April 26, 2004


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


PWR Fuel Assembly


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


Deep divisions of opinion about the feasibility of

nuclear waste disposal . . . .

The critics:

Risks are very high

Absence of demonstrated disposal technology after 40+ years proves that nuclear power is fundamentally flawed

Irresponsible to generate more waste while the problem remains unsolved

The advocates

‘High-level waste is a non-risk

‘It is embarrassingly easy to solve the technical problems, yet impossible to solve the political problems

Harold Lewis, Technological Risk, 1990


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


Source: DOE Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, Yucca Mountain Project Home Page, http://www.ymp. gov/timeline/index.htm


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


DOE Yucca Mountain Project


4/26/04 Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


Key policy issues posed by nuclear w aste

the balance of authority between federal, state, and local jurisdictions

intertemporal equity and our obligations -- economic and environmental -- to future generations

the assessment of technical risk and the ‘verification’ of system performance when no true verification is possible

Public management of large-scale programs


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


History of nuclear waste management includes false

starts and failures

1972: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission abandons repository project at a salt mine in Lyons, KA. Promotes Retrievable Surface Storage Facility (RSSF) as 100-year interim solution.

1975: RSSF abandoned. Geologic disposal adopted as preferred alternative.

1977: Spent fuel reprocessing indefinitely deferred.

Complex national geologic repository site selection process initiated, then abandoned. Yucca Mountain picked instead.

DOE contracts with utilities to take possession of utility spent fuel beginning in 1998, but fails to do so.

Leaks of high-level radioactive waste from tanks at DOE sites in Washington and South Carolina.

Disclosures of contamination and excessive radiation doses to workers throughout DOE nuclear complex over a period of decades.

Continuing conflict between federal, state, and local jurisdictions over siting, regulatory issues


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


Nuclea r Wast e Types

Waste type

High-level waste



a. Unreprocessed spen t fuel assemblies

b. Highly radioactive primary wa ste stream from reprocessing (containing virtually all fission products and most transuranics except plutonium)

Annual waste generation from a

1000 MWe LWR ( m 3 /yr)

(includes co ntribution from f uel cycle stages)

~ 10

Transuranic waste


Non-high-level wa ste contaminated with long-lived transuranics above 100 nanocuries per gram (10 -7 curies/gm)

~ n.a.

Uranium mill tailings

Residues from uranium mining and milling operations containing low concentrations of naturally occurring radioactive materials

~ 100,000

Low level waste


A ll non-high-level, non-TRU w astes; w ide variation in physical and chemical forms, activity levels, etc (gloves, I-X r esins, e tc.)

~ 20 (PWR)

~ 80 (BWR)

Wastes from decontamination and decommissioning


Waste contaminated with small amounts or radioactivity from D&D (mostly LLW)

~ 400 (annualized)

M ixed waste

Contains both radioactive materials and hazardous



Contaminated materials below ‘de minimus’ levels

permitting direct discharge to environment


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DOE/Defense high level waste mostly stored in tanks at Hanford and Savannah River

Current inventories of high-level waste


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


How much spent fuel?

U.S. power reactor fleet:

10 (m 3 /reactor-year) x 40 (years) x 100 reactors ~ 40,000 m 3





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Commercial spent fuel

DOE defense high- level waste


~20,000 m 3

~340,000 m 3


~ 35 x 10 9 curies

~ 0.7 x 10 9 curies

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Hotv hazardous is spent fuel?

Siuface r«diation dose 1 meter from 5- year-old PWR spent ñiel asseuibly ili air: ?5,000-50,000 reuis/hr

LD50 dose: 400-500 reixs

Economics and Policy Analysis 17

Wast e Deca y Behavior

Spent fuel radioactivity = i N i (t) (Becquerels/MTHM)


i (t) = d ecay constant for isotope i (sec ) = (ln 2) t 1/2


N i (t) = # of atoms of isotope i per MTHM

= N i (0) e

- t

Courtesy of Brett Mattingly. Used with permission.


