H y dro g en Production P rogress Update

November 9 ,

22.033 Fall


Rebecca Krentz-W ee Derek Sutherland Ben Nield

L au r e n C hil to n

Presentation Outlin e

review of UT-3 process

bl oc k di agram & it era ti ons


o hydrogen separator memb rane

o oxygen separator membr a ne

o calcium reagent structure

o hydrogen storage system

next steps

UT-3 Process Over v iew

The UT-3 p rocess consists o f four reactions p roceedin g at the indicated desired tempe r atures. 1

1 H. Kameyama and K. Y o shida. Br - ca - fe water de composition cycles for h ydrogen production. Proc. 2nd, WHEC., pages 829–850, 1978.

Block Diagram - F o r ward

760 o C 560 o C

574 o C 220 o C

Block Diagram - Ba c kwards

574 o C 220 o C

760 o C 560 o C

Forward Mass Flow (Realistic)

Forward Mass Flow (Idealized)

574 o C

Mass Flow - Iteratio n 1

Hydrogen Separator Membrane


Zr silica





[mol m -2 s -1 Pa -1 ]

4.0 x 10 -8


10.0 x 10 -8

(extrapolated from fig. 6)


2.0 MPa

2.0 MPa

Area Needed [m 2 ]




Stability issues: phase transition

Poisoning issues: H 2 S, HCl, Co

Stability issues: phase transition

Poisoning issues: H 2 S, HCl, Co

1 http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=3202655

2 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/036031999490006X

Oxygen Separator M embrane

Electrons create negatively

charged oxygen - ions.

Steam +

Electrodes, temperature and

th e diff eren ti a l par ti a l pressu e o f O2 can be used for transport

Combination of oxygen-ion conducting

material and electronic conducting material

Doped CeO2

o 0.1 S/cm

aterials for separation membranes in hydrogen and oxygen producti o n and future powe r generation http://iopscience.iop.org/1468-6996/7/8/A06 >

Calcium Reagent S t ructure


76% vo l ume t r i c diff erence be t ween C a O an d C a Br 1

F ines can form which ma y le a d to p roduct sinterin g after substantial cycling.

C a TiO 3 i s use d as a bi n d er t integrity of the calcium pellet .

ma i n t a i n th e overa ll s t ruc t ura l

CaO is distributed as to allo w room for expansion and contraction.

1 Michele A . Lewis, Manuela S erban, and John K . Basco, Hydrogen Production at

<550°C Using a Low T e mperature Thermoch e mical Cycle, Argonne National Laborator y .

Calcium Reagent S t ructure

Courtesy of Elsevier, Inc., http://www.sciencedirect.com . Used with permission.

Hydrogen Storage

want to store 1 day's worth = 9000 kg

130 m 3 of liquid hydrogen

Courtesy of Elsevier, Inc., http://www.sciencedirect.com . Used with permission.

Refueling/Bio F uel D own/Power Down

if something goes wrong within hydrogen

o use stored hydrogen f o r 1 day

o shut down if needed f o r longe r

if biofuels shuts down

o hydrogen also shuts d own

Next Steps

A na l ys i s us i ng EES , ASPEN

Individual components

o heat exchangers

o compressors

Timing of flow switch

Chemical reactors

o p h y sical size

o solid reactants consumpti o n rate

Recovery of Br 2 and HBr

Quest ions?

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22.033 / 22.33 Nuclear Systems Design Project

Fall 201 1

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