GIF R&D Ou tlook for Gen e ration IV Nuclear Energ y S y stems
21 Augu st 20 09
1.1 Meeting the Challenges of Nuclear Ener gy’ s Essen tial Role 1
2.1 Generation IV Nuclear En ergy S y s tems 3
2.2 Fuel Cy cles and Sustainabi lit y 4
2.3 Descriptions of the Generation IV S y stems 4
2.3.1 VHTR – Very -High-Tem p erature Reactor 4
2.3.2 SFR – Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor 5
2.3.3 SCWR – Supercritical W a ter-Cooled Reactor 6
2.3.4 GFR – Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor 6
2.3.5 LFR – Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor 6
2.3.6 MSR – Molte n Salt Reacto r 7
2.3.7 Missions for Generation IV Sy stem s 7
2.3.8 Electricity Generation 7
2.3.9 Hy dr ogen Pr oduction, Cogeneration, and ot her Non-electricity Missions 8
3.1 VHTR 10
3.1.1 VHTR Mission and Overview 10
3.1.2 Fuel Cy cle and Fuel 11
3.1.3 Advanced Com ponents and Materials 11
3.1.4 Special Issues and Technology 12
3.2 SFR 12
3.2.1 SFR Mission and Overview 12
3.2.2 Fuel Cy cle and Fuel 14
3.2.3 Advanced Com ponents and Materials 14
3.2.4 Special Issues and Technology 15
3.3 SCWR 16
3.3.1 SCWR Mission and Overview 16
3.3.2 Fuel Cy cle and Fuel 16
3.3.3 Advanced Com ponents and Materials 16
3.3.4 Special Issues and Technology 17
3.4 GFR 17
3.4.1 GFR Mission and Overview 17
3.4.2 Fuel Cy cle and Fuel 18
3.4.3 Advanced Com ponents and Materials 18
3.4.4 Special Issues and Technology 19
3.5 LFR 19
3.5.1 LFR Mission and Overview 19
3.5.2 Fuel Cy cle and Fuel 20
3.5.3 Advanced Com ponents and Materials 20
3.5.4 Special Issues and Technology 21
3.6 MSR 21
3.6.1 MSR Mission and Overvi ew 21
3.6.2 Fuel Cy cle and Fuel 21
3.6.3 Advanced Materials and Salt Control 22
3.6.4 Special Issues and Technology 23
4.1.1 Risk and Safety Assessment 24
4.1.2 Proliferation Resist ance Phy s ical Protection Assessment 25
5.1 Quality Mana gem e nt 26
5.4 Outreach to the University Research Community 28
6.2 Missions and Resources 30
6.3 Technical Cooperation and Mem b ership 31
GIF R&D Ou tlook for Gen e ration IV Nuclear Energ y S y stems
21 Augu st 20 09
Figure 1. VHTR with electricity and hydrogen product ion alternatives 10
Figure 2. L o op-t y p e JSFR (1500 MWe) left and pool-t ype KALIMER (600 MWe ) right. 13
Figure 3. SC WR pressure vessel baseline alternative 16
Figure 4. 1200-MWe GFR primary s y stem and reactor cutaway 18
Figure 5. LF R options: E LSY (600 M We) left, and SSTAR (20 MWe) right 20
Figure 6. TMSR core volume (left) and reactor cross section (right). 2 2
Table 1. Overview of the si x Generation IV sy stem s. 3
GIF R&D Ou tlook for Gen e ration IV Nuclear Energ y S y stems
21 Augu st 20 09
AHTR advanced high-te m peratur e reactor AVR Arbeitsgemeinschaft Versu c hsreacktor ELSY European lead-cooled s y st em
EMWG Econom ics Methodolo g y Working Group ETDR experi m e ntal technolog y dem onstration reactor GFR gas-cooled fast reactor
GIF Generation IV International Forum
GTHTR gas turbine high-tem p er ature reactor (J a p an) GT-MHR gas turbine modular helium reactor
HTR high-tem p era ture reactor
HTR-PM high-tem p era ture reactor–pebble bed m o dule HTTR high-tem p era ture engineering test reactor IAEA International Ato m ic Energy Agenc y
LFR lead-cooled fast rea c tor
LWR light water reactor
MA minor actinide
MSR m o lten salt reactor
NGNP Next-Gener at ion Nuclear Plan
NHDD nuclear hydro g en develo p m ent and dem onstration O&M Operations & Maintenance
PBMR pebble bed modular reactor QMS qualit y m a nagem e nt sy stem R&D resea rch and developm ent
SCWR supercritical water- cooled reactor SFR sodium -coole d fast reactor
SSTAR sm all secure t r ansportable autonom ous reactor THTR thorium hochtem perature reaktor (Germany ) VHTR very high-tem p e rature reactor
GIF R&D Ou tlook for Gen e ration IV Nuclear Energ y S y stems
21 Augu st 20 09
GIF R&D Ou tlook for Gen e ration IV Nuclear Energ y S y stems
21 Augu st 20 09
The world’s populati on is expected to expand from 6.7 billi on people toda y to over 9 billi on people by t h e y ear 20 50, all striving for a better qualit y of life. As th e earth’s pop ulation gr ows, so does the dem a nd for energy an d th e benefits that it brin gs: improved st anda rds of living, better health and longer life expectancy , i m proved literacy and opportunit y , and ma ny ot hers. Sim p ly expanding t h e use of energy along the same m ix of toda y’ s pr oducti on opti ons, how ever, does not satisfactori ly address concerns over cli m at e change and depletion of f o ssil resources. For the earth to support its population while ensuring t h e sustainability of hum anity’s developm en t ,we m u st incr ease the use of energy supp lies that are clean, safe, cost effective, and which c ould serve for both basi c electricity pro d u ction and ot her primary e n erg y needs. Prom i n ent am ong these supplies is nuclear energy .
There is currentl y 3 70 GW e of nuclear power capacity in operation around t h e world, pr oduci ng
3000 TWh each y ear—15% of the world’ s electricity —the largest share provided by any non- greenhouse- gas-em itting source. This reduces significantly the envir onm ental i m p act of today’ s electricity generation and affords a greater divers ity of electric ity generation that enhances energy security.
The im portan ce of reducing greenhouse gas em issions is now uni versally recogni zed, and numerous strategies and scenarios ar e proposed i n order to achieve m o r e sustainable future energy suppli es. In the majority of these, the prospects ar e good for nucl ear energy’ s gr owth. For exam ple, the 2008 World Energy Outlook forecasts an additional 250 GWe of nu clear capacit y by 2030 in a scenario that would stabilize the atm o sphere at 450 ppm CO 2 and thereb y l i m it global warm i ng to 2°C above pre-industrial levels. Of course, if other forms of clean energy ca nnot be deplo y e d in sufficient am ounts, nuc lear m u st be ready t o do m o re to com p le ment them well into the future.
Many of the world’s nati ons, both industrialized a nd developin g , are driving th e growth of n u clear energy . Som e 43 new uni ts are under construction in 11 coun tries, and m o re are preparing to m ove forward. They are confident that nuclea r energy is a va luable option for their ener gy security in the future. However, challenges still exist to fu rther large-scal e use of nuclear energy : (1) nuclear energy m u st be sustainable fr om the st andpoint of its ut ilization of nuclear fuel resources as well as the m a nagem e nt and disposal of nuclear waste, (2) the units m u st opera te reliably and be econo m icall y com p etitive, (3) safety m u st remain of param ount im portance, (4) deploy m e nt m u st be undertaken in a manner that will reduce the risk nuclear weapons proliferation, ( 5 ) new tec hnologies shoul d help m eet anticipated fut u re needs for a broader range of energ y products be yond electric ity, and (6) go vernments need to supp ort the revitalization of their nucle ar R&D infrastructures. Th e first four are the m a jor goals of Generation IV; the latter two have beco m e increasingly im portant in recent y ears.
1.1 Meeting the Challenges of Nuclear Energ y ’s Essential Role
To m e et thes e challenges and develop future nuclear energy s y ste m s, the Gener a tion IV International Forum (GIF) is undertaking necessary R&D to develop the next generation of innovative nuclear energy sy stems that can supplement toda y’s nuclear plants and transition nuclear energy into the long term .
Generation IV nuclear energ y s y stems com p rise the nuclear reactor and its energy conversion sy stems, as well as the necessary facilities for th e entire fuel cy cle from ore extr action to final waste disposal.
Generation IV sy stems can be broadl y divided i n to f ast and ther mal reactors th at address the above challenges with differing e m phasis and technolog y (S ection 2).
GIF R&D Ou tlook for Gen e ration IV Nuclear Energ y S y stems
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Toda y , m o st countries use the once-thro ugh fuel c y cl e, whereas a few close the fuel cy cle b y p a rtial recy cling. Re cy cling (using either single or m u ltip le passes) r ecovers uraniu m , plutonium , and other transuranics f r om the spent fuel and uses it to m a ke ne w fuel, thereby producing m o r e energy and reducing the need for enrichment and m i ning. Rec y cling in a m a nner that does not produce separated plutonium can further avoi d proliferation risks. Howeve r, the once-through fuel cy cle is still often viewed as the m o st com p etitive given the existing supplies of uranium , though it is expected that views will change as supplies beco m e scarc e r and the cost of mai n taining an open cy cle ex c eeds that of a closed cy cle. With recy cling, other benefits ar e rea liz ed: the high-level radioactive res i dues occupy a
m u ch-reduce d volum e, an d their long-ter m burden can be significantly reduced (decay heat and radiotoxic inventory ) . Furtherm ore, t h ey can be processed into a resist ant and durable waste form for di sposal. Of course, recy cling the l ong-l ived elem ents, especially th e higher actinides that can be transm uted in fast reactors, a c hieves maxi m u m r e duction.
Even before the cost of CO 2 is taken int o account (for exam ple, through em ission s trading schemes), the cost of nuclear power generation in m a ny countries is com p etitive with the cost of producing electricity from CO 2 -emitting coal or natural gas. On the other ha nd, advanced nuclear energy sy stem s m u st address the escal ating construction costs as sociat ed with new nuclear plants. Once again, a m a jor R & D effort is needed to dev e lop advanced designs that reduce capita l costs and construction times.
Overall, the s a fety and environm ental re cord of presen t-da y nuclea r plants is excellent. Nevert heless, the safety of nuclear power wil l be increased ; that of adva nced sy stem s will be addressed through a clear and transparent sa fety approach that arises fr om a co m p re hensive and rigorous R&D program .
Fissile materi als within civilian nuclear power progra m s are well safeguarded against exploit a tion by their host states be cause of an ef fective international sy ste m of controls and m onitoring. Nevertheless, it is desirable for safeguards re gimes and intrinsic nuclear design characteristic s for future nuclear fuel cy cles and nuclear materi als to a c hieve an even higher degr ee of protection from the diversion or co vert production of nuclear m a terials. Current-generation pl ants have robust designs and added precautions against sub-n a tional, non- h o st-state threats of sabot age and nuclear material theft, includi ng acts of terrorism . Future nuclear energy s y stems will provide even greater phy s ical prot ection against such threats.
Most Generat i on IV s y stems ar e ai med at R&D adva nces that ena b le high operating tem p er a tures. This will allow greenhouse-gas-free nuclear energy to be more broadl y s ubstituted for fossil fuels in the production of hy drogen and process heat.
Finall y , with regard to the challenge of maintaini ng t h e R&D infrastructure, the Forum strongly supp orts the coordinat e d revitalization of nuclear R&D infrast ructure worldwide to a level that would once again m ove a new generation forward quickl y .
Generation IV nuclear energy s y stems will take anot her two to three decades to advance towards our am bitious go als. This Generation IV R & D Outlook provides a vi ew of what the GIF m e mbers hope to achieve collectively i n the next five y ears. As al way s , each Foru m mem b er is free to choose the sy stems that the y will advance. The various sections introdu ce the sy stem s th at we ar e advancing and the goals that we are working towards. Th e y also describe the horizontal work we do in support of all our technologies, highli ghting vital areas su ch as quality management, sy stem integration and assessment, and collaboration s around the world.
Our resolve is to prom ote future nuclear energy s y ste m s that enabl e the safe and sustainable worldwide growth of nu clear energy well into the f u ture. The Fo rum is excited about t h e pr ospects for nuclear energy and believes our plans can make a consi d erab le contribution to its l ong-term success.