Nuclear Energy

Radioactivity units:

1 Becquerel (Bq) = 1 disintegration per second 1 Curie = 3.7 x 10 10 Bq

Decay behavior (contd.)

Courtesy of Brett Mattingly. Used with permission.


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


Disposition alternatives for high level waste

Surface or near-surface engineered storage

Geologic repositories

Deep borehole disposal

Sub-seabed disposal

Ice-sheet disposal

Extra-terrestrial disposal

Waste partitioning

Reprocessing and recycling of economically useful species

Partitioning and transmutation of long-lived species

(D o nothing)


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


Location of Yucca Mountain, Nevada

Slid e 17


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis

Source: U.S. Dept of Energy,


Yucca Mountain Site

100 miles NW of Las Vegas

Volcanic tuff

Layers of consolidated, compacted ashfalls from volcanic eruptions occurring more than 10 million years ago

Underlying the tuff is sedimentary carbonate rock

Repository horizon in ‘unsaturated zone’, about 300 meters below the surface, and 300-500 meters above the water table

Two major aquifers in the saturated zone below Yucca Mountain, one in tuff, one in carbonate rock.

Source: U.S. Dept of Energy,


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Yucca Mountain, Nevada


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Source: DOE Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, Yucca Mountain Project website

Aerial view of the crest of Yucca Mountain, NV


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Another aerial view of Yucca Mountain (from the South)


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Source: U.S. Dept of Energy,


Figure 8.5 Artist’s r endition of t he Yucca Mountain repository

Source: U.S. Dept of Energy,


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The repository will be series of emplacement ‘drifts’ where waste packages will be emplaced and monitored.


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Waste Package Placement


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Source: U.S. Dept of Energy,


Cutaway of drift with three types of waste packages

Source: U.S. Dept of Energy,


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Policy Analysis

For how long should the waste be confined?

‘Radiotoxicity’ -- a crude measure of waste hazard:

the total volume of water that would be required to dilute each of the radionuclides in 1 MT of spent fuel down to the safe drinking water concentration

The radiation protection authorities have specified maximum permissible concentrations’ of individual radionuclides in water (and air) so that an individual obtaining total intake of water (or air) would not receive more than maximum allowable radiation dose (50 millirem/yr)

We can then define a time-dependent ingestio n hazar d index :

Ingestion hazard index at time t

all radionuclides N ( t )


i i

M PC water


Example for Sr 90 :

ICRP 72 ingestion dose coefficient 2.8 10 8 Sv / Bq

Thus , total allowable annual int ake for committed effective dose of 5 10 4 Sv ( i . e .50 mrem )

1.786 10 Bq / yr

5 10 4


2.8 10 8

M aximum allowable concentration of Sr 90

1.78 6 1 0 4 ( B q / yr ) 0.002 ( m 3 / day ) 365 ( d / yr )

2.45 10 Bq / m




Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


Radiotoxicit y decay

profil e fo r spen t PWR fue l (m 3 /MTHM)


Nuclear Energy

Economics and Policy Analysis 32

Deutsch, John, Ernest Moniz et al. "The Future of Nuclear Power: An Interdisciplinary MIT Study." Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003 (ISBN 0-615-12420-8). Available at p. 60

Potential failure modes for geologic repositories

Natural degradation over time of the natural and

engineered barriers in the repository

Dissolution and transport of radionuclides in groundwater

Natural exhumation processes

Tectonic processes (e.g., folding, faulting, magmatic intrusions, volcanism)

Erosion (wind, water, glaciation)

Breaching of barriers by human activity


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


Performanc e Assessment s o f Repositor y System

Rate of inflow of groundwater into the repository

Hydrology-- current and long-term, fracturing, faulting, thermal stresses in host rock

Rate of corrosion of canister, other barriers, and primary waste form

temperature, oxidation/reduction conditions, materials properties of waste package

