Operational Reactor Safety

22.091 /22.903

Professor Andrew C. Kadak Professor of the Practice

Safety Analysis Report and LOCA Lecture 10

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 1

Topics to be Covered

Safety Analysis Report C ontents

Chapter 15

T ransients and Accidents Analyzed

Loss of Coolant Accident Example

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 2

The Hazard (some fission-product isotopes)

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Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 3

Decay Heat

10 -1

10 -2

10 -3

10 1


10 -1

10 10 2

10 3

10 4

10 5

10 6

10 7

10 8

T ime After Shutdown(s)

1- hour 1-day 1-week 1-month 1-year


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Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 4

Source: Todreas & Ka zimi, Vol. 1




Control Reactor Power Control reactivity additions Shutdown reliably

Cool the Reactor and Spent Fuel Maintain coolant inventory Maintain coolant flow Maintain coolant heat sinks


M aintain Containment Integrity Prevent over-pressurization Prevent over-heating Prevent containment bypass

Capture Material Within Contain ment Scrubbing

Deposition Chemical capture

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Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Page 5

Emergency Safety Functions

Reactor Safety

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering Study, WASH-1400

Page 6

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008

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Emergency Coolant Injection

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 7

React o D r e S p a f r e t t m y ent of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering Study, WASH-1400


Emergency Coolant Recirculation

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Page 8

Reactor Safety Study, WASH-1400


Post Accident Radioactivity Removal

Reactor Safety Study, WASH-1400

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 9


Post Accident Heat Removal

Prof. Andrew C. Kada

ment of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering Page 10

Reactor Safety Stud y D , W e p A a r S t H-1400

k, 2008

PWR Engineered Safety Systems

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Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 11

BWR Early Engineered Safety Systems

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Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 12

Siting Criteria (10 CFR 100)

Consideration of:

Characteristics of reactor design

Population characteristics, exclusion area, low population zone, population center distance

Assume a bounding fission product release based on a major accident

Define an exclusion area of such size that an individual located at any point on its boundary for two hours immediately following the accident would not receive a total radiation dose to the whole body in excess of 25 rem (250 mSv) or a total radiation dose in excess of 300 rem (3000 mSv) to the thyroid from iodine exposure.

Define a low popula tion zone of such size th at an individual located at any point on its outer boundary who is exposed to the radioactive cloud during the entire period of its passage would not receive a total radiation dose to the whol e body in excess of 25 rem (250 mS v) or a total radiation dose in excess of 300 rem (3000 mSv) to the thyroid from iodine exposure.

A population center distance of at least 1.33 times the distance from the reactor to the outer boundary of the population center distance

Seismology, meteorology, geology, hydrology.

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 13

General Design Criteria (10 CFR 50 Appendix A)

http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc- collections/cfr/part050/

The principal design criteria establish the necessary design, fabrication, construction, testing, and performance requirements for structures, systems, and components importan t t o safety ; that is, structures, systems, and components that provide reasonable assurance that the facility can be operated withou t undu e ris k t o the healt h an d safet y o f th e public .

Six major categories:

Overall requirements

Protection by multiple fission product barriers

Protection and reactivity control systems

Fluid systems

Reactor containment

Fue l an d reactivit y contro l

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Page 14

The Single-Failure Criterion

“Fluid and electric systems are considered to be designed against an assumed single failure if neither (1) a single failure of any active component (assuming passive components function properly) nor (2) a single failure of a passive component (assuming active components function properly), results in a loss of the capability of the system to perform its safety functions.”

The intent is to achieve high reliability (probability of success) without quantifying it.

Looking for the worst possible single failure leads to better syst e m understanding .

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Page 15

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GDC 10 and 11

Criterion 10--Reactor design . The reactor core and associated coolant, control, and protection systems shall be designed with appropriate margin to assure that specified acceptable fuel design limits are not exceeded during any condition of normal operation, including the effects of anticipated operational occurrences.

Criterion 11--Reactor inherent protection . The reactor core and associated coolant systems shall be designed so that in the power operating range the net effect of the prompt inherent nuclear feedback characte ristics tends to compensate for a rapid increase in reactivity.

