1.021 , 3.021, 10.333, 22.00 I ntroduc tion to Modeling and Simulation
Spring 2011
Part I – C ontinuum and partic le me thods
Reactive potentials and applications (cont’d)
Lecture 9
Markus J. Buehler
Laboratory for Atomistic and Molecular Mechanics Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Content overview
I. Particle and continuum me thods
1. Atoms, molecul e s, chemistry
2. Continuum modeling approac hes and solution approaches
3. Statistical mechanics
4. Molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo
5. Visualization and data analysis
6. Mechanical proper ties – applic ation: how things fail (and how to prevent it)
7. Multi-scale modeling par adigm
8. Biological systems (simulation in biophysics) – h ow proteins work and how to model them
II. Quantum mechanical methods
1. It’s A Q uantum World: T he Theory of Quantum Mechanics
2. Quantum Mechanics: Practice Makes Perfect
3. The Many-Body Problem: Fr om Many-Body to Single- Particle
4. Quantum modeling of materials
5. From Atoms to Solids
6. Basic pr operties of mater i als
7. Advanced proper ties of materials
8. What else can we do?
Lectures 2-13
Lectures 14-26
Overview: Material covered so far…
Lecture 1: Broad introduction to IM/S
Lecture 2 : Introduction to atomistic and continuum modeling (multi-scale m odeling paradigm, difference between continuum and at omistic approac h , c a se st ud y: diff us ion)
Lecture 3 : Basic statistical mechani cs – p roperty calculation I (property calc ulat ion: microsc o pi c stat es vs. macro scopic properties, ensembles, probability density and partition function)
Lecture 4 : Property calcula tion II (Mont e Carlo, a d v a nc e d prope rty calcul ati on, introduction to chemical interactions)
Lectu r e 5: Ho w to m odel ch em i c al interactions I ( e xa mp le: mo vie o f coppe r def ormation/ di sloc ati o ns, etc.)
Lectu r e 6: Ho w to m odel ch em i c al interactions I I (EAM, a bit of ReaxFF—chemical reactions)
Lectu r e 7: Ap pli c atio n – M D s imulation of materials failure
Lectu r e 8: Ap pli c atio n – Reacti ve potentials and applications
Lectu r e 9: Ap pli c atio n – Reacti ve p o tentials and applications (cont’d)
Lecture 9: Reactive potentials and applications (cont’d)
1. Notes on fracture application
2. Closure: ReaxFF force field
3. Hybrid multi-paradigm fracture models
Goal of today’s lecture:
Remarks: Modeling of fracture and relation to diffusion problem
New potential: ReaxFF, to descri be complex chemistry (bond break ing and formation)
Application in hybrid simulation approaches (combine different force fields)
1. Notes on fracture application
Consider for pset #2
Brittle fracture mechanisms: fracture is a multi- scale phenomenon, from nano to macro
R e print e d by permis sio n from Macmillan Publish e rs L t d: Nature .
S o urc e : Bueh ler, M., and Z. Xu. "Materia ls S c ien c e: Mind the H e lica l C r ack." Nat u re 464, no. 7285 (2010): 42 -3. © 2010.
Limiting speeds of cracks: linear elastic
9 E
continuum theory
Mother-daughter mechanism
Super- Sub-Rayleigh Rayleigh
Mode II
Mode I
C r C s
C l
Limiting speed v
Mode III
C s
C l
Limiting speed v
Linear Nonlinear
c l ~
3 E
c s ~
c r 0 . 92 c s
Image by MIT OpenCou r seWare.
• C racks can not exceed the limiting speed given by the corresponding wave speeds unless materia l behavior is nonlinear
• C racks that exceed limiting s peed would produce energy (physically impos sible - linear elastic continuum theory )
Subsonic and supersonic fracture
Under certain conditions, material non linearities (that is, the behavior of materials under large deformation = hyperelasticity) becomes important
This can lead to different limiting speeds
than described by the model introduced above
Deformation field near a crack
( r ) ~ 1
E large (stiff)
large deform ati o n nonlinear zone “si ngulari ty”
Stiffe ning
Linear theory
Sof tening
9 E
c l ~
small deformation
E small (soft)
Stra in
Image by MIT OpenCou r seWare.