Radionuclide transport in groundwater

hydrology, sorption on rock surfaces, actinide chemistry

Biosphere transport

potable water supplies, irrigation water, demography -- current and long-term


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Groundwater hydrology of Yucca Mountain region


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Source: U.S. Dept of Energy,


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High-level waste disposal plans of leading nuclear countries

United States


Volcanic tuff 2010

Site selected (Yucca Mountain, NV);

application for construction license underway


Power companies Crystalline 2020

(Posiva Oy) bedrock

Site selected (Olkiluoto, SW Fi nland)

decision ratified by Parliament in May 2001

Sweden Power companies Crystalline rock 2020


Switzerland Power company Crystalline rock 2020 or later

Searching for a suitable si te

Searching for a suitable si te

cooperative or clay



Independent pu blic Granite or clay authority (ANDRA)

Crown corporation Granite (AECL)

National agency Not selected


2020 or later

Developing repository concept


2025 or later

Reviewing repository concept



Searching for suitable site

United Kingdom Under review Not selected After 2040 Delaying decision until 2040


Federal contractor Salt

company (DBE)

No date specified Moratorium on repository development fo r

3-10 years

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International Programs in High-Level Waste


All the leading nuclear countries have adopted the geologic repository approach for HLW disposal

No country has yet established an operating repository

There are important differences in technical strategies

Spent fuel vs. reprocessed HLW

Spent fuel (U.S., Canada, Finland)

Reprocessed, vitrified HLW (UK, France). (Japan and Russia have announced prohibitions on direct disposal of spent fuel

Store spent fuel temporarily and decide later

Candidate geologic media

Geochemical environment

Reliance on engineered vs. natural barriers to radionuclide transport

Thermal design of facility (including age of waste at emplacement)


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Earliest anticipated




repository opening



Comparison of U.S. and Finnish Repository



Direct disposal of spent fuel

Stainless steel canister + Alloy 22 shell

‘Drip shield’; no backfill Unsaturated zone Oxidizing environment

Package surface temperature > 100C

Reliance on engineered barriers increasing


Direct disposal of spent fuel

Cast iron canister + copper mantle

Bentonite backfill Saturated zone Reducing environment

Low temperature operating condition

Primary reliance on engineered barriers


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


Finnis h high-leve l waste



Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


Deutsch, John, Ernest Moniz et al. "The Future of Nuclear Power: An Interdisciplinary MIT Study." Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003 (ISBN 0-615-12420-8). Available at p. 159

Three key issues

The repository site selection process

The interim spent fuel management system

Regulation of high level waste repositories


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


History of U.S. repository siting efforts

1957: National Academy of Sciences recommends geologic disposal; identifies salt rock as the preferred medium

1972: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission abandons repository project at a salt mine in Lyons, KA. Research on alternative methods, including other geologic media, deep seabed, etc. begins. AEC promotes RSSF as 100-year interim solution.

1975: RSSF abandoned. Geologic disposal adopted as preferred alternative.

1978: President Carter affirms principle of not handing responsibility for disposal to future generations, as well as feasibility of geologic disposal. Advocates ‘consultation and concurrence’ policy towards states.

1982: Nuclear W aste Policy Act -- lays out comprehensive screening process leading to 2 sites in West and East; establishes Nuclear Waste Fund, financed by 0.1 cent/kwh nuclear electricity levy; directs DOE to begin accepting spent fuel from utilities in 1998.


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


History of U.S.repository siting efforts (continued)

1985: President Reagan abandons site search in east

1987: Nuclear Waste Policy Act Amendments -- direct DOE to focus all site investigation at Yucca Mountain, NV; ended 2nd repository screening activity

1987- Nevada opposes DOE site characterization efforts. Courts rule in favor of DOE.

1998: DOE ‘Viability Assessment’ finds no technical ‘showstoppers’ to proceeding with Yucca Mountain site

1999: DOE issues Draft Environmental Impact Statement concluding that disposal at Yucca Mountain would be safer than leaving the waste where it is.