GIF R&D Ou tlook for Gen e ration IV Nuclear Energ y S y stems
21 Augu st 20 09
2.1 Generation IV Nuclear Energy Sy stems
The Generation IV Ro adm ap exercise c u lm inated in the selection of six Generati on IV s y ste m s. 1 The basis for the selection of six sy stem s w a s to:
Identif y s y stems that m a k e significant advances towar d the technol ogy goals
Ensure that the i m portant missions of electricity gene ration, hydrogen and pr ocess heat production, and actinide manage ment may be adequate ly addressed by Generation IV s y stems
Provide som e overlapping coverage of capabilities, because not all of the s y stems m a y ultim at ely be viable or attain their performance objecti v es and attrac t commer c ial deploy m e nt
Acco mmodate the range of national prio rities and interests of the Forum .
The effort today in Generation IV follow s through on t h is basis, with the aim of developing an d delivering via b le, high-performance sy stem s in a few decades. The six sy stem s are outlined in Table 1. They are described below after a short introduction of the nuclear fuel cy cle and f o llowed by s u mmari es regarding fue l cy cles and overall sustainabilit y , m i ssi ons and econom i c outlook, the approach to safety and reliabilit y, and proliferation r esistance and phy s ical protection.
Table 1. Overview of the six Generation IV sy ste m s.
System |
Neutron Spectru m |
Coolant |
Te m p erature °C |
Fuel Cy cle |
Size (MWe) |
VHT R (very -high-te m p erature reactor) |
Therm a l |
Heliu m |
900-1 000 |
Open |
250– 300 |
SFR (sodium -cooled fast reactor) |
Fast |
Sodium |
550 |
Closed |
30–1 50, 300– 150 0, 1000 –20 00 |
SCWR (supercritical water- cooled reactor) |
Therm a l/fast |
Water |
510– 625 |
Open/ closed |
300-7 0 0 1000 –15 00 |
GFR (gas-cooled fast reactor) |
Fast |
Heliu m |
850 |
Closed |
1200 |
LFR (lead-cooled fast reactor) |
Fast |
Lead |
480– 800 |
Closed |
20–1 80 300– 120 0 600– 100 0 |
MSR ( m olten salt r eactor) |
Fast/thermal |
Fluoride salts |
700–800 |
Closed |
1000 |
GIF R&D Ou tlook for Gen e ration IV Nuclear Energ y S y stems
21 Augu st 20 09
2.2 Fuel C y cles and Sustainability
The choice of nuclear fuel cy cle has a large im pact on the long-ter m sustainability of the nucl ear energy option . A onc e-through c y c le is the m o st uranium res ource-intensive and generates the m o st waste in the form of used nuclear fuel, as onl y ½% of the fuel is converted int o energy . However, the am o unts of waste arisings or em ission s (including CO 2 ) are small com p ared to othe r energ y technolo g ies such as fossil fuels. In addition, the ex isting known and estimated additi onal econom ic uranium reso urces are sufficient to support a once-through c y cle at least until late century , according to t h e m o st r ecen t Red Book anal y s i s . 2 In the longer term , bey o nd the latter part of this centur y , urani u m resource avai labilit y also beco m e s a lim iting factor unless breakthroughs occur in m inin g or extraction technologies.
Sy stem s that em ploy a fully closed fuel cy cle w ill reduce repository space and perfor m ance requirements, provided their costs are hel d to acceptable levels. Clos ed fuel cy cles per m it partitioning the nuc lear waste and m a n a ge ment of each fraction with the best stra teg y . Advanced waste manag e m e nt strat e gies include the trans m uta tion of selected nuclides, cost-effective decay -heat manage m e nt, fl exible interim storage, and custom ized waste forms for specifi c geologic re positor y envir onm ents. These strat e gies will reduce the long-li ved radiotoxicit y and decay heat of waste destined for geological repositories by several orders of magnitude. This is accom p lish e d by recovering m o st of the heavy long-lived radioactive ele m ents.
These reducti ons and the a b ilit y t o opti m ally condit i on the residual wast es and manage their heat loads per m it far m o re efficient us e of lim ited r e pository capacity and enhance the overall safety of the final disposal of radioactive was tes.
Because closed fuel cy cles require the partitioning of spent fuel, they have been perceived as i n creasing the risk of n u c lear proliferation. The ad vanced separations technol ogies for Generation IV systems are designed to a void t h e separation of pl ut onium and in corporate other features to enhance proliferation resistanc e an d provide effective saf eguards. In par ticular, all Gene ration IV sy ste m s e m ploy ing recy cle avoid separation of pluto n i u m fro m other actinides and incorporate additional features to reduce the accessibility and weapons attractiveness of m a t e rials at every stage of the fuel c y cle.
In the m o st a dvanced fuel cy cles using fast-spectru m reactors and e x tensive recycling, it m a y be possible to reduce the radiotoxicity of all wastes such that the isolation require m e nts can be reduced by several orders of m a g n itude (e.g., for a time as l o w as 1000 y ears) aft e r discharge fro m the reactor. This would have a beneficial i m pact o n the design of future repositories and di sposal faciliti es worldwide. However, this scenario can onl y be e s tablished through c onside rable R&D o n fuel recy cli ng technol ogy.
2.3 Descriptions of the Generation IV Sy stems
In the following descriptions, viability refers to examining the feasibilit y , integration, and scale up of key technologies (not just t h eir proof of prin ciple), and performance refers to undertaking t h e developm ent of performance data and optimization of the sy stem . These phase s ar e then follow e d by demons tration that involves licen sing and cons truction of a protot ype or de m onstration sy stem in partnership with ind u str y and other cou n tries.
2.3.1 VHTR – Ver y -Hi gh-Temperature Reactor
The VHTR is the next gene ration in the developmen t of high-tem p er ature reactors and is prim ar ily dedicated to the cogeneration of electricity, hydroge n, and process heat for indust ry . H y drogen can be extracted from wate r by using therm o -c he m ical, el ect ro-che m i cal, or hy brid process es. The re actor is cooled b y helium gas and m oderated by graphite with a core outlet tem p erature g r eater than 900°C (with an ultim ate goal of 1000° C) to support the effici ent production of hy drogen by t h erm o -chem i cal processe s. The high outlet te m p erature al so makes it at tr active for the che m i cal, oil, and iron industries.
GIF R&D Ou tlook for Gen e ration IV Nuclear Energ y S y stems
21 Augu st 20 09
The VHTR has potential for high burnup (150–200 G W d/tHM), passive saf ety , low operation and maintenance costs, and m o dular constru c tion.
Two baseline options are a v ailable for the VHTR cor e : the pebble bed t y pe and th e prismatic block t ype. The fuel cy cl e will initially be once-thr ough with low- enriched uranium fuel an d ver y hi gh f u el burnup. The sy stem h as the flexibility to ad opt cl osed fuel cy cl es and offer burning of transuranics. Initially , the VHTR will b e developed t o m a nag e the back end of a n open f u el cy cle. Ultim at ely , t h e potential for a closed fuel cycle will be assessed.
The electric p o wer conversion m a y em plo y either a dir ect (heliu m gas turbine) or indirect (gas mixture turbine) Brayton c y cle. In the near ter m , the VHT R wi ll be developed using existing m a teri als, whereas its long-term developm ent will requi re new and advanced m a terials.
The basic technology f o r t h e VHTR has been establishe d in form er high-tem p erature gas react ors such as the U.S. Peach Bottom and Fort Saint-Vrain pl ants as well as the G e r m an Arbeit sge m eins chaf t Versuchsreacktor (AVR) and th orium hochtem peratu re reaktor (THTR) protot ypes. The technolog y is being advanc ed throu gh ne ar- a nd medium-term projects, such as the pebble bed m odular reactor (PBMR), the high-tem p era ture reactor–pebble bed m o dul e (HTR-PM), the gas turbine high-tem p e rature reactor (GTHTR 300C), A N TARES, nuclear hy drogen developm ent and dem onstration (NHDD), the gas turbine m odular helium reactor (GT-MHR) and the Next-Generation Nuclear Plan t (NGNP), led by several plant vendors and national labor atories respectiv el y in t h e Republic of S outh Africa, the People’s Republic of China, Japan, France, the Republic of Ko rea, and the United States. Experi m e ntal reactors such as the high-tem p er ature engineering test reactor (HTTR) (Jap an, 30 MWth) and HTR-10 (China,
10 MWth) support t h is advanced reactor concept de velopm ent, together with the cogeneration of electricity and h ydrogen, a nd ot her nucl ear heat applications.
2.3.2 SFR – Sod i um-Cooled Fast Reactor
The sodium -c ooled fast reactor (SFR) uses liquid sodium a s the rea c tor coolant, allowing high power density with l o w coolant volum e fraction. While th e oxy g en-free environm ent prevents corrosion, sodium reacts che m i c ally with air and water and requires a se a l ed coolant s y ste m .
Plant size options under considerati on range from small, 50 t o 300 MWe m odular reactors to larger plants up to 150 0 M We. The outl e t tem p erature range is 500 –550°C for t h e options, wh ich affords th e use of the materials developed and pr oven in prior fast reactor programs.
The SFR closed fuel cy cle enables regen e ration of fi ssile fuel and facilitates managem e nt of high-level waste—in particular, pluto n ium and m inor actinides. However, this requires that recy cle fuels be developed an d qualified fo r use. Im portant safety f eatures of the Generation IV sy stem include a long therm a l response ti m e , a reasonable m a rgin to cool ant boiling, a pri m ary sy stem that operates near at m o spheric pressure, and an intermedia te sodium sy st e m betwe e n the radioactive sodium in the prim a r y sy stem and the power conversion sy stem. Water/stea m and supercritical carbon dioxide are considered working flu id s for the pow er conversion sy stem to achieve high performance in term s of thermal efficiency , safety , and reliabilit y . Wit h i nnovations to reduce capital cost, the SF R will be econom ically co m p etitive in future electricity m a rkets. In add iti on, the fast neutron spectrum greatly extends the uranium re sources co m p ar ed to therm a l reactors. The SFR is considered to be the nearest-ter m deploy able sy stem for ac tinide m a nag e m e nt.
Much of the basic technology for th e SFR has been established in former fast r eactor programs and is being confir med by t h e u p com ing Phenix end- of-life t ests in France, the restart of Monju in Japan, the lifetim e exten s ion of BN-6 00 and startu p of BN-800 in Russia, and the startup of the China Experimental Fast Reactor scheduled in 2009 .
GIF R&D Ou tlook for Gen e ration IV Nuclear Energ y S y stems
21 Augu st 20 09
2.3.3 SCWR – Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactor
The SCWR is a high-tem p erature, high-pressure water -cooled react or that operat es above the ther m odynamic critical point of water (374°C, 22. 1 MPa). Two design options— p ressure vessel and pressure tube—exist for the SCWR. The sy stem needs to assess the technical feasibility of issues (e.g., m a t e rial s, chem istry , and operating conditions) common to both.
The reference plant has a 1 500-MWe po wer level, an operating pre ssure of 25 M Pa, and a reactor outlet tem p erature o f up to 62 5°C. Due to the l o w densit y of supercritical water, a m o d e rator other than the coolant m u st be added to ther m a liz e the core. The SCWR balance-of-plant is considerably sim p lified because the c oolant does not change pha se (boil) in th e reactor. Ho wever, saf ety features si mil a r to those of advanced boiling water reactors ar e i n corporated.
The main advantage of the SCWR is im p r oved econo mics because of the hig h er therm odynamic efficiency (up to about 50% versus 34% for light water reactors today ) and the pot e ntial for plant si m p lification. Im provements in the areas of safety , sustainability , and proliferation resistance and ph y s ical prot ection are being p u rsued b y considerin g several options for designs using therm a l as well as fast-neutron spectra and the use of a cl osed fuel cy cle, including thorium .
2.3.4 GFR – Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor
The GFR is a high-tem p era ture, helium - cooled fast r eactor with a c losed fuel cy c le. It com b ine s the advantages of fast-spectru m sy ste m s wi th those of high-tem p er ature sy stems. The fast spectr u m a ffords m o r e sustaina ble use of uranium resourc es and waste minim ization throug h fuel r ecy cling an d burnin g of long-lived actinides, and th e high tem p erature affords hi gh-therm a l-cy cle efficiency and ind u strial use of the generated heat, e.g., for h y dro g en pr oduction . The reference reactor is a 2400 -MWth/110 0- MWe, helium - cooled sy stem operating with an outlet te m p erature of 850° C using three indirect power conversion s y stems with a co m b ined cy c le. Direct Bray t on c y cle ga s turbines can be considered in a second stage.
The GFR adopts some of the fuel recy cl ing pr ocesse s of the SFR and the reactor technology of the VHTR. The r eactor development approach relies as f a r as possible on the structures, m a t e rials, co m ponents and p o wer conversion sy ste m developed fo r the VHTR. However, R&D bey ond the work on the VHTR is needed, mainly on core des ign and safety approach. Core configura tion options a r e based on pin- or plate-based hexagonal fuel assem b lies or pris matic blocks. Since graphit e -bearing fuel and core materi als ar e not appropriate for a fast re actor, sever al new fuel forms ar e being considered: com posite cera m ic cl ad mixed actinide carbide fuel, or advanced fuel particles .
