Teachin g Notes

Operationa l Reacto r Safet y Course

Lecture : 1 6 Seabroo k St atio n Backgroun d Inform ation

Objective :

This presen tation is inte nded to f a m iliar i ze s t ude nts with pla n t which the y will be vis iting f o r their s i mulator exe r cises. The pr esenta tio n was m a de by the Seabro ok Training staff. Also includ ed in the pr esenta tion was a lap to p sim u lator of the types of exercise s they m i ght try while at the simulator to g ain an appreciation of the control board and expected responses.

Ke y Point s t o Brin g Out:

Slid e num be r Point s

The key point is to have the student s begin to think in an integrated system s response way to the possibl e transients in term s of core and balance of plant response. Key things to recall are heat rem oval and its affects o n reactivity and contain m ent functions.

Andrew C. Kadak Page 1 of 1

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22.091 / 22.903 Nuclear Reactor Safety

Spring 200 8

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