Far away from crack tip
Energy flux concept
c large (stiff)
c small (soft)
L large (stiff)
L energy
Image by MIT OpenCou r seWare.
Characteristic energy
(energy from this distance needs to flow to the crack tip)
L large (stiff)
Crack tip
L energy
1 Supersonic cracking
Energy flux reduction/enhancement
K domina nce zone
Chara cteristic energy length
Hyperelastic zone
Fracture process zone
L energy
Image by MIT OpenCou r seWare.
Energy flux related to wave speed: high local wave speed, high energy flux, crack can move faster (and re verse for low local wave speed)
Physical basis for subsonic/supersonic fracture
Changes in energy flow at the crac k tip due to changes in local wave speed (energy flux higher in materials with higher wave speed)
Controlled by a characteristic length scale
L energy
Buehler et al ., Nature , 2003
R e print e d by permis sio n from Ma cmill an Publish e rs L t d: Nature.
S o urc e : Bueh ler, M., F. Abraham, and H. Gao. "H ypere l a s t i c i ty Governs Dynamic Fractur e at a Critica l L e ngth S ca l e." Nature 42 6 (2003): 1 41-6. © 20 03.
Integ r ati o n (BCs, ICs)
Characteristic time of diffusion
PD E (continuum equilibrium)
t D dx 2
d 2 c
(Fick’s l a w)
Integ r ati o n (BCs, ICs)
Crack limiting speed
Diffusion problem
Fracture problem
Continuum appr oach (distinct PDE)
Integ r ati o n (BCs, ICs)
© sourc e u n known. All right s res e rved. This con t en t is exclud ed from our Crea t i ve Com m o ns lic e n s e. For more i n format ion, see ht tp:/ /ocw. m it.edu/fai ruse .
Characteristic time of diffusion
Atomistic approach (same PDE)
Integ r ati o n (BCs, ICs)
Crack limiting speed
2. Closure: ReaxFF force field
Potential energy expressions for more complex materials/chemistry, including bond formation and breaking
Review: atomic interactions – different types of chemical bonds
Prima ry bonds (“strong”)
Ionic (ceramics, quartz, felds par - rocks )
Covalent ( silicon )
Metallic (copper, nickel, gold , silver) (high melting point, 1000-5,000K)
Secondary bonds (“weak”)
Van der Waals ( wax , low melting point)
Hy drogen bonds (proteins, spider silk ) (melting point 100-500K)
Ionic: Non-directional (point charges interacting)
Covalent: Directional (bon d angles, torsions matter)
Metallic: Non-directional (electron gas concept)
Difference of material properties originates from different atomic interactions
But…are all bonds the same? - valency in hydrocarbons
Ethane C 2 H 6
(stable configuration)
All bonds are not the same! Adding another H is not favored
Bonds depend on the environment! 15
Another challenge: chemical reactions
sp3 sp2
Trans ition point ???
sp 2
sp 3
C-C distance
Simple pair potentials can not describe chemical reactions
Why can not model chemical reactions with spring- like potentials?
1 k
( r r 0 )
Set of parameters only valid for particular molec ule type / type of chemical bond
stretch, sp 2 stretch, sp 3
Reactive potentials or reactive force fields overcome these limitations
Theoretical basis: bond order potential
Concept: Use pair potential that depen ds on atomic environment (similar to EAM, here app lied to covalent bonds)
P otential energy (eV)
Modulate strength of attractive part
(e.g. by coordination, or “bond order”)
Abell, Tersoff
T riple D ouble
S .C.
F .C.C.
1.5 2
D istance (A)
Effect ive pair-int eractio ns for vario us C-C (Carbo n) bonds
Image by MIT OpenCou r seWare.
Changes in spring constant as function of bond order Continuous change possible
= continuous energy landscape during chemical reactions
T riple D ouble
S .C.
F .C.C.
D istance (A)
Effect ive pair-interact io ns for various C-C (Carbon) bonds
P otential energy (eV)
Theoretical basis: bond order potential
Image by MIT OpenCou r seWare.