2.3.5 LFR – Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor
The LFR features a fast-neutron spectrum and a closed fuel c y cle for efficient conversion of fertile uranium . It ca n also be used as a burner of actinid es from spent fuel and as a burner/breeder wit h thorium matrices. An i m portant feature of the LF R is the enhanced safety that results from the choice of a relatively inert coolant provided that issues of the weight and corrosi ve nature of l ead can be overco m e. It has the potential to m e et the electri city needs of re m o t e sites a s well as for large grid-connected power stations.
The designs that are curren tly proposed as opti ons are two pool-t ype reactors, the sm all secure transportable autonom ous reactor (SSTAR) and the European lead-cooled s y stem (ELSY).
The reference design for the SSTAR is a 20-MWe natura l circulation reactor in a transportable reactor vessel. The L F R features m o lten le ad c oolant, a nitr ide fuel containing transura nic ele m ents, a fast spectru m cor e , and a s m all size. These c o m b ine to provi de a unique approach to proliferation resistanc e
GIF R&D Ou tlook for Gen e ration IV Nuclear Energ y S y stems
21 Augu st 20 09
by enabling a long core life , autonom ous load followi ng, sim p licity of operation, reliability, transportability, and a hi gh degree of passive safety . C onversion of t h e core ther mal power into electricity at high efficiency ( 44%) is acco m p lished by a supercritical carbon dioxide Bra y ton cy cle.
The ELSY reference desig n is a 600-MWe reactor with m o lten lead coolant. T h i s concept has been under developm ent within the 6t h Euratom Framework Pr ogramme. ELS Y ai m s to dem onstrate the possibilit y of designing a co m p etitive and safe fast critical reactor using sim p le engineered technical feat ures while providi ng f o r minor actinide burnin g .
2.3.6 MSR – Molten Salt R eactor
The MSR fuel is unique in that it is dissolved in t h e fluoride salt coolant. Com p ar ed with solid-fueled fast reactors, ther mal-spe c tru m MSRs have lower fissile i nventories, no radiation da mage constrai nt on fuel burnup, no fabrication of fuel form s, no spent nuclear fuel asse mblies, and a homogeneous isotopic co m position of fuel in the reactor. Thes e and othe r characteristi cs may enable MSRs to gain unique capabilities and com p etitive econo m ics f o r actinide burn ing and ext e nding f u el resources. The technology was partly de veloped in t h e 1950s and 1 960s, when e a rlier MSRs were mainly t h erm a l-neutron-spectrum concepts.
Other new as pects include the use of a Bray ton power cy cle (rather than a stea m c y cle) that eliminates many of the historical chall e nges in building MS Rs as well as the conceptual developm ent of fast spectru m cor es for the MSR that have large negativ e te m p erature a nd void reactivity coefficients—a unique safety characteri s tic not found in solid-fuel fast reactors. In addition, the development of higher tem p erature salts as coolan ts would ope n the MSR to new nuclear and non- nucl ear applications. These salts ar e being considered for intermediate heat tr ansport lo ops wit h in all t ypes of hig h -tem p e rature reactor sy stems (heliu m a nd salt cooled) and for hydr ogen production concepts, o il refineries and shale oil processing facilities, am on g other applic ations. For most of these applications, the heat would have to be transported u p to a kil o m e ter or m o re.
An alternative concept under considerati on in this s y ste m is the advanced high-tem p erature re a c tor (AHTR). The AHTR uses l iquid salts as a coolant but h as the graphite core struct ures and coated fuel particles of the VHTR. The superior heat transport characteristi cs of salts co m p ar ed with helium could enable power densities 4 to 6 tim es higher and power levels up to 4000 MWt h with passive safety .
2.4 Missions for Generation IV Sy stems
While the evaluations of s y stems for their potential to meet all goals were a c e ntra l focus of the roadmap participants, it was recognized that countries would ha ve various perspectives o n their priorit y uses, or missions, for Generation IV sy stems. The following su mmary of missions resu lted from a n u m b er of discussions by the Forum and the roadm a p particip ants. The summa ry defines three major m i ss ion interests for Generation IV: electricity , hy drogen or process heat, and actinide manage ment. All six sy stems have electricity applications. The higher tem p erature sy stems (V HTR, GFR, LFR and MSR) have potentia l applications in h ydrogen production or industrial pr ocess heat for such chem ical processing facilities as petroleu m refi neries. The three fast r eact or sy stem s an d the MSR ha ve the capability to trans m ute act inides for effective wa ste manage ment.
2.4.1 Electricity Generation
The traditional m ission for civilian nucl ear sy stem s h as been generation of electricity , and several evolutio nary sy stems with im proved econom ics and saf ety are likely in the near future to conti nue fulfilling t h is mission. It is expected that Generati on IV sy stems designed for the electricity m i ssion will y ield innovati ve im provements in economics and be cost com p etiti ve in a num ber of market
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environm ents , while seeking further advances in saf ety, proliferation resistance a nd phy sical protection, and sustainability . These Generation IV sy stems m a y operate with either an open or closed fuel cy cle that i m proves the use of nuclear fuel and reduces high-level wast e volume and m a ss. Further, it m a y be beneficial to deploy t h ese nearer- and longer-ter m sy stem s sy m b iotically to opti m ize the econom i cs and sustainability of the ensemble. Within t h e electri city mission, two specializations are needed:
Mature Infrastructure, De regulated Market. These o p tions within Generation IV sy stems ar e designed to c o m p et e effe ct ively with other m e ans of electricity pro duction i n m a rket environ m ents with larger, stable distributi on gri d s; well-deve loped and experienced nuclear supply , service, and regulator y ent ities; and a variety of m a rk et conditions, including hi ghl y com p etitive deregulated or refor m ed mar k ets.
Limited Nuclear Infrastructure. This option within Generation IV sy stems is de signed to be a ttractive in electricity market environments chara c terized by s m all, so m e ti mes isolat ed, grids and a limited nuclear regulatory and supply /service infrastructure. These environments m ight lack the capability to manufacture their own fuel or to pr ovide m o re than tem porary storage of used fu el.
2.4.2 Hy drogen Production, Cogeneration, and other Non-electricity Missions
This e m erging m is s ion requires nuclear sy stems that are designed to deliver othe r energy products based on the fission heat source or that may deliver a co m b ination of process heat and el ectricity . The process heat is delivered at sufficientl y hi gh temperatures ( likely needed to be greater than 70 0°C) to support steam-reforming, steam electroly s is, or t h erm o chem ical productio n of h y dr ogen, as well as other chem ical production processes. Applicat ion to desa lination for potable water production m a y be an i m portant use for the rejected heat.
In the case of cogeneration sy stem s, the reactor provid es all ther mal and electri cal needs of the producti on park. The dist inguishi ng ch aracteristic fo r this m ission is the high tem p erature at which the heat is delivered. Besides being econom ically co m p etitive, th e sy stem s designed for thi s m ission wo uld need to satisfy stringe nt standards of safety , proli feration resist ance, phy s ical protection, a nd product quality .
For this m issi on, s y stems may again be designed to e m pl oy either an open or closed fuel cy cle, and the y may ultim ately be s y m b iotically depl oy e d to optim ize econom ics an d sustainability.
2.4.3 Actinide Management
Actinide m a n a ge m e nt is a mission with significant societal benefits —nuclear wa ste consu m ption and long-term assurance of fuel availability. This m i ssion overlaps an area that is ty pically a national responsibilit y, namely the disposition of spent nuclear fuel and hi gh-level wast e. Although Generation IV sy stems for actinide mana ge m e nt ai m t o generate el ectricity economically , the market environment for these sy stem s is not y e t well defined, and their requi r e d econom ic performance i n the near term will likely be determ ined b y t h e go vernments that deplo y t h em . Most Generat i on IV s y stems ar e ai med at actinide management, with the exception of the V H TR. Note that the SCWR begins with a therm a l neutron spectru m and once-through fuel cy cle, but m a y ultim ately be able to achie ve a fast spectru m with recy cle.
The m id-term (30–50 y ear) actinide man a gem e nt m i ssi on consists prim arily of li miting or reversing the buildu p of th e inventor y o f spent nuclear fuel from cu rrent and near-ter m nuclear plants. By extracting actinides from spent fuel for irradiation and m u ltiple r ecy cle in a closed fuel cy cl e, heavy l ong-lived radiotoxic constituents in t h e spent fuel are transm ut ed into m u ch shorter-lived or stable nuclides. Also, the intermediate-lived acti n ides that dominate repositor y heat m a n a gem e nt are transm uted.
In the longer ter m , the acti n ide m a nage ment m is s ion can beneficia lly produce excess fis s ile materi al for use in sy stems optim ized for other energy m issions. Because of their ability to use recy cled fuel and
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generate need ed fissile mat e rials, sy stems fulfilli ng t h i s m ission could be ver y nat u rally deployed in concert with sy stems for other m i ssions. With closed fuel cy cles, a large expansion of global uranium enrich m e nt is avoided.
2.5 Generation IV Deplo y ment
The objective for Generati on IV nuclear energy s y stem s is to have them availabl e for wide-scale deplo y m e nt before the y ear 203 0. The de plo y m e nt dates anticipated for the six G e neration IV sy stems in the Roadma p assu med that considerable resources wo uld be a pplie d to their R&D. This has proven to be difficult, but a good start has been m a de by the Forum as described in the m o st recent 2008 A nnual Report . Also challenging was the three -y ear period need ed to finalize the legal l y binding agreements covering m u ltilateral R&D contracts.
The Generation IV program will continually m onito r industr y - and industr y / govern m ent-sponsored R&D plans and progress in order to benefit from them a nd not create duplicate efforts. Cases where i ndustrial developm ents are halted or merged may signal n eeded changes in the Generation IV R&D plans.
Likewise, ear ly Generation IV R&D is li kely to hold s ignificant advan ces for curr ent sy stem s.
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In the followi ng sections, each sy stem i s updated with r espect to its current status and outl ook. While all are now engaged in research, this has be en refined in steps in the early y ears as the sy stem s have begun t o m o r e fully understand and address the R & D needed f o r their developm ent.
3.1 VHTR
The VHTR has a long-term vision for high-tem p erature reactors t h at requires its developm en t in several i m portant technical directions. At the same ti me, the VHTR benefits from a larg e num ber of national program s that are ai med at nearer-ter m development and construction of protot ype gas-cooled reactors. The overall plan for the VHTR within Generation IV is to com p l e te its viability phase by 2010, and to be well underway with the o p t i m ization of its design feat ures and operating parameters within the next five y ears.
3.1.1 VHTR Mission and Overview
The VHTR is dedicated to the cogeneration of elect ricity and hydrogen and to serving process heat applications. The VHTR is an attractive energy source for large industrial co m p lexes, such as refineries and petrochemical industries, because it would su ppl y large am ounts of process heat and generate hy drogen for upgrading he avy and sour crude oil or f o r other uses. If deploy ed widely , t h e VHTR can greatly reduc e the intensity of industrial CO 2 e m issio n s.
The VHTR has two establi shed baseline s —e m p loy ing pebbl e bed or prism a tic block fuel elements in the core (see Fig u re 1). The higher core outlet te m p er atur es of these fuels enable high efficiencies for electricity and hydrogen production and offer process heat to m e et industrial applications ranging between 500–900°C. H y dr ogen producti on is achieved by spli tting water with either high-temperature electroly sis or therm o - c he mical cy cles such as the sulphur-iodine or hy brid sulfur processes.
Figure 1. VHTR with electricity an d h y d r ogen pro duct ion alternativ es.
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Electricity may be generated by either a direct or i ndirect Bray ton cy cle; the direct cy cle would require a helium gas tu rbine, the latter could em pl oy a gas m ixt ure (likel y he lium /nitrogen) instead of p u re helium . Regardless of the choice of electric power cy cle, the suppl y of pr ocess heat will r e quire an inter m ediate heat exchanger connected to the prim ar y circuit. Nea r term concep ts for this are being develo ped using existing m a t e rials, and m o r e advanced c oncepts are stim ulating the developm ent of new materials. The inter m ediate heat exchanger will al so serve the hy drogen production process and may use a working fluid such as helium , a gas m ixt ure, or a m o lt en salt.
3.1.2 Fuel Cycle and Fuel
The fuel cy cl e will initially be a once-through fuel c y cle specified for high bur nup (150–200 GWd/tHM) using low enriched uranium . The operat ion with a cl osed fuel cy cle will be assessed and solutions to better m a nag e the fuel cy c le back end will be developed.
