T he Economics of Reprocessing vs . D irect D isposal of S pent Nuclear F uel

Final Report 8/12/1999-7/30/2003

Matthew Bunn Steve Fetter John P. Holdren

Bob van der Zwaan

December 2003


P roje ct on M anaging the A tom

B elfer C enter f or S cience and Intern ational A ffairs J oh n F. K ennedy S chool of G overnment

H arvard U niversity

79 J ohn F. K ennedy S tr eet C ambri dge, M assachuse tts 02138

© 2003 President and Fellows of Harvard University Printed in the United States of Am erica

This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Governm e nt. Neither the United States Governm e nt nor any agency thereof, nor any of their em ployees, m akes any warranty, express or im plied, or assum es any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, com p leteness, or usefulness of any inform ation, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific com m ercial product, process, or service by trade nam e, tradem ark, m anufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily im ply its endorsem ent, recom m endation, or favoring by the United States Governm e nt or any agency thereof. The vi ews and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Governm e nt or any agency thereof.

The authors of this report invite liberal use of the inform ation provided in it for educational purposes, requiring only that the reproduced m aterial clearly state: Reproduced from Matthew Bunn, Steve Fetter, John Holdren, and Bob van der Zwaan, The Economics of Reprocessing vs. Direct Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel (Cam bridge, Mass.: Project on Managing the Atom , Harvard University, 2003).

Project on Managing the Atom

Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

John F. Kennedy School of Governm e nt Harvard University

79 JFK Street

Cam bridge, MA 02138

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This report assesses the econom ics of reprocessing versus direct disposal of spent nuclear fuel. The breakeven uranium price at which reprocessing spent nuclear fuel from existing light-water reactors (LW R s) and r ecycling the resulting plutonium and uranium in LW Rs would becom e econom ic is assessed, using central estim ates of the costs of different elem ents of the nuclear fuel cycle (and other fuel cycle input param e ters), for a wide range of range of potential reprocessing prices. Sensitivity analysis is perf orm e d, showing that the conclusions reached are robust across a wide range of input param e ters. The contribution of direct disposal or reproce ssing and recycling to electricity cost is also assessed. The choice of particular central estim ates and ranges for the input param e ters of the fuel cycle m odel is justified through a re view of the relevant literature. The im pact of different fuel cycle approaches on the volum e needed for geologic repositories is briefly discussed, as are the issues surrounding the possibility of perform i ng separations and transm utation on spent nuclear fuel to reduce the need for additional repositories. A sim ilar analysis is then perform e d of the breakeven uranium price at which deploying fast-neutron breeder reactors would becom e com p etitive com p ared with a once-through fuel cycle in LW Rs, for a range of possible differences in capital cost between LW Rs and fast-neutron reactors. Sensitivity analysis is again provided, as are an analysis of the contribution to electricity cost, and a justification of the choices of central estim ates and ranges for the input param e ters. The equations used in the econom ic m odel are derived

and explained in an appendix. Another appe ndix assesses the quantities of uranium likely to be recoverable worldwide in the future at a range of different possible future prices.


Table of Contents

Abstract iii

List of Figu res vii

Acknow ledgem ents viii

Executive S u mmary ix

1. Introduction 1

1.1. W h at Is Reprocessing?

1.2. Data and Sources

1.3. Cost vs. Price

1.4. Currency Conversion

1.5. Cost of Money, Discount Rate, and Taxes

1.6. Real vs. Nom i nal Dollars

1.7. Plan of the Report

2. Direct D i sposal vs. Reprocessing and Rec y cling in Thermal Reactors 13

2.1. How to Com p are Costs of Different Fuel Cycles

2.2. Calculating Breakeven Prices

2.3. Breakeven Price Sensitivity Analysis

2.4. Contribution to the Cost of Electricity

2.5. Com ponent Costs of the Fuel Cycle

2.5.1. Uranium Prices

2.5.2. Reprocessing Costs and Prices

2.5.3. Costs of Disposal of Spent Fuel and Reprocessing W a stes

2.5.4. Costs and Prices for Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication and Use

2.5.5. Costs of Interim Storage of Spent Fuel

2.5.6. Enrichm e nt Prices

2.5.7. Low Enriched Uranium Fuel Fabrication Prices

2.5.8. Prem ium s for Handling Reprocessed Uranium

2.5.9. Conversion Prices

2.5.10. Non-Price Factors: Fuel Burnup, Discount Rate

Sidebar: Volumes of Wastes From Direct Disposal and Reprocessing Sidebar: Reprocessing to Reduce the Need for Additional Repositories

3. Direct Disposal vs. Recyclin g in Fast-Neutron Reactors 67

3.1. Plutonium Breeding and Recycling in Fast Reactors

3.2. Breakeven Uranium Price for Recycling in Fast Reactors

3.3. Cost of Electricity for Fast Reactors and Once-Through System s

3.4. Cost Param e ters and Variations

3.4.1. Difference in Capital Cost

3.4.2. Reactor Ownership and Financing Arrangem e nts

3.4.3. Reprocessing Costs


3.4.4. Core and Blanket Fuel Fabrication Costs

3.4.5. Geological Disposal of Reprocessing W a ste

3.4.6. Breeding Ratio

3.4.7. Depleted Uranium Price

Sidebar: Thermal Neutron and Fast-Neutron Reactors Sidebar: Characteristics of the Model Fast Reactor

4. Conclusions 87

Appendix A. Fuel Cycl e Cost Calculations 89

A.1. Direct Disposal vs. Reprocessing and Recycle in LW Rs

A.1.1. Direct Disposal

A.1.2. Reprocessing-Recycle

A.1.2.1. Value of Recovered Plutonium

A.1.2.2. Value of Recovered Uranium

A.1.3. Uranium Breakeven Price

A.2. Direct Disposal vs. Recycling in Fast-Neutron Reactors

A.2.1. Capital Cost

A.2.1.1. Interest During Construction

A.2.2.2. Fixed Charge Rate

A.2.2. Operations and Maintenance Cost

A.2.3. Fuel Cost

A.2.3.1. LW R Fuel

A.2.3.2. LMR Fuel

A.2.4. Breakeven Uranium Price

Appendix B. World Uranium Resources 105

B.1. Introduction

B.2. Fallacy of the Traditional Econom ic Resource Model

B.3. Estim ates of Uranium Resources

B.4. Uranium From Seawater

B.5. Uranium Consum ption


List of Figures and Tables

Figure 2.1. Breakeven uranium price as a function of the cost of reprocessing 18

Table 2.1. Estim ates of fuel cycle costs (2003 dollars) and other param e ters 19

Table 2.2. Breakeven p r ices of selected param e ters 20

Figure 2.2. Sensitiv ity o f the uraniu m breakeve n price 21

Figure 2.3. Additiona l c o st of elec tricity f o r th e reprocess i ng-recycle option 22

Figure 2.4. Uranium prices, 1972-2000 24

Table 2.3. Notional cost reduction f o r disposal of reprocessing wastes 42

Figure 3.1. Breakeven uranium price for governm e nt-owned reactors 69

Figure 3.2. Breakeven u r anium price f o r utility-o wned reacto rs 70

Figure 3.3. Breakeven uranium price for private venture ownership 70

Table 3.1. Sensitiv ity a n alysis f o r the breakev e n uranium price 71

Table 3.2. Breakeven p r ice of selected param e ters 73

Figure 3.4. Difference in the cost of electricity between an FR with recycling and an LW R with direct disposal 74

Table A.1. Isotopic composition of fresh and spent LEU 92

Table A.2. Isotopic composition of fresh MOX fuel 93

Table A.3. Optim um tails assay 95

Table A.4. Fixed charge rates 101

Table B.1. Typical u r an ium concentrations 106

Table B.2. Exponential uranium resource estim ates 113



This report was prepared with the support of the U.S. Departm e nt of Energy (DOE), under Award No. DE-FG26-99FT40281. However, any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recom m e ndations expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of DOE. Additional funding was provided by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. The authors would like to thank Laure Mougeot for extensive research assistance in the early phases of the project, and Brian Torpy, Annaliis Abrego, and Anthony W i er for additional research assistance. W e are grateful to Professors Mike Driscoll and Richard Lester of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for discussions of the f i ner points of cost levelization in the presence of corporate incom e taxes; to Marvin Miller of MIT for discussions of uranium resources; to Nigel Mote of International Nuclear Consultants and Geoff Varley and Dan Collier of the Nuclear Assurance Corporation, for discussions of the costs of som e elem ents of the nuclear fuel cycle; and to David W a de of Argonne National Laboratory for data and discussi ons relating to recent analyses of recycling in fast-neutron reactors. W e are also gratef ul to Driscoll, Chaim Braun, Jor-Chan Choi, and Per Peterson for useful com m e nts on an earlier draft. All responsibility for rem a ining errors and m i sjudgm ents, of course, is our own.


Executiv e Summary

For decades, there has been an intense debate over the best approach to m a naging spent fuel from nuclear power reactors—whether it is better to dispose of it directly in geologic repositories, or reprocess it to recover and recycle the plutonium and uranium , disposing only of the wastes from repro cessing and recycling. The relative costs of reprocessing vs. not reprocessing are one im portant elem ent of these debates. Econom ics is not the only or even the principal factor affecting decisions concerning reprocessing today. But econom ics is not unim portant, par ticularly in a nuclear industry facing an increasingly com p etitive environm ent. At a m i nim u m , if reprocessing is being done to achieve objectives other than econom ic ones, it is worthwhile to know how m u ch one is paying to achieve those other objectives.

W h ile som e analysts have argued in recent years that the costs of reprocessing and direct disposal are sim ilar, and that reprocessing will soon be the m o re cost-effective approach as uranium prices increase, the data and analyses presented in this report dem onstrate that the m a rgin between the cost of reprocessing and recycling and that of direct disposal is wide, and is likely to persist for m a ny decades to com e .

In particular:

At a reprocessing price of $1000 per kilogram of heavy m e tal (kgHM), and with our other central estim ates for the key fuel cycle param e ters, reprocessing and recycling plutonium in existing light-water reactors (LW R s) will be m o re expensive than direct disposal of spent fuel until the uranium price reaches over $360 per kilogram of uranium (kgU)—a price that is not likely to be seen for m a ny decades, if then.

At a uranium price of $40/kgU (com parable to current prices), reprocessing and recycling at a reprocessing price of $1000/ kgHM would increase the cost of nuclear electricity by 1.3 m ills/kW h. Since the total back-end cost for the direct disposal is in the range of 1.5 m ills/kgW h, this represents m o re than an 80% increase in the costs attributable to spent fuel m a nagem e nt (aft er taking account of appropriate credits or charges for recovered plutonium and uranium from reprocessing).

These figures for breakeven uranium price and contribution to the cost of electricity are conservative, because, to ensure that our conclusions were robust, we have assum e d:

A central estim ate of reprocessing cost, $1000/kgHM, which is substantially below the cost that would pertain in privately f i nanced f acilities with identical costs and capacities to the large com m e rcial facilities now in operation.

A central estim ate of plutonium fuel fabrication cost, $1500/kgHM, which is significantly below the price actually offered to m o st utilities in the 1980s and 1990s.

Zero charges for storage of separated plutonium or rem oval of am ericium .

Zero additional security, licensing, or shut-down expenses for the use of plutonium fuels in existing reactors.

A full charge for 40 years of interim storage in dry casks for all fuel going to direct disposal, and no interim storage charge for fuel going to reprocessing—


even though m o st new reactors are built with storage capacity for their lifetim e fuel generation, so few additional costs for interim storage need be incurred.

Geological disposal of spent MOX fuel at the sam e cost as disposal of spent LEU fuel .

Reprocessing and recycling plutonium in fast-neutron reactors (FRs) with an additional capital cost, com p ared to new LW Rs, of $200/kW e installed will not be econom ically com p etitive with a once-through cycle in LW Rs until the price of uranium reaches som e $340/kgU, given our central estim ates of the other param e ters. Even if the capital cost of new FRs could be reduced to equal that of new LW Rs, recycling in FRs would not be econom ic until the uranium price reached som e


At a uranium price of $40/kgU, electricity from a plutonium -recycling FR with an additional capital cost of $200/kW e , and with our central estim ates of the other param e ters, would cost m o re than 7 m ills/kW h m o re than electricity f r om a once- through LW R. Even if the additional capital cost could be elim inated, the extra electricity cost would be over 2 m ills/kW h.

As with reprocessing and recycling in LW Rs, these figures on breakeven uranium price and extra electricity cost for FRs are conservative, as we have assum e d:

Zero cost for providing start-up plutonium for the FRs.

Zero additional cost for reprocessing higher-plutonium -content FR fuel.

Zero additional cost for m a nufacturing higher-plutonium -content FR fuel.

Zero additional operations and m a intenance costs for FRs, com p ared to LW Rs.

Costs for the far m o re com p lex chem ical separations processes and m o re difficult fuel fabrication processes needed for m o re com p lete separation and transm utation of nuclear wastes would be substantially higher than those estim ated here for traditional reprocessing. Therefore the extra electricity cost, were these approaches to be pursued, would be even higher. Argum ents for separations and transm utation to lim it the need for additional repositories rest on a num ber of critical assum p tions that m a y or m a y not be borne out in practice.

W o rld resources of uranium likely to be econom ically recoverable in future decades at prices far below the breakeven price am ount to tens of m illions of tons, probably enough to fuel a rapidly-growing nuclear en terprise using a once-through fuel cycle for a century or m o re.

In this report, we have focused only on the econom ic issues, and have not exam ined other issues in the broader debate over reprocessing. Nevertheless, given (a) the costs outlined above; (b) the significant proliferation concerns that have been raised (particularly with respect to those reprocessing approaches that result in fully separated plutonium suitable f o r use in nuclear explosives); and (c) the availability of saf e , proven, low-cost dry cask storage technology that will allow spent fuel to be stored for m a ny decades, the burden of proof clearly rests on thos e in favor of investing in reprocessing in the near term .


1 . Introduction

For decades, there has been an intense debate over the best approach to m a naging spent fuel from nuclear power reactors—whether it is better to dispose of it directly in geologic repositories, or reprocess it to recover and recycle the plutonium and uranium , disposing only of the wastes from reprocessi ng and recycling. These debates have becom e even m o re salient in recent years, as increasing accum u lations of both spent nuclear fuel and separated plutonium from reprocessing generate increasing concern worldwide. Countries that have chosen to reprocess are f acing high costs and rising political controversies, while m a ny of those that have chosen not to reprocess are f acing signif i cant political obstacles to providing adequate storage space for spent fuel. No country in the world has yet opened a perm anent repository for either spent nuclear fuel or the high-level wastes from reprocessing. In several countries, proposals to separate a nd transm ute not only plutonium and uranium , but other long-lived radioactive m a terials in spent fuel as well, have gained increasing attention in recent years.

The relative cost of reprocessing vs. direct-disposal is an im portant elem ent of these debates. Econom ics, of course, is not the only or even the principal factor affecting decisions concerning reprocessing today—the inertia of fuel-cycle plans and contracts initiated long ago, hopes that plutonium recycling will contri bute to energy security, lack of adequate storage space for spent fuel, environm ental concerns, and other factors also play critical roles. 1 But econom ics is not unim portant, particularly in a nuclear industry facing an increasingly com p etitive environm ent, where the difference between producing electricity at slightly higher or lower cost than com p etitors is the dif f e rence between bankruptcy and profit, and where fuel-cycle costs are am ong the few costs reactor operators can readily control. At a m i nim u m , if reprocessing is being done to achieve objectives other than econom ic ones, it is worthwhile to know how m u ch one is paying to achieve those other objectives.

There is general agreem ent in recent studies that with today’s low uranium and enrichm e nt prices, reprocessing and recycling is m o re expensive than direct disposal of spent fuel . 2 The only argum ent is over the m a gnitude of the difference and how long it is likely to

1 For a useful (t hough now som e what dat e d) overvi e w of reprocessi ng and recy cl i ng of pl ut oni um i n count ri es around t h e worl d, wi t h project i ons for t h e fut u re and so m e suggest i ons for pol i c i e s t o address t h e rel e vant issues, see David Albright, Fr ans Berkhout, and W illiam W a lker, Pl ut oni um and Hi ghl y Enri ched Urani um 1996: World Inventories, Capabilities, and Policies (Oxford, UK: Oxford Uni v ersi t y Press for t h e St ockhol m International Peace Research Institute, 1997).

2 The st udi es on t h i s t opi c are t oo num erous t o l i s t here. Offi ci al st udi es are of part i c ul ar i n t e rest . For exam pl e, a recent study for the French governm e nt com p ared a scenario in which all of the low-enriched uranium fuel produced in French reactors was repro cessed to a hypothetical scenario in which reprocessing and recycling had never been introduced, and found that not reprocessing would have saved tens of billions of dolla rs com p ared to t h e al l -reprocessi ng case, and woul d have reduced t o t a l el ect ri ci t y generat i on cost s by m o re t h an 5 percent . See Jean-M i c hel C h arpi n, B e njam i n Dessus, and R e Pel l a t , Economi c Forecast St udy of t h e N u cl ear Pow e r Opt i on (Paris, France: Office of the Prim e Minister, July 2000, available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at http://fire.pppl.gov/eu_fr_fission_plan.pdf ), Appendi x 1. The 1994 st udy by t h e Nucl ear Energy Agency of t h e Organi zat i on for Econom i c C ooperat i on and Devel opm ent , The Economi c s of t h e N u cl ear Fuel C ycl e (Paris, France: OEC D / N EA, 1994), whi l e fi ndi ng a t o t a l fuel cy cl e cost onl y about 14% great er for t h e reprocessi ng

2 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

persist. Advocates of reprocessing often argue that the extra cost of reprocessing is sm all today, and will soon disappear as uranium supplies becom e scarce and their price rises. 3 The data and analyses presented in this report, by contrast, dem onstrate that the m a rgin between the cost of reprocessing and recycling and that of direct disposal is wide, and is likely to persist for m a ny decades to com e .

These issues are increasingly im portant, as a num ber of countries face m a jor decisions about future m a nagem e nt of their spent fuel. In the United States in particular, the Bush adm i nistration has supported developm ent of new reprocessing approaches that, it is argued, m i ght be m o re proliferation-resistant than previous ones, while m i nim i zing nuclear wastes; the Departm e nt of Energy plans to spend several hundred m illion dollars over the next several years on research and developm ent related to reprocessing in the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative, 4 although the idea of building a large (1500 m e tric tons of heavy m e tal per year) aqueous reprocessing plant in the United States around the m i ddle of the next decade has apparently been abandoned. 5

1.1. What Is Reprocessing?

Reprocessing does not elim inate any of the radioactive m a terial in spent fuel—it m e rely divides that m a terial into several cate gories (plutonium , uranium , and various types of

opt i on, found a back-end cost t w i ce as hi gh for t h e reprocessi ng opt i on as for t h e di rect di sposal opt i on. In 2003, a m a jor study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (i n which one of the present authors (Holdren) participated) cam e to conclusi ons quite sim ilar to those we reach in this study. See John Deutch and Ernest J. M oni z, co-chai r s, The Future of Nuclear Power: An Int e rdi s ci pl i nary MIT St udy (C am bri dge, M A : Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003, available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at h ttp ://web .m it.ed u / n u c learp o w er ). The M I T st udy present s i t s resul t s by consi d eri ng t h e cost of reprocessi ng as part of t h e cost of prepari ng pl ut oni um fuel (and t h e pl utonium fuel therefore appears several tim es as expensive as urani u m fuel of equi val e nt energy val u e), whi l e we present our resul t s wi t h reprocessi ng count ed as part of t h e cost of wast e m a nagem e nt but t h i s di fference i n present a t i on does not affect t h e cont ri but i on of reprocessi ng and recy cl i ng t o t o t a l el ectricity cost. (The MIT study’s central estim ate of the increase in el ect ri ci t y pri ce resul t i ng from use of reprocessi ng rat h er t h an once-t h rough fuel cy cl es i s hi gher t h an t h e one i n this study, prim arily because they do not assign an extra cost for several decades of dry cask storage of spent fuel for t h e once-t h rough cy cl e, as we do.) The RAND corporat i on al so produced a com m onl y ci t e d st udy of t h i s subject i n t h e earl y 1990s: see B r i a n G. C how and Kennet h A. Sol o m on, Li mi t i ng t h e Spread of Weapons- Usable Fissile Materials (Sant a M oni ca, CA: RAND, 1993). A useful sum m a ry of st at em ent s and st udi es on t h i s subject from t h e m i d-1990s and before can be found i n Ingo Hensi ng and W a l t e r Schul z, An Economi c Comparison of Different Disposal Met hods Used by Nuclear Power Plants: A Cost Simulation of Alternative St rat e gi es From t h e German Poi n t of Vi ew Energiewirtschafliche s Institute (EW I), University of Cologne (Ol e nbourg-Vourl a g,1995), whi c h al so fi nds si gni fi cant l y hi gher cost s for t h e reprocessi ng fuel cy cl e.

3 For a typical version of the argum ent, see Jam e s Lake (president of the Am erican Nuclear Society), “Outdated Thi nki ng i s Hol d i ng Us B ack,” The Washi ngt on Post , M a y 12, 2001, whi c h assert s t h at “t he econom i c t r ade-off i s approxi m a t e l y equal t oday , and t h at for t h e fut u re, reprocessi ng offers “si gni fi cant advant ages i n sust ai ni ng low-cost nuclear fuel supplies.”

4 See, for exam ple, U.S. Departm e nt of Energy (DOE), FY 2004 Detailed Budget Justifications—Office of N u cl ear Energy, Sci e nce, and Technol ogy (W ashington, D.C.: DOE, February 2003; available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / www.m b e.doe.gov/ budget / 04budget / c ont ent / e s/ nucl ear.pdf ), p. 18 and p. 45; see al so DOE, Offi ce of Nucl ear Energy , Sci e nce, and Technol ogy , Report to Congress on Advan ced Fuel Cycle Initiative: The Fut u re Pat h f o r Advanced Spent Fuel Treat m ent and Transmut a t i on Research (W ashi ngt on, DC : DOE, January, 2003, available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / www.nucl ear.gov/ report s / A FCI_CongRpt 2003.pdf ). 5 Ernest J. M oni z, present a t i on at t h e Second M o scow Int e rnat i onal C onference on Nonprol i f erat i on, Sept em ber 20, 2003, sum m a ri zi ng Deut ch and M oni z, co-chai r s, The Future of Nuclear Power, op. ci t .

I ntroduction 3

radioactive wastes). In a current-technology reprocessing plant, the spent fuel from nuclear reactors is chopped into pieces and dissolved in boiling nitric acid. The uranium and plutonium in the spent fuel are extracted from this nitric acid solution using organic solvents (typically tributyl phosphate). Since this extraction is accom p lished by m a nipulating the chem ical reduction-oxidation (redox) states of the plutonium and uranium ions in solution, this process (the only one that has been operated at com m e rcial scale) is called the Plutonium -Uranium Redox Extraction (Purex) process. 6

The result is that the original spent f u el is transf orm e d into reprocessed uranium (representing approxim a tely 95% of the m a ss of the original fuel m a terial), plutonium (roughly 1%), and a nitric acid solution containing the intensely radioactive fission products and other isotopes that m a ke up the rem a ining 4% or so of the original spent fuel—a solution known as high-level waste (HLW ). In addition, a variety of low-level and interm ediate-level wastes (LLW and ILW , som e of which are referred to in the U.S. system as transuranic wastes, or TRU) also result from the process. During the processing operation, a sm all portion of the radioactivity is released into the atm o sphere or into liquid wastes from the reprocessing plant—releases which have been the focus of considerable controversies regarding the operation of existing plants.

The liquid HLW from reprocessing m u st eventually be solidified (usually by m i xing it with m o lten glass, which is then hardened, a process known as vitrification), and is then slated for disposal in a geologic repository, the sam e destination as is planned for spent fuel in countries where spent fuel is not reprocessed, such as the United States. Despite occasional claim s to the contrary, 7 in traditional reprocessing m a ny of the long-lived isotopes that pose particularly serious threats to the environm ent and hum an health rem a in in the HLW . Hence a repository would have to be designed to contain the m a terial for m a ny m illennia, whether the m a terial disposed of was spent fuel or HLW from reprocessing. The ILW from reprocessing also requires isolation in a geologic repository, because of its plutonium content. Substantially m odif i ed approaches—currently expected to have still higher costs—would be needed to separate out and recycle the other long-lived isotopes from spent fuel, for possible transm utation in a react or or in an accelerator-reactor system . (Such concepts for separations and transm utation are discussed in Chapter 3.)

In principle, both the uranium and plutonium separated from spent fuel during reprocessing can be m a de into new reactor fuel and recycled. In practice, this is done for only a sm all fraction of the uranium recovered from reprocessing today, because freshly m i ned uranium is cheap enough that the uranium recovered from reprocessing (which is less

6 For a useful descri pt i on, see M . B e nedi ct , T.H. Pi gford, and H.W . Levi , Nuclear Chemical Engineering, 2 nd Ed. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1981).

7 For a t y pi cal cl ai m t h at aft e r reprocessi ng i t i s onl y necessary t o di spose of “short e r-l i v ed fi ssi on product s ,” whi c h can be hel d i n st orage desi gned t o l a st “for a few hundred y ears,” see Lake, “Out dat e d Thi nki ng i s Holding Us Back,” op. cit. In reality, expected dos es from a nuclear repository over hundreds of thousands of y ears are dom i n at ed by l ong-l i v ed fi ssi on product s such as t echnet i u m and i odi ne, whi c h are not rem oved i n t r adi t i onal reprocessi ng approaches. For a di scussi on of t h e effect of vari ous reprocessi ng approaches on repository requirem e nts a nd perform ance, see U.S. National Res earch Council, Com m ittee on Separations Technol ogy and Transm ut at i on Sy st em s, N u cl ear Wast es: Technol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i o n (W ashi ngt on DC : Nat i onal Academ y Press, 1996), Appendi x G, “Effect s on R e posi t o ry ,” pp. 315-353.

4 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

desirable because of various isotopes created during irradiation in the reactor, including U- 234 and U-236) is not com p etitive for use in fresh fuel. So nearly all of the uranium recovered from reprocessing every year sim p ly rem a ins in storage.

Sim ilarly, a substantial fraction of the plutonium recovered each year from reprocessing also rem a ins in storage. The fabrication of uranium - plutonium m i xed-oxide (MOX) fuel from this plutonium and its use in reactors has not kept pace with the continued separation of additional plutonium through m o re reprocessing. The result is that today, there are m o re than 200 m e tric tonnes of separated civilian plutonium in storage around the world. 8 This separated plutonium , while “reactor-grade,” is usable in nuclear weapons (by any state or group capable of m a king a nuclear weapon with weapon-grade plutonium ), 9 and the current world stock is enough for tens of thousands of nuclear weapons. For this reason, this growing accum u lation—which will soon exceed the am ount of separated plutonium in all of the world’s nuclear weapon stockpiles com b ined—has been the subject of considerable controversy. Unf o rtunately, as this report will describe in detail, f a bricating f u el f r om this plutonium is m o re expensive than m a king fuel from freshly m i ned uranium . The use of MOX f r om reprocessed plutonium has also been the subject of substantial political controversy, focused particularly on safety concerns. These econom ic and political factors continue to delay the use of MOX fuel in a num ber of countries, and alternatives such as im m obilizing separated plutonium as waste have not yet been adopted. As a result it is not yet clear how or when the large world stockpile of separated plutonium will ultim ately be reduced. 10

Originally, no one intended that the plutonium recovered from reprocessing light- water reactor (LW R ) spent fuel would be recycled as fuel in LW Rs. Rather, the nuclear power industry expected that there would be a rapid transition to fast-neutron reactors, which would use this plutonium as their start-up fuel . Com m e rcialization of fast-neutron “breeder” reactors (so-called because they can be configured to produce m o re plutonium from uranium than they consum e in their fuel) has been delayed decades longer than originally expected, however. Therefore, in addition to com p aring once-through use of uranium to reprocessing and recycling in light-water reactors, this study will also com p are once-through use of uranium fuel in light-water reactors to repro cessing spent fuel and using the plutonium (and, perhaps, other actinides) in future fast-neutron reactors.

1.2. Data and Sources

For som e industries, reasonably good data on costs and prices are readily available. Data on uranium prices, enrichm e nt prices, and conversion prices, for exam ple, are widely

8 See, for exam pl e, Davi d Al bri ght and M a rk Gorwi t z , “Tracki ng C i vi l Pl ut oni um Invent ori e s: End of 1999” (W ashington, DC: Institute for Scien ce and International Security, Octobe r 2000, available at http://www.isis- onl i n e.org/ publ i cat i ons/ puwat ch/ puwat ch2000.ht m l ).

9 For an aut hori t a t i v e di scussi on, see U.S. Depart m e nt of Energy , Offi ce of Arm s C ont rol and Nonprol i f erat i on, Final Nonproliferation and Ar ms Control Assessment of Weapons-Usabl e Fissile Material Storage and Excess Pl ut oni um Di sposi t i on Al t e rnat i ves , W a shi ngt on DC : DOE/ NN-0007, January 1997, pp. 37-39.

10 See fo r ex am p l e, Kev i n O’Neill, ed ., Addressing Excess Stocks of Civil and Military Plutonium: Proceedings of the December 10, 2001 Conference (W ashington, DC: Institute for Scien ce and International Security, 2002, available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / www.i s i s -onl i n e.org/ publ i cat i ons/ 2001ci v i l pu/ 2001ci v i l put oc.ht m l ).

I ntroduction 5

available from several reliable sources. This is not the case, however, for the reprocessing and MOX fuel fabrication industries. Dom i na ted by a sm all num ber of state-owned firm s, these industries have m a intained strict secrecy over both their costs and their contract prices, in an effort to m a intain a variety of com m e rcial advantages.

Data are nevertheless available from several sources, which we have com b ined in preparing this report. First, som e official da ta on costs associated with specific existing or proposed plants are available, and we have relied on these data where possible. Second, a variety of national or international studies over the years have provided cost estim ates based on data provided by the industry, and we have relied heavily on these figures as well. Third, a variety of reported costs have found their wa y into the nuclear industry trade press, and where particular figures could be confirm e d fr om other sources, we have also m a de use of these. Finally, we have had the opportunity to review generic, representative cost data prepared by the Nuclear Assurance Corporation (NAC), a m a jor nuclear industry consulting firm , for the Departm e nt of Energy, and these figures have been helpful in confirm i ng the estim ates available from other sources. 11

Fortunately, the sensitivity analysis provided in this report dem onstrates that our conclusions are robust over a broad range of variations in the input param e ters. Even changing the cost of reprocessing or of MOX fuel fabrication by a factor of two, for exam ple, would not m a ke the reprocessing fuel cycle m o re cost-effective than the once-through cycle under current conditions. Thus differences in estim ates from different sources should not have any substantial effect on our conclusions.

Estim ating the costs of disposal of spent fuel or high-level nuclear waste poses an even m o re knotty problem . No repository for spent fuel or high-level waste has yet been com p leted or operated anywhere in the world. Hard data on real costs are therefore nonexistent, and cost estim ates inherently uncer tain. Different countries are planning quite dif f e rent types of repositories with a wide range of capacities, and hence their estim ated unit costs (per ton of spent f u el or of solidif ied high-level waste) vary signif i cantly; the quality and detail of the available estim ates also varies. W h en com p aring direct disposal of spent fuel to disposal of the wastes that would result from reprocessing it, one is com p aring approaches that generate different volum es of waste, different physical and chem ical form s of waste, different rates of heat generati on from the wastes, and different degrees (and lif etim es) of the wastes’ radiotoxicity. There is only a very m odest literature analyzing how these different waste characteristics m i ght affect repository cost. W e have done our best with the literature available—f o cusing prim arily on the projected cost f o r the U.S. repository, which is the one for which the m o st detailed and consistent cost inform ation is available— but this is clearly an area for additional research. Fortunately, here, too, even very broad variations in assum p tions about the relative cost of disposing of spent fuel vs. disposing of reprocessing wastes do not change the basic conclusions of this study.

11 Geo ff Varley an d Dan Co llier, Fuel Cycle Cost Data (At l a nt a, GA: NAC , Oct ober 1999). Thi s report was prepared on cont ract t o t h e U.S. Depart m e nt of Energy , and whi l e i t i n cl udes no propri e t a ry i n form at i on on cost s or pri ces at exi s t i ng reprocessi ng or pl ut oni um fuel fabri cat i on pl ant s , t h e com p i l a t i on of avai l a bl e dat a i t does cont ai n i s propri e t a ry t o NAC ; hence t h e report i s not publ i c l y avai l a bl e.

6 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

1.3. Cost vs. Price

In the classic m odel of a fully com p etitive m a rket, the cost of providing a good or service and its m a rket price are very closely related. The price is sim p ly the long-run m a rginal cost of providing the good or service plus a rate of profit sim ilar to what could be m a de by taking sim ilar risks elsewhere in the econom y. If the m a rket price rises to a higher level, this will create opportunities for unusually high profits that will lead m o re producers to enter the m a rket, and the resulting com p etition will drive the price back down to the com p etitive level. If the m a rket price is below m a rginal cost plus a com p etitive prof it, producers will choose to produce other, m o re profitable goods and services, and the decline in supply will drive the price back up again.

Few nuclear m a rkets, however, m a tch this classic com p etitive equilibrium m odel particularly well. The uranium and enrichm e nt m a rkets m a tch the m odel at least slightly better than som e of the other nuclear m a rkets, in that com p etition in these m a rkets is sufficiently intense that no producer can afford to charge greatly m o re than its costs for very long. Hence, in this report we will rely on price data for these elem ents of the nuclear fuel cycle, rather than attem p ting to separately assess the underlying costs of providing these goods and services.

The reprocessing and MOX fabrication indus tries, however, have been dom inated by an oligopoly of only two or three firm s, which have set prices that m a y in som e cases be quite different from real long-run m a rginal costs. Originally, they were able to set reprocessing prices at levels above the full capital plus operating cost of reprocessing, because custom er utilities faced governm e nt requirem e nts to reprocess and had no other choice. Today, by contrast, with the capital costs of the reprocessing plants already paid for, they are able to set prices at levels that reflect only operating cost, future capital and decom m i ssioning costs, and profit—and are therefore below a realistic estim ate of the f u ll cost of providing the reprocessing service. (These paid-of f plants will not last f o rever, however, and if reprocessing were to continue, pri ces would have to rise to levels that would pay for both capital and operating costs for new plants to replace the existing facilities.) Thus, the fact that one of these services is being offered at a particular price does not in itself dem onstrate that its full cost m u st be at that price or below—a com m on m i sconception.

Hence, in this report, with respect to reprocessing and MOX fabrication, we will attem p t to estim ate both the cost to provide the service and the prices that have been charged in recent tim es for providing the service. As discussed below, what it actually costs to provide the service depends not only on the capital and operating costs of the plant, but on who owns it and what rate of return the investors who provided the m oney to build the plant expect to receive.

Sim ilarly, we have focused on underlying cost rather than m a rket price for the cost of waste disposal, as there is no m a rket for this service as yet. In m o st countries, geologic disposal of nuclear waste is to be done either by the governm e nt or by a com p any owned by

I ntroduction 7

the generators of the waste, and hence one would expect that it would be done at cost or close to it.

1.4. Currency Conversion

The nuclear fuel m a rkets are effectively global—and thus costs are reported in a wide range of currencies. Converting these estim ates to dollars inevitably introduces som e uncertainty, as currency f l uctuations can easily change the apparent cost of a f acility or the price of a contract (when that cost is converted into dollars) by 20 percent or m o re, with no underlying change in its real cost within the econom y in which the cost was paid. In addition, costs that were incurred or reported at different tim es m u st be converted to the dollars of a particular year for fair com p arison, to take account of inflation that has taken place in the interim .

In this study, the m e thod we use is to convert estim ates originally expressed in foreign currency to dollars using exchange rates prevailing at the tim e the estim ate was m a de, and then inflate the resulting dollar estim ates to 2003 dollars using U.S. GDP deflators. W e use a three-year average of the currency exchange rate, centered on the year when the estim ate was m a de, to sm ooth the effect of currency fluctuations som e what. 12

1.5. Cost of M oney, Discount Rate, and Taxes

Estim ates of the costs of services provided f r om large capital f acilities (such as reprocessing plants or MOX f u el f a brication f acilities—or power plants, f o r that m a tter) m u st take into account the cost of paying back the m oney used to build the plant, and providing a return on that investm e nt. 13 The am ount of m oney needed to pay these capital costs, the operating costs, and other costs of the plant is known as the “revenue requirem e nt”; the price

12 The W o rl d B a nk al so uses a t h ree-y ear average appro ach for convert i ng est i m at es of cost s from di fferent currenci e s, but uses a com p l e x form ul a known as At l a s t h at adjust s for changes i n i n fl at i on and growt h i n t h e t w o econom i e s bei ng com p ared over t h e t h ree y ears. (A di scussi on of t h e m e t hod was avai l a bl e as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at http://www.worldbank.org/data/w orking/working-m e th.htm l .) For t h e purposes of t h i s paper, the sm all possible increase in accuracy from using this m e thod is not worth the large increase in com p lexity. Another possibility would be to use purchasing power parity ( PPP) exchange rates, developed to reflect the actual cost of buying a ty pical basket of goods within different econom ies. (For a discussion of PPP rates and their uses, see, for exam ple, OECD, “PPP Frequently Asked Qu estions,” available at ht t p : / / www.oecd.org/ o ecd/ p ages/ hom e/ di spl a y g eneral / 0 ,3380,EN-faq-513-15-no-no-322-513,FF.ht m l .) W e have chosen to use currency exchange rates rather than PPP rates in this study because (a) nuclear fuel services are i n t e rnat i onal l y t r aded on a gl obal basi s, requi ri ng frequent use of di fferent currenci e s traded at m a rket rates;

(b) the basket of goods com p ared to produce PPP estim ates is not appropriate for judging the costs of the large tech n i cal facilities co n s id ered in th is p a p e r; an d (c) esse n tially all o t h e r n u c lear fu el cycle co st estim ates o f which we are aware use currency exchange rates rather than PPP. The use of PPP ra tes rather than currency exchange rat e s woul d have t h e effect of si gni fi cant l y reduci ng t h e very hi gh cost est i m at es for t h e Japanese reprocessi ng pl ant at R okkasho-m u ra (t hough t h ese woul d rem a i n m u ch hi gher t h an t h e cost s of ot her co m p arab le p l an ts). Estim ates o f th e co st o f Eu ro p ean facilities an d serv ices wo u l d also b e red u ced , b u t m o re m odest l y .

13 See rel e vant equat i ons i n Appendi x A.

8 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

of the service provided by the plant m u st be set high enough to m e et the revenue requirem e nt.

The return that lenders and investors will dem a nd depends on the risk of the project— and thus the revenue requirem e nt and the m i nim u m price that can be charged for the service depend on the risk as well. For a governm e nt-owned facility, m oney can be borrowed at an effectively risk-free rate (we use 4% above inflation in this study). 14 A f acility owned by a regulated utility with a rate of return effectively guaranteed by governm e nt regulators (or a group of such utilities) also represents a relatively low-risk investm e nt, though the risk (and the resulting rate that lenders and stock investors will dem a nd) would be higher than f o r governm e nt borrowing. 15 A private venture subject to the whim s of the com p etitive m a rket, by contrast, would represent a signif i cantly higher risk, and would have to of f e r still higher rates of return to lenders and investors to raise funds on com m e rcial m a rkets. 16 Thus,

14 For t h e Uni t e d St at es, offi ci al i n st ruct i ons for di scount i ng for governm e nt -fi nanced program s can be found at Offi ce of M a nagem e nt and B udget , “Gui del i n es and Di scount R a t e s for B e nefi t - C o st Anal y s i s of Federal Program s,” Circular A-94, October 29, 1992, available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / www.whi t e house.gov/ om b/ ci rcul ars/ a094/ a094.ht m l . Thi s docum ent poi nt s out t h at governm e nt i nvest m e nt s use funds t h at woul d ot herwi s e have been avai l a bl e for pri v at e i nvest m e nt s, and t h erefore recom m e nds that for all projects that have an im pact in the private sect or or on t h e publ i c (a cat egory t h at cert a i n l y i n cl udes processi ng of spent nucl ear fuel ), a 7% real di scount rat e be used, whi c h i t say s “approxim a tes the m a rginal pretax rate of return on an average investm e nt in the private sector in recent years.” Onl y for “i nt ernal governm e nt i nvest m e nt s, desi gne d purel y t o i n crease governm e nt revenue or decrease governm e nt expenses (such as t h e purchase of a m o re energy -effi ci ent governm e nt bui l d i ng) does i t al l o w t h e use of a rat e based on t h e real rat e of ret u rn on U. S. governm e nt bonds (t hat i s , t h e governm e nt ’s cost of borrowi ng). Nevert hel e ss, we use a rat e based on t h e governm e nt bond rat e here, t o di st i ngui sh t h e governm e nt -fi nanced case m o re cl earl y from t h e pri v at el y -fi nanced case. The bond rat e s t o be used for such di scount i ng are updat e d every y ear (see Offi ce of M a nagem e nt and B udget , “OM B C i rcul ar No. A-94: Appendi x C : Di scount R a t e s for C o st Effect i v eness, L ease-Purchase, and R e l a t e d Anal y s es,” updat e d February 2003, available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / www.whi t e house.gov/ om b/ ci rcul ars/ a094/ a94_appx-c.ht m l ); whi l e t h e real rat e recom m e nded for project s of 30 y ears or m o re durat i on i n February , 2003, was 3.2%, noticeably less than the figure we use, the rate recom m e nded the previous year was 3.9%, very close to our governm e nt rat e . A t a bul at i on of t h e governm e nt rat e s recom m e nded for use i n such di scount i ng over t h e y ears

was available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / www.whi t e house.gov/ om b/ ci rcul ars/ a094/ DISCHIST-2003.pdf . 15 In this study , we use the peer-reviewed estim ates for financi ng arrangem e nts in NAS, Nuclear Wastes: Technol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i on, op. ci t ., Appendi x J, “Fuel R e processi ng Econom i c s,” pp.

413-446. For regulated utilities, this m eans facilities fina nced with 46% debt, 8% preferred stock, and 46% com m on st ock, wi t h real -dol l a r ret u rns of 4.8% per y ear on debt , 4.1% on preferred st ock, and 8.5% on co m m o n sto c k . W ith an in co m e tax rate o f 3 8 % , a tax d e p r eciatio n p e rio d o f 1 5 years, an d a to tal facility life o f 30 y ears, and wi t h 2% per y ear added for propert y t a xes and insurance, this leads to a fixed charge rate—the fraction of the initial capital requirem e nt that has to be paid each year to cover taxes, interest on debt, and return t o equi t y i nvest ors—of 12.3%. See di scussi on and rel e va nt equat i ons i n Appendi x A. Thi s rat e i s act ual l y so m e wh at lo wer th an th e rates th e Electric Po wer Research In stitu te (EPRI) reco m m e n d s fo r reg u l ated u tilities: EPR I envi si ons a real debt rat e of 5.8%, a preferred st ock rat e of 5.3%, and a com m on st ock rat e of 8.7%. See Techni cal Assessment Gui d e: Vol u me 3, Revi si on 8: Fundament a l s and Met hods - El ect ri ci t y Suppl y, TR- 100281-V3R 8 (Pal o Al t o , C A : EPR I , 1999). The aut hors are grat eful t o George B ooras of EPR I for di scussi ons of these topics.

16 For this unregulated case, NAS, N u cl ear Wast es: Technol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i on, op. cit., Appendi x J, “Fuel R e processi ng Econom i c s,” pp. 413- 446 assum e s 70% com m on st ock fi nanci ng and 30% debt , wi t h a 9.0% real annual i n t e rest on debt and a 16. 0% annual ret u rn on st ock. W i t h t h e sam e assum p t i ons on taxes and life of the facility, this leads to an annual fixed charge rate of 20.8%. See discussion in Appendix

A. Th ese are d e scrib e d as fin a n c in g arran g e m e n t s typ i cal o f larg e ch em ical facilities, an d th erefo r e d o not

I ntroduction 9

following the approach taken by the Com m ittee on Separations Technology and Transm utation System s of the National Research Council, 17 we will take these three types of entities (governm e nt, regulated utility, and private venture) as representative of the spectrum of possible f i nancing approaches f o r f acilities of this type, and estim ate what the costs of reprocessing, MOX fabrication, and reactor-gener ated electricity would be for plants built and owned by each of these three.

Of course, actual f i nancing arrangem e nts f o r specif i c plants will dif f e r f r om the representative cases we discuss here. The French UP3 reprocessing plant at La Hague and the British Therm a l Oxide Reprocessing Plant (THORP) at Sellaf i eld were both built with unique financing arrangem e nts in which the custom ers paid the capital costs of the plants through pay-ahead contracts—m eaning that the reprocessors them selves put very little of their own capital at risk and paid essentially no return on the capital invested in the plants. This was only possible because foreign utilities faced legal requirem e nts to reprocess their spent fuel and no one else was offering the service. This seller’s m a rket for reprocessing services has disappeared, and such financing arrangem e nts are therefore not likely to be repeated. (The sam e firm s, for exam ple, were unable to obtain sim ilar financing arrangem e nts f o r the construction of their MOX f u el f a brication f a cilities.) Sim ilarly, the firm building the Japanese reprocessing plant at Rokkasho-m u ra is largely (though not entirely) owned by the utilities that will m a ke us e of its services, who face a com b ination of legal and political requirem e nts to get the spent fuel out of the spent fuel pools at their reactors: while the financing arrangem e nts for this plant rem a in confidential, it seem s likely that the return on investm e nt the utility owners expect is the solution of their spent f u el problem s, not a profitable financial rate of return (and public estim ates of the cost of reprocessing at this facility m a ke no allowance for any return on investm e nt). Here, too, however, with the increasing availability of dry cask storage, it appears unlikely that such a favorable financing package could be structured again in the future. 18

Taxes are another im portant difference between governm e nt-owned and private f acilities. Privately owned f acilities m u st provide suf f i cient revenue to pay both corporate

reflect th e u n i q u e p o litical risk s to in v e sto r s th at wo u l d b e asso ciated with b u ild in g a p r iv ately fin a n ced reprocess i ng pl ant i n t h e Uni t e d St at es, or i n m o st ot her devel oped count ri es.

17 NAS, N u cl ear Wast es: Technol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i on, op. ci t ., Appendi x J, “Fuel R e processi ng Econom i c s,” pp. 413-446.

18 O n e way o f co n cep tu alizin g su ch p a y-ah ead co n t racts with a zero rate o f retu rn is to co n s id er th at th e u tilities are effect i v el y t r eat i ng t h e cost of reprocessi ng (i ncl udi ng th e cap ital co st o f b u ild in g th e necessary plant) as an ordi nary fuel expense, m u ch l i k e purchasi ng urani u m t hough i n t h i s case an expense i n curred l ong before t h e service is actually used. The m oney for these pay-ah ead cont ract s woul d have t o com e from som e where eith er fro m (a) th e u tility b e in g allo wed to ch arg e h i g h e r electricity rates to co v e r th e co st (in th e case o f a regulated utility whose rates are set by the governm e nt ); (b) utility borro wing (or, equivale ntly, paying off ex istin g d e b t s at a red u ced rate), o r (c) red u ced retu rn s to th e u tility’s eq u ity in v e sto r s (fo r ex am p l e, a red u c tio n i n di vi dend pay m ent s ). Thus, whi l e t h e cost of m oney m i ght be zero from t h e poi nt of vi ew of t h e fi rm bui l d i ng the reprocessing plant for the utilities, a proper accounting from the point of view of the utilitie s even in that case would assign a cost of m oney at least as high as the rate at which the utility could borrow funds, and possi bl y as hi gh as t h e average i nvest ors’ di scount rat e s. If reprocessi ng were anal y zed on t h e assum p t i on t h at the facility would be built with pay- ahead contracts paid for through utility borrowing, the resulting effective reprocessing price would be interm ediate between the governm e nt case and the regulated utility case considered in this study. If the facility were paid for through a com b ination of utility borrowi ng and reduced returns to in v e sto r s, th e resu lt wo u l d b e effectiv ely th e sam e as th e reg u l ated u tility case u s ed in th is stu d y .

