation Interactions
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Chromosome aberrations require a dsb.
The fact t h at the dsb do not correl ate with cell kil ling is troubling. Recent work indicates that clustered damage is involved.