Despite the alternate (pebble or prismatic) fuel designs, the two baselines have m a n y technol ogi es in co mm on that allow for a un ified R&D ap proach. The well-known UO 2 TRISO- coated particle fuel (with a UO 2 kernel and SiC/Py C c o ating) m a y be used in either , or it m a y be enhanced with a UCO fuel kernel or an advanced ZrC coating through additional research . The possible use of thorium as a fuel will be studied conceptually .
The prim ary em phasis in fuel development is on its p e rform ance at high burn up, power density, and te m p erature. The R&D broadly addresse s its m a nufact ure and characterization, irradiation performance and accident behavior. Irradiation tests will provide data on coated particle fuel and fuel element performance under irradiation as necessary to support fa brication process develo pment, to qua lify the fuel design, and t o support developm en t and validation of m odels and com puter codes on fission p r oduct transport. They will also provide irradiated fuel and materi als samples for post-i rradiation and safety testing. The perfor m anc e e xpected for the fuel m u st be verified for all norm a l, tr ansient, or accident conditions as well as certain severe acci dent conditi ons (beyond design basis). A key claim of the fuel is its abilit y to r e tain fission products in t h e fuel particles under a range of postulat e d accidents with tem p eratures up to 160 0°C.
A strategy for waste mini mization and waste manageme nt will be established that considers sustainabilit y criteria, econ o m i cs, and proliferation issues. Differe nt approaches for spent fuel manage ment are being considered:
Direct disposal of coated particles and graphite m oder a tor
Separation of coated particles and m ode rator, and treatm e nt of both fractions
Separation of kernels from coatings and reprocessi ng of kernels for recy cling in VHTR sy ste m s (or other reactors ).
3.1.3 Advanced Components and Materials
There are several unique com ponents needed for the VHTR, including t h e react or pressure vessel, inter m ediate heat exchangers, and Bray ton c y cle turbomachinery . The pressure vessels are unique due their size and thickness being larger than m odern boiling water reactor vessels. Their development includes welding and fabric ation m e thods, as well as mean s to assure the therm a l em issivity of the outer vessel w a lls.
The intermediate heat exch anger m u st be a highl y reli able boun dary between the prim ary and the secondary co olants, com p act, and thermally efficien t. However, operating under very hig h -tem p e rature conditions makes its devel opm ent difficu lt. Printed ci rcuit heat exchangers or pl ate-fin type com p act heat exchangers ar e favored because of their size and hi gh e fficiency , but new m a t e rials are needed; the
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developm ent of the intermediate heat ex change r exceeds all existing m e t a llic materials norm a l ly considered.
The electric p o wer conversion will em ploy a Bray t on cy cle sy stem that includ es the turbine as well as a recuperator and precooler/i ntercooler com ponents. Again, the hi gh operating te m p eratures magnif y the issues in choice of m a teri al s, seals, and f a brica tion methods. Other co m ponents in the plant such as valves, blowers, piping and ther mal insulation share these is sues.
For core outl e t tem p eratures up to abo u t 900°C, exis ti ng m a terials can be used; however, temperatures above this, including safe operation during off-nor m a l conditions, r e quire the developm ent an d qualification of new materi als. The rese a rch is focused on (1) graphite for the reactor core and internals;
(2) high- tem p erature metall ic m a teri als for internals, p iping, valves, high-tem p erature heat exchangers, and gas turbi n e com ponen ts; and (3) ceram ics and co m posites for control ro d cladding an d ot her core internals as well as for high -tem perature heat exchangers and gas turbine com ponents.
3.1.4 Special Issu es and Technology
Within the G e neration IV sy stems, the VHTR leads the way o n the developm ent of h ydrogen productio n process devel opm ent. As mentioned above, the m a in a lternatives are high-tem p erature electrol y sis (using both electricity and high-te m p erature pr ocess heat) or therm o - c he mical and hy brid cy cles (using only high tem p erat ure process heat). The two alternatives r e quire m u ch developm ent, and the resea rch covers the viability of the basic processes, m a t e rials for fuel cells or reacti on vessels, and scale-up and control of large process es. Most of the developm en t in the next five y ears is planned at bench scale, with li m ited integration of sub-process ele m ents into full s y stems, or laboratory scale, with integrated ele m e n ts at less than full scale and for lim i ted duration. In about fi ve y ears, a pilot- scale t est m ig h t range up to about
0.5 MW of th erm a l power from a non-n u clear heat so urce.
Bey o nd the process equipment, rese arc h is ongoing into the coupling of a nuclear reactor wit h the hy drogen production process. This invol ves the t horough anal y s is of safe and reliable control and operation, inc luding the ha zards or upsets that each sy ste m might pose to the other. It also branches out into the conc eptual design and econom ics of sy stem s for various pet r ochem i cal and ot her appli cations.
3.2 SFR
The SFR has a long-term v ision for hi ghly sustainabl e reactors that requires its development in several i m portant technical directions. At the same ti me , the SFR benefits from the operational experience worldwide with sodium -cooled reactors as well a s a num ber of nati onal progra ms that are ai med at nearer-ter m r estart, development, and construction of prototype Generation IV reactors. The overall plan for the SFR within Generation IV is to be well underw ay with the optim ization of its design f eatures and operating para m e t e rs withi n the next five y ear s and to com p let e its performance phase by 2015.
3.2.1 SFR Mission and Overview
The SFR is dedicated to ac tinide m a nag e m e nt, and also the prod uction of electricity an d heat if enhanced econom ics fo r the sy stem can be realized . The SFR is an attractive energy so urce for nations t h at desire to make the best use of lim ite d nuclear fuel resources an d m a nag e nuclear wa ste by closing the fuel cy cle. If deploy ed widely , the SFR can reduce the intensity of CO 2 e m ission s.
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Fast rea c tors hold a unique role in the actinid e m a nag e m e nt m i ssio n because they operate with
high-energy neutrons that are m o re eff e c tive at fi ssioning transuranic actinides. The main char acteristi cs of the SFR fo r actinide m a nagem e nt m ission are:
Consum ption of transurani cs in a closed fuel cy cle, th us reducing t h e radiotoxici ty and heat lo ad which facilitates waste disposal and geol ogic isolation
Enhanced util ization of ura n ium resources through eff icient m a nagement of fissile m a terials an d m u lti-recy cle
High level of safety achieved through inherent a nd pa ssive m e ans t h at acco mm o d ate transients and boun ding events with signi ficant safety margins.
The SFR sy ste m use s liquid sodium as t h e reactor co ol ant, allowing high power density with low coolant volum e fraction. While t h e ox ygen-free environm ent prev ents corrosion, sodium r e a c ts che m ically with air and water and requires a seal ed coolant sy stem . T h e reactor unit can be arranged in a pool lay o ut or a co m p act loop layout. T h ree options are considered: (1 ) a large size ( 600 t o 1500 MWe) loop-t ype reactor with m i xed uranium - plutonium oxide fuel and poten tially m inor actinides, supported by a fue l cy cle based upon a dvanced aqueous processing at a central location serving a num ber of reactors; ( 2 ) an inter m ediate- to-large size ( 300 t o 1500 MWe) pool-t ype reactor with oxi de or metal fuel; an d (3) a small size (50 to 15 0 MWe) m o d u lar-type reactor with ur ani u m - plutoniu m -m inor-actinide-zirconiu m metal alloy fuel, supported by a f u el cy cle based on pyrom e ta llurgical processing in facilities integrated with the reactor. The two prim ary f u el recy cle technol ogy opti ons are (1) advanced aqueous and
(2) py rom e tal lurgical processing. A variety of fuel opt ions are being considered for the SFR, with m ixed oxide the lead candidate for advanced aqueous recy cl e and m ixed metal alloy the lead candidate for py rom e tallur g ical processi ng. Figure 2 s how s two of the larger plant alternatives.
Se con d ar y Pu mp
Pr imar y Pump/IH X
R ea cto r V es s el
Ch i m n e y
pi p i ng
pip i ng
Stea m Ge n e r a t o r
pu m p
Rea c t o r co re
pu m p
In- v e s se l c o re ca t c h e r
Ch i m n e y
pi p i ng
IHT S Stea m
pip i ng Ge n e r a t o r
PH TS pu m p
pu m p
Rea c t o r
co re In- v e s se l c o re
Figure 2. L o o p -t y p e JSFR (1500 MWe) left and pool-t ype KALIMER (600 MWe ) right.
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Although the sodium -cooled fast reactor technology is the m o st mat u re of the GIF sy stem s, th e capital cost of the first reactors ha s been high c o m p ar ed to commer c ial L W Rs. Rec e nt cost studies e s ti m a te that the capital cost of current d esigns m a y b e 25% greater than convent ional LWRs. Much of this difference is due to LWR cost reductions achieved from opti m izi ng their designs based on building hundreds of co mmercial L W Rs worldwide; there is no equivalent fast rea c tor experience. Since it is i m portant to achieve a lev e l of econom i c co m p etitiveness for SFRs that enables co mmercial d e ploy m e nt, the SFR design opti o n s incorporate significant technolog y in n ovations to reduce the SFR capital costs b y a co m b ination of configurati on sim p lifications, advanced fuels and materials, and r e fined safety sy stems. In addition, design for im prov ed safety and proliferation r esistance is also underway .
3.2.2 Fuel Cycle and Fuel
Fast reactors can operate in three distinct fuel cy cl e roles. A conversion ratio less than 1 (“transm uter”) converts transuranics into shorter-lived i s otopes to red u ce long-term waste manag e m e nt burdens. A conversion ratio near 1 (“converter”) provides a bala nce of transuranic producti on and co nsu m ption. This m ode r esults in low reactivity loss ra tes with associat ed control be nefits. A conversion ratio greater than 1 (“breeder”) af fords a net creation of fissile m a teri al s, but requires the recy cle of m o r e uranium in the reactor and fuel cy cle. An appropriately designed fast reactor has fl exibility to shift between these operating m odes; the desired actinide managem e nt strategy will de pend on a balance of wast e management and resource extension con s iderations.
In conjunction with the actinide m a nagement goal, r esearch plans will consider means to red u ce the waste generation by features such as i m proved ther m a l effi ci ency , the greater utilization of fuel resources, and the development of superior waste forms for the SFR closed fuel cycle. Effort s will also be made for achieving reductions in t h e am ount of w aste genera ted from the operations and maintenance and the deco mm issioning of s y stem facilitie s, and the am ount of waste m i grating to the environm ent.
An advanced fuels development effort will proceed w ith the three objectively defined phases: preli m inary evaluation, minor-actinide (MA) fuels behavior eval uation, and hig h -burn up fuel behavior eva l uation.
Prelim inary evaluation of a dvanced fuels entails co m p arison am ong oxide fuel, m e tal fuel, carb ide fuel, and nitride fuel with respec t to the fuel fabrica tion process and fuel irradiation be havior, including an initial evaluation of MA-be a ring fuels. R&D efforts will be focused on the MA f u els evaluation with respect to fabrication process feasibility and irradi ation behavior. A t the end of 2010, prelim in ary selection of advanced fuel(s) will be m a de based on MA fuel evaluation. After that, high-bur nup capability wil l be evaluated. This leads to the fina l selection of advanced fuel at the end of 2015.
3.2.3 Advanced Components and Materials
The main objective of this R&D is im proved s y st em performance throug h the de sign of advan ced co m ponents and technol ogi es to enhance the econom i c co m p etitiveness of the pl ant, and by researching the use of alternative energy conversion sy st ems, notabl y the use of a supercritical CO 2 energy conversion cy cle in the plant that could allow furthe r cost im provem e nts. The supercritical CO 2 cy cle offers the potential for s u rpassing 40% effici ency in energy co nversion, even at the 550°C sodium coolant outlet te m p erature o f the referenc e SFR designs.
Several R&D elem ents are of particular interest for the econom ic com p etitiveness of the SFR, i n cluding developm ent of advanced i n -service inspection and repair technologies and assessment procedures for dissi m ilar w e lds and leak-before-break, and advan ced steam generators with improved reliabi lit y .
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3.2.4 Special Issu es and Technology
Regarding econom ics, the reduction of t h e plant capita l costs is cru c ial. A num b e r of inno vative SFR design features have been proposed:
Configurati o n simplificati ons . These include a reduced num ber of coolant loops by im proving the indivi dual lo op p o wer rating, im proved containmen t design, refined (and p o tenti a lly i n tegrated) co m ponent d esign, and p o ssibly elim inati on of the i n term ediate coolant loo p .
Improved Operations & Maintenance ( O &M ) technology . Innovative ideas are b e ing considered for in-service inspection and r e pair. Rem o te handli ng an d sensor technolog y for use under sodiu m are being developed, including ultras onic techniques. In addition, incr eased reli ability for sodium-water steam gen e rators (e.g., b y u s ing do uble t ube configur a tion with leak detection) is being p u rsued b y advanced detection and di agnostic techniques.