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Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 16

GDC 35

An ECCS must be designed to withstand the following postulated LOCA: a double-ended break of the largest reactor coolant line, the concurrent loss of offsite power, and a single failure of an active ECCS component in the worst possible place.

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Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 17

Defense in Depth

“Defense-in-Depth is an element of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s safety philosophy that employs successive compensatory measures to prevent accidents or mitigate damage if a malfunction, accident, or naturally caused even t occurs at a nuclear facility.”

[Commission’s W h ite Paper, USNRC, 1999]

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 18


NURE G D / e C p R a r - t 6 m 0 4 e 2 n , t 1 o 9 f 9 N 4 u . clea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 19


Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008

NURE G D / C e p R a - r 6 t 0 m 4 e 2 n , t 1 9 o 9 f 4 N . uclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Page 20

Safety Analysis Report Contents

Chapter 1 I ntroduction and General Description of Plant Ch apt er 2 S ite Ch aract eristics

Chapter 3 D esign of Structures, Com ponents, Equipment, and System s Chapter 4 Reactor

Chapter 5 Reactor Coolant Systems and Connected Systems Ch apter 6 E ngineered Safety Features

Chapter 7 Instrum entation and Controls Ch apter 8 E lectric Power

Chapter 9 A uxiliary System s

Chapter 10 Steam and Power Conversion System Ch apter 11 Radio active Waste M a n a g e ment Chapter 12 Radiation Protection

Chapter 13 Conduct of Operations Ch apter 14 Initial Test Program

Ch apter 15 Accid ent An alysis Ch apter 16 Technical Specifications Ch apter 17 Qu ality Assurance

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. K N a d U a R k , E 2 G 0 0 / C 8 R-6042, 1994.

Page 21

Design Basis Accidents

A DBA is a postulated accident that a facility is designed and built to withstand without exceeding the offsite exposure guidelines of the NRC’s siting regulation (10 CFR Part 100).

Each DBA includes at least one signi ficant failure of a component. In general, failures beyond those consistent with the single-failure criterion are not required (unlike in PRAs).

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. K N a d U a R k E , G 2 / 0 C 0 R 8 -6042, USN RC, 1994.

Page 22


Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 23

U.S. Atomic Energ y Commission, 1973.



1. I n c r e a s e i n H e a t R e mova l b y th e S e c o nd a r y System

1 . 1 F eed w a t e r s y s t e m m a l f u n c t io n s t h at r e s u lt s in a d e c r ea s e in f e e d w a te r te m p e r a t u r e .

1 . 2 F eed w a t e r s y s t e m m a l f unc t ion s t hat r e s u lt in an inc r e a s e i n f e e dw a te r f l o w .

1. 3 S t e a m pre s sure r e g u l a t o r m a lf u n c t i on or fa i l u re t h a t resu l t s i n i n c r ea s i ng st e a m fl o w .

1 . 4 I nadv e r ten t open i n g o f a s t e a m gene r a to r r e li e f o r sa f e ty valv e .

1 . 5 S pec t r um o f s t e a m s y s t e m p i ping f a ilu r e s in s i de and out s ide o f c onta i nmen t in a P W R .

2 . D e c r ea s e i n He a t R e m ova l b y t h e S e c o n d a r y S y s t e m

2. 1 S t e a m pre s sure s r e g u l a t o r m a lfunc t i o n o r fai l u re t h a t re s u l t s i n d e cr e a s i n g s t e a m fl o w.

2 . 2 L o s s o f ext e r nal el e c t r i c l oad.

2. 3 T u r bi n e tr i p ( s t op v a l v e c l o s ure).

2 . 4 I nadv e r ten t c l osu r e o f ma i n s t e a m i s olat i o n v a lve s .

2 . 5 L o s s o f conden s e r vacuu m .

2. 6 C o i n c i d e n t l o ss o f o n s i t e a n d e x t er n a l ( o ffs i t e ) a . c . p o w e r t o t h e st a t i o n .

2 . 7 L os s of n o r m al f e ed wat er fl ow.

2 . 8 F eed w a t e r p i ping b r eak .

