
What Happened and Why?

Lecture 20 INPO Slides

USSR - C hernobyl Location

RBMK Plant Schematic

RBMK - More Details

Plant Cross-sectional View

National Geographic, May 1987

RBMK-1000 Schematic

Why the Test

• Protect against Station blackout consequences

C h r onology of A c c i de nt

10 0 %

R ea ct o r P o w e r L eve l , %




A p r i l 2 5 A p r i l 2 6

0 1 : 1 9 Op e r a t o r s P u ll R o d s B e y ond A l l o w a bl e L i m i t s

0 1 : 00 O p e r at o r s B e g i n P o w e r D e sc en t

1 4 : 0 0 P o w e r D e scen t D e l a y e d f o r 9 H our s b y L o ad D i s p a t ch e r

1 3 : 0 0 T G #7

D i sco n n e c t e d

E C C S D i sc o n n e ct ed

I n t e n d e d T e s t P o we r

2 3 : 10 P o w e r

D esc en t R e s u m e d

1 2 : 2 8 O p er at o r s S w i t ch o f f L o cal A u to m a ti c C o n t r o l

(E r r o r )

Xe n o n

Bu i l d s U p

0 1 : 1 9 O p er at o r s B l o c k R eac t o r Tr i p S i gn a l s o n S t e a m S e p a r a t o r L e vel a n d

P r es su r e

Op e r a t o r

D i s c o n n e c t s Re a c t o r T r i p o n T /G T r ip

O p e r a t or s S t a r t 2 A d di t i ona l

Re a c t o r Sc r a m s

0 1 : 23 T G

D i s c o nne c t e d

T i m e ( n o t t o s c a le )

C o ol a n t P u m p s . Fl o w L i m i t s V i o l a t e d

\Chernobyl Violations

 Test conducted at power level below that prescribed by test procedure

 Control rods positioned in unauthorized configuration

 Authorized coolant flow exceeded

 Reactor scram signals bypassed

 ECCS disabled

Chernobyl During Accident

Post Accident Construction

of Sarcophagus

Unit 4 Today


Typical Structure in


Inside of Reactor Showing

Top Shield Plug

Schematic of Post Accident


Elephant’s Foot

Molten Fuel Solidified

Molten Fuel

Fuel Slag Piles

U n d ernea t h t h e reac t or

1 - F uel lava, 2 - poured concrete in 1986, 3 - the enclosure of passage to

otm. 3.00 m, 4 - d oor into pom. 214/2, 5 - cable of koroba.(Of ris.ya.e.y.).

Unit 4 Control Room

Prior Known Design Issues

ï‚· Positive Void Coefficient

ï‚· Slow, ineffective scram system

ï‚· Vulnerability to a "positive scram" phenomenon

ï‚· Slow complex monitoring and control system

ï‚· Inadequate separation of control and protection systems.

ï‚· Lack of full containment

ï‚· Overall lack of design consideration for the prevention and mitigation of reactivity excursion accidents.

Chernobyl Causes

 Overall management control not established

 Test procedure not reviewed for safety implications

 Operators felt sense of urgency

 Test delayed by load dispatcher

 Auto power level controller not adjusted

 Test procedure not followed

 Safety systems defeated

 Design dependent on adherence to admin and procedures for safe operation

Comparisons with TMI

• Both accidents occurred in early morning TMI-0400; Ch ernobyl 0100

• Both reactors w ere sensitive but:

TMI - u seful response cou ld have been taken over several hours but small inventory steam generator

Ch ern ob yl - response time was minutes to seconds due to positive void coefficiency

• General Complacency

• Warnings from sensors ignored

• Operators intentionally defeated the safety systems

• Poor training of operators

TMI - n ever trained for stuck-open PORV and no instructions in EOP Ch ern ob yl - n o simulator training

• Weakness in approval of operating proced ures

• Operators weak in understanding plant behavior

Some Cultural Insights---Human Behaviors Leading to Significant Events

 Lack of respect for the reactor core’s awesome energy

 Overemphasis on production or schedule with safety assumed

 Not using procedures or expected control room protocols

 Lack of rigor, discipline, high standards, oversight

 Non-conservative decisions made when faced with uncertainty (transient or unusual conditions)

 An insufficient questioning attitude – m aking assumptions


 Health Concerns

 Contamination

 Economic

 Loss generation

30 Km Exclusion Zone

Zone of Contamination

Current Condition - Need to

Replace Sarcophagus


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22.091 Nuclear Reactor Safety

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