Chemical Modifi cation of Radi ati o n Resp onse


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Oxygen best known and m o st general radiosensiti zer

The slopes of survi v al curves for cells exposed to sparsely ioni zing radiation in hypoxia and in well oxygenated environments differ by about a factor of 3 the oxygen effect.

Hypoxia means low oxygen, anoxia means no oxygen.

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Oxygen Enhancement Ratio (OER)

o D 0 (hypoxi a )/D 0 (oxygenated)

= dose(hypoxia)/dose(oxygenated) for the same effect

If the survival curves in both air and hypoxia extrapolate back to the same n value, the curves are said to be purely dose m odifying.

OER is usually about 3 at high radiation doses, but often has a lower value of about 2 at low doses (at or below 2 Gy).

How mu ch O 2 is required?

Survival curves show that relatively little O 2 is need ed, e.g., as little as 1 00 ppm O 2 (0.075 m m Hg) causes significant sensitization com p ared to the response in anoxia.

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“K-curve” plot of relative radiosensiti vi ty vs. oxygen concentr ation shows half- maximal effect of oxygen at about 0.5% (3 mm Hg) O 2 . (For com p arison, venous p O 2 is about 50 mm Hg and arterial is about 100 mm Hg; air is 155 Hg.)

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Timescal e Wh en must O 2 be present?

Very fast response techniques show that O 2 m u st be present during irradiation or added within m illiseconds after irradiation in order to be sensitizing.

For m o st practical purposes, it m u st be present during the radiation exposure.


Mechanism ( s) of the oxygen effect r eally not know, although, clearly, O 2 acts at the free radical level.

The reacti ons involved may be:

O 2 + e - aq O 2 - or O 2 + R R O 2

The later reaction is sometim e s called “f ixation” of dam a ge in the lethal form and occurs in com p etition with ch em ical repair of damage, perhap s by H atom donation from thiols (t o be discussed m o re below).

Import ance of the oxygen eff e ct

Thom linson and Gray (1955) st udied sections of bronchial carcinom a

Small tumors (<160 ) no necrosis

Tum o rs over 200 - necrotic centers surrounde d by sheath of healthy cells

Sheath of growing cells always 100-180

They also cal culated O 2 diffusi on in tissues and found that all O 2 should be metabolized at a distance of 150-200 from a capillary , in good agreement with the observations of necrosis.

Actually, there will b e an O 2 concentration gradient through the tu m o r, so some tumor cells will have enough O 2 to grow but will be radiobiologically hypoxic (and therefore radioresistant ). These cells may lim it the effectiveness of radiation therapy of tum o rs.

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This m odel is really a gross oversim plification of tum o r oxygenati on, but emphasizes the im portance of oxygen in radiation t h erapy and explains why a great deal of resear ch has been conducted into ways to overcome hypoxic cells.

Hypoxic cells may be of tw o types: Diffusion-lim ited as described by Thom linson and Gray (chronic hypoxia)

Perfusion-lim ited ce lls intermittently hypoxic only when the blood fl ow transiently stops on their vessel (acute hypoxia).

Dealing with the different types of hypoxia may require different methods.

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Do hypoxic cells rea lly exist in tumors?

The first dem onstration that they do exist in an experimental anim al tum o r was made by Powers and Tolmach using the diluti on assay technique. They observed a two com p onent survival curve:

Low doses D 0 = 1.1 Gy norm a l

high doses - D 0 = 2.6 Gy

The ratio of about 2. 5 between to two D 0 values suggested the OER: the low dose com ponent was from oxygenated cells an d the high dose com ponent from hypoxic cells.

Back-extrapolation of the high dose com pone nt to the y-axis gives the % hypoxic cells in the tum o r.

[insert hall 6.10]

Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO)

Short ly after the identification of hypoxia as a potential cause of tum o r radioresist a nce, clinical trials were begun with hyperbaric oxygen.

Most trials have been relatively sm all and used unconven tional fractionation patterns, but in several there was to be an advantage, albeit s m all, to the use of HBO.

Problem s included:

- Questions of whether increas es in dissolved O 2 in plasma really resulted in increases in hypoxic tum o r cells.

- Some normal tissues m a y be of sufficient ly low O 2 to be sensitized by the HBO.

