Operational Reactor Safety

22.091 /22.903

Professor Andrew C. Kadak Professor of the Practice

Boiling Water Reactors Lecture 15

Topics to be Covered

Steam Cycle



Steam separation

Heat removal

Operating with voids

Plant systems

Reactor Protective System

Safety Systems

B W R Plan t Layou t

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BWR Plant Schematic

BWR Early

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Reactor Assembly

Prof. Andrew C. K

uclea r S c ien ce & Engineering Page 6

adak, 2008

Department of N

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Steam and Recirculation System

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Jet Pumps Recirculation System

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Steam Separator and Dryer

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Key Systems of BWRs

Standby Liquid Control System (SLCS)

For redundant shutdown c ontains boron

Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System (RCIC)

D eals with loss of feedwater flow

Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS)

S afety Relief Valve A utomatic Depressurization System

H igh Pressure Coolant Injection System (HPCI)

L ow Pressure Coolant Injection System (LPCI)

Control Rod Drive System

H ydraulic Control Units from bottom of reactor vessel

Residua l Hea t Remova l Syste m deca y hea t remova l

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Page 16

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Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008

gineering Page 17

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & En

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ADS Valve

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 18

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

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Reactor Power Control

Control rods g ross power changes

Recirculation Flow - +/- 25 % power Increase flow i ncrease power

Turbine Control P ressure control - constant

Generator demands more power t urbine slows down p ressure decreases m ore steam created - increase turbine power –then increase recirculation flow to compensate for reactivity loss.

Recall BWRs have negative void coefficient and Positive pressure coefficient

Reactor Trip Systems

High Pressure in Drywell

Low water level in reactor vessel

High pressure in reactor vessel

High neutron flux

High water level in scram discharge volume (control rods)

Closing of turbine stop or fast closure of turbine control valves

Main steam line isolation

High radiation levels in main steam lines

Leak detection

Lo w pressur e i n turbin e inle t

Trip Functions

Insertion of control rods (hydraulic control units in bottom)

Nuclear System Isolation

R eactor Coolant Pressure Boundary

C ontainment Isolation

C losed System Isolation


Read BWR handouts

Problem 3.3 El Wakil

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22.091 Nuclear Reactor Safety

Spring 200 8

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