10 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

incom e taxes and property taxes, as well as providing a com p etitive return to lenders and investors, while governm e nt-owned facilities are not subject to tax. This can m a ke an enorm ous difference in the capital com ponent of cost: if $100 m illion a year is needed to pay investors, and the tax rate is 33%, then $150 m illion in revenue will be needed to pay taxes and still have enough left over to pay the investors—increasing the capital contribution to the price by 50% com p ared to what it would be with no taxes. The costs of property taxes are sm aller, but still signif i cant—and private f i rm s typically have to pay insurance costs as well, while the governm e nt insures itself.

As we will show, the ef f ect of these dif f e rences can be surprisingly large. For a reprocessing plant with the sam e capacity and costs as THORP, for exam ple, the m i nim u m price in a governm e nt-owned case (m aking reasonable assum p tions for such m a tters as tim e to build and start-up costs) would be in the range of $1350 per kilogram of spent fuel reprocessed. Ownership by a regulated utility paying taxes and higher rates to lenders and investors would put the total over $2000/kgHM, and ownership by a private venture with no guaranteed rate of return would add m o re than $1000 beyond that. 19

Estim ating how m u ch m u st be set aside today to finance future obligations that there is a legal requirem e nt to m eet—such as funds for disposal of nuclear wastes or for decom m i ssioning nuclear facilities—poses a som e what different problem . In this case, rather than using the rates one would have to offer investors to finance a com m e rcially risky new facility, one m u st use “risk free” rates—the rates of return that could be earned by effectively guaranteed investm e nts, such as U.S. governm e nt bonds—because there is a legal obligation to ensure that the m oney will be there when the tim e com e s. (Many analyses m a ke the m i stake of using one discount rate for these quite different situations.) In this study, we will use a rate of 3% above inflation (representing the U.S. governm e nt bond rate) for this risk-free discount rate. Indeed, while one can have good confidence that such investm e nts will continue to provide the expected rate of return over the tim e required if that tim e is several decades, if the tim e involved is m easured in centuries, then both the conf idence in the investm e nts and the uncertainties in estim ating the f u ture costs grow substantially. For this reason, and because of argum ents related to inter-generational equity, a num ber of analysts argue that a zero discount rate should be used for tim es beyond a single generation. 20 W e will not use this zero discount rate in this report; if we did, the costs of reprocessing and MOX fabrication would increase (because the long-term costs of decom m i ssioning these facilities would not be discounted) and the costs of geologic repositories would also increase (because the costs of operations at these facilities during the long tim es they will rem a in open would also not be discounted).

1.6. Real vs. Nominal Dollars

19 See di scussi on i n C h apt e r 2.

20 For a useful di scussi on, see C h arpi n, Dessus, and Pel l a t , Economi c Forecast St udy of t h e N u cl ear Pow e r Opt i on, op. ci t . Appendi x 8, “The C hoi ce of a Di scount R a t e .”

I ntroduction 11

Inflation is a fact of life in m o st econom ies—and it m a kes a substantial difference when thinking about the costs and revenues of facilities that m a y take a decade to build and m a y operate for thirty years or m o re.

There are two m e thods for presenting econom ic estim ates in such situations—using the actual num ber of dollars that will be spent or received in a given year, without adjusting for the fact that those dollars in the future will each buy less than a dollar does today (so- called “nom inal” or “then-year” dollars), or adjusting for the effects of inflation so that all dollar values are quoted in the dollars of a particular year, and can be directly com p ared against each other (so-called “constant” or “real” dollars). In this report, all estim ates of costs and prices are in constant 2003 dollars.

1.7. Plan of the Report

In the rem a inder of this report, we proceed as follows. In Chapter 2, we provide an analysis com p aring the costs of reprocessing and recycling vs. those of direct disposal in existing light-water reactors, using central estim ates and estim ated ranges for the costs of the various elem ents of the fuel cycle. This section answers the question: “if these central estim ates and ranges are correct, how expensive would uranium have to becom e before reprocessing becam e econom ic, at various reprocessing prices? The reverse (but equivalent) way of posing the question is: “how cheap would reprocessing have to get to be econom ic, over a range of possible future uranium prices? W e also analyze the contribution of the back end of the fuel cycle to electricity cost for both approaches, at various reprocessing and uranium prices. W e then outline the reasons behind each of our cost estim ates for the input param e ters for the calculation, assessing both current prices and the likelihood of substantial and long-lasting changes in the future (either upward or downward).

In Chapter 3, we take the sam e approach for com p aring the econom ics of LEU-fueled light-water reactors with direct disposal of sp ent fuel, to future fast-neutron breeder reactors with reprocessing and com p lete recycling of the recovered plutonium and uranium (and, perhaps, other actinides). Here a very im portant (and uncertain) factor is the future differential in capital cost between breeder reactors (which have traditionally been expected to have higher capital costs) and light-water reactors. This section answers the question: “how expensive would uranium have to becom e before building and operating plutonium - fueled breeder reactors becam e econom ic, at various capital costs for these plants? —or, equivalently, “how m u ch would the capital costs of breeders have to be reduced before they could offer a future energy alternative that was econom ically com p etitive with once-through use of uranium fuel in light-water reactors?” Chapter 3 also briefly discusses possible future f a st-neutron system s built m o re f o r the purpose of transm utation of wastes than f o r breeding additional nuclear fuel.

In Chapter 4 we brief l y outline the conclusions we draw f r om these analyses.

Appendix A provides a com p lete description and derivation of the equations used in these analyses, while Appendix B discusses estim ates of the quantity of uranium likely to be recoverable worldwide at various possible future prices.

2 . Direc t Disposa l vs . Reprocessin g an d Recyclin g i n Therma l Reactors

2.1. How to Compare Costs of Different Fuel Cycles

A valid com p arison of the costs of direct disposal of spent nuclear fuel to those of reprocessing and recycle requires a full life-cycle cost assessm ent for each route, not just an assessm ent of the costs of individual services. One cannot sim p ly com p are, for exam ple, the cost of reprocessing to the cost of direct dis posal, for this ignores other costs for both fuel cycles (as well as the potential value of the uranium and plutonium recovered by reprocessing). In short, the right question is: what are the full costs that a reactor operator m a king a decision between reprocessing and recycling the spent fuel from a light-water reactor or disposing of it directly could expect to face on each route?

On the reprocessing route, the reactor operator will have to pay the costs of: (a) transporting the fuel to the reprocessing plant; (b) reprocessing; and (c) conditioning and disposal of the high-level, interm ediate-level, and low-level wastes from reprocessing. The operator will then have available plutonium and uranium recovered from reprocessing, which can be used as fuel (once the costs of fabri cating the plutonium into m i xed-oxide (MOX) fuel and of enrichm e nt and fabrication of the recovered uranium are paid). There m a y also be other costs associated with using these m a terials as fuel, such as the costs of transporting and safeguarding MOX fuel, licensing MOX use in r eactors, changes in burnup strategy that m a y be required if the MOX is not licensed to go to as high burnups as LEU fuel, and so on.

On the direct disposal route, the reactor operator will have to pay the costs of: (a) interim storage of the spent fuel pending geologic disposal, (b) eventual transport to a repository site, and (c) encapsulation, conditioning, and disposal of the spent fuel. In addition, the operator in this case m u st continue to pay the cost of fueling the entire reactor core with fresh fuel (including the costs of natural uranium , enrichm e nt services, and low- enriched uranium (LEU) fuel fabrication), rather than being able to replace som e of it with plutonium and uranium recovered from reprocessing.

In general, if reprocessing and MOX fabrica tion prices are low, uranium and enrichm e nt prices are high, and if the storage, encapsulation, and geologic disposal of the vitrified HLW from spent fuel would be significantly cheap er than storage, encapsulation and geologic disposal of the spent f u el itself , then the reprocessing-recycle option will be cheaper than the direct-disposal option. If reprocessing and M OX fabrication prices are high, the costs of waste disposal for the two approaches are sim ilar, and uranium and enrichm e nt costs are low, it will be cheaper to pursue the direct-disposal route. The value of the plutonium and uranium recovered by reprocessing—which needs to be high enough to m a ke up for the extra cost of reprocessing—increases as the price of natural uranium increases, since the value of these recovered m a terials results from their potential to displace fuel that would be m a de from natural uranium . The price of uranium at which th e net present cost of the two fuel cycles is exactly equal is the “breakeven” price, represented notionally by the following equation:

cos t of i n t e r i m s t o r a ge cos t of r e pr oces s i ng v a l u e o f r e c ov er ed


& di s p os al of s p ent f uel & di s p os a l of w a s t es pl ut oni u m & u r a ni um

14 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

If the uranium price is below the breakeven price, direct disposal is cheaper; if it is above the breakeven price, reprocessing and recycling is cheaper.

The term s on the left-hand side of equation (2.1), for interim storage and disposal of spent fuel, are sim p ly the costs of particular services, whose costs are discussed in detail below (see sections 2.5.3-5). The sam e is true for the cost of reprocessing and the cost of disposal of reprocessing wastes, which is represented by the first set of brackets of the right- hand side of the equation.

Matters becom e m o re com p lex for the right-m ost term of equation (2.1), as the value of the recovered plutonium and uranium depends on a wide range of factors. The value of the recovered plutonium and uranium is the value of the fuels that can be m a de from them m i nus the costs of m a king and using these fuels. Because the fuels m a de with recovered plutonium and uranium would substitute f o r LEU f u els m a de using natural uranium , their value is determ ined by the price of equivalent LEU fuel (i.e., fuel with the sam e design burnup). Thus the value of these recovered m a terials can be represented by:

v a l u e o f r ecov e r e d c os t of L E U f u el m a de cos t of equi v a l e nt f u el m a de


pl ut oni um & ur ani u m

w i t h nat u r a l ur ani u m

w i t h r ecov e r e d Pu & U

Consider a concrete (though sim p lified) exam ple. Im agine that a utility is considering whether to reprocess a load of spent fuel from its reactor or place it in interim storage pending eventual direct disposal. The utility estim ates that the present value of the cost of storing the m a terial until a repository is ready (that is, the am ount of m oney that m u st be paid today to get the job done for the entire period) is $200 per kilogram of heavy m e tal (kgHM) in the spent fuel, and the present value of the cost of direct disposal, including transport to the repository site and encapsulation, is $400/kgHM. (Our estim ates for the prices of various fuel cycle services are discussed in detail later in this study; the num bers in this paragraph are round figures intended only for illustrative purposes.) The utility estim ates the cost of reprocessing the spent fuel at $1000/kgHM, and th e present value of the cost of eventually disposing of the radioactive wastes from reprocessing at $200/kgHM—less than the cost of direct disposal, but not by any m eans enough less to pay for the cost of reprocessing. So the total cost on the direct disposal route is $600/kgHM, while that on the reprocessing route is

$1200/kgHM—$600/kgHM m o re. Hence, in this case reprocessing would begin to m a ke econom ic sense when the value of the plutonium and uranium recovered from the reprocessing was $600/kgHM or m o re.

How m u ch would this recovered plutonium and uranium be worth? For the rough purposes of illustration, we can assum e that 1% of the spent fuel—10 gram s of every kilogram —is plutonium and 95% is uranium (with the rem a ining 4% being radioactive fission products and m i nor actinides). Let us assum e that the uranium is worth the sam e am ount as fresh natural uranium (as discussed below, this is not the case, because of the buildup of undesirable uranium isotopes during irra diation, but this is not im portant for the illustrative purposes of this discussion). If the utility estim ates that the uranium price is

$50/kg, then the uranium recovered from reprocessing a kilogram of spent fuel will be worth about $48.

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 15

Estim ating the value of the recovered plutonium requires a bit m o re work. To m a ke fuel from the plutonium equivalent in energy conten t to typical LEU fuel, roughly 6 kilogram s of f u el would have to be reprocessed f o r every kilogram of f r esh f u el f a bricated. The utility estim ates that fabricating each kilogram of fr esh plutonium fuel (after m i xing the plutonium oxide with uranium oxide to form a m i xed oxide, or MOX) would cost $1500. Each such kilogram of plutonium fuel could replace a k ilogram of LEU fuel, whose costs include the cost of the natural uranium that goes into m a king it (let us say 7 kilogram s, for this exam ple, at $50/kg), the cost of converting that uranium from the form in which it is m i ned to the form in which it is enriched (7 kilogram s again, at a cost the utility estim ates at $5/kg), the cost of enriching it to a level usable in the reactor (6 separative work units, or SW U—the unit by which enrichm e nt work is m easured, at a cost the utility estim ates at $100/SW U), and the cost of fabrication, about $250/kg:


7 kg @ $50/kg



7 kg @ $5/kg


Enrichm e nt

6 SW U @ $100/SW U



1 kg @ $200/kg


T o t a l

$ 1 2 3 5

Unf o rtunately f o r the utility, at these prices the recovered plutonium not only will not provide enough value to pay the extra cost of reprocessing, it poses an additional liability, since m a king fuel from it costs $1500 and the fuel the plutonium fuel replaces costs less than

$1300. In this sim p lified case, if all other prices stayed the sam e , the uranium price would have to increase to $88/kg before the plutonium would have any value at all. The total value of the recovered uranium and plutonium in this sim p lified case, as a function of the price of uranium , C u , is:

v a l u e of rec o v e red v al ue of re cov e re d v a l ue of r e c o v e r e d

ur anium & pl ut onium

ur anium

pl utoni um

0.95 C

c o s t o f L E U c os t o f MO X

u 6

0.95 C

7 C u 885 1500


u 6

2.12 C u 10 2.5

16 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

Substituting this into equation (2.1), we have

c o st of int e rim st or age & c ost of re proc essing v a l u e of re cov e re d

disposal of spe n t f u el & disposal of w a stes ura n i u m & pl utonium

600 1200 2.12 C u 102.5

2.12 C u 702.5

C u 332


In this sim p lified case, the uranium price would have to rise to over $330/kg—roughly ten tim es current prices, a price no one realistically expects to see for m a ny decades—before the value of the recovered plutonium and uranium would be sufficient to cover the $600 extra cost of the reprocessing approach. This would be the “breakeven” uranium price at which reprocessing would be econom ically com p etitive with direct disposal.

Of course, there are a wide variety of econom ic factors a com p lete calculation has to take into account that are not included in this sim p le illustration—carrying charges on the cost of the m a terial during its processing and use, changes in the quantities of uranium and enrichm e nt work that would be used to produce each kilogram of LEU as the uranium price increased, the isotopic com position of the uranium and plutonium recovered from reprocessing and the resulting plutonium concentrations or uranium enrichm e nt levels required to achieve given burnups, and so on. The equations we have used in this study, which take these other factors into account, are explained and derived in Appendix A. 21

Rather than holding other prices constant and varying the uranium price until the costs of the two fuel cycles are equal, it is also possible to hold the uranium price constant and find the “breakeven” price for som e other com m odity or service—for exam ple, how low the price of reprocessing would have to go for reprocessi ng and recycle to be econom ic at a particular uranium price. In the sim p lified case we just exam ined, if the uranium price is $50/kg, and all the rem a ining prices rem a in the sam e , the reprocessing price would have to be reduced from $1000 to roughly $400/kgHM before reprocessing would be econom ically com p etitive. Like a uranium price of $350/kg, a total re processing cost (including pay-back of reprocessing plant capital) of $400/kgHM is not likely to be seen for a very long tim e to com e .

Another way to analyze the problem , besides considering such “breakeven” prices, is to consider the total contribution to electricity price from each of the two fuel cycles, for given sets of estim ates of the costs of the various services and com m odities concerned. This answers the question: how m u ch extra electricity cost is incurred by choosing one fuel cycle rather than another? In this case, the costs on each side of Equation (2.1) are sim p ly

21 In the interests of openness and repr oducibility, we have m a de the Excel f ile in which we have im plem ented these equations available on the internet, at ht t p : / / www.puaf.um d.edu/ facul t y / p apers/ fet t e r/ publ i cat i ons.ht m . Any one wi t h an i n t e rest i n doi ng so can revi ew t h e equat i ons, i nput t h ei r own assum p t i ons about t h e cost of different elem ents of the fuel cycle, and com e t o t h ei r own concl u si ons.

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 17

converted into dollars per kilowatt-hour of electricity produced. (The specific equations used for calculating the contribution to electricity cost are also explained in detail in Appendix A.)

In the rem a inder of this chapter, we will (a) show the breakeven uranium price as a function of the cost of reprocessing, for a give n set of central, high, and low estim ates of the costs of other param e ters; (b) provide an analysis of the sensitivity of that result to the various different cost param e ters of the fuel cycle; (c) show the contribution of each fuel cycle to the cost of electricity, again as a func tion of reprocessing price, for the sam e set of param e ters; (d) analyze the sensitivity of the cost of electricity to changes in selected input cost param e ters; and (e) justify our estim ates of the prices of all the various param e ters involved, with discussions of near-term pr ice projections and their possible longer-term evolution.

2.2. Calculating Breakeven Prices

Figure 2.1 plots the breakeven uranium price as a function of the price of reprocessing (including transportation of fuel to the reprocessing plant, short-term storage of spent fuel and plutonium , treatm e nt and disposal of low- and interm ediate-level wastes, and interim storage of HLW ) . Table 2.1 displays our central estim ates of various param e ters in the calculation, as well as estim ates that reflect best and worst cases for reprocessing:

(a) the cost savings from geologic disposal of reprocessing wastes com p ared to geological disposal of spent fuel ($/kgHM of original spent fuel);

(b) the cost of fabricating M OX fuel ($/kgHM of MOX fuel);

(c) the cost of interim storage of spent f u el pending ultim ate disposal on the direct disposal route ($/kgHM);

(d) the price of enrichm e nt (dollars per separative work unit, $/SW U);

(e) the burnup of the spent fuel being reprocessed and of the fresh fuel to be produced (therm al m e gawatt-days per kilogram of heavy m e tal, MW t /kgHM);

(f) whether or not the enrichm e nt work is done using laser isotope separation, which would m a ke it possible to rem ove the undesirable isotopes from the uranium recovered from reprocessing without extra work;

(g) the discount rate used for the carrying charges (%/y);

(h) the price of LEU fuel fabrication ($/kgHM);

(i) the prem ium s charged for conversion, enrichm e nt, and fabrication of recovered uranium rather than natural uranium ($/kgU, $/SW U, $/kgHM); and

(j) the price of uranium conversion ($/kgU).

18 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

Figure 2.1. Breakeven uranium price as a function of the cost of reprocessing, for various sets of assum p tions about the cost of other fuel-cycle services.


W o r s t C a se fo r Rep r oc es s i ng


M ont e Car l o


Re fere nce Case

B e st C a se f o r R epro c e s s i ng

$50/ k g U


B r e akev en Ur anium P r ice ($ /k gU)





50 0 1000 1500 20 00

Re proc es sing Pr ic e ($/kgHM)

The estim ates for these param e ters we have used are based on a review of the recent literature; current prices and projections f o r the f u ture, with sources f o r these f i gures, are described in m o re detail in a subsequent section of this chapter. 22

The solid central line in figure 2.1 shows the breakeven uranium price as a function of the price of reprocessing, using the central estim ates given in table 2.1 for other fuel-cycle prices and param e ters. The dotted lines labeled “Monte Carlo” show the result of a sim u lation in which the values of other param e ters are selected random ly from independent norm a l distributions with 5 th and 95 th percentiles def i ned by the values given in table 2.1 f o r the best and worst case for reprocessing. (This is a very rough estim ate of the uncertainty in

22 W e h a v e n o t in clu d e d ex p licitly ch arg e s fo r th e v a rio u s tran sp o r tatio n step s in clu d e d in th e fu el cycle— ranging from transportation of uranium from the m i ne to the m ill and from there to the conversion facility to t r ansport a t i on of spent fuel t o a reprocessi ng pl ant or a perm anent repository—instead in co rp o r atin g th ese in to our est i m at es of t h e pri ces of t h e i ndi vi dual servi ces. Hence, the reprocessing cost estim ate includes transport t o t h e reprocessi ng pl ant , and t h e est i m at e of t h e di fference i n di sposal cost bet w een di sposi ng of spent fuel and di sposi ng of reprocessi ng wast es i n cl udes di fferences i n t h e cost of t r ansport i ng t h ese m a t e ri al s t o t h ei r fi nal repositories.

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 19

the calculation, since there is no form al justification for assum i ng independent norm a l distributions for each param e ter.) The outer dashed lines on the figure represent the result of setting all of the param e ters equal to those we estim ated as either the best case for reprocessing or the worst case for reprocessing.

Table 2.1. Estim ates of fuel-cycle costs (2003 dollars) and other param e ters and sensitivity analysis for the breakeven uranium price for a reprocessing price of $1000/kgHM.

Parameter Value *

Breakeven U price

(centra l = $368/kgU )

change compared to central



c e n t r a l

h i g h


h i g h

Disposal cost diff. ($/kgHM)

3 0 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 9 8

4 3 8


MOX fuel fabrication ($/kgHM)







Interim fuel storage ($/kgHM)







Enrichm e nt ($/SW U )








Spent-fuel burnup (MW d /kgHM)







Fresh-fuel burnup (MW d /kgHM)







Laser enrichm e nt







Discount rate (%/y, real)








LEU fuel fabrication ($/kgHM)




3 5 9

3 7 6


Prem ium for recovered uranium

Conversion ($/kgU)




3 6 2

3 7 3


Enrichm e nt ($/SW U )




3 6 4

3 7 1


Fuel fabrication ($/kgHM)




3 6 7

3 6 9


Conversion ($/kgU)




3 6 7

6 3 9


* l o w = best case for reprocessi ng, hi gh =

worst case

for reproces

si ng

As can be seen, including the additional com p lications of a full calculation leads to a result sim ilar to the illustrative calculations provided above. At the sam e $1000/kgHM reprocessing price considered in the illustration, the breakeven uranium price is about

$370/kgU for our central estim ates of the other param e ters. Again, this is a price far higher than any likely to be seen for m a ny decades to com e . Even the 5% boundary of the Monte Carlo sim u lation represents a breakeven uranium price of about $220/kgU for a $1000/kgHM reprocessing price. The reason that uranium prices m u st increase so m u ch to reach breakeven is that the cost of purchasing uranium is only a sm all fraction of the overall fuel cost in the once-through fuel cycle, and hence to affect the overall fuel cycle price very m u ch, the uranium price has to increase dram atically.

20 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

Table 2.2 shows the results of breakeven calculations for selected cost param e ters, holding uranium price at $50/kgU and setting other costs equal to the central values listed in table 2.1. Thus, if the price of uranium price is $50/kgU, the reprocessing price would have to be reduced to about $420/kgHM for reprocessing to be as cost-effective as direct disposal. As will be discussed below, achieving such a low reprocessing price would be an extraordinary challenge, particularly f o r privately-owned f acilities which m u st pay both taxes and higher costs of m oney on invested capital.

Table 2.2. Breakeven prices of selected param e ters, assum i ng a uranium price of

$50/kgU and central values for other param e ters.


Central Estimate

Breakeven Value

Breakeven Central

Disposal cost difference ($/kgHM)




Interim spent fuel storage ($/kgHM)




Enrichm e nt ($/SW U )




Reprocessing ($/kgHM)




Uranium ($/kgU)




2.3. Breakeven Price Sensitivity Analysis

Figure 2.2 illustrates the sensitivity of the breakeven uranium price to changes in the various fuel-cycle param e ters. It shows how m u ch the breakeven price would increase or decrease when each of the param e ters is varied from our central estim ate to our worst-case and best-case estim ates, for reprocessing prices of $500/kgHM, $1000/kgHM, and


The param e ters that have the largest im pact on the outcom e are the reprocessing price, the difference in price between disposal of spent fuel and high-level wastes from reprocessing, and the price of MOX fuel fabrica tion. The costs of each of these particularly im portant param e ters are discussed in detail below. (The costs of interim storage of spent fuel pending disposal are also im portant; they are addressed briefly below, and m o re extensively in an earlier report on interim storage of spent fuel, by a different group of co- authors.) 23 Appendix B reviews the resources of uranium likely to be econom ically recoverable in the future at different prices.

23 Matthew Bunn, John P. Holdren, Allison Macfarlane, Su san E. Pickett, Atsuyuki Suzuki, Tatsujiro Suzuki, and Jenni fer W eeks, Int e ri m St orage of Spent N u cl ear Fuel : A Saf e, Fl exi bl e, and C o st -Ef f ect i ve Approach t o Spent Fuel Management (C am bri dge, M A : M a nagi ng t h e At om Project , Harvard Uni v ersi t y , and Project on Sociotechnics of Nuclear Energy, Un iversity of Tokyo, June 2001, av ailable as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at h ttp ://b csia.k sg .h arv a rd .ed u / BCSIA_ c o n t en t/d o c u m en ts/sp e n t fu el.p d f ).

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 21

Figure 2.2. Sensitivity of the breakeven uranium price to changes in various param e ters, relative reference-case values of about $90, $370, and $950/kgU for reprocessing costs of

$500, $1000, and $2000/kgHM, respectively.

Fuel B u rnup

Pr e m i u m f o r R e cy cl ed U r ani um

$10 0

C h ange in B r e ak-even U r anium Pr ice ($/kgU )

$5 0


C onv ersi on

LE U Fuel Fa bri c at i o n

E n ric h ment

C onv ersi on

LE U Fuel Fa bri c at i o n

Discou n t Ra te



Fresh Fuel

S pent Fuel

E n ri chment

Int e ri m S t orage

MOX Fuel Fa b.

D i s posal C o st Diffe r e n c e

-$10 0

-$15 0

Reprocessing price. Given the wide range we have chosen to display, the breakeven uranium price is extrem ely sensitive to reprocessing price, ranging from roughly $90/kgU for a “best case” reprocessing price of $500/kgHM, to $370/kgU for a reprocessing price of

$1000/kgHM, to $950/kgU for a reprocessing price of $2000/kgHM. As will be discussed below, this is by no m eans the upper lim it of plausible reprocessing prices (the plant now under construction in Japan is expected to have a higher reprocessing cost, even if no allowance is m a de f o r return on capital invested), but there is little point in calculating breakeven uranium prices at higher reprocessing costs, since there is no prospect that such uranium prices would be reached in this century.

Difference in w a ste disposal costs. The next m o st sensitive param e ter is the savings in waste disposal costs resulting from disposi ng of the high-level wastes from reprocessing, as com p ared with the direct disposal of the spen t fuel. In a best case for reprocessing, if the savings is $300/kgHM (75 percent of the $400/kgHM estim ated net present cost of disposal of spent fuel at the tim e of discharge), then the breakeven uranium price would be reduced by som e $70/kgU dollars below the $370/kgU breakeven price for our central estim ate of

22 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

$200/kgHM in disposal cost savings, at a $1000/ kgHM reprocessing price. If the savings was only $100/kgHM, the breakeven price would be increased by a sim ilar am ount.

MOX fuel fabrication cost. The other particularly sensitive param e ter is the MOX fuel fabrication price. If this price wa s $2300/kgHM, the breakeven uranium price would increase by som e $65/kgU; if the MOX price were $700/kgHM, breakeven price would be reduced by $65/kgU.

2.4. Contribution to th e Cost of Electricity

Figure 2.3 shows the additional electricity cost involved in reprocessing and recycling, com p ared to direct disposal of sp ent fuel, as a function of uranium price, for several reprocessing prices. (The other fuel cycle cost param e ters are set at the central estim ates described above.) As can be seen, at a reprocessing price of $1000/kgHM and a uranium price of $40/kgU (m odestly above recen t prices), reprocessing would involve an additional electricity cost of 1.3 m ill/kW h . (A m ill is a tenth of a cent.) Even at a uranium price of $130/kgHM—a price not likely to be seen for m a ny decades, if not longer—the penalty for reprocessing is still about 1 m ill/kW h . If the reprocessing price were

$1500/kgHM, the electricity price penalty at a uranium price of $40/kgU would be nearly doubled, to about 2.5 m ill/kW h .

Figure 2.3. The additional cost of electricity (COE, m ill/KW h ) f o r the reprocessing- recycle option, for reprocessing prices of $500, 1000, 1500, and $2000/kgHM, com p ared to the cost of electricity for the direct-disposal option.

$20 00 /kgH M

$15 00 /kgH M

$10 00 /kgH M

$50 0/ kg H M


COE RR - COE DD (m i l l / kWh )






0 4 0 8 0 1 20 16 0 2 00 2 4 0

Pr ic e of U r a n iu m ( $ /k g U )

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 23

W h ile 1-2 m ill/kW h does not represent a large f r action of total electricity costs, it is a significant fraction of the costs that owners of existing plants can control—particularly the back-end costs. At $1000/kgHM and $40/kgU, the full costs attributable to spent fuel m a nagem e nt (after taking account of appropriate credits or charges for the recovered plutonium and uranium from reprocessing) ar e 87% greater for reprocessing and recycling than for direct disposal, and am ount to an additional expense of roughly $1 m illion per year for a typical LW R. 24

2.5. Component Costs of the Fuel Cycle

In this section, we discuss our estim ates of the various prices and other param e ters that enter into the fuel cycle cost calculation. In m o st cases, we focus on the near term (which we take to be the next 10-15 years); in the case of uranium prices and reprocessing costs (which are, in a sense, the key factors to be traded off against each other in considering whether it m a kes econom ic sense to recycle), we offer som e m o re speculation about the longer term .

2.5.1. Uranium Prices

Uranium prices are particularly im portant in our analysis, since we have focused significantly on estim ating how m u ch the uranium price would have to increase for reprocessing and recycling in existing LW Rs to be econom ic.

Near Term

Current uranium prices are generally in the range of $25-$35/kgU, som e ten tim es lower than the breakeven price we estim ate for a reprocessing price of $1000/kgHM. The average uranium price paid by U.S. utilities in 2002 was $26.93/kgU. 25 In the European Union, the average price paid for deliveries under long-term contracts in 2002 (the m o st recent year for which averages are available) was higher, at $32.30. 26 Uranium sold under long-term contracts is usually m o re expensive than uranium sold on the “spot” m a rket— reflecting a prem ium paid for the added security to the utility of having long-term contracts in place for its fuel supply. In the United States in 2002, for exam ple, the average long-term

24 W i t h a $200/ kgHM charge for i n t e ri m st orage pendi ng geol ogi c di sposal , and a $400/ kgHM charge for di rect di sposal (i ncl udi ng t r ansport t o t h e reposi t o ry ), t h e t o t a l back-end cost of di rect di sposal i s i n t h e range of 1.5 m ill/kW h . W ith a reprocessing price of $1000/kgHM (i ncluding transport to the reprocessing plant), a

$200/ kgHM charge for di sposal of reprocessi ng wast es, and adjust m e nt s for t h e net val u e/ cost of bot h t h e recovered pl ut oni um and t h e recovered urani u m , t h e t o t a l back-end cost of reprocessi ng and recy cl i ng i s al m o st

2 . 9 m ill/k W h . (Fo r th e d e tails o f th e eq u a tio n s u s ed in th ese calcu latio n s , see Ap p e n d i x A.) Fo r a 1 - GW e reactor operating with an 85% capacity factor, an extra 1.3 m ill/kW h is equal to $1 m illion/y.

25 U.S. Depart m e nt of Energy , Energy Inform at i on Adm i ni st rat i on, Urani um Indust r y Annual 2002 (W ashington DC: Departm e nt of Energy, May 2003, availa ble as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / www.ei a.doe.gov/ cneaf/ nucl ear/ u i a / u i a .pdf ), Tabl e D6. Such pri ces are oft e n expressed i n dol l a rs per pound U308; such figures m u st be m u ltiplie d by 2.6 to find the price in dollars per kilogram of uranium . For t h e rest of t h e chapt e r, al l pri ces are i n const a nt 2003 dol l a rs, convert ed usi ng GDP defl at ors, unl ess ot herwi s e specified.

26 Eura t o m Suppl y Agency , Annual Report 2002 (B russel s : Eurat o m Suppl y Agency , 2003, avai l a bl e as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at http://europa.eu.int/com m / euratom / ar/ar2002.pdf ), p. 22, convert ed from euros t o dol l a rs at t h e 0.95$/ euro average rat e for 2002.

24 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

contract price was $29.00, while the average spot price was $24.15, and spot purchases represented 17% of deliveries. 27 In the European Union, the average long-term contract price was $32.30, the average spot price was $24.22, and only 8% of deliveries were spot purchases—both the m odestly sm aller am ount of the spot purchases and the m odestly higher price for the long-term contracts reflecting European utilities’ preference for the security of long-term contracts (though these differences are m u ch less than they once were). 28 As of the sum m e r of 2003, the spot uranium price was in the range of $28-$28.50/kgU. 29

Indeed, as shown in Figure 2.4, 30 while uranium prices are som e what volatile, on average world uranium prices have been declining steadily for two decades. Also notable in the figure is that the gaps between U.S. and European prices, and between spot and long-term prices, have declined significantly in recent years.

Figure 2.4. Uranium prices, 1972-2000.

Uranium prices are still being depressed by the use of both m ilitary and civilian uranium inventories: while world uranium production increased by 12% in 2000, that still

27 Urani um Indust r y Annual 2002, op. ci t ., p. 19.

28 Eurat o m Suppl y Agency , Annual Report 2002, op. ci t ., Annex 3.

29 Spot uranium prices are freely availabl e from Ux Consulting, at http://www.uxc.com .

30 R e produced from Organi zat i on for Econom i c C ooperat i on and Devel opm ent , Nucl ear Energy Agency , and In tern atio n a l Ato m ic En erg y Ag en cy, Urani um 2001: Resources, Product i on, and Demand (Paris, France: NEA and IAEA, 2002), p. 68.

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 25

filled only 56% of world reactor requirem e nts of som e 64,000 m e tric tons of uranium (tU). 31 It is expected that this situation will continue to exist for som e tim e. The initial 500-ton

U.S.-Russian Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) Purchase Agreem ent is scheduled to continue to provide LEU blended from 30 tons a year of HEU through 2013, and there are widespread expectations that additional excess HEU m a y enter the m a rket after that; estim ates suggest that com m e rcial uranium inventories still am ounted to 140,000 tU at the end of 2000, having declined from 168,500 at the end of 1998. 32 Ultim ately, as existing inventories are consum ed, prices will have to rise sufficiently to bring additional production onto the m a rket to m eet dem a nd. Relatively m odest price increases would be sufficient to result in producers supplying additional m a terial to the m a rket: already dem onstrated reserves recoverable at

$40/kgU or less are reported to include m o re than 2 m illion tU, and m o re resources would surely be converted to reserves as prices increased. 33 Hence it is quite unlikely that uranium prices will increase above $50/kgU for any sustained period over the next couple of decades. 34 One projection in the sum m e r of 2003 suggested that uranium prices in long-term contracts would rise to $32.50/kgU in 2005, and to $41.60/kgU by 2013, where they would rem a in for an extended period. 35

W e have not chosen central or high and low estim ates for uranium prices, instead treating breakeven uranium price as the dependent variable resulting from the other factors in the fuel cycle cost equation.

Longer Term

Longer-term price predictions are notoriously difficult. For m u ch of the nuclear age, forecasters have routinely predicted that the uranium price would im m i nently begin a steady rise, and have just as routinely been proved wrong. Throughout the 20 th century, the world has been finding m o re of m o st resources and developing new and cheaper ways to recover them faster than these resources have been consum ed. The result, for a wide range of non- renewable resources, has been prices that have been declining in real term s rather than increasing. In the United States, for exam ple, the real price of a broad range of m e tals declined throughout the 20 th century (just as the uranium price has been doing for the last 20 years). 36 Based on the estim ates of uranium resources described in Appendix B, there is clearly enough uranium available at costs far below the breakeven price for reprocessing at

$1000/kgHM to last for m a ny decades; indeed, as described in Appendix B, it appears unlikely that the uranium price will rise to the breakeven price anytim e in the 21 st century,

31 Urani um 2001: Resources, Product i on, and Demand, op. ci t ., p. 10.

32 Urani um 2001: Resources, Product i on, and Demand, op. ci t ., p. 59, ci t i ng a 2001 st udy by t h e W o rl d Nucl ear Asso ciatio n (fo rm erly th e Uran iu m In stitu te).

33 Urani um 2001: Resources, Product i on, and Demand, op. ci t ., p. 21.

34 See, for exam pl e, U.S. Depart m e nt of Energy , Energy Inform at i on Adm i ni st rat i on, Nuclear Power Generat i on and Fuel C ycl e Report 1997 (W ashi ngt on, DC : DOE, Sept em ber 1997), p. 116, project i ng a spot m a rket pri ce essent i a l l y st abl e at bet w een $40/ kgU and $41/ kgU (1996 dol l a rs) from 2004-2010. Thi s i s t h e last year fo r wh ich th is rep o r t is av ailab l e.

35 See Michael Knapik, “LES Hires Advisers to Prim e Renewed Push to Site Tennessee Plant; PACE Slam s USEC,” Nuclear Fuel, M a y 26, 2003, report i ng project i ons from Energy R e sources Int e rnat i onal .

36 Daniel E. Sullivan, John L. Sz nopek, and Lorie A. W a gner, “20 th Cen t u r y U.S. Min e ral Prices Declin e in C onst a nt Dol l a rs” (W ashi ngt on DC : U.S. Geol ogi cal Survey , Open Fi l e R e port 00-389, avai l a bl e as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / pubs.usgs.gov/ openfi l e / o f00-389/ of00-389.pdf ).

26 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

even with substantial growth in nuclear power. Appendix B also addresses the long-term possibility of recovery of the huge uranium res ource in seawater, which, if it could be done on an industrial scale at a price com p arable to or less than the breakeven price, would provide a long-term com p etitor to reprocessing and recycling of plutonium for fueling the future of fission-based nuclear energy.

2.5.2. Reprocessing Costs and Prices

Our analysis is also particularly sensitive to the price of reprocessing, and theref ore we discuss reprocessing costs and prices in som e detail. Com m e rcial reprocessing is expensive. Chem ically processing intensely radioactive spent f u el while m a intaining adequate saf e ty standards requires large, com p lex f acilities and substantial num bers of highly trained personnel, and results in significant quantities of radioactive and chem ical wastes that m u st be m a naged. For exam ple, the French UP2 and UP3 f acilities at La Hague, the world’s largest com m e rcial reprocessing center, cost 90 billion francs to build (over $16 billion 2003 dollars) and em ploy 6,000-8,000 people. 37

Exactly how expensive reprocessing is depends, of course, on the specifics of individual f acilities. The actual experience of existing f acilities provides a f a r better basis f o r judging the cost of future facilities than paper studies by optim istic designers, but this actual experience is lim ited: only two com p anies outside the form er Soviet Union operate large com m e rcial reprocessing plants today (COGEMA, now part of the Areva group, in France, and British Nuclear Fuels Lim ited (BNFL) in the United Kingdom ), and these plants only began operation in the 1990s. More is known about the costs at BNFL’s Therm a l Oxide Reprocessing Plant (THORP), because of the extended debates that have surrounded that f acility since its inception. Unlike cost param e ters such as uranium and enrichm e nt prices, for which published prices are widely available, virtually all aspects of the econom ics of reprocessing are considered proprietary inform ation. The cost estim ates in this study are therefore based on the lim ited statem ents that are available from the reprocessors, studies from other sources, and press reports. The secti ons below discuss costs and prices charged at existing plants, followed by a discussion of possible costs at new facilities in the longer-term fut u re.


The THORP facility cost som e $5.9 billion (2003 dollars) to build. 38 W h ile there has been considerable controversy over its annual re processing capacity (arising from its frequent

37 C h ristian Bataille an d Ro b e rt Galley, L’Aval du Cycle Nucléaire (The Ba ck End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle) , Part 1, General St udy , R e port t o t h e Parl i a m e nt ary O ffi ce for t h e Eval uat i on of Sci e nt i f i c and Technol ogi cal Choices (Paris, France: French Senate, June 1998, available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / www.senat . fr/ rap/ o97-612/ o97-612.ht m l ). As di scussed i n C h apt e r 1, t h e cost estim ate in francs has been convert ed t o dol l a rs usi ng a t h ree-y ear average of excha nge rat e s cent e red on t h e y ear of t h e est i m at e, and t h en i n fl at ed t o 2003 dol l a rs usi ng U.S. GDP defl at ors. The em pl oy m e nt fi gure covers bot h em pl oy ees of C OGEM A and subcont ract ors.

38 British Nu clear Fu els Lim ited , The Economic and Commercial Justification for THORP (Risley, UK: BNFL, 1993), p. 22. B N FL st at es t h at t h e “const r uct i on cost of THOR P, spread over t h e t e n y ears 1983-1992, equat e s to around £1.9Bn. However, taking acc ount of other projects which are dir ectly related to THORP, the overall capi t a l cost of t h e program m e was around £2.85 B n .” These est i m at es have been convert ed t o dol l a rs usi ng a

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 27

failure to m eet targets), we will use an estim ate of 800 tons of heavy m e tal per year (tHM/y). BNFL has never provided an official figure fo r THORP’s operating costs, but before THORP began operating, BNFL provided a public estim ate that a sim ilar plant would cost som e $560 m illion per year (2003 dollars) to operate (or roughly $700/kgHM). 39 BNFL in this period frequently underestim ated future costs, and indeed, on a per-kilogram basis BNFL has concluded that costs are higher than originally anticipated, and has asked for additional paym ents from custom ers to cover these higher costs. 40 Nevertheless, to be conservative, we will rely on this early BNFL estim ate.

Both THORP and UP-3 were built with very f a vorable f i nancing arrangem e nts—pay- ahead contracts f r om their utility custom ers paid essentially the entire capital cost over a 10- year “baseload” period, with no interest or return to investors required. Am ortizing a $5.9 billion capital cost over 10 years of operation at 800 tHM/y would result in a capital contribution to reprocessing cost of $740/kgHM. W ith capital and operating costs added together, this com e s to $1440/kgHM. If we assum e (conservatively) that start-up costs am ount to one year of operational costs (also am ortized over the ten-year baseload), this adds som e $70/kgHM; conservative allowances for refurbishm ent and decom m i ssioning add a further $100/kgHM. Thus the total cost under this financing arrangem e nt would be in the range of $1760/kgHM. 41

The cost of reprocessing at new f acilities with capital and operating costs com p arable to THORP would depend crucially on how they were financed (see appendix A.) Financing with pay-ahead contracts and without require m e nts for return on investm e nt was possible only because the reprocessors’ custom ers were legally obliged by their governm e nts to enter into reprocessing contracts and BNFL and Coge m a were the only firm s offering the service; this seller’s m a rket for reprocessing services will not occur again. A governm e nt-owned facility able to borrow m oney at low, risk-free governm e nt rates, and am ortize the capital

t h ree-y ear average of exchange rat e s cent e red on t h e t i m e of t h e est i m at e, and t h en i n fl at ed t o 2003 dol l a rs usi ng U.S. GDP defl at ors. Ot her est i m at es (i ncl udi ng from B N FL) l ead t o som e what hi gher fi gures i n 2003 dol l a rs, but t h ese vari at i ons m a y be m o re a m a t t e r of curre ncy fl uct u at i ons t h an real differences in the estim ated cost of the facility when built. In 2000-2001, BNFL asked custom ers to cover £100 m illion in additional capital costs not initially anticipated (approxi m a tely $150 m illion in 2003 dollars), but to be conservative, we have not added t h ese addi t i onal cost s t o our est i m at es of THOR P capital costs. See, for exam ple, Ann MacLachlan, “BNFL, Overseas Custom ers Agree on New R e processi ng C ont ract Term s,” Nuclear Fuel, Oct ober 15, 2001.

39 Organ i zat i on for Econom i c C ooperat i on and Devel opm ent , Nucl ear Energy Agency , The Economi c s of t h e Nuclear Fuel Cycle (Pari s : NEA, 1994), p. 113. The cost s est i m at ed i n t h at st udy are i n 1991 m oney val u es (p. 23), and have been convert ed t o 2003 dol l a rs usi ng t h e sam e m e t hod as used for capi t a l cost s.

40 See, for exam ple, MacLachlan, “BNFL, Overseas C u st om ers Agree on New R e processi ng C ont ract Term s,” op. ci t .

41 The assum p tions used here for capital, operating, refurb i s hm ent , st art up, and decom m i ssi oni ng cost s l ead t o a total cost, if the plant were only to operate for the 10-year baseload, of $11.8 billion, quite com p arable to BNFL’s estim ate, before the plant began to opera te, of total costs of $11.3 billion. (See BNFL, The Economi c and Commercial Justification for THORP, op. ci t ., p. 22, convert ed t o current dol l a rs by t h e sam e m e t hods descri bed above). The di fference i s l i k el y at t r i but ab l e l a rgel y t o our assum p t i ons on capi t a l refurbi s hm ent cost s, whi c h we t r eat as l e vel i zed t h roughout t h e pl ant s l i f e, but B N FL m a y have assum e d coul d l a rgel y be postponed until after the baseload period (and hence these costs m a y have not have been fully included in an account i ng l i m i t e d t o cost s i n curred duri ng t h e basel o ad peri od); refurbi s hm ent i s not even m e nt i oned i n t h i s B N FL docum ent , and i n t h e OEC D st udy , m a jor refurbi s hm ents are assum e d to occur at 10 years (just after the basel o ad) and 20 y ears aft e r t h e pl ant begi ns operat i ons (OEC D/ NEA, The Economi c s of t h e N u cl ear Fuel Cycle, op. ci t ., p. 120.

