Lecture 3

Nuclear Data

22.106 Neutron Interactions and Applications Spring 2010

Common Misconceptions

It’s just a “bunch” of numbers

J ust give me the right value and stop changing it.

Traditional evaluation method

Exp. data

Analysis &

line fitting


x- sections

Comparison &

mer ging


Model param.

Model calculations


x- sections

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Theoretical model

C omputer code SAMMY

U s ed for analysis of neutron and charged particle cross-section data

U s e s Bayes method to find parameter values

G eneralized least squares

U s es R-matrix theory to tie experimental data to theoretical models

R eich-Moore approximation

Breit-Wigner theory

T reats most types of energy -differential cross sections

T reats energy and angle differential distributions of scattering

F its integral data

Generates covariance and sensitivity parameters for resolved and unresolv ed resonance region

Three energy regions

R esolved resonance range

E xperimental resolution is smaller than the width of the resonances; resonances can be distinguished. Cross-section representation can be made by resonance parameters

R -matrix theory provides for the general formalism that are used

U nresolved energy range

Cross-section fluctuations still exist but experimental resolution is not enough to distinguish multiplets.

Cross-section representation is made by average resonance parameters

F ormalism

Statistical models e.g. Hauser-Feshbac h model combined with optical model

lev el dens ity models, ….

P robability tables

Th e U n r e s ol ve d R e s on an c e R an ge (U R R )

- E ne rg y r a nge ov e r w hi c h re s ona nc e s a r e s o n a rro w a nd c l os e t oge t he r t ha t t h e y c a nnot be e xp e ri m e nt a l l y re s ol ve d .

- A c om bi na t i on o f e xpe r i m e nt a l m e a s ure m e nt s of t he a v e ra ge c ros s s e c t i on a nd t he ore t i c a l m ode l s y i e l ds di s t ri bu t i on fun c t i on s fo r t he s pa c i ngs a n d w i dt h s .

- T he d i s t ri but i ons m a y be us e d t o c om put e t h e ‘d i l ut e -a v e ra ge c ro s s s e c t i ons :

4 2 2 g 2



2 l 1 s i n 2


n, l , J


s i n 2

l k 2

l k 2

J D l , J

l , J

n, l , J l

c E

2 2 g



k D

n, l , J , l , J

l J

2 2

l , J

g J

l , J

n, l , J f , l , J

f E

k 2 D

l J l , J

l , J

l = orbi t a l a ngul a r m om e nt um qua nt um no. , J = s pi n of t h e c om pound nuc l e us

k = w a ve num be r , g J = s pi n s t a t i s t i c a l fa c t or, l

= ph a s e s hi ft

n , l , J , , l , J , f , l , J , l , J

= n e ut ron , c a pt ure , f i s s i on, a nd t ot a l w i d t hs

D l , J

= r e s ona nc e s pa c i ng, de not e s a v e ra gi ng ove r t he di s t ri but i on(s )

Image by MIT OpenCourseWare .

Use of dilute average cross section in the unresolved resonance range.

Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.

The Pr obability T able Method

- Concept developed in the early 1970s by Levitt (USA) and Nikolae v , et al . (USSR).

- Uses the distributions of resonance widths and spacings to infer distributions of cross section values.

- Basic idea:

- Compute the probability p n that a cross section in the URR lies in band n

& defined as ^ n -1 < ^ n .

- Compute the average value of the cross sections ( n ) for each band n .

- Following every collision (or source event) in a Monte Carlo calculation for

& which the final ener gy of the neutron is in the URR, sample a band-averaged

& cross section with the computed probabilities and use that value for that neutron & until its next collision.

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M ath e mati c a l Th e or y of th e P r ob ab i l i t y Tab l e M e th od

- p t ( , E ) d proba bi l i t y t h a t t he t ot a l c ros s s e c t i on l i e s i n d a bout a t e ne rg y E

- A ve ra ge t ot a l c r os s s e c t i on:

t ( E )

d p t ( , E )

- Ba nd proba b i l i t y:

p n ( E )

ˆ n

ˆ n 1

d p t

( , E )

- Ba nd-a ve r a g e t o t a l c ros s s e c t i on:

t , n

( E )


p n ( E )

ˆ n

ˆ n 1

d p t

( , E )

- q ( , E

) d

c ondi t i ona l p roba bi l i t y t ha t t h e pa r t i a l c ros s s e c t i on of t y p e l i e s i n

d a bou t gi v e n t h a t t he t ot a l c ros s s e c t i on ha s t he va l u e

- Ba nd -a ve r a ge pa rt i a l c ros s s e c t i o n:

( E ) 1

ˆ n

d p (


( , E )

, n

p n ( E )


n 1

t , E ) 0 d

U nf or t unat e l y , c om put i ng

p t ( , E )


q ( , E )

di r e c t l y i s an i nt r ac t abl e pr obl e m .