2002: President approves proceeding with YM as nation’s first repository 2010: Repository scheduled to open, but . .. . . . . .

2036: Repository loading scheduled to be completed

Lifecycle cost of repository, including construction, operation, closure, and postclosure monitoring estimated at $45-50 billion .

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Some Possible Scenarios at Yucca Mountain

The site will be selected; the Federal government will be

found to have the necessary legal authority, and will proceed to design, license, and build a repository.

The site will be selected, the Federal government will be found to have the necessary legal authority, but the project will be stopped by political and other roadblocks.

The site will be selected, but the Federal government’s effort to pre-empt state authority will ultimately be found unconstitutional and the project will be stopped.


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Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


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An Interim Storage Facility for Spent Fuel?


Provide breathing room for reactors running out of on-site storage space

Will provide more time to understand repository science and engineering, find an acceptable repository site, explore disposal alternatives (including transmutation), etc.


Will become a de facto alternative to disposal

Will be no easier to site than a repository

Will reduce momentum to develop a repository

1987 legislation -- ties MRS construction to approval of final site; prohibits siting MRS in Nevada; subsequent Congressional efforts to overturn this and build MRS in Nevada vetoed by Clinton.

Senate legislation introduced this year would prevent ‘irreversible action relating to disposal of spent nuclear fuel’ and provide more funding for partitioning and transmutation.


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


Regulating Geologic Repositories

Standards -- who will decide?

Standards -- how safe is safe enough?

Verification -- how sure must we be?


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Performance Standards for HLW

Repositories: Who’s in charge?

Authority to set criteria and standards and to license high level waste repositories vested in the Federal government

Jurisdiction is divided; boundaries often ill-defined

EPA responsible for promulgating ‘generally applicable standards’ for protection of the general environment

NRC responsible for:

establishing criteria and standards for the facility itself

Responsible for licensing the facility

DOE responsible for implementation, including demonstrating compliance with EPA and NRC standards and regulations

Constant tension between agencies; occasionally open warfare . . .

Legal challenges

Congress increasingly involved in technical standard-setting . . .

Alignment of EPA, NRC and DOE standards largely achieved by 2001


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


Congress becoming increasingly active

NWPA of 1982:

EPA shall promulgate generally applicable standards for protection of the general environment from offsite releases . .

NRC shall promulgate technical requirements and criteria . . .not inconsistent with any comparable standards of EPA

Energy Policy Act of 1992

Requires EPA to promulgate a standard specifically for Yucca Mountain, to be consistent with findings and recommendations of a study to be performed by the National Academy of Sciences

NAS -- 1996 study

Risk at 10 -5 to 10 -6 at calculated peak risk, whenever it occurs (200,000-300,000 years) -- 2-20 mrem/yr


EPA standard shall limit lifetime risk, to the average member of the critical group, of premature death from cancer . . .to approximately, but not greater than 1 in 1000. (~30 mrem/yr)

Shall not have release limits or contaminant levels for individual nuclides

HR 1270, 1997 (proposed)

NRC rule should be less than 100 mrem/yr to average member of gen. pop


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


S ome key issu es th at an y tech nical

standard must address:

Allowable risk from repository relative to natural background risks (how safe is safe enough?)

Assumptions about future human activities and lifestyles

How far into the future is it reasonable to project disposal system performance?