3. De cr e a s e i n Re a c t o r Co o l a n t Sy st e m Fl o w Rat e

3 . 1 S ingl e and mu l tip l e r e ac t o r coo l ant pump t r ip s .

3. 2 B W R r e cir c u l a t i o n l o o p c o n t rol l er m a lf u n c t i o n s t h a t re s u l t i n de cre asi n g f l o w ra t e .

3 . 3 Re a cto r coo l ant pump sh a f t s e i z u r e .

3 . 4 Re a cto r cool a n t p u m p s h a f t b r e a k .

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Page 24

NUREG/CR-6042, USN RC, 1994.



4 . Re a c ti v i t y a n d P o we r Di str i b uti o n A n oma li e s

4.1 U ncont r o l l ed cont r o l r o d a s se m bly w i thd r a w s f r o m a s ubc r i t i c a l o r lo w po w e r st a r tup cond i tion ( a s s u m ing the m o s t u n f avo r abl e r e act i v ity cond i t ion s o f th e co r e and r e a c to r cool a n t s ys t em ) , i nclud i n g c on t r ol r od o r te m po r a r y c o nt r ol devi c e r e m o va l e r r o r d u r i ng r e f u e l ing.

4.2 U n cont r o l l ed cont r o l r o d a s se m b ly w i thd r a w s a t t h e pa r t i c ula r p o w e r l e ve l ( a s s um ing th e m o s t u n f a vo r a ble r e a c tiv i t y c ondit i o ns o f t he c o r e and r e ac t o r coo l ant sy s t e m ) tha t yi e l d s t he m os t se v e re re su l t s (l ow p o wer t o f u l l p o w er) .

4.3 Cont r o l r o d m a lope r a tion ( sy s t e m m a l f u n c tion o r op e r ato r e r r o r ) , in c l uding m a lope r a tion o f pa r t l e ngth cont r o l r o d s .

4.4 A m a l f unc t ion o r f a i l u r e o f t h e f l ow cont r o l le r in BWR loop tha t r e s u l t s in an inco r r e c t te m p e r a t u r e.

4.5 A m a l f unc t ion o r f a i l u r e o f t he f l ow cont r o l le r in BWR loop tha t r e s ul t s in an inc r e a se d rea c t o r c o o l a n t fl o w rat e .

4.6 C h e m i c a l a n d vol u m e c o n t rol sy ste m m a l f u n c t i o n t h a t re su l t s i n a de cre ase i n t h e boron con c ent r a t ion in the r eac t o r c oolan t o f a P WR .

4 . 7 I nadv e r ten t lo a d ing a n d o p e r a t i o n o f a f u e l a s s e m b ly in a n im p r ope r pos i tion .

4 . 8 S pe c t r u m o f r od e j e c tion ac c i den t s in a P W R .

4 . 9 S pe c t r u m o f r od d r o p ac c i den t s in a BWR .

5. In c r e a s e i n Re a c t o r Co o l a n t I nv e nto r y

5 . 1 I nadv e r ten t ope r a tion o f ECC S d u r i ng po w e r ope r a t i on s .

5.2 C h e m i c a l a nd vol u m e c o n t rol s y s t e m m a l f u n c t i o n (or o p e rat or e r ror) t h a t i n c r ea s e s re a c t o r coo l ant inven t o r y

5.3 A n u m b e r o f B W R tra n s ie n t s , i n c l u d i n g i t e m s 2. 1 t h rough 2 . 6 a n d i te m 1. 2 .

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 25

NUREG/CR-6042, USN RC, 1994.



6. De cr e a s e i n Re a c to r C o o l a n t In ve n t or y

6. 1 I n a d v er t e n t o p e n i ng of a pre ss uri zer safet y or r e li ef v a l v e i n a PW R or a s af e t y or re l i ef v a lv e in a B W R .

6 . 2 B r e a k in in s t r u m ent lin e o r othe r lin e s f r om r ea c to r c oolan t p r e s s u r e bounda r y t h at pen e t r a t e c onta i nmen t .

6 . 3 S te a m g e ne r a t o r tub e f a ilu r e .

6 . 4 S pec t r um o f BWR st eam s y s t em piping f a i lu r e s ou t s i d e of con t ain m ent .