28 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

cost over 30 years rather than only 10, would have a total cost, using otherwise sim ilar assum p tions, just under $1350/kgHM; a private facility with a guaranteed rate of return (and therefore a low cost of m oney, though not as low as the governm e nt’s rate, and also facing a requirem e nt to pay taxes and insurance) would have a total cost of over $2000/kgHM; and a private f acility with no guaranteed rate of return would have a total cost of over

$3100/kgHM—all for the sam e capital and operating costs as BNFL estim ated for THORP. 42 These figures are consistent with those estim ated by a com m ittee of the National Academ y of Sciences in the m i d-1990s (also on the basis of reported THORP costs), when those estim ates are converted from 1992 to 2003 dollars. 43 Such private-capital costs would take the cost of

42 T h ese fig u r es assu m e , in ad d itio n to th e cap ital an d o p e rat i ng cost s for THOR P descri bed i n t h e t e xt : (a) a 10- year co n s tru c tio n tim e, as assu m e d in OECD/NEA, The Economi c s of t h e N u cl ear Fuel C ycl e, op. ci t ., p. 120, com p arabl e t o t h e const r uct i on t i m es for UP3 and THOR P; (b) an annual refurbi s hm ent cost of 1% of overni ght cap ital co st; (c) p r o p e rty tax e s an d in su ran ce fo r th e p r iv ate facilities o f 2 % o f o v e rn ig h t cap ital co st; (d ) an annui t y for decom m i ssi oni ng, wi t h decom m i ssi oni ng cost i ng 30% of overni ght capi t a l cost , and occurri ng 20 y ears aft e r t h e 30-y ear operat i onal l i f e of t h e pl ant , and funds set asi d e i n a fund t h at generat e s a 3% real i n t e rest rat e , resul t i ng i n a decom m i ssi oni ng charge of roughl y $26/ kgHM ; (e) cont i nuous operat i on at 800 t H M / y r t h roughout t h e 30-y ear l i f e of t h e pl ant ; and (f) st art up cost s equal t o one y ear of operat i ons cost s, addi ng just over $560 m illion to total capital costs. As discussed in Ch apter 1, annual fixed charge rates are assum e d to be 5.8% for governm e nt financi ng, 10.3% for a private entity with a guara nteed rate of return, and 18.8% for a p r iv ate en tity with n o g u a ran t ee o f rev e n u e s—p l u s 2 % , as j u st n o t ed , fo r p r o p e rty tax e s an d in su ran ce in th e case of the private facilities. Describing the spend-out of funds during construction with the beta-binom ial S- curve descri bed i n Appendi x A, and assum i ng real rat e s for i n t e rest duri ng const r uct i on (IDC ) of 4%, 6.4%, and 9% for the governm e nt-owned, regulated -utility-owned, and private-venture-ow ned cases, respectively, leads to addi ng 18%, 31%, and 46% t o t h e overni g h t co n s tru c tio n co sts to fin d th e to tal cap ital co st in clu d i n g in terest during construction. (Although it seem s ve ry unlikely that lenders would be willing to finance 100% of the cost o f b u ild in g su ch a facility with n o eq u ity in v e stm e n t , ev en if eq u ity sh ares were to b e so ld to p a y o ff so m e o f the debt once the facility was operational, we have nonethel ess used the lower rate for all-debt financing for the private venture case, as otherwise the cost of i n t e rest duri ng const r uct i on over 10 y ears of const r uct i on woul d be prohibitive. This follows the appr oach taken in U.S. National Resear ch Council, Com m ittee on Separations Technol ogy and Transm ut at i on Sy st em s, N u cl ear Wast es: Technol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i o n (W ashi ngt on DC : Nat i onal Academ y Press, 1996), Appendi x J, “Fuel R e processi ng Econom i c s,” pp. 413-445.) Thus for a governm e nt-owned facility, the total capital cost, including overni ght cost, IDC, and startup costs, would be roughly $7.5 billion; the annua l capital contribution to the revenue requirem e nt woul d be nearly $440 m illion; and the capital contribution to per-kilogram cost would be ju st under $550/kgHM. Adding just over

$700/ kgHM i n operat i ons cost woul d bri ng t h e per-ki l ogram cost t o som e $1250/ kgHM , and refurbi s hm ent and decom m i ssioning set-asides would bring the total to som e $1350/kgHM. Fo r a facility owned by a regulated utility, the total capital cost would be $8.3 billion, contributing an annua l revenue requirem e nt of som e $850 m illion, or just over $1060/kgHM; opera ting, refurbishm ent, and decom m i ssi oning costs are assum e d to be the sam e , but t h ere woul d al so be a cost of som e $150/ kgHM for propert y t a xes and i n surance, bri ngi ng t o t a l cost s to som e $2020/kgHM. For a facility owned by a private ve nture without a regulated ra te of return, the total capital cost would be $9.2 billion, the annual reve nue requirem e nt would be $1.7 billion, the capital cont ri but i on t o per-ki l ogram cost woul d be over $2150/ kgH M , and t h e t o t a l reprocessi ng cost woul d be over

$3100/ kgHM . Assum p t i ons on fi xed charge rat e s, refurb i s hm ent , propert y i n surance, and t a xes, are drawn from U.S. National Research Council, Com m ittee on Se parations Technology and Transm utation System s, N u cl ear Wast es: Technol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i o n , W a shi ngt on DC : Nat i onal Academ y Press, 1996, Appendi x J, “Fuel R e processi ng Econom i c s,” pp. 413-445; assum p t i ons on decom m i ssi oni ng are drawn from B N FL’s own assum p t i ons i n OEC D / N EA, The Economi c s of t h e N u cl ear Fuel C ycl e, op. ci t ., p. 114. W e have charged propert y t a xes and i n sura n ce sep a rately fro m th e fix e d ch arg e rate o n to tal cap ital co st (so as to appl y t h ese charges onl y t o overni ght cost , not t o t o t a l capi t a l cost ), and our annual fi xed charge rat e s are t h erefore 2% l o wer for bot h of t h e private cases than the figures used by t h e NAS panel . Thee NAS panel appears not t o have i n cl uded i t s est i m at ed 1% annual charge for refurbi s hm ent i n i t s fi xed charge rat e s. (R ay Sandburg, pri v at e com m uni cat i on, Jul y 2003.)

43 See NAS, N u cl ear Wast es: Technol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i o n , op. ci t ., pp. 413-445.

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 29

reprocessing to the edge of Figure 2.1 and beyond, to a region where the breakeven uranium price would be in the range of $1000/kgU, or far higher than that for reprocessing at a private facility without a guaranteed rate of return.

Costs for the French UP3 plant, built at roughly the sam e tim e to m eet essentially the sam e m a rket, have been reported to be generally sim ilar to those for THORP, though m u ch less detail is available. 44 Costs for the m o st recent large reprocessing plant, the Rokkasho- Mura plant nearing com p letion in Japan, have been astronom ically higher—despite the design having been m odeled on UP3—not lower, as m i ght be expected from having the benefit of the experience of the plants in Fr ance and the United Kingdom . The capital cost of the Rokkasho-Mura plant is now expected to be 2.14 trillion yen (roughly $18 billion at exchange rates that prevailed in the first half of 2003) and the operations cost over 40 years is expected to be 6.8 trillion yen (over $1.4 billion per year) 45 —both about three tim es the THORP costs discussed above. Even am ortized over 40 years, with zero return on capital and no allowances for interest during construction, startup costs, refurbishm ent, or decom m i ssioning, this would com e to over $2300/kgHM. Total costs including these other costs are expected to be dram atically higher still, at over $4100/kgHM—though it is not entirely clear which com ponents of the repro cessing-recycling-waste disposal program are included in that huge total—prom pting the Japanese utilities to ask for a governm e nt subsidy to pay all costs other than operations. 46

In short, the $1000/kgHM reprocessing cost we have used as our central estim ate is quite conservative. For f acilities with capital and operating costs com p arable to THORP, per-kilogram costs in this range could only be achieved f o r f acilities whose capital cost has already been paid off, or which are governm e nt-financed. If, as seem s likely, future plants would not be built by governm e nts, but would have to raise funds on private capital m a rkets (and pay taxes and insurance), then sim p ly achieving our central estim ate of $1000/kgHM

would require m o re than a 50 percent reduction in the capital and operating costs experienced

44 One press report indicates that COGEMA estim ated the capital cost of UP3 at 27.8 billion francs in 1992, roughly $6.2 billion 2003 dollars. See Ann MacLachlan, “COGEMA Inaugurates UP3 with Prom ise of More Upgrades,” Nuclear Fuel , April 27, 1992. Sim ilarly, an earlier press account reported that COGEMA had est i m at ed t h e t o t a l cost of bui l d i ng t h e UP3 pl ant (wi t h a capaci t y of 800 M T HM / y r) and expandi ng UP2 from a capacity of 400 MTHM/yr to 800 MTHM wa s 50 billion francs; if two-thirds of this, or 33.3 billion francs, was for UP3, that would be roughly sim ilar to the 27.8 b illion franc estim ate reported in MacLachlan. See NAS, N u cl ear Wast es: Technol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i o n , op. ci t ., p.418, quot i ng Reprocessi ng N e w s , “Desi gn and C h aract eri s t i c s of t h e UP-3 Pl ant , Hanover, Germ any : Uni t e d R e processors, 1990. W h i l e C OGEM A has not reveal ed operat i ng cost s, B N FL has i ndi cat ed t h at UP3 operat i ng and decom m i ssi oni ng cost s are “com p arable” to those estim ated for THORP. See BNFL, The Economic and Commercial Justification for THORP, op. cit., p. 18. More recently, a French study re lying on figures from COGEMA has reported that the capital cost of UP3’s sister plant, UP2, was 37 b illion francs (2000 m oney values, som e $5.7 billion in 2003 d o llars, q u ite sim ilar to th e THORP estim ate), an d th e co n tin u i n g v a riab le co st is 4 m illio n fran c s p e r to n reprocessed (som e $619/ kgHM i n 2003 dol l a rs). See Yves M a ri gnac, “B ri efi ng: R e sul t s of t h e `C harpi n - Dessus-Pellat’ Mission Economi c Forecast St udy of t h e N u cl ear Pow e r Opt i on” (Paris, France: W o rld Inform at i on Servi ce Energy -Pari s , January 18, 2001), p. 7. M a ri gnac was one of t w o aut hors of t h e support i ng st udy t o t h e C h arpi n et al . st udy , on t h e econom i c s of t h e exi s t i ng nucl ear power i n frast ruct ure i n France.

45 See , fo r ex am p l e, “Nu k e Fu el Rep r o cessin g to Co st 1 5 Trillio n Yen , Japan Economi c N e w s w i re, M a y 15, 2003.

46 Total cost for reprocessing at Rokkasho-m u ra is estim ated at 15.9 trillion yen. See “Nuke Fuel Reprocessing to Co st 1 5 Trillio n Yen , o p . cit.

30 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

at past large com m e rcial reprocessing plants (excluding Rokkasho-Mura)—even if the f acility had the advantage of the low investor risks associated with a guaranteed rate of return.

It is also im portant to note that f o r sim p licity, in our m odel the reprocessing cost includes the cost of transport to the reprocessing plant, which is not in fact included in the above estim ates of the per kilogram costs at existing facilities. Over m odest distances, spent fuel transport is typically estim ated as costing an additional $50/kgHM. 47 Transport between Europe and Japan is significantly m o re expensive.


BNFL figures indicate that the “baseload” contracts for THORP, designed to retire the entire capital cost of the plants in the f i rst 10 years of operation, were in the range of

$1600/kgHM (1989 dollars), over $2300 in 2003 dollars. 48 This would be consistent with suggestions that the baseload contracts were based on expected costs plus a fee in the range of 20%. UP3 contract prices have been reporte d to be sim ilar to THORP’s. Som e sources, however, suggest som e what lower baseload contract prices, in the range of $1700- 1800/kgHM (2003 dollars); this difference m a y be attributable m o re to uncertainties introduced by currency conversion in the presence of currency fluctuations than by real differences in estim ations of the prices paid. 49 In som e cases, dom estic custom ers (such as Eléctricité de France for COGEMA, both largely owned by the French governm e nt) received m odestly lower prices. These baseload contract s were not fixed-price contracts, but cost-plus contracts, allowing BNFL and COGEMA to pass on cost increases to the custom ers. Both have sought increases over the prices originally negotiated, as a result of higher than expected costs (though in COGEMA’s case, this occurred before the plant began operations). 50

47 See, for exam pl e, Organi zat i on for Econom i c C ooperat i on and Devel opm ent , Nucl ear Energy Agency , Accelerator-Driven Systems (ADS) and Fa st Reactors (FR) in Advanced Nu clear Fuel Cycles: A Comparative St udy (Paris, France: NEA, 2002, available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / www.nea.fr/ ht m l / ndd/ report s / 2002/ nea3109-ads.pdf ), p. 211.

48 See, for exam ple, BNFL, The Economic and Commercial Justification for THORP , op. ci t ., p. 18. The 1990 B N FL anal y s i s referenced t h erei n i ndi cat ed t h at roughl y 6000 m e t r i c t ons heavy m e t a l (M THM ) of basel o ad contracts were worth £6 billion ( 1989 m oney values), m eaning that the average price was 1000 £/kgHM, or over $1600/ kgHM at t h e average exchange rat e for t h e t h ree y ears cent e red on 1989. An i d ent i cal fi gure of

$1600/ kgHM was provi ded i n an i n t e rvi e w by one of t h e aut hors wi t h an i ndust r y part i c i p ant i n M a rch 1994, referri ng t o cont ract offers from bot h C OGEM A and B N FL as bei ng roughl y si m i l a r. A num ber of ot her st ud i es from t h e earl y 1990s refer t o pri ces i n t h e range of $1600/ kgHM (t hen-y ear dol l a rs).

49 For exam ple, a 1995 Germ an study done by authors with access to data from the Germ an utilities reported a basel o ad pri ce of 2400 DM / kgHM . If we assum e t h at t h i s i s i n 1994 m oney val u es (rat h er t h an t h e am ount at the tim e the baseload contracts were concluded, m o re than a decade earlier), then this com e s to just over

$1800/ kgHM (2003 dol l a rs); see Ingo Hensi ng and W a l t e r Schul z, An Economic Comparison of Different Back- En d Pa th s o f Nu clea r Po wer Pla n t s: A Co st S i mu la tio n o f Differen t S t ra teg i es Fro m a Germa n Po in t o f View, Energiewirtschafliches Institute (EW I), University of Cologne (Ol e nbourg-Vourl a g,1995). Si m i l a rl y , t h e Nucl ear Assurance C o rporat i on (NAC ) report s t y pi cal basel o ad pri ces at $1500-$1700/ kgHM i n 1999 dol l a rs ($1630-$1850 2003 dollars); see Geo ff Varley and Dan Collier, Fuel Cycle Cost Data (Atlanta, GA: NAC, Oct ober 1999). As not ed i n C h apt e r 1, t h i s NAC report was prepared on cont ract t o t h e U.S. Depart m e nt of Energy, and is not publicly available because it c ontains inform ation that is proprietary to NAC.

50 MacLachlan, “BNFL, Overseas Custom ers Agree on New R e processi ng C ont ract Term s,” op. ci t .

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 31

Early post-baseload contracts, no longer including payback of capital costs, were reportedly concluded in 1989-1990 at prices in the range of $1000-$1500/kgHM (2003 dollars). 51 More recently, however, with significant com p etition between BNFL and COGEMA for post-baseload contracts, prices offered for new reprocessing contracts have reportedly fallen to the range of $600-900/kgHM, 52 representing, in essence, the operations cost of the plants plus a m odest allocation for profit. These prices are only possible because am ortization of capital is no longer included, and therefore do not represent long-term sustainable prices for reprocessing services.

Longer Term Prospects in New Facilities

If reprocessing is to play any significant part in the nuclear future, new plants would have to be built to replace the existing plants. An obvious question is: can the cost of reprocessing be reduced substantially com p ared to the cost experience in existing f acilities? As noted earlier, at a uranium price of $50/kgU, for our central estim ates of the other param e ters, the breakeven reprocessing price would be in the range of $425/kgHM; if the uranium price rose to $80/kgHM decades from now, the breakeven reprocessing price would be in the range of $480/kgHM. These figures represent a reduction by 75% or m o re com p ared to the reprocessing price that would pertain at a f acility with identical capital and operating costs to THORP, f i nanced at the rates that would pertain f o r a regulated utility with a guaranteed rate of return. Is it plausible that reprocessing prices this low m i ght be achieved in the f u ture?

The Plutonium Redox Extraction (PUREX) process used in existing com m e rcial reprocessing facilities has been used and perfected over m o re than five decades, for both m ilitary and com m e rcial reprocessing. W h ile refinem e nts are possible (and ongoing), the technology is highly m a ture. It seem s unlikely, therefore, that dram atic cost reductions could be achieved using this sam e technology, or ot her variants that would also involve chopping the spent f u el, dissolving it in acid solutions, and using organic solvents to extract the plutonium and uranium from the fission produc ts. BNFL and COGEMA have argued that, using the experience gained from their existing plants, and taking advantage of process

51 See, for exam ple, Mark Hibbs, “More Downward Pr essure Expected By Germ ans on R e processi ng Pri ce,” Nuclear Fuel, February 9, 1998, report i ng post - basel o ad Germ an cont ract s wi t h B N FL at 5500 french francs per ki l ogram of heavy m e t a l , or roughl y $1275/ kgHM i n 2003 dol l a rs; B N FL, The C o mmerci a l and Economi c Ju stifica tio n fo r THORP , reports that if the 275 MTHM of reserve cap acity were sold at the “sam e price” as the first post-baseload contracts with Germ an utilities, signed in 1989, it would be worth £200 m illion in additional profi t (1992 m oney val u es), or 727 £/ kgHM (roughl y $1500/ kgHM i n 2003 dol l a rs)—not e t h at B N FL appeared t o be assum i ng t h at wi t h t h e pl ant operat i ng i n any case, t h ere woul d be m i ni m a l or zero addi t i onal cost s from reprocessi ng t h i s addi t i onal am ount of fuel ; t h e EW I st udy report e d a post - basel o ad pri ce of 1800 DM / kgHM , or about $1350/ kgHM i n 2003 dol l a rs (Hensi ng and Schul z, An Economic Comparison of Different Back-End Paths) ; an d in OECD/NEA, The Economi c s of t h e N u cl ear Fuel C ycl e, op. ci t . , it is rep o r ted th at co n t racts were available to utilities at a price in the range of 720 ECU/kgHM, roughly $1150 in 2003 do llars. Here again, the NAC st udy provi des fi gures on t h e l o w end, est i m at i ng $900-$1100/ kgHM (1999 dol l a rs, roughl y $980-$1170 2003 dollars), Varley and Collier, Fuel Cycle Cost Data, op. ci t .

52 See, fo r ex am p l e, Varley an d Co llier, Fuel Cycle Cost Data, op. ci t , who i ndi cat e t h at offers have been m a de (t hough never concl uded i n a cont ract ) i n t h e ra nge of $700/ kgHM (1999 dol l a rs), and descri be $600-

$900/ kgHM (1999 dol l a rs) as a “pl a usi b l e” range for fut u re offers from t h ese pl ant s .

32 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

sim p lif ications that m i ght be possible if they were allowed to leave a som e what larger portion of the plutonium in the waste, costs could be reduced by som e 30%. 53 On the other hand, increasingly stringent environm ental and safety regulations could put upward pressure on costs; in negotiations over m a rine pollution of the Atlantic, for exam ple, there has been substantial pressure on Britain and France to agree to reduce em issions from their reprocessing plants toward zero, and both BNFL and COGEMA have argued that extrem e em issions requirem e nts could drive up their costs. 54 It appears that m o re stringent safety and environm ental requirem e nts (particularly seism i c safety requirem e nts, which m a y be less severe in other countries) m a y have been a significant factor in driving the enorm ous cost of the Rokkasho-Mura reprocessing plant. 55 In the end, the official estim ate in a recent report to the French governm e nt, based on COGEMA data, concluded that building a new plant sim ilar to UP3 would still cost $6.0 billion (2003 dollars), the sam e as the cost of the original plant. 56 In short, if the cost is to be reduced four-fold, PUREX and sim ilar aqueous processes are not likely to be the answer.

Econom ies of scale m a y have a significant im pact on per-kilogram costs, depending on the size of new plants. A com m on rule of thum b is that both capital and operating costs scale roughly with the 0.6 power of throughput. (This m a y or m a y not be the case for reprocessing plants even larger than the large com m e rcial f acilities now in operation: the f act that COGEMA chose both to double the capacity of the UP2 facility and to build the new UP3 facility at the sam e tim e suggests that it did not believe that substantial econom ies of scale would be achieved by having all the new capacity in one f acility.) If this rule of thum b did hold, then a new 2000 tHM/yr reprocessing plant, if scaled from the capital and operating costs for THORP described above, would have reprocessing costs in the range of

$940/kgHM if governm e nt-financed, $1400/kgHM if privately financed with a guaranteed rate of return, and $2150 if privately financed without a guaranteed rate of return. 57 By contrast, the new 50 tHM/yr reprocessing plant in China would be expected to have m u ch higher per-kilogram costs, even if it achieved the sam e technological level as THORP: at a governm e nt-financed rate, the cost scaled from THORP would be in the range of

$4200/kgHM, while for a privately financed facility with a guaranteed rate of return, the cost would be over $6700/kgHM. 58 (Actual costs at that f acility m a y not be quite so high, as both

53 See, for exam pl e, di scussi on i n Oxford R e search Group, Nuclear Reprocessing: Has it a Future? Views From Insi de and Out s i d e t h e Indust r y (Oxford, UK: Oxford R e search Group, Oct ober 1999).

54 These discussions have been taking place prim arily in the context of the Os lo Paris Com m i ssion (OSPAR), whi c h oversees i m pl em ent a t i on of t h e C onvent i on for t h e Prot ect i on of t h e M a ri ne Envi ronm ent of t h e Nort h- East Atlantic, which has directed that by 2020, em issions be reduced to the point that additional concentrations resulting from them are “close to zero.” See OSPAR Co m m i ssio n , “Strateg y W ith Reg a rd to Rad i o activ e Substances,” 1998, available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at http://www.ospar.org/eng/ htm l/sap/radstrat.htm .

55 Sh i r o Sasaki , “C hanges i n t h e C onst r uct i on Program of R okkasho R e processi ng Pl ant , Pl ut oni um , No. 13, Spring 1996, Council for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Tokyo, availa ble as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / www.cnfc.or.jp/ pdf/ p l u t oni um _013e.pdf .

56 Bataill e an d Galley, The Back End of the Fuel Cycle, o p . cit., estim ate o f 3 2 b illio n fran c s.

57 Au t hors’ cal cul a t i ons.

58 Aut hors’ cal cul a t i ons. The C h i n ese pl ant i s governm e nt -fi nanced—but i n a rapi dl y growi ng econom y where availability of capital is a m a jor constr aint, estim ates of the real cost of a governm e nt project should be based on a di scount rat e t h at refl ect s t h e opport uni t y cost of not spendi ng t hose resources el sewhere. Hence, we report both the cost for a facility financed at the U.S. governm e nt borrowing rate a nd the cost for a privately financed facility.

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 33

labor rates and the costs of construction m a terials in China are presum ably substantially lower than they are in the United Kingdom .)

A wide range of alternative chem ical separations processes have been proposed over the years, which m i ght contribute to reducing costs. 59 The fam ily of non-aqueous processes that has been the focus of m o st research and developm ent has been eletrom e tallurgical processing or pyroprocessing, in which the spent fuel would be dissolved in som e type of m o lten salt, to which a voltage would be applied, and som e of the constituents would gather on the anode and others on the cathode. Because the chem istry of the m i nor actinides tends to be sim ilar to that of plutonium in such a m o lten salt environm ent, using such m e thods it is difficult to separate “clean” plutonium from spent fuel, and therefore such system s have generally been proposed for use in system s for separations and transm utation for nuclear waste, where both the plutonium and the m i nor ac tinides would be incorporated in fresh fuel for irradiation. Proponents have argued that eletrom e tallurgical processes could dram atically reduce reprocessing costs. A 1996 review by a com m ittee of the National Academ y of Sciences, however, concluded that the cost estim ates provided in studies of new separations processes in the m i d-1990s were “inexplicably low,” that “it is by no m eans certain that pyroprocessing will prove m o re econom ical than aqueous processing,” and that the costs of current plants such as THORP and UP-3 “provide the m o st reliable basis for estim ating the costs of future plants.” 60 More recently, official reviews ha ve concluded that even using such techniques, the types of reprocessing required for separations and transm utation are likely to be substantially more expensive than traditional aqueous reprocessing—a nom inal estim ate of $2000/kgHM (2.5 tim es higher than their too-low nom inal estim ate of $800/kgHM for traditional reprocessing) in two of the m o st recent analyses. 61 At the sam e tim e, however, there continue to be official analyses whose estim ates can only be described as “inexplicably low,” in the words of the NAS com m ittee. 62

59 For a useful review, see NAS, N u cl ear Wast es: Technol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i on, op. cit., Appendix D, “Separations Technology —Additional Inform ation,” pp. 147-190.

60 NAS , N u cl ear Wast es: Technol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i on, op. ci t ., p. 417 and p. 421.

61 See NEA, Accelerator-Driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reacto rs (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles, op. ci t ., p. 211 and p. 216, and U.S. Depart m e nt of Energy , Offi ce of Nucl ear Energy , Generat i on IV Roadmap: Report of t h e Fuel C ycl e C r osscut Group (W ashi ngt on, DC : DOE, M a rch 18, 2001, avai l a bl e as of Jul y 25, 2003 at

ht t p : / / www.ne.doe.gov/ report s / G enIVRoadm a pFCCG.pdf .), p. A2-6 and p. A2-8. For a di scussi on of t h e rem a in in g d i fficu lties facin g p y ro p r o cessin g also N. Do n a ld so n , G. Lam o rlette, R. Th ied , an d D. Gren ech e, “Pyroprocessing: From Flowsheet to Industrial Facility,” in Proceedings of Global 2001: Back End of the Fuel C ycl e: From Research t o Sol ut i ons, Pari s, France, Sept em ber 9-13, 2001 (Pari s : C o m m i ssari at à l Energi e At om i que, 2001).

62 For exam ple, in R.I. Sm ith et al., Est i m at ed C o st of an ATW Syst em (Richland, W A : Pacific Northwest Laboratory, October 1999), which pr ovided the background for the $280 b illion undiscounted cost figure for deploym e nt of an Accelerator Tran sm utation of W a ste (ATW ) system in U.S. Departm e nt of Energy, A Roadmap for Developing Accelerator Transmutation of Waste (ATW) T echnology: A Report to Congress (W ashi ngt on, DC : DOE, Oct ober 1999), i t i s est i m at ed t h at desi gn and const r uct i on of a 685 t H M / y r reprocessi ng pl ant usi ng UR EX t echnol ogy (a vari an t on PUR E X whi c h i s desi gned t o separat e onl y t h e urani u m ) and py roprocessi ng of t h e resul t i ng raffi nat e wi t h pl ut oni um , m i nor act i n i d es, and fi ssi on product s , would cost $1.5 billion (1999 dollars, som e $1.6 billi on 2003 dollars). This am ounts to som e $2400/kgHM of annual capaci t y , t w o-t h i r ds l e ss t h an THOR P’s $7400/ kgHM of annual capaci t y —despi t e a l o wer t h roughput (whi ch shoul d resul t i n hi gher per-ki l ogram cost s) and t h e need t o add t w o qui t e separat e chem i cal processes together. Operations were estim at ed at $114 m illion per year (1999 dollars , $124 m illion/yr in 2003 dollars), or

34 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

The discussion to this point has been entirely about reprocessing that sim p ly separates the plutonium and the uranium from everything else. In the case of aqueous separations processes, also separating the m i nor actinides (and, perhaps, those fission products that m a ke m a jor contributions to estim ated doses from a geologic repository, such as technetium and iodine) would involve adding additional com p lex separations steps, inevitably involving additional costs. 63 In the case of pyroprocessing, as just described, the m i nor actinides com e with the plutonium as a m a tter of course, but current official estim ates still suggest that costs for the com p lete separation of actinides from fission products will be substantially higher than the costs of traditional reprocessing. 64

In short, while future technological developm ents hold som e prom ise, it does not appear likely that within the next few decades the cost of reprocessing, including payback of capital costs of f acilities (likely at com m e rcial costs of m oney), will be reduced to prices that would allow reprocessing to com p ete econom ically with uranium at prices likely to pertain for m o st of this century. As noted earlier, it is also conceivable that costs could increase significantly—as suggested by the rem a rkable increase in cost of Rokkasho-Mura com p ared to THORP and UP-3—driven by the costs of m ee ting m o re stringent requirem e nts as societal attitudes change.

2.5.3. Costs of Disposal of Spent Fuel and Reprocessing Wastes

The costs for treatm e nt and final disposal of wastes are perhaps the m o st uncertain of the various fuel cycle costs, and vary from country to country depending on national approaches. 65 Neither geologic disposal of spent fu el nor geologic disposal of HLW has yet been done, m a king cost estim ates inherently uncertain. In m o st countries, geologic disposal of nuclear wastes is to be m a naged either by the governm e nt, or by a m onopoly firm reactor operators are required to contribute to: hence there is not really a m a rket for disposal services with real prices of f e red, and this section will discuss only costs, not prices. For the present purposes, the difference in costs between the two fuel cycles is m o re im portant than the

$180/ kgHM , com p ared t o THOR P’s $700/ kgHM . Decom m i ssi oni ng was est i m at ed at onl y 10% of const r uct i on cost , one-t hi rd B N FL’s expect at i on for THOR P. These cost estim ates are totally im plausible. M o reover, t h e l e vel i zed cost s per-ki l ogram cost s are t h en det e rm i n ed usi ng a 3% real di scount rat e wi t h no al l o wance for t a xes and i n surance, appropr i a t e onl y t o a governm e nt -owned operat i on.

63 See, for exam ple, the discussion in NAS, N u cl ear Wast es: Technol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i on, op. cit., pp. 147-190. See also D. Greneche, P. Rance, and C. Zim m e rm an, “The Partitioning and Transm ut at i on Issue: An Indust r i a l Poi n t of Vi ew,” i n Proceedings of Global 2001: Ba ck End of the Fuel Cycle: From Research t o Sol ut i ons, Pari s, France, Sept em ber 9-13, 2001 (Pari s : C o m m i ssari at à l Energi e At om i que, 2001).

64 In the NEA review, for exam ple, not only was their central estim ate for repro cessi ng t h e m a i n pl ut oni um - bearing fuels 2.5 tim es higher than their estim ate for reprocessing LEU LW R fuel, their estim ate for reprocessing specialty transuranic or m i nor actinide fuels that m i ght be needed in an accelerator-driven t r ansm ut at i on sy st em was 7,000/ kgHM , m o re t h an 8 t i m es t h ei r est i m at e of t h e cost of reprocessi ng i n exi s t i ng PUREX facilities. See NEA, Accelerator-Driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reactors (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles, op. ci t ., p. 211 and p. 216.

65 See, for exam ple, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, The Cost of High-Level Wa ste Disposal in Geologic Reposi t o ri es (Pari s , France: OEC D / N EA, 1993).

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 35

absolute m a gnitude of these costs, as costs that are the sam e for each fuel cycle do not affect the com p arison between them .

To estim ate the costs of disposal of spent fuel and those of reprocessing wastes, it is im portant first to understand what activities are included. For either approach, a perm anent high-level waste repository m u st be sited, licensed, built, operated, and eventually closed; depending on the specific circum stances, m o re than one such repository in a particular country m a y eventually needed, if nuclear energy is to continue into the future. In the case of direct disposal of spent nuclear fuel, the fuel m u st be transported to the repository, packaged for disposal (often referred to as “encapsulation”), and em placed in the repository. In som e national program s, it is also expected that spent fuel will be conditioned before encapsulation, for exam ple by rem oving the fuel pins from the fuel assem b lies to reduce the overall fuel volum e and the size of the needed final disposal containers. In the case of disposal of reprocessing wastes, canisters of vitrif ied high-level waste (HLW ) m u st sim ilarly be transported to the repository, placed in appropriate waste packages for perm anent disposal, and em placed in the repository. Much of the low-level wastes generated by reprocessing can be buried in cheaper low-level waste disposal sites. For those interm ediate- level wastes contam inated with plutonium and other long-lived species, however—referred to in the U.S. waste classification system as transuranic or TRU wastes—disposal in a perm anent geologic repository, with its attendant costs, is likely to be needed.

Spent Fuel Disposal Costs

The U.S. geologic repository program has prepared som e of the m o st detailed and up- to-date cost analyses of any program in the world. The m o st recent (May, 2001) undiscounted cost estim ate for the entire U.S. geologic waste disposal program is $57.5 billion (2000 dollars—$59.8 2003 dollars). 66 Of this $57.5 billion total, $41.84 billion is for an assum e d total of 83,800 tHM of civilian spent fuel (the rem a inder being for disposal of m ilitary spent fuel and reprocessing wastes). In 2003 dollars, this com e s to $520/kgHM as the total cost of direct disposal of spent f u el. This is f i nanced by charging utilities a f ee of 1 m ill (a tenth of a cent) per kilowatt-hour. W ith a burnup of 43,000 m e gawatt-days per ton of heavy m e tal (MW d /tHM), an efficiency of 33%, four years in the reactor, and the fee discounted to tim e of discharge at a 5% real annual rate, this com e s to $370/kgHM (the central estim ate of spent fuel disposal costs used in this study is $400/kgHM). W ith interest accum u lated over the tim e between discharge and disposal, this is expected to be sufficient to fund the full costs of transport to the repository, encapsulation, and disposal of the spent fuel, including all future repository construction and operations costs. 67 Indeed, DOE is required by law to periodically reassess whether this f ee will be suf f i cient. (The relatively m odest difference between the $520/kgHM undiscounted figure and the $370/kgHM figure for present value of the cost at tim e of discharge arises because a substantial portion of the

66 U.S . Dep a rtm e n t o f En erg y , Office o f Civ ilian Rad i o activ e W a ste Man a g e m e n t , An a l ysis o f th e To ta l S y stem Li f e C ycl e C o st of t h e C i vi l i an Radi oact i ve Wast e Management Program (W ashi ngt on, DC : DOE, M a y 2001, available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / www.ocrwm . doe.gov/ pm / pdf/ t s l ccr1.pdf ).

67 Offic e o f Civ ilian Rad i o activ e W a ste Man a g e m e n t , N u cl ear Wast e Fund Fee Adequacy: An Assessment , DOE/RW - 0534 (W ashington DC: U.S. Depa rtm e nt of Energy, May 2001, ava ilable as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at http://www.ocrwm . doe.gov/doc um ents/feeadr/index.htm ).

36 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

disposal costs—initial repository developm ent and construction, transportation of spent f u el, and the like—occurs early on in the program , rather than decades later when the fuel is actually em placed in the repository.)

W h ile in the past, a num ber of other countries with sm aller nuclear power program s had projected per-kilogram waste disposal costs far higher than U.S. projected costs, U.S. costs have, in essence, grown to m a tch other countries’ estim ates. Sweden, for exam ple, which in earlier studies had som e of the highest per-kilogram disposal cost estim ates in the world, 68 because of its sm all nuclear program (with fewer econom ies of scale), and its plan to use of particularly expensive waste packages, released a cost estim ate in 1998 that com e s to

$300-$350/kgHM, m o re or less com p arable to the U.S. estim ates. 69 W h ile it rem a ins possible that these total cost estim ates will continue to grow in the future, the figure of $400/kgHM present value at tim e of discharge is a reasonable current benchm ark for total disposal cost.

Thus, our central estim ate of $200/kgHM as the co st savings for disposal of wastes from reprocessing as com p ared to direct disposal of spent fuel im plies that reprocessing would reduce waste disposal costs a full 50 percent. This cost saving would have to rise to alm o st

$700/kgHM—far m o re than current estim ates of the total cost of disposal of spent fuel—for reprocessing at $1000/kgHM to be econom ic at a uranium price of $50/kgU.

Factors Affecting Costs of Disposal of Spent Fuel and Reprocessing Wastes

Spent fuel and the wastes that result from reprocessing it differ in a num ber of ways that could affect the costs of their disposal—in volum e, in heat generation, in the num ber of waste packages per ton of original spent fuel, in types of m a terials, in radiotoxicity, and so on. In general, the m o st im portant of these variables in determ ining disposal cost are likely to be the heat, the volum e or m a ss, and the num ber of waste packages to be handled.

Heat. The heat output from waste packages determ ines how close to each other they can be placed while rem a ining within the repository’s m a xim u m tem p erature constraints (which in turn are set based on judgm ents related to the effect of tem p erature on repository perform a nce and behavior of the various m a terials within the repository). 70 Thus, size and num ber of repository tunnels that have to be dug out for a given am ount of waste is driven not by the waste’s physical volum e, but by its heat output. At thirty years after discharge, the heat output from the vitrified HLW from a give n am ount of spent fuel is about 70% of the heat output of the original spent fuel—and the heat output of the HLW declines m o re rapidly than that from the spent fuel thereafter. 71 This reduction of alm o st one-third in heat output at

68 See NEA, The Cost of High-Level Waste Di sposal in Geologic Repositories , op. ci t .

69 Cite d in Sh ig ek azu Matsu u r a, Analysis of the History of Cost Ev aluation of High-Level Radioactive Waste Di sposal (C am bri dge, M A : Harvard Uni v ersi t y M a nagi ng t h e At om Project , fort hcom i ng 2003).

70 See di scussi on i n NAS , N u cl ear Wast es: Technol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i o n , pp. 323-328. As described there, this appears to apply to both dry re positories (like Yucca Mountain) and wet ones (as planned i n Sweden and som e ot her count ri es).

71 See NAS , N u cl ear Wast es: Technol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i o n , op. ci t ., p. 325. In fact , t h i s com p arison is for “actinide free” HLW , whereas HLW from reprocessing as currently practiced includes all of the heat-generating m i nor actinides. Hen ce th e h eat fro m th e HLW fo r th is trad itio n a l typ e o f rep r o cessin g woul d be cl oser t o t h at from spent fuel t h an t h i s cal cul a t i on woul d i ndi cat e. Even at 100 y ears aft e r di scharge from the reactor—that is, after m o re than two m o re 30-y ear half-lives of the dom in ant heat-generating fission

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 37

30 years m a y offer m u ch m o re than 30% packing efficiencies, as (a) som e of the therm a l lim its on repository capacity are dependent on integrated long-term heat output, rather than on therm a l power when first em placed, and (b) strategies for em placem ent of the waste over the decades that a repository would be operating could take advantage of the roughly 30-year half-life of the therm a l power of the HL W (for exam ple leaving spaces between HLW packages em pty at first, and then filling them decades later when the heat of the original packages had declined substantially). (W hile a sim ilar strategy could be pursued with spent fuel, it does not offer as dram atic a benefit, as the spent fuel cools m o re slowly.) Thus, particularly if the actinides were rem oved from reprocessing wastes entirely (as is not the case with current reprocessing approaches, but m i ght be if m o re extensive separations were perform e d in the future as part of a nuclear waste separations and transm utation program ), it m a y be possible to m u ltiply by m a ny tim es the am ount of waste a repository of given volum e could hold. 72

products—HLW from traditional reprocessing retains roughly half the heat output of spent fuel. See NEA, The Cost of High-Level Waste Dis posal in Geologic Repositories, op. ci t .

72 How m u ch m o re HLW coul d be di sposed i n a gi ven vol um e, i f l i m i t e d onl y by heat , depends on a wi de range of fact ors t h at go bey ond t h e scope of t h i s st udy , i n cl udi ng reposi t o ry desi gn (dry vs. wet , act i v el y cool ed vs. not , what t e m p erat ure const r ai nt s are consi d ered bi ndi ng, an d th e lik e), wh at rad i o activ e iso t o p e s rem a in in th e HLW (e.g., how m u ch am ericium and curium was in the sp ent fuel when reprocessed, and whether these go to the HLW ) ,, the strategy for em placi ng the wastes, and m o re. For the Yucca Mountain repository, there are a vari et y of di fferent t h erm a l l i m i t s t h at m a y be bi ndi ng i n di fferent cases: for exam pl e, t h e const r ai nt on t h e m a xim u m tem p erature the waste pack ages m a y reach lim its the therm a l power of the waste at the tim e (current l y project ed as about 75 y ears) when act i v e coo l i ng woul d be t u rned off, whi c h i s when t h i s peak tem p erature is likely to occur; by contrast, the constr ai nt on t h e m a xi m u m t e m p erat ur e in the rock between the em placem ent tunnels is lim ited m o re by the total h eat output over the first couple of m illennia after em placem ent. These constraints therefore have very di fferent effects on spent fuel and on HLW with actinides t h at dom i n at e heat aft e r t h e fi rst 100 y ears rem oved. One earl y t r eat m e nt of t h i s subject est i m at ed t h at i n a dry repository such as Yucca Mountain, rem oving the actinid es and leaving only fission products, com b ined with clever approaches to em placing the wastes over tim e to ta ke advant age of t h e 30-y ear hal f-l i f e of t h e dom i n ant fi ssi on product s , coul d i n crease reposi t o ry capaci t y by 4-9 t i m es com p ared t o di sposal of unreprocessed spent fuel. See Lawrence D. Ram s pott et al., Impacts of New Developments in Partitioning and Transmutation on the Disposal of High-Level Nuclear Wa ste in a Mined Geologic Repositor, UC R L -ID-109203 (Liverm o re, CA: Lawrence Li verm ore Nat i onal Laborat ory , M a rch 1992), pp. 7-5-7-11; NAS , N u cl ear Wast es: Technol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i o n , op. cit., p. 325 estim ates a factor of 4-5, including HLW em placem ent strategies that take advantage of the cooling over tim e, com p ared to an “aggressive” schedule for em placem ent of unreprocessed spent fuel; a m o re recent study, using a repository m odel based on the current design of Yucca Mountain, with active cooling finds th at waste from 3.2-3.4 tim es as m u ch spent fuel could be em placed in each length of tunnel if 99-99.9% of the actinides were rem ove d. This estim ate assum e s all the waste is em placed at once (hence does not use an em placem ent strategy taking advantage of the cooling of the HLW over tim e), and i t i s cl ear from t h e anal y s i s t h at , i n addi t i on t o t h e 3-fol d i n crease i n l i n ear l o adi ng i n t h e t unnel s , t h e t unnel s could also be placed closer together while m eeting the criterion that the space between them m u st rem a in below t h e boi l i ng poi nt of wat e r, so t h e t o t a l fact or by whi c h capaci t y coul d be i n creased m i ght be as m u ch as 10 or m o re. See R o al d A. W i gel a nd, Theodore H. B a ue r, Thom as H. Fanni ng, and Edgar E. M o rri s, Reposi t o ry Ben e fit An a l yses S e ries I Imp a c t, ANL-AFC I-089 (Argonne, IL: Argonne Nat i onal Laborat ory , August 2003). Only if the m a jor heat-generating fission products (cesium and strontiu m ) are allowed to decay before em placem ent (which could be accom p lished by an additional separation fo cused on m a naging these radi onucl i d es separat e l y , or si m p l y by del a y i ng di spos al of t h e HLW from processi ng by som e 300 y ears) can the even larger packing fact ors t h at are som e t i m es di scussed be achi e ved, such as t h e fact or of 20-59 for 90- 99.9% effi ci ent separat i ons of t h e m a jor heat generat i ng speci es est i m at ed i n W i gel a nd et al .

38 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

There are, however, a wide variety of strate gies other than reprocessing that could be pursued to increase repository capacity—allowing longer storage periods before em placem ent, expanding the area covered by a given repository, adding a second or third em placem ent layer, m i xing older and newer spent fuel, and the like. These approaches could provide alternative m eans of expanding the available repository volum e within fixed tem p erature lim its. At the sam e tim e, these other approaches can be com p lem e nts to, rather than alternatives to, the heat reduction offered by disposing of HLW rather than spent fuel. 73

In repositories in geologic m e dia such as the volcanic tuff of Yucca Mountain, the cost of digging additional tunnels is a relatively m odest part of the overall waste disposal program cost. Even in hard rock repositories, this cost is not very large. In the 1987 U.S. docum ent laying out the m e thod for calculating the assignm ent of costs to different types of waste, for exam ple, the portion of the cost related to the “areal dispersion” of the waste within the repository—driven by the heat output—cam e to only 10-17% of the total waste program cost (depending in part on whether the envisioned repository was to be in hard rock, granite, tuf f , or salt). 74 In the latest design of the Yucca Mountain repository, the am ount of area that had to be covered by the expensive titanium drip shield would also be related to the spacing of the packages and thus to the heat. (In the latest cost estim ate, the entire cost of actual underground construction at the repository and of the drip shield—the two cost elem ents m o st determ ined by heat—com es to 19% of total waste disposal program cost.) 75 Thus, if considers the costs that do not change with the type of fuel em placed are fixed, even a four-fold im provem e nt in the am ount of waste th at could be packed into a given area of the repository would only result in a 7-13% overall cost reduction. If, on the other hand, one assum e s that the total cost does not change w ith the type and am ount of waste, a four-fold packing im provem e nt would im ply a 75% reduction in unit cost, at least for those waste program costs related to the repository itself (as opposed to the m a nufacture of the waste packages, transport to the repository, and the like).

For the United States, which has chosen a repository site in a m ountain with fixed sides (and theref ore a lim it on the ultim ately available capacity), a substantial packing im provem e nt would also lead to a large increase in the am ount of nuclear energy that could be generated before taking on the political uncertainties and econom ic costs of building another repository. Som e have argued that the cost of a second repository would likely be significantly higher than the cost of the first, and is in any case highly uncertain—and that therefore a substantial uncertainty prem ium should be factored in to the cost of disposal if the United States is going to continue to rely on direct disposal of spent fuel. 76 W h ile siting and building a second repository in the United States would certainly be a task fraught with uncertainities, we would argue that (a) a second repository is likely to be cheaper than the first, per unit of capacity (though politically controversial), given the extensive experience

73 See di scussi on i n R a m s pot t et al ., Impacts of New Developments in Partitioning and Transmutation, op. ci t .

74 “Civilia n Radioactive W a ste Managem e nt: Calculating Nu clear W a ste Fund Disposal Fees for Departm e nt of Energy Defense Program W a ste: Notice,” Federal Register, Vol . 52, No. 161, August 20, 1987, pp. 31,507-


75 OCR W M, An a l ysis o f th e To ta l S y stem Life Cycle Co st, o p . cit. Th e d r ip sh ield is ex p ected to co st $ 4 . 8 billion (p. B-1), and subsurface construction and em placem ent operations com b ined $6.1 billion (p. A-2), out of

$57.5 billion total program cost.

76 Per Pet e rson, personal com m uni cat i on, August 2003.

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 39

developed in analyzing, licensing, building, and operating the f i rst f acility; (b) even with continued reliance on direct disposal, it is very likely that the capacity of the first repository can be extended sufficiently to be adequate for m a ny decades to com e (for exam ple, by adding one or m o re additional em placem ent levels, extending the area of the repository, and the like); and (c) the political, technical, and cost uncertainties involved in proposals for advanced separations and transm utation are at least as large, and probably larger, than those involved in continued reliance on direct disposal—m eaning that any risk prem ium that m i ght be considered should be added to both approaches, not just to direct disposal. (See “Reprocessing to Reduce the Need for Additional Repositories,” p. 64.)

An im portant point to keep in m i nd when considering issues related to heat output is that the uranium and plutonium separated by reprocessing do not sim p ly disappear, but are returned to the fuel cycle. Most countries today are recycling plutonium only once, because of the buildup of undesirable isotopes in plutonium in spent MOX fuel. If spent MOX fuel is to be disposed of in geologic repositories, its heat output is dram atically higher than the output of spent LEU fuel (over 2,200 watts per ton of heavy m e tal for MOX fuel of 43 MW d/tHM burnup 50 years after disposal, com p ared to just over 700 w/tHM for LEU fuel of com p arable burnup and storage tim e). 77 Indeed, the total heat output from the com b ination of HLW from reprocessing and disposal of MOX spent fuel is higher, per unit of electricity generated, than the total heat output from the LEU spent fuel from a direct disposal fuel cycle. 78 Even if the MOX spent fuel is recycled continuously in a “self-generated recycle” m ode, so that no spent fuel is ever disposed of, the total heat output from the HLW from that fuel cycle is still higher than the once-through heat, per unit of electricity generated, for the first 50 years after discharge from the reactor. 79 (This results from the buildup of long-lived, heat-generating actinides such as am ericium and curium .) Only if the recycling soon switches to fast-neutron reactors or m o re com p lete separation and transm utation of the wastes would the near-term heat output from the HLW be less than from spent fuel from a once-through cycle.

Thus, reprocessing and recycle as traditionally practiced would likely increase, not decrease, the heat-determ i ned waste disposal costs. A future separations and transm utation program m i ght substantially decrease total per-kilogram repository costs, but at the expense of reprocessing and recycle costs estim ated in the m o st recent official studies to be m u ch higher than those discussed in this chapter. A recent review concluded that currently envisioned approaches to separations and transm utation would m u ltiply total f u el cycle costs several fold, increasing total nuclear electricity generation costs by 10-50 percent. 80

Volume. The physical volum e of the wastes to be disposed of affects waste package costs (though as noted above it does not determ ine the needed repository volum e). In the case of the U.S. Yucca Mountain repository, the costs of waste packages am ounts to 15% of

77 C a l c ul at i ons by Jungm i n Kang, usi ng OR IGEN soft ware. Personal com m uni cat i on.

78 See B r i a n G. C how and Gregory S. Jones, Managi ng Wast es Wi t h and Wi t hout Pl ut oni um Separat i on, R e port P-8035 (Sant a M oni ca, CA: RAND Corporat i on, 1999).

