Operational Reactor Safety

22.091 /22.903

Professor Andrew C. Kadak Professor of the Practice

Lecture 8

Power Cycles for Nuclear Plants Rankine and Brayton

Topics to be Covered

Review of Rankine Cycle

B a s i c

S uperheat

M ulti-fluid cycles

Brayton cycle

Pressure Ratios

Important Terms and Concepts

Enthaply - h = Btu/lbm (heat content)

Entropy - B tu/ 0 R

p .

Specific Heat - C B tu/lbm 0 R at constant pressure

Mass Flow Rate = m - l bm/ h . r


Pressure Ratio - P 2 /P 1 (For g as systems)

Power W atts - B tu/hr

Work - B tu

Efficiency - ( W t - W p ) / Q in (Heat Added)

Governing Equations

Heat Transfer

M ass flow, specific heat, temperature

M ass flow, specific enthalpy

E fficiency factors h eat loss

Use of Steam Tables


Rankine Cycle

Thermal Efficiency = Hea t Adde d - H ea t Rejected

Heat Added

Important Equations

Q in = m . (h 1 - h B )

Q in = C p m (T in T ou )


W t = m . . (h 1 - h 2 ) W p = m (h B - h 3 )

Rankine Cycle with Feedwater Heaters

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008

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Power Cycles

Binary Cycle Plants

Gas Reactor Cycles

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Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

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Brayton Gas Cycle - O pen

Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

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Perfect Gas Relationships

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Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 13

Indirect Brayton Open Cycle

Brayton Cycle D irect Closed





Indirec t Close d Cycl e Ga s t o G as

Indirect Gas to Steam Generator

Specific Heats of Gases

Ideal Brayton Cycle

Non-Ideal Brayton Cycle

Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

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Gas-Steam Reactor Power Plant

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Reading and Homework Assignment

1. Outside Reading El Wakil Chapters 7, 8

1. Handout Problem

Handout Problem

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22.091 Nuclear Reactor Safety

Spring 200 8

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