Operational Reactor Safety

22.091 /22.903

Professor Andrew C. Kadak Professor of the Practice

Spring 2008


Course Learning Objectives

The course will focus on understanding the complete nuclear reactor system including the balance of plant, support systems and resulting interdependencies affecting the overall safety of the plant and regulatory oversight.

Reactor Physics

Power Conversion

Safety Functions and Systems

Risk Assessment

Simulator Exercises

Technical Specifications

Safety Culture

Course Overview

Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

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Course Overview Cont’d

Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

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Grading Components

Homework Quiz #1



Quiz #2


Quiz # 3

2 0%

Final Exam 25%

Late Homework will receive up to 1/2 full credit

Lecture 1: Overview of Nuclear Reactors

Learning Objectives:

Gain broad understanding of PWRs, BWRs, HTGRs

Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Calvert Cliffs - M D

Diablo Canyon

Prairie Island - M N

Indian Point - N Y

Prairie Island site - M N

Robinson - S C

Surry - V A

Objectives to Make Electricity

1. Make heat

2. Remove heat using a fluid or gas

3. Pass the fluid or gas through a turbine

4. Turning an electric generator to make Electricity

Removing Heat

Fluid (water or liquid metal) or gas is pumped through the core to remove heat generated in fuel due to fissioning.

Pumps needed to circulate coolant

Transfer directly to turbines or to steam generators (PWRs)

Condense steam to recirculate back to the core to provide cooling

Basics of Power Conversion

Replaces fossil Boiler but no


Boiling Water Reactor

Just like a coal oil or natural gas plant

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Power Reactor Types

P ressurized Water Reactor

B oiling Water Reactor

Natural Uranium Heavy Water Cooled Reactor (CANDU)

RBMK - R ussian Chernobyl Like - W ater Cooled

F ast Reactors - L iquid Metal (Sodium)

Gas Reactors (CO 2 or Helium Cooled)

M olten Salt Cooled Reactors (Organic Coolants)

Making Heat

Use the fissioning of uranium atoms (or plutonium) to release 200 Million electron volts per fission.

Need to enrich natural uranium to 3 to 4 weight percent U-235 (from 0.7% found in nature.

Need to fabricate uranium into pellets clad in zironium fuel assemblies which are placed into the reactor core.

Fission Event

FF 1

FF 2



n U-235 n

Release of excess neutrons creates the potential for chain reaction.

The energy (mostly as kinetic energy of the fission fragments) is substantial.

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Energy Release

1 fission = 200 Mev

1 gram U-235 fissioned = 8.6x10 10 joules = 24,000 kwh (Equivalent to lighting a small city for overnight) 24,000 kwh requires 3.2 tons of coal

12.6 bbls oil Energ y Densit y (energ y / mass)

Energy Density of U-235 = 28,000 times energy density of coal

Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 16


Inserting pellets into pins

Fuel Pins

Fuel Assembly

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Creating the Reactor Core

Reactor Core

Need to model uranium fuel

Reactor internals

Coolant flow

Apply Reactor Physics

Develop neutron flux solutions

Yields power distributions

Creates heat that mu st be removed

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Important Factors in Design

Reactor Core Design F uel Design

Reactor Physics - Core Power Distribution

Reactivity Control - A bility to shutdown plant

Safety Analysis - n o fu el failure or melting

Core Heat Removal

C oolant - H eat Transfer

S afety Systems (Emergency)

Confinement of Radioactivity

Electricity Production

Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 20

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008

Boiling Water Reactors

Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 24

BWR Power Cycle

Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

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Schematic Arrangement of a BWR

Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

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A.V. Nero, Jr. , A Gu ideboo k to Nuc lear R eacto r s , 1979

BWR Fuel Assembly

Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

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BWR Core Lattice

Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

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B W R / 6: General Des c r iption of a BW R,” GE, 1980.

Pilgrim Nuclear Plant

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Pressurized Water Reactors

Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008 Page 30

Schematic of Pressurized Water Reactor

Pressurized Water Reactor Schematic

E l e c tr ic Ge n e r a to r

Co n c r e t e a n d S t e e l C o nta inme n t

P r i m a r y S i d e S e c o nd a r y S i de

Pr ima r y Co n c r e t e Sh ie ld

15 .5 M P a

Co n t r o l Rod s

P r e s s u r i z e r

32 4 Þ C

S t e a m to T u r b ine

6. 9 M P a

2 85 Þ C

St e a m Gen e r a t or

Tu r b i n e

Tu r b i n e B y p a s s

Co n d e n ser

- 40 Þ C

- 15 Þ C

Gr id

Re a c to r Co r e

Pr ima r y Ve s s e l

29 2 Þ C

Pr ima r y Co o l a n t P u m p

Hig h - P r e s s u r e H e a t e r s

Fe e d Pump

Co o l i n g To w e r

Lo w - P r es su r e Hea t e r s

Co n d e n s a t e Pu m p

Typical Four-Loop Reactor Core

Cros s Sectio n (19 3 Fue l Assemblies)

Parameter s

Total heat output ~3250-3411 MWT

Heat gener ated in fuel 97.4%

Nominal s ystem pressure 2250 psia

Total coolant flow rate ~138.4 x 10 6 lb/hr Coolant Temper ature

Nominal inlet Average rise in vessel Outlet from vessel

557.5 ˚ F

61.0 ˚F

618.5 ˚ F

Equivalent core diameter 11.06 ft Core length, betwee n fuel ends 12.0 ft Fuel weight, uranium (first core) 86,270 kg Number of fu el assem blies 193

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Masche, G., Syst ems S u mmary: W PWR NPP, 1971

PWR Fuel Assembly

Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

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The Byron plant (photo courtesy Commonw ealth Edison) is typical of a large US Pressurized Water Reactor plant. Each reactor is 1105 M W e a nd they came into commercial service in 1985 and 1987 respectively .

Gas Cooled Reactors

Fort St. Vrain - 330 MWe

Power Cycle - Brayton

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Ceramic Fuel

Py roly tic Carbon Silicon Carbid e Porous Carbon Buffer Uranium Oxy carbide

TRISO Coated fuel particles (left) are formed into fuel rods (center) and inserted into graphite fu el elements (right).


Prof. Andrew C. Kadak, 2008

Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

Page 38

L - 029(5 ) 4-14-94

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Modular Pebble Bed Reactor

Thermal Power

250 MW

Core Height

10.0 m

Core Diameter

3.5 m


UO 2

Number of Fuel Pebbles


Microspheres/Fuel Pebble


Fuel Peb ble Diameter

60 mm

Microsphere Diameter

~ 1mm



Reading and Homework Assignment

1. Read Knief Chapter 1

Problems: 1.9, 1.10, 1.12

2. Read Knief Chapter 2

Problems: 2.7, 2.12

3. Read Knief Chapter 4

Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering

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22.091 Nuclear Reactor Safety

Spring 2008

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