Teachin g Notes

Operationa l Reacto r Safet y Course

Lecture : 1 8 Pilgri m Statio n Backgroun d Inform ation

Objective :

This presen tation is inte nded to f a m iliar i ze s t ude nts with pla n t which the y will be vis iting for their simulator exercises. The presentatio n was m a de by the Pilgri m Training staff. Students sho u ld becom e f a m iliar with the layou t of the Pilgrim control bo ard and its b asic safety functions.

Ke y Point s t o Brin g Out:

Slid e num be r Point s

The key points are to have the st udents begin to think in an integrated system s response way to the possible transients in term s of core and balance of plant respons e. Key things to recall are heat rem oval and its affects o n reactivity and contain m ent functions.

Details of Pilgrim s m o nitor i ng lim its are des crib ed with an em phasis on containm ent perform an ce and heat rem oval. Specific term inology concerning monitoring lim its need to be explained since they are not covered in previous lectures. MFLPD, MAPRAT, MFLCPR, PCRAT, etc.

Andrew C. Kadak Page 1 of 1

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22.091 / 22.903 Nuclear Reactor Safety

Spring 200 8

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