6 . 5 L o s s - o f - cool a n t a c c i dent s r e su l t ing f r om the sp e c t r u m o f pos t u la t e d p i ping b r eak s w i t h in th e r e a cto r cool a n t p r e s su r e bounda r y , i n clud i n g s t e a m line b r e a ks in s i de o f c o nta i nmen t in a B W R .

6 . 6 A nu m b e r o f BWR t r an s i e n t s , inc l uding it e m s 2 . 7, 2.8 , and 1.3 .

7. Ra di o a c ti v e Re le a s e fr o m a Sub s y ste m o r Compon e n t

7.1 R a d i o a c t i v e g a s wa st e s y ste m l e ak or fa ilure .

7 . 2 R a d io a c ti v e l i q u id wa st e sy ste m l e ak o r fa ilu r e .

7 . 3 P os t u la t ed r a dioa c tiv e r e l ea s e s due t o l i quid tank f ai l u r e s .

7 . 4 D e s ign b a si s f u e l hand l i ng acc i d ent s in t h e conta i nmen t a n d s p ent f u e l s t o r ag e bui l d ing s .

7 . 5 S pent f u el c a sk d r op a c cid e nt s .

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 26

NUREG/CR-6042, USN RC, 1994.

Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) (January 1974, 10 CFR 50.46)

Postulate several LOCAs of different sizes and locations to provide assurance that the most severe LOCAs are considered.

Postulate concurrent loss of offsite or onsite power and the most damaging single failure of ECCS equipment (GDC 35).

Acceptance Criteria

Peak cladding temperature cannot exceed 2200 ºF (1204 ºC)

Oxidation cannot exceed 17% of cladding thickness

Hydrogen generation from hot cladding-steam interaction cannot exceed 1% of its potential

Core geometry must be coolable

Long-term cooling must be provided

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Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 27

Double Ended Guillotine Break

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Page 28

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008

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S c ien ce & Engineering Page 30

Department of Nuclea r

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2400 "

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Safety Valv e s Open

High Pressure Trip - Both Poxer

Operded Relief Vatves Open



Spr a g y r i V g alVe S Full Open


2350 psia


Pres sure

Both SpraY Valves Full


2300 ,

2275 ;'

Belo \ ’/ 2300 psia

Proportional Hea \ er Grou p " 0Fr



22@ -”

tontrnl Set P0lflf

All Batkug Heaters 0fF" ét<ve 2223


y l l Backup Heaters "Ok’" 8elow 22@

Low Pressure Alarn


Thermal Marain/Loa Pressure Trip

fi-°! .^1int \ Y'• h Varv BP‹hveen

1730 and ZSOS psia’


Thermal h \ arain/Low MininuwV»fue

P ress u T r r e ip

LP.':-LR Pressure Alarm and Satet

Injection Actuation Si¿nal

Pressure Control PrO§fan

7- 13

NEP 1 & 2

TABI• E 15 . 4- 1 c



Amendment Nl0 March 1978


0.6 DELL

0. 4 DECL

0.8 DECL


( Sec )


( Sec )


( Sec )


( Sec}


Rx Trip Signal



1, 16


0.94 *

1. 10

1. 16

1.02 *

Acc. IAjectioA



T9 4


End of BlowdOWD


23. 3



Bottom of Core Recovery

38 8




Acc. Eapcy


57. 4

63. 9


Pump Injection


26. EO

26› 16


23. 4




* From Containment Pressure Signal.

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NEP 1 & 2

TABL E l5.4-1d

Amendment N10

March 1978

Net Free Volume

Initial Conditions Pressure Temperature RWST temperature


2.987 x 10’ f 3

14. 7 psla 90°F


Raw water temperature Outside temperature Relative humidity

Spray System

Number of pumps operating Runout flow rate ( totaL ) Actuation time





6600 u

35 sec

Structural Eeat Sinks


Thicknes s ( ft )

Area ft 2

Containment Cylinder Containment Dome Containment Floor Containment Sump Miscellaneous Concrete Hiscellaneous Steel

.0313 steel, 4.5 concrete 70151

.0417 steel, 3 5 concrete 33867

4.0 concrete, .0208 steel, 9.0 concrete 13820

9.0 coocrete 972

1.0 concrete 160,000

0.2 steel 5,000

0.05 steel 65,000

0.03125 steel 90,000

0.030 steel 100,000

0.020 steel 70,000

0.0057 steel 45,000

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NEP 1 6 2

TABL E 1 3 . 4— 1 a


Amendment N10 March 1978


0. 6 DCCL

0. 4 DECL

0.8 DECI.

Peak Clad Temp. °F Peak Clad Locaclon Ft- .