- Practical problem s such as patien t convul sions due to oxygen, patient com p lications in lungs and ear s, claustrophobia, danger of fi re and explosion, etc.

Use of carbogen (95% O 2 /5% C O 2 at 1 atm ) with or without perfluorochem icals may give as good or better results than HBO.

Evidence for the presence of hypoxic cells in human tum o rs: Tum or histology

Oxygen electrode measurements

Clinical gains with hyperbaric oxygen

Studies showing anem ia is poor prognost i c fa ctor also associated with local failure, but pre-tra n sfusion help.

Radiation Sensitizers

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Agents which enhance the response of cells to radiation.

Ideally, radiosensit i zers would selectively sensitize tum o r cells while having no effect on norm al tissues.

Non-hypoxic cell radiosensitiz e rs

Halogenated pyrim idin es, BUdR and IUdR

Are incorporated into DNa in pl ace of t hym in e. Therefore, the tum o r cells m u st be cycling faster than the nearby dose0li m iting normal tissues.

IUdR and BUdR have sim ila r sensitization with X-rays, but IUdR is preferable clinically because it sensitizes cells mu ch less to fluorescent light, so less harm ful side effects.

Sensitize both hypoxi c and oxygenated cells.

The degree of sensitization depends on the amount of halogenated pyrimidine incorporated into a cell.

Clinical trials with IUdR are u nderw ay with gliomas and sarco m as with encouraging early results. The agent is being delivered with brachytherapy as well as ext e rnal beam therapy.

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Hyp oxi c cell radios ensitizers

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Hypoxic cell radiosensitizers electron-affinic compounds tha t selectively sensitize hypoxic cells while havi ng no effect on oxygenated cells.

Ideal properties of sensitizer:

Selectively sensitize hypoxic cells

Chemi call y stable an d slowly metabolized

Highly sol uble in water and lipids so can diffuse to hypoxic tum o r cells

Effective t h roughout cell cycle

Effective at low daily doses of radiation

SER = D 0 (without sensitizer)/D 0 (with sensitizer) Nitroim i dazole class of com pounds m o st studied.

- Metronidazole (flagyl a 5-nit r oim i dazole) gave in vitro SER = 1.7 and i n vivo

ER = 1.3.

- Misonida zole (Ro-07-0582 2 nitr oim i dazole) better sensitizer, with in vitro SER = 2.5 for hypoxic cells (no effect on oxygenated cells) and tum o r SER up to 1.8.

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Hyp oxi c cell cyt o t oxins; Bi oreducti ve agent s

(quinines, nitro com pounds, benzotriazine di-N-oxi des)

- Drugs that are preferentia lly toxic to hypoxic cells.


Hypoxi c Cel l Cytotoxicity Ratio *

Mitomyci n C


E O 9


M e t r o n i d a z o l e


M i s o n i d a z o l e

1 1

N i t r o f u r a z o n e

8 . 5

RSU 1069


SR4233 (ti r apazam ine)


* Drug dose required to k ill given proportion of aerobi c cells divided by that needed to kill same fraction of hypoxic cells

Data all fo r V79 cells; HCR values vary with cell line

Killing hypoxic cells m a y have great er therapeutic advantage than radiosensit i zing them because:

hypoxic cytotoxins kill cells resistant to radiation and m o st chem otherapy, producing com p lementary cytot oxicity.

random fluctuations in acute hypoxia could create a situation where hypoxia could be used to advantage.

Modeling studies show that if a hypoxic cytotoxi n is given with every dose fraction, the overall kill in a hypoxic tumor can be greater than if the tum o r is fully oxygenated. This occurs when the drug ki lls at least 50% of the hypoxic cells each time it is g i ven.

However, for a hypoxic cytotoxin to be e ffective in a fractionated regim e n, there m u st be rehypoxification between fractions.

Results of clinical trials have been disappointi ng.

Table 1. Results of random ized controlle d trials of radiosensit izing methods

Hyperbaric Oxygen



Therapeuti c Benefit




Signi ficantly Im proved Results




Margin in favor (not signi ficant)




No Difference




Margin Against (not significant)




Adverse Response







(from Dische in Malaise et al 1989)

Possible reasons for failure of m isoni dazole in clinical trials include:

- Rel atively small sam p le size an d heter ogeneous population m a y have precluded observation of a sm all effect.

- SER may be lower at clin ically relevant d o ses.

