Critiques of Expected Utility Theory
14.123 Microeconomic Theory III Muha met Yildiz
Allais Paradox
Choose A or B, then C or D.
(A) Win $1 million f o r s u r e .
(B) Win $ 5 M wit h 10% ch anc e, $1 M wit h 89%, nothing with 1%.
(C) Win $1 M wit h 11% ch anc e, no thing wit h 8 9 %.
(D) Win $5 M wit h 10% ch anc e, no thing wit h 9 0 %.
Choi ce of A and D violates expected utility:
Allais Paradox, Graphically
Pr($ 5) 1
I n d i ff er e n ce cur v e s
∙ B’
A ∙ B
D ∙
1 Pr($ 0)
“Common consequence” paradox: A B but D C .
“Common ratio” paradox: A B’ but D C .
indifference curves fan out . |
Betweenness w ithout Independence |
W eighted E xpected U tility: |
W ( p ) = ∑ x X γ ( x ) p ( x ) u ( x )/[ ∑ x X γ ( x ) p ( x )] . |
R ank- D ependent E xpected U tility |
R ( p ) = ∫ u( x ) dw ( p ( x )) . |
And many others |
Probability Weighting Function
Ellsberg Paradox
An urn contains 99 balls, colored, Red , Black and Green
There are 33 Red balls;
the combi nation of the other colors i s not known.
You choose a color and we dr aw a ball.
If the ball is of the color chosen, you win $1. What color woul d you cho o se?
If the ball is not of the color chosen, you win $1. What color would you choose?
Resolution: Ambiguity Aversion
Compounded lotteries are not reduced to simp le lo tteries
Ambiguity aversion:
max a mi n p E p [ u ( a )]
Smooth ambiguity aversion:
max a E [ v ( E p [ u ( a )])]
“Outbreak of disease is about to kill 600 people. Choose treatment program A or B; then C or D.”
(A) 400 p eop le di e .
(B) No bo dy dies with 1/ 3 c h a n c e , 6 0 0 p e o p l e d i e with 2/3 c h a n c e .
(C ) 200 peop le sa ve d .
(D ) All sa ve d w i t h 1 / 3 cha n c e , n obod y sa ved w i t h 2 / 3 chance.
78% of subjects pi ck B, 28% of subjects (in different group) pick D. But A is equi valent to C, B is equi v al ent to D (apart from wording).
Prospect Theory
“Edit the decision problem”
Distort the probabilities using inverted S shape
Apply a reference-dependent S shaped utility function
Ri sk aver sion towards gains
Ri sk takin g towards losses
“Loss aver sion”
Prospect Theory
Reference-dependent Utility Function
x 0
Prospect Theory Formula
U ( x | w , x ₀ ) = ∫ u ( x | x ₀ ) dw ( F ( x ))
Properties & Problems:
What is reference point?
Fra m ing
Dynamic Programming
M IT OpenCourseWare
1 4.123 Microeconomic Theory III
Spring 2010
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