D. Brenner, 2000 19
Concept of bond order (BO)
sp3 1
sp2 2
Bond order based energy landscape
Bond length Bond length
Bond or der
Energy Energy
Bond order potential Allows for a more general description of chemistry
All energy terms dependent on bond order
Conventional potential (e.g. LJ, Morse)
Historical perspective of reactive bond order potentials
1985: Abell: General expression for binding energy as a sum of near nieghbor pair interactions moderated by local atomic environment
1990s: Tersoff, Brenner: Use Abell formalism applied to silicon (successful for various solid state structures)
2000: Stuart et al.: Reactive potential for hydrocarbons
2001: Duin, Godddard et al.: Reactive potential for hydrocarbons “Reax FF”
2002: Brenner et al.: Second generation “REBO” potential for hydrocarbons
2003-2005: Extension of ReaxFF to various materials inc l uding metals, ceramics, silicon, polymers and more in Goddard‘s group
Example: ReaxFF reactive force field
William A. Goddard III
California Institute of Technology
Adri C.T. v. Duin
Court e sy of Bill Goddard. Used wit h permis s i on.
California Institute of Technology 23
ReaxFF: A reactive force field
E system
E bond
E vdWaals
E Coulomb
E val , angle
E to rs
E over
2- body
E under
3- body 4-body
Total energy is expressed as the sum of various terms describing indiv i dual chemical bonds
All expressions in terms of bond order
All interactions calculated between ALL atoms in system…
No more atom typing: Atom type = chemical element
Example: Calculation of bond energy
E bond
E system
E vdWaals
E Coulomb
E val , angle
E tors
E over
E under
e x p p
1 BO p be , 1
bo n d e ij
b e , 1
Bond energy between atoms i and j does not depend on bond distance
Instead, it depends on bond order
Bond order functions
BO goes smoothly from 3-2-
Fig. 2.21c in Bueh ler, Ma r k us J. At omisti c Modeling
of Materials Failure . Sp ring er, 2008. © Spring e r. All righ t s res e rved. This c o nt ent is exclud ed from our Creat i ve Commons lic e n s e. For more infor m at ion, s ee http:/ /ocw. m it.edu/fai ruse .
(2) ( 3)
r 0
B O ij
ex p
ex p
r ij
ex p
r ij
Characteristic bond distance
All energy terms are expressed as a function of bond orders 26
Illustration: Bond energy
Imag e removed du e t o co pyrigh t restric t ion s.
Pleas e s e e slid e 10 in van Duin, Ad ri. "Dish i n g Out th e D i rt on R e axFF.” ht tp:/ / w w w . wag . cal t ech.edu/home/dui n/FFgroup/Di r t.ppt .
vdW interactions
E sy st e m
E bond
E v dW aal s
E C oul om b
E va l , angl e
E tors
E ov e r
E unde r
Accounts for short distance repulsion (Pauli principle orthogonalization) and attraction energies at large distances (dispersion)
Included for all atoms with shielding at small distances
Imag e removed du e t o co pyrigh t restric t ion s.
Pleas e s e e slid e 11 in van Duin, Ad ri. "Dish i n g Out th e D i rt on R e axFF.” ht tp:/ / w w w . wag . cal t ech.edu/home/dui n/FFgroup/Di r t.ppt .
Resulting energy landscape
Contribution of E bond and vdW energy
Sour c e : van Dui n , C. T . Adri , et al. "Re axFF: A Reac ti ve Forc e Fi el d for Hydro ca r b o n s. " Jo ur nal of Phys i c al Chemi s t ry A 10 5 (2 001) . © A me ri c a n Chemic al Soc i e t y. All rig h ts res e rved . T h is content is ex cl uded from our Cr eative Common s licen se. For more in fo r m a t io n , se e h t t p ://ocw.m i t .e d u / f a i r u se .
Current development status of ReaxFF
A- -B
: not currently described by ReaxFF
Allows to interface metals, ceramics with organic chemistry: Key for complex ma terials, specifically biological materials
Period ic tab l e c o ur t e sy of Wikime dia Comm on s .