79 Ibid. This is because of the bu ildup of heat-generating m i nor actinides in the HLW as the plutonium is recycled m u ltip le tim es.

80 NEA, Accelerator-Driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reacto rs (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles, op. ci t .

40 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

the total waste program costs. 81 In som e other repository designs (such as the Swedish and Finnish designs), the waste packages m a y be even m o re expensive and represent a larger total f r action of cost. W a ste package cost w ill not scale linearly down as the volum e of waste contained gets sm aller, however: a substantial fraction of the waste package cost is devoted to having a waste package robust enough to prevent radionuclides from getting out for thousands of years, and this involves a substantial fixed cost even for a relatively sm all volum e of contained m a terial. Volum e (and m a ss) presum ably also affect transportation costs, which account for another 10% of total project costs in the U.S. case. The volum e of vitrified HLW waste containers with no final waste package around them is roughly one quarter the volum e of the spent fuel the HLW cam e from , also with no final waste package included. W h en the volum e of the waste packages for each type of waste is included, the total volum e per ton of original heavy m e tal in fuel ranges from roughl y equal to roughly half as large f o r the HLW ; this is presum ably the better com p arison, if the concern is the cost of fabricating and transporting the necessary volum e of waste packages. (See sidebar, “Volum e of W a stes From Direct Disposal and Reproce ssing.”) If ILW that also requires perm anent geologic disposal is included, the volum es are actually larger for reprocessing wastes—but if spent fuel and HLW waste packages are expensive, one would expect that ILW would be put in cheaper, less im pressive packages. If spent fuel and HLW waste packages are expensive, however, presum ably ILW will be put in less im pressive packages. Hence, it is reasonable to think that the sm aller volum e of reprocessing wastes m i ght reduce these aspects of disposal costs by as m u ch as 50 percent.

Number of packages and canisters. There are som e costs which are associated with the sheer num ber of “piece parts” that m u st be handled—fuel assem b lies or HLW canisters to be loaded into waste packages, waste packages to be em placed, and the like. W h ere the advantage lies here depends on the design of HLW canisters and waste packages; in general, since each canister of HLW glass typically contains HLW from reprocessing som e what m o re than one fuel assem b ly, one m i ght expect a m odestly lower num ber of packages for HLW than for spent fuel. In the 1987 U.S. analysis of cost allocation for the U.S. repository, costs driven by “piece count” represented approxim a tely 10% of total program costs. 82 The real num ber is presum ably higher than this, as this figure did not include costs that were directly assignable to spent fuel or HLW , such as the costs of packaging and transportation, m a ny of which m a y be significantly affected by the num ber of item s to be handled. One of the m o st explicit recent studies on this point is a paper by NIREX, the UK radioactive waste m a nagem e nt organization (based on a study for the European Union) which estim ates that each HLW waste package would hold 2 canisters of HLW glass, each containing the HLW from reprocessing roughly 1.2 tHM of spent fuel, so that for reprocessing, there would be .8 HLW canisters and .4 waste packages per ton of heavy m e tal; for disposal of LEU spent fuel, there would be 4 PW R fuel assem b lies (containing 461 kgHM each) per waste package, so that for this approach there would be 2.2 fuel assem b lies and .54 waste packages per ton of heavy m e tal. Overall, the reduction in the num ber of item s to be handled m i ght reduce these

81 The waste packages and drip shields together cost $13.29 billion, but $4.8 of this is the drip shield, as noted earlier. See OCRW M, An a l ysis o f th e To ta l S y stem Life Cycle Co st, op. ci t ., p. A-2.

82 “Ci v ilian Rad i o activ e W a ste Man a g e m e n t ,” Federal Register, op. ci t .

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 41

piece-count related costs by som e thing like 30%. 83 Here, too, the increased heat from MOX spent fuel would com e into play, if it was to be disposed of after one recycling, as NIREX has also estim ated that the intense heat from MOX spent fuel would reduce the am ount of spent fuel that could be put in each waste package four-fold, driving up the num ber of waste packages to be handled.

Costs from ILW and LLW management. All of these potential cost reductions from disposing of HLW from reprocessing rather than of spent fuel, however, com e at the price of having to incur the costs of m a naging ILW and LLW from reprocessing. As noted in the box on waste volum es, this m a y be addressed through substitution, which would increase volum es of HLW returned to custom ers (and their corresponding costs per ton of original spent fuel) by about 20%. (If this is not addressed through substitution, the costs to the custom ers f o r transporting and disposing of the LLW and ILW are expected to be still higher.)

Likely Reductions in Cost for Disposing of Reprocessing Wastes

W e can get a rough idea as to how m u ch the total disposal cost per kilogram m i ght be reduced by reprocessing by dividing the total disposal program cost estim ate described above into com ponents that are affected in different ways by heat, volum e, or num ber of packages (or not affected by any of these), and then, for each of these categories, assigning a notional reduction factor for the disposal of reprocessing wastes rather than direct disposal of spent fuel. This breakdown of costs by category will vary depending on the specific disposal program design. For the U.S. program (which has published the m o st detailed cost inform ation), a notional breakdown m i ght be that (a) the elem ents that are significantly driven by repository size, and therefore by heat output from the wastes, would include repository construction and fabrication of the drip shield (which m u st be large enough to cover the whole area where waste packages are em placed); (b) the elem ents significantly driven by volum e, m a ss, or num ber of waste packages would include repository em placem ent operations and m onitoring, waste package fabrication, and transportation; and

(c) the cost elem ents unrelated to whether the waste em placed is spent fuel or HLW would include siting, licensing, design and engineering, and the like. These distinctions, of course, are by no m eans absolute: the cost of fabricating waste packages, for exam ple, m a y well be affected not only by the volum e of the m a terial the packages are to contain, but to a m odest degree by its heat generation as well. This breakdown is shown in table 2.2, which indicates that the item s related to heat constitute 19% of the m o st recent $57.5 billion cost estim ate; those related to volum e, m a ss, or num ber of item s 53%; and those not related to type of m a terial em placed 28%.

Neglecting the extra heat from MOX fuel that would arise in traditional reprocessing approaches, we have notionally assigned a four-fold reduction factor for those item s related to heat, or not related to type of m a terial em placed (corresponding to a potential four-fold increase in the am ount of fuel that could be em placed in the repository), and a 50% reduction

83 “Scop i ng Assessm ent of Im pl i cat i ons of R e processi ng Scenari o s for Di sposal Opt i ons: Paper t o R W M A C [R oy al W a st e M a nagem e nt Advi sory C o m m i t t ee] ,” NIR E X Doc. 334004 (London, UK: Uni t e d Ki ngdom Ni rex Li m i t e d, M a y 2000).

42 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

factor for those item s related to volum e, m a ss, or num ber of packages (which is som e what generous on the basis of the volum e discussions above and in the accom p anying sidebar). All costs, however, are also assum e d to be m u ltiplied by 1.2, to reflect the larger am ount of HLW returned to custom ers due to substitution (or, if substitution does not occur, due to the extra costs of m a naging ILW and LLW from reprocessing). Overall, this results in an estim ate of total cost for disposal of HLW rather than spent fuel that is reduced by som e 45%.

This corresponds very well with our central estim ate of $200/kgHM for disposal of reprocessing wastes, com p ared to $400/kgHM for disposal of spent fuel—that is, a 50% savings for disposal of reprocessing wastes. Given the very large uncertainties in such estim ates, we have used a range from a difference of $100/kgHM (25% savings) to

$300/kgHM (75% savings).

Table 2.3. Notional Cost Reduction f o r Disposal of Reprocessing W a stes (Billions)

Cost Category



Percent of Total

Reduction Factor

Reprocessing Waste Cost

Significantly Driven By Heat

Repository Construction

$ 6 . 1

0 . 2 5 * 1 . 2

$ 1 . 8


Drip Shield


0 . 2 5 * 1 . 2

$ 1 . 4

Significantly Driven By Volume, Mass, or Packages

Repository Operation


0.5 *1.2


W a ste Package


0.5 *1.2


M o n i t o r i n g

$ 5 . 9


0 . 5 * 1 . 2

$ 3 . 5

Surface Operations


0.5 *1.2


T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

$ 6 . 0

0 . 5 * 1 . 2

$ 3 . 6

Not Affected By Waste Type

Other Costs



0.25 *1.2


T o t a l

$ 5 7 . 5


0 . 4 6

$ 2 6 . 3

In our reference case we have assum e d equal costs for the geological disposal of spent LEU and MOX fuels of the sam e discharge burnup. 84 If, as seem s likely, the greater heat output of spent MOX fuel render its disposal m o re expensive than equivalent spent LEU fuel, then the econom ics of reprocessing and recycle becom e even less attractive. For

84 In t h e breakeven case, equal di sposal cost s i s econom i cal l y equi val e nt t o reprocessi ng of spent M OX fuel , although we have not m a de adjustm e nts for the isotopic com position of the plutonium in spent MOX fuel, whi c h woul d be l e ss val u abl e .

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 43

exam ple, if disposal of spent MOX costs $400/kgHM m o re than spent LEU (i.e., double the reference value of $400/kgHM for LEU), the breakeven uranium price would increase by


Results of other studies. Unfortunately, m o st recent studies of disposal costs are country-specific, and focus on one option or the other, m a king direct com p arisons between direct disposal of spent fuel and disposal of reprocessing wastes difficult. A 1993 OECD- NEA study, however, com p ared the estim ated repository costs for m a ny countries (considering only the encapsulation and disposal costs, not the siting, licensing, and transportation costs), and found that the wei ghted average cost was $144/kgHM for direct disposal (in then-year dollars), and $82/kgHM (43% less) for disposal of HLW . 85 Obviously total costs have increased substantially since then, but this percentage dif f e rence is very close to that estim ated by different m e thods above.

A recent study by NIREX, the UK nuclear wa ste organization, calculated a rather high total cost for HLW disposal of $770/kgHM (though the increm ental cost of additional HLW disposal was m u ch lower). 86 The total cost of direct disposal of LW R spent fuel was not estim ated, but NIREX estim ates that the quantity of spent fuel that could be em placed per unit area of the repository would be only 12% less than the quantity of HLW that could be em placed. The am ount of MOX that could be placed in each tunnel would be four-fold less, because of its greater heat generation. 87 By contrast, a recent French study offers substantially m o re optim istic figures for the costs of disposal of both spent fuel and HLW than those used here—som e $130/kgHM for direct disposal of LEU spent fuel, and just under

$80/kgHM for disposal of vitrified HLW . That st udy also estim ated that costs for disposal of MOX fuel would be dram atically higher, som e $1,200/kgHM, because of its higher heat generation (even at a lower burnup than the LEU, and after storage for 150 years before disposal rather than 50 in the case of LEU). 88 The difference between HLW and spent fuel

85 OECD/NEA 1994, op. cit., pp. 149-152, providing additi onal analysis of the data from OECD/NEA 1993, op. cit.

86 NIREX, “Scoping Assessm ent,” op. cit., estim ates £2.633 billion (1999 m oney values) for a repository to hold 710 cubic m e ters of HLW , with each tHM of spent fu el resulting in 0.12 cubic m e ters of HLW . Converted t o do l l a rs at a 3-y ear currency exchange rat e average and i n fl at ed t o 2003 dol l a rs usi ng GDP defl at ors.

87 NIR E X, “R esponse t o Quest i ons R a i s ed B a sed on R e ference 334004,” l e t t e r t o M i ke Sadni cki , Novem b er 22, 2000. This docum ent shows that each 500-ft tunnel could hold 192.24 tHM of sp ent fuel, or 26 cubic m e ters of vitrified HLW (with .12 cubic m e ters fo r each tHM of spent fuel reprocessed).

88 These est i m at es were provi ded by t h e French radi o act i v e wast e m a nagem e nt organi zat i on, ANDRA, as i nput s t o Jean-M i c hel C h arpi n, B e njam i n Dessus, and R e Pel l a t , Economi c Forecast St udy of t h e N u cl ear Pow e r Opt i on (Paris, France: Office of the Prim e Minister, July 2000, available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at http://fire.pppl.gov/eu_fr_fission_plan.pdf ). Per-ki l ogram fi gures for LEU di sposal and M OX di sposal are provided in the study itself (F 850,000/tHM for LEU, F 3.8 m illion/tHM for MOX), on p. 214. The HLW fig u r e in th e tex t co m e s fro m Marig n ac, “Briefin g : Resu lts o f th e `Ch a rp in -Dessu s-Pellat’ Missio n Economi c Forecast St udy of t h e N u cl ear Pow e r Opt i on” op. ci t ., p. 7. As not ed earl i e r, M a ri gnac was one of t w o aut hors of t h e support i ng st udy on t h e econom i c s of t h e exi s t i ng nucl ear power i n frast ruct ure i n France. M a ri gnac’s fig u r e o f 4 . 2 m illio n / m 3 for HLW was convert ed at .12 m 3 /tHM . (M arignac offers higher figures for what is translated as “storage,” but from context clearly in cl udes di sposal , of LEU and M OX spent fuel , of F1.8 m illio n /tHM fo r LEU an d F 7 . 8 m illio n /tHM fo r MOX; th is d i fferen ce is n o t ex p l ain e d , b u t m a y relate to i n cl udi ng i n t e ri m st orage and t r ansport i n M a ri gnac’s fi gures, but not i n t h e fi gures i n t h e m a i n report . Usi ng M a ri gnac’s fi gures for LEU di sposal rat h er t h an t hose i n t h e m a i n report woul d put t h e di fference bet w een LEU and HLW di sposal i n t h e range of our $200/ kgHM cent r al est i m at e.)

44 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

disposal in this French study is m u ch less than we assum e , because the total prices for each are m u ch less than we assum e : the roughly 40 percent reduction in cost for disposal of HLW in the French study is sim ilar in percentage term s to our central estim ate.

A recent review of future fuel cycle opti ons by a group advising the U.S. Departm e nt of Energy estim ated a cost of $300/kgHM (2000 dollars) for conditioning and disposal of spent fuel (with a range from $130-$500/kgHM), com p ared to $200/kgHM for conditioning and disposal of vitrified HLW (with a range from $80/kgHM to $310/kgHM). 89 This estim ate is consistent with the low end of our range f o r the dif f e rence in cost between disposal of spent fuel and disposal of HLW . An NEA review of transm utation technologies that included cost estim ates for various elem ents of the fuel cycle provided central estim ates of $210,000/m 3 for spent fuel conditioning and disposal, com p ared to $400,000/m 3 for HLW disposal (2000 dollars). If these are converted based on the volum e of each type of waste encased in a waste package (using, to be conservative, a high figure of 2 m 3 /tHM f o r that volum e in the case of spent fuel, and the lowest figure for HLW discussed in the volum es sidebar, 0.8 m 3 /tHM), they com e to $420/kgHM for spent fuel and $320/kgHM for HLW ) , with a difference of $100/kgHM, again at the low end of our range. 90

W h ile the U.S. program has a legal requirem e nt to assign costs fairly between spent fuel and reprocessing wastes, nonetheless cu rrent U.S. data do not provide a very good answer as to the relative costs of direct dispos al of spent fuel vs. disposal of reprocessing wastes, as the fuel reprocessed to produce the U.S. HLW was low-burnup plutonium production reactor fuel, and working out the “com p arable” num ber of kilogram s of com m e rcial spent fuel corresponding to the HLW in each canister is nearly im possible. In 1998, however, the program did provide data on the costs for disposal of HLW from the sm all am ount of com m e rcial reprocessing that t ook place at W e st Valley in the United States: this cam e to approxim a tely $165 m illion for 640 tons of fuel reprocessed, or approxim a tely

$260/kgHM. 91 If that estim ate is increased proportionally with the total repository cost estim ate in its 2001 version, the total would be approxim a tely $320/kgHM (2003 dollars)— just over 60% of the average spent fuel disposal cost calculated above. This HLW , of course,

89 Generat i on IV Roadmap: Report of t h e Fuel C ycl e C r osscut Group, op. ci t . p. A2-6.

90 NEA, Accelerator-Driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reacto rs (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles, op. cit.,

p. 211 and p. 214. The NEA st udy com p ares t h e vol um e of vi t r i f i e d HLW cani s t e rs w i t hout packages for final di sposal t o t h e vol um e of spent fuel with packages for final disposal, and theref o r e co n c lu d e s in th e tex t th at th e vol um e of HLW from reprocessi ng i s “four t o t e n t i m es l o wer” t h an t h e vol um e of spent fuel —but i n t h e footnote where the actual calculation is perform ed, t h ey i n expl i cabl y use t h e l o w end of t h ei r vol um e range for HLW and t h e hi gh end for spent fuel , resul t i ng i n t h e HLW havi ng a vol um e 17 t i m es l e ss t h an t h e spent fuel , rat h er t h an four t o t e n t i m es l e ss. As a resul t , t h ei r per-ki l ogram est i m at es are $420/ kgHM for spent fuel , and

$46/ kgHM for HLW a t e n-fol d di fference t h at i n -dept h anal y s i s of t h e i m pact of di fferent t y pes of wast e on di sposal program cost s woul d not be abl e t o sust ai n. Usi ng t h e “four t o t e n t i m es l o wer” fi gure i n t h ei r t e xt , t h e cost for HLW di sposal , i f t h e cost for spent fuel di sposal was $420/ kgHM , woul d be $80-$200/ kgHM , wi t h t h e upper bound i d ent i cal t o our est i m at e.

91 Office o f Civ ilian Rad i o activ e W a ste Man a g e m e n t , An a l ysis o f th e To ta l S y stem Life Cycle Co st o f th e C i vi l i an Radi oact i ve Wast e Management Program , DOE/ R W - 0510 (W ashi ngt on DC : U.S. Depart m e nt of Energy, Decem ber 1998), p. 37, inflated to 2003 dollars . 640 tHM reprocessed at W e st Valley from U.S. Depart m e nt of Energy , Ohi o Fi el d Offi ce, W e st Val l e y Dem onst r at i on Project , “The W e st Val l e y Nucl ear Tim e line,” available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at http://www.wv.doe.gov/linki ngpages/sitehistory.htm .

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 45

has been cooling for decades, and originated from relatively low-burnup spent fuel, so it should have a larger-than-average cost advantage.

Estim ates of waste m a nagem e nt costs decades in the future will alm o st certainly be dif f e rent f r om what they are today. Nevertheless, it appears unlikely that the qualitative factors affecting the relative balance between the costs of direct disposal of spent fuel and the costs of disposal of reprocessing wastes w ill change dram atically. Our range from $100-

$300/kgHM of cost savings for disposal of re processing wastes—from 25% to 75% of the currently estim ated total cost of disposal of spent fuel—seem s quite likely to contain the real value.

Interim Storage: Postponing the Costs of Either Approach

W h ether a reactor operator chooses reprocessing or direct disposal for spent fuel, costs can be reduced by storing the spent fuel for decades before it is either disposed of or reprocessed, allowing the funds set aside for these purposes to accrue interest. (As discussed above, the accrual of interest is the reason why it is possible to finance the U.S. repository program at a charge of a tenth of a cent per kilowatt-hour generated.) Since interim storage in dry casks can be continued for decades at very little operational cost, utilities can save substantial sum s by postponing near-term spent fuel m a nagem e nt costs to the long term , thereby leaving all options open and leaving tim e for technology to develop further and choices to becom e clearer. This m a y help explain why the preponderance of the spent fuel generated every year around the world rem a ins in storage, neither reprocessed nor buried in a geologic repository. As legal and political obstacles to dry cask storage are overcom e, providing a viable alternative f o r spent f u el m a nagem e nt, f e wer and f e wer utilities are likely to be willing to pay the extra costs of near-term reprocessing.

2.5.4. Costs and Prices for Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication and Use

The principal cost of using plutonium recove red from reprocessing as fuel is the fuel fabrication. Like reprocessing, fabricating plutonium into uranium - plutonium m i xed oxide (MOX) fuel is expensive, because it requires large capital-intensive facilities with significant num bers of highly trained personnel. It is substantially m o re expensive than fabricating fuel from low-enriched uranium (LEU), prim arily because of the safety requirem e nts resulting from the m u ch higher radioactivity of the plutonium , and also because of the greater safeguards and security requirem e nts when handling weapons-usable m a terial such as separated plutonium . As with reprocessing, the industry is dom inated by a sm all num ber of firm s (COGEMA, BNFL, and Belgonucléaire), and virtually no official inform ation on costs and prices is m a de public. Here again, theref ore, we have relied on what little inf o rm ation is publicly available from the firm s them selves, com b ined with industry, governm e nt, and press reports.


Most recent reports of capital costs for large MOX plants cover a fairly narrow range.

Again, because of the public controversies over it, of the operating facilities m o st is known

46 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

about BNFL’s Sellafield MOX Plant (SMP), designed for a capacity of 120 tHM/yr. SMP is officially estim ated to have cost £300 m illion to build, 92 or som e $540 m illion in 2003 dollars. W h en the cost of financing SMP over the prolonged construction period and the subsequent delays in gaining approval are included, SMP was valued at £462 m illion in BNFL’s accounts as of March 2000, 93 or about $750 m illion 2003 dollars. Sim ilarly, Siem ens’ 120 tHM/yr plant at Hanau, Germ any, which was built and never operated, reportedly cost DM 1 billion to build (a f i gure that appears to include interest during construction), or roughly $750 m illion in 2003 dollars. 94 Estim ates of the construction cost of the COGEMA’s MELOX plant are not publicly available. Sim ilarly, in 1993, the U.S. Departm e nt of Energy (DOE) estim ated that the overnight cost of building a f acility with a nam e plate capacity of 100 tHM/yr in the United States would be $440 m illion (1992 dollars), or just under $550 m illion in 2003 dollars. 95

Current capital cost estim ates for planned new plants in Japan and the United States are substantially higher, however. The overnight cost of building a MOX plant in the United States for disposition of excess weapons plutonium is currently estim ated at over $1 billion (not counting over $300 m illion in R&D and pre-capital expenses, or som e $500 m illion allocated for contingencies). 96 A portion of the capital and operating cost of this f acility will go to purifying the weapons plutonium to rem ove gallium and other im purities before it can be f a bricated into MOX f u el; even if this cost represented 30% of the total, however, the plant would still have an overnight cost of som e $700 m illion, substantially m o re than that of the Sellafield plant. Sim ilarly, the Rokkasho MOX Plant (RMP) in Japan, with a planned capacity of 130 tHM/yr, is expected to cost 120 billion yen (roughly $1 billion 2003 dollars).

Operating costs at existing MOX plants have not been published. A group of independent analysts critical of BNFL has estim ated the operating costs of SMP, if operating at 100 tHM/yr, at roughly $50 m illion per year (2003 dollars). 97 This is consistent with an industry analysis which concluded that operations costs in a large industrial MOX facility of this kind would am ount to som e $560/kgHM (2003 dollars)—roughly $56 m illion per year at the sam e production rate. 98 The $50 m illion/yr figure is also consistent with the low end of

92 See UK Environm ent Agency, Radi oact i ve Subst ances Act 1993: Document C ont ai ni ng t h e Agency’s Proposed Decision on the Justification For the Plut onium Commissioning and Full Op eration of the Mixed Oxide Fuel Plant (London, UK: UK Envi ronm ent Agency , Oct ober 1998).

93 Se e British Nu clear Fu els Lim ited , The Economic and Commercial Justifica tion for the Sellafield MOX Plant (S MP) (Sel l a fi el d, UK: M a rch 2001).

94 See, for exam ple, Mark Hibbs , “Utilities End Hana u MOX Support; Bonn Now Angling for Russian Pu,”

Nuclear Fuel, Jul y 6, 1995.

95 See National Academ y of Sciences , Panel on Reactor-Related Options, Management and Di sposition of Excess Weapons Pl ut oni um: React o r Rel a t e d Opt i ons (W ashi ngt on DC : Nat i onal Academ y Press, 1995), p. 297.

96 Nati o n a l Nu clear Secu rity Ad m i n i stratio n , Office o f Fissile Materials Disp o s itio n , Report t o C ongress: Di sposi t i on of Surpl us Def e nse Pl ut oni um at Savannah Ri ver Si t e (W ashi ngt on, D.C . : NNSA, February 15, 2002, available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / www.nci . org/ pdf/ doe-pu-2152002.pdf ), pp. 5-9.

97 M i ke Sadni cki , Fred B a rker, and Gordon M acKerron, Re-Exami nat i on of t h e Economi c C a se f o r t h e S e lla field MOX Pla n t (B ri ght on, UK: Sci e nce Pol i c y R e search Uni t , Sussex Uni v ersi t y , M a y 2000), p. 21. Their estim ate was £14.7 m illion annually in fixed operating cost, plus £0.157/tHM in variable cost (2000 m oney val u es).

98 Nigel Mote, “The Com m e rcial Use of Mixed-Oxide Fu el in Light-W ater Reactor s,” presented at “U.S.- Depart m e nt of Energy -R F M i ni st ry of At om i c Energy Expert s W o rkshop: C o st i ng M e t hodol ogi es for Econom i c

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 47

an NEA estim ate that the operating costs of such f acilities are in the range of 10-25% of their capital costs. 99 The 1993 DOE estim ate cited above estim ated annual operating costs (including an annuity for decom m i ssioning) at $76 m illion per year (2003 dollars), also consistent with the low-to-m id section of the NEA range. 100 The operating costs for the planned U.S. MOX plant, however, are expected to be higher, in the range of $100 m illion per year (2003 dollars). 101 If 30% of this f i gure were f o r the operations of the f acility to purify the weapons plutonium , not needed for a com m e rcial facility, then this figure would be consistent with the 1993 DOE estim ate. As with reprocessing, there will be additional costs for interest during construction, start-up, refurbishm ent, and decom m i ssioning.

MOX plants generally do not produce at their full licensed capacity all the tim e. If a plant with the officially reported capital cost of SMP and the $560/kgHM operating cost reported in the industry study succeeded in producing 100 tHM/yr throughout a 30-year life, then the fabrication cost (with assum p tions sim ilar to those above for reprocessing plants, except for a six-year construction tim e rather than a ten-year construction tim e) for a governm e nt-financed facility would be in the range of $1010/kgHM; for a regulated private facility with a guaranteed rate of return, r oughly $1460/kgHM; and for a private facility with no guaranteed rate of return, approxim a tely $2140/kgHM. 102 Transport of the resulting

Evaluation of Utilization Options of W eapons Plutonium from Defense Pr ogram s in the Course of Nuclear Di sarm am ent , Obni nsk, R u ssi a, M a y 12-14, 1999. Thi s fi gure i n cl udes pl ant operat i ons and t r ansport of uranium and plutonium to the MOX plant, but not transport of the resulting MOX fuel to the reactor.

99 NEA, Accelerator-Driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reacto rs (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles, op. cit.,

p. 215.

100 NAS, Management and Dispos ition of Excess Weapons Plutonium : Reactor Related Options, op. ci t ., p. 297.

101 NNSA, Report to Congress: Dispositi on of Surplus Defense Plut onium at Savannah River Site, op. ci t ., pp. 5-9 (di v i d i ng t h ei r t o t a l operat i ons by 13 y ears of ful l - scal e operat i ons and i n fl at i ng t o 2003 dol l a rs).

102 These fi gures assum e , i n addi t i on t o t h e capi t a l cost for SM P descri bed i n t h e t e xt , and an operat i ng cost of

$560/ kgHM : (a) a 6-y ear const r uct i on t i m e; (b) an annual refurbi s hm ent cost of 1% of overni ght capi t a l cost ;

(c) property taxes and insurance for th e private facilities of 2% of overni ght capital cost; (d) an annuity for decom m i ssi oni ng, wi t h decom m i ssi oni ng cost i ng 30% of overni ght capi t a l cost , and occurri ng 20 y ears aft e r t h e 30-year operational life of the plant, and funds set aside in a fund that generates a 3% real interest rate, resulting i n a decom m i ssi oni ng charge of roughl y $19/ kgHM ; (e) cont i nuous operat i on at 100 t H M / y r t h roughout t h e 30- y ear life of the plant; and (f) startup costs equal to one y ear of operations costs. As in the case of reprocessing plants, annual fixed charge rates are assum e d to be 5. 8% for governm e nt fi nancing, 10.3% for a private entity with a g u a ran t eed rate o f retu rn , an d 1 8 . 8 % fo r a p r iv ate en tity with n o g u a ran t ee o f rev e n u e s—p l u s 2 % , as j u st noted, for property taxes and insurance in the case of th e private facilities. Describing the spend-out of funds duri ng t h e si x-y ear const r uct i on t i m e wi t h t h e bet a -bi nom i a l S-curve descri bed i n Appendi x A, and assum i ng real rat e s for i n t e rest duri ng const r uct i on (IDC ) of 4%, 6.4%, and 9% for t h e governm e nt -owned, regul at ed- u tility-o wn ed , an d p r iv ate-v e n t u r e-o w n e d cases, resp ectiv ely, lead s to ad d i n g 1 1 . 5 % , 1 9 % , an d 2 7 . 4 % to th e o v e rn ig h t co n s tru c tio n co sts to fin d th e to tal cap ital co st i n cl udi ng i n t e rest duri ng const r uct i on. Thus for a governm e nt-owned facility, the total cap ital cost, including overni ght cost, IDC, and star tup costs, would be roughly $660 m illion; the annual capital c ontribution to the reve nue requirem e nt would be roughly $38 m illion; and t h e capi t a l cont ri but i on t o per-ki l ogram cost woul d be just over $380/ kgHM . Addi ng $560/ kgHM i n operat i ons cost woul d bri ng t h e per-ki l ogram cost t o som e $940/ kgHM , and refurbi s hm ent and decom m i ssioning set-asides would bring the total to som e $1010/kgHM. Fo r a facility owned by a regulated utility, the total capital cost would be roughly $700 m illi on, contributing an annual revenue requirem e nt of nearly $72 m illion, or nearly $720/kgH M; operating, refurbishm ent, and decom m i ssioning costs are assum e d to be t h e sam e , but t h ere woul d al so be a cost of som e $110/ kgHM for propert y t a xes and i n surance, bri ngi ng t o t a l costs to som e $1460/kgHM. For a facility owned by a priv ate venture without a regulat ed rate of return, the total capital cost would be over $740 m illion, the annua l revenue requirem e nt w ould be roughly $140 m illion, t h e capi t a l cont ri but i on t o per-ki l ogram cost woul d be $1400/ kgHM , and t h e t o t a l M OX fabri cat i on cost woul d

48 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

MOX fuel to the reactor will be significantly m o re expensive than transport of equivalent LEU (because of the additional safety and security issues involved in transporting MOX), and m i ght add $120/kgHM to these figures, 103 for totals of $1130 (governm e nt), $1580 (regulated), or $2260 (private unregulated).

These costs apply for large fabrication cam paigns of fuel of the sam e design. W h en a custom er needs only a m odest am ount of MOX fu el, using different design param e ters from those used by other custom ers, then the plant has to be shut down to change over m o re frequently, and throughput suffers. This is am ong the reasons why, as described below, prices reported by Germ an and Swiss utilities (generally buying MOX in m u ch sm aller lots than the giant French utility, Eléctricité de France) are generally substantially higher. As with reprocessing, econom ies of scale also have their effect: fabrication in sm all, less autom a ted facilities such as the Belgonucléaire plant or COGEMA’s Caderache plant is signif i cantly m o re expensive than f a brication in large, autom a ted f acilities. Per-kilogram costs would increase substantially if dem a nd were not suf f i cient to keep the plant f u lly booked, so that the fixed costs of capital and operations have to be spread over a sm aller num ber of kilogram s of fuel. 104

In m a ny cases, there are additional costs to a reactor operator associated with using MOX fuel rather than LEU fuel, which, to be conservative, we have not included in this analysis. First, MOX fuel is often licensed to lower burnups than LEU fuel; in countries where this is the case, reactor operators with MOX fuel in part of their reactors will have to shut down for refueling m o re often than if they were using only LEU. Second, since fresh MOX fuel contains weapons-usable plutonium , af ter the fuel arrives at a reactor site and before it is loaded into a reactor, it typically requires m o re security than would fresh LEU fuel, im posing additional costs. (In som e cases, however, the fresh MOX fuel is sim p ly placed in the pool with the spent fuel until it is loaded, without any additional facilities or security arrangem e nts, on the assum p tion that it would be difficult and dangerous for attackers to attem p t to rem ove it from the pool.) Third, in a num ber of countries there are substantial political concerns over the use of MOX (which in som e cases m a y require, f o r exam ple, additional paym ents to local com m unities), and additional licensing requirem e nts for reactors wishing to use both MOX and LEU fuels. Hence, the m a rket value of a kilogram of MOX fuel, if there were an open m a rket allowing utilities to choose their fuels, would not be the sam e as that of a kilogram of LEU fuel of equivalent energy value, as assum e d here, but rather would be significantly less. In the case of the U.S. program for disposition of excess weapons plutonium , for exam ple, to convince any U.S. utilities to use this fuel required offering it at a price som e 40% below the price of LEU fuel of equivalent energy

be roughl y $2140/ kgHM . As descri bed above i n t h e case of reprocessi ng pl ant s , assum p t i ons on fi xed charge rat e s, refurbi s hm ent , propert y i n surance, and t a xes, are drawn from N u cl ear Wast es: Technol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i o n , op. ci t ., pp. 413-445; assum p t i ons on decom m i ssi oni ng are drawn from B N FL’s own assum p t i ons i n OEC D / N EA, The Economi c s of t h e N u cl ear Fuel C ycl e, op. ci t ., p. 114.

103 Th i s i s t h e fi gure, convert ed t o 2003 dol l a rs, ci t e d i n M o t e , “The C o m m e rci a l Use of M i xed-Oxi d e Fuel i n Light-W ater Reactors,” op. cit.

104 W h eth e r th ere will b e su fficien t d e m a n d fo r SMP’s serv ices to allo w th e p l an t to b r eak ev en (treatin g its initial capital cost as sunk) has been a substantial source of controversy betw een BNFL and its critics. See, for exam ple, Sadnicki, Barker, and MacKerron, Re-Exami nat i on of t h e Economi c C a se f o r t h e Sel l a f i e l d MOX Pl ant , op. ci t .

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 49

value 105 —equivalent to increasing the net fabrication price for the MOX fuel by several hundred dollars per kilogram . In addition, we have assum e d a reprocessing and recycling system that is operating efficiently and in balance—so that there are no charges for storage of separated plutonium , or for separation of the am ericium that builds up if separated plutonium is stored for an extended period before fabrication. In the industry currently, such an efficient system has not been achieved, over 200 tons of separated civilian plutonium are in storage around the world, and charges for plutonium storage and am ericium rem oval represent a substantial cost to reactor operators—com m e rcial rates being estim ated at $1000-

$2000 per kilogram of plutonium per year for storage, and $10,000-$28,000 per kilogram of plutonium for am ericium rem oval. 106 Including several years of plutonium storage and one round of am ericium rem oval would dram atically increase the effective MOX cost in our m odel.


MOX fabrication prices, like costs, are not publicly divulged. For essentially all of the 1980s and 1990s, dem a nd was higher than supply, and in this seller’s m a rket, prices were higher than one would expect based on the underlying plant costs described above. One review indicates that in the 1980s, real prices were in the range of $1900-$2400 (escalated to 2003 dollars), while in the 1990s they were in the range of $2100-$2700. 107 A DOE survey of fabricators in 1993 reported a range of offers centering around $1850/kgHM (escalated to 2003 dollars). 108 Eléctricité de France enjoys lower prices, as it buys very large quantities of a standard product, and has a special relationship with COGEMA and its MELOX plant (including having the sam e principal owner as COGEMA—the French governm e nt). 109

105 The Departm e nt of Energy has stated that the $449 m illion differen ce between its 1996 estim ate of $1.027 billion (2001 dollars) for the fuel credit for the MOX fuel produced and the $578 m illion (2001 dollars) it est i m at ed i n 1999 resul t e d from t h e 1996 est i m at e bei ng based on equal per-ki l ogram val u e for t h e M OX and equi val e nt LEU fuel , and t h e 1999 est i m at e bei ng based on t h e assum p t i on t h at “t he econom i c val u e of M OX fuel i s l o wer t h an of t h e correspondi ng di spl a y e d LEU fu el .” Thi s represent s a reduct i on i n val u e by over 40 percent. See U.S. National Nuclear Security Adm i ni st rat i on, Offi ce of Fi ssi l e M a t e ri al s Di sposi t i on, Rep o r t to Congress on the Projected Life-Cycle Costs of the U. S. and Russian Fissile Mate rials Disposition Programs (W ashi ngt on, DC : NNSA, M a rch 30, 2001), pp. 4-9. Thi s report was never publ i c l y rel eased, but was obt ai ned an d leak ed b y th e Nu clear Co n t ro l In stitu te.

106 NEA, Accelerator-Driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reacto rs (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles, op. cit.,

p. 213. These figures are in 1987 dollars, but based on r ecent discussions, it appears th at offered prices are still i n si m i l a r ranges, so we have not i n fl at ed t h em t o 2003 dol l a rs.

107 Varle y an d Co llier, Fuel Cycle Cost Data, op. ci t .

108 See di scussi on i n NAS, Management and Disposition of Excess Weapons Plutoni um: Reactor Related Opt i ons , op. ci t ., pp. 295-297, report i ng a 1992 dol l a r fi gure of $1500/ kgHM . That st udy , aft e r an ext e nsi v e review of the literature available at that tim e, provi ded a central estim ate of fa brication cost of $1565/kgHM (1992 dollars), for a facility built with a 7% real cost of m oney paying no taxes or insurance (see pp. 292-298). See also discussion of the $1500/kgHM (1992 dollars) figure used in Fran s Berkhout et. al., “Disposition of Separat e d Pl ut oni um ,” Sci e nce and Gl obal Securi t y , 1992, Vol . 3, pp. 1-53.

109 E l éct ri ci t é de France report e d a M OX fabri cat i on pri ce of 6,000 francs/ kgHM i n 1996 (roughl y

$1,200/ kgHM i n 2003 dol l a rs); see Anne M acLachl a n, “EDF M a kes C a se for Econom i c Advant age of Reprocessing Over Interim Storage,” Nuclear Fuel , October 7, 1996. A m o re recent study for the French governm e nt referred t o a pri ce of 8,000 francs/ kgHM (2000 m oney val u es); whi l e si gni fi cant l y hi gher i n francs, with in flatio n in th e in terv en in g p e rio d an d flu c tu atio n s in cu rren c y ex ch an g e rates, is ap p r o x i m a tely th e sam e ($1240/ kgHM ) i n 2003 dol l a rs. See M a ri gnac, “B ri efi ng: R e sul t s of t h e `C harpi n -Dessus-Pel l a t M i ssi on Economi c Forecast St udy of t h e N u cl ear Pow e r Opt i on” op. ci t ., p. 7.

50 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

Germ an and Swiss utilities, on the other hand, tend to report m u ch higher prices, which reflect their sm aller purchases, and the fact that m u ch of their fuel has been fabricated in sm aller, less autom a ted plants. 110 W ith SMP now open, and the supply of MOX fabrication services likely outstripping dem a nd in the future, prices m a y fall significantly from their 1990s levels—though the MOX fabrication firm s will still have substantial leverage to dem a nd high prices, since the only available alternative f o r utilities with plutonium stored at their sites is to pay ongoing plutonium storage costs determ ined by the sam e firm s that offer the MOX fabrication service.

Longer-Term Future in New Facilities

Like reprocessing, if plutonium fuel is to play a significant part in the future of nuclear energy, new plutonium f u el f a brication f acilities will ultim ately be required. The MOX case is different from the reprocessing case, however, in that there is no large-scale m ilitary experience, and even m o re m odest com m e rcial experience in large, m odern facilities. Overall, plutonium fuel fabrica tion is less thoroughly m a tured than is PUREX reprocessing, leaving m o re room for further im provem e nt (and cost reduction) in the future. As one recent review put it, “new plants would benefit greatly from the extensive experience gained during the last decades, thereby allowing them to sim p lify the plants, decrease their size, and reduce m a intenance requirem e nts.” 111

If , however, the f o cus rem a ins on pellet-based f u els f o r LW Rs sim ilar to current LEU fuels, m a nufacturing each pellet to stringent standards will continue to be an exacting process, and there m a y be lim its to the scope of potential cost reduction. Large m odern f acilities are already very highly autom a ted and designed to m i nim i ze m a intenance requirem e nts as m u ch as was possible at the tim e they were designed. Moreover, as with reprocessing, there m a y also be trends that would increase per-kilogram costs over tim e— including not only increasing societal dem a nds for m o re stringent safety and security precautions (a substantial factor driving the hi gh cost of the planned U.S. MOX plant), but also custom er dem a nds to fabricate fuels with higher plutonium content, using m o re radioactive plutonium recovered from higher-burnup spent fuels, and to be able to accept plutonium that has been stored longer and therefore includes m o re gam m a -em itting am ericium . Thus, with current technologies, one m i ght expect that future costs m i ght be reduced, but not dram atically so. There m a y also be opportunities for new technologies that could sim p lify plutonium fuel fabrication, a nd potentially reduce cost: advocates have long argued, for exam ple, that so-called “vibropak” fuels, in which the plutonium and uranium powders are packed into the fuel pins by vibration, with no pellet m a nufacturing involved, could significantly reduce costs. Initial studies for the weapons plutonium disposition

110 See, for exam pl e, Hensi ng and Schul z, An Economic Comparison of Differe nt Back-End Paths of Nuclear Power Plants, op. ci t .. They gi ve an est i m at e of 4000 DM / kgHM (over $3000/ kgHM i n 2003 dol l a rs), and point out than an earlier study by the association of Germ an utilities used a figure of 5000 DM/kgHM (over

$3700/ kgHM i n 2003 dol l a rs). Si m i l a rl y , a Germ an court ordered t h e st at e of Hesse t o com p ensat e Si em ens for t h e st at e’s cl osure of Si em ens’ sm al l Hanau M OX pl ant , wi t h an am ount deri ved from an est i m at ed pri ce of 5300 DM / kgHM (al m ost $4000/ kgHM i n 2003 dol l a rs). See M a rk Hi bbs, “C ourt Say s Hesse M u st Pay Siem ens for Costs of Shutting MOX Plant,” Nuclear Fuel, Apri l 26, 1993.

111 NEA, Accelerator-Driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reacto rs (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles, op. cit.,

p. 213.

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 51

program , however, suggest that the operationa l savings from using vibropak fuels for a portion of that program would not be sufficient to justif y the necessary cost of building an additional MOX plant for that part of the effo rt—in other words, that using both pellet MOX technology and vibropak technology would be m o re expensive than using only pellet MOX technology. 112 Further developm ent is likely to be required to determ ine whether new approaches such as vibropak can offer substantial MOX fuel cost reductions.

The types of fabrication likely to be needed for system s designed for separations and transm utation of waste are likely to be signif i cantly m o re expensive than traditional MOX fabrication—because the intensely radioactive fuel m a terials involved in such system s, including not only plutonium and uranium but m i nor actinides as well, will require the f u els to be f a bricated rem o tely, in heavily shielded f acilities. On the other hand, a variety of f u el types have been proposed for future system s th at do not require m a nufacturing pellets to tight tolerances for size, shape, and density, as MOX fuel does (such as concepts for fluid fuels in which there would be no fuel fabrication, in the m o st extrem e case), and these could, once dem onstrated, involve lower fabrication costs. Two recent reviews both concluded that the per-kilogram cost of fabrication in fast-neu tron reactor system s intended for transm utation would be m o re than twice as high as the cost of traditional MOX fabrication. 113

Overall, our central estim ate of $1500/kgHM is quite conservative with respect to prices actually being charged to m o st reactor operators at existing facilities, but is reasonable for a future world in which supply and dem a nd was balanced and MOX prices closely reflected MOX production costs. Our $700/kgH M lower bound would require either very substantial technological innovation or sales from facilities whose capital costs are already am ortized (and which do not, therefore, reflect a long-run sustainable cost for providing the service). The $2300/kgHM upper bound is in the range of prices already charged at existing facilities, and could reflect future prices if the societal and custom er dem a nds above drive costs higher than past experience in the future.

Resulting Value (Cost) of Separated Plutonium

If the cost of m a king and using MOX is less than the cost of m a king and using fresh LEU of equivalent energy value, then plutonium will be econom ically value. If, on the other hand, the cost of m a king and using MOX fuel is higher than the cost of m a king and using fresh LEU, plutonium will have a negative value (it will not sim p ly be zero, because of the high costs of storing the separated plutonium if it is not used as fuel). W ith a $1500/kgHM fabrication price, and assum i ng that providing de pleted or reprocessed uranium to m i x with the plutonium is free (except for a $6/kgU price for converting the m a terial to appropriate

112 See Joint U.S.-Russian W o rking Group on Cost An alysis and Econom ics in Plutonium Disposition, Scenarios and Costs in the Disposition of Weapon-Gr ade Plutonium W ithdrawn From Russia’s Nuclear Milita ry Pro g r a m s (W ashi ngt on, DC : U.S. Depart m e nt of Energy , Apri l 2003). The group di d not exam i n e an al l - vi bropak M OX program com p ared t o an al l - pel l e t i zed M OX program (t he best basi s for com p ari s on of t o t a l costs), as vibropak fuel for the VVER-1000 reactors woul d not be ready and licensed in tim e to m eet the program goal s .

113 NEA, Accelerator-Driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reacto rs (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles, op. cit.,

p. 211 and 216, and Generat i on IV Roadmap: Report of t h e Fuel C ycl e C r osscut Group, op. ci t . p. A2-6 and A2-8.

52 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

oxide powder for fuel fabrication), then the cost for each kilogram of heavy m e tal in plutonium fuel (discounted to the tim e of fuel loading) will be roughly $1460. 114 At a uranium price of $40/kgU (com parable to recent prices), and for the central estim ates of the other values of the relevant param e ters, the cost of a kilogram of fresh low-enriched uranium of equivalent energy value would be $1130. Hence, every kilogram of MOX produced would represent an additional cost in the range of $330/kgHM, and since som e 15 kilogram s of MOX could be produced from each kilogram of plutonium , each kilogram of separated plutonium would represent a liability to its owner (under these assum p tions) of roughly

$5000. The uranium price would have to roughly double to bring this liability down to zero—even if reprocessing of fuels with ev er higher burnups (producing plutonium with m o re undesirable isotopes) did not increase the problem over tim e.

2.5.5. Costs of Interim Storage of Spent Fuel

For reactor operators who choose near-term reprocessing, interim storage of spent fuel for decades is not required. Storage for several decades generally is required for direct disposal, as m o st repositories are not expected to be available for decades to com e . W e have therefore counted interim storage as an extra cost for the direct disposal fuel cycle (though the latest reactors are being built with pools able to accom m odate storage of all the fuel they will generate in their lif etim e, reducing or elim inating this extra storage cost). Costs of interim storage can vary significantly depending on the specific technology chosen, whether fuel is to be transported to a centralized site or kept at reactor sites, whether taxes or other paym ents m u st be m a de to local, regional, or national governm e nts, whether the fuel is stored at an operating reactor site and therefore can be a m odest addition to license m a intenance costs that m u st be paid in any case or is stored at sites with no other activity and therefore m u st bear all costs without sharing, and the like. Dry-cask storage of spent fuel, in particular, is now a well-established technology for storing spent fuel for decades with m i nim a l operating costs.

