Operational Reactor Safety

22.091 /22.903

Professor Andrew C. Kadak Professor of the Practice

Integration of Safety Analysis into Operational Requirements

Lecture 13

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 1

How is Nuclear Plant Safety Managed?

T here is a close link between:

C ore Design

P l a n t D e s i g n

S afety Analysis

NRC Requirements

O perating Requirements

O rganizational Structure

M anagement

S afety Culture

Plant Design to Licensing to Operations

Vendor proposes reactor plant design

Vendor performs core and plant design analysis demonstrating power and safety

Vendor summarizes all analyses in a Safety Analysis report which demonstrates compliance to NRC regulatory requirements 1 0 CFR Part 50.

Utility submits Safety Analysis and Environmental Report to NRC for review and acceptance.

Possible adjudicatory licensing hearings before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board

NRC Regulations - Examples

10 CFR Parts

http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/cfr /

10 CFR Part 50


Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 3

Chapter 15 Accident Analyses

B ased on Requirements of 10CFR Part 50 and all appendices A ppendix K LOCA


N ormal Operation and Operational Transients

L oss of feedwater

Infrequent Faults

Small pipe breaks

Limiting Faults

L oss of Coolant Accidents

Contents of Safety Analysis Report

G eneral Description

Site Characteristics

D esign Criteria SSC

R eactor Design

R eactor Coolant Sys.

Engineered Safety Features.

I nstrumentation & Controls

Electric Power

Auxiliary Systems

Steam & Power Conversion System

R adioactive Waste Management

R adiation Protection

C onduct of Operations

I nitial Tests and Operations

Accident Analyses

T echnical Specifications

Q uality Assurance

Roughly 15 - 3 inch thick Notebooks

Design Basis Accidents

O vercooling i ncrease in secondary side heat removal steam line break Pressurized thermal shock

U ndercooling –decrease in above

O verfilling r eactor water

L oss of flow

L oss of cooling L OCA (large and small) STGR

R eactivity r od ejection, power anomalies

Anticipated Transients Without Scram (ATWS)

External events tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, etc.

Beyond Design Basis Class 9 > leading to meltdown

NRC Requirements

D eterministic and prescriptive as to how to analyze accidents and allowed assumptions.

N RC reviews and licenses computer codes used in analysis.

T he results of the analyses identify operational limits, limiting conditions for operation, test and surveillance requirements - all of which are contained in the Technical Specifications

Key NRC Appendices to 10 CFR 50

A G eneral Design Criteria

B Q uality Assurance

G RV Fracture Toughness Requirements

H Reactor Vessel Surveillance Requiremts

I A llowed release limits from plant

J C ontainment leak rate testing

K E CCS rule

R F ire Protection

Other Requirements on Licenses

G eneric Letters

B ulletins and Orders

Information Notices

Maintaining Plant Design Basis current

C onfirmatory Action Letters

C ommitments made in response to the above

Design Basis Licensing Basis

Design Basis

H ow the plant is actually designed and works.

Licensing Basis

A ll the collected commitments of the licensee to the NRC including the safety analysis reports, technical specifications, etc.

NRC Oversight

NRC requires compliance to licensing basis:

T wo resident inspectors per site (plant)

S pecial inspections on key regulatory issues

Licensee event reports (LERs)

E nforcement actions based on performance

R eactor Oversight Process “risk informed performance based”

H ighly transparent w eb based

Reactor Oversight Process

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Source unknown. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/fairuse .

Reactor Oversight Process

NRC’s p rocess to monitor reactor performance


Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 4

Requires Balance


Rules Knowledge


Maintain Compliance to all NRC Regulations

O perate within safety envelope

Maintain Critical Safety Functions

R eactivity Control

C ore Heat Removal

S econdary Heat Removal

C ontainment Integrity

Make Electricity !

Managing Safety

T echnical Specifications are the key operational criteria

P rocedure Based

O p e r a t i n g

Abnormal Operating Procedures

Emergency Operating Procedures

M aintenance

E ngineering

S e c u r i t y

R adiation Protection (As Low As Reasonably Achievable)

Safety Envelope

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Control Room

T ools include

A utomatic Trips

S afety Parameter Display System of Critical Safety Functions

Risk Monitors

Key Process and control parameters

Risk Monitor

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Plant Manager

Site Vice President


Radiation Protection


I& C

E l ectrica l



P l ant Eng.

Systems Eng


Shift Tech Ad vi sors


Organizational Structure

Some companies have a centralized engineering and support organization that provides technical suppor t to a number of plants.

A Typical Non-Outage Day

M orning call w hat happened yesterday, overnight i ssues operability status days since last human error - LCOs

Risk monitor status P lant vulnerabilities

P lan for the day shift maintenance, tests surveillances

E lectric Generation

Plant Oversight Processes

Corrective Action Program

C orrective Action Review Board

Q uality Assurance Department Plant Operations Review Committee

Nuclear Safety Advisory Review Com.

External Review Boards

Institute of Nuclear Power Operations

Key Success Safety and Performance Factors

S afety Culture

B asic Design of Plant F ault tolerant

T raining O perations, Engineering, Mgt.

Q uality Assurance S elf Assessment

O rganizational Factors S ustain Safety

Regulations Motivate Safety (Risk Informed Regulations)

Homework Assignment

1. Use the Reactor Oversight Process site and identify the key safety issues in the last 2 quarters of the reactor nearest your home.

2. Based on the review of the performance indicators, identify the particular NRC inspection reports upon which the finding is based.

3. Summarize your review in a two page memo to me about the condition of this plant and the corrective actions being taken.

4. Are you satisfied with the safety of this plant?

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 2

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008

De pa r t me nt of Nuc l ea r Sc ie nce & Engi nee r ing Page 22

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22.091 Nuclear Reactor Safety

Spring 200 8

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