Local Z ' 2 0 Rxn ( »a= ) z

Local Z •° Location Ft.







6. 7




2. 1






Total Z 2 0 Rxn Z

*0.3 *0.3



Hot Rod Burst Time sec





Hot Rod Burst Location Ft. 5.75

NSSS Pou’e:c J ct 102Z oC

Peak I.1neac Power kw/it 102Z o€

Peaking Factor ( At License Rating )

3. 75





Accuaulatoz Vatez Vo1uzae ( Cub1c J eeL ) 950

Puel region t cycle soslysed






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( 0d/d ) ¥3k0d


( s


033S )






Preliminary Safety Analysis Fleport



FIG. 15.4.1-14A •• = = ° ^

( 0’l ’O 59O3O - 3lVb AO98 >V@b8

Z 6 \ d 3 N

AN'o’dNOO tJ3/ \ / \ Od ON \ r1ON3 M3N



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( I Sd ) 3¥flSS3 \ Id






PreliIT \ inSry Safety Analysis Report


( sa


FIG. 15.4.1-4A

1 1 1 1 1 l I


I2 . 5

l O . O

5 . O


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( 1‹ ) 1353i k31Y/4


MARCH 197t

0 0 \ f 8 C 0 4 t £ R






N E P 1 & 2

Prel imii›ary Sule‹y An a vi is Fleport



FIG. 15.4.1-UA

( 0"t ’3 ) DOOZO 3dFlJ-Yu3dN3A O'b’13 1YZd

taodag stsAjeug Atajeg •^ u ! ^ !I ^* d

g 9 I d 3 N



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<<* I000





T0P0FC0R2 2000



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0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 2oo TlHE AFTER BREAS - SEC08DS

Figure 15. 4- 6, Double Snded Cold Leg Break ( Guillotine )

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15 . 4

NEP 1 6 2


Amendment NlO

Harch 1978

Refer to RESAR-3 ( 4-loop, without loop stop valves ) Section 15.4, with

the following modifications:

15 . k 1 Ha jor Reac tor Coo l ane S s tern PI e Ru tures

Los s o I Co o lan d Acc ident )

The analysis specified by 10 CIR Part 50.46 ( 1 ) Acceptance Criteria for Emergency Core Cooling Systems for Light Water Cooled Nuclear Power Reactors is presented in this section. The results of the LOPA analyses

are shown in Table 15.4-1a and show compliance with the Acceptance Criteria.

The analytical techniques used are in compliance with Appendix K of 10 CFR Part 50, and are described in Reference ( 2 ) The results for the small break LOCA are presented in subsection 15.3.1 of the PSAR and are in conformance with 10 CFR Part 50.46 and Appendix K of 10 CFR Part 50.

The boundary considered for the IDCA as related to connecting piping is

defined in RESAR-3, Section 3.6.

Should a major break occur, depressurization of the reactor coolant system results in a pressure decrease in the pressurizer. Reactor trip signal occurs when the pressurizer low-pressure trip set point is reached. A safety injection system signal is actuated wLen the appropriate set point is reached. These countermeasures will limit the consequences of the accident in two ways:

a. Reactor trip and borated water injection complement void formation in causing rapid reduction of power to a residual level corresponding to fission product decay heat.

b. Injection of borated water provides heat transfer from the core

and prevents excessive clad temperatures.

At the beginning of the blowdown phase, the entire reactor coolant system contains subcooled liquid which transfers heat from the core by forced convection with some fully developed nucleate boiling. After the break develops, the time to departure from nucleate boilin g is calculated, consistent with Appendix K of 10 CFR Part 50. Thereafter, the core heat transfer is based on local conditions with transition boiling and forced convection to steam as the major heat transfer mechanisms. During the refill period rod-to-rod radiation is the only heat transfer mechanism.

