Reactor Safety 22.091/22.903

Professor Andrew C. Kadak Professor of the Practice

Lecture 24

Current Regulatory Safety Issues

Topics to Be Covered

Reactor Vessel Integrity Embrittlement

PWR Sump Performance

Reactor Coolant System Weld Issues

Davis Besse Head Degradation

Fire Protection (Hemyc Insulation)

Plant Security and Terrorism

Ground water contamination t ritium

Safety Conscious Work Environment S afety Culture Human Factors

Reactor Vessel Integrity

Driven in part by Yankee Rowe Vessel Issue

Depending on weld and metal materials some vessels vulnerable to embrittlement

Need to have in reactor specimens to gauge degree of embrittlement

Reactor have chosen to manage fuel differently l ow leakage cores

Only major life limiting component in reactors

PWR Sump Performance

During a LOCA debris from paint, insulation and other materials will clog sump screens

Failing or cavitation recirculation spray

Net Positive Suction Head insufficient

Similar to BWR issue

Reactor Coolant System Weld Issues

Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking

Alloy 82/182/600 welds

Temperature, residual stresses, Nickel based alloys

Plants: Wolf Creek, V.C. Summer, South Texas Project, Crystal River 3, etc .

Solution i nspection and weld overlay

Fire Protection

Objective to prevent fires and failures due to fires that affect safety of the plant

Appendix R governing regulation

Required separation of trains

Insulation f ire doors f ire watches

Fire PRAs being developed

Problems with tests of some insulation H ymec failing to meet NRC fire retardant time issue.

Security and Terrorism

Aircraft Crash

Upgrade to physical security

Design Basis Threat F orce on Force

Ground Water Contamination

Water leaks containing tritium

Big issue at Brookhaven National Lab c hanged lab

Leaks in water systems at Indian Point, Braidwood, Callaway, Dresden, Bryon, Palo Verde, Quad Cities

Leaks frequently coming from spent fuel pool liners.

Public outcry

Reporting requirements refined

Levels of tritium still low within limits.

Recent Enforcement Actions

Reactor Ac tions

Exelon G e neration Comp a n y, L L C (Byr on Station) E A -08 - 0 4 6

Sig n if ic a n c e De t e rmin a t io n F i n d in g . T h e N O V in vo lv e d vio l a t ion s o f 1 0 CF R P a rt 5 0 , Ap p e n d ix B Cri t eri o n XV I , “Corrective A c ti ons” , and 10 CFR Part 50, A p pe n d i x B, Criter i o n III, “Design Control”. Sp e c if ically , the l i c e nsee failed to take time ly corrective acti ons afte r the id e n t i f i c a t i o n of e xt e n s ive c o rr os io n on e s s e n t ia l s e r vic e wa te r r i s e r p i p e s a n d f a i l e d t o ve rif y th e adequ a cy of the methodol ogy and design in pu ts in c a lc u l a t io n s th a t s up p or t e d t h e d e cis i o n t o a c c e p t t h re e d e g r a d e d e s s e n t ia l s e r v ic e wate r r i se r pipe s fo r continued servi c e.

O n A p ril 1, 2008, a No ti ce of Vi ol ati on (NOV ) w a s i ssued fo r vi ol ati o ns a s soci ated w i th a Whi te

Source unknown. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see .

Appendix B violation Q uality

Enforcement Action

Lumi nant Gen e r a ti on C o mpany , LLC (C oman ch e Pea k S t eam El ec tr i c St at i o n) E A - 08-0 2 8

Speci f icall y , Emergency Di esel Ge ne rator (EDG) 1 - 02 was made inoperable as a resul t of pai n t i n g a c ti vi t i es due to pai n t havi ng been de po si ted and rem a i n in g o n a t le a s t on e fu e l r a c k i n a locat i on that prevent e d moti on required to su pport th e oper ati on of the ED G. Thi s condi t ion caused E D G 1-0 2 to fail to start du ri ng a su rv eil l a nce te st on Nov e m b er 21, 20 07

O n F e bruar y 29, 2008, a No ti ce of Vi ol ati on w a s i s s u ed fo r a vi olati o n associ a ted w i t h a W h i t e Sig n ificance Determinatio n Find in g in v o lv ing a v i o l a t ion of the U n it 1 T e c h n i c a l Sp e c i f ic a t i o n (TS ) 3. 8.1, “A C S o urces - Oper ati n g, wh i c h requi r e s that while t h e p l ant is in Mod e s 1 , 2, 3 , o r 4, tw o di esel gener a to r s (D Gs) capa bl e o f su ppl y ing th e onsi te C l ass 1E pow e r di str i buti on subsy s t e m ( s) shal l be o p erabl e . Fr om Nov e m b er 1, 2007, t h ro ugh No vem b er 21, 2007, wh il e th e pl ant w a s i n Mode 1, one of the two DGs capabl e of suppl y i n g t h e on si te Class 1E po w e r di stri buti on su bsystem (s) w a s i n operabl e , and act i on was not take n t o ei th er r e s t o re t h e D G to a n o p e r a b l e s t a t u s w i t h i n 7 2 h o u r s o r b e i n M o d e 3 w i t h i n 6 h o u r s a n d M o d e 5 w i t h i n 3 6 h o u r s

Source unknown. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see .


Even though nuclear plants are performing to high capacity levels for the last 5 years - i ssues remain.

Safe operation requires constant vigilance, attention to detail and strong NRC oversight to assure that complacency does not set in.

Role of industry NEI and EPRI are important to resolution of generic issues to assure balance.

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22.091 Nuclear Reactor Safety

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