Operational Reactor Safety

22.091 /22.903

Professor Andrew C. Kadak Professor of the Practice

Lecture 19

Three Mile Island Accident

Primary system

Pilot operated relief valve Secondary System

Emergency Cooling Pump

Feedwater line


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Figures © Hemisphere. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/fairuse .

September 24, 1977 - 9 :24 PM

Davis Besse Event:

Power Level 9%

Transient initiated - Loss of “feedwater” to steam generator

Temperature increased in reactor

Water level in pressurizer increased

Pilot Operated Relief Valve (PORV) opened

PORV did not close but stuck open

Reactor Automatically Shutdown

Emergency Feedwater pumps automatically started


Primary coolant system cooled and shrunk

Primary system

Pilot operated relief valve Secondary System

Emergency Cooling Pump

Feedwater line


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Event Sequence Continued

Primary circuit pressure dropped rapidly

Coolant leakage out of PORV

Coolant shrinkage (cooldown)

Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) automatically starts to provide more water

Operators monitoring water level in pressurizer which was changing until with ECCS water level became normal.

Operators shutdown ECCS cooling water system


However PORV still open - small break loss of coolant accident”

Event Sequence Continued

Since PORV was open - pressure kept dropping reaching “saturation pressure” of coolant which allowed the water to boil - f orming steam voids which caused the pressurizer water level to rise.

22 Minutes later, operators determined that there was a continuing primary coolant leak and closed the block valve downstream of the pressurizer.

Operators then restored cooling water by ECCS and water make up system of reactor and returned reactor to normal shutdown condition.



Core damage accident avoided by timely operator action.

NRC, Babcock and Wilcox and the utility investigated the incident

Neither NRC nor the nuclear steam supplier - B &W shared this information with other B&W plants or the rest of the industry.

1975 Rasmussen (MIT Prof) Report analyzed probabilistic risks (PRA) of nuclear plants

Conclusion - s mall break LOCAs are dominant accident contributors


NRC and critics did not want to use PRA is safety determinations


March 28, 1979


Courtesy of Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station. Used with permission.

Three Mile Island

What Happened and Why ?


Courtesy of Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station. Used with permission.

What Is Three Mile Island ?

TMI is a two unit nuclear plant site in Middletown, Pennsylvania

Unit 1- 792 Mwe: Unit 2 - 8 80 Mwe

Babcock & Wilcox Designed PWR

2 Steam Generators - once through

4 Main Coolant Pumps

Condensers cooled by Cooling Towers


Primary system

Pilot operated relief valve Secondary System

Emergency Cooling Pump

Feedwater line


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For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/fairuse .

Steam Generators


B&W Once T h rough Steam Generator Reci rculating U Tube Steam Generator

Courtesy of Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station. Used with permission.

Reactor Shutdown Signals


High Temperature Outlet

High Pressure

Reactor Building Pressure

Low Pressure

Power imbalance/flow

Reactor Coolant Pumps

ARTS - anticipatory reactor trip system

(not at TMI) - f or feedwater and turbine trip for Integrated Control System)



TMI Unit 2 - Newest Unit on Site

Small coolant leak in the pressurizer relief valve raises temperature downstream of valve which drains into the drain tank

Operators unaware that two valves on emergency feedwater valves were closed following maintenance (were supposed to be open).

Small blockage in a transfer line for demineralizer resins which could not be cleared.



Plant operating normally at 97% power

4:00:37 (AM) loss of condensate flow due to a condensate pump trip (shutdown).


Key Sequence of Events

Courtesy of Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station. Used with permission. 18


Courtesy of Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station. Used with permission.

Courtesy of Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station. Used with permission. 20

Courtesy of Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station. Used with permission. 21

Courtesy of Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station. Used with permission.


Courtesy of Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station. Used with permission.


Bubble Trouble

Hydrogen Production

Due to zirconium water reaction

Oxygen generation due to



Possible explosive mixture ?

Why or why not ?

Why missed in analysis ?

Was reactor vessel in danger of exploding ?

What was missing in the approach ?


NRC - I ndustry

Courtesy of Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station. Used with permission.


Figures © Hemisphere. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/fairuse .


Inside TMI Reactor Vessel Post Accident

Courtesy of Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station. Used with permission.


Courtesy of Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station. Used with permission.



Public Health and Environmental Consequences

Studies by EPA, Health and Human Services, DOE, NRC and the State of Pennsylvania

Thousands of environmental samples


Average dose to 2 million people in area < 1 mrem

Max dose at site boundary full time - 1 00 mrem

Natural background in area - 1 00-125 mrem/yr

1 Chest x-ray - 6 millirem

No adverse Health Effects


Lessons Learned (Good)

Water helps even if core is severely damaged

Vessel did not fail even with molten core in the bottom

No energetic steam explosion

Most fission products contained inside

Containments work


Lessons Learned (not so good)

Inadequate operator training - f ormed INPO

Instrumentation needs upgrading - d id it

Added Safety Parameter Display System

Added new instrumentation

Reactor Water Level

Post Accident Sampling System

Added Shift Technical Advisor to all shifts

Emergency planning needed upgrading - d one

Focused attention on severe accident research

Need new operator emergency response procedures - c ritical safety functions - d one

Risk focus should not be on Large Break LOCA but more likely events


Use of Probabilistic Risk Analysis to understand safety of plants not just depend on regulations

Courtesy of Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station. Used with permission.


Botto m Lines

Precursors are important indicators of problems - need to be addressed not ignored

Industry Complacency is a risk.

Attention to detail and understanding how plants work is vital

On-line risk monitors very helpful in gauging plant status

Knowledgeable and well trained staff and engineers very important


Management and Safety Culture hugely important to safe operations.


Read Rogovin Report Executive Summary

Analyze event from the perspective of why the accident happened and why it became a such serious problem. (Beyond the obvious of failing to recognize the open PORV). Given your experience in the simulators (recall that the simulator you were in did not represent control rooms of the 1970’s).

Consider operator training


Technical response


Control room Design and instrumentation

Fundamental design of reactor

Management culture

Read Steam Generator Report for background on designs


3 pages of analysis (11 font - 1.5 line spacing).

MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu

22.091 Nuclear Reactor Safety

Spring 2008

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