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NEP 1 & 2 Amendment N10

March 1978

When the reactor coolant System pressure falls below 600 psia, the accumulators begin to inject borated water. The conservative assumption is made that atcumulatoz water injected bypasses the.core and goes out through'the break until the termination of bypass. The conservatism is again consistent with Appendix K of 10 CFR Part 50.

15. 4. 1 . 1 Therma l An a ly s i s

a. Westinghouse Performance Criteria for Emergency Core Cooling

Sys eem

The reactor is designed to withstand thermal effects oaused by a LOCA, including the double-ended severance of the largest reactor coolant system pipe. The reactor core and internals, together with the emergency core cooling system, âre desigoed so that the reactor can be safely shut down and the essential heat transfer geometry of the core preserved following the accident.

The emergency core cooling system, even wheo operating during the injection mode with the most severe single active failure, is designed to meet the Acceptance Criteria.

b. Hethod of Thermal Analysis

The description of the various aspects of the LO€A analysis is given in Reference ( 2 ) . This document describes the major phenomena modeled, the interfaces among the computer codes, and features of the codes which maintain compliance with the Acceptance Criteria. The individual todes are described in detail in References ( 3 ) through ( 6 ) . The containment parameters used in the containment analysis code, Reference ( 6 ) , to determine the emergency core cooling system backpressure are presented in Table l5. $-1b .

The analysis presented here was performed using tLe October, 1975 version of the Westinghouse Evaluation Model. This version includes the modifications to the models, referenced above, as specified by the NRC in Reference ( 7 ) and complies with Appendix K of 10 CIR Part 50. The October, 1975 Westinghouse Evaluation M0del is documented in References

( 8 ) through ( 10 ) .

The analysis was performed using the conservative assumption that the fluid temperature in the upper head of the reactor vessel is equal to the reactor vessel outlet temperature. The effect of upper head temperature on ECOS perfomance is discussed iz References ( 13 ) anB ( 14 ) .

The time sequence of events for all breaks analyzed is shown in Table

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13. 4-1a

NEP 1 & 2 Amendment. N10

March 1978

The analysis was performed using a reference containment which has internal steel and concrete structural heat sinks which conform to the guidelines

of Branch Technica1 Position USB 6-1.

The containment initial conditions of 90 F and 14.7 psia are representatively low values anticipated during normal full-power operation. The initial relative humidity was conservatively assumed to be 98.8 percent.

The condensing heat transfer coefficient used for heat transfer to the steel contaioment structures for tbe limiting break is giVen in Figure 15.4.1-16.

The containment temperature respoose is presented in Figure 15.4.1-17 for

t:he l Smt ting break .

The containment sump temperatGre does not affect the analysis because the maximum peak cladding temperature occurs prior to initiation of the recirculation mode for containment spray system.

The mass and energy releases used iu the containment backpressure calculation for the limiting break are presented in Table 15.4-ie.

These results can be demonstrated to be conservative for NKP as follows:

Table 15.4-1b lists the reference containment parameters used in the calculation that yielded a peak clad temperature of 2148 P. Table 15 . 4—Id lists the NEP containment parameters. Pigure 15.4.1-18 shows containment pressure versus time for the limiting break for each set of containment

parameters. The figure demonstrates that the NEP back pressure is at all times higher than that of the contaioment used in the ECCS performance calculation. As a result, the core flooding rates for NEP l & 2 exceed the calculated flooding rates; the higher flooding rates will yield a peak clad temperature lower than 2148’S.

c. Results

Table 15.4-1a presents the peak clad temperatures, hot spot metal reaction, and other key results for a range of break sizes. The range of break sizes was determined to include the limiting case for peak clad temperature from sensitivity studies reported in References ( II ) and ( 12 ) .