Advanced reactor materials . The development of advanced structural m a te rials may allow further design sim p li fication and/or im proved reliabilit y (e.g ., low thermal expansion str u ctures and greater resistanc e to fatigue cracki ng). These new structural materi als nee d to be qualified, and the potential for higher te m p erature operation evaluated.
Advanced energy conversio n system s . The use of a supercritical C O 2 Bray ton c y cle power-generating sy stem offer s the potential for surpassing 40% e fficiency ; a m o re c o m p a c t design m a y also be possible. Cost and safety im plic ations m u st be co mpared to conventional Rankine stea m cy cle balance-of-plant design.
Fuel Handlin g. Technique s and com ponents em ploy e d in prev i ous fast reactors were reliable, but very com p licated and expensive. Recent design in novations may sim p lify the fuel handling s y stem but require the developm en t and dem ons tration of spe c ialized in-vessel handling and detection equipm ent.
The total cost of electricity also includes the plan t oper a tion cost. Th is can be reduced by enhan c ing the plant load factor by m a king the reactor cy cle length l onger and capacity factor higher (e.g., by robust materi als and im proved system reli ability ). The fuel c y cle cost can also be reduced by increasing fuel burnup. For t h is purpose, advanced cladding m a terial s together with high-burnup transuranic fuel will be crucial.
With regard t o reactor safety, technology gaps center around two general areas: assurance of passive safety respon se and techniques for evaluation of bou nding events. The advanced SFR designs exploit passive saf ety measures to increase reliab ility . The s y stem behavior will vary depending on s y s t em size, design features, and fuel type. R&D for passive saf et y will investigate phenom ena such as axial fuel expansion an d radial core expansion, an d design features such as s e lf-actuated s hutdown s y ste m s and passive decay heat rem oval sy stem s. The ability to m easure and verify these passive features m u st be dem onstrated . Associated R&D will be required to identify boundi ng events for specific desig n s and investigate the fundamental phenom ena to m itigate severe accident s.
Finall y , the d e velopment of SFR technol og y provi d es the opp ortuni ty to desig n m odern safeg u ards directly i n to t h e planning and building of new nuclear energy s y stems and fuel cy cle facilities.
Incorporating safeguards into th e design phase for new facilities will facilitate nuclear inspect ions conducted b y the International Atom ic Energ y Agen cy (IAEA). T h e goal of t h i s oversight is to alway s have an accur a te grasp of the current inventor y thr ough the utilizati on of advanced technologi es to verify the characteri s tics of the security s y stem (accountan cy, detectability, and prom ptness) and the phy s ical protection characte ristics ( p hy sical protection measur es, the m onitoring level, a nd security measure s) and for ensuring r obust design t o guarantee these characteristi cs. It is al so necessary t o m a intain transparency and openness in terms of inform ation to m o r e effe c tively and efficiently m onitor and verify nuclear material inventories.
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3.3 SCWR
The SCWR has a long-term vision for light water reactors that requires significant development in a num ber of tec hnical areas. At the sa me time, the SCW R benefits from the r esurge n ce of interest worldwide in light water reactors (LWRs) as well as an established technology for supercritical water power cy cle equipm ent in the coal power industr y . Th e overall plan for the SCW R within Generation IV is to com p let e its viabilit y phase research by about 2010 and operation of a prototypical fueled loop test b y abou t 20 1 5 , thereb y pre p aring it for constr uction of a protot ype sometim e after 202 0.
3.3.1 SCWR Mission and Overview
The SCWR is dedicated to advancing the next ge neration of baseload electricity . The SCWR is an attractive energy source for electric utilities because it offers considerable plant ther m a l effi ciency increase and capital cost re duction while using a coola n t that the industry has d ecades of experience with. If deploy ed w idely, the SC WR can reduce the intensity of CO 2 em i ssions from e lectricity generation based on fossil fuels.
The SCWR has two establi shed base lines—em p loy ing either pressure vessel or pressure tube boundaries for the supercritical water i n the core (see Figure 3) . The higher 625°C outlet te mperature of the reactor affords a thermal effi cienc y approaching 50% (versus the 34% efficiency of today’ s LWRs), and the high-pressure single-phase coolant avoids the need for stea m gener a tors and enables use of an
off-the-shelf advanced power turbine. These could pot entially re sult in a capital cost reduction of up to 40% .
Figure 3. SCWR pressure vessel bas e line alternative. 3
The fuel cy cl e will initially be a once-through fuel cy cle based on proven light or heavy water reactor U O 2 fuel. The ope ration with a core that is modified to be a fast spectru m reactor with a closed fuel cy cle will be asse ssed bas e d on proven a queous fuel reprocessing technologies. In addition, t horium fuel will be investigated for the pressure-tube SCWR baseline.
3.3.2 Fuel Cycle and Fuel
The abilit y to use proven U O 2 fuel greatly sim p lifies the application of fuel and fuel cy cle technol og y t o the SCWR. However, the superc ritical water is known t o challenge the corrosion/erosion perform a n ce of current cladding tech nolog y, and R&D is focused on advanc ed cladding m a t e rials. This is discussed in the next section with other m a terials development needs.
3.3.3 Advanced Components and Materials
There are several unique com ponents needed for the SCWR, including the react or pressure vessel or pressure tubes and its internal structural co m ponents, m oderator channels, control rods and dr ives, the condenser and high-pressure pum ps, val v es, and seals. The reactor pressure boundary m u st operate above the high pressure (22.1 MPa) of supercritical water. This
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may be addre ssed with thicker sections, and thermal s t resse s can be avoided with a ther m a l sle e ve for the outlet nozzle.
Zirconium -based alloy s , co mmon in water-cooled reacto rs, m a y no t be a viable material without therm a l and/or corrosion-resistant barriers. Ba sed on available data for other alloy classes, there is no single alloy that has recei ved enough st udy t o unequi vocally ensu re its perfor m ance in an SCWR. Another key need of this s y stem will be an enhanced under s tanding of t h e chem istry of supercritical water. Water above its critical point is acco m p anied by dram ati c changes in che m ic al properties. Its be havior and degradation of materi als is f u rther acceler ated by in-cor e radiol y s is, which prelim i n ary studies suggest is mar k edl y different than what would have been predicted by simplistic extrapolations from conventional reactors.
The approach to developm ent of m a t e rials and co m p o n ents will bui ld on ( 1 ) evaluation of candidate materi als wit h regard to corrosion and stress corro sion cracking, strength, em brit tle m e nt and c r eep resistance, and dim e nsional and m icro-st ructural stability; (2) t h e potential for water chem istry control to mini m ize i m p acts a s well a s rates of deposition on fu e l cladding and turbine blades; and (3) measure ment of perform an ce data in an in-pile loop. A ll of th ese are critical to est ablishing via b ility of the SCWR.
3.3.4 Special Issu es and Technology
As discussed above, the SC WR leads the way am ong Generation IV sy stems in the development of advanced m a terials for water coolant. In fact, the di ffusion of this te chnolog y int o current generation light and heavy water reactors se e m s assured.
However, m u ch rem a ins to be done: t h e therm a l- hy dr aulic performance during normal and off-norm a l operation, as well as postulated accident s, needs to be addressed both with advances in the des ign and safety approa ch as well a s the analy s is tools. Issues to be addresse d include (1) the basic
therm a l-hy dr aulic phenomenon of heat transfer and fluid flow of s upercritical water in various geometries, (2) critical flow m e asurements, (3) the str ong cou p lin g of neutron ic and therm a l-h ydraulic behavior, leading t o concerns about flow stability and transient behavior, (4) validation of com puter codes that reflect these pheno m e na, and (5) definition of the safety and lic ensing approa ch as distinct from current water reactors, incl uding the spectru m of postulated accide nts.
3.4 GFR
The GFR has a long-term vision for highl y sustainabl e reactors that requires significant developm ent in a num ber of tec hnical areas. Unlike the SFR, the GFR does not have the benefits from operational experience worldwide and will require m o re ti m e to develop. Like the VHTR, however, the GFR does use helium coola n t and refractory m a te rials to acces s high tem p er ature s , allowing it to provide process heat.
The overall plan for the GFR within Generation IV is to be well underway with the viability re search within the ne xt few y ears and to hopefu l ly com p lete it s viabilit y phase by 2012.
3.4.1 GFR Mission and Overview
The GFR is dedicated to ac tinide m a nag e m e nt, and also the production of electricity and heat. The GFR is an attractive energy source for nations that desire to make the best use of li m ited nuclear fuel resources and m a n a ge nuclear wa ste by closing the fuel cy cle. If deploy ed widely, the GFR can greatly reduce the intensit y of C O 2 e m issions.
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Fast rea c tors hold a unique role in the actinid e m a nag e m e nt m i ssio n because they operate with
high-energy neutrons that are m o re eff e c tive at fi ssioning transuranic actinides. The main char acteristi cs of the GFR for actinide manage m e nt mission are:
A fast neutron spectrum core with neut ral or positive breeding gai n
Very lim ited or no use of b lankets
Lim ited pluto n ium core inventor y to red u ce m a terials needed for deplo y m e nt.
The GFR requires the developm ent of a robust refractor y fuel element and appro p riate safety architecture. A prelim inary baseline is a 1200-MWe unit in Figure 4, em ploy in g dense carbide or nitride fu el that results in goo d perform ance for pluto n iu m breeding and m i nor actinide bur ning.
Neither experim e ntal reactors nor protot ypes of the GFR sy stem have been licensed or built, therefore, the construction and operation of a first exp e rim e ntal reactor—the experi m e ntal technology dem onstration reactor (ETDR)—is proposed with an extended perform a n ce phase to qualif y ke y te chnologies. A technolog y de m onstration reactor would qualify ke y technologies and could be put int o o p eration b y 2 020.
Figure 4. 1200-MWe GFR primary s y stem and reactor cutaway .
3.4.2 Fuel Cycle and Fuel
Spent fuel treat m e nt for the GFR can be acco m p lishe d with aqueous processes si m ilar to those of the SFR but qualified for the unique GFR fuel for m . At least t w o fuel forms have the potential to satisfy the GFR require m e nts: a cera m ic pla t e-ty pe fuel ele m ent a nd a c e ra m i c pin-type fuel ele m e n t. The reference materi al for the structure is reinforced ceram i c co m p rising a silicon carbide co mposite matrix ceramic.
The fuel compoun d is m a d e of pellets of m ixed ur anium-plutonium -minor actinide carbide. A leak-tight barrier m a de of a refractor y m e t a l or of Si-based m u ltilay e r ceram i cs is added to prevent fission products diffusion t h ro ugh t h e clad.
3.4.3 Advanced Components and Materials
Unlike the VHTR, which uses its consi d erable ther mal m a s s to limit the rise of core te m p era ture during transients, the GFR requires the development of a nu m b er of uniq u e subsy s tems to provi de d e fense in depth for its c onsiderabl y higher power density core . T h ese include a robust decay heat rem oval sy stem with added provisions for natural circulat ion heat rem o val, such as a low-pressure- d rop core. The secondary cir c uit uses a He-N 2 gas m ixtu re with an indirect co m b ine d (Bray t on and bottom ing stea m ) power cy cle to achieve a 45% ther m a l e fficiency .
A gas-tight envelope acting as additiona l guard contai nm ent is provided to m a intain a backup pressure in case of large gas leak fro m the prim ary sy stem . It is a me tallic vessel, initially filled with nitrogen slightly over the atm o spheric pressure to reduce air ingress potential. This unique com ponent lim its th e
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consequence of coincident first and second safety barri er rupture (i. e ., the fuel cladding an d th e primary sy stem ). Dedicated loops for decay heat rem oval (i n case of emergency ) are directly connected to the primary circuit using cross duct pipi ng from the pres sure vessel and ar e equipped with heat exchangers and blowers.
Many of the s tructural materials and m e t hods are being adopted fr om the VHTR, including the reactor pressure vessel, hot duct materials, and design appro ach. The pressure vessel is a thick m e t a llic structure of martensitic chrom iu m steel, ensuring negligible cr eep at operating tem p erature. The prim ary sy stem is co m p rised of three m a in loops of 800 MWth, each fitte d with com p act inter m edi a te heat exch angers and a gas blower enclosed in a single vessel.
3.4.4 Special Issu es and Technology
As a high-tem p erature an d high-power density s y stem , the GF R gives special a ttention to safety and materi als managem e nt for both econom i cs and non-pr oliferation. During t h e viabilit y phase that is underway no w, there is special interest in exam ining (1) the use of pin-t y pe f u el with a sm all diam eter,
(2) fuel and c o re performance optim ized for a sim p li fi ed GFR having no m inor actinide recy cle, but with lim ited Pu br eeding and lo w fuel burnu p, (3) core ou tle t te m p eratu re optim iz ed to balance efficiency with materi als li m i ts, and (4) the potential of pre-stressed co ncrete vessel technology to replace the guard vessel.