In the United States, total upf ront costs to establish a new dry storage f acility at a reactor site (which are largely fixed, regardless of the am ount of spent fuel to be stored) are estim ated to be in the range of $10 m illion. 115 Costs to purchase and load the dry casks, including labor, consum ables, and decom m i ssioning, are estim ated to be in the range of $70- 90 per kilogram of heavy m e tal (kgHM) in the spent fuel. 116 Operating costs are very m odest, since virtually nothing needs to be done to the casks each year once they are loaded; the principal operating costs relate to providing the security and safety m onitoring needed to

114 See cal cul a t i on i n Appendi x A.

115 $9 m illion (1998 dollars) in TRW Envi ronm ental Safety System s Inc, C R WMS Modul ar Desi gn/ C onst r uct i on and Operat i on Opt i ons Report (W ashington DC: Departm e nt of Energy, Decem ber 1998), table E-7; $8-$12 m illion (1998 dollars) in Eileen M. Supko, “Minim izing Risks Associated with Post- Shut down Spent Fuel St orage and LLW Di sposal ,” pape r presented at the Infocas t “Nu c lear Po wer in th e Com p etitive Era” post-conference work shop, “Developing Risk Strategies for Successful Decom m i ssioning,” January 30, 1998.

116 TR W , C R WMS Modul ar Desi gn, op. ci t ., est i m at es $80/ kgHM for t h e t o t a l of al l t h ese cost s (t abl e E-7); Supko, “M i n i m i z i ng R i sks,” op. ci t , est i m at es $60-$70/ kgHM for casks and l o adi ng, wi t h anot her $1/ kgHM for eventual unloading, and a total of $2-$4 m illion for decom m i ssioning of a 1000-ton facility (adding another $2-

$4/ kgHM ) . These have been escal at ed t o 2003 dol l a rs i n t h e t e xt .

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 53

m a intain the NRC license f o r the f acility. For storage sites co-located with operating reactors, m a ny of these costs can be charged to the reactor operation, and the net additional operating costs are estim ated to be only $820,000 per year (largely independent of the am ount of spent fuel to be stored). 117 Thus the total undiscounted costs for 40 years of dry cask storage at an operating reactor site in the United States, for a 1000 tonnes of spent fuel, would be in the range of $110-130/kgHM (assum i ng the higher cask and loading costs); with the m odest annual operating costs discounted at a 3% real annual rate, this figure would be in the range of $100-120/kgHM.

For independent storage sites or storage sites at reactors which have been shut down, all of the costs of m a intaining the license, including security and safety personnel, m u st be attributed to the storage f acility, m a king its net additional operational cost substantially higher. For shutdown reactors with all their spent fuel in dry storage, operating costs are estim ated to be $3.3-4.4 m illion per year. 118 Total undiscounted life-cycle costs for forty years in this case would range from $210-$275/kgHM (for a 1000-tonne facility), or $155-

$200/kgHM with the 40 years of operations cost discounted at a 3% real annual rate. A large centralized facility could spread these operations costs over a larger am ount of spent fuel— but there would be additional up-front costs for transportation to the centralized site. 119

Som e what higher costs have been estim ated in Japan (where all fuel cycle costs are higher than they tend to be in the United States, as m a ny other costs are). In an official 1998 study, total undiscounted costs for 40 years of storage in a 5,000-tonne centralized dry cask facility were estim ated at 160.8 billion yen (som e $290/kgHM). 120 W h en the authors of that study applied a 5% discount rate over the 54 years considered from start of construction to com p letion of decom m i ssioning and disposal, these total costs resulted in a discounted per kilogram cost of $280/kgHM (a sm all difference because operations and decom m i ssioning costs were only estim ated to be 15% of total undiscounted cost).

For both the United States and Japan, it should be noted that costs of the variety of benefits that m a y be paid to the local com m unity to build public acceptance and gain governm e nt approvals are not included in these totals. These costs will vary from zero to significant additions to the total, depending on the circum stances of the individual case.

117 TR W , C R WMS Modul ar Desi gn , op. ci t . (t abl e E-7), escal at ed t o 2003 dol l a rs.

118 Supko, “Minim izing Risks,” op. cit. gi ves $3-$4 m illion; the estim ate in TRW , C R WMS Modul ar Desi gn , op. cit. (table E-7) is $4 m illion/yr; these ha ve been escalated to 2003 dollars in the text.

119 See di scussi on i n B unn et al ., Int e ri m St orage of Spent N u cl ear Fuel , pp. 13-16. W e have not i n cl uded i n our cost estim ate the possibility that r eactor operators m i ght have to pay fo r on-site dry cask storage, and then pay again for centralized dry-cask storag e of the sam e fuel, before eventual d i sp o s al in a rep o s ito ry; it ap p ears that relatively few reactor operators will face this kind of double wham m y , and if we were to include the costs of such a dy sfunct i onal fuel cy cl e for t h e once-t h r ough case, we shoul d i n cl ude com p arabl e cost s for t h e reprocessing case, such as the costs of extended stor age of separat e d pl ut oni um , and am eri c i u m separat i on (neither of which are included in our estim ates in this study, though both are resulting in substantial costs in the current nuclear fuel m a rket).

120 Toward Implementation of Interim Storage for Recycled Fuel Resources , Interim Report of the Nuclear Energy W o rking Group, Advisory Com m ittee for Energy, Agency of Natura l Resources and Energy, Ministry of Trade and Indust r y (Toky o, Japan: June 11, 1998), w i t h fi gures convert ed usi ng a t h ree-y ear average of currency exchange rat e s cent e red on 1998, and t h en i n fl at ed t o 2003 dol l a rs usi ng U.S. GDP defl at ors.

54 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

In som e cases, significantly higher per-kilogram prices have been paid or considered, when very lim ited storage capacity was available in a particular country, and another country agreed to accept that country’s fuel, for storage or for reprocessing. Russia, for exam ple, recently passed a law allowing it to im port foreign spent nuclear fuel, and expects substantially higher per-kilogram fees than just described for in-country storage. 121 It m u st be recognized, however, that accepting spent fuel from a foreign country is a fundam e ntally different service than in-country interim storage and once the fuel has arrived in the foreign country to which it is shipped, the econom ic factors relating to whether it should be reprocessed or stored and eventually disposed of directly will be sim ilar to those described in this report.

W e have chosen $200/kgHM as our central estim ate of interim storage costs (substantially m o re than the cost of at-reactor dry cask storage in the United States, and com p arable to the discounted present value of the cost of independent dry cask storage in the United States at sm all facilities), with a ra nge of $100/kgHM to $300/kgHM. In the future, the direct costs of storage are likely to declin e (as reactors are built with sufficient storage for their lifetim es, and technology im proves), but the indirect costs, including paym ents to nearby com m unities, could increase.

2.5.6. Enrichment Prices

In recent years, enrichm e nt prices have been som e what volatile, because of ups and downs of m a rket com p etition, trade actions, and the U.S.-Russian Highly Enriched Uranium Purchase Agreem ent. Long-term contract prices for enrichm e nt services fell from earlier levels of over $100/SW U (in then-year dollars) to the m i d-$80s by late 1999, only to increase back to som e $110/SW U in 2001, as a result of m a rket uncertainties caused by the

U.S. Enrichm e nt Corporation’s trade actions against its European com p etitors. 122 As with uranium prices, the gap between long-term and s pot SW U prices has declined substantially as utilities have becom e m o re confident in supply and are less willing to pay large prem ium s for the security of long-term contracts. In the first half of 2003, the spot SW U price in the United States was in the range of $100-$110/SW U. 123 Since the trade action does not affect purchases by European utilities (and, in f act, creates incentives f o r European enrichers to sell m o re of their service there than in the United States), prices in Europe are now lower than prices in the United States, though higher than they were in 1999. 124 One projection in m i d- 2003 suggested that SW U prices in long-term contracts would likely rem a in in the range of

$105/SW U for som e years, and then rise slightly toward the end of the decade. 125

Although it is possible that som e com b ination of trade restraints and uncertainties in deliveries from Russian m ilitary supplies could drive prices tem porarily to levels well above

121 See di scussi on i n B unn et al ., Int e ri m St orage of Spent N u cl ear Fuel , op. ci t ., C h apt e r 4.

122 For a di scussi on, wi t h a graph of l ong-t e rm SW U cont ract pri ces over t i m e, see Thom as L. Neff, “Deci si on Tim e for the HEU Deal,” Arms C ont rol Today, June 2001, available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / www.arm s cont rol . org/ act / 2001_06/ nefjun01.asp .

123 Spot SW U prices are freely av ai l a bl e from Ux C onsul t i ng, at http://www.uxc.com .

124 Eura t o m Suppl y Agency , Annual Report 2002, op. ci t ., p. 15.

125 See Knapik, “LES Hires Advisers to Prim e Renewed Push to Site Tennessee Plant; PACE Slam s USEC,” op. ci t ., report i ng on Energy R e sources Int e rnat i onal project i ons.

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 55

$100/SW U, the enrichm e nt m a rket is com p etitive, new enrichm e nt plants are being considered, and it is unlikely that prices w ould stabilize at significantly m o re than $100/SW U for long (as high prices would call forth invest m e nt in new supplies that would drive down prices). Gas-centrifuge enrichm e nt is a m a ture technology, with a cost of production below

$80/SW U, and its cost appears highly unlikely to increase over the next few decades: rather, costs can be expected to decrease as the next generation of m o re efficient centrifuge designs are put in place. 126 Additional supplies f r om m ilitary stockpiles would af f ect enrichm e nt prices as well. The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organization for Econom ic Cooperation and Developm ent (OECD) has estim ated that enrichm e nt prices in the “short to m e dium term will be in the range $80-$120/SW U; over the longer term , the NEA reports that “it is hoped” that new facilities using advanced processes can reduce the cost of enrichm e nt to the range of $50/SW U. 127

W e have chosen a central estim ate of $100/SW U, with a high of $150/SW U and a low of $50 per SW U, allowing a som e what broader range of possibilities than the near-to- m e dium term NEA projection. Enrichm e nt prices are unlikely to reach either the high or the low end of the price range for som e decades to com e , barring a substantial technological breakthrough or a substantial reduction in the num ber of suppliers in the m a rket.

2.5.7. Low Enriched Uranium Fuel Fabrication Prices

Fabrication prices for LEU fuel vary depending on such factors as the burnup and neutronic ef f i ciency desired, the com p etitiveness of dif f e rent m a rkets, and the type of reactor. In general, fabricating fuel for boiling-water reactors (BW R s) is m o re costly than fabricating fuel for pressurized-water reactors (P W R s). For either type of reactor, prices are som e what higher in Europe, where the m a rkets are less com p etitive, than in the United States, and are higher still in Japan (though Japanese prices have recently declined substantially due to the introduction of com p etition). 128 Prices have not increased substantially with increased burnup; it appears that cost reductions are keeping pace with added technology, m u ch as has been the case with personal com puters in recent years, where prices rem a in roughly stable but capabilities increase over tim e. Past overcapacity in the f a brication m a rket has m a de the m a rket com p etitive, reducing prices and leading to substantial consolidation of the fabrication firm s. 129 Unlike uranium , conversion, or enrichm e nt prices, LEU fabrication prices (w hich depend on the specifics of each com p any’s design and processes) are considered proprietary inform ation and are not regularly tabulated in published form . Nevertheless, there is sufficient inform ation available to m a ke a good judgm ent of prices.

126 Varle y an d Co llier, Fuel Cycle Cost Data, op. ci t .

127 Nuclear Energy Agency, Trends i n t h e N u cl ear Fuel C ycl e: Economi c , Envi ronment a l , and Soci a l Aspect s

(Pari s , France: NEA, 2001), p. 54 and p. 83.

128 Personal com m uni cat i on wi t h Japanese i ndust r y part i c i p an t . See al so di scussi on of t h i s overal l pi ct ure i n C h arl e s K. Anderson, “Devel opm ent s i n t h e U.S. and European LW R Fabri cat i on M a rket s: A 1998 Updat e ,” i n Ura n i u m In stitu te: 2 3 rd Annual Symposi u m, Sept em ber 10-11, 1998.

129 See, for exam ple, NEA, Trends in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, op. ci t ., p. 22.

56 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

The NEA projects LEU fabrication prices in the short to m e dium term at $200-

$300/kgHM (2001 dollars). 130 A previous survey by a National Academ y of Sciences com m ittee chose a central estim ate of $250/kgHM. 131 This central estim ate is som e what higher than recent prices in the highly com p etitive U.S. m a rket, but som e what lower than m o st prices in the European m a rket. 132 One projection in m i d-2003 suggested that com p etitive bids in the U.S. m a rket for PW R fuel were in the range of $220/kgHM, and would rem a in largely flat; European m a rket prices were said to be 25-30 percent higher. 133 Suppliers’ actual fabrication cost is estim ated to be below $200/kgHM. 134

W e have chosen a central estim ate of $250/kgHM for LEU fabrication cost, with a low of $150/kgHM and a high of $350/kgHM, again allowing a som e what broader range of possibilities than the NEA projections. (W e consid er the very high prices paid f o r f a brication services in Japan prior to the introduction of com p etition to be an outlier, not likely to be broadly applicable to prices available to utilities in the future.) The technology of LEU fuel fabrication is m a ture, the suppliers at least reasonably diverse, and the safety and health im pacts m odest, so it appears unlikely that this price would change substantially in the near future. Prices could go up if utilities decide to pursue still higher burnups, requiring new m a terials and designs—but that would also substantially reduce the desirability of reprocessing, as the high-burnup uranium and plut onium to be recovered would be m u ch less attractive m a terial for reactor fuel (see discu ssion below). Prices could also go up if ongoing consolidation created effective m onopolies in som e m a rkets—but that artificial m a rket situation would probably be corrected in the long term .

2.5.8. Premiums for Handling Reprocessed Uranium

Uranium recovered from reprocessing contai ns a variety of undesirable isotopes built up during its irradiation in the reactor. Chief am ong these are U-232 (whose radioactive daughter products em it highly penetrating gam m a rays, increasing requirem e nts for radiation protection for workers in facilities handling reprocessed uranium ) and U-236 (which is a neutron absorber, requiring that the enrichm e nt of LEU m a de from reprocessed uranium be higher than the enrichm e nt of LEU m a de from fresh uranium to achieve the sam e burnup).

Because of the higher radioactivity, fuel cycle firm s charge higher prices for conversion, enrichm e nt, and fabrication of repr ocessed uranium . If fresh uranium is cheap, reprocessed uranium typically has no value at all—though it is not a liability to the sam e degree that plutonium is, as its storage is very cheap. As a result of these factors, while recycling of reprocessed uranium has been dem onstrated, and is being done on a m odest scale, 135 m o st utilities have not bothered to recycle their reprocessed uranium : the vast

130 NEA, Trends in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, op. ci t , p. 54.

131 NAS 1995, pp. 286-287, t ook $200/ kgHM (1992$) as i t s cent r al est i m at e, rounded from $248 t o $250 2003 d o llars.

132 Varle y an d Co llier, Fuel Cycle Cost Data, op. ci t .

133 Kn ap ik , “LES Hires Ad v i sers to Prim e Ren e wed Pu sh to Site Ten n e ssee Plan t; PACE Slam s USEC,” o p . ci t ., report i ng project i ons from Energy R e sources Int e rnat i onal .

134 Varle y an d Co llier, Fuel Cycle Cost Data, op. ci t .

135 An i ngeni ous approach, bei ng pursued i n a part nershi p bet w een R u ssi an and European fi rm s, i s t o m i x t h e reprocessed urani u m wi t h HEU m a de excess as a resul t of arm s reduct i ons. W i t h t h i s approach, t h e undesi rabl e

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 57

m a jority of all the uranium ever recovered from reprocessing of LW R fuel rem a ins in storage. Market estim ates of the relevant prem ium s are therefore som e what uncertain, as the prices charged to date reflect a m o re or less pilot-scale m a rket with few suppliers. 136 Based on data provided by m a rket participants, we have chosen a central estim ate of $15/kgU for conversion (with a range from $5 to $25), $5 for enrichm e nt (with a range from $0 to $10), and $10 for fuel fabrication (with a range from $0 to $20). 137 Over tim e, approaches to m a naging reprocessed uranium will probably im prove, but the burnup of fuels will increase, m a king the reprocessed uranium less econom ically desirable.

The possibility of laser enrichment. For som e decades to com e , it appears that gas centrifuges will continue to be the dom inant enrichm e nt technology. They will only be replaced if som e other technology appears which is significantly cheaper. Laser enrichm e nt is one possibility for significant cost reduction, though both the United States and France have phased out m o st of their support for near-term com m e rcialization efforts. If laser enrichm e nt is eventually com m e rcialized, this would lower the lines on f i gure 2.1 slightly, since the ability to easily rem ove undesirable isotopes would increase the value of uranium recovered from reprocessing. At the sam e tim e, significant decreases in enrichm e nt prices would m a ke the once-through cycle som e what m o re attractive, and free up m o re uranium resources (as lower prices would m a ke it attractive to strip m o re of the U-235 from each kilogram of natural uranium , leaving less in the enrichm e nt tails).

2.5.9. Conversion Prices

Conversion of uranium from U3O8 to uranium hexafluoride for enrichm e nt is a relatively m i nor cost in the nuclear fuel cycle, which has little im pact on the econom ic calculations presented in this report. W e have chosen a central estim ate of $6/kgU, with a low of $4/kgU and a high of $8/kgU. This is m o re than the depressed prices of 2000-2001; the U.S. spot price in the first half of 2003 was under $5/kgU, with the European price over

$6/kgU. 138 Converdyn, the m a in U.S. supplier, estim ates its production cost at $4.40-

i s ot opes are not furt her concent r at ed by addi t i onal enri ch m e nt , and t h ere i s no need t o convert t h e reprocessed urani u m t o urani u m hexafl uori d e and back agai n. Thi s i s current l y bei ng done at El ekt r ost a l , i n R u ssi a, where the resulting blended LEU is fabricated into fuel for European reactors under license to Siem ens (whose fuel fab r icatio n d i v i sio n is n o w p a rt o f Fram ato m e). See, fo r ex am p l e, An n MacLach lan , “Du t ch Utility EPZ Bu ys R u ssi an Fuel M a de From B l endi ng HEU, R e processed Urani u m , Nuclear Fuel, Sept em ber 30, 2002; Ann M acLachlan, “GKN Say s Elektrostal Option Only Solution For Repu Use,” Nuclear Fuel, Sept em ber 30, 2002; and M a rk Hi bbs, “Fram a t o m e , El ekt r ost a l Looki ng t o Doubl e B u si ness i n Downbl ended HEU Fuel ,” Nuclear Fuel, August 19, 2002.

136 C o llier an d Varley, Fuel Cycle Cost Data, op. ci t .

137 NEA, Accelerator-Driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reacto rs (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles, op. cit.,

p. 212, ci t e s a cent r al cost est i m at e of $24/ kgU for conversi on of reprocessed urani u m , com p ared t o $5/ kgU for conversi on of fresh urani u m , a prem i u m of $19/ kgU for handl i ng t h e i rradi at ed m a t e ri al . The NEA st udy poi nt s out t h at such conversi on cost s can be avoi ded by usi ng t h e recovered urani u m for M OX fabri cat i on, but (a) we have assum e d i n t h i s anal y s i s t h at urani u m for M OX fabri cat i on i s free, so t a ki ng t h i s approach woul d am ount t o assi gni ng a zero val u e t o t h e recovered urani u m ; and (b) there is m u ch m o re recovered uranium arising from reprocessi ng t h an i s needed for fabri cat i on of M OX fuel , so t h i s approach can onl y be t a ken wi t h a fract i on of th e m a terial.

138 Conversion spot prices are freely available from Ux Consulting, at http://www.uxc.com .

58 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

$4.70/kgU. 139 The NEA projects conversion prices in the short to m e dium term in the range of $3-$8/kgU, nearly identical to our range. 140

2.5.10. Non-Price Factors: Fuel Burnup and Discount Rate

Burnup of Reprocessed Fuel and Fresh Fuel

The econom ic viability of reprocessing gets worse and worse as the burnup of the reprocessed spent fuel increases, because the isotopic quality of the recovered plutonium and uranium gets worse. 141 The worldwide trend toward increased burnup in LW Rs therefore casts additional doubt on the econom ic future of reprocessing and recycling in LW Rs.

On the other hand, increased burnup of the fresh fuel to be produced—either MOX or LEU—m akes the com p arison better for using plutonium that has already been separated as MOX, as additional enrichm e nt has to be put into each kilogram of LEU to achieve the greater burnup, increasing the cost of the LEU the MOX would replace. 142 The ideal situation for the econom ics of reprocessing is reprocessing of relatively low-burnup fuel, to m a ke relatively high-burnup MOX. Thus we have taken as our “best case” for reprocessing plutonium and uranium recovered from reprocessing of spent fuel with a burnup lower than that used by m o st current utilities, of 33,000 m e gawatt-days per m e tric ton of heavy m e tal (MW D /MTHM), m a king MOX for a burnup of 43,000 MW D/MTHM. 143 Our central estim ate and “worst” estim ate have equal burnups of 43,000 MW D/MTHM, but in fact higher burnups, now in wide use around the world, would be worse still for the reprocessing case. Thus our use of these burnups is conservative, understating the econom ic disadvantages of reprocessing.

Disposal Time and Discount Rate

Final factors in the calculation include the tim es at which various events take place (which effects how far in the future their costs should be discounted), and the discount rate.

The tim e factor and how it is treated is particularly im portant for the costs of disposal.

W e have assum e d, as discussed above, that $400/kgHM has to be set aside at the tim e of discharge for disposal of spent fuel, even though the disposal itself m a y not take place until decades after the fuel is discharged. This is because, in the U.S. program (as is likely to be true in m a ny other national nuclear waste disposal program s), m a ny of the costs (such as

139 Michael Knapik, “Help for Converdyn Still Seen Possible; Spot U Pri ce in U.S. Continues to Slide,” Nuclear Fuel, Oct ober 30, 2000.

140 NEA, Trends in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, op. ci t .

141 See , fo r ex am p l e, W o lfg a n g Hen i , “Ev a lu atio n o f Direct Disp o s al Fro m th e Po in t o f View o f On e Utility an d Perspect i v es for W a st e M a nagem e nt ,” N u cl ear Technol ogy , Vol . 121, pp. 120-127, February 1998. Heni i s t h e fu el m a n a g e r fo r th e GNS u tility in Germ an y.

142 See, for exam ple, discussion in NAS, Management and Dispositi on of Excess Weapons Plutonium: Reactor- Rela ted Op tio n s , op. ci t ., pp. 301-302.

143 W e use the 33,000 and 43,000 figures because useful se ts of consistent isotopi c figures are provided for t h ese burnups i n Organi zat i on for Econom i c C oopera t i on and Devel opm ent , Nucl ear Energy Agency , Pl ut oni um Fuel : An Assessment (Pari s , France: OEC D / N EA 1989).

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 59

siting and building a repository and its associated infrastructure) occur early on, rather than at the later tim e when the fuel is actually em placed. Had we followed the approach used in som e other studies, and discounted a fixed per-k ilogram disposal cost only m odestly larger than the one we assum e d to be paid at tim e of discharge for decades into the future, the present value of the costs for disposal of either spent fuel or high-level waste at tim e of discharge would have been m u ch less, and hence the difference between them would have been m u ch less than our $200/kgHM central estim ate. 144

Since we have assum e d that the disposal costs are lower for the reprocessing and recycling case, it is better for the relative econom ics of reprocessing for disposal to occur sooner rather than later, so that this cost advantage is not shrunken by additional discounting. Nevertheless, in countries around the world a period of decades between discharge of spent fuel and perm anent disposal of the spent fuel or reprocessing wastes is planned to be the norm . W e have taken a central estim ate of disposal 40 years after discharge of the spent fuel from the reactor (for either disposal of spen t fuel or disposal of HLW from reprocessing) with a range of 20 to 60 years.

The issue of the discount rate is som e what m o re com p lex. As noted in Chapter 1, for calculating the am ount that m u st be set aside today to cover a future expense one is legally obligated to incur (such as disposal of spent f u el or decom m i ssioning of a nuclear f acility) it is appropriate to use a “risk free” discount rate. Thus in this study, for discounting the future costs of waste disposal or storage, we use a 3% real rate, as advised by the U.S. Office of Managem e nt and Budget as being roughly equivalent to the return on long-term U.S. governm e nt bonds.

W e use a separate rate for the cost of m oney during the various periods when fuel has been bought but has not yet been com p letely used (such as the tim e between purchasing the uranium and enrichm e nt, the tim e between enrichm e nt and fabrication, the tim e between fabrication and loading into the reactor, and the tim e the fuel is in the reactor). For this cost of m oney, we have chosen to use a 5% real interest rate, roughly the real debt rate available to a regulated utility with a guaranteed rate of return, 145 with a range from 2% to 8%. This has only a m odest effect on our calculations of breakeven price and cost of electricity.

144 T h is is th e ap p r o ach tak e n in NEA, The Economi c s of t h e N u cl ear Fuel C ycl e, o p . cit., with th e resu lt th at al t hough t h ey envi si on a l a rge di fference i n cost s bet w een di sposal of HLW and di sposal of spent fuel , t hose costs and the difference between them ar e discounted so heavily as to m a ke ve ry little contribution to the cost of electricity.

145 See di scussi on i n Appendi x A. For such operat i ng cost s, pure debt fi nanci ng woul d be appropri a t e .

60 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

Sidebar: Volumes of Wastes From Direct Disposal and Reprocessing

Advocates of reprocessing frequently point out that reprocessing reduces the total volum e of high-level waste. 146 Unfortunately, in m o st cases neither the hazard from radioactive waste nor the cost of m a naging it is closely related to the physical volum e of the waste. Nonetheless, it is of interest to com p are the volum es and types of wastes generated by direct disposal of spent fuel and reprocessing of that spent fuel.

The principal waste generated in direct disposal of spent fuel is the spent fuel itself.

The volum e of wastes from the various handling steps after the reactor cooling pond— transport to the repository, packaging, and repository em placem ent—is expected to be com p aratively m i nor, as are the volum es of wastes from decom m i ssioning the relevant f acilities. (There are, of course, wastes generated in m a ny other parts of the f u el cycle, but the costs of m a naging these is included in the costs charged for the various fuel cycle services, and is not addressed here.)

Reprocessing advocates frequently estim ate the volum e of spent fuel for direct disposal at 2 cubic m e ters per m e tric ton of heavy m e tal. 147 This is roughly correct for spent fuel disposed of in the Germ an Pollux cask, which is 5.52 m e ters long, 1.56 m e ters in diam eter, and can hold 5.5 tHM of spent fuel, for a volum e of 1.9 m 3 /tHM. 148 The Swedish disposal program , which also has large waste packages, has an average planned volum e of

1.6 m 3 /tHM for the packaged spent fuel, 149 and a recent British study, based on a study for the European Union, cam e up with a sim ilar figure. 150 But in the case of the planned U.S. Yucca Mountain repository, the plan is to have larger waste packages with m o re fuel assem b lies in each package, reducing the average volum e: pressurized-water reactor (PW R ) spent fuel will prim arily be in large packages holding 21 assem b lies each. These packages are planned to have a volum e of 10.25 m 3 and will contain 9660 kgHM of spent fuel, for an average of 1.06 m 3 /tHM, roughly half the 2 cubic m e ter estim ate. 151 This is the total waste package volum e, m u ch of which is em pty space or waste package rather than the spent fuel itself. A typical PW R assem b ly has a volum e of 0.19 cubic m e ters, and contains 460 kgHM of fuel, for a volum e of 0.41 m 3 /tHM, less than half the packaged volum e. 152

146 As one of m a ny si m i l a r exam pl es, see B . B a rré and H. Masson (Cogem a ), “State of the Art in Nuclear Fuel R e processi ng,” paper present e d at “Safewast e 2000,” Oct ober 2-4, 2000, M ont pel i e r, France.

147 See, for exam ple, Barré and Masson, “State of the Art in Nuclear Fuel R e processi ng,” op. ci t .

148 Frank von Hi ppel , personal com m uni cat i on.

149 OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, The Cost of High-Level Waste Di sposal in Geologic Repositories (Paris, France: OEC D / N EA, 1993), herei n aft e r OEC D / N EA 1993, shows on p. 50 a pl anned 7,840 t H M of Swedi s h spent fuel goi ng i n t o wast e packages wi t h a t o t a l vol um e of 12,900 m 3 .

150 “Scop i ng Assessm ent of Im pl i cat i ons of R e processi ng Scenari o s for Di sposal Opt i ons: Paper t o R W M A C [R oy al W a st e M a nagem e nt Advi sory C o m m i t t ee] ,” NIR E X Doc. 334004 (London, UK: Uni t e d Ki ngdom Ni rex Lim ited, May 2000). This paper envisioned 4 PW R a ssem b lies (which contain 461 kgHM of fuel each) in can i s t e rs t h at woul d be 4.54 m l ong and 0.9 m i n di am et er, for an average of 1.57 m 3 /tHM.

151 These packages will be 5.335 m long, with an outer diam eter of 1.564 m .

152 Office o f Civ ilian Rad i o activ e W a ste Man a g e m e n t , Fi nal Envi ronment a l Impact St at ement f o r a Geol ogi c Repository for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioac tive Waste at Yucca Mountain, Nye C ount y, N evada DOE/ E IS-0250 (W ashi ngt on DC : U.S. Depart m e nt of Energy , February 2002, avai l a bl e at http://www.ym p.gov:80/docum ents/feis_a/i ndex.htm ) , p. A-25. Spent fuel from high-tem p erature gas reactors

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 61

Reprocessing spent fuel does m a ke it possible to concentrate the intensely radioactive m a terials in a m u ch sm aller volum e of high-level waste (HLW ). At the sam e tim e, however, reprocessing also results in significant volum es of interm ediate-level waste (ILW ) and low- level waste (LLW ) which m u st also be disposed of. 153 The ILW from reprocessing typically contains long-lived actinides (including plutonium ), and therefore in m o st cases will probably have to be disposed of in deep geologic repositories along with the HLW . Indeed, COGEMA has developed a “Universal Canister to hold both vitrified HLW and ILW , so that custom ers receive back som e canisters with vitrified HLW and other outwardly identical canisters with lower-level wastes. 154

The specific volum es of these types of wast e generated during reprocessing have been the subject of som e controversy, and have changed over the years as reprocessing technology has im proved and the reprocessors have devoted m o re effort to further processing and com p action of these wastes. BNFL and COGEMA appear to be in agreem ent that for current processes and spent fuels of current and future burnups, the volum e of vitrified HLW canisters is approxim a tely 0.12 m 3 /tHM. 155 Hence, the volum e of vitrified HLW resulting from reprocessing is roughly 4 tim es less than the volum e of original spent fuel (with no container). The volum e of interm ediate-level waste is larger and m o re variable in different reports: recent estim ates are 0.8 m 3 /tHM from BNFL, and 0.35 m 3 /tHM from COGEMA. 156 The m o st recent waste volum e estim ates from these firm s do not include low-level wastes which can be buried in cheaper low-level waste disposal sites. Previous estim ates indicate that the am ount of LLW generated during reprocessing is roughly 2.8 m 3 /tHM—that is, in sheer volum e term s, m o re than the volum e of spent fuel in its waste package. 157

HLW canisters, like spent fuel assem b lies, will in m o st countries be put in a waste package, which serves as an engineered barrier to release of radionuclides to the environm ent. As with spent fuel, the volum e of the total package should be taken into account for HLW . One Germ an study, for exam ple, envisioned 6 Cogem a vitrified waste

woul d have very m u ch l a rger phy si cal vol um e per uni t of el ect ri ci t y generat e d, and woul d t h erefore requi re di fferent packagi ng and reposi t o ry desi gn but i t i s l i k el y t o rem a i n t r ue t h at reposi t o ry vol um e and cost woul d be dr i v en m o re by t h e heat generat e d from t h e fuel t h an by i t s phy si cal vol um e.

153 These are the European classificati ons. In the United States, the repro cessing wastes classified as ILW in Europe woul d be consi d ered t r ansurani c (TR U ) wast es. Fo r di scussi ons of t h e wast es t h at have ari s en t o dat e , and are expect ed t o ari s e i n t h e fut u re, from repro cessi ng, see B N FL Nat i onal St akehol der Di al ogue W a st e W o rki ng Group, Int e ri m Report (London, UK: The Envi ronm ent a l C ounci l , February 28, 2000 avai l a bl e at ht t p : / / www.t h e-envi ronm ent - counci l . org.uk/ Di al ogue/ bnf l _nat i onal _di al ogue.ht m ), and Frank Hom b erg, Mathie Pavageau, and Mycle Schneider, C ogema-La Hague: The Wast e Product i on Techni ques (Paris, France: W o rl d Inform at i on Servi ce on Energy -Pari s , M a y 1997).

154 E. B l anc, F. C hot i n (C ogem a ), “The Uni v ersal C a ni st er St rat e gy ,” paper present e d at Gl obal ’99, Jackson Hol e , W y om i ng, August 30-Sept em ber 2, 1999.

155 For C OGEM A , see B a rré and M a sson, “St a t e of t h e Ar t in Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing,” op. cit., citing a fi gure of 0.115 m 3 / t H M . For B N FL, see B N FL i nput t o t h e B N FL Nat i onal St akehol der Di al ogue W a st e W o rki ng Group, In terim Rep o r t, op. ci t ., Appendi x 3. B N FL est i m at ed .08 m 3 / t H M for l o wer-burnup spent fuel t h at had been reprocessed i n t h e past , and .12 m 3 / t H M for fuel pl anned t o be reprocessed i n t h e com i ng y ears.

156 B a rré and M a sson, “St a t e of t h e Art i n Nucl ear Fuel R e processi ng,” op. ci t ., and B N FL i nput t o t h e B N FL Nat i onal St akehol der Di al ogue W a st e W o rki ng Group, In terim Rep o r t, op. ci t ., Appendi x 3.

157 See, for exam ple, Mike Sm ith and Nigel Mote, Recommendat i ons f o r N o rmal i z i ng Reprocessi ng Wast e Quantities and Characteristics (At l a nt a, GA: Nucl ear Assurance C o rporat i on Int e rnat i onal , January 1998).

62 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

canisters in a Pollux cask, resulting in a disposal package volum e of 1.2 m 3 /tHM 158 effectively identical to the packaged volum e for spent fuel, rather than m a ny tim es less. The UK study noted above envisioned 2 vitrified waste canisters, each containing 0.148 m 3 of glass (the equivalent of 0.123 tHM of fuel, at the rate of 0.12 m 3 /tHM appropriate for higher- burnup fuel) would be placed in each waste package, which would be 3.2 m e ters long and 0.9 m e ters in diam eter, for an average of 0.83 m 3 /tHM—roughly half the volum e envisioned in the sam e study for direct disposal of spent fuel. 159 Packaging m a y also increase volum es for ILW and LLW , in som e cases.

One im portant point is that wastes from decom m i ssioning the reprocessing plant and associated f acilities are not included in these waste volum e estim ates. The ILW and LLW from decom m i ssioning the Sellafield and La Hague sites are expected to be substantial.

Including these wastes, pro-rated over the quantity of f u el processed over these f acilities’ lifetim es, would be likely to increase significantly the estim ates of volum e of wastes generated per ton of fuel processed.

Overall, several points can be m a de:

W ith no packaging, the volum e of vitrified HLW is roughly four tim es less than the volum e of the spent fuel from which it cam e.

This changes substantially when ILW is included. W ith no waste package, the volum e of spent f u el is equal to or less than the com b ined volum e of the HLW and ILW resulting from reprocessing.

If waste packages are included for spent fuel and HLW , the total volum e for disposal ranges from roughly equal to approxim a tely half as large for the HLW (not including the ILW ) .

If low-level waste is also included, the total volum e of waste arising from reprocessing is significantly larger than the total volum e arising from direct disposal.

More com p lete estim ates should ultim ately include decom m i ssioning wastes from both fuel cycles.

Costs of Managing ILW and LLW From Reprocessing

From the point of view of a reactor operator attem p ting to decide whether to sign a contract to have spent fuel reprocessed or plan on disposing of it directly, the m a in waste volum es of interest are the ones that will get returned to the custom er af ter reprocessing— and the m a in fact of interest about those volum es is how m u ch it will cost to m a nage and dispose of them . The costs of HLW disposal are discussed in the text.

Currently both Cogem a and BNFL require custom ers to take back the wastes after reprocessing. It appears, however, that wa stes from decom m i ssioning m a y end up being the responsibility of the reprocessors, rather than the custom ers. 160 The costs of m a naging these

158 C i t e d i n Hom b erg, Pavageau, and Schnei d er, C ogema-La Hague, op. ci t ., p. 90.

159 NI R E X, “Scopi ng Assessm ent , op. ci t .

160 Ho m b erg, Pavageau, and Schnei d er, C ogema-La Hague, op. ci t ., p. 66. ci t e a docum ent whi c h say s t h at d eco m m i ssio n i n g wastes “will n o t b e retu rn ed ,” b u t rep o r t th at “th e situ atio n is ev o l v i n g , with n e w effo rts to negot i a t e cust om ers’ “part i c i p at i on” i n m a nagi ng t h ese wast es.

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 63

wastes are included in the estim ates of the decom m i ssioning costs for these plants (which in turn are included in our discussion of the costs of reprocessing, elsewhere in this report). To date, plans for shipping wastes to custom ers focus prim arily on the vitrified HLW and the ILW , not the LLW —whose large volum e would m a ke long-distance shipm e nt expensive.

BNFL has perm ission from the UK governm e nt to practice “substitution”—that is, an arrangem e nt in which custom ers would take back a slightly larger am ount of HLW in return for the reprocessors m a naging the LLW (on som e equivalence basis to be negotiated)—and is proposing to follow the sam e approach with ILW as well. If substitution were im plem ented for ILW as well, BNFL estim ates that the am ount of HLW returned to foreign custom ers would increase by 17%. BNFL does not describe how m u ch additional HLW is being substituted for LLW under existing substitution arrangem e nts, but presum ably it will be at least a few percent. Therefore, under this approach, the costs of HLW disposal per ton of fuel reprocessed would be m u ltiplied by roughly 1.2, but there would be no cost to the custom er for ILW or LLW m a nagem e nt and disposal.

If substitution did not occur, then the custom er would have to pay f o r transport and disposal of the ILW and LLW , which could add several tens of dollars per kilogram of original spent fuel to the waste disposal costs—or m o re, for countries with high disposal costs for these types of wastes, or requiring very long-distance transport of them .

64 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

Sidebar: Reprocessing to Reduce the Need for Additional Repositories

In recent years, som e advocates of reprocessing spent nuclear fuel have argued not that uranium will run out, but that available space for nuclear waste in geologic repositories will run out. Spent nuclear fuel m u st be processed, and heat-generating radionuclides m u st be transm uted, it is argued, to m a ke it possible to pack the nuclear waste from the generation of a m u ch larger am ount of nuclear energy generation into planned repositories. This argum ent is one of the principal drivers of the Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycle Initiative of the

U.S. Departm e nt of Energy (DOE). 161

In particular, DOE argues that existing nuclear power plants in the United States, discharging nearly 2000 tHM of spent fuel per year, will fill the 63,000 tHM legislative capacity lim it for the Yucca Mountain repository by 2015, and a “theoretical” Yucca Mountain capacity of 120,000 tHM by roughly 2050 (if the current level of nuclear capacity were retained). 162 The difficulty of gaining political acceptance and licensing for a second repository in the United States is assum e d to be very high, but processing the fuel and transm uting the heat-generating radionuclides, it is argued, could m a ke a second repository unnecessary, even if U.S. nuclear energy generation grows substantially in the future.

Several points should be m a de:

First, whatever this argum ent’s m e rits in the U.S. context, it only applies to the United States. Only the United States has chosen a repository site inside a m ountain with fixed boundaries, whose capacity therefore cannot be increased indefinitely by sim p ly digging m o re tunnels. Most other countries are exam ining sites in huge areas of rock, where the am ount of waste from centuries of nuclear wa ste generation could be em placed at a single site, if desired. 163

Second, it is im portant to understand that traditional approaches to reprocessing and recycling, such as those discussed in this chapter, do not lead to reductions in the am ount

161 See, U.S. Depart m e nt of Energy , Offi ce of Nucl ear Energy , Sci e nce, and Technol ogy , Report t o C ongress on Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative: Th e Future Path for Advanced Spent Fuel Treatment and Transmutation Research (W ashington, DC: January 2003, ava ilable as of Decem ber 16, 2003, at ht t p : / / www.nucl ear.gov/ report s / A FCI_CongRpt 2003.pdf ). Si m i l a rl y , see Per F. Pet e rson, “The Pros and C ons of Nuclear Fuel Recycling,” letter, Sci e nce, Vol. 294, pp. 2093-2094, Decem ber 7, 2001. Peterson argues that “for sustainable fission ener gy production, the scarce resource will not be uranium , but will alm o st certainly be repository capacity… this why, in the longer term , it will likely m a ke econom ic sense to recycle actinides back into reactors.”

162 See DOE, Report to Congress on Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative, op. cit., p. I-3. This m a xim u m theoretical capaci t y est i m at e i s dependent on a wi de range of assum p t i ons, som e of whi c h m i ght be changed i n t h e fut u re t o increase the available capacity , such as the m a xim u m tem p erature that will be allowed within the m ountain, what kind of cooling arrange m e nts will be used for the repository (a nd for how long), how long wastes will be allowed to cool above ground before em placem ent, how older and newer wa stes will be arranged within the m ount ai n, and t h e l i k e.

163 Gran i t e form at i ons do oft e n have faul t i ng i n som e areas t h at coul d l i m i t t h e t o t a l area t h at coul d be used at a p a rticu l ar rep o s ito ry site b u t sites will p r esu m ab ly b e ch o s en to b e far fro m n earb y fau lts, an d v e ry larg e am ounts of total m a terial can be em placed at typical sites of this type. Ev en at Yucca Mountain, there are other m ount ai n ri dges i n t h e sam e area t h at have si m i l a r geol ogy , and coul d pot ent i a l l y be defi ned as part of t h e “sam e” rep o s ito ry. Ultim ately th e issu e is less th e tech n i cal lim its o n rep o s ito ry cap acity th an th e p o litical lim its on how m u ch m a terial can be em placed at a particular location.

D irect D isposal vs. R eprocessing and Recycli ng in Thermal R eactors 65

of repository space required per unit of electricity generated. As discussed in the text, the needed repository volum e is determ ined by heat output of the wastes, and if plutonium is recycled as MOX fuel in existing LW Rs, the resulting buildup of heat-generating m i nor actinides m eans that the total waste heat per unit of electricity generated in this cycle is higher than for direct disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Therefore, a separations and transm utation approach that would include separating and transm uting all the m a jor long- lived heat-generating radionuclides would be needed, if the goal was to avoid a second repository. As discussed in the text, the m o st recent official analyses suggest that the cost of the com p lex separations and transm utation that would be needed is likely to be substantially higher than the cost of traditional reprocessing and recycling. If we assum e , as recent international reviews do, a higher reprocessing cost for these kinds of separations than the central estim ate for traditional reprocessing used in the text, a higher fabrication cost (given the need for rem o te handling), and we assum e that the needed transm utation reactors or accelerators would have a capital cost roughly $200/kW e higher than that of com p arably advanced one-through system s, then separations and transm utation for this purpose would not be econom ic until the cost of disposal of spent fuel reached som e $3000/kgHM, m a ny tim es its current level. 164

Third, the argum ent is based on the questionable assum p tion that while it would be very difficult to gain public acceptance and licensing approval for a second repository, it would not be very difficult to do so for the com p lex and expensive spent fuel processing and transm utation f acilities needed to im plem ent this approach. This assum p tion appears very likely to be wrong. Reprocessing of spent fuel has been fiercely opposed by a substantial section of the interested public in the United States for decades—and such a transm utation approach inevitably would involve the handling of large quantities of extrem ely dangerous radionuclides in the presence of m u ch larger sources of chem ical or nuclear energy that m i ght distribute them in th e event of an accident than they would ever be exposed to below the ground. Sim ilarly, there seem s little doubt that licensing and building the new reactor types required would be an enorm ous institutional and political challenge.

Fourth, the argum ent is also based on a further questionable assum p tion—that even decades in the future, when repository space has becom e scarce and reactor operators becom e willing to pay a signif i cant price f o r it, it will still not be possible to ship spent fuel from one country to another for disposal . If, in fact, repository capacity does becom e scarce in the future, reactor operators will likely be willing to pay a price for spent fuel disposal well above the cost of providing the service, and it seem s quite likely that if the potential price gets high enough, the opportunity for enorm ous profit will m o tivate som e country with an indefinitely-expandable repository to overcom e the political obstacles

164 NEA, Accelerator-Driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reacto rs (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles, op. cit., cites a cost of $2000/kgHM for reproce ssing in fast reactors intended for transm utation of heat-generating act i n i d es, and a fabri cat i on cost of $2600/ kgHM for t h e core fuel for such sy st em s. DOE’s Generat i on IV Fuel C y cl e C r osscut group uses t h e sam e fi gures. Usi ng t h ese fi gures, and assum i ng t h at t h e whol e job coul d be done with fast reactors with no need for accelerators (with the fast reactors having an additional capital cost of

$200/ kW e , we calculated the spent fuel disposal price at wh ich the cost of electricity woul d be t h e sam e for once-through LW Rs as for these transm utation fast reactors, using the sam e m e thod as used in Chapter 3, with equat i ons descri bed i n Appendi x A. W e hel d t h e di sposal cost for HLW const a nt , whi c h i s excessi vel y generous, si nce t h i s m a t e ri al al so t a kes up reposi t o ry vol um e, and i f t h e cost of spent fuel di sposal were ri si ng dram at i cal l y , t h e cost of HLW di sposal woul d al so be i n creasi ng.

66 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

that have blocked international storage and disposal of spent fuel in the past, and offer to accept spent fuel from other countries on a com m e rcial basis. (It is worth noting that Russia has already passed legislation approvi ng such im ports of foreign spent fuel, though the prospects for im plem entation of that project rem a in uncertain.) 165

In any case, given the availability of proven, low-cost dry cask storage technology that can store spent fuel safely for decades, 166 there is no rush to resolve these debates. W ith tim e, technology, politics, and econom ic circum stances will evolve, and the costs of any approach that is ultim ately chosen can be discounted into the future.

165 For an extensive discussion of th e political history and prospects fo r such concepts, see Bunn et. al, Interim St orage of Spent N u cl ear Fuel , op. ci t ., C h apt e r 4.

166 See di scussi on i n B unn et . al , Int e ri m St orage of Spent N u cl ear Fuel , op. cit., Chapter 2.

3 . Direc t Disposa l vs . Recyclin g i n Fast-Neutro n Reactors

3.1. Plutonium Breeding a nd Recycling in Fast Reactors

From the dawn of the nuclear age, the nuclear industry believed that uranium was relatively scarce and that the num ber of reactors would grow rapidly, and as a result the price of uranium would increase quickly. Hence, the i ndustry projected that there would be a rapid transition from light-water reactors (LW R s), which prim arily rely on fissioning the rare U- 235 isotope (0.7% of natural uranium ) , to fast-neutron reactors (FRs), which would efficiently transform the com m on uranium isotope, U-238 (>99% of natural uranium ) , into plutonium , which could then be recycled and us ed as fuel. The industry did not see recycling of plutonium in LW Rs as a long-term solution, but only as a tem porary expedient until the transition to FRs began. (See sidebar, “Therm al-Neutron and Fast-Neutron Reactors.”)

