Methods for Project Evaluation
March 8, 2004
Nuclear Energy Economics and
Policy Analysis
Alternativ e Methods
• Present w orth (PW ) m ethod
• Future worth (FW ) method
• Annual worth (AW) method
• Benefit-cost ratio (BC) method
• Internal rate of return (IRR) method
Nuclear Energy Economics and
Policy Analysis
A ssum ptions
• Future cash flow s are know n w ith certainty
• A nalysis is in constant dollars
• Cost of capital is known
• Capital is always available for profitable projects (i.e, access to capital is not restricted.)
Nuclear Energy Economics and
Policy Analysis
P W Method :
N r c
n 1
( 1 i ) n
Decision criterion: Accept if N PV>0; reject if NPV<0
F W Method :
FV ( r c )( 1 i )
n 0
N n
n n
Decision criterion: Accept if FV>0, et c.
Nuclear Energy Economics and
Policy Analysis
Example of PW Method: Pricing a Bond
• At what price should a buyer purchase a 10-year bond paying 6% per year (payable semi-annually) that is redeemable at par value if the buyer is seeking a 10% per year yield? The face value of the bond is
N = 10 x 2 = 20 periods
r = 6%/2 = 3% per period
i = [1.1 1/2 -1]100 = 4.9% per compounding period C = Z = $1000
V ( N ) $ 1000 ( P / F , 0.049,20) $100 0 (0.03 )( P / A , 0.049, 20 )
384. 1 377. 06 $761.16
Note : The yield typically increases for longer-term bonds.
Nuclear Energy Economics and
Policy Analysis
Example : Influenc e o f interes t rate s o n bon d prices
• A 10-year U.S. treasury bond that matures in eight years has a face value of $10,000. The bond pays 8% per year (payable quarterly). A prospective buyer of the bond wants to earn 10% per year on her investment (compounded quarterly) because interest rates have risen since the bond was issued. How much should the buyer pay for the bond?
V ( N ) $10 , 000 (0 . 02) ( P / A , 0 .025,32) $ 1 0 , 000( P / F , 0 . 025 , 32 )
$8 , 907
. I.e., an increase in interest rates causes bond prices to decline.
Nuclear Energy Economics and
Policy Analysis
Example: Pricing stock
Stock in a company represents a share of ownership, as opposed to a bond, which is essentially a promissory note.
Common stock is more difficult to value than bonds because dividends and prices of common
stocks are not constant; investors hope that they will increase over time.
If r eliable forecasts of future earnings, div idends, and s tock prices could be made, stock valuation would result from discounting the forecast cash f low.
Example (from Riggs and We st):
An investor is investigating the stock performance of two companies: A and B. Company A has consistently paid dividends that increase 10 cents per yea r while the selling price of the stock has averaged a 2% annual rise. Company B i s a fa st growing new company that has paid no dividends because all earnings are retained for expansion, but its market price is e xpected to increase by $10 per year. Current data about the two companies are su mmarized below:
Disregarding tax effects and brokerage commissions to buy or sell, which stock is more attractively
Nuclear Energy Economics and
Policy Analysis
Company A |
Company B |
Dividend |
$2.25 (10 cent/yr increase) |
0 (2% of market price after 5 years) |
Market Price |
$28 (2% annual increase) |
$65 ($10/yr increase) |
Risk-adjusted discount rate for stock valuation |
9% |
12% |
Annual Worth (AW) Method
Example : An investment company is considering building a 2 5-unit apartment complex in a growing to wn. Because of the long-term growth potential of the to wn, it is felt that the company could average 90% of full occupancy for the complex each year. If the following items are reasonably accurate estimates, use the AW method to d etermine the minimum monthly rent tha t should be charged if a 12% rate of return per year is desired.
Land investment cost = $50,000 Building investment cost = $225,000 Study period, N = 20 years
Rent per unit per month = ???
Upkeep expense per unit per month = $35
Property taxes and insurance per year = 10% of total initial investment Assume: Land cost can be recovered at the end of the 20 year period
Solution : First determine the equivalent A W of all costs at an interest rate o f 12%/yr. To earn 12% on this project, the annual rental income must equal the AW of the costs:
Initial investment cost = $50,000 + $225,000 Taxes and insurance/yr = 0.1 x 275000 = $27,500 Upkeep/yr = $35 (12 x 25)(0.9) = $9450
Annual worth of capital costs = $275,000 ( A/P,0.12,20) - $50,000 (A/F, 0.12, 2 0)
= $36,123
Equivalent annual worth of costs = -$27000 - $9450 - $36123 = -$73073
Therefore, the minimum annual rental required equals $73,073 to achieve a 12% rate of return, and with annual compounding, the monthly rental amount is given by:
( 12 25)(0.9) $ 270. 64
Nuclear Energy Economics and
Policy Analysis
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Method
For a project with net cash flows, F j the IRR, i*, is given by
PV i *
j 0 1 i *
Decisio n criterion :
If the m inimum required rate of return < i *, , accept the project. If the m inimum required rate of return > i * , reject the project.
Nuclear Energy Economics and
Policy Analysis
IRR Method (contd)
The equation for the IRR is an N th order polynomial in i*. There will i n general be more than one root. If more than on e of the roots is real and positive, how do we i nterpret the results?
Question: When is there a unique solution to the I RR problem?
If we write 1/(1+i*) = X, we can rewrite the IRR equation as
F 0 + F 1 X + F 2 X 2 + + F N X N = 0
Unique IRR; accept if > than minimum acceptable rate of return
Sign change in F’s >1?
More than one solution?
Nuclear Energy Economics and
Policy Analysis
Descartes ’ Rul e o f Signs :
For an N-th degree polynomial with real coefficients, the number of real, positive roots is never greater than th e number of sign changes in the sequence of coefficients.
The Project Balance, PB n
(the amount of money committed to a project at time n)
A n importan t distinction :
Projects for which PB(i * ) n 0 for all n < N
Projects for which PB(i * ) n > 0 for some n
Nuclear Energy Economics and
Policy Analysis
Nuclear Energy Economics and
Policy Analysis
Investment flexibility as a decision criterion
Nuclear Ener gy Economics and Policy Analysis
0 1 2 3
Single p ayment, pr oject 1
$59.37 $59.37
$4 8 .73
0 1 2 3
Grad i ent s eries (decreasing),
p roject 3
0 1 2 3
Gradent s eries (increasing), p roject
0 1 2 3
Uniform s eries,
p roject 2
pB (r)
i = 10%
0 1 2 3
-1 10 -121
0 1
63. 4
0 1
63 .4
0 1 2 3
Project b alance for four cash flow patterns.
Sum mary
1. The PV, FW, and AW cr iteria always yield the same decision fo r a project
2. Only for pure investment projects is there a true IRR for the project.
3. For pure investments, the IRR and PV criteria yield identical acceptance/rejection decisions.
4. For mixed investments, the return on invested capital varies with the external cost of capital, and the I RR criterion isn’t meaningful. (The phenomenon of multiple IRRs can occur only with mixed investments, but even if there is only a single positive solution, it doesn’t necessarily provide useful information.)
5. The ag gregate B/C ratio criterion will al ways agree with the PV c riterion.
6. The pa yback period is not an a cceptable criterion taken on its own. In general it will not agree with the PV criterion. However, it may serve a useful purpose as a supplementary consideration.
Nuclear Energy Economics and
Policy Analysis