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


EPA Standards for HLW Repositories

General disposal standard (40 CFR 191) issued in 1993

Effort took 15 years

Subject to challenges, remanding, overrides by the courts and Congress before final issuance

In 1992 Congress enacted legislation specifically exempting Yucca Mountain from 40 CFR 191 standards, and directing EPA to develop specific standards for Yucca Mountain

Yucca Mountain standards to be consistent with the findings and recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences

EPA issues Yucca Mountain standard (40 CFR 197) in 1999

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Generic EPA Standard for Disposal of HLW ,

Spent Fuel and TRU Waste (10 CFR 191)

Population risk standard: Health impacts for the first 10,000 years for a repository containing 100,000 metric tons of heavy metal should not exceed 1000 fatal cancers

Cancer risk based on assumed incidence of 5.75 x 10 -4 fatal cancers per rem of population dose.(linear, non-threshold dose-response model)

Risks to future generations from a geologic respository for high-level wastes during the first 10,000 years should be no greater than the risks from an equivalent amount of unmined uranium ore.

Individual protection requirement

Annual effective dose equivalent, for all pathways of exposure, should be no greater than 15 mrem/year, for 10,000 years.*

Additional ground water protection limits

Concentration of radioactivity in any underground source of drinking water should not exceed Maximum Contaminant Levels of Safe Drinking Water Act.


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* Natural background: 300 mrem/yr

EPA Site-Specific Disposal Standards for Yucca

Mountain (10 CFR 197; issued in 1999)

Individual protection standard

Groundwater protection standard

Human intrusion standard


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


EPA Disposal Standards for Yucca Mountain

(10 CFR 197; finalized June 2001)

Individua l protectio n standard

No greater than 1 5 mrem per year for the maximally-exposed individual during first 10,000 years

Equivalent to an annual fatal cancer risk of 8.5x10 -6 per year to the maximally-exposed individual

EPA: “Determining the appropriate dose level is ultimately a question of both science and public policy”

National Academy of Sciences:“The level of protection established by a standard is a statement of the level of the risk that is acceptable to society. Whether posed as ‘How safe is safe enough?’ or as ‘What is an acceptable level?’ , the question is not solvable by science’

Total dose limit recommended by ICRP from all sources of radiation, except from background and medical procedures: 100 mrem/year

(Other sources in the area -- Nevada Nuclear Testing Site, LLW and TRU waste)

EPA: “To avoid unsupportable speculation regarding human activities and conditions, we believe it is appropriate to assume that . . parameters describing human activities and interactions with the repository (e.g., the level of human knowledge and technical capability, human physiology and nutritional needs, general lifestyles and food consumption patterns of the population, and potential pathways through the biosphere leading to radiation exposure or humans) wil l remai n a s the y ar e today (emphasis added)


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


Controlled Area:

Maximum of 300 km 2 of surface area above repository

No more than 5 km from edge of repository footprint (except in predominant direction of groundwater flow)


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


Why 10,000 years?

National Academy of Sciences:

There is no scientific basis for limiting the time period of the individual risk standard to 10,000 years or any other value.”

The probabilities and consequences of the relevant features, events and processes . . . are sufficiently boundable so that these factors can be included in performance assessments that extend over periods on the order of about one million years.”


We believe that such an approach is not practical for regulatory decisionmaking, which involves more than scientific performance projections using computer models.”

“We have included a 10,000-year compliance period in regulations for non-radioactive hazardous waste.”


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


How to verify compliance with the EPA’s standards?

This is the task of the NRC

NRC will requires DOE to demonstrate compliance with this standard using performanc e assessment (systematic analysis of events, processes, and features affecting isolation performance)

Future human activities and biosphere conditions?

EPA: “To avoid unsupportable speculation regarding human activities and conditions, we believe it is appropriate to assume that . . parameters describing human activities and interactions with the repository (e.g., the level of human knowledge and technical capability, human physiology and nutritional needs, general lifestyles and food consumption patterns of the population, and potential pathways through the biosphere leading to radiation exposure or humans) wil l remai n a s the y ar e today (emphasis added)

Treatment of unlikely events

“Events that are very unlikely (less than 1 in 10,000 over 10,000 years) can be excluded [from the performance assessment]”


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


How to determine compliance with standards?

§ 191.15 Individua l protectio n requirements .

