The Economics of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
March 29, 2004
Enrichment Plant Material Balance
Product: P, x P
Feed: F, x F
T ails: W , x w
Material balance on U: F = P + W Material balance on U-235: Fx F = Px P + Wx W
F P x p x W ˘
x F x W
and for x P = 0.03, x F =0.00711, x W = 0 .002, F/ P = 5 .5
Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis
3/29/04 14
Source: US Energy Information Agency (
3/29/04 Nuclear Energy Economics and 15
Policy Analysis
Nuclear Energy Economics and Policy Analysis
3/29/04 16
Source: US Energy Information Agency (
PWR Batch Refueling Scheme (Batch fraction = 1/3)
1 |
2 |
3 |
C y cl e No. Batc h #
Startup core
2 |
3 |
4 (new) |
3 |
4 |
5 (new) |
4 |
5 |
6 (new) |
Discharged after 1 cycle B ~B *
Discharged after 2 cycles
Discharged after 3 cycles
d c
B ~2 B *
B ~3 B *
d c d c
* Useful approximation. In p ractice, nee d to track B d with computer codes
Energy from a fuel batch
If the bat ch fraction is 1/n, under steady state conditions each batch remains in the core for n cycles.
Similarly, at steady state the energy produced by all n batches in the core during o ne cycle is equal to the energy produced by one batch during its total residence time in the core (i.e., n cycles.) .
Thus the total electrical energy produced by a given batch during its in-core lifetime at steady state is:
E b (kwh(e)/batch) = 8766 (hrs/yr) x C F x K (kwe) x T c (yr)
CF = cycle average capacity f actor (including refueling d owntime) K = plant rating (kwe)
T c = cycle length (yrs) including downtime
We can also write that the energy produced per batch is:
E b (kwhr(e)/batch) = B d (MWD(th)/MTHM) x 2 4 ( h r/day) x 1000 (kw/MW) x x P (MT)
B d = discharge burnup of the f uel (MWD(th)/MT of heavy metal)
= thermodynamic efficiency (Mwe/MW(th)) P = batch fuel inventory ( M T o f heavy metal)
T b = n T c B d = n B c
And P, the fuel inventory p e r batch = T otal core inventory/n
Material balance on the front end of the cycle
K = 1000 MWe
T c = 1.5 years
CF = 90%
= 33%
n = 3
In-core fuel inventory = 89.4 M THM
Hence w e can calculate:
• Energy output per batch, E b, (at s teady s tate)
• Mass of fuel (as heavy metal), P, per batch
• D ischarge burnup of spent fuel, B d (MWDth/MTHM)
Approximate Correlation: Initial enrichment (x P ) v s . discharge burnup (B d )
x p 0.41201 0.11508
n 1
2 n
B d 0.00023937
n 1
2 n
B d
Image removed due to copyright considerations.
where n = number of batches (valid for x p < 20%)
Source: Zhiwen Xu, N ED Doctoral Dissertation, 2003
Materia l balanc e o n th e fron t en d o f th e PW R fue l cycle
(Basis: 1 steady state batch; 1000 MWe PWR; thermal efficiency = 33%; 90% capacity factor; 18-month refueling cycle; batch fraction = 1/3; discharge burnup = 50,000 MWD(th)/MT))
29.8 M THM o f L EU
4.51% U-235
1% losses
1000 MWe
Cap. fact.= 90% Therm. eff.=33%
S pent fuel
Discharge burnup =
5 0,000 MWD/MTHM
29.8/0.99 = 30.1MTHM of U
3 0.1 x (270/238)
= 34.15 MT UO 2
34.15 352
.995 270 44.74 MT UF 6
UF 6
Product, P
X P =4.51%
0.5% losses
Feed, F
X F =0.711%
Nat.UF 6
.711 0.3
458.3 MT nat. UF 6
4.51 0.3
F 44.74
0 .5% losses
Tails, W
X W = 0 . 3 %
(U 3 0 8 )
.995 352 367.3 MT U 3 O 8 367.3 842 311.4MT U
458.3 - 44 .74 = 413.6 M T U F
Mill tailings
Uranium ore
Molecula r Weights
U 3 O 8 842
UF 6 352
UO 2 270
U 238