Mg-water interaction: How to make fire with water
Video st ill s removed due t o copyri ght restri ct ions; watch the vi deo now: ht tp:/ / w w w . yout ube.com/ watch?v=Q T Ki v M VUcqE .
http://video.google.com/vi deoplay ?docid= 4697 996 292 9490 459 21& q= magnes iu m+ w a ter&total=46&s t ar t=0&nu m=50&so=0&ty pe=search&plindex = 0
Mg – w ater interaction – R eaxFF MD simulation
3. Hybrid multi-paradigm fracture models
Focus: model particular fracture properties of silicon (chemically complex material)
Fracture of silicon: problem statement
Pair potential insufficient to describe bond break ing (chemical complex i ty)
Ima g e cour t e sy of NASA.
Multi-paradigm concept for fracture
( r ) ~ 1
Need method
“good” for describing rupture of chemical bonds
Need method “good” for elastic properties (energy storage)
Image by MIT OpenCou r seWare. 35
What about combining different potentials?
Increased accuracy & “ tr ansferability ”
Empirical models: mathematical functions with parameters (fitted to experiment or quantum mechanics)
Pair potentials (LJ, Mor s e, Buck., har monic) (le c ture 5)
Embedded atom models/effective medium theories
Multi-body potentials (e.g. Tersoff, C H A R MM, etc.)
Computational efficiency
(lecture 9 and following)
Reactive potentials (ReaxFF) ( lecture 9)
Semi-empirical models (explicitly note electronic structure)
Tight binding
MINDO (= Modified Inter m ediate Neglect of Differ ential Overlap), NINDO (= Inter m ediate Neglect of Differ ential Overlap)
Quantum mechanical models: Start from Schroedinger’s equation (and make approximations to be able to solve it)
Quantum chemistry (Har tree-Fock)
Density Functional Theory
Quantum Monte Carlo
“good” for elastic properties (energy storage)
“good” for +
describing rupture of chemical bonds
Concept: concurrent multi-paradigm simulations
F E ( c onti n uum)
Crack tips, defects (dislocations)
nonr eac ti v e ato m i s ti c
O r g anic p h ase
Reax FF
I nor ga n i c ph as e
nonr eac ti v e ato m i s ti c
• Multi-paradigm appr oach : combine different computational methods (different resolution, accuracy..) in a single computational domain
• Decomposition of domain based on suitability of different approaches
• Example : concurrent FE- atomistic-ReaxFF scheme in a crack problem (crack tip treated by ReaxFF) and an interface
Interfaces (oxidation, grain boundaries,..)
problem (interface treated by ReaxFF).
Concurrent multi-paradigm simulations: link nanoscale to macroscale
Concurrent coupling : use of multiple force fields within one simulation domain
Simulation Geometry: Cracking in Silicon
Potential for covalent bonds, not suitable for bond breaking
Fig. 2 in Bueh ler, Markus J., et al. "Multiparad i gm Modelin g of Dynamica l Crack Propagat ion in S ili con Using a React i ve Force Fiel d. " Ph ysical Revie w Let t e rs 96 (2006): 095505. © APS. All rig h ts res e rved. This c o nt ent is exclud ed from our Creat i ve Commons lic e n s e. For more infor m at ion, s ee http:/ /ocw. m it.edu/fai ruse .
• C ons ider a crack in a silic on crystal under mode I loading.
• P eriodic boundary conditions in the z- direction (corresponding to a plane strain case).
Cracking in Silicon: Hybrid model versus Tersoff based model
Pure T ersof f
Hybrid R eaxFF- T ersof f
Image by MIT OpenCou r seWare.
Conclusion: Pure Tersoff can not describe correct crack dynamic s
How is the handshaking achieved?
Hybrid potential energy model (Hamiltonian)
Weights = describe how much
W i
W 2
W 1
R - R buf
R+R tr ans R+R tr ans +R buf
R eaxFF
T r ansition la y er
T ersof f
T r ansition region
T ersof f ghost atoms
R eaxFF ghost a toms
a particular FF counts (assigned to each atom)
To obtain forces:
U tot ( x )
need potential energy
Image by MIT OpenCou r seWare.
Approach: handshaking via mixed Hamiltonians
transition region
U tot
U ReaxFF
U Tersoff
U ReaxFF Tersoff
Assigning weights to atoms
W i
W 2
W 1
R - R buf
R+R tr ans R+R tr ans +R buf
R eaxFF
T r ansition la y er
T ersof f
T r ansition region
T ersof f ghost atoms
R eaxFF ghost a toms
Image by MIT OpenCou r seWare.