This transition to FRs has taken m u ch longer than once expected. Uranium has turned out to be abundant and cheap, the world’s use of nuclear energy has grown m u ch m o re slowly than expected, and FRs have so far been m o re expensive and problem atic than anticipated. As a result, only Russia, India, and Japan still have near-term plans f o r com m e rcializing FRs (and Japan’s plans, stretching out to two to three decades from now, are m o re properly characterized as long-term ). Russia is the only country in the world that currently operates a com m e rcial-scale FR, the BN-600; active construction of a slightly larger plant, the BN-800, has recently resum e d after having been largely on hold since the 1980s. 167 In the 1990s, the United States, France, Britain, Germ any, and other countries term inated large-scale FR com m e rcialization efforts, though in a num ber of countries som e longer-term R&D continued. More recently, as part of the various efforts to develop advanced system s for a possible future resurgence of nuclear energy, including the “Generation IV” initiative and others, FRs have again received increased attention as a long- term option. 168

Hence, having found in the last chapter that reprocessing and recycling in LW Rs will not be econom ic until uranium prices increase to som e ten tim es their present level (or reprocessing costs are dram atically reduced), the next logical question is : at what point would recycling in fast-neutron reactors be econom ic? That is the subject of this chapter.

167 For a di scussi on of t h e current st at us of t h e B N -600 and t h e const r uct i on on t h e B N -800, see “Di r ect or of t h e Beloyarskaya Power Plant: Results for 2002 and Priorities for 2003,” (Interview) www.gazeta555.narod.ru , Decem ber 30, 2002 (translated by U.S. Departm e nt of Energy). Note, howev er, that another BN-800 at Mayak, whose const r uct i on had al so been st art e d but t h en put on hol d, has been abandoned i n favor of bui l d i ng a cheaper LW R at the sam e site. See Sergey Savenkov, “M inister Rum i antsev: Minatom W ill Not be Privatized,” (Interview), www.u r a l p r ess.ru , Apri l 4, 2003 (t ransl a t e d by U.S. Depart m e nt of Energy ). R u m i ant s ev sai d “we do not cancel the BN-800 construction at Beloyarskaya NPP because it is our testing ground and we have tested all our reactors for peaceful purposes th ere,” im plying that he did not exp ect that this initial unit would be econom ically com p etitive or would s oon lead to full com m e rcialization.

168 See, for exam ple, U.S. Departm e nt of Energy , Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Com m ittee and Generation IV International Forum , A Technol ogy Roadmap f o r Generat i on IV N u cl ear Energy Syst ems (W ashington, DC: DOE, Decem ber 2002).

68 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

3.2. Breakeven Uranium Price for Fast Reactors

This question introduces additional com p lications, because one m u st account not only for the differences in fuel-cycle costs but also the fact that the capital cost of FRs and LW Rs m a y be different—and reactor capital cost is a m u ch larger contributor to the overall cost of nuclear-generated electricity than are fuel-cycle costs. (W e have assum e d for the sake of sim p licity that the non-fuel operations and m a intenance (O&M) costs of LW Rs and FRs would be the sam e , so that only the capital costs and the fuel costs would vary; this is a generous assum p tion, as som e studies have suggested that FRs would have higher non-fuel O&M costs. 169 )

Traditionally, the estim ated capital costs of sodium -cooled fast-neutron reactors have been 10-50% higher than those of light-water reactors. In the last couple of decades, a significant portion of fast-neutron reactor R&D has been focused on reducing the capital cost of FRs to a level roughly equal to that of LW Rs—though at the sam e tim e there has been a continuing effort to reduce the capital cost of LW Rs, and of other once-through therm a l system s with which FRs m u st com p ete, such as high-tem p erature gas-cooled reactors. Hence, in the analyses in this chapter, in addition to varying the costs of the various f u el-cycle param e ters, we also vary the capital cost difference between FRs and LW Rs to explore this factor’s im pact on the breakeven price and on the cost of electricity.

In any assessm ent of the cost of services provided by large capital f acilities (such as the cost of electricity from new reactors), the sp ecifics of the financing arrangem e nts, which depend on who owns the f acility, turn out to be critical, as m e ntioned in Chapter 1. A governm e nt-owned facility can borrow m oney at low, risk-free rates, and typically does not have to pay taxes or insurance. A privately owned f acility with a guaranteed rate of return— such as a reactor owned by a regulated utility—has to pay a higher cost of m oney (though still a m odest one, given the low risk the investors face with guaranteed returns), and has to pay corporate incom e taxes, property taxes, and insurance, all of which drive up the cost signif i cantly. A privately owned f acility whose returns are unregulated—as is increasingly the case for power plants in a num ber of countries—has to pay still higher costs of m oney, reflecting the higher risks to investors. Our assum p tions with respect to these three generic types of cases are discussed in m o re detail below, as are our assum p tions with respect to the other cost param e ters in this calculation.

Just as in the previous chapter, it will be cheaper to use LW Rs with direct disposal of spent fuel until the uranium price gets high enough that the reduction in uranium cost from

169 See, fo r ex am p l e, J.G. Delen e , J. Sh effield , K.A. W illiam s , R.L. Reid , an d S. Had l ey, An Assessment of the Economi c s of Fut u re El ect ri c Pow e r Generat i on Opt i ons and t h e Impl i c at i ons f o r Fusi on, OR NL/ T M - 1999-243 (Oak R i dge, TN: Oak R i dge Nat i onal Laborat ory , 1999), p. 11, whi c h assum e s non-fuel O&M cost s for an ad v a n ced FR 2 0 % h i g h e r (ad d i n g 1 . 8 m ills/k W - h r) th an th o s e fo r an ad v a n ced LW R. Sim ilarly, J.P. Crette, “Review of the W e stern Eu ropean Breeder Program s,” Energy, Vol . 23, No. 7/ 8, pp. 581-591 (1998), est i m at es that once both were in series produc tion, the non-fuel O&M cost of the European Fast Reactor (EFR) design woul d be 10% hi gher, per ki l o wat t - hour generat e d, t h an woul d t h at of an advanced PW R . See al so Panel on Reactor-Related Options, Management and Disposition of Excess Weapons Plutoni um: Reactor-Related Opt i ons (W ashi ngt on, DC : Nat i onal Academ y Press, 1995), p. 318, whi c h est i m at es non-fuel O&M for sm al l fast reactors at a som e what higher co st per kilowatt-hour than those for large LW Rs (though the estim ate is the sam e as for sm all LW Rs).

D i rect D isposal vs . R ecycling in F ast - neutron Reactor s 69

breeding and recycling plutonium in FRs com p ensates for their additional capital and fuel cycle costs. Figures 3.1-3.3 show the breakeven uranium price as a function of the difference in capital cost between LW Rs and FRs ($/kW e ), for governm e nt-owned facilities, facilities owned by a regulated utility with a guaranteed rate of return, and f acilities owned by a private entity without a guaranteed rate of return. 170 (For a description of the generic FR used in these calculations, see the sidebar, “Characteristics of the Model Fast Reactor.”) Table 3.1 shows our central, low, and high estim ates for the various cost param e ters used to produce these graphs, along with the sensitivity of the outcom e to changes in each param e ter. The equations used to produce these results are given in Appendix A.

Of these three cases, we have chosen the reactor owned by a regulated utility with a guaranteed rate of return as the ref e rence case f o r the sensitivity analysis in table 3.1. This in itself m a y be a generous assum p tion, given the global trend toward increased reliance on

Figure 3.1. Breakeven uranium price for governm e nt-owned reactors, as a function of the capital cost difference between FRs and LW Rs.

G o v e rnm e nt-ow n ed Reac tor

90 %

50 %

10 %


Br eak even U r anium P r ic e ( $ /kgU )






0 1 00 200 30 0 400 500

Capita l Cost Difference ($ /k W e )

170 The graphs gi ve t h e 10 th , 50 th , and 90 th p e rcen tiles o f th e b r eak ev en u r an iu m p r ice fo r a g i v e n cap ital co st difference, estim ated using a Monte Carlo sim u lation in which each of the param e ters in table 3.1 was rep r esen ted b y an in d e p e n d e n t p r o b a b ility d i strib u tio n . In m o st cases we assu m e tru n cated n o r m a l d i strib u tio n s with 5 th and 95 th p e rcen tiles g i v e n b y th e “lo w an d “h ig h v a lu es in tab l e 3 . 1 ; we assu m e a lo g - n o r m a l di st ri but i on for reprocessi ng cost s and a uni form di st ri but i on for breedi ng rat i o .

70 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

Figure 3.2. Breakeven uranium price for utility-own ed reactors v. capital cost difference.

Utility - ow ned Reac tor





Br e akev en U r anium Pr ice ($/kgU)








0 100 2 0 0 300 400 50 0

C a pital C o st Differ ence ($ /kW e )

Figure 3.3. Breakeven uranium price for private venture ownership v. capital cost di fference.

Pr ivate Ventur e




100 0

Br e akev en U r anium Pr ice ($/kgU)

80 0

60 0

40 0

20 0


0 1 00 2 0 0 300 400 50 0

Ca pita l Cost Differe n c e ($/kW e )

D i rect D isposal vs . R ecycling in F ast - neutron Reactor s 71

Table 3.1. Estim ates of f u el-cycle costs and other param e ters and sensitivity analysis f o r the breakeven uranium price when the reactor is owned by a regulated utility.

Parameter Value

Breakeven U price

(centra l = $340/kgU )

change compared to central



c e n t r a l

h i g h


h i g h

Capital cost dif f e rence ($/kW e )


2 0 0

4 0 0

1 3 4

5 6 0



Reactor owner








Reprocessing cost ($/kgHM)








Enrichm e nt ($/SW U )








LMR core fabrication ($/kgHM)







LMR breeding ratio







Geological disposal cost difference ($/kgHM)

3 0 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

3 2 2

3 5 8


LEU burnup (MW t d/kgHM)


5 3

5 3

3 2 2

3 4 0

1 7

Construction tim e (yr)




3 2 6

3 5 5


LMR blanket fab. ($/kgHM)




3 2 5

3 5 5


LEU fuel fabrication ($/kgHM)




3 2 7

3 5 3


Capacity factor (%)




3 2 8

3 5 3


Preop, contingency costs (%)




3 3 0

3 5 0


Interim storage ($/kgHM)




3 3 2

3 4 8


Conversion ($/kgU)




3 3 8

3 4 2


Depleted uranium ($/kg)



U price

3 4 0

3 4 1

+ 1

privatized power plants operating in com p etitive electricity m a rkets without guaranteed rates of return. W h ile there rem a in som e m a jor countries where power plants are built and operated by a governm e nt-owned m onopoly, this is not likely to be the case in m o st countries that will have to consider the choice between once-through nuclear reactors and FRs with recycling.

72 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

As shown in figure 3.2 and table 3.1 for the case of a utility-owned reactor, if the capital cost of FRs is $200/kW e greater than that of LW Rs, and the other param e ters are at the values listed as our central estim ates, recycling plutonium in FRs will not be econom ic until the price of uranium rises to over $340/kgU, which is not likely to occur for m a ny decades, if ever. If the capital cost of FRs is equal to th at of LW Rs, the breakeven uranium price for our central estim ates of the other param e ters is roughly $130/kgU—still a price that rem a ins far in the future. For a governm e nt-owned facility with its lower costs of m oney, possible differences in capital cost between FRs and LW Rs would m a ke less difference, while for a private entity without a regulated rate of return, these differences would be even m o re critical than in the utility case.

One generous assum p tion we have m a de in pr eparing these graphs should be noted. Since there are currently hundreds of tons of already separated plutonium in storage, awaiting use as reactor fuel, we have assigned zero cost to providing the plutonium needed f o r the initial FR reactor cores. A num ber of past analyses (including by FR advocates) have assum e d that the cost of reprocessing LW R f u el to recover plutonium f o r the initial core m u st be charged to the cost of the FR; in general, this cost is then envisioned as being capitalized over the lif e of the reactor. 171 This assum p tion m a y still be valid, if the switch to fast reactors is in fact driven by them becom i ng econom ically com p etitive with rising uranium prices: if fast reactors were then deployed in num bers large enough to m a ke a substantial contribution to growing world electricity dem a nd, existing stoc kpiles of separated plutonium would not be sufficient to start them up, and reprocessing of spent fuel to provide the necessary plutonium would be needed. Moreover, by the tim e uranium increases in price to a level at which deploym ent of FRs would be seriously considered, separated plutonium will begin to have substantial value. If the cost of reprocessing LW R fuel was $1000/kgHM and each kilogram of LW R fuel reprocessed provided roughly 10 gram s of usable plutonium , then the cost of start-up plutonium would be $100,000 per kilogr am ; taking full account of possible savings in storage and waste-disposal costs and the value of the recovered uranium , the cost is on the order of $30,000 per kilogram . 172 In that case, the cost of the plutonium for the start-up fuel would add over $300/kW e to the initial cost of the kind of FR we have been considering. 173 (HEU could be used f o r the initial core, but co st per kilowatt would even higher than with

171 See, for exam pl e, J.G. Del e ne, L.C . Ful l e r and C . R . Hudson, ALMR Depl oyment Economi c Anal ysi s , ORNL/TM-12344 (Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1993). See also Y.I. Chang and C.E. Till, “Econom ic Prospects of the Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) Fuel Cycle,” undated paper (ca. 1991). Chang and Till concl ude t h at at a cost of $1000/ kgHM , reprocessi ng LW R fuel “i s t oo expensi v e for t h e LM R st art up: in cl u d i n g th e ex -co r e in v e n t o r y, th e fissile in v e n t o r y co st wo u l d ru n clo s e to $ 1 b illio n p e r GW e.”

172 Thi s assum e s t h at reprocessi ng woul d avoi d i n t e ri m st orage of spent fuel (at $200/ kgHM ) and woul d reduce t h e cost of geol ogi cal di sposal by $200/ kgHM , and t h at t h e val u e of t h e recovered urani u m i s $300/ kg (appropri a t e for urani u m pri ces of $360/ kgU).

173 The characteristics of the generic fast reactor we have used in our calculations are drawn from those used in

U.S. Depart m e nt of Energy , Offi ce of Nucl ear Energy , Sci e nce, and Technol ogy , Generat i on IV Roadmap: Report of t h e Fuel C ycl e C r osscut Group (W ashington, DC: DOE, March 18, 2001, available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / www.ne.doe.gov/ report s / G enIVRoadm a pFCCG.pdf .). This generic system has a core loading of 11.5 kgHM / M W e y (2 4 . 6 % p l u t o n i u m ) an d a co re fu el resid e n ce tim e o f 3 years, an d h e n ce an in itial co re l o adi ng of 0.0085 kgPu/ kW e ; at $30,000/ kgPu, t h i s am ount s t o about $250/ kW e . Incl udi ng an addi t i onal one- third core for the initial reload br ings the total cost to over $300/kW e . The m odel sy st em we have used i s described further in As described in the sidebar, “Character istics of the Model Fast Reactor.”

D i rect D isposal vs . R ecycling in F ast - neutron Reactor s 73

plutonium . 174 ) This could be offset som e what by the sale of excess plutonium generated during the operation of the reactor; rough calculations indicate that with a breeding ratio of 1.25, such sales would reduce the net plutonium cost to about $200/kW e . 175 Even if the other capital costs of the FR could be reduced to be equal to that of a once-through system , for the other nom inal values of our param e ters, the uranium breakeven price would still be at our central estim ate of about $340/kgU, a level at which the quantities of uranium resources available would likely be sufficient for 100 years or m o re, even with substantial nuclear growth.

Table 3.2 gives breakeven values of several other price param e ters for the case of a regulated utility owner, assum i ng a uranium price of $50/kgU and central values for other param e ters. Note that reductions in the price of reprocessing alone cannot m a ke FRs econom ic so long as the FRs rem a in $200/kW e m o re expensive than LW Rs.

Table 3.2. Breakeven prices of selected param e ters, assum i ng a regulated utility owner, a uranium price of $50/kgU, and central values for other param e ters.


Central Estimate

Breakeven Value

Breakeven Central

Capital cost difference ($/kW e )



Disposal cost difference ($/kgHM)




Interim spent fuel storage ($/kgHM)




Enrichm e nt ($/SW U )




Reprocessing ($/kgHM)


< 0

Uranium ($/kgU)




3.3. Cost of Electricity for F ast Reactors and Once-through Systems

Figure 3.4 shows the difference between the cost of electricity from FRs with recycling and LW Rs operating on a once-through cycle, as a function of the price of uranium , for difference in capital cost between the FRs and the LW Rs of $0 to $400/kW e . (for the case of reactors owned by regulated utilities, with other param e ters set at their nom inal values).

Since the FRs can rely on the very large existing stockpiles of depleted uranium for their m a ke-up f u el (at least until those stockpiles are consum ed), their electricity price is not affected by increasing uranium price, while the electricity price from once-through LW Rs

174 T h e start-u p co re an d in itial relo ad wo u l d req u i re 4 6 k g / k W e of HEU wi t h an enri chm e nt of about 25% U-

235. Assum i ng urani u m , conversi on, and enri chm e nt pri ces of $50/ kgU, $6/ kgU, and $100/ SW U, respect i v el y , t h e cost woul d be $8,300/ kg of HEU, equi val e nt t o $380/ kW e . Using the breakeven price of uranium in our reference case ($340/ kgU) woul d i n crease t h ese cost s t o $22,000/ kg HEU and $1000/ kW e .

175 The generi c LM R wi t h a breedi ng rat i o of 1.25 produces an excess of 0.3 kgPu/ M W e y ; at $30,000/ kgPu and a discount rate of 5%/y over 30 y, a nd taking into account the plutonium recovered from the final core, the net present val u e of t h e recovered pl ut oni um i s about $130/ kW e .

74 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

increases as the uranium price increases. Nevertheless, the electricity price f o r FRs will rem a in significantly higher than that for LW Rs operating on a once-through cycle until uranium prices reach m a ny tim es their current level—a developm ent that is not likely to occur for m a ny decades to com e .

Figure 3.4. The difference in the cost of electricity between an FR with recycling and an LW R with direct disposal as a function of th e price of uranium , for differences in the initial capital cost of $0, $100, $200, $300, and 400/kW e , assum i ng a utility ownership.

U t ility Ow ne r

C cap

($/ k W e )

$ 400

$ 300

$ 200

$ 100




COE LMR - C O E LW R (mi ll /k Wh)








0 5 0 1 0 0 150 200 250 300

U r an iu m P r i c e ( $ / k g U )

This overall finding is broadly consistent with recent studies by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organization for Econom ic Cooperation and Developm ent (OECD) and the Generation IV Fuel Cycle Crosscut Group. The NEA assessm ent found that all of the approaches it exam ined which included FRs resulted in higher electricity costs than a once- through approach using LW Rs, with electricity generated entirely by FRs that recycled plutonium and m i nor actinides being roughly 50% m o re expensive than electricity generated by once-through LW Rs. 176 The NEA study, however, did not exam ine how this would be changed by possible future increases in uranium price. The Generation IV Fuel Cycle Crosscut Group exam ined the fuel cycle contributi on to electricity costs for different types of nuclear energy m i xes throughout the 21 st century, during which tim e they projected uranium prices to increase dram atically; despite those projected increases (and despite looking only at fuel cycle costs, and therefore not including a ny increased capital cost of fast reactors), the

176 NEA, Accelerator-driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reacto rs (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles, op. cit.,

p. 219.

D i rect D isposal vs . R ecycling in F ast - neutron Reactor s 75

costs for all the m i xes that included fast reactors rem a ined higher throughout the century than the price for electricity from once-through LW Rs. 177 Sim ilarly, a m i d-1990s study by a com m ittee of the U.S. National Academ y of Sciences (using som e what different assum p tions than our own, including charging the cost of sepa rating plutonium for startup fuel to the cost of the FR) concluded that the electricity cost of FRs would be substantially higher than that of once-through LW Rs until uranium reached a price of well over $250/kgU (1992$), even if reprocessing costs for LW R fuel and FR fuel could be reduced to roughly the lower bound of our projected range. 178

3.4. Cost Parameters and Variations

In the rem a inder of this chapter, we explain the particular central, high, and low values of the param e ters we have chosen for m odeling the econom ics of FRs, and discuss the sensitivity of the outcom e to variations in these individual estim ates. Since there are no com m e rcial-scale FRs now operating that were built in countries that were m a rket econom ies at the tim e, the param e ters for the fast reactor case are largely based on studies of potential, but as-of-yet unrealized, breeder system s. W e have relied heavily on recent overviews of fuel cycles including FRs, to provide an update of current thinking on costs of particular param e ters. 179

3.4.1. Difference in capital cost

The two m o st sensitive param e ters in this analysis are the dif f e rence in capital cost between FRs and LW Rs and the financing arrangem e nts for capital costs. W e have assum e d a central value of $200/kW e for the difference in capital cost, with a low case of $0 (equal capital cost) and a high case of $400/kW e . For the ref e rence case of a privately-owned utility with a regulated rate of return, this central estim ate results in a breakeven uranium price of

$340/kgU; this breakeven price is reduced by about $200/kgU if the capital cost difference is elim inated, and increased by $220/kgU if the capital cost difference is doubled.

W e chose our range to reflect past experience and current peer-reviewed estim ates for the additional capital cost of fast reactors, and the expectation that there would be further progress in bringing costs down before fast r eactors would be deployed. The m o st recent FR designs before m a jor com m e rcialization efforts were canceled in the United States and W e stern Europe were expected to be significantly m o re expensive than com p arably advanced LW Rs. The capital cost of the U.S. Advanced Liquid Metal Reactor (ALMR) was estim ated in the m i d-1990s, shortly before the program ’s term ination, to be 20-30% higher than the capital costs of advanced LW Rs—a difference am ounting to an additional $400/kW e (1992 dollars) com p ared to a sm all PW R or $600/kW e com p ared to a large PW R ($500-$740/kW e

177 DOE, Generat i on IV Roadmap: Report of t h e Fuel C ycl e C r osscut Group, op. ci t ., pp. 3-53, 3-68, 3-72, 3- 76, 3 -79.

178 U.S. National Research Council, Board on Radio active W a ste Managem e nt, Com m ittee on Separations Technol ogy and Transm ut at i on Sy st em s, N u cl ear Wast es— T echnol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i o n (W ashi ngt on, DC : Nat i onal Academ y Press, 1996), pp. 218-222.

179 See particularly NEA, Accelerator-driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Re actors (FR) in Adv anced Nuclear Fuel Cycles , op. cit., and DOE, Generat i on IV Roadmap: Report of t h e Fuel C ycl e C r osscut Group, op. ci t .

76 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

in 2003 dollars, well above the range of extra costs we exam ine here). 180 Sim ilarly, the European Fast Reactor (EFR), after having achieved m a jor reduc–tions in various elem ents of capital cost com p ared to earlier European FR designs, was expected to have a capital cost in series production 20-30% higher than that of a com p arable LW R. 181 Even Russia’s Ministry of Atom ic Energy (MINATOM), in recent years one of the institutions m o st enthusiastic about the near-term com m e rcialization of fast reactors, has acknowledged, in the words of Minister Alexander Rum i antsev, that “life has proved that a VVER-1000 reactor [a m odern Russian LW R design] is one and a half tim es cheaper than a BN [fast neutron] reactor…[LW Rs] are cheaper, safer, and econom ically m o re viable.” 182 Minister Rum i antsev’s statem ent suggests that the capital cost of the new fast reactor is 50% higher than the capital cost of a com p arable LW R. Som e fast reactor designers argue, however, that recent developm ents would m a ke it possible to build FRs at a cost no higher than that of LW Rs, 183 and the Japanese fast reactor program , am ong others, has set capital cost equality with LW Rs as an explicit goal. 184

New FR concepts being pursued for the long-term future of nuclear energy, such as lead- cooled and gas-cooled FR system s, are hoped to have lower capital costs than traditional sodium -cooled FRs. 185 The econom ic features of these proposed concepts rem a in undem onstrated, however. At the sam e tim e, new once-through system s are hoped to have significantly lower capital costs than traditional LW Rs, so the target that FRs m u st reach to be equal in capital cost to once-through system s is m oving. In the case of both advanced fast reactor concepts and once-through system s such as the proposed pebble-bed reactor, for exam ple, it is hoped to reduce cost by avoiding the need for high-pressure containm ent structures.

180 See, for exam ple, Management and Disposition of Excess Weapons Plutonium: Reactor-Related Options, op. cit., p. 318. This study drew on a DOE technical review com m ittee assessm ent of costs estim ated by vendors proposing different reactor concepts, including the ALMR and several LW Rs.

181 The final report of the Europ ean Fast Reactor program m e is European Fast React o r 98: Out c ome of Desi gn St udi es (Lyon, France: EFR Associates, 1998) . The contribution of initial capita l cost to generating cost is shown t h ere t o be 30% hi gher for t h e EFR i n seri es product i on t h an for a com p arabl y advanced LW R (p. 19). In a personal com m uni cat i on from J.C . Lefevre, head of t h e EFR desi gn t eam , Apri l 2003, however, he put t h e excess capital cost in the range of 20% . See also Crette, “Review of the W e stern European Breeder Program s,” op. ci t ., whi c h est i m at es a capi t a l di fference of 26% i n seri es product i on.

182 Sergey Savenkov, “Minister Rum i antsev: Mina tom W ill Not be Priva tized,” (Interview), www.u r a l p r ess.ru ,

Apri l 4, 2003 (t ransl a t e d by t h e U.S. Depart m e nt of Energy ).

183 See, for exam pl e, C . E. B o ardm an, M . Hui , G. C a rrol l , and A. E. Dubberl ey , “Econom i c Assessm ent of S- PR ISM Incl udi ng Devel opm ent and Generat i ng C o st s” (San Jose, CA: GE Nuclear Energy, no date).

184 See , fo r ex am p l e, Hiro sh i No d a an d Tatsu t o s h i In ag ak i, “Feasib ility Stu d y o n Co m m e rcialized FR Cycle System s in Jap a n Th e Resu lts in th e First Ph ase an d Fu t u re Pl ans of t h e St udy ,” paper present e d at “Gl obal 2001: The B ack End of t h e Fuel C y cl e—From R e search t o Sol u t i ons,” Pari s, Sept em ber 9-13, 2001. Thi s paper specifies that initial dem onstration fast reactors are exp ected to be far m o re expensive than LW Rs, but it is hoped in the future to reduce th eir costs to 0.34 m illion yen/kW e, (co m p a red to .3 m illio n yen / k W e for LW Rs), and then, after further cost reductions (now the target of feasibility studies), to reach the goal of 0.2 m illion yen/ kW e, , whi c h i s t h e cost expect ed for LW R s i n t h e 2030 t i m e fram e . Thi s corresponds t o roughl y $1800/ kW e (2003 dollars). The sam e target was specified in Kiyo to Aizawa, Japan Nuclear Cycle Developm ent Institute, “Feasibility Studies on Com m e rcialized FR Cycle System ,” presentation, Aom o ri, Japan, July 22, 2000.

185 See, for exam ple, NERAC, A Technol ogy Roadmap f o r Generat i on IV N u cl ear Energy Syst ems, op. ci t .

D i rect D isposal vs . R ecycling in F ast - neutron Reactor s 77

Recent estim ates of the cost of building LW Rs cover a broad range. 186 Estim ates based on actual industrial experience—that is, the costs of advanced reactors that have been built in recent years—tend to be over $2000/kW e . 187 Estim ates for future construction from official peer-reviewed assessm ents are in the range of $1500-$2000/kW e . The Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD, for exam ple, reported overnight construction costs ranging from

$1585 to $2639/kW e (in 1996 dollars; $1800 to $3000/kW e in 2003 dollars). Sim ilarly, the

U.S. Energy Inform ation Adm i nistration (EIA), in its m o st recent Annual Energy Outlook, assum e d overnight capital costs for advanced nuclear system s that could com e on-line in 2007 of $1750/kW e (2001 dollars), or $2137/kW e when a 10% contingency factor and a 10% m u ltiplier for technological optim ism were included (with this higher figure declining, in the reference case, to $1906/kW e by 2025); the EIA also exam ined an “advanced nuclear cost” case, in which the higher figure including contingency and optim ism factors started at

$1535/kW e in 2010, declining to $1228/kW e in 2025. 188 By contrast, a wide range of reactor vendors have projected overnight capital costs for their proposed system s of $1000 to

$1500/kW e . 189

If LW Rs at the future date when FRs m i ght begin to be deployed com m e rcially had a capital cost of $1500/kW e , then our range of $0-$400/kW e difference in capital cost would translate to 0 to 27%—the high end of our range being com p arable to the percentage of additional cost envisioned in the m o st recent fully designed com m e rcial system s, and the low end representing success in current developm ent efforts focused on equalizing the capital cost. The range we have chosen is substantially m o re generous to future fast reactor system s than the range chosen in the m o st recent NEA assessm ent, whose nom inal estim ate for future fast reactors was $400/kW e higher than their $1700/kW e nom inal estim ate for future LW Rs, with a range from $150/kW e higher than the LW R figure to $900/kW e higher. 190 Hence, we believe our range is a conservative estim ate of the possible additional capital costs of building fast reactors. This is particularly the case given that recycling in future fast reactors m u st com p ete not only with LW Rs but with other future once-through nuclear system s designed for low capital cost (such as the particle-bed high-tem p erature gas reactor, am ong others).

3.4.2. Reactor ow nership and financing arrangements

The next m o st sensitive f actor are the f i nancing arrangem e nts f o r the additional capital costs of the FR. As already m e ntioned, we consider three generic cases: governm e nt ownership and financing of the reactor; owners hip and financing by a regulated utility with a guaranteed rate of return; and ownership and financing by a private com p any with no

186 For a useful overvi e w, see John M . Deut ch and Ernest J. M oni z, co-chai r s, The Future of Nu clear Power: An Int e rdi s ci pl i nary MIT St udy (Cam bridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, July 2003, available as of Jul y 30, 2003 at h ttp ://web .m it.ed u / n u c learp o w er/ ).

187 Tokyo Electric Power, for exam pl e, reports that its m o st recently com p leted plants (1,356 MW e GE Advanced Boiling W a ter Reactor designs) cost 418 billion yen and 367 b illion yen (roughly $2200-$2600/kW e , at an exchange rat e of 120 y e n/ $). See Deut ch and M oni z, co-chai r s, The Future of Nuclear Power, op. ci t .

188 U.S. Energy Inform at i on Adm i ni st rat i on, Assumpt i ons t o t h e Annual Energy Out l ook 2003 (W ashi ngt on, DC : EIA, M a rch 2003), p. 73, and p. 85.

189 See, for exam ple, the listing in Deut ch and M oni z, co-chai r s, The Future of Nuclear Power, op. ci t .

190 See NEA, Accelerator-driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reac tors (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles , op. ci t ., p. 216.

78 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

guaranteed rate of return. The differences in calculated uranium breakeven price between these three cases are large: if the difference in capital cost is $200/kW e , governm e nt ownership would reduce the breakeven uranium price by about $120/kgU from the $340/kgU estim ate f o r the nom inal regulated utility case, while ownership by an entity with no guaranteed rate of return would increase the uranium breakeven price by $230/kgU.

These changes are driven by the very different financial context for each of these three cases. For the governm e nt case, we assum e a 4% real cost of m oney, and no taxes or insurance. W ith a 30-year recovery period, this leads to an annual fixed charge rate (FCR)— the f r action of the initial capital cost that revenue m u st bring in every year—of 5.8%. For the regulated utility case and the unregulated private venture case, we use substantially higher costs of m oney, reflecting the higher risks to investors in these cases, along with paym ent of corporate incom e taxes, property taxes, and insurance, leading to FCRs of 12.3% and 20.8% per year, respectively. These figures are drawn from a m a jor National Academ y of Sciences study of fuel cycle options, 191 and are som e what m o re optim istic (f or the utility case) than the Electric Power Research Institute’s approach to assessing the cost of new power plants. 192

For these com p arisons, we have assum e d that the reactors take 6 years to build, with a range from 3 years to 9 years. Construction tim e enters into the econom ics by affecting the interest during construction (IDC), which is added to overnight cost; we have assum e d a real average cost of m oney of 4% per year for the governm e nt, 6.4% per year for the regulated utility, and 13.9% per year f o r the unregulated private venture during the construction period. For the governm e nt, regulated utility, and unregulated private venture cases, IDC for this six- year construction tim e and our assum e d spend-out of the funds during construction adds about 11%, 19%, and 45%, respectively, to the overnight capital cost. Because the sam e period of construction is assum e d for both the LW R and the FR in the com p arison, construction tim e would not affect the uranium breakeven price if the difference in capital cost was zero; it only affects the outcom e in cases where there is an additional capital cost (incurring additional IDC) f o r the FR. For th e nom inal regulated-utility-owned case with an extra overnight capital cost of $200/kW e for the FR, reducing construction tim e to 3 years decreases breakeven uranium price by $14/kgU, wh ile increasing construction tim e to 9 years increases the breakeven price by $16/kgU.

Once the power plant has been built, there are f u rther costs in getting it ready f o r f u ll operation, referred to as pre-operating costs. W e have assum e d a nom inal figure for these pre-operating costs of 10% of overnight capital costs, with a low of 5% and a high of 15%. The low figure reduces the breakeven uranium price by $10/kgU, the high figure increases it by $10/kgU.

In such calculations, a contingency factor is usually introduced to account for unexpected additional costs that m a y em erge as a reactor is being built. W e have assigned a nom inal value of 10% for both the FRs and the LW Rs, with a low of 5% and a high of 15%. Here, too, the result of the variation is a change of $10/kgU in the breakeven uranium price.

191 NAS, N u cl ear Wast es— T echnol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i on, op. ci t ., p. 432.

192 Electric Po wer Research In stitu te, Techni cal Assessment Gui d e: Vol u me 3, Revi si on 8: Fundament a l s and Met hods - El ect ri ci t y Suppl y TR -100281-V3R 8 (Pal o Al t o , C A : EPR I , 1999).

D i rect D isposal vs . R ecycling in F ast - neutron Reactor s 79

3.4.3. Reprocessing costs

Uranium breakeven price f o r recycling in FRs is also sensitive to the cost of reprocessing FR fuel. For sim p licity, we have chosen a central estim ate of FR reprocessing cost (applied to both the core fuel and the blanket fuel) of $1000/kgHM, with a low of $500/kgHM and a high of $2000/kgHM—the sam e range considered in the previous chapter for reprocessing of LW R fuel. (This is the only case where we have used a log-norm a l distribution, extending higher above the central estim ate than below.) At the low reprocessing price, the calculated breakeven uranium price falls by $85/kgU from the nom inal $340/kgU, while at the high price, it increases by $175/kgU.

Using a range equal to the range for reprocessing LW R fuel is a generous assum p tion, as reprocessing costs for higher-burnup FR fuels with m u ch higher plutonium loadings generally will be signif i cantly higher, given the greater dif f i culty of m a naging criticality with the higher plutonium content fuels, and increased com p lexity of dissolving them . The recent NEA review, for exam ple, posited a range of 1000-2000-2500 $/kgHM (low-central-high values) for the costs of core fuel reprocessing, and 900-1500-2500 $/kgHM (low-central-high values) for the costs of blanket fuel reprocessing; both of these are substantially higher than our range. 193 The $500/kgHM lower bound of our range is intended to cover the possibility of substantial technological advance in the future. The $2000/kgHM upper bound is by no m eans the actual upper bound of what FR reprocessing m i ght cost, but if the actual reprocessing cost turns out to be higher there is little hope of uranium reaching the resulting breakeven price in the foreseeable future. Additi onal discussion of the cost of reprocessing in existing plants, and possible future developm ents, is provided in the previous chapter, and in Appendix B.

3.4.4. Core and blanket fuel fabrication cost

W e have assum e d that the fabrication costs of FR core fuel am ount to $1500/kgHM, with a range from $700/kgHM to $2300/kgHM. The low-end fabrication cost would reduce the calculated breakeven uranium price by about $55/kgU, while the high-end cost would increase it by $55/kgU.

As with reprocessing cost, the range presented for plutonium fuel fabrication cost is the sam e range we used for the LW R recycling case. Here, too, the use of the sam e range is generous, since FRs will require f u el with m u ch higher plutonium loadings, designed to reach m u ch higher burnups, which will generally m ean a significantly higher fabrication cost. 194 The cost range we have assum e d for core fuel elem ent fabrication is approxim a tely

193 NEA, Accelerator-driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reac tors (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles , op. cit.,

p. 216.

194 The recent NEA study, for exam ple, estim ated fabricati on prices for fast reactor MOX substantially higher than those for LW R MOX, and prices for fast reactor fuels c ontaining m i nor actinides as well far higher still. See NEA, Accelerator-driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reac tors (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles , op. cit.,

p. 216. Hi gher cost s for fuel cert i f i e d t o hi gher burnups and hi gher pl ut oni um concent r at i ons (whi ch m ean, am ong other things, greater care require d in m a intaining criticality safety) have been traditional in the fuel fabrication business, although this m a y change if non-pelletized fuels are adopted in the future. The recent NEA study, for exam ple, estim ated fabr ication prices for fast reactor MOX substantially higher than those for LW R MOX, and prices for fast r eactor fuels containing m i nor actin ides as well far higher still.

80 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

equal to that em ployed in the recent NEA analysis for fast reactors using plutonium -uranium m i xed oxide (MOX) fuels (their estim ates are within 10% of ours for the low, m e dium , and high figures). 195 The large range between the lower and upper estim ates em ployed by that study—obtained through consensus am ong international groups of experts—reflects the very m odest industrial experience base for fabricati ng FR fuel. For m e tal-fueled reactors, where the NEA study assum e d m i nor actinides would also be recycled with the plutonium , they envisioned that core fuel fabrication would be m o re expensive (because of the extra cost of handling the m o re radioactive m i nor actinides), with a range of 1400-2600-5000 $/kgHM. (Recent estim ates of m e tal FR fuel fabrication costs that do not also include m i nor actinides are rare, because so m u ch of the current em phasis in fast reactor developm ent is focused on transm utation of these m i nor actinides.)

W e assum e that fabrication costs of blanke t fuel (m ade from depleted uranium without any plutonium content) are the sam e as those we assum e d for LEU fuel for LW Rs—a nom inal figure of $250/kgHM, ranging from a low of $150/kgHM (representing possible future technological advance) to a high of $350/ kgHM. This variable has only a sm all effect on the uranium breakeven price—about $15/kgU. This estim ated range appears again to be generous to the FR case, as our range is a fact or of two lower than that used in the recent NEA assessm ent. 196 W e have kept our estim ates low because fuel that provides less power per kilogram generally costs less to f a bricate (given the lower tolerances that are perm itted), and FR blanket f u el typically provides little power.

3.4.5. Geological disposal of reprocessing w a ste

The cost of disposing of reprocessing wastes (a s com p ared to the cost of direct disposal of LW R spent fuel) is another im portant param e ter in finding the breakeven uranium price. It is less sensitive than reprocessing price because, with a relatively m odest nom inal estim ate of

$200/kgHM, the range over which disposal cost m i ght vary is substantially sm aller than the range of possible reprocessing cost. Decreasing th e present value at the tim e of fuel discharge of the cost of geological disposal of repr ocessing waste to $100/kgHM or increasing it to

$300/kgHM lowers or raises the uranium breakeven price by $18/kgU. Since the costs of direct disposal of LW R spent fuel are assum e d to be $400/kgHM, the corresponding variation of the difference in costs between the disposal of reprocessing waste and the direct disposal of LW R spent fuel am ounts to $200 $100/kgHM, the sam e range discussed in the previous chapter. Using the sam e range for dis posal of reprocessing waste from FR fuel as for reprocessing of LW R fuel is again gener ous, as one would expect in general that reprocessing wastes from higher-burnup fast r eactor fuel would have higher activity and higher volum e, increasing their costs of disposal. (This factor is com p ensated for, however, by the fact that we have chosen the sam e cost of disposal for wastes from reprocessing the blanket fuel, which will have low burnup, and the core fuel, which will have high burnup.) These cost estim ates are discussed in the previous chapter.

195 NEA, Accelerator-driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reac tors (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles , op. cit.,

p. 216.

196 NEA, Accelerator-driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reac tors (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles , op. cit.,

p. 216; t h ei r range was 350-500-700 $/ kgHM for ei t h er oxi de or m e t a l bl anket fuel fabri cat i on.

D i rect D isposal vs . R ecycling in F ast - neutron Reactor s 81

3.4.6. Breeding ratio

The breeding ratio for the fast reactor—the ratio of fissile atom s produced to those consum ed—is another sensitive param e ter. In our m odel, the higher the breeding ratio, the worse the econom ics. This is because higher breeding ratios involve m o re blanket m a terial that m u st be reprocessed each year, with the associated costs of reprocessing. This result, however, is in part an artifact of our assigning a zero cost to the initial core fuel; if producing fuel for startup of additional FRs was assigned a substantial value, then FRs with higher breeding ratios would be m o re com p etitive.

W e have assum e d a nom inal breeding ratio of 1.125, with a low of 1.0 and a high of 1.25. FRs with lower breeding ratios (consum ing m o re fuel than they produced) would presum ably not be deployed if the concern was depletion of uranium resources leading to escalating uranium prices, though they m i ght be deployed to consum e plutonium and m i nor actinides as part of a waste-m a nagem e nt strategy. For the nom inal regulated-utility-owned case, the low breeding ratio would reduce the uranium breakeven price by $46/kgU, while the high value would increase it by $46/kgU.

3.4.7. Depleted uranium price

Af ter their initial cores and f i rst reloads, the only f u el FRs would require is additional depleted uranium as “m ake-up” m a terial to replace uranium transform e d into plutonium , fissioned, or lost in processing. Many thousands of tons of depleted uranium (DU) already exist in the stored waste from uranium enrichm e nt plants. As long as uranium dem a nd is driven by LW Rs, there will be little use f o r this DU and its price will be low. On the other hand, once uranium prices increase enough that FRs would have som e hope of being com p etitive, those holding stocks of DU m a y begin to assign som e signif i cant value to it, in anticipation of its use to fuel a large num ber of FRs in the future. In our study, we therefore assum e a central DU price of $6/kgU—the pri ce of converting the m a terial from uranium hexafluoride. W h en the dem a nd for uranium begins to be dom inated by breeders, and previous stocks of DU begin to be drawn down, the price of DU should approach the price of natural uranium , since the use of DU and natural uranium are alm o st perf ect substitutes f o r use in breeder blankets. Hence, we use the breakeven natural uranium price as the upper value f o r DU in our sensitivity analysis. Since the breakeven uranium price is likely to am ount to hundreds of dollars per kilogram of uranium according to our calculations at least—our sensitivity calculation change is highly asym m e tric. In any case, even with such a high upper bound, the depleted uranium price has virtually no effect on the econom ics of FRs.

82 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

Sidebar: Thermal-Neutron and Fast-Neutron Reactors

The likelihood that a neutron will split (or fission) an atom of U-235 or plutonium depends on the neutron’s speed. If the neutrons from a nuclear chain reaction are slowed down to the point where they are traveling at roughly the speeds that would result from the norm a l m o tion of the atom s at that tem p erature—so-called “therm al” neutrons—then their likelihood of hitting a nucleus of one of these isotopes and splitting it (the “fission cross- section”) is greatly increased. As a result, with therm a l neutrons a nuclear chain reaction can be sustained without as high a density of these atom s—for exam ple in a reactor using fuel with only a few percent of U-235. Reactors operating on this principle are known as therm a l- neutron reactors, or sim p ly therm a l reactors. Nuclear m a terials that can sustain a nuclear chain reaction in such a therm a l neutron spectrum are referred to as “fissile” m a terials. 197

This slowing down or “m oderation” is accom p lished by arranging the nuclear fuel am ongst a substantial quantity of som e light elem ent; when the neutrons scatter off the light atom s, they lose som e of their energy. The m o st com m on neutron m oderators are water (either “heavy water,” m eaning water in which the hydrogen atom s have not just a proton and an electron but a neutron as well, or ordinary water, known in the nuclear world as “light water”), and carbon (usually in the form of very pure graphite—the purity being required because m a ny of the com m on im purities are potent neutron absorbers). In system s with high “neutron efficiency,” a very sm all fraction of the neutrons leak out or are absorbed by the m oderator, and the nuclear reaction can be sustained with natural uranium (containing only 0.7% U-235). This is the case, for exam ple, with heavy-water m oderated reactors such as the Canadian Deuterium - Uranium (CANDU) reactor. In system s with a lower neutron efficiency, such as in light-water reactors (LW R s), the fuel m u st be enriched to several percent U-235 to sustain the nuclear chain reaction.

Reactors that rely on a nuclear chain reaction using neutrons that have not been substantially slowed down are referred to as “fast-neutron reactors,” or sim p ly “fast reactors” (FRs). In this case, because the fission cross-section for these fast neutrons is m u ch sm aller, a m u ch greater density of fuel atom s is needed to sustain the nuclear chain reaction. Typical FR fuels contain 20-30% U-235 or plutoni um , com p ared to 3-4% for an LW R.

For decades, the m a in reason for focusing on FRs was a concern that uranium would run out, and it would be necessary to produce plutonium from the U-238 that m a kes up m o re than 99% of natural uranium , vastly extending the available uranium resource. Fast reactors could be designed with a core of 20-30% U-235 or plutonium to sustain the chain reaction, surrounded by “blankets” of U-238 that would absorb neutrons and produce plutonium ; by that m eans, such reactors could produce m o re atom s of potential fuel than they consum ed,

197 T h e term “fissile m a terial” is o f ten m i s-u s ed to refe r to m a terials that can sust ai n an expl osi v e fast -neut r on n u c lear ch ain reactio n , n eed ed fo r a n u c lear b o m b . In reality, h o w ev er, so m e m a terials (su c h as u r an iu m enriched to 2-5%) can sust ai n a t h erm a l - neut ron chai n react i on—and are t hus properl y “fi ssi l e”—but cannot sust ai n a chai n react i on wi t h fast neut rons and hence cannot provi de t h e core of a nucl ear bom b, whi l e som e ot her m a t e ri al s t h at cannot sust ai n a t h erm a l - neut ron chai n react i on—and are t hus not “fissile”— can sustain an expl osi v e fast -neut r on chai n react i on, and are t hus us abl e i n nucl ear weapons (such as t h e even-num bered i s ot opes of pl ut oni um ).

D i rect D isposal vs . R ecycling in F ast - neutron Reactor s 83

serving as “breeder” reactors. Hence FRs are often referred to as “fast breeder reactors,” or FBRs. (Since the m o st com m on types were to be cooled by m o lten m e tals, they are also often called liquid-m e tal fast breeder reactors or LM FBRs.) However, by taking away parts of the blanket (or otherwise reducing the degree of absorption in the blanket), FRs can be operated producing exactly the sam e am ount of fuel as they consum e (a “converter” system ), or consum ing m o re plutonium than they produce (a “burner” system ).

The nuclear m a terial that absorbs neutrons to produce fissile m a terial is referred to as “fertile” m a terial (keeping the analogy im plied by “breeding”). The m o st com m on fertile m a terial considered is U-238, but the only naturally occurring isotope of thorium (Th-232) is another possibility that has been extensively exam ined; when it absorbs a neutron, it produces U-233, which is usable as fuel for e ither nuclear power plants or nuclear weapons.