The SATAN YI analysis of the LOCA is performed at 102 percent of Engineered Safeguards Design Rating. The peak linear power and core power used in the analyses are given in table 15.4-1a. The equivalent core parameter

at the license application power level are also shown in Table 15.4-1a. Since there is margin between the value of the peak linear power density used in this analysis and the value expected in operation, a lower peak clad temperature would be obtained by using the peak linear power density expec ted during op e rat 1 on .

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IS . 4-1 b

NEP 1 & 2 Amendment N10

Narch 1978

For the results discussed below, the hot spot is defined to be the location of maximum peak clad temperature. This location is given in Table 15.4-1a for each break size analyzed.

Figures 15.4.l-lA through 15.4.1-16 present the transients for the principal parameters for the break sizes analyzed. The following items are noted:

Figures 15 . 4 1-lA through 15. S. 1-3D

Figures lâ.4.l-4A

through 15.4.1-6D

figures 15.4.l-7A through 15.4.1-9D

Figures 15. 4. I -l0A

through 15 . k. I -10H

Figures 15.4.1-UA

through l5.4.l-I2D

Figures 15. 4 . 1 -l3A through l5 . 4 . l-13D

The following quantities are presented at the clad burst location and at the hot spot ( location of maximum clad temperature ) , both on the hottest fuel rod ( hot rod ) :

a. Fluid quality

b. Mass ve1ocity

c. Heat transfer coefficient

The heat transfer coefficient shown is calculated

by the LOGTA IV Code.

The system pressure shown is the calculated pressure in the core. The flow tate out the break is plotted as the sum of both ends for the guillotine break cases. The core pressure drop shown is from the lower plenum, near the core, to the upper plenum

at the core outlet.

These figures show the hot spot clad temperature transient and the clad temperature transient at the burst location. The fluid temperature shown is also for the hot spot and burst location, The core flow ( top and bottom ) is also shown.

These figures present the core reflood transient.

These figures show the emergency core cooling system flow for all cases analyzed. As described earlier, the accumulator delivery during blowdowo is discarded until the end of bypass is calculated. Accumulator flow, however, is established in refill-reflood cal- culations. The accumulator flow assumed is the sum of that injected in the intact cold legs.

These figures show the containment pressure transient.

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15.4- 1c

AP 1 G 2

Amendment Nl0

March 1978

Figures l5 .4. 1-UA These figures show the core power Irans ient. through 15.4. 1 -UD

Figure 15.4.1-15 This figure shows the break energy released to the

containment during blowdown.

Figure 15.4.1-16 This figure provides the containment wall condensing heat transfer coefficient.

In addition to the above, Tables 15.4-ie and l5.4-lf present the reflood mass and energy releases to the containment and the broken loop accumulator mass and energy flowrate to the containment, respectively.

The clad temperature analysis is based on a tota1 peaking factor of 2.32. The hot spot metal water reaction reached is 6.7 percent, which is well Lelow the embrittlement limit of 17 percent, as required by 10 CFR Part

50.46. In addition, the total core metal water reaction is less than 0.3 percent for all breaks as compared with the 1 percent criterion of 10 CFR Part 50.46.

The results of several sensitivity studies are reported in Reference ( 12 ) . These results are for conditions which are not limiting in nature and hence are reported on a generic basis.

Conclusion s - Therma l Analysis

Eor bzeatus up to and including the double-ended severance of a reactor coolant pipe, the emergency core cooling system will meet the Acceptance Criteria as presented in 10 CFR PART 50.46. That is:

a. The calculated peak €uel element clad temperature provides margin to the requirement of 2200 F even with containment parameters as conservative as those presented in Table l5.5-1b.

b. The amount of fuel element cladding tbat reacts chemically with water or steam does not exceed 1 perceât of the total amount

of Zircaloy iu the reactor.

The clad temperature transient is teminated at a time when the core geometry is still amenable to cooling. The cladding oxidation limits of 17 percent are not exceeded during oz after quenching.

d. The core temperature is reduced and decay heat is removed for an extended period of time, as required by the long-lived radioactivity remaining in the core.

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1 5 . A -1 ri

Reading and Homework Assignment

1. Read Knief Chapter 14

2. Problems: 14.9, 11, 12, 21, 23

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 29

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22.091 Nuclear Reactor Safety

Spring 200 8

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