3.5 LFR
The LFR has a long-term v ision for hi ghly sustainabl e reactors that requires significant development in a num ber of technical areas. The overall plan for the LF R is to be well underway with the development of its m a terials, design features, and operating parameters within the next five y ears.
3.5.1 LFR Mission and Overview
The LFR is dedicated to ac tinide m a nag e m e nt and als o the pro ducti on of electricity, and possib ly heat if sufficiently high-tem p er ature operation can be achieve d. The LFR is an attractive energy source for nations that desire to m a ke the best use of lim it ed nuclear fuel resou rces and m a n a ge nuclear w aste by closing the fuel cy cle. If de ploy ed wide l y , the SFR can reduce the intensity of C O 2 e m issions.
There are two major options within the L F R, both cool ed with liqui d lead: one is a reference design of 600 MWe ba sed on the European lead-cooled s y stem (ELSY); the other is a sm all m odular design of 20 MWe based on the smal l secure transportable au tonom ous react o r (SSTAR). Both are shown in Figure 5. T h e 600-MWe o p tion has a com p act and sim p le prim ary circuit with the objective that all internal com p onents be rem ovable to assure co m p etitive electric energ y generation and l ong- term
invest m e nt protection. The reactor has a secondary wa ter loop with steam gen e rat o rs and a steam Rankine cy cle. Sim p licity is expected to reduce both the capita l cost and the construction tim e. Thes e are enhanced by a com p act reactor building of reduced footprint and height. The reduced footprint is possible due to the elim ination o f an intermediate cooling sy stem , as well as the design of reduced- h eight com ponents. The core consists of an array of open fuel assem b lies of sq uare pitch surrounded by re flector assemblies to reduce the risk of coolant flow blockage. Cl osed hexagonal assem b lies are a seco nd alternative.
The transportable 20-MWe optio n em ploy s nat u ral circulation in t h e primary lead loo p , with a secondary supercritical CO 2 loop f o r power conversion in a dire ct Bray ton c y cle.
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Pb -TO- CO 2 HEA T EXCH ANG ER (1 O F 4)
Figure 5. LF R options: E LSY (600 M We) left, and SSTAR (20 MWe) right.
3.5.2 Fuel Cycle and Fuel
The 600-MW e option em plo y s m ixed oxide fuel with T91 claddin g and has a core outlet tem p erature of 550°C. The 20-MWe option em ploy s nit r ide fuel w ith Si-enhanced ferritic/m artensitic SS cladding and has a core outlet tem p erature of 650°C. T h is will re qui re considerable developm ent of m a terials for service at this higher tem p e rature.
3.5.3 Advanced Components and Materials
For the 60 0- MWe option, a newly desig n ed steam ge nerator, whose volum e is about half that of a co m p arable h e lical-tube steam generator, features a spiral-wound tu be bund le. Th e inlet and ou tlet ends of each tube are connected to the feed water header and steam header, r espectively , both arranged above the reactor roof. An axial-flow prim ary pump, located insi de the inner shell of the stea m generator, provides the head required to force the cool ant to enter fro m the bottom of the steam gen e rator and to flow in a radial direction. This scheme is nearly eq uivale nt to a counter-current schem e, because the water circulates in t h e tube from the outer spirals towards the inner spiral, while the primary coolant flows in the radial direction from the inside to the outside of t h e steam generator. This ensures that the coolant will flow over the stea m gen e rat o r bundles even in the ev ent of reduction in the prim ar y coolant level in case of leakage from the r eactor vessel. As a by -product, the steam gener a to r unit can be positioned at a higher level in the downcomer an d the react or vessel shorte ned, accordingly .
The installation of steam g e nerators insi de the reactor vessel is another m a jor cha llenge of a LFR design. Particular challenges related to their ope ration include (1) a sensitive and reliable leak detection sy stem , and (2) a highly reliable depressurizatio n and isolation sy stem . Car e ful attention has been also given to the issue of mitigating the consequences of a tube r upture accident to reduce the risk of pressurization of the prim ary boundar y . All reactor internal structures ar e rem ovable and in particular the steam generator can be withdrawn by radial and vertical displace ment s to disengage the unit from the r eactor cover plate.
Corrosion of structural m a t e rials in lead is one of the main issues f o r the LFR. Recent experi ments confirm that corrosion of s teels strongly depends on t h e operating t e m p erature and dissolved ox y g en. Indeed, at relatively low oxy gen concentration, th e corrosion m e chanis m change s fro m surfac e oxidation to dissolution of the structural steel. Mor e over, re lationships between oxidatio n r a te, flow velocity , tem p erature, and stress co nditions of the structural material have been observed as well.
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The com p atibilit y of ferriti c/ m a rt ensitic and austenitic steels with lead has been extensively studied and it has been demonstrated that generally below 450°C, an d with an adequate ox ygen activity in t h e liquid metal, both t ypes of steels build up an o x ide la y e r which behaves as a corrosion barrier. However, above about 500°C, corrosion protection through the oxi de ba rrier appears to fail and is being addressed with candidate m a terials like T91 and AISI 3 16. The pros p ects for extending m u ch above this tem p erature are not pr oven at this time.
3.5.4 Special Issu es and Technology
A num ber of unique ap pro aches are being in vestigated in the 600- MWe option. The upper pa rt of the core is novel because it extends well above the fixed reactor c over. The fuel elem ent s are buoy a nt in lead, and are fixed at their upper end in the cold gas space, well above the m o lten lead surface. This avoids the classi cal problem of a core support grid i mmersed in the coolant which would gr eatly com p licate
in-service inspection in m o lten lead.
Fuel asse m b li es are dire ctly acces sible for handling usi ng a si m p le handling m a c h ine that operates in the cover gas at am bient tem p erature, under full visib ilit y. Considering the high tem p erature and other characte ristic s of the m o lte n lead environment, any a pproach that foresee s the use of in-vessel refueling equipm ent re quires a large R&D effort a nd substantia l technical ris k , especially because of the need to develop reliable bearings operating in l ead, which is an unknown t echnology at present.
3.6 MSR
The MSR has a long-term vision for highl y sustainabl e reactors that requires significant developm ent in a num ber of tec hnical areas. The overall plan for the MSR is to be underway with the development of its design features, processin g sy stem s, an d operati ng para meters wit h in th e next five y ears.
3.6.1 MSR Mission and Overview
Historically , MSR concepts used stea m cy cles, the on ly commerci a l power cy cle s available at that time. Toda y , Bra y t on power cy cle technolog y is advanced, and supercritical CO 2 cy cles are being adapted for use in the MSR.
3.6.2 Fuel Cycle and Fuel
In the MSR, the fuel is dissolved in a fl uoride salt coolant. This is very different co m p ared to all the other Generation IV sy stems. Its potential derives fro m the co m b ination of the adva ntages of a very effective coolant and t h e many bene fits of a liqui d fuel. In addition, the MSR offers bree ding in thermal spectru m (using a Th/U cy cle) and in fast spectru m (using Th/U and U/Pu cy cles). The reactor technology was partly develo ped in the 19 50s and 1 960 s, but m u ch rem a ins to be developed, especially in the online refueling and processing syste m s.
Sy stem atic analy s is of para meter s such a s reprocessi n g tim e, m oder a tion ratio, core size, and c ontent of heavy nuclei in the salt has resulted in several attractiv e reactor conf igurations, in ther m a l, epither m a l or fast spectru m in a fam ily of thorium m o lten salt reacto r TMSRs (see Figure 6). Many other options are being in vestigated. In addi tion, t h e use of a m o lten salt coolant in a solid-fuel sy stem is being investigated, known as the advanced high-tem pera tur e reactor (AHTR), which adapts and m a y co m p lement VHTR fuel and heat exchanger technolo g y .
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Figure 6. TMSR core volume (left) and reactor cross section (right).
The TMSR is based on a 2500-MWth ( 1 000 MWe) gr a phite m oder a ted reactor. I ts operating t e m p erature is 630°C and its therm odyn am ic efficien cy is 4 0 % . Th e salt used is a binary salt, LiF-(HN)F4, with the (HN)F4 content set to 22% (the eutectic point), corres pondi ng t o a melting tem p erature of 565°C. The 233U enrich ment is about 3% . A graphite radial blanket surrounds the core to i m prove breed ing performance. The reprocess ing tim e of the total salt vol ume is specif ied to be 6 m onths, with e x ternal storage of the Pa and com p lete extractio n of the fi ssion products and TRU. It is assu m e d that the 233U produced in the blanket is also extracted every 6 m onths.
The R&D will focus on fue l salt cleanup, includin g p y r ochem ical separation technologies, extr action of gaseous fission products and noble m e tals by gas bubbling, tritium speci ation and control, and conversion of various waste stream s in to final waste forms. The resear ch will gradually advance fro m laboratory scale to larger and m o re in tegrated demonstrations. MSR burner and breeder fuel cy cles will be evaluated and com p ar e d with other nuclear sy ste m s. This in clud es exam in ation of the burni ng of actinide s fro m other nuclear sy stems, startup of MSRs on vario u s actinides, avoid a nce of the generation of most actinides by use of thorium fuel cy cles, and alternative breeder react or fuel c y cles. The development of solid fuel (either prismatic, pebble bed, or pin-t ype) f o r the AHTR is also underway .
3.6.3 Advanced Materials and Salt Control
The MSR also addresses r esear ch related to the com p a tibility of fuel and coolan t salts with core and structural m a t e rials and challenging MSR sub-sy stem integrit y : reactor com ponents and reprocessing unit regarding m e chanical and corrosion resistance. Th e high tem p erature, salt redox potential, radi ation fluence, and energy spectrum pose a seri ous challenge fo r any structural alloy in a n MSR. The design of a practical sy stem demands the selection of salt constituen ts such as LiF, NaF, BeF2, UF4, ThF 4 , and P u F3 that are not appreciably re duced b y avai lable structural m e tals and alloy s wh ose co m ponent F e , Ni, and Cr can be in near equilibrium with the salt. Small levels of i m purities in the salt may also aggressively corrode the metallics. Moderator or refl e c tor material s need to be addressed.
The main ste p s are the experi m e ntal vali dation of spe c ific properties ( m echanic al properties, corrosion) of structural m a t e rials (advanc ed Ni-based a lloy s ) as a pplied to well-es tablished and rather new liquid salt
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environm ents, includi ng in creased operational tem p eratures, and the investigation of fission p r oduct deposition on structures and Te-induced em brittlement of Ni-based alloy s .
3.6.4 Special Issu es and Technology
Circulating fu el raises uniq u e ch allenges within the core (such as the loss of delay e d neutrons, te m p erature d i fference s between the salt, reflectors, an d m oderator). First core calculations hav e shown the sensitivity of the reactivity feedb ack coefficients t o the core arrange m e nt. This study has to be refined with integrated codes taking into account all eff ects (n eutronics, ther m a l-hy draulics, and che m i cal properties). Due to the sm al l values of the reactivity coefficients to the reprocessi ng conditions , which change the salt com position and affect breeding, the cross sections values have to be well kno wn. In the thorium cy cle, there have been only a few experi m e nt s to check the validity of the evaluated nuclear data. Some m e asurem e nts have been undertaken to obtain m o re precise values, whic h will be evaluated and checked in sensitivit y studi es.
As mentioned above, the coupling between neutr onics, thermal-hy draulics, salt com position, and properties will be needed to m odel the M SR. Sensitivity and uncertaint y anal y s is will define best-esti m ate margins. Reactor phy s ics codes will be developed to provide an accurate descript ion of the core behaviour in steady -state and off-normal operation, as well as ac cidents.
The development of heat exchanges must also be addr essed and is expected to have a large im p act on the performance and econom ics of the sy ste m . Many ad di tional com ponents such as pum ps, valves and piping need t o be specialized or develop e d. Cont rol s y stem s al so need development and qualification.
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4.1 Economic Assessment
Early in the Generation IV process it was re alized t h at new tools may be needed to assess the progress toward the econom ic goals for GEN IV sy stems estab lished b y t h e GIF Policy G roup. F o rem o st was the need for a consistent y e t si m p lified methodol og y for cost estimation. Given that the m i ssions for the GEN IV sy stem s go bey ond electricity production, it i s also necessary to facilitate cost esti m at es of sy stems designed for n onel ectric product appli cation. The Econom ics Methodolo g y Work ing Group (EMWG) was established to develop t h i s m e thodolog y. To date, th e basic assessment m e thodolog y has been developed, tested on both GEN III and GEN IV sy st ems, and made availabl e to all GIF participants as well as the general nuclear co mmunity.