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Monte Carlo Algorithm for Generating the T ables

- Use ENDF/B parameters to create probability distribution functions (PDFs) for resonance widths (W igner distribution) and spacings (chi-squared distributions).

- Randomly sample widths and spacings from PDFs to generate 'fictitious' sequences (realizations)

of resonances about the ener gy E for which the table is being created.

- Use single-level Breit-W igner formulae to compute sampled cross section values at E:


E 4 2 l 1 s i n 2


s s, sm oot h

k 2 l


g n r

c os 2

1 n r

, X

s i n 2

, X

k 2 J

l r r l r r

l J r R lJ



E , sm oot h

E 4 g

k 2 J

n r r


r , X r

c , f

l J r R lJ r

, sm oot h = tabulated background cross section, s , c , f

n , r , , r , f , r , r = neutron, capture, fission and total widths for resonance r

R l J = set of sampled resonances for quantum number pair ( l,J )

, = Doppler functions, r r 4 k B T E A , X r 2 E E r r , A = atomic mass

- Use the sampled cross sections to compute band averages and probabilities.

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H igh energy region

N o cross-section fluctuations exist. Cross- sections are represented by smooth curves.

F o r m a l i s m

Statistical models e.g. Hauser-Feshbach

I ntra-nuclear cascade model

Pre-equilibirum model

Evaporation model

Cross section measurements

Cross section evaluation

Cross section processing

Point data libraries

Multigr oup libraries

Data testing using transport m ethods and integral experimen ts

T ransport methods

Cro ss section proces sing methods

Sensitivity and uncertainty a nalyses

Cross sections for user applications

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H igh flux (10 14 n/s )

E xcellent Resolution ( Δ t = 2-30 ns)

f aciliates better evaluations

White” neutron spectrum from 0.01eV to 80 MeV

R educes systematic uncertainties

M easurement systems and background well understood

Very accurate data

S imultaneous measurements in different beams lines

M easurements performed on over 180 isotopes

Figures removed due to copyright restrictions.

ORELA Target

H igh energy electrons hitting a tantalum target produce bremsstrahlung (photon) spectrum. Neutrons are generated by photonuclear reactions, Ta(gamma, n), Ta(gamma, 2n),

Figure removed due to copyright restrictions.

Bayesian Inference

B ayesian inference is statistical inference in which evidence or observations are used to update or to newly infer what is known about underlying parameters or hypotheses.

Cost of evaluations

Assumptions (for single 3GHz PC):

Single iteration (min):

Model calculations:

400 X 50 X 2 X 20 = 800 000

400 nuclides

Benchmark parameter -sensitivity: 400 X 50 X 2 X 500 = 20 000 000

50 parameters/nuclide

Library Benchmarking: 400 000

Single model calculation (1 nuclide up to 20 MeV - 20 min)

T otal:

~ 21 000 000 min = 40 years

Benchmark sensitivity to a single parameter 500 min

Full library benchmark 400 000 min

1 iteration per week - 2100 CPU's

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Covariance Matrix

T he covariance matrix or dispersion matrix is a matrix of covariances between elements of a random vector. It is the natural generalization to higher dimensions of the concept of the variance of a scalar-valued random variable.

E[( X 1 - 1 ) ( X 1 - 1 )]

E[( X 2 - 2 ) ( X 1 - 1 )]

E[( X 1 - 1 ) ( X 2 - 2 )]

E[( X 2 - 2 ) ( X 2 - 2 )]



E[( X 1 - 1 ) ( X n - n )]

E[( X 2 - 2 ) ( X n - n )]

E[( X n - n ) ( X 1 - 1 )]

E[( X n - n ) ( X 2 - 2 )]


E[( X n - n ) ( X n - n )]





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E ach type of data comes from a separate measurement

Cross-sections are measured independently

H owever, the various types are highly interrelated

D ata include measurement-related effects

F inite temperature

F inite size of samples

F inite resolution

Measured data may look very different from the underlying true cross-section

T hink Doppler broadening

Advantages of evaluated data

Incorporate theoretical understanding

Cross-section shapes

R elationships between cross-sections for different reactions

Incorporate all available experimental data and all available uncertainty

A llow extrapolation

Different temperatures

Different energies

Different reactions

G enerate artificial “experimental” points from ENDF resonance parameters

Include Doppler and resolution broadening

M ake reasonable assumptions regarding experimental uncertainties

S tatistical (diagonal terms)

S ystematic (off-diagonal terms)

N ormalization, background, broadening,

R un models with varying resonance parameters with an assumed distribution

Include systematic uncertainties for measurement-related quantities

P erform simultaneous fit to all data

A ll experimental uncertainty is thus propagated

Computational cost

Large cases require special care

U -235 has ~3000 resonances

5 parameters for each resonance need to be varied

Very time consuming

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22.106 Neutron Interactions and Applications

Spring 2010

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