Operational Reactor Safety

22.091 /22.903

Professor Andrew C. Kadak Professor of the Practice

Spring 2008

Lecture 2: Reactor Physics Review

Topics to Be Covered

C ross Sections

F ission Process

I nfinite Reactor Systems

F inite Reactor Systems

Four Factor Formula

C riticality Control

D iffusion Theory

N eutron Transport (Boltzman Equation)

Nuclear Reactor Physics Review

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Cross Sections

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Cross Sections

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Uranium Cross Sections

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Fission Chain Reaction

Source unknown. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/fairuse .

Fission Neutron Energy

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Fission Energy

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Fission Product Decay Chain

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Fission Yield by Mass Number

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Chart of the Nuclides

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Conversion Chain: Fertile Fissile

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Reaction Rates*

How do we make power?

Factors to consider in design

C hanges in fuel material

Life of reactor core

R eactivity swing

Refueling strategies


Page 13


- l/v reg io n



0,001 eV

l og E

l MeV 10 McV

Neutron Moderation Parameters

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Infinite & Finite Reactor Systems*

Infinite Systems

N eutron Multiplication

Four Factor Formula

Finite Systems

L eakage

Six Factor Formula

Diffusion Theory

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Courtesy of John A. Bernard. Used with permission.

John A. Deniard Subcrizi al klulhplicalion und Reactor plan up

Com e Mult i licatio n Factor

I . It is useful to define a ’core multiplication faclor' W lCh is denoted by ihc symbol 'K’ and which is ihc prDduct of the siK factors that definc ihe neutron life cycle. Titos,

2. The abo v c expression, which lS Gdlled the 'six-faclor ftirrnul a, ha.s physical mo.ariing:

K = Neutron s Produce d fro m Fissio n or

Neurons Absorbed + Neutron LRakage

_ Numbe r Neuron s i n Presen t Generatlof l


Number Neutrons in Preceding Generation

K= n , n 2 . n when n is the number of

I l p T ) j f t - 2 neutrons in each generation.

3. If K is unity, the reactor is critical.

4 If we know thc K-vfiluc for a reactor core, we Can determine lhc rate of ch.ange of its neutron populatlon. This is mosl useful in reactor startups.

Definitions of Neu

t = Tot £ Numbe r o f Pas t Neutron s Produce d ño n Fas t an d Therma l Fi ssio n

Number of Fast Neutrnns Produced from ¥hemal Fission


Tota l Nu mbe r o f Fas t Neuiron s Reapin g Leakag e

f * Total Number of Fart Neutrons Produced ñoin Fast and Thermal Fissinn

Total Number of %ermalized Neuirons

Total Numbsr of Past Neutrons Hscaping L ea kage

p Tola l Numbe r o f Them d Neuron s Escapin g Leakage


TDtal Number of ThermalIzed Neutrons

John A. Dam:nd

SutrnotñMuliplcatonaV RcJLlor Sl up

Definition s o f Neutro n Lif e Cycl e Fac t or s ( cont. )

f = Th e rma l Neuro n s Absorbe d i n Fu el TDtal Number of Thermal Neutrons Escaping Leakage

Themal Neurons Captured in FuRl Which Cause Flssion


Thermal Neutrons Absorbed in Fuel

Number of Fast Neutrons Roduccd from Thermal Fission

Thermal Neutrons AbSorbed in the Fuel

Of the above factors, the reactor operator can alter 'I by changing the contr ol rod position or by ad justin g the soluble poison content. The leakage terms zlso var y durlflQ r ou tine operation whenever coolant temperature changes. The olher terms are fixed by the fucl type.



Escape From Reactor

- Reactor length scale: L - m

- Neutron length scale: - 0.1 m

- Probability of Escape Grows as ( l7L ) Grows

Capture By React o r Materials

- Control materials

Control rods ( e.g., B, Cd )

Bunable poison s ( e.g„ Gd, 5m )

- Structural materials ( Fe, Zr )

- Moderator, used to slow down neutrons ( H, C )

- Coolant, used to remove heat from reactor ( H2O, He, Na )

Courtesy of Michael W. Golay. Used with permission.

Criticality Control

K should = 1 for 18 to 24 months

H o w ?

F uel excess reactivity (fuel)

Balance with control rods or soluble boron

Burnable poisons in fuel to deplete with time


O n-line refueling C ANDU Pebble Beds

Diffusion Theory*

O ne group

N eutron Balance for critical reactor

C onsider production absorption and leakage

M ulti-group

Include different energy groups

Diffusion Theory Fluxes and Bucklings

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Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 28

Multigroup Calculations

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Diffusion Theory Flux Shapes

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Fast and Thermal Flux Shapes

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Figures © Hemisphere. All rights reserved.

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Boltzman Equation

Neutron Transport Theory

Fundamental Equation of neutron interaction


Knief Chapter 4

Problems: 4.3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15

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22.091 Nuclear Reactor Safety

Spring 200 8

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