The econom ic assessment methodolog y consists of a co m p rehensive guideline f o r cost estim ation, “Gener ation IV Cost Esti mating Guidelines,” Rev. 4; an EXCEL-based softwar e package for reactor applications, G4ECONS; an EXCEL-based software package for fuel cy cle facility applications, G4ECONS-FCF; and the software users’ m a nual cove ring bot h sof tware packag es. Both the Guidelines and the software facilitate application to electric and non-electric sy stem cost estimating appli cations. This methodo log y is available throu gh O ECD NEA in its role as GIF Secretariat.
The EMWG continues to m onitor the application of the cost esti m ating m e thodology and the progress of the GEN IV sy stem s research. Im provements in G4ECONS are underway to facilitate assessment of heterogeneous reactor cores likely f o r actinide m a na g e m e nt m i ssio n s and ver y l ong-lived cores for LFR application. Over the next 5 y ears, further i m pr ovem e nts will be undertaken as experience wit h the methodolog y indicates or as the GEN IV sy stem s details take shape, especially fu el assem bly and fuel cy cle designs.
4.2 Risk and Safety Assessment
The Risk and Safety Worki ng Group was established to “prom o te a consistent approach to safety , risk, and regulatory issues” for Generation IV sy stems. In particular, the RSWG’ s Charter calls fo r the RSWG to advise and assist the Experts Group and the Polic y Group on m a t ters relat e d to Generation IV safety goals and evaluation m e thodologies, and interactions with the nucl ear safety reg u lator y communit y an d other relevant stakeholders.
The early wo rk of the RS WG focused on definiti on of a coherent safety phil o so ph y for Generation IV sy stems and identification of design attributes that may help achiev e Generation IV safety goals. The principal recommendations that are e m b odied in the early work of the RSWG include the notion that Generation IV sy stem designs shoul d be driven by a “risk-informed” approach, a recognition that the principle of “ d efense in depth” shoul d be preserve d and form alized for Generati on IV s y stems, and definition of an approach that exa m ines safety in th e c ontext of a broad spectru m of possible a ccident conditions rather than a “design basi s accident” that is presu m e d to be bounding. Throughout it s work, the RSWG has had extensive interaction with the Inte rnational Atom ic Energy Agency (IAEA), and has developed us eful interactions with select ed national nuclear regulat ory agencies.
More recent work of the RSWG has tu rned to focus primarily on devel opm ent of an integrated fra m e work for assessing risk and safety issues in Generation IV sy stems. Overall, the methodology is i n t e nded to provide useful guidance thr oughout t h e design process based on an understanding of risk and safety issues that is commensurate with each stage of design m a tu r ity. The m e th odology is pr actical and fl exible, and allows for a graded approach to the analy s is of safety issues bas e d on their com p lexity and im portance.
Principall y ba sed on probabilistic safety analy s is (PS A ), the methodology consis ts primarily of analy s is
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tools that are widely used, accepted, and validated, thus m ini m i zing the need for developm ent of new techniques. Significantl y , r ecognizing the role of “saf ety m a rgin” as an appropri a te response t o uncertainty, t h e integrated methodolog y provides fo r e xplicit consid eration and characterization of uncertainties associat ed wi th Generation IV safety issues.
Looking forw ard, future work of t h e RSWG will resu lt in furt her definition of the Generation IV safety assessment methodology , dem onstration of the m e thodolog y, and developing gui dan ce for its application.
4.3 Proliferation Resistance Phy s ical Protection Assessment
The Generation IV Roadmap reco mmen d ed the devel opm ent of a methodolog y to define m easures for proliferation r esistance and ph y s ical prot ection (PR&PP) and to evaluate the m f o r the six nuclear energy sy stems. Accordingl y, t h e Forum form ed a PR&PP Working Group (PRPPW G) to develop a methodolog y. The current version of thi s m e thodolog y, Revision 5 is available at the GIF website. 4
The methodol og y was developed with t h e aid of a series of lim ited and focused studies. The studies were performed using an exam pl e sodium fa st reactor consis ting of four s odium -cooled fast rea c tors of medium size co-locat ed with an on-site dr y fuel storage facility and a py ro chem ical spent fuel reprocessing facility . A report is being is sued in 2009 on the resu lts of the m o st recent study as they relate to the lessons learned with regard to the im plementation of th e m e thodolog y.
As part of the effort to fam i liarize GIF sy stem re se arch ers and progra m policy m a kers with the PR&PP methodolog y, a series of workshops were held in the Un ited States in 20 05, Ital y in 2 006 , Japan in 2 006 , and Republic of Korea in 2008. Useful m u tual in formation exchanges occurred during these workshops which helped to further def ine the methodological app r oach.
The PRPPWG and the Risk and Safet y Working Group (R SWG) have initiated an effort to assure that PR&PP and safety are integrated in a com p atible way in future nuclear energy sy stem s. A fir s t white paper has been jointly deve loped which outlines this process and there have been several beneficial interactions between the two groups. The efforts of these two groups will continue to be carefully coordinated as it has been so far throu gh close working relations.
Over the next several y ears, the PRPPWG will re fine and im prove the methodology in response to feedback from us ers and other stakeholders. As a re s u lts of the studies carried out so far, the PR&PPWG plans to devel op an update of the PR&PP methodol ogy report i n 2010 (Revision 6) . T h e PRPPWG will also continue to strengthen the link with GIF Sy stem Steering Committees and other designers of Generation IV sy stems. Four broad goa ls of these inter actions are to: 1) capture the salient fea tures of the design concepts that im pact their PR&PP performance, 2) facilitat e crosscutting studies of relevance for several of the Generation IV sy stems, 3) identify in sights for enhancing PR&PP characte ristic s of future nuclear energy sy stem s, an d 4) foster the im ple m en tati on of a PR&PP culture into the earliest phases of design.
The PRPPWG intends to c ontinue to prom ote PR &P P goals and broad acceptan ce of the PR&PP methodology by conducting workshops for users, m a king presentations at profe ssional societ y conferences and related meetings, and pr oducing archival journal ar ticles.
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A num ber of im portant issues have arisen durin g th e startup of R&D within the Forum . This section presents four of them and exam ines how they are be ing addressed in a way that facilitates the sy stems’ progress.
The signing o f the Fram ework Agreem ent in Februar y 20 05 usher e d in the for m al legal documents that govern R&D collaboration s in the Foru m . In effect, it creates three levels of cooperation: (1) t h e governm e nt-to-governm e nt understandi ngs in the Fra m ew ork Agreem ent itself, (2) m inistry -to - m inistry understandings that gover n each sy stem in a Sy stem Arrangement, and ( 3 ) research organization-to- organization understandings that gover n each project within a s y stem in a Project Arrangement.
At the respect ive levels, these agree m ent s broadl y cover the rese arc h objectives, planning, and organization; the creation, ownership and protec tion o f intellectual propert y ; and the resource co mm itments broug ht to th e collaboration. Each sy st e m is quite autonom ous in t h e Forum , althoug h the arrangem e nts have tended t o shar e and adopt m a ny of the sam e pro v isions. Notwithstanding t h e co m p rehensi v e nature of the arrange m e nts, areas of a g ree m ent on the resear ch manage m e nt ap proach are being developed to facilitate the sy stems’ progress. An excellent exam ple is that of Quality Managem e nt, which is reported next. A common a pproach to quality mana ge ment avoids each sy stem having to create it independently, and also s e ts the expect ation for a ttention t o quality at the highest levels. Ad ditional exa m ples of Sy stem Integration, Sy stem Asse ss ment , and Outreach to the university research co mm unity follow.
5.1 Qualit y Manage ment
In 200 5 the F o rum assem b led an industri a l advisor y gr oup (k nown a s the Senior I ndustr y Adv i sory Panel) for the pur po se of bringin g the perspective of ind u st ries that m a y eventually comme rciali ze Generation IV sy stems in the m a rket. In their first m e e ting, the Pa nel stressed the need for adop ting q u alit y management in R&D activ ities. The Exp e rts Group of the Forum was tasked with creating an appropriate s y stem , and they convene d qualit y experts and speci alists fro m the Mem b er s to assist with it s developm en t.
From the outset, the purpose of a quality manage ment sy stem ( Q MS) was to assi s t the research participants in doi ng the f o llowing:
Conduct R&D that is both useful (meets establishe d requirem e nts) and usable (is well docu m ented and validated )
Minim iz e re work and duplication of efforts, thereby achieving cost efficiencie s
Create sy stems that will meet nuclear safety standards
Transfer information and technolog y (ev e ntually to i n dustr y ) in an efficient and controlled m a nner
Ulti m a tely ac hieve a straight-forward nuclear lic en sing process by assuring the quality of the resear ch results and data from their beginnin g .
Over the next two y ears, the qualit y exp e rts develope d a set of QMS Guidelines. This is a com p r e hensive guide to quali ty planni ng a nd execution that sets an exam ple for the six sy stems to adopt an d/ or m odify for their own use. The Guidelines outline the orga nizational entities and their responsibilities, qualit y planning activities for R&D, the many ele m ents to be considered in the qualit y program , and suggestions for a graded approach to quality m a nagement in R& D. While not publicl y available on the Generation IV website, the Guidelines (or a specializ e d version within each sy ste m ) ar e share d with all ne w or potential project participants by the Steering Committees. The l e gally binding arrange m e n ts for sy stem s and projects contain the specific roles and responsib ilities for im plemen tation of quality m a nagement.
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Recognizing t h at qualit y m u st be driven from the hi ghest levels, the Polic y Grou p established a Policy Statement in 2006 that stated their commitm ent to the application of qualit y m a nagem e nt principles and practices to al l GIF-fostere d R&D, and set the expecta tions for Sy ste m and Project Arrange me nts to address the im pl e m entation of quality manage ment.
In all of this, the Forum has addr essed t h e need for adopting quality m a nagement in ever y aspect of its R&D, which should pa y many retur n s in the future.
5.2 Sy stem Integration
The signatories to a sy stem arrange m e nt are generally co m p rised of the m i nistri es or departm e n t s that address nuclear energy development within their r espective governments. Independentl y , each m a intains their respective national pr ograms and manages a spect ru m of research and technolo g y developm ent that supports their national objectives. In contrast, th e m o st efficient progress on a Generation IV sy stem would be facilitated by nar r owing its m i ssion, obj ecti v es, and technologies to reduce the am ount of overall effort and focus the lim it ed resources.
In practice, al l of the Generation IV sy ste m s c onsider options that are so m e ti mes r e ferred to as t r acks — for exam ple, metal or oxide fuel, loop- or poo l-t y pe l a y o ut, prism a tic or pebble f u el elem ents, size of power output, choice of coolant, and so on. In so m e cases, the tracks correspond to various national program s, although m u ltiple tracks may also be found within a single national pr ogram . So me R&D may be common to all tracks within a s y stem, such as so me co m ponents or m a terials, energy co nve rsion, co m putational methods, or safety analy s es.
Recognizing t h at the collaborative R&D m u st support the vision of t h e sy stem , all sy stem s are integrating the activities into an efficient whole whil e still retain ing the diversit y of appr oaches found in the tracks.
Of course, the approach within each sy s te m to inte grating its R&D can be tailo red to its situation and needs.
The Experts Group and t h e Sy stem Steering Commi ttees have co nsidered the process of system integration. It generally i n cludes the foll owing:
Maintaining the preconceptual design requirements a nd inform atio n for each track; e.g., its rated output , coola n t, fuel com position, core and sy stem configuratio n, co m ponents and structures, as well as materials, neutronic, the r m a l-hy draulic and saf ety inform ation a nd studies tha t y ield performance measures or behavior
Defining the t echnology gaps in performance that m u st be addressed by R&D, and understanding t h e tradeoffs that unresolved ga ps may pose to th e design r e quirem e nts and s y stem performance
Reviewing the results of the R&D being performed and prov idin g g u idance to th e R&D program to optim ize the progress
Providing feedback to the s y stem designers fro m the R&D r esults, and suggesting revised R&D activities or objectives in response to emerging design issues
Asse ssing the sy stem perfo r m ance against the Genera t ion IV goals (asse ss ment is discussed in the next section).
Some of the Sy stem Steeri ng Comm ittees have elevated this process to a separat e Sy stem Integration and Asse ss ment project with dedicated, speci alized staff a nd m a nage me nt. While there are issue s to resolve with the appr oach before the first such integration project can be e s tablished, the signatories realize the value of a well-integrated and optim ized R&D program .
