Operational Reactor Safety

22.091 /22.903

Professor Andrew C. Kadak Professor of the Practice

Lecture 3

Reactor Kinetics and Control

Topics to Be Covered

Time Dependent Diffusion Equation

Prompt Neutrons

Delayed Neutrons

Point Kinetics Equation


Inhour Equation

Feedback - F uel-Doppler, Moderator, Power

Reactor Control

Key Concepts

Time Dependent Diffusion Equation

R ate of change = rate of production r ate of absorption r ate of leakage

Prompt neutron keff

Reactivity ρ = (k -1)/k

Mean neutron generation time l* = 10 -7 sec

Reactor Period T = l*/ ρ

Time to increase power by factor of e

Impact of Delayed Neutrons

99 % of Neutrons are Prompt r eleased at time of fission

Fission Products also release neutrons with some delay based on half life - P recursors

20 Precursors grouped into 6 groups with half lives ranging from 0.25 sec to 1 minute

Delayed neutron fraction

ß i = delayed neutrons from precursor group C i /v

Delayed Neutrons

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Neutron Balance

Prompt source

Delayed source

Time Dependent Neutron Balance Equation

Key Kinetics Equations

Point Kinetics Equations

Inhour Equation

Average Delayed Neutron from Uranium and Plutonium

Delayed neutrons are produced at about ½ t he energy of prompt neutrons

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Reactivity Insertions

Reactor follows point kinetics equations

Prompt jump d rop

Asymptotic Period c onsidering delayed neutrons

Prompt critical t ransition to prompt from delayed control ρ = ß

Period of core used to start up reactor 80 sec.

$ = ρ / ß

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak,

partment of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering Page 10



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Reactivity Feedbacks

Fuel Temperature

T hermal expansion

D oppler


Fuel Motion bowing

Reactivity Coefficients

Fuel Temperature

Moderator Temperature

Moderator Density

Void Coefficient

Power Coefficient

Doppler Broadening

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Reactivity Feedback

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Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering Page 15

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Reactor Control

Inherent feedback mechanism

Fast f uel

Slow moderator

Control Rods

R elatively fast but rod worth an issue

- Rod ejection

- Rapid withdrawal

Soluable Boron e ffect on Moderator Temp. Coefficient

Homework Assignment

Knief C hapter 5

P roblems: 1,4,6,9

Read Chapter 6 for next class

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22.091 Nuclear Reactor Safety

Spring 200 8

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