It is also possible to have therm a l reactors that “breed”—that is, produce m o re fissile m a terial than they consum e. This is the idea behind the m o lten salt reactor (MSR), for exam ple, which uses m o lten salts containing uranium or plutonium as fuel, coolant, and m oderator all in one. These system s, however, tend to breed new fuel relatively slowly. Because the full extent of world uranium resources has only begun to be recognized (and the slow pace of the growth of nuclear energy has only becom e apparent in recent decades), m o st of the international research and developm ent focused on breeding has been directed toward reactors that could produce a rapidly growing s upply of nuclear fuel, which would be needed for a rapidly growing world nuclear reactor fl eet. FRs offer higher capacity for such rapid breeding—usually m easured by the “doubling tim e,” the tim e to double the am ount of fissile fuel available—and hence have been the focus of m o st breeding research and developm ent. 198

198 For a useful sum m a ry of these issues written by sc ientists for the non-technical reader, see Richard L. Garwi n and Georges C h arpak, Megaw at t s and Megat ons: A Turni ng Poi n t i n t h e N u cl ear Age? (New York: Knopf, 2001); for a m o re t echni cal overvi e w m o re speci fi c t o t h e i ssues di scussed here, see, for exam pl e, R e port t o t h e Am eri can Phy s i cal Soci et y by t h e St udy Group on Nucl ear Fuel C y cl es and W a st e M a nagem e nt , Reviews of Modern Phy s i c s, Vol u m e 50, Num b er 1, Part 2, January 1978.

84 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

Sidebar: Characteristics of the M odel Fast Reactor

For the analyses in this chapter, we have based our calculations on a generic fast reactor, with characteristics drawn from those used in the recent report of the Generation IV Fuel Cycle Crosscut Team . 199

Our m odel specifies only those characteristics of the reactor that enter into calculations of electricity cost. W e do not specify its total power. Rather, the im portant characteristics are specified per unit of power. W e specify:

Capital cost in dollars per kilowatt-electric ($/kW e ), as com p ared to com p arably advanced LW Rs (a nom inal estim ate of $200/kW e m o re than LW Rs, with a range from no additional cost to $400/kW e ).

Core loading of fuel, in kilogram s of heavy m e tal per m e gawatt-electric-year (specified as 11.5 kgHM/MW e y). This f i gure, com b ined with the unit costs of fabricating and reprocessing core fuel, determ ines the costs for core fuel per unit of electricity generated. The figure we have chosen is identical to that used in the calculations by the Generation IV team . Assum i ng a net electrical efficiency of 38% (as the Generation IV team did), and assum i ng that all the reactor power com e s from the core, this corresponds to a burnup of 84 MW t d/kgHM. W e have not varied this figure, which is independent of the breeding ratio and is determ ined by the burnup of the core fuel that can be achieved. 200 For the nom inal case of a utility-owned reactor, and our other nom inal unit prices, if technological advances allowed the burnup to be doubled (and hence core fuel input per unit of electricity cut in half), the breakeven uranium price would be reduced by 21%, to approxim a tely $320/kgU.

Blanket loading of fuel, exam ined at three different levels corresponding to the three breeding ratios described in the text (19.0 kgHM/MW e y for a breeding ratio of 1.0,

25.5 kgHM/MW e y for a breeding ratio of 1.125, and 31.9 kgHM/MW e-yr for a breeding ratio of 1.25). The figures for breeding ratios of 1.0 and 1.25 are identical to those used by the Generation IV team , and the interm ediate f i gure is a linear interpolation. As with core fuel, the am ount of blanket fuel loaded each year, com b ined with the unit costs f o r its f a brication and reprocessing, determ ines the blanket fuel contribution to the electricity cost.

Residence tim e of core and blanket elem ents. W ith the annual input of core and blanket fuel fixed as input param e ters, the only effect of changing the residence tim e is to change the period over which the costs of these fuels are discounted. W e use a 3 year residence tim e for core elem ents and a 3.25 year residence tim e for blanket elem ents, corresponding roughly to a weighted average of the residence tim es for

199 DOE, Generat i on IV Roadmap: Report of t h e Fuel C ycl e C r osscut Group, op. cit., Table A2.5.4, suppl em ent e d by personal com m uni cat i on from Davi d W a de, February 2003.

200 The NEA analysis uses a figure of 10 rather than 11.5; t h i s di fference has a t r i v i a l effect on urani u m breakeven price.

D i rect D isposal vs . R ecycling in F ast - neutron Reactor s 85

axial and radial blanket elem ents used by the Generation IV team (3 and 4 years, respectively). Varying the residence tim e has a m i nim a l effect on uranium breakeven price.

Capacity factor, in percent. This is the fraction of the potential electrical generating capacity of the reactor that is actually used. Following the Generation IV team , we have used a nom inal value of 85%; we have exam ined a range from 80% to 90%. The lower figure would increase the uranium breakeven price by $13/kgU for the nom inal case, while the higher figure would reduce it by $13/kgU.

The fraction of the blanket that is replaced by fresh uranium in each year, to com p ensate for the uranium that is either fissioned or transm uted into plutonium or m i nor actinides (or, in fact, is lost during the entirety of the fuel cycle process) is called the m a ke-up fraction in the blanket. W e have assum e d a nom inal figure of 2.4%, obtained by taking the weighted average for the axial and radial blankets used by the Generation IV team . Varying this fraction has virtually no effect on uranium breakeven price.

4 . Conclusions

The conclusions of this report can be sim p ly stated:

At a reprocessing price of $1000 per kilogram of heavy m e tal (kgHM), and with our other central estim ates for the key fuel cycle param e ters, reprocessing and recycling plutonium in existing light-water reactors (LW R s) will be m o re expensive than direct disposal of spent fuel until the uranium price reaches over $360 per kilogram of uranium (kgU)—a price that is not likely to be seen for m a ny decades, if then.

At a uranium price of $40/kgU (com parable to current prices), reprocessing and recycling at a reprocessing price of $1000/kgHM would in crease the cost of nuclear electricity by

1.3 m ill/kW h . Since the total back-end cost f o r the direct disposal is in the range of 1.5 m ill/kW h , this represents m o re than an 80% increase in the costs attributable to spent f u el m a nagem e nt (after taking account of appropriate credits or charges for recovered plutonium and uranium from reprocessing).

These figures for breakeven uranium price and contribution to the cost of electricity are conservative, because, to ensure that our conclusions were robust, we have assum e d:

A central estim ate of reprocessing cost, $1000/kgHM, which is substantially below the cost that would pertain in privately f i nanced f acilities with identical costs and capacities to the large com m e rcial f acilities now in operation.

A central estim ate of plutonium fuel fabrication cost, $1500/kgHM, which is significantly below the price actually offered to m o st utilities in the 1980s and 1990s.

Zero charges for storage of separated plutonium or rem oval of am ericium .

Zero additional security, licensing, or shut-down expenses for the use of plutonium fuels in existing reactors.

A full charge for 40 years of interim storage in dry casks for all fuel going to direct disposal, and no interim storage charge for fuel going to reprocessing—even though m o st new reactors are built with storage capacity for their lifetim e fuel generation, so few additional costs for interim storage need be incurred.

Geological disposal of spent MOX fuel at the sam e cost as disposal of spent LEU fuel .

Reprocessing and recycling plutonium in fast -neutron reactors (FRs) with an additional capital cost, com p ared to new LW Rs, of $200/kW e installed will not be econom ically com p etitive with a once-through cycle in LW Rs until the price of uranium reaches som e

$340/kgU, given our central estim ates of the other param e ters. Even if the capital cost of new FRs could be reduced to equal that of new LW Rs, recycling in FRs would not be econom ic until the uranium price reached som e $140/kgU.

At a uranium price of $40/kgU, electricity from a plutonium -recycling FR with an additional capital cost of $200/kW e , and with our central estim ates of the other param e ters, would cost m o re than 7 m ill/kW h m o re than electricity from a once-through LW R. Even if the additional capital cost could be elim inated, the extra electricity cost would be over 2 m ill/kW h .

As with reprocessing and recycling in LW Rs, these figures on breakeven uranium price and extra electricity cost for FRs are conservative, as we have assum e d:

Zero cost for providing start-up plutonium for the FRs.

Zero additional cost for reprocessing higher-plutonium -content FR fuel.

88 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

Zero additional cost for m a nufacturing higher-plutonium -content FR fuel.

Zero additional operations and m a intenance costs for FRs, com p ared to LW Rs.

Costs for the far m o re com p lex chem ical separations processes and m o re difficult fuel fabrication processes needed for m o re com p lete separation and transm utation of nuclear wastes would be substantially higher than those estim ated here for traditional reprocessing. Therefore the extra electricity cost, were these approaches to be pursued, would be even higher.

W o rld resources of uranium likely to be econom ically recoverable in future decades at prices far below the breakeven price am ount to tens of m illions of tons, probably enough to fuel a rapidly-growing nuclear enterprise using a once-through fuel cycle for a century or m o re.

In this report, we have focused only on the econom ic issues, and have not exam ined other issues in the broader debate over reprocessing. Nevertheless, given (a) the costs outlined above; (b) the significant proliferation concerns that have been raised (particularly with respect to those reprocessing approaches that result in fully separated plutonium suitable for use in nuclear explosives); and (c) the availability of saf e , proven, low-cost dry cask storage technology that will allow spent fuel to be stored for m a ny decades, the burden of proof clearly rests on those in favor of investing in reprocessing in the near term .

Appendi x A . Fuel-cycl e Cos t Calculations

In this appendix we describe the fuel-cycle cost equations that were used to calculate differences in the cost of electricity between two fuel-cycle options. The difference in the cost of electricity depends on the price of natural uranium , as well as m a ny other param e ters; the “breakeven” uranium price is the price that would result in the sam e cost of electricity for both options, for a given set of other cost param e ters. W h en uranium price is below the breakeven price, the fuel cycle with greater uranium requirem e nts per kilowatt-hour (e.g., light-water reactors with direct disposal of spent fuel) is cheaper overall; when uranium price is above the breakeven price, the fuel cycle with lower uran ium requirem e nts (e.g., light-water or liquid-m e tal reactors operating with recycle of uranium and plutonium ) is cheaper.

A.1. Direct Disposal v. Reprocessing and Recycle in LWRs

Here we take the point of view of a reactor operator that is deciding whether to reprocess spent fuel that has been discharged from a light-water reactor (LW R ). If the utility decides not to reprocess, it would incur the costs of interim st orage and perm anent geological disposal of the spent fuel. Alternatively, the operator would pay to reprocess the spent fuel and to dispose of the resulting high-level waste (HLW ) and other reprocessing wastes; these costs would be offset by the value of the recovered plutonium , which can be m i xed with depleted uranium to produce m i xed-oxide (MOX) fuel, as well as the value of the recovered uranium , which can be used to produce low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuel. (W hen natural uranium and enrichm e nt are cheap, as is currently the case, the recovered plutonium and uranium m a y have no value, and m a y even represent additional costs to the utility if their storage is expensive, as is the case with plutonium .)

Reprocessing and disposal of the resulting HLW generally is m o re expensive than direct disposal of spent fuel, while the value of the recovered plutonium and uranium increases with the price of natural uranium . The price of uranium that gives the sam e net present cost for both options is the “breakeven” price. The breakeven uranium price satisfies the following equation:

c o st of inter i m s tora ge c o s t of repr oce ssi ng v a l u e o f r e c ov e r e d


& d isposa l of spe n t f uel & disposal of HL W p l u toni um & ura n ium

Uranium prices lower than the breakeven price favor direct-disposal; higher prices favor the reprocessing-recycle option. To sim p lify the analysis and ensure a level playing field, we assum e that geological disposal costs of spent fuel and HLW are paid for at the sam e tim e after discharge, that spent MOX fuel is disposed of without reprocessing, 201 and that other costs— capital and non-fuel operations and m a intenance costs—are equal for both options. 202

201 MOX fuel could be reproce ssed and recycled, but undesira ble isotopes build up with each recycling in light-water reactors, and there is a growing industry consensus that m u ltiple recycling is not justif ied. For now, MOX spent fuel i s bei ng st ored pendi ng ei t h er geol ogi c di sposal or repr ocessi ng t o separat e pl ut oni um for use i n fast -neut r on reactors if they becom e com m e rcially viable.

202 Ot her cost s m a y not be equal for bot h fuel s, however. For exam pl e, t h ere m a y be subst a nt i a l cost s t o m odi fy and license reactors to burn MOX and additiona l charges for secure storage of fresh MOX fuel at the reactor. The direct

90 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

A.1.1. Direct Disposal

The direct-disposal option has two m a in cost com ponents: interim storage and geological disposal of spent fuel. The net present cost at di scharge of direct disposal per kilogram of spent fuel , C dd (dollars per kilogram of initial heavy m e tal, $/kgHM) is

C dd

C is

1 i t is

C d s

1 i t ds

( A . 2 )

where C is is the cost of interim storage ($/kgHM), including packaging and shipping, paid at tim e t is after the fuel is discharged from the reactor, C ds is the cost of geological disposal ($/kgHM), including shipping, paid at tim e t ds , and i is the discount rate (y –1 ). As discussed in chapter 2, we set t ds = 0 so that C ds is the net present cost of geological disposal at discharge. In our reference case C is = $200/kg, t is = 4 y, i = 0.05 y –1 , and C ds = $400/kg, which gives C dd = $200/(1.05) 4 +

$400 = $565/kgHM.

The am ount added to the cost of electricity, c dd (dollars per kilowatt-hour, $/kW e h) to pay for direct disposal is

c dd

C dd F c

24 , 000 B

( A . 3 )

where B is the batch-average burn-up of the spent fuel at discharge (therm al m e gawatt-days per kilogram of heavy m e tal, MW t d/kgHM), is the therm a l efficiency of the power plant (net electrical kilowatts per therm a l kilowatt, kW e /kW t ), and 24,000 is the num ber of kilowatt-hours per m e gawatt-day. The carrying-charge factor, F c , which accounts for fact that the electricity revenues to pay for disposal are collected over the tim e the fuel is in the reactor, is given by

F i

c 1 i 1

( A . 4 )

In our reference case, B = 43 MW t d/kgHM, = 4 y, = 0.33, and i = 0.05 y –1 , which gives c dd = 2.7 10 –6 C dd = $0.0015/kW h = 1.5 m ill/kW h .

In the United States, a charge of 1 m ill/kW h is added to the price of nuclear-generated electricity to cover the costs of geological dis posal of spent LEU fuel. This charge of is equivalent to C ds = $370/kgHM, which can be com p ared to our reference value of $400/kgHM.

A.1.2. Reprocessing-recycle

The reprocessing-recycle option has two m a in cost com ponents: reprocessing the spent fuel and geological disposal of reprocessing wastes. Offsetting these costs are the values of the

di sposal of spent M OX fuel m a y be m o re expensi v e t h an spent LEU fuel of equal burn-up, due t o hi gher heat g e n e ratio n an d criticality co n cern s related to th e h i g h e r co n cen tratio n o f p l u t o n i u m in th e sp en t MOX fu el.

F uel C ycle Cos t Ca lclulations 91

plutonium and uranium recovered during reproce ssing, which can be used to produce fresh MOX and LEU fuel. The net present cost per kilogram of spent fuel, C rr ($/kgHM), is

C C r

C d h

M Pu C Pu M r U C r U

( A . 5 )

rr 1 i t r

1 i t d h

1 i t P u 1 i t r U

where C r is the cost of reprocessing ($/kgHM) paid at tim e t r after discharge (including transportation of spent fuel, short-term storag e of spent fuel and plutonium , treatm e nt and disposal of low- and interm ediate-level wastes, and interim storage of HLW ) ; C dh is the cost of geological disposal of HLW at tim e t dh ($/kgHM) including shipping (as above, t dh = 0); M Pu and M rU are the m a sses of plutonium and uranium recovered per kilogram of spent fuel reprocessed (kg/kgHM); and C Pu and C rU are the expected values of recovered plutonium and uranium ($/kg) at tim es t Pu and t rU after discharge.

The m a ss of plutonium is adjusted for radioactive decay and losses during reprocessing:



M 1 f x e

P u i r

( A . 6 )

Pu r P u i i 23 8

where f r is the fraction of plutonium not recove red during reprocessing (about 0.5 percent), x Pu i is the fraction of plutonium isotope i in the spent fuel at discharge, Pu i is the decay constant of the isotope ( = log e (2)/ t ½ , where t ½ is the half -lif e), t r is the tim e between discharge and reprocessing (assum e d equal to the tim e between discharge and paym ent for reprocessing). The adjustm e nt for radioactive decay is necessary only for plutonium -241, which has a half-life of 14 years. Sim ilarly,

M rU 1 f r x U 235 x U 236 x U 238

( A . 7 )

where x U235 is the concentration of uranium - 235, and so forth. Because these uranium isotopes have very long half-lives, radioactive decay can be ignored. Table A.1 gives the concentrations of uranium and plutonium isotopes in spen t LW R fuel for various discharge burn-ups.

In our reference case, C r = $1000/kgHM, t r = 4 y, C dh = $200/kgHM, B = 43 MW t d/kgHM, t Pu = t rU = 5 y, f r = 0.005, M Pu = 0.0104, and M rU = 0.94 kg. The m e thod for calculating the values of the recovered plutonium and uranium are discussed below; for a uranium price of

$100/kg and reference values of other param e ters, C Pu = $2,100/kg and C rU = $63/kg. Thus, C rr =

$1000/1.05 4 + $200 (0.0104)($2,100)/1.05 5 (0.940)($63)/1.05 5 = $823 + $200 $17 $47 =

$959/kgHM ($394/kgHM higher than direct disposal).

The cost of electricity, c rr ($/kW e h) attributable to reprocessing can be calculated using equation (A.3). For our reference case and a uranium price of $100/kgU, c rr = $0.0026/kW h =

2.6 m ill/kW h (1.1 m ill/kW h higher than direct disposal).

92 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

Table A.1 . Isotopic com position of f r esh and spent LEU (kilogram s per kilogram initial heavy m e tal), for design and discharge burn-ups of 33, 43, and 53 MW t d/kgHM.

Fresh LEU

Spent LEU

I s o t o p e

3 3

4 3

5 3

3 3

4 3

5 3

U - 2 3 5

0 . 0 3 2 5 0

0 . 0 3 7 0 0

0 . 0 4 4 0 0

0 . 0 0 8 8 4

0 . 0 0 7 6 0

0 . 0 0 7 6 8

U - 2 3 6

0 . 0 0 3 9 1

0 . 0 0 4 8 1

0 . 0 0 5 9 4

U - 2 3 8

0 . 9 6 7 5 0

0 . 9 6 3 0 0

0 . 9 5 6 0 0

0 . 9 4 3 7 2

0 . 9 3 2 5 0

0 . 9 1 9 8 3

P u - 2 3 8

0 . 0 0 0 1 2

0 . 0 0 0 2 1

0 . 0 0 0 3 3

P u - 2 3 9

0 . 0 0 5 4 0

0 . 0 0 5 7 2

0 . 0 0 6 0 7

P u - 2 4 0

0 . 0 0 2 2 1

0 . 0 0 2 6 2

0 . 0 0 2 9 1

P u - 2 4 1

0 . 0 0 1 3 2

0 . 0 0 1 6 0

0 . 0 0 1 8 3

P u - 2 4 2

0 . 0 0 0 4 5

0 . 0 0 0 6 8

0 . 0 0 0 8 5

Am - 2 4 1

0 . 0 0 0 0 3

0 . 0 0 0 0 5

0 . 0 0 0 0 6

T o t a l

1 . 0 0 0 0 0

1 . 0 0 0 0 0

1 . 0 0 0 0 0

0 . 9 6 6 0 0

0 . 9 5 5 7 9

0 . 9 4 5 5 0

Source: Nuclear Energy Agency, Plutonium Fuel: An Assessment (Pari s : Organi zat i on for Econom i c Devel opm ent and C ooperat i on, 1989), p. 41.

A.1.2.1. Value of recovered plutonium. The plutonium recovered from reprocessed spent f u el can be used to m a ke MOX f u el. The value of this plutonium is derived f r om the ability of MOX to substitute f o r LEU f u el. Assum i ng MOX and LEU f u els with equal design burn-ups (and equal non-fuel costs), the value of recovered plutonium is given by

C P u

C leu C m ox 1 f


x Pu

( A . 8 )

where C leu is the cost of fresh LEU fuel ($/kgHM), C mox is the cost of fresh MOX (excluding the cost of the plutonium ), x Pu is the fraction of plutonium in fresh MOX fuel, 203 and f m is the fraction of plutonium lost duri ng MOX fabrication. Table A.2 gives the com position of fresh MOX fuel for several design burn-ups, produced from depleted uranium and plutonium recovered from spent LEU with discharge burn-ups of 33 and 43 MW t d/kgHM. If C leu < C mox , the value of the recovered plutonium is negativ e (i.e., producing MOX fuel would be m o re expensive than producing fresh LEU fuel even if plutonium was available at zero cost).

203 Here x Pu also includes am ericium - 241, which results from the decay of plutonium - 241 after reprocessing.

F uel C ycle Cos t Ca lclulations 93

Table A.2 . Isotopic com position of fresh MOX fuel with design burn-ups of 33, 43, and 53 MW t d/kgHM produced with plutonium recovered from LEU with discharge burn-up of 33 and 43 MW t d/kgHM.

3 3 MW t d/kgHM LEU Pu

43 MW t d/kgHM LEU Pu

Design Burnup (MW t d/kgHM)

I s o t o p e

3 3

4 3

5 3

4 3

5 3

U - 2 3 5

0 . 0 0 2 1 3

0 . 0 0 2 1 2

0 . 0 0 2 0 9

0 . 0 0 2 1 0

0 . 0 0 2 0 7

U - 2 3 8

0 . 9 4 6 3 2

0 . 9 3 8 7 1

0 . 9 2 6 6 7

0 . 9 3 0 5 3

0 . 9 1 6 3 1

P u - 2 3 8

0 . 0 0 0 7 0

0 . 0 0 0 8 0

0 . 0 0 0 9 6

0 . 0 0 1 2 9

0 . 0 0 1 5 6

P u - 2 3 9

0 . 0 3 0 1 9

0 . 0 3 4 6 5

0 . 0 4 1 7 2

0 . 0 3 6 7 8

0 . 0 4 4 5 7

P u - 2 4 0

0 . 0 1 2 1 5

0 . 0 1 3 9 4

0 . 0 1 6 7 9

0 . 0 1 6 5 9

0 . 0 2 0 1 0

P u - 2 4 1

0 . 0 0 5 5 0

0 . 0 0 6 3 1

0 . 0 0 7 6 0

0 . 0 0 7 6 8

0 . 0 0 9 3 1

P u - 2 4 2

0 . 0 0 2 4 8

0 . 0 0 2 8 5

0 . 0 0 3 4 3

0 . 0 0 4 2 8

0 . 0 0 5 1 9

Am - 2 4 1

0 . 0 0 0 5 4

0 . 0 0 0 6 2

0 . 0 0 0 7 4

0 . 0 0 0 7 5

0 . 0 0 0 9 1

T o t a l

1 . 0 0 0 0 0

1 . 0 0 0 0 0

1 . 0 0 0 0 0

1 . 0 0 0 0 0

1 . 0 0 0 0 0

Source: Nuclear Energy Agency, Plutonium Fuel: An Assessment (Pari s : Organi zat i on for Econom i c Devel opm ent and C ooperat i on, 1989), pp. 50-51.

The cost of fresh MOX fuel ($/kgHM), ex cluding the cost of plutonium , is given by

C C mf

1 x Pu



mo x

1 i t f

1 f m

1 i t DU

where C mf is the cost of MOX fuel fabrication ($/kgHM), C DU is the cost of depleted uranium ($/kgU), f m is the fraction of DU lost during fabrication, and t f and t DU are the tim es that fuel fabrication and depletion uranium are paid for after tim e t Pu . Here we will assum e that the depleted uranium is free, except for the cost of chem ical conversion to uranium oxide. For the reference case, B = 43 MW t d/kgHM, x Pu = 0.0674, C mf = $1500/kgHM, C DU = $6/kgU, f m = 0.005, t f = 0.5, and t DU = 0, for which C mox = $1464/kgHM.

The cost of fresh LEU fuel has four com ponents: uranium feed, chem ical conversion, enrichm e nt, and fuel fabrication. The co st of LEU fuel ($/kgHM) is given by

1 R



C lf

C u c s (A.10)


1 f f

1 f s

1 f c

1 i t u

1 i t c

1 i t s

1 i t f

94 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

where C u , C c , C s , and C f are the costs of uranium feed ($/kgU), chem ical conversion ($/kgU), separative work ($/SW U ), and fuel fabrication ($/kgHM), t u , t c , t s , and t f are the tim es when these costs are paid relative to t Pu (y), and f c , f s , and f f are the fractional losses during conversion, enrichm e nt, and fuel fabrication. The ratio of uranium feed to enriched product, R , is given by

R x p x t

( A . 1 1 )

x f x t

where x p , x f , and x t are the concentrations of uranium - 235 in the product (i.e., fresh LEU fuel), f eed, and tails, respectively. Values of x p for burn-ups of 33, 43, and 53 MW t d/kgHM are given in table A.1. For natural uranium f eed, x f = 0.00711. The separative work required to produce a kilogram of product, S (SW U /kg), is given by

S V ( x p ) V ( x t ) R V ( x f ) V ( x t )

( A . 1 2 )


V ( x ) 2 x 1 l o g x

( A . 1 3 )

e 1 x

For a given set of uranium , conversion, and enrichm e nt costs, there is an optim um value of x t that m i nim i zes the cost of the product. The optim um tails assay can be found by setting the derivative of equation (A.10) with respect to x t equal to zero ( C leu / x t = 0), which yields the f o llowing relationship:

1 V ( x f ) V ( x t )

1 2 x t

2 V ( x t )

( A . 1 4 )

x x x x x 1 x 1 2 x

f t f t t t t

where, , the enrichm e nt-to-feed cost ratio, is given by

1 f s C s 1 f s C s

( A . 1 5 )

1 f c

C u

1 i t u t s

C c

1 i t c t s

C u

1 f c

C c

Table A.3 gives the optim um tails assay for several values of the cost ratio. Equation (A.14) does not have an analytical solution, but the following approxim a tion for natural uranium feed is accurate to within about 0.5 percent for 0.05 < < 5:

x 10 0. 1631 l o g 2 0 .4705 5 l og

2.6 453


10 1 0


For exam ple, if C u = $100/kgU, C c = $6/kgU, C s = $100/SW U, and f s = f c = 0.005, then =

0.93 and x t = 0.0022. If B = 43 MW t d/kgHM, then x p = 0.037, R = 7.08, and S = 5.60 SW U/kgHM. If C lf = $250/kgHM, t u = –1 y, t c = –0.5 y, t s = 0 y, and t f = 0.5 y, then C leu =

$1610/kgHM. From above, C mox = $1464/kgHM for MOX fuel of equal design burnup; thus, in this case the value of the plutonium C Pu = (0.995)(1610 1464)/0.0674 = $2100/kgPu.

F uel C ycle Cos t Ca lclulations 95

Table A.3 . Optim um tails assay as a function of the separation-to-feed cost ratio (natural uranium feed).

Cost Ratio

Uranium Price *

C u ($/kg)

Tails Assay

x t

0 . 0 1

9 , 9 0 0

0 . 0 0 0 0 6 7

0 . 0 2

4 , 9 0 0

0 . 0 0 0 1 3

0 . 0 5

2 , 0 0 0

0 . 0 0 0 2 9

0 . 1

9 8 0

0 . 0 0 0 5 2

0 . 2

4 9 0

0 . 0 0 0 8 8

0 . 5

1 9 0

0 . 0 0 1 6


9 3

0 . 0 0 2 3


4 4

0 . 0 0 3 0


1 4

0 . 0 0 4 0

1 0


0 . 0 0 4 7

*Assum i n g C s = $100/ SW U , C c = $6/ kgU , an d f s = f c = 0.005 .

A.1.2.2. Value of recovered uranium. The uranium recovered from reprocessed spent fuel can be re-enriched and used to m a ke LEU fuel. This would be econom ic only if the resulting fuel was no m o re expensive than fuel of the sam e design burn-up m a de using natural uranium . Unlike plutonium , the value of recovered uranium cannot be less than zero. This is because plutonium , which is hazardous and can be used to m a ke nuclear weapons, incurs substantial storage charges if unused. Moreover, if separated plutonium rem a ins in storage for a long tim e, it m u st be purified of radioactive decay products—at very high cost—before it can be used in the fabrication of reactor fuel. Recovered uranium does not have any of these liabilities. Thus, if the recycle of recovered uranium is uneconom ical, the uranium can be stored at essentially zero cost for later use. The value of the recovered uranium , C rU , can be estim ated by setting the cost of LEU m a de from natural uranium equal to the cost of LEU m a de from recovered uranium :

1 R



C lf

u c s

1 f f

1 f s

1 f c

1 i t u

1 i t c

1 i t s

1 i t f


1 R



C rl f

r r U r c r s

1 f f

1 f s

1 f c

1 i t u

1 i t c

1 i t s

1 i t f

96 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

where R

x rp x rt



x rf x r t

and x rf, x rp , and x rt are the concentrations of uranium - 235 in the recovered uranium , the LEU produced from the recovered uranium , and the tails when enriching the recovered uranium , and C rc , C rs , and C rlf are the costs of conversion, enrichm e nt, and fuel-fabrication of recovered uranium . Because recovered uranium is m o re radioactive than natural uranium , C rc , C rs , and C rlf are som e what higher than C c , C s , and C lf . Moreover, because the uranium - 236 in recovered uranium absorbs neutrons, fuel m a de with recovered uranium m u st have a higher enrichm e nt than fuel of the sam e design burn-up m a de from natural uranium . The required product enrichm e nt, x rp , is given approxim a tely by 204

x p

x rp x


1 0 . 2 1 23 6

x rf

where x 236 is the concentration of uranium - 236 in the recovered uranium . (If laser-isotope separation is used this correction can be ignored and x rp = x p .) Values of x rf and x 236 are given in Table A.1. As before, x rt is optim ized for the costs of conversion and enrichm e nt and the value of the recovered uranium . The following approxim a tion for x rt is good to within one percent for

r r f

0.007 < x rf < 0.009 and 0.05 < r < 5:

x rt

10 0. 1626 0. 06303 x rf

l o g 10

2 0 . 4705 0 . 0017 2 x

l og 10

r 3.03 2 5 4.529 x r f (A.20)


1 f s C r s . ( A . 2 1 )

r C ru

1 f c

C rc

Because the value of recovered uranium depends on the tails assay, which in turn depends on the value of the recovered uranium , equation (A.17) m u st be solved num erically.

In our reference case, C c = $6/kgU, C rc = $21/kgU, C s = $100/SW U, C rs = $105/SW U, C lf =

$250/kgHM, C rlf = $260/kgHM, B = 43 MW t d/kgHM, x 236 = 0.00481, and x rp = 0.0427; if C u =

$100/kgU, we find that C rU = $63/kg. 205

A.1.3. Breakeven Uranium Price

In the reference case described above, for a uranium price of $100/kgU the reprocessing- recycle option costs $959/kgHM com p ared to onl y $565/kgHM for the direct-disposal option. The breakeven uranium price is therefore substantially greater than $100/kgU. Using reference values of the various param e ters we can solve equation (A.1) to find that the breakeven uranium

204 Nuclear Energy Agency, Plutonium Fuel: An Assessment (Pari s : Organi zat i on for Econom i c Devel opm ent and C ooperat i on, 1989), p. 158. The ori g i n al expressi ons i n t h e OEC D report can be rearrange d t o gi ve equat i on (A.19). 205 F o r th is v a lu e o f C rU , r = 1.24, x t = 0.0027, R = 8.10, S = 5.84 SW U/ kgHM .

F uel C ycle Cos t Ca lclulations 97

price is $368/kgU. W h en the price of uranium is e qual to $368/kgU, the cost of fresh LEU fuel in the reference case would rise to $3,417/kgHM, the value of plutonium recovered from spent LEU fuel increases to $28,800/kgPu and the value of the recovered uranium rises to $303/kgU. Thus, the net cost of the reprocessing-recycle option falls to C rr = $1000/1.05 4 + $200 (0.0104)($28,800)/1.05 5 (0.940)($303)/1.05 5 = $565/kgHM, which is identical to the cost of the direct-disposal option.

A.2. Direct Disposal vs. R ecycling in Fast-Neutron Reactors

Here we take the point of view of a firm th at is deciding whether to build a new light-water reactor (with direct disposal of spent fuel) or a liquid-m e tal reactor (with breeding and recycle of plutonium ). In a com p etitive m a rket, the firm should build the reactor that would produce electricity at the lowest cost. The cost of electricity, c elec , can be divided into three m a jor com ponents:

c el e c c ca p c o m c f u e l

( A . 2 2 )

where c cap , often referred to as the “capital cost,” is the cost due to financing and repaym ent of construction costs (and other costs that are proportional to construction cost), c om is the operations and m a intenance cost, and c fuel is the fuel cost.

A.2.1. Capital Cost

For both types of reactors, the cost of electric ity attributable to the financing and repaym ent of construction costs (and other annual costs that are proportional to construction cost), c cap ($/kW e h), is given by

C c a p 1 F i dc 1 F p r eop 1 F c ont

c ca p


F c r F t a x F i n s

( A . 2 3 )

where C cap is the total construction cost, in dollars per kilowatt of installed net electrical capacity ($/kW e ), F idc and F preop are factors that account for interest during construction and other costs before the plant begins full-scale operation, F cont is a contingency factor to provide for cost overruns and other unforeseen costs, is the capacity factor (the total am ount of electricity produced in a year divided by the total am ount that would be produced from continuous operation at full power), 8766 is the average num ber of hours in a year, and F tax , and F ins are annual charges for property taxes and insurance (y –1 ), which f o r sim p licity are assum e d to be proportional to the initial investm e nt. The “fixed charge rate,” F cr (y –1 ), is the f r action of the initial investm e nt that m u st be collected each year to repay the initial costs, including interest or return on investm e nt. W e discuss F idc and F cr in m o re detail below.

For exam ple, if C cap = $2000/kW e , and using reference values for other param e ters suitable for a utility-owned reactor ( F idc = 0.189, F preop = F cont = 0.1, ( F cr + F tax + F ins ) = 0.123, and = 0.85), c cap = $0.0475/kW h.

98 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

A.2.1.1. Interest during construction. The interest-during-construction factor, F idc , accounts for the fact that interest charges accum u late on m oney borrowed before reactor operation begins. If we assum e that funds are borrowed at one-year intervals:

F idc


k 1

f k 1 i idc

n k 1 1

( A . 2 4 )

where n is the construction tim e (y), f k is the f r action of the total up-f r ont costs borrowed at the beginning of year k , and i idc is the interest rate. W e m odel f k with a beta-binom ial distribution:

f n k 1 n k

k k n k 1 n 1

( A . 2 5 )

where and are param e ters that determ ine the shape of the distribution. 206 The f o llowing shape param e ters give a good fit to the distribution of costs assum e d in previous reports: 207

1 e 0 . 432 n 11 . 5

1 p


( A . 2 6 )

( A . 2 7 )

where p is the f r action of n at which half of the total capital costs have been spent. W e assum e that i idc is equal to the weighted cost of capital (see Table A.4). For the reference case n = 6 y, i idc

= 0.064 y –1 , and p = 0.65, which gives F idc = 0.189.

A.2.1.2. Fixed charge rate. The fixed charge rate, F cr (y –1 ), is the f r action of the initial investm e nt that is collected each year to re pay the principle (construction and other up-front costs) with a return on the investm e nt. If the principle is repaid with interest at a f i xed rate i (y –1 ) during the lif etim e of the f acility N (y), then F cr is sim p ly

F cr


1 1 i N

( A . 2 8 )

For exam ple, assum i ng N = 30 y and i = 0.04 y –1 (appropriate for a governm e nt-owned and financed project), F cr = 0.058 y –1 .

206 T h e b e ta-b in o m ial d i strib u tio n was ch o s en fo r its ex trem e flex ib ility with a sm all n u m b e r o f p a ram e ters. If =

= 1, t h e di st ri but i on i s uni form (i .e., f k = k / n ); if and > 1, t h e di st ri but i on i s convex (i .e., peaki ng i n t h e m i ddl e); if = , th e d i strib u tio n is sym m e trical; if > , th e d i strib u tio n is sk ewed to th e left. Th e b e ta-b in o m ial di s t ri but i on approaches a bi nom i a l di st ri but i on wi t h = /( + ) when and >> 1.

207 Nat i onal Academ y of Sci e nces, C o m m i t t ee on Sepa rat i ons Technol ogy and Transm ut at i on Sy st em s, Nuclear Wast es: Technol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i ons (W ashi ngt on, DC : Nat i onal Academ y Press, 1996), p. 424; National Academ y of Sciences, Com m ittee on International Security and Arm s Control, Management and Di sposi t i on of Excess Weapons Pl ut oni um: React o r-Rel a t e d Opt i ons (W ashi ngt on, DC : Nat i onal Academ y Press, 1995), p. 83.

F uel C ycle Cos t Ca lclulations 99

The situation f o r a privately owned and f i nanced f acility is dif f e rent in two ways. First, principle is often raised with a com b ination of bonds (i.e., loans by investors) and equity (i.e., sale of stock giving part ownership of the f acility by investors), with various rates of return. Second, private firm s pay tax on net incom e , which excludes bond dividends and other business expenses.

To derive the fixed charge rate in the m o re general case, suppose that a firm raises principle P to build a reactor, of which bP is financed with a bond with a rate of return of i b , and the rem a inder, (1 b) P , is f i nanced with equity with a rate of return of i e . For sim p licity, assum e that the term of the bond is equal to the lifetim e of the reactor, N, and that the salvage value (i.e., the value of the reactor after year N ) is zero. During the operation of the reactor, the annual net cash fl ow, NCF , is given by


( A . 2 9 )

where I G is the annual gross incom e of the plant, E is the annual plant operating expenses, S and

B are annual paym ents relating to equity and bond financing, and T are taxes, given by

T I T t e I G E D B d t e

( A . 3 0 )

where t e is the incom e tax rate and I T , the taxable incom e , is the gross incom e m i nus tax- deductible expenses and paym ents, which include depreciation, D , and dividends paid on the bond , B d . The annual paym ent for equity financing, S, is given by

S 1 b P i e


1 1 i N

( A . 3 1 )

The annual paym ent for bond financing consists of dividends B d (paid at rate i b on the entire principle for the term of the bond) and principle B p ; assum i ng equal annual paym ents invested at rate i b to repay the principle at the end of the term , we have

B d bP i b

( A . 3 2 )

B B B b P r

bP i b b P i b

( A . 3 3 )

d p b

1 i N 1 1 1 i


b b

Assum i ng straight-line depreciation over the life of the plant, the annual depreciation expense is given by

D P ( A . 3 4 )


Inserting equations (A.30) through (A.34) into equation (A.29), we have

100 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel


E 1 b P i e

bP i b


E P bP i t




N b e

1 1 i e 1 1 i b

which can be rearranged to give


E 1 t

P 1 b i e

bi b

t e


bi t


G e


1 1 i e

1 1 i b N

b e

In order to stay in business, NCF 0, and so

I E P 1 b i e

bi b t e


b i t

( A . 3 7 )



1 t e 1 1 i e

1 1 i b N

b e

which can be written as

I G F c r P E ( A . 3 8 )

where F cr , the fixed charge rate, is given by

F 1 1 b i e

bi b t e


b i t

( A . 3 9 )



1 t e 1 1 i e

1 1 i b N

b e

Note that if the tax rate is zero ( t e = 0), this sim p lif ies to

F cr

1 b i e

1 1 i N

bi b

1 1 i


( A . 4 0 )

e b

which is sim p ly equation (A.28) with the prin ciple divided between bond and equity financing. Equation (A.39) easily can be generalized to di fferent types of stocks and bonds having various rates of return.

As discussed in Chapter 1, we have relied on peer-reviewed estim ates of the fixed charge rate for different financing arrangem e nts developed by a panel of the National Academ y of Sciences, which are sum m a rized in table A.4. The fixed char ge rates differ som e what from those generated by equation (A.39), as they assum e that the f acilities are depreciated f o r tax purposes over half their useful life, rather than over the entire lif e, as is assum e in (A.39).

F uel C ycle Cos t Ca lclulations 101

Table A.4. Fixed charge rates for reactors owned and financed by governm e nt, utility, and private ventures.


Governm e nt



Financial structure


i (%/y)


i (%/y)


i (%/y)

Com m on s t o c k

4 6

8 . 5

7 0

1 6 . 0

P r e f e r r e d s t o c k


4 . 1

D e b t

1 0 0

4 . 0

4 6

4 . 8

3 0

9 . 0

W e ighted cost of capital




T a x assum p t i o n s

Incom e tax rate (%)



Tax recovery period (y)



Book life (y)



Property taxes, insurance (%/y)



F cr + F tax + F ins ( % / y )

5 . 8

1 2 . 3

2 0 . 8

Source: Nat i onal Academ y of Sci e nces, C o m m i t t ee on Separat i ons Technol ogy and Transm ut at i on System s, N u cl ear Wast es: Technol ogi es f o r Separat i ons and Transmut a t i ons (W ashi ngt on, DC : Nat i onal Academ y Press, 1996), p. 432.

A.2.2. Operations and Maintenance Cost

Operations and m a intenance costs are continuing costs of running a plant that do not relate to its fuel—such as worker salaries and routine plant m a intenance. Most of these costs do not depend on the am ount of electricity produced by the plant, and so m o st calculations, including this one, assum e a fixed annual expense. Provisions placed into a fund for eventual decom m i ssioning of the plant are also included in m o st estim ates of operations and m a intenance costs. The contribution of these expenses to the cost of electricity is given by

c om

C om C dd F dd


( A . 4 1 )

where C om is the annual non-fuel operations and m a intenance cost ($/kW e y), C dd is the cost to dism antle and decom m i ssion the plant at the end of its operating life ($/kW e ), and F dd (y –1 ) is the annual annuity factor, given by

102 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

F dd

1 i

i dd

N 1

( A . 4 2 )


where i dd is the annual rate of return on the funds invested and N is the length of tim e the annuity is paid (usually the sam e as the period over which the construction costs are repaid). For exam ple, if the rate of return is 3 percent per year and the annuity is paid over 30 years, F dd = 0.021; if C om = $80/kW e y, C dd = $150/kW e , and = 0.85, then c om = $0.0112/kW e h.

A.2.3. Fuel Cost

A.2.3.1. LWR fuel . The fuel cost for an LW R with direct disposal of the spent fuel is

C 1 i t le u C ( 1 i ) t is C 1 i t d s F



fu e l

le u i s d s c

24 , 000 B

( A . 4 3 )

where C leu is the cost of LEU fuel ($/kgHM) as given by equation (A.10), paid at tim e t leu , and B,

, C is , C ds , t is , t ds , and i are as defined above in equations (A.2) and (A.3). All tim es are m easured from the tim e the fuel is inserted into the reactor. The carrying-charge factor, F c , is given by

i 1 i

F c

1 i 1

( A . 4 4 )

where is the num ber of years that the fuel rem a ins in the reactor. 208

For our reference case, B = 43 MW t d/kgHM, = 4 y, and i = 0.05 y –1 , so that F c = 1.128. If

C u = $100/kgU, C c = $6/kgU, C s = $100/SW U, and C lf = $250/kgU, then C leu = $1,690/kg. 209 If

= 0.33, C is = $200/kgHM paid at t is = 8 y, and C ds = $400 paid at t ds = 4 y, then

$1692 $20 0 / kgHM $40 0 / kgHM 1.128

kgH M

1.05 8

1.05 4




fu e l

kW h

MW d


kW h

24 , 000 43 t 0.33 e e

MWd kgH M M W t

208 Th i s di ffers from t h e carry i ng charge gi ven by equat i on (A.4) by a fact or (1 + i ) , because this was applied to the value of the fuel at discharge.

209 The cost ratio = 0.93, for whi c h t h e opt i m um x t = 0.0022. If x p = 0.037 ( B = 43 M W t d / kgHM ) , t h en R = 7.08 and S = 5.60 SW U/ kg. Assum i ng f c = f s = 0.005, f f = 0.01, and t u = 2 y, t c = 1.5 y , t s = 1 y, t f = 0.5 y , we have

1 7 . 0 8 100 1.05 2 $ 1 , 6 9 2


6 1 .05 1.5 5 .60 1 00 1.05 250 1 . 0 5 0 .5

le u 0.99 0.995 0 . 9 9 5 k g

F uel C ycle Cos t Ca lclulations 103

A.2.3.2. LMR fuel . Liquid-m e tal breeder reactors have two types of fuel elem ents: core and blanket elem ents. Fresh core elem ents, which c ontain about 25% plutonium , produce m o st of the fission energy and neutrons; fresh blanket elem ents, which contain only uranium , absorb neutrons and produce plutonium . Both types of elem ents are reprocessed, and the recovered uranium and plutonium are used to produce f r esh core and blanket elem ents. In equilibrium , only a sm all am ount of fresh uranium (or natural or depleted uranium ) is needed to m a ke up for the uranium and plutonium that is consum ed in the fission reactions.

The contribution of fuel costs to the cost of electricity from a breeder reactor is

C fc

C rc

C dc

M F C f b f u C u

C rc

C db M F

t t t

c c c

t t t

b c b


1 i fc

1 i rc

1 i dc

1 i fb

1 i rb

1 i db


fu e l

8766 1000

where C fc and C fb are the costs of fabricating core and blanket fuel ($/kgHM), C rc are C rb are the costs of reprocessing fuel ($/kgHM), C dc and C db are the costs of disposing of the resulting high- level reprocessing wastes ($/kgHM), C u is the cost of m a ke-up uranium ($/kgU) and f u is the fraction of natural uranium in blanket elem ents, M c and M b are the annual loading of core and blanket fuel elem ents (kgHM/MW e y), F cc and F cb are carrying charges for core and blanket elem ents assum i ng residence tim es of c and b (y) in the reactor, and 1000 is the num ber of kilowatts per m e gawatt. As before, we assum e that transportation, storage, and safeguards- related costs are included in fabrication, reprocessing and disposal costs.

Equation (A.46) is a good approxim a tion in the steady-state situation for a large breeder reactor econom y, in which there is no net breedi ng of plutonium and the plutonium recovered at the end of one reactor’s life is used to start up a replacem ent reactor. If the num ber of breeder reactors is growing, the cost of the plutonium for the initial fuel loading would have to be included as well as the sale of excess plutonium produced by net breeding during the operation of the reactor (e.g., to start up additional reactor s). Rough estim ates indicate, however, that these factors offset each other for reasonable breeding ratios and discount factors. 210

In the reference case, C fc = $1500/kgHM, C fb = $250/kgHM, C rc = C rb = $1000/kgHM, C u =

$6/kgU, C dc = C db = $200/kgHM, f u = 0.024, M c = 11.5 kgHM/MW e y, M b = 25.5 kgHM/MW e y,

c = b = t dc = t db = 3 y, i = 0.05 y –1 , t fc = t fb = 0.5 y, and t rc = t rb = 4 y; this gives

150 0 1000 20 0 11.5 25 0 0.02 4 6 1000 20 0

1.05 0. 5

1.05 4

1.05 3

1.05 0 . 5

1.05 4

1.05 3 25.5 1 .10



fu e l


kW h

8766 1000


210 Consider, for exam ple, a reactor with an initial core containing 3000 kgP u, an annual core loading of 1000 kgPu/ y , and an annual di scharge (core + bl anket ) of 1100 kgPu/ y (breedi ng rat i o 1.25). Di scount i ng t h e fl ows of plutonium over the 30-y life of the reactor at a discount rate of 3% /y gives a net present value of zero, assum i ng the initial plutonium is produced 1 y before start-up and excess plutonium is available for sa le 2 y after discharge.

104 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

A.2.4. Breakeven Uranium Price

The breakeven uranium price, C u , is the uranium price for which the costs of electricity are equal for LW Rs and LMRs:



el ec



el ec

( A . 4 8 )

To sim p lify the calculation, we assum e that non-fuel operations and m a intenance costs, C om , are equal for both reactors and that all factors related to the cost of principal, interest, taxes, and insurance are equal, except for the total construction cost. In this case, equation (A.48) can be written as

C ca p F c LW R C

c L M R


876 6

fuel u f uel

where F = (1+ F idc )(1+ F preop )(1+ F cont )( F cr + F tax + F ins + F refurb ), C cap is the difference in overnight

fu e l u

construction costs between the LMR and LW R ($/kW e ), and c LWR C is the cost of fresh LEU

fuel as a function of the price of uranium .