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5.3 Sy stem Assessment
The foundati ons of Generation IV are built on the eigh t goals for t h e sy stems. The central question for each candidat e concept in the Roadmap was “ H ow w e ll can this concept perform relative to the goals, given sufficient tim e and resources to m a ture?” Th e de velopm ent of evaluation methodologies and the first ass ess me nt of the concepts was a ce ntral and sustained effort in the Roadmap . It beca m e t h e basis for the eventual selection of six sy stem s.
As the sy stems ar e being developed, it is natural to ask how the s y ste m s are a c t u ally progressing toward the goals. Thi s is the purpo se of syste m asses sm ent , and its periodic update brin gs im portant news of both the resear ch progress as w e ll as the achie vable benefits and value of the sy stem s. These results are not used to prematurely down select am ong sy stems. Rather , they are si gnals to the p rospective users and vendors of t h e advancing r eadiness of Generation IV sy stems—sig n als that can sti m ulate usef ul feedback on the pacing and direction of the R&D.
Of course, the tools for assessment—ev a luation m e th odologies—are them selves being im proved. The previous section describes the outlook for the ma jor cr osscutting m e thodol ogies. Two methodologies (proliferation resistance an d econom ics) have made si gnificant advances since th e Road m a p, and the third (safety ) has a major work underway .
At the sa me time, the sy stems have varying de grees of activity . For exa m ple, the first formal arrangem e nts of s y stem s were established b y t h e SFR in Februar y 2 006, an d the VHTR, SCWR, and GFR in Novem b er 2006 .
The Polic y Group orchestr a tes these preparations a nd plans and frequentl y revisi ts the questio n of progress. There are no plans for a coordinated asse ss ment with all sy stems cross -co m p ared. O n the other hand, the two m o st active s y stem s, the S F R and VHTR, are encouraged to m a ke formal sy stem asse ss ments i n the next five y ears. Others are encour a g ed to m a ke preparations for asses s m ents in concert with their R&D programs.
5.4 Outreach to the Univer sity Research Community
The international collabor ative activities on Generation IV s y stems have been an engine for r e newed interest in nuclear energy at academic i n stitutions ar ound the worl d, particularly in those countries where the buildi ng o f new nuclear plants has stagnated. In sev eral of the GIF countries, r e quests for proposal ai m e d at the universities are now issued annuall y . T h ese ar e often preceded by workshops explaining t h e Gen IV m ission and t h e fu nding levels of the prin cipal Gen IV progra m ele m ent s . This results in proposals that are focused on the Gen IV sy stem R & D ga ps that have been identified and that offer the best opport u nities for student and junior academic st af f engagem e nt . For exam ple, in the Unite d States, 20 percent of the DOE Gen IV budget is currently dedi cat ed exclusively to u n iver sity participation in the program and many universities who com p ete for these f unds have developed cl ose collaborations with the
U.S. national laboratories and pri v ate entities who lead the development efforts. Some of the funds are set aside for investigator-initiated projects that are l ess cl osely related to Gen IV program s but show innovati on in the energy field. While each GIF partne r uses its own approach in developing uni versity nuclear progr am s, student enrollment at both undergra duate and gra duate levels has steadily i n creased in the GIF count ries and acad em ic infrastructure in the nuclear energy area has i m p roved greatl y .
GIF R&D Ou tlook for Gen e ration IV Nuclear Energ y S y stems
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It has been a little m o re th an seven y ears since the Generation IV R oadmap was published, an d four y ears since the first signing of the Fra m ework Agree m ent. The former her a lded what to work on, the latter provided for how , and we now address the question of when b y des c ribing the ne xt five y ears into the path forward. While m u ch is being undertaken and adva nc ed every y ear within our committees and working groups, it is i m portant to revisit our expectati on of what will be acco m p lished by the Generation IV International Forum in the next five y ears, throug h 2 0 13.
6.1 Sy stem Technologies
As alway s , each Forum mem b er is free t o choose the sy stems that it will advance, as well as t o pursue any options or alternatives to the s y stems outside the Sy stem Re sea rch Plan. With respect to the six Generation IV sy stems, presented in order of their le vel of cooper a tive activity toda y , the For u m expects the following progress in five y ears:
For the VHTR, the full com p l e ment of technology pr ojects will have been creat ed. Feasibility issues regarding h y d r ogen pro duct ion, fuel performance, and high-tem p erature design in cluding both t h e core and intermediate heat exchanger will be resolved, or nearly so. An assessment of progress toward the goals will have been co m p leted for th e m a j o r opti ons. K e y perform ance issue tests will be in planni ng, with some in operation, and decisions will have been made about advancing one or m o re protot ypes.
For the SFR, the full com p lem e nt of technology proj e c ts will also have been created. Feasibility issues regardi ng actinide recy clin g, competitive capital cost, in-ser vice inspection and repair, and alternate energy conversion with gas or supercritical CO 2 cy cle will be resolved, or nearl y so. An assessment of progress toward the goals will have been com p leted f o r the m a jor options. Ke y performance i ssue tests will be in planning, with som e in operation, and decisions will have been made about advancing one or m o re protot y p es. Fresh operating experience will be gathered from new SFRs in vario u s countries o r from the restart of Monju .
For the SCWR, a set of essential technology proj ects will have been created. Feasibilit y issues regarding cor e lay o ut and s p ectru m , fuel forms a nd possible recy cling, and s y ste m ther mal hy draulics and safety wi ll be m u ch better understood and on th eir way to resol u tion. T h e S C WR will be nearing a point at which it may assess its progress toward the goals. Key viability tests will be in operation.
For the GFR, a set of essential technology project s will also have been created. Feasibility issues regarding fue l form s and actinide recy cl ing, s y stem safety and ana ly s is, and cost will be m u ch better understood a nd on their w a y t o resoluti on. The GFR will be nearing a point at which it m a y assess its progress toward the goals. Key viab ility tests will be i n operation.
For the LFR, formal collaborations will have begun, a nd a set of explorator y proj ects will have been created. Feasibilit y issues regarding cool ant and m a terials, energy c onversion and com ponents, actinide recy cling, and s y stem safety will be m u ch better understood and preparations for viabilit y testing will be underway .
In Europe it is expected that a choice be tween g as an d a heavy liquid m e tal coo l ant for fast reactors, to be pursued in parallel with sodium as a possibl e alternative tech nology, will be made with the potential launch of a project to construct an e xperi m e n tal reactor usi ng the selecte d coolant.
For the MSR, formal collaborations will also have begun, and a set of explorator y projects will have been created. Feasibility iss u es regarding its fuel cy cle , salt chem istr y with dissolved fuel isotopes (including transuranics), and m a terials com p atibility will be m u ch better understood and preparations
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for viabilit y t esting will be underway. Issues on the operation and safety of the coupled MSR reactor and fuel proc essing unit will be clarified.
R&D sy nergies will be developed between sy stem st eering commit tees, in dom ai ns such as requirem e nts, design rules and codes, equipm ent, instrumentation, com ponents and subs y s tems.
Generation IV is focused on four perform ance goals related to safet y and reliabilit y , pr oliferation resistance an d phy s ical pr otection, econom ics, and sustainabilit y . Three crosscu tting worki n g groups have been created t o develop eva luation m e thods that can assess the perfo r m ance of new designs toward the Generation IV goals. During the com ing five y ears these crosscutting worki ng groups will c ontinue t o support t h e six-sy stem steering comm itt ees in evaluat ing and guidi ng the optim i zation of thei r sy stem designs. In ad dition, supp or t for revitalizing and de veloping nuclear R&D infrastructure in terms of facilities, peo p le, and new advanced si mula tion and validation tool s will be em p h asized.
6.2 Missions and Resources
The world is changing, and the Forum is m on itoring the needs and pacing of our resear ch and developm ent. We anticipate so m e chang es in e m phasi s or scope in the sy stem s d u ring the next five y ears, which are presented next.
While there is m u ch debate about when or even if a large-scal e deploy m e nt of a hydrogen econom y may happen, it is now well und erstood how vital a role h ydrogen curren tly pla y s in t h e productio n of prem iu m transportation fossil fuels and chem ic al f eedstocks. At the sam e ti me, there is a growing interest in the utilization of nuclear sy stems to produc e high-grade pr ocess heat f o r a range of industrial applications.
The Forum has encourage d its high-temperature sy stem s to broaden their m issio n to include process heat applications m o re generally. This is an i m portant way to m a ke nuclear energy more relevant as a nongreenhouse-gas-em itting source of primary energy be y o nd el ectricity .
Second, a gro w ing awareness of water sh ortages exists in m a ny regi ons of the wo rld. While the m i ssions of Generation IV have included electricity, h ydrogen productio n, a nd actinide managem e nt in the original Roadmap , we may be nearing a tim e wh en desalination shoul d be h ighlig hted in the m i ssions if current generation reactors cannot successfully a ddress it. We will continue to m onitor thi s , as the developm ent of such new energ y pro duct s that can expand nucl ear energ y ’s benefits beyond ele c trical generation contribute to the sustainabilit y goals of t h e Forum .
Third, there i s a growing i n terest in addressing the n eeds of countri es and regions that are better served by sm aller sy stems. While a few options with small m odule size are b e ing pursued within the six Generation IV sy ste m s, these are inten d ed to com p le m e nt the ev olutionary de signs of industry for near-ter m deplo y m e nt, and thereb y p r ovide for t h e long term future need. Of course, the specific technol ogies developed in Generation IV (such as new m a terials, fuels, or energy conversion technologies) may be adopted in t h ese evolutionary designs i n advance of their application in Generation IV s y stems.
Fourth, fr om the perspective of uranium resource conservation, m a n y of the Generation IV sy st em s investigated are fast neutron reactors that use pl utonium and uranium r ecovered f rom sp ent fuel by reprocessing, and depleted uranium . Thorium was examined careful ly by t h e Fuel s Crosscutting Group during the ori g inal Roadmap and was not considered a first priori t y f o r Generation IV. However, we note an interest in the use of thorium re source s and ar e alre ady seeing exploration of thorium -based fuels in so m e Generation IV s y stems to understand their pote n tia l benefits. We encourage the sy stems to exam ine this alternative and take advant age of related insights gained in ot her collaborative activities.
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6.3 Technical Cooperation and Membership
Technical co operation and engage m e nt of the researc h comm unity worldwide play s a ke y role in the successful developm ent of Generation IV sy stems. In the next five y ears, the Forum will expand the num ber of topical sessions that we sponsor in intern ational conferences and events. These will inform the global research comm unity of our technic a l interests, research problems, and breakthroughs with the hope of stim ulatin g m o re participation by academ ia, industr y, and laboratories. Seco nd, the Forum will m onitor the level of funded collaborations by industry, with the ai m of signifi cantly increasing this in the future.
Third, the F o r u m will continue to facilitate coope ration am ongst its mem b ers in the next stage of developm ent of Generation IV sy stems, th at of m a jor technolog y dem onstrations.
Finall y , we n o te that our m e m b ership has changed ov er the y ears. While am ong the original s ignatories to the Generatio n IV Charter, Argentina and Brazil have made the deci sion to beco me inactive i n the Forum largely as a result of changes in national research priorities. The United Kingdom decided to allow its technical co mm unity to co n tinue to participate in Generation IV, tho ugh uniq u el y throug h the me m b ership of Euratom . More recentl y, in 2006, China and Rus s ia are the ne west signatories to the Charter. In regards to the Fram ework Agreement, China acceded in 2007, the Republic of South Africa acced ed in 2008, and Russia plans to acc ede in 2009. The original intent of the Forum re mains the sa me—to bring the collaborative efforts of the m a jo r developers o f next-generation n u clear energ y sy stems to bear in a concerted effort. It is therefor e i m portant to be able to revisit the Forum ’ s present mem b ership and organizational structur e fro m the viewpoint of each m e mber’ s true input t o it s R&D activities. Likewise, w e we lco m e the prospect of a dditional m e mber s that can bring significant resources and capabilities, and hope t o report the s u ccessful entry of new m e m b ers to the Forum over the next five y ears.
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1. Generation IV International Forum , “A Tec hnolog y Road m a p for Generation IV Nuclear En ergy Sy stem s,” Dec 2002.
2. OECD NE A, “Uraniu m 2007, Resources, Production and Dem a nd,” Paris, June 2008.
3. J. Starflinger, T. Schulenbe rg, P. Marsault, D. Bitterman, C. Maraczy , E. Laurien, J. A. L y ckl a m a ,
H. Anglart, N. Askan, M. Ruzickova, L. Heiki nheimo, Progress within the E u ropean Project: “High Perfor m anc e Light Water Reactor Phas e 2” (HPLWR Phase 2), Proceedings of ICAPP ’08, Anaheim, Cal ifornia, U.S. A ., June 8– 12, 2008 , Paper 8247 .
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