(a) Disposal systems for waste and any associated radioactive material shall be designed to provide a reasonable expectation that, for 10,000 years after

disposal, undisturbed performance of the disposal system shall not cause the annual committed effective dose, received through all potential pathways

from the disposal system, to any member of the public in the accessible environment, to exceed 15 millirems (150 microsieverts).




(c) Compliance assessments nee d no t provid e complet e assurance that the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section will be met. Because of the long

time period involved and the nature of the processes and events of interest, there will inevitably be substantial uncertainties in projecting disposal system

performance. Proof of the future performance of a disposal system is not to be had in the ordinary sense of the word in situations that deal with much

shorter time frames. Instead, wha t i s require d i s a reasonabl e expectation , o n th e basi s o f the recor d befor e th e implementin g agency , that compliance

with paragraph (a) of this section will be achieved. (Emphasis added)


[58 FR 66414, Dec. 20, 1993]


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


NRC Requirements

Consistency with EPA standards

Individual protection

Groundwater contamination in the accessible environment

Human intrusion

Multibarrier approach

Future human activities and biosphere conditions

“Characteristics of the reference biosphere and the reasonably maximally exposed individual are to be based on current human behavior and biospheric conditions in the region”

Treatment of unlikely events

“Events that are very unlikely (less than 1 in 10,000 over 10,000 years) can be excluded [from the performance assessment]”


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


N RC regulations prescribe a multibarrier approach

Rationale for multibarrier approach

Geologic barriers: Although there is an extensive geologic record ranging from thousands to millions of years, this record is subject to interpretation and includes many uncertainties.”

Engineered barriers: “Although the composition and configuration of engineered structures can be defined with a degree of precision not possible for natural barriers, it is recognized that except for a few archaeological and natural analogs, there is a limited experience base for the performance of complex, engineered structures over periods longer than a few hundred years . . .”

“These uncertainties are addressed by requiring the use of a multiple barrier approach; specifically an engineered barrier system is required in addition to the natural barriers provided by the geologic setting.”


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


Selected NRC Technical Criteria for High

Level Waste Disposal (10 CFR 60) -- 1984

NRC took a ‘defense-in-depth’ approach to setting repository performance standards. Minimum performance standards were prescribed for each of the major elements of the repository (i.e., the waste package, the underground facility, and the geologic setting)

Performance requirements:

substantiall y complet e containment of HLW within the waste packages for from 300 to 1000 years

subsequently, the total release rate of radionuclides from the engineered barrier system (i.e., waste packages + underground structure) shall not exceed 10 -5 /yr of the waste inventory present after 1000 years

pre-waste emplacement groundwater travel time from the repository to the accessible environment shall be at least 1000 yrs

+ many additional qualitative siting and design criteria


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


N RC Regulatory Requirements for Y ucca

M ountain specifically (10 CFR 63 -- N ov. 2001)

Fundamentally different from 10 CFR 60

10 CFR 60 relied on several quantitative subsystem performance objectives

NRC no longer believes that this is the best approach for ensuring compliance with overall environmental standards

10 CFR 63 is based instead on only one quantitative standard: demonstratin g complianc e wit h th e individua l dos e limit of 15 mrem/yr for 10,000 years.

Requires DOE to demonstrate compliance with this standard using performanc e assessment (systematic analysis of events, processes, and features affecting isolation performance)

10 CFR 63 specifies performance assessment methodology


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis


Lessons from history of nuclear w aste


Some key technical issues have no ‘right answer’ (‘ transcientific questions’)

Setting standards and regulations is not solvable by science. It is ultimately a question of public policy.

Implementation of regulations will require the exercise of technical judgements by technical experts. Proof of compliance with standards in the normal sense is not achievable.

Regulation does not occur in a political vacuum; it is a public process. The credibility in the public domain of the technical experts who will be called upon to make these judgments will be crucial.

Public credibility, once lost, is extremely difficult to restore.

Because the regulatory process (both standard-setting and implementation) is a public process, it will also be affected by public perceptions of risk


Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis