Teachin g N o tes
Operation a l Reacto r Saf et y Course
Lecture : 5 – MI T Reacto r Physic s E xercis e - Po we r Change
Objectiv e:
Students should gain appreciation of the reac tor physics concepts discussed up to this point. They are: reactiv ity eff ects of control m o vem ent, the prom pt drop up as well as the effect of delayed neutro ns, the effects of therm al feedback as well as the reactivity m easure m ents of control rod worth. E ach stude nt wa s a l l o we d t o c h a nge power, either up or down, and to deal with the sensitivity of pe rio d s and the a b ility to b r in g the re acto r to a steady-state power level cons idering feedback effects rod position m ove ments and possible power overrides. The students were to m aintain control within technical specification lim its of period and to s t abilize the reacto r at a constant pow er lev el.
Please see th e video tape of the class to apprec iate the natu re of this ex erc i s e.
What this brought hom e to the students was that the concept that they learned in class are real.
Andrew C. Kadak 1
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22.091 / 22.903 Nuclear Reactor Safety
Spring 200 8
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