- Misonidazole has cum u lative neuropathy, which limited the dose that cou ld be given and the num ber of fractions with which it could be given. (Total of 12 g/m 2 , so with single dose of 2 g/m 2 , which m ight be expected to give ER in hypoxic cells of about 1.3-1.4, could only give m isonidazole with 6 fractions.)


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Radioprot ectors agents which decrease the response of cells to radiation. Best radio p rotectors are thiols

Dose Reduction Factor (DFR) = Protection Factor (PF) =

dos e o f radiatio n i n t h e presenc e o f th e drug dose of radiation in t h e absence of the drug

to produce a given level of effect.

Proposed mechanism s for radioprotection by thiols: TH + · OH T · + H 2 O (TH = target)

RSH + · OH RS · + H 2 O 2 chemi cal p r otection

The rat e of the scavenging reaction is i ndependent of the presence or absence of oxygen, so scavenging will not explain th e differential protection by thiols in hypoxia and air.

Donation of H ato m s to organic radicals, in co m p etition with damage “fixation” of those radicals by oxygen

T · +RSH TH + RS · chemi cal r e pair

T · + O 2 TO 2 dam a ge fixation Consum ption of oxygen, so hypoxia is produced

2RSH + O2 RSS R + H 2 O 2

WR2721 (am i fostime) and related com pounds

Covering the SH with a phosphat e group decreased the toxicity

I n 1969 Yuhas and colleagues reported that WR2721 could prot ect norm a l tissues

with less protection of tum o rs.

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Note that the degree of protecti on depends on the norm a l tissue type.

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However, radioprotection by WR2721 is not restri cted to normal tissues; tum o rs can be protected.

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Som e factors which affect the degree of radioprotection of normal tissue or tum o r by WR2721 include:

Rate and extent of uptake of WR2721, which depends on:

Concentration of alkaline phosphata se in plasma mem b rane pH

Oxygen concentration

Endogenous thiol le vel

Fractionation pattern (single versus m u ltiple doses)

Clinical trials have shown side effects such as hypot ension, nausea, vom i ting, and hypocalcem i a. Hypotension has b een the dose limiting toxicity.

Only a few clinical trials with radiati on have been undertaken. Although acute reactions to radiation appear to be protected, the effects on lat e radiation reactions remain to be evaluated in long t e rm studies. Acute reactions do not always predict late r e actions, so dos e escal a tion must proceed cautiously.

Clinical trials suggest am ifostine may be useful to protect against nephro-neuro- and oto-toxicity from cis -platin treatment and cyclophospha m i de-induced granulocyt openia.

More recently, interested in WR2721 and its derivatives has centered on observations that these drugs effectivel y protect against radiation-induced and some drug-induced m u tations and neoplastic transform a tion.

Protecto r

Treat ment




Gamma rays

HGPRT mutations




HGPRT mutations



cis -PT

HGPRT mutations



HN 2

HGPRT mutations




HGPRT mutations



gamma rays




gamma rays

Preneoplastic lesions



gamma rays

Tum o r induction



X- rays

Tum o r induction


F r o m G r d i n a et al


E.J. Hall, Radiobiol og y fo r th e Radiologist , 5 th ed., Lippincott, Philadelphia, Chapters 6, 9 and 25.

E . P. M a la ise , M. G u ic ha rd and D.W. Siemann, Eds., Chem ica l Modifier s of Cancer Treat ment , Pergam on Press, NY, 1989.

T. W a sser m an, D. Siemann and P. Workman, Eds., Chemica l M odifier s o f Cancer Treat ment , Pergam on Press, NY, 1992.

H. Barteli nk and J. Overgaard , Eds. Radiotherapy and Oncology , Vol. 25, Suppl. 1, 1991.

C.N. Coleman, Radiatio n an d Chem otherap y Sens itizer s an d Protector s i n Cancer Chem otherap y an d Biotherapy , 2 nd edition, Chabner and Longo, Eds., 553-584, 1996.

J.M. Brown, The Hypoxic Cell: A Target for Selective Cancer therapy Eighteenth Bruce F. Cain M e m o rial Awar d Lecture, Cancer Research , 59, 5863- 5870, 1999.

M. Werner-Wasik, Future Developments of Am ifost ine as a Radioprotectant,

Seminars in Oncology , 26, 129-134, 1999.