In the reference case described above, with C u = $100/kgU, the right-hand side of equation (A.49) (i.e., the difference in fuel cost) = 0.00714 0.00766 = –$0.00052/kW h. If both types of reactor produce electricity at the sam e cost, then C cap = –$22/kW e; that is, the LMR m u st be

$22/kW e less expensive than the LW R. To find the breakeven uranium price for a given difference in capital cost, we solve equation (A.49) num erically. For exam ple, in our reference case, where C cap = $200/kW e , the breakeven uranium price is $322/kgU.

Appendi x B . Worl d Uraniu m Resources

B.1. Introduction

“There will always be ample fuel for nuclear reactors—we will never run out. The only questions are from where, and at what cost.”

—Jam es Graham , Chairm an, Board of Governors, W o rld Nuclear Fuel Market 211

For decades, consideration of reprocessing, recycling, and breeding plutonium has been driven in significant part by concerns that re sources of uranium would not be sufficient to support a growing nuclear energy system operating on a once-through cycle for long. 212 Advocates of reprocessing and breeding continue to argue that available resources of low-cost uranium are quite lim ited, m a king breeding and reprocessing essential in the relatively near term . 213 This raises the obvious question: how m u ch uranium is likely to be econom ically recoverable in the future?

Uranium is roughly as com m on as tin or arseni c; Table B.1 shows typical concentrations in various m e dia. 214 The total am ount of uranium in the earth’s crust is huge—on the order of 10 8 Mt. How m u ch of this vast resource of uranium will be recoverable f o r use in nuclear energy depends on both technology and price. Advanci ng technology increases the recoverable resource in two ways: by offering additional ways to find resources, and by m a king it possible to m i ne and process uranium at lower cost, m a king availa ble resources that would previously not have been econom ic to recover. Increasing prices also increase the available resource in two ways: by m a king lower-grade resources econom ic to recover, and by m o tivating additional exploration. (Increasing prices also tend to depress growth in dem a nd, by encouraging m o re efficient use of

211 R e m a rks t o t h e W N FM annual m eet i ng, June 9, 2003.

212 For a discussion from three decades ago (m aking the case th at uranium resources were sufficient at that tim e to delay deploym e nt of breeder reactors, which turned out to be m o re than co rrect), see John P. Holdren, “Uranium Av aila b ility an d th e Breed er Decisio n , Energy Syst ems and Pol i cy, Vol . 1, No. 3, 1975.

213 See, for exam pl e, U.S. Depart m e nt of Energy , Offi ce of Nucl ear Energy , Sci e nce, and Technol ogy , Rep o r t to Congress on Advanced Fuel Cycle In itiative: The Future Pa th for Advanced Spent Fuel Treatment and Transmut a t i on Research (W ashington, DC: January 2003, ava ilable as of Decem ber 16, 2003, at ht t p : / / www.nucl ear.gov/ report s / A FCI_CongRpt 2003.pdf ), pp. I-4: urani u m “i s not an i n fi ni t e resource. Expert organi zat i ons such as t h e W o rl d Nucl ear Associ at i on project t h at bet w een 2050 and 2080, nucl ear power pl ant s worldwide will encounter a serious shorta ge of the uranium needed to produce nuc lear fuel.” It is worth com p aring this statem ent with the official W o rl d Nuclear Association (form erly the Ur anium Institute) statem ent on “Supply of Uranium , available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at http://www.world-nuclear .org/info/inf75.htm . That statem ent begi ns wi t h t h e fol l o wi ng sent ences, em phasi zed i n t h e ori g i n al as t h e key poi nt s: “Urani um i s a com m on m e t a l , found in both rocks and seawater. Its availability to s upply world energy needs is great both geol ogically and because of the technology for its use. All m i neral resour ces are greater than com m only perceived.” Later, it goes on t o argue t h at : “Of course t h e resources of t h e eart h are i ndeed fi ni t e , but t h e l i m i t s of t h e suppl y of resources are so far away that the truism has no pract i cal m eani ng.”

214 From Ian Hore-Lacy , Nuclear Electricity 7 th ed. (M el bourne: Urani u m Inform at i on C e nt re, Lt d, and W o rl d Nuclear Association, 2003, availa ble as of Decem ber 16, 2003, at http://www.uic.com . au/ne.htm ), Ch ap ter 3 . W h ile t h i s reference l i s t s “hi gh-grade” ores as bei ng 2% urani u m by wei ght , m i nes i n C a nada are now recoveri ng ores t h at are m o re than 20% U 3 O 8 .

106 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

available resources—for exam ple, by leaving lower assays in enrichm e nt tails or using reactors with higher conversion ratios.)

Table B.1. Typical Uranium Concentrations

Mediu m

Average Concentration

(pp m U )

High-grade ore


Low-grade ore


G r a n i t e


Sedim e ntary rock


Earth’s continental crust


S e a w a t e r

0 . 0 0 3

Estim ates of how m u ch uranium would be available in the future at a given price are inherently uncertain, and there have been f e w serious attem p ts at a global assessm ent of total uranium resources (going beyond those already known to be available and recoverable) in recent decades. Indeed, for m a ny years investm e nt in exploration for uranium resources has been low, because low prices and the availability of large, already known uranium reserves suggested there was little m oney to be m a de in f i nding new deposits. As a result, as one analyst has noted, “predictions of the f u ture availability of any m i neral, including uranium , which are based on current cost and price data and current geological knowledge are likely to be extrem ely conservative.” 215 The uranium resources that would likely be found if the price rose enough to m o tivate substantial investm e nts in further exploration are likely to be far higher than today’s resource estim ates.

To understand the available estim ates of how m u ch uranium m i ght ultim ately be recoverable at various prices, it is im portant to understand the difference between “resources” and “reserves”. The term “resources” ref e rs to all of the quantities of a particular m a terial that m i ght ultim ately be found and becom e econom ically recoverable, taking into account future im provem e nts in the technologies of exploration and extraction, as well as future increases in prices. The term “reserves”, by contrast, refers to those subsets of the resources that have been identified with high confidence and that are econom ically extractable at current prices using current technology. Reserves can be increased through exploration to identify additional econom ically extractable resources and by im provem e nts in technology and operational practices to m a ke econom ical the extraction of already identified (but previously uneconom ical) resources.

215 Hore -Lacy , Nuclear Electricity, o p . cit. It is wo rth n o tin g th at th e statem en ts o n reso u r ces in th is tex t wh ich are quot ed i n t h i s Appendi x are al l repeat ed verbat i m i n t h e W o rl d Nucl ear Associ at i on st at em ent “Suppl y of Urani u m , op. ci t .

W orld U ranium Reso u rces 107

Exploration is expensive; hence, industries have little incentive to find and characterize m o re than the am ount of m a terial expected to be needed in the next few decades. Investm e nts in exploration typically are just suf f i cient to keep reserves constant or slowly growing as a m u ltiple of annual consum ption; if annual consum ption exceeds annual additions to reserves over a prolonged period, with the result that the reserves fall significantly, the result is generally an increase in price that, in itself, converts som e of the known but previously subeconom ic resources into reserves and also calls forth an expanded exploration effort. The am ount of m a terial that will ultim ately prove to be econom ically recoverable—term ed “ultim ately recoverable resources”—depends not only on the underlying geologic realities but also on the scope for im provem e nt in the technologies of exploration, extraction, and use and on the am ount by which the price of the m a terial can rise before substitutes for it becom e econom ical and lim it the dem a nd.

Given these definitions and relationships, it is natural that published estim ates of reserves would be quite accurate (lim ited m a inly by uncertainties in the characterization of known deposits, by variations in analysts’ assum p tions about the capabilities of existing extractive technologies, and perhaps by corporate or national proprietary interests in less than full disclosure), while estim ates of the ultim ately recoverable resources would necessarily be m u ch m o re uncertain. For exam ple, estim ates of th e total am ount of oil that ultim ately will be econom ically recoverable range over a factor of two for today’s technology, and over a factor of four or m o re assum i ng significant im provem e nts in technology over the next two decades. 216 The uncertainties for natural gas are even larger. 217 The uncertainties f o r uranium given the

very low investm e nts in exploration in recent decad es, the very sm all efforts that have been m a de to integrate the resource inform ation on a global basis, and the large factors by which uranium prices could rise before significantly affec ting the econom ics of nuclear energy overall—are larger still.

B.2. Fallacy of the Traditional Economic Resource M odel

Classical econom ic theory suggests that the price of non-renewable resources should rise over tim e, as the fixed available stock grows scarcer and m o re and m o re costly resources have to be used. 218 Forecasters relying on this m odel have routinely predicted that the uranium price would im m i nently begin a steady rise as resources began to becom e scarce, and these forecasters have just as routinely been proved wrong.

216 Hans -Hol ger R ogner, et al ., “Energy R e sour ces,” chapt e r 5 i n Jose Gol d em berg, ed., World Energy Assessment: Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability (New York: Uni t e d Nat i ons Devel opm ent Program , Uni t e d Nat i ons Depart m e nt of Econom i c and Soci al Affai r s, and W o rl d Energy C ounci l , 2000), pp.139-144; avai l a bl e as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at http://stone.undp.org/undpweb/s eed/wea/pdfs/chapter5.pdf .

217 Ib i d ., pp. 144-147.

218 F o r a u s efu l d i scu ssio n o f th e lo g i cal flaws o f th is classical m o d e l—still am azin g l y wid e ly u s ed , esp ecially in project i ons of fut u re urani u m pri ces—see M . A. Adel m a n, “M y Educat i on i n M i neral (Especi al l y Oi l ) Econom i c s,” Annual Revi ew of Energy and Envi ronment , Vol. 22, 1997, pp. 13-46. Another ex cellent critique of the standard m odel (drawi ng on exam pl es rel a t e d t o urani u m resour ces) is Thom as L. Neff, “Are Energy Resources Inexhaust i b l e ? present a t i on t o t h e “Gl obal Energy Pr ospect s: Suppl y - Si de Issues,” London School of Econom i c s and Political Science, Novem b er 11, 1985. Neff’s basic answer is close to “yes,” and with respect to uranium , he concl udes “we were not so m u ch capt i v e of nat u re’s l i m i t s as of our own i n t h i nki ng about urani u m reserves and resources.”

108 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

The classical m odel fails to take into account the pace of discovery of new resources or the developm ent of new technologies that reduce the cost of recovering m a terial from less attractive sources. Because of these factors, the stock of resources available at a given extraction cost is not fixed, but increases for as long as technol ogical im provem e nts and new discoveries of m a terial outpace the depletion of known high-quality deposits. And the fact is that, throughout the 20 th century and for m o st m i neral resources of interest, society has discovered new deposits and has im proved the technologies of extraction at sufficient rates to m o re than com p ensate for the consum ption of previously known reserves. In recent decades the ratio of current annual consum ption to known reserves—the num ber of years left at current consum ption rates—has increased for m o st types of m i ned resources, even as the rate of consum ption has increased. 219 Over the last 25 years, this ratio has increased from 30 to 40 years for oil, and from 50 to 60 years for gas—despite increasing consum ption. 220 Increases in price have stim ulated the largest increases in reserves, but reserves have increased even in periods of constant or declining price. 221

Technological im provem e nts in resource extraction industries have been dram atic. The average U.S. coal m i ner in 1990 produced 8000 tons/year, com p ared to only 2500 tons/year in 1960; in the copper industry, output per m i ner increased at a rem a rkable rate of 8.6% per year from 1976 to 1987. 222 The result, for a wide range of non-renewable resources, has been prices that have been declining in real term s—the opposite of the classical m odel’s prediction. In the United States, for exam ple, the real price of a broad range of m e tals declined throughout the 20 th century (just as the uranium price has been doing for the last 20 years). 223 There is little reason to believe that this trend will suddenly be reversed in the case of uranium , leading to the steady price rises throughout the 21 st century that are often projected.

Even if the uranium price did begin to increase steadily, it does not appear likely to increase very quickly. For exam ple, the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organization for Econom ic Cooperation and Developm ent (OECD), in its last estim ate of the future costs of the nuclear fuel cycle, assum e d that uranium prices would increase 1.2% per year. 224 If we assum e that prices rise to $45/kgU by 2020 (as com m e rcial and m ilitary inventories are exhausted and prices have to rise to a level that will result in sufficient production to m eet dem a nd), and 1.2% per year thereafter, it would be well into th e twenty-second century before uranium prices reached a level at which reprocessing at $1000/kgHM would be econom ically com p etitive. 225

219 See, for exam pl e, Adel m a n, “M y Educat i on i n M i neral (Especi al l y Oi l ) Econom i c s,” op. ci t .

220 B P Statistical Review of W o rl d Energy 2003 (London: BP, June 2003) .

221 Ibid.

222 C r ai g B . Andrews, “M i n eral Sect or Technol ogi es: Pol i c y Im pl i cat i ons for Devel opi ng C ount ri es” (W ashi ngt on, DC : The W o rl d B a nk, 1992).

223 Daniel E. Sullivan, John L. Sz nopek, and Lorie A. W a gner, “20 th Cen t u r y U.S. Min e ral Prices Declin e in Constant Dollars” (W ashington DC: U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Repor t 00-389, available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / pubs.usgs.gov/ openfi l e / o f00-389/ of00-389.pdf ).

224 OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, The Economi c s of t h e N u cl ear Fuel C ycl e (Pari s , France: OEC D / N EA, 1994), p. 36.

225 For a reprocessi ng pri ce of $1000/ kgHM , i n chapt e r 2 we deri ve a cent r al val u e of t h e breakeven urani u m pri ce of $370/ kgU, wi t h a l o wer l i m i t (5 percent confi d ence i n t e rval ) of $220/ kgU. Assum i ng a pri ce of $45/ kgU i n 2020

W orld U ranium Reso u rces 109

Clearly, technological changes over that long period will m a ke such a sim p le calculation focused on today’s LW R and reprocessing technologies i rrelevant, but the calculation using today’s figures is enough to indicate that it is likely to be quite som e tim e before the econom ic disadvantage of reprocessing evaporates.

B.3. Estimates of Uranium Resources

The m o st widely available estim ates of uranium resources are those in the “Red Book”: a com p endium of data on uranium resources from around the world, published by the NEA and the International Atom ic Energy Agency (IAEA). 226

The 2001 edition of the Red Book estim ates that total world “conventional” resources available at less than $130/kgU am ount to 16.2 m illion m e tric tons of uranium (MtU). This figure is the sum of “reasonably assured resources” (RAR, essentially what would be referred to as “reserves” if the uranium price were already $130/kgU), “estim ated additional resources” (EAR, resources inferred to exist in extensions of known deposits and estim ated to be econom ically harvestable at the indicated price 227 ), and “speculative resources” (SR, resources that are expected to exist and to be discoverable and recoverable with existing technologies at a particular reported price level, based on geologic trends in particular areas). 228 If already-m i ned inventories are included—com m e rcial inventories, excess defense inventories, and re-enrichm ent of depleted uranium tails that would be econom ic if the uranium price were to rise to the range of

$130/kgU—the total figure rises to 17.1 MtU. 229 An international m eeting sponsored by the IAEA in 2000 concluded that total resources available in this category likely am ount to 20 MtU. 230

Several points should be m a de about the Red Book total. First, because of the lack of incentive for substantial investm e nts in uranium exploration in recent years, there are alm o st certainly large quantities of uranium that are not yet included in these estim ates. Many countries rem a in lightly explored f o r uranium . Despite past exploration, m odest additional investm e nts have led in recent years to dram atic increases in estim ates of available resources: in early 2001, for exam ple, the Canadian firm Cam eco increased its estim ate of the uranium available at its McArthur River m i ne (the world’s richest, with ore consisting of over 20% U 3 O 8 ) by m o re than

and an increase of 1.2 percent per year thereafter, uranium price would reach $220 and $370 in about 2150 and 2200, respect i v el y .

226 At this writing (m id-2003), the m o st recent edition is Urani um 2001: Resources, Product i on, and Demand (Paris, France: OEC D Nucl ear Energy Agency and Int e rnat i onal At om i c Energy Agency , 2002).

227 Esti m ated additional resources (EAR) are reported in two categories, EAR-I and EA R-II. EAR-I represents additional resources for which the geologic evidence is di rect, while EAR-II represents resources for which the evidence is m o re indirect. For m o re speci fi c defi ni t i ons—and how t h ey correl a t e wi t h how m a jor urani u m produci ng count ri es report t h ei r nat i onal resource est i m at es—see Urani um 2001 , op. ci t ., pp. 13-15.

228 RAR, EAR-I, EAR-II, and SR report e d t o be avai l a bl e at l e ss t h an $130/ kgU are, respect i v el y , 2.853, 1.080, 2.332, and 9.939 M t U. See Urani um 2001, op. ci t ., pp. 21-27.

229 R . Pri ce and J.R . B l ai se, “Nucl ear Fuel R e sources: Enough t o Last ? NEA News, No. 20.2, 2002, avai l a bl e as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / www.nea.fr/ ht m l / pub/ newsl e t t e r/ 2002/ 20-2-Nucl ear_fuel _ resources.pdf .

230 “In t ernat i onal Sy m posi u m on t h e Urani u m Product i on C y cl e and t h e Envi ronm ent , Oct ober 2000, Vi enna, report e d i n IAEA, “Int ernat i onal Sy m posi u m C oncl uded Th at Urani u m Suppl y for Nucl ear Power i s Secure,” PR 2000/26 (Vienna, Austria: IAEA, October 6, 2000 .

110 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

50 percent, based on analyses of drilling at that site over the previous f e w years. 231 It should be expected that this trend will continue in the future: the m o re energetically uranium firm s look (when m o tivated to do so by increasing prices), the m o re uranium they will f i nd.

Second, since uranium prices in recent years have been in the $20-40/kgU range, there has been no incentive to look for uranium in the higher-cost categories. Estim ates of resources in these categories are therefore particularly uncertain, and very likely to be underestim ates (probably by a large factor, as prices appro aching $130/kgU would provoke intense exploration and technological im provem e nts in recove ring uranium from low-grade ores).

Third, the reported total figure has been increasing over tim e—despite the m i nim a l global investm e nts in uranium exploration in recent decades, and despite inflation eating away at the real value of the $130/kgU cap at which resources are reported—and can be expected to continue to do so in the future. The previous edition of the Red Book in 1999, for exam ple, reported a com p arable total of 15.4 MtU recoverable at less than $130/kgU, 800,000 tons less than the total reported two years later.

Fourth, because m a ny countries do not report resources in all categories, these resources are om itted from the total. Only 28 countries report speculative resources, com p ared to 43 that report reasonably assured resources. Australia, for exam ple, with som e of the world’s largest uranium resources, does not bother to estim ate “speculative” resources because its better-known resources are so large already—but as the 2001 Red Book points out in its understated way, “countries, such as Australia, are considered to have significant resource potential in sparsely explored areas.” 232 The Red Book table of speculative resources specifically notes that these totals are m e rely those that countries reported, and “do not represent a com p lete account of world undiscovered conventional resources.” 233 Estim ates based on extrapolations of Red Book data (to estim ate resources in higher-cost and m o re speculative resource categories, and resources in countries for which no estim ates are given) increase the total resource recoverable at costs less than or equal to $130/kgU by up to 45 percent, to about 24 MtU.

Fifth, this estim ate includes only “conventional” resources—geologic resources where the uranium ore is rich enough to justify m i ning it by itself at the indicated price. In som e cases, however, it m a y be attractive to produce uranium as a byproduct, as has been done with gold and phosphate m i ning. An additional 22 MtU are estim ated to be available in phosphate deposits worldwide (though at very low concentrations), 234 and som e noticeable fraction of this m a terial m a y ultim ately be econom ically recoverable as a byproduct of phosphate m i ning, as global dem a nd f o r f e rtilizer continues to rise.

In short, despite the inclusion of “speculative resources” in the 17.1 MtU figure, there is a very high probability that the am ount of uranium that will ultim ately prove recoverable at or below $130/kgU will be significantly greater. R ealistically, 17 MtU should be considered a

231 See C a m eco, “C am eco Increases M c Art hur R i ver Urani u m R e serves,” press rel ease, January 25, 2001.

232 Urani um 2001, op. ci t ., p. 26.

233 Urani um 2001, op. ci t ., p. 27.

234 Urani um 2001, op. ci t ., p. 28.

W orld U ranium Reso u rces 111

lower bound, not an upper bound, on the am ount of uranium likely to be recoverable at


Another way to approach the problem is to estim ate the shape of the curve of resource availability as a f unction of price. 235 The lim ited available data m a ke this estim ation dif f i cult. Based on geologic relationships, which indicate that exponentially larger resources are available at lower ore grades, it seem s likely that the relationship between price and resources is roughly exponential. According to one industry observer, “a doubling of price from present levels could be expected to create about a tenfold increase in m easured resources.” 236 (The conservative nature of the Red Book figures, particularly in th e higher cost ranges, can be judged from the fact that in its estim ates of known conventional resources, doubling the price from $40/kgU to

$80/kgU leads to only a 48% increase in resources estim ated to be available.) If this correctly describes the relationship between price and resources, and if we calibrate the curve ( very conservatively) by assum i ng that the 2.1 MtU of known resources reported in the 2001 edition of the Red Book as recoverable at $40/kgU represent the sum total of all resources in the world that will ever be recoverable at that price, 237 then the curve of resources as a function of price would be:



R 2.1

( B . 1 )

where R is the total uranium resource (MtU) recoverable at price p ($/kgU) and is the long- term price elasticity of supply. If a doubling of pr ice leads to a tenfold increase in resources, then

= log(10)/log(2) = 3.32. By this crude estim ate, doubling the price to $80/kgU would increase the recoverable resources to 21 MtU, and over 100 MtU would be available at $130/kgU.

235 More precisely, decreasing quality a nd accessibility of ores would be exp ected (if technologi cal im provem e nts do not keep pace) to lead to increases in extraction cost. The rel a t i onshi p bet w een ext r act i on cost and m a rket pri ce i s com p lex, having to do with m onopoly or cartel power; expect ations of future prices; costs of bringing additional production on-line; costs of shifting add itional resources to reserves; elasticities of dem a nd; and m o re. The uranium m a rk et, wh ich is ch aracterized b y u tility b u y ers fo r wh o m u r an iu m is o n l y a sm all p a rt o f th e co st o f electricity production, but which are extrem ely con cerned to ensure that fuel will be available when they needed it, is p a rticu l arly sen s itiv e to p e rcep tio n s o f fu tu re sh o r tag e s o r su rp lu ses (an d h e n ce th e p r ice h a s b een q u ite v o l atile o v e r the last two decades). Nevertheless, in general in th e uranium m a rket, additional production capacity is brought on- l i n e whenever pri ces ri se hi gh enough for i t t o be profi t a bl e for producers t o bri ng t h at capaci t y on-l i n e (t aki ng i n t o account the risks, including the risk that the price will decline agai n). Rather than saving their lim ited reserves for l a t e r product i on when pri ces m i ght be hi gher, i n ot her word s, producers t e nd t o act “as i f t h ei r fi ni t e st ocks were i n fi ni t e” (Adel m an, “M y Educat i on i n M i neral (Especi al l y O i l ) Econom i c s,” op. ci t . ). If t h i s behavi or cont i nues, and no durable cartel is form ed, long-term average prices should be related to costs of production plus com p etitive rates o f p r o f it. Herein after we will refer o n l y to p r ice, with th e n o tio n th at p r ice will in g e n e ral b e su ch as to allo w p r o d u cers to ex tract th e reso u r ce an d earn a co m p etitiv e p r o f it.

236 Hore -Lacy , Nuclear Electricity, op. ci t .

237 The resources available at this low price are the best -expl ored and best -charact eri zed, and therefore the best avai l a bl e basi s for cal i b rat i on of such a rel a t i onshi p. Neve rth e less, th ey are certain to b e q u ite co n s erv a tiv e. Th e R e d B ook fi gures i n t h i s l o w-cost cat egory i n cl ude onl y t h e best -charact eri zed deposi t s (equi val e nt t o reserves, rath er th an reso u r ces); it is v i rtu a lly certain th at ad d itio n a l i nvest m e nt i n expl orat i on woul d subst a nt i a l l y i n crease t h e quantity of m a terial reported as available at this cost . Moreover, the Red Book itsel f points out that the total quantity of resources available at $40/kgU or less “are higher than reported in th e tables because certain countries do n o t rep o r t reso u r ce estim ates, m a in ly fo r reaso n s o f co n f id en tiality.” Urani um 2001, op. ci t ., p. 22.

112 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

One of the f e w serious attem p ts to estim ate how m u ch uranium is likely to be available worldwide concluded that a ten-fold reduction in ore concentration is associated with a 300-fold increase in available resources. 238 Although the authors m a de no attem p t to associate costs of extraction with ore grades, if the phenom ena reflected in equation (B.1) are sim ilar to those exam ined in this geologic analysis, this would im ply that doubling the price would m a ke econom ical the exploitation of ores with uranium concentrations 2.5 tim es lower. This seem s plausible, because not all of costs of uranium m i ning scale in direct proportion to the quantity of m a terial that has to be m i ned and processed per ton of uranium recovered. If, at the other extrem e, we assum e that costs are inversely proportional to ore grade (as m i ght be true at very low concentrations, when total costs becam e dom inated by the am ount of m a terial m i ned and processed), the exponent in equation (B.1) would be 2.48, and the expected resource available for $130/kgU or less (using the sam e calibration technique) would be about 40 MtU.

More recently, the Generation IV fuel cycle crosscut group advising the Departm e nt of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy, basing itsel f on the am ounts of uranium recently estim ated to be available in the United States at $30/kgU and $50/kgU, also predicted an exponential relationship between resources and price, and judged that the exponent in equation B.1 m i ght be as low as 2.35. 239 Calibrating by the Red Book estim ate of 2.1 MtU available at $40/kgU or less gives 34 MtU available at $130/kgU or less. 240 Table B.2 sum m a rizes these estim ates.

238 Kenne t h S. Deffey e s and Ian D. M acGregor, “W orl d Urani u m R e sources,” S c ien tific America n , January 1980. Thi s art i c l e i s based on Kennet h S. Deffey e s and Ian D. M acGregor, Urani um Di st ri but i on i n Mi ned Deposi t s and i n t h e Eart h’s C r ust : Fi nal Report GJB X -1(79) (Pri ncet on, NJ: Depart m e nt of Geol ogi cal and Geophy si cal Sci e nces, Pri n cet on Uni v ersi t y , 1978). It shoul d be not ed t h at Deffe y e s i s very far from bei ng a wi l d -ey e d resource opt i m i s t : his m o st recent book is Hubbert ’s Peak: The Impendi ng Worl d Oi l Short age (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001). For a qui t e di fferent effort t o assess worl d urani u m resources, from t h e sam e peri od (whi ch al so concl uded even t h en t h at resources were l i k el y l a rger t h an now report e d i n t h e R e d B ook), see DeVerl e P. Harri s, “W orl d Uranium Resources , Annual Revi ew of Energy 1979 4: 403-32. See al so Neff, “Are Energy R e sources Inexhaustible? op. cit. More recently, see Thom as C. Pool, “Uranium Resources for Long-Term , Large-Scale Nuclear Power Requirem e nts,” N onrenew abl e Resources, Vol . 3 No. 4, 1994, pp. 257-265. Li ke Neff, Pool i s so confident that “availability of uranium resources is unlikel y to place any m a j o r constraint on the future developm ent of l a rge-scal e nucl ear power” t h at he does not at t e m p t t o put a num ber on t h e t o t a l resource l i k el y t o be avai l a bl e.

239 U.S. Depart m e nt of Energy , Office of Nuclear Energy, Generat i on IV Roadmap: Report of t h e Fuel C ycl e C r osscut Group (W ashi ngt on, DC : DOE, M a rch 18, 2001, avai l a bl e at ht t p : / / www.ne.doe.gov/ report s / G enIVRoadm a pFCCG.pdf .), pp. 1-30.

240 Inexp l i cabl y , t h e Generat i on IV fuel cy cl e crosscut group appears t o m i s-cal i b rat e t h ei r equat i on, offeri ng a const a nt of 77.4, whi c h woul d resul t i n resources at al l re port e d pri ces far bel o w t hose report e d i n t h e “R ed B ook.” Report of t h e Fuel C ycl e C r osscut Group, op. ci t ., pp. 1-30. Thi s error i s not an i m port a nt one for t h e group’s work, however, as t h e act ual m odel t h ey use for est i m at i ng urani u m resources as a funct i on of pri ce i s based on l i n ear i n t e rpol at i on of t h e 1999 “R ed B ook” fi gures (see di scussi on on pp. A2-12-A2-14), and bears no rel a t i on t o t h e exponent i a l equat i on offered on pp. 1-30.

W orld U ranium Reso u rces 113

Table B.2. Uranium resource estim ates, based on equation (B.1).

Elasticity of Supply,

R (MtU)


p $80/kgU

p $130/kgU

Uranium Inform ation Centre




Deffeyes & MacGregor




Generation IV Group




These are very crude estim ates of the relationship between price and available resources, based on extrem ely lim ited data. It m a y turn out that the curve does not have a continuously exponential shape, but rather has steeper and flatter portions. 241 More research on the actual quantity of uranium available worldwide in dif f e rent price ranges is clearly needed.

Nevertheless, the following points can be m a de about these relations:

All of them suggest that the total am ount of uranium recoverable at prices at or below

$130/kgU is likely to be substantially larger than the am ount reported in the Red Book f r om two to six tim es larger.

All of them use the very conservative estim ate of the am ount of uranium av ailable at prices at or below $40/kgU. If world resources available at that price turn out to be twice as large, then the total resource available at less than $130/kgU also would be doubled.

The relationships that result in sm aller resource estim ates are estim ated based solely on geologic relationships, without including th e likelihood that technology for recovering uranium at lower cost will im prove in the future. As technological im provem e nt is virtually certain, total resources recoverable at a given price decades in the future are likely to be larger than these estim ates suggest—possibly enorm ously larger. The history of copper production is illustrative: as a result of im proved technology, the real price declined by half from 1900 to 2000 despite a 25-fold increase in dem a nd 242 and a decline in the average ore

241 For exam pl e, one m odel i n cl udes, i n addi t i on t o cost s increasing as ore grade decreas es, costs at any given ore grade i n creasi ng roughl y l i n earl y wi t h t h e am ount of m a t e ri al at t h at grade t h at has been ext r act ed, as t h e m o st accessible ores of that grade are m i ned and less accessible ores m u st be pursued. This m o re com p lex m odel predicts a flatter curve (and therefore lower expect ations of total world resources extractab le at higher prices). See Clifford

E. Singer, “An Analytical Uranium Sources Model,” in Proceedings of the Technical Committee Meeting on Recent Developments in Uranium Re sources, Production, and Demand (Vi e nna, 10-13 June, 1997) (Vi e nna, Aust ri a: Int e rnat i onal At om i c Energy Agency , 1998), pp. 27-38. W e have based t h e di scussi on i n t h i s chapt e r on t h e si m p l e r m odel based on exponential dist ributions of ore grade, in part because the existing experience with a range of m i neral resources suggest s t h at t o dat e , ext r act i on cost s i n r eal t e rm s have not i n fact been ri si ng at gi ven ore grades (perhaps because reductions in cost resulting from technological progress are counteracting increases in cost from exploitation of less accessible deposits). An exam ination of U.S. Geological Su rvey data covering a broad range of m i ned com m odities over several decades, for exam ple, dem onstrat es that real prices are ty pically flat or declining, and that price tends to decline sligh tly, rather than increasing, for thos e com m odities for which annual dem a nd has increased by the largest factor. (W illiam Sailor, personal com m unication, 2003.)

242 Kennet h E. Port er and Dani el L. Edel st ei n, “C opper St at i s t i c s,” (W ashi ngt on, DC : U.S. Geol ogi cal Survey , August 28, 2002, available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at http://m inerals.usgs.gov/m i nerals/pubs/of01- 006/ copper.ht m l ). Th is estim ate o f a cu t b y a facto r o f two o v e r th e p e rio d is b a sed o n fittin g a tren d lin e to th e statistics reported there; the actual ratio of the 2000 real price to the 1900 real pr ice is 3.8, because there was a price

114 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

grade from 2 to 0.85 percent. 243 Despite the dram atic increase in annual consum ption, there is little risk that the world will soon run out of copper. In the case of uranium , ores with concentrations as low as 4.5 parts per m illion—less than twice the average abundance in the earth’s crust—have been recovered as byproducts from copper m i nes, at costs of less than

$52/kgU. 244

Finally, it is im portant to note that $130/kgU is considerably less than the price at which recycling would be econom ic. As indicated in chapter 2, a uranium price of m o re than $360/kgU would likely be needed to m a ke recycle at a reprocessing price of $1000/kgHM econom ically com p etitive, which would likely increase recoverable resources by m o re than a f actor of 10.

B.4. Uranium from Seawater

Even if, in the distant future, m i neral ores are thoroughly depleted, it is not obvious that reprocessing and recycle would becom e econom ical. At the extrem e of low-grade resources is the huge am ount of uranium 4500 MtU—dissolved in the world’s oceans at a concentration of about 3 parts per billion. Research has dem onstrated that, using m odern adsorbents, uranium can be recovered from seawater. The prim ary research program s in recent years have been in Japan, and, to a lesser extent, in France.

To date, only sm all am ounts of uranium have been recovered by these m e thods. The resources devoted to these research efforts have been extrem ely sm all—probably a thousand tim es less than has been spent in recent years on R&D for reprocessing and breeding.

Substantial further research and developm ent would be needed to determ ine whether recovery of uranium from seawater could be done at an indus trial scale and what the price of the recovered uranium m i ght be.

The som e what speculative estim ates of the cost of recovering uranium from seawater that have been m a de in recent years have varied greatly from one study to another. Early approaches involved pum ping seawater through the adsorbent. A pilot plant was built in Japan and operated for 2 years, but the pum ping required m o re energy than would be provided by the recovered uranium , so this approach was abandoned. 245 Very high early cost estim ates (well over

$1000/kgU) m a y have been associated with this pum ped-water approach.

More recent approaches rely on ocean currents to m ove seawater through fixed arrays of adsorbents, with a ship collecting the uranium - bearing adsorbents for on-board processing or delivery to a shore-based processing f acility. Japanese estim ates f o r this latter approach in the

dip around 2000 and a price spike around 1900. (The authors ar e grateful to W illiam Sailor of Los Alam os National Laborat ory for di scussi ons on t h i s poi nt .)

243 Oscar Groenvel d , “The Technol ogy Envi ronm ent for t h e 21 st C e nt ury The M i ni ng Indust r y , present a t i on t o t h e Australian Academ y of Technological Sciences and Engineering, 1998, av

244 Descr i bed i n Pool , “Urani um R e sources for Long-Term , Large-Scal e Nucl ear Power R e qui rem e nt s,” op. ci t .

245 Th i s i s bri e fl y di scussed, for exam pl e, i n T. Kat o , K. Okugawa, Y. Sugi hara, and T. M a t s um ura, “C oncept u al Desi gn of Urani u m R ecovery Plant From Seawater,” Journal of t h e Thermal and N u cl ear Pow e r Engi neeri ng S o c iety (i n Japanese), 50, 1999, pp. 71-77.

W orld U ranium Reso u rces 115

early to m i d-1990s were in the range of $200-$260/kgU (then-year dollars). 246 In the late 1990s, both Japanese and French researchers put forward estim ates as low as $100/kgU, though these were acknowledged to be highly uncertain and not backed by detailed engineering studies. 247 Such low total costs seem unlikely f o r f acilities that m u st pay typical costs of m oney f o r privately owned f acilities, as well as corporate incom e taxes. Since then, as m i ght be expected, estim ates have increased again. A Japanese paper from 1999 provides a detailed listing of the cost elem ents considered and arrives at an estim ate of som e $1200/kgU. 248 This paper appears to include unrealistically low rates of return on invested capital (at least f o r U.S. and European m a rkets); incorporating financial assum p tions com p arable to those we have used for a regulated utility with a guaranteed rate of return woul d increase the estim ate to over $1700/kgU. In 2000, French researchers put forward an estim ate of roughly $250/kgU, but this is based on sim p le payback of capital with no return on investm e nt and no paym ent of corporate taxes; using our financing assum p tions for a regulated utility would alm o st double this estim ate. 249 The m o st recent Japanese paper of which we are aware, published in 2001, argued for a cost in the range of 5-10 tim es the current cost of m i ned uranium ; if we take that cost to be sim ilar to current contract prices in the range of $35/kgU, this suggests a cost in the range of $175-$350/kgU, essentially com p arable to the estim ates for seawater uranium m a de a decade ago. 250 Faced with these varying estim ates, the 2001 edition of the Red Book chose a value of $300/kgU as representative of current thinking. 251

The cost of such an operation would be quite sensitive to the properties of the adsorbent m a terial. The m o re uranium adsorbed per kilogram of adsorbent (and the shorter the tim e in the ocean required for this to occur), the cheaper the operation would be. Progress in developing im proved adsorbent m a terials over the past decade has been substantial, and it is possible that there will be f u rther progress in the f u ture, reducing costs. Indeed, both French and Japanese researchers in this area have suggested that this is likely to be the case.

246 See Toru Hiraoka, “Nuclear Electricity Generation by Seawater Uranium , Journal of t h e At omi c Energy Soci e t y of Japan (i n Japanese), Vol . 36, No. 7 (1994), pp. 644–645 (a pproxi m a t e l y $200/ kgU), and H. Nobukawa et . al , “Devel opm ent of a Fl oat i ng Ty pe Sy st em for Uranium Extraction from Seaw at er Usi ng Sea C u rrent and W a ve Power , Proceedings of the 4th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference , Osaka, Japan, Apri l 10- 15, 1994, pp. 294-300 (approxi m a t e l y $260/ kgU).

247 Ta d a o Seg u c h i , d i recto r o f m a terial d e v e lo p m en t at th e Jap a n Ato m ic En erg y Research In stitu te, estim ated a co st of about $100/ kgU (paper present e d at Toky o Uni v ersi t y -Harvard Uni v ersi t y workshop, Toky o, M a y 23, 1998); Seguchi l a t e r put t h e cost at $100-$300/ kgU i n a pl ant produci ng 200 t U / y r, but em phasi zed t h at hi s speci al t y was adsorbent devel opm ent , not cost est i m at i on (personal com m uni cat i on t o R i chard L. Garwi n , Oct ober 23, 1998).

Jacques Foos, Presi d ent of t h e C NAM Laborat ory of Nucl ear Sci e nces, prepared a report whi c h, based on a revi ew of the literature, suggested a range of $300-$370/kgU using then-exi sting technology, but suggested that this m i ght be reduced t o $80/ kgU by t h e use of m o re advanced t echnol ogi es bei ng researched i n hi s l a borat ory whi l e em phasizing that this estim ate was very prelim inary. (Foos, personal com m uni cat i on t o J. Sy rot a , forwarded t o R i chard L. Garwi n and Georges C h arpak, Apri l 3, 1997.)

248 Kato, et al., “Conceptual Design of Uranium Recovery Plant From Seawater,” op. cit.

249 Jacques Foos, est i m at e descri bed i n det a i l i n R i chard L. Garwin, “Uranium From Seawater—A Green Fuel for t h e Fut u re? fort hcom i ng.

250 T. Sugo et al ., “R ecovery Sy st em For Urani u m From Seawat er W i t h Fi brous Adsorbent and i t s Prel i m i n ary C o st Estim atio n , Journal of t h e At omi c Energy Soci e t y of Japan (i n Japanese) 43 (10): 1010-1016, Oct ober 2001. See al so t h e earl i e r T. Sugo and K. Sai t o , “Progress i n R ecovery Technol ogy of Urani u m From Seawat er,” Journal of t h e At omi c Energy Soci e t y of Japan (i n Japanese), 36, 619–623, 1999.

251 See Urani um 2001, op. ci t . p. 28. The Generat i on IV crosscut t eam chose a val u e of $200/ kgU, not i ng t h at such estim ates are “highly speculative.” Report of t h e Fuel C ycl e C r osscut Group, op. ci t . pp. 1-20, pp. 1-30.

116 E conomics of R eproce ssing vs. D irect D isposal of S pe nt N uclear F uel

The perform a nce of current adsorbents is highly dependent on tem p erature, and they are thus effectively lim ited to warm surface waters. Moreover, to m i nim i ze costs, current concepts typically involve placem ent in currents close to the shore. However, horizontal and vertical m i xing of the ocean would m a ke seawater uranium accessible in warm surface waters at essentially constant concentration for m a ny centuries, so long as the rate of extraction did not exceed ~2 MtU/y (30 tim es current consum ption rates). 252

These cost estim ates do not include the value of the other m e tals that are co-recovered with the uranium . Current adsorbents used in Japan recover alm o st twice as m u ch vanadium as uranium . Other m e tals such as cobalt, titanium , and m o lybdenum can also be co-recovered. 253 At today’s prices, such co-recovered m a terials would pay for only a very sm all fraction of the cost of the recovery operation. If such m a terials becam e scarce and expensive in the future, however—as m i ght occur by the tim e uranium becam e scarce and expensive enough for seawater extraction to be considered—the value of these co-recovered m a terials m i ght be suf f i cient to substantially reduce the net per-kilogram recovery cost f o r uranium .

If uranium could be recovered from seawater econom ically, this would represent a vast energy resource for the future and could postpone for m a ny centuries any need for breeding or reprocessing plutonium . But as the discussion above m a kes clear, it is not yet by any m eans certain whether uranium can be recovered from s eawater at an industrial scale at a price below the reprocessing breakeven price. Given that all es tim ates of the cost of recovery from seawater are far above the current uranium price, industry has no incentive to fund further developm ent of these concepts. W e recom m e nd a significant governm e nt program to explore both the total terrestrial resources likely to be recoverable as a f unction of price, and the possibilities f o r recovering uranium from seawater.

B.5. Uranium Consumption

If the above estim ates of resource availability are m a tched to estim ates of future uranium consum ption, it is clear that uranium resources will not run out for a very long tim e to com e .

W o rld uranium requirem e nts in 2001 were roughly 64,000 tU. 254 Hence the Red Book estim ate of 17 MtU available at less than $130/kgU represents m o re than 250 years’ supply at current rates.

It is quite possible, however, that nuclear energy will grow in the f u ture, and that if the world nuclear energy system relied prim arily on once-through cycles without reprocessing, annual world uranium requirem e nts would increase substantially. A recent study by the NEA on the potential contribution of nuclear energy to reducing greenhouse gas em issions envisioned

252 This is a rough estim ate by the authors based on the flow rate between surface and deep ocean waters and vertical and horizontal m i xing within surface waters, assum i ng the ex traction of uranium is dist ributed throughout the five m a jor ocean areas (north/south Pacific, nor th/south Atlantic, and Indian oceans).

253 See, for exam pl e, Takanobu Sugo, “Urani um R ecovery From Seawat er” (Toky o, Japan: Japan At om i c Energy Research Institute, 1999).

254 Urani um 2001, p. 49.

W orld U ranium Reso u rces 117

three possible scenarios of future nuclear grow th. The highest-growth scenario would consum e only 5.6 MtU—one-third of the 17 MtU Red Book figure—by 2050. 255 W h ile som e official docum ents have raised the possibility of a uranium shortage arising even sooner, they are confusing the possibility that com m ercial investm ent in bringing m i nes on-line will not respond rapidly enough to im agined future nuclear energy growth—an issue of industrial structure and price signals in the m arket—with actually running out of low-cost uranium resources. 256

Higher projections of nuclear growth are, of course, possible. In a detailed study of future energy scenarios in 1998, the W o rld Energy Council (W EC) and the International Institute f o r Applied System s Analysis (IIASA) outlined a wide range of scenarios f o r f u ture energy supply, including nuclear energy. 257 “Case B,” which the group considered the m o st plausible, was am ong the high-uranium - dem and cases, and was used as the “base case” by the Generation IV fuel cycle crosscut team to exam ine the im pact of large-scale future nuclear growth. 258 In Case B, global installed nuclear capacity would grow from 380 GW e in 1990 to 800 GW e in 2020, roughly 2000 GW e in 2050, and 5500 GW e in 2100. During 2000-2100, nuclear energy would provide 1.4 m illion terawatt-hours (TW h ) of electricity. 259 How m uch uranium would be consum ed by providing that m u ch electricity using a once-through cycle depends on assum p tions about what types of reactors are used, with wh at burnup, and how m u ch U-235 is left in the depleted tails from enrichm ent plants. Assum i ng, quite conservatively, that the reactors are LW Rs with an average burnup over the entire period of only 50 GW d/tHM, and a tails assay of 0.2% U-235, then 19 tU/TW h would be needed, for a total consum ption of 26 MtU by 2100. 260 This is m odestly higher than the 17 MtU estim ated by the Red Book to be available at $130/kgU or less, but sm aller than the 33 to 100 MtU given equation (B.1) using the values of discussed above. Other reactor system s designed for m o re efficient once-through uranium use could significantly reduce the uranium requirem ent in such a high-growth scenario.

In short, it seem s very likely that uranium resources will continue to be available at substantially below the breakeven price for reprocessing at $1000/kgHM throughout the 21 st century.

255 OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, N u cl ear Pow e r and C l i m at e C hange (Pari s , France: OEC D / N EA, 1998, available as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at ht t p : / / www.nea.fr/ ht m l / ndd/ cl i m at e/ cl i m at e.pdf ). The 5.6 M t U fi gure i s l i k el y t o be an overest i m at e for t h e am ount of nucl ear energy ge nerat e d i n t h e scenari o , as i t does not appear t o have included allowance for reduced tails assa ys as uranium becam e m o re expensive.

256 See, for exam ple, DOE, Report to Congress on Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative, op. cit., pp. I-4-I-5, describing a st udy t h at i ndi cat ed t h at product i on from present l y pl anned and project ed m i nes woul d onl y suppl y hal f of project ed requi rem e nt s i n a “hi gh case” scenari o by 2030. The concl u si on drawn t h at t h i s “dem onst r at es” t h at “nucl ear fuel from m i ned urani u m coul d becom e a seri ous rest rai n t on t h e growt h pot ent i a l of nucl ear power i n t h e not -t oo-di st ant fut u re” i s si m p l y i n correct —as i s t h e i m pl i cat i on t h at an y of t h e t echnol ogi es bei ng pursued i n t h e Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative could be devel oped and deployed in tim e to have m u ch effect on supplies by 2030 if this were a seri ous probl em .

257 N. Naki cenovi c, A. Grübl er, and A. M c Donal d , eds., Gl obal Energy Perspect i ves (C am bri dge, UK: C a m b ri dge Uni v ersi t y Press, 1998).

258 Report of t h e Fuel C ycl e C r osscut Group, op. ci t . pp. 1-33.

259 Calc u l ated u s in g d ata av ailab l e at In tern atio n al In stitu te o f Ap p lied System s An alysis, “Glo b al En erg y Perspectives Database,” availa ble as of Decem ber 16, 2003 at http://www.iiasa.ac.at/cgi- bi n/ ecs/ book_dy n/ bookcnt .py .

260 S t eve Fet t e r, “C om m e nt s on ‘R eport of t h e Fuel C y cl e C r osscut Group,’” unpubl i s hed m e m o randum , Apri l 2002. A t a i l s assay of 0.2% woul d m i ni m i ze t o t a l fuel cy cl e cost s when urani u m pri ce i s about 1.3 t i m es enri chm e nt pri ce (e.g., $130/ kgU for $100/ SW U).