Teachin g Notes
Operationa l Reacto r Safet y Course
Lecture : 1 7 – Seabroo k St atio n Sim u lato r Exercises
Objective :
The visit to the Seabrook sim u lator is f o r the students to gain a deep appreciation of what nuclear op erators do in n o rm al and transient a nd acciden t situ ations. This exercise is to get the students to apply their knowledge to actual operating events for analysis of the off-nor m a l event and what appropriate respons es need to be taken. The 4 plus hours spent in the sim u lator should have students ro tate key operator positions to see what the roles are and the tim ing of autom atic a nd operato r initiated actions acco rding to em ergency response procedures.
Ke y Point s t o Brin g Out:
Slid e num be r Point s
The key points in this exercise ar e to have students keep in m i nd the fundam e ntal m i ssion of core cooling and prevention of the release of radioactive materials from containm ent. W o rking closely with the training staff, st udents should be allowed to think through what needs to be done, why and when during the course of the transien ts and accid e nts sim u lated. At the en d of each sim ulation discuss what happened and why and review the challeng es faced by operators. M a ke it as real as possible in the role play to get the students to belie v e that they a r e actu ally in the control room.
Andrew C. Kadak Page 1 of 1
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22.091 / 22.903 Nuclear Reactor Safety
Spring 200 8
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