Percentage ReaxFF Percentage Tersoff (relative contribution to total energy)
100% … 100% 70% 30% 0% … 0 %
0% … 0% 30% 70% 100% … 100%
Force calculation
W i
W 2
W 1
R - R buf
R+R tr ans R+R tr ans +R buf
T r ansition region
Potential energy
U tot
U ReaxFF U Tersoff
U ReaxFF Tersoff
U ReaxFF Tersoff w ReaxFF ( x ) U ReaxFF ( 1 w ReaxFF ) U Tersoff
Image by MIT OpenCou r seWare.
w ReaxFF ( x ) w Tersoff ( x ) 1 x
w ReaxFF is the weight of the reactive fo rce field in the handshaking region.
F w
( x ) F
( 1 w
) F w ReaxFF U
ReaxFF Tersoff
x ReaxFF
D. Sen and M. Buehler, Int. J. M u ltiscale Com p ut. Engrg ., 2007
w ReaxFF
Hybrid Hamiltonians – force calculation
F w
( x ) F
( 1 w
) F
ReaxFF Tersoff
≈ 0
≈ 0
Slowly varying weights (wide transition region):
w ReaxFF / x 0
If U ReaxFF U Tersoff 0
( i.e., both force fields have similar energy lands cape)
F ReaxFF Tersoff w ReaxFF ( x ) F ReaxFF ( 1 w ReaxFF ) F Tersoff
w ReaxFF ( x ) w Tersoff ( x ) 1
Simplified result: can interpolate forces from one end to the other
D. Sen and M. Buehler, Int. J. M u ltiscale Com p ut. Engrg ., 2007
Energy landscape of two force fields
• S chematic showing the coupling of reactive and nonreactive potentials
• A t small dev iations , energy landsc ape is identic al in nonreac tive
U and reactive models
U ReaxFF U nonreactiv e 0
Summary: hybrid potential energy model
W i
W 2
W 1
R - R buf
R+R tr ans R+R tr ans +R buf
R eaxFF
T r ansition la y er
T ersof f
T r ansition region
T ersof f ghost atoms
R eaxFF ghost a toms
Image by MIT OpenCou r seWare.
F ReaxFF Tersoff
w ReaxFF ( x ) F ReaxFF
( 1
w ReaxFF ) F Tersoff
w ReaxFF ( x )
w Tersoff
( x ) 1 x
Fracture of silicon single crystals
Mode I tensile
Us e multi-paradigm scheme that combines the Tersoff potential and ReaxFF
0 ps
7.0 ps
14.0 ps
Reactive regio n (red) is mo ving with crack tip.
R eaxFF T ersof f
Image by MIT OpenCou r seWare.
Image by MIT OpenCou r seWare.
Quantitative comparison w/ experiment
“empirical” FFs
Fi g. 1c i n Buehle r, M . , et al . "Thre s hol d Crack Sp eed Con t rols Dynamical Frac t u re of Si licon Si ngle Cr ystals." P h ysical Review Let t e rs 99 (2007). © APS. All righ ts r e s e rved. This c o n t en t is excluded from ou r C r ea t ive C o mm on s li c en s e. F o r mor e in f o rmat i o n , s e e http:/ /ocw. m it.edu/fai ruse .
Load: normalized by critical energy release rate to initiate fracture
Crack dynamics
Imag e removed du e t o copyrigh t restric t io n s . Pleas e s e e: Fig. 2 in Bueh ler, M., et al. " T h resh old Crack Speed Con t rols Dy nami cal Fracture of Sil icon Single Cr yst a l s ." Ph ysical Review Lett ers 99 (2 007).
Crack speed: O(km/sec)
=O(nm/ps) (well in reach with MD)
Atomistic fracture mechanism
Fracture initiation and instabilities
Fracture mechanism: tensile vs. shear loading
Mode I tensile Mode II shear
Shear (mode II) loading:
Crack branching
Tensile (mode I) loading:
Straight cracking
Image by MIT OpenCou r seWare.
M.J. Buehler, A. Cohen, D. Sen, Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology, 2008
Fracture mechanism: tensile vs. shear loading
Mode I tensile Mode II shear
Shear (mode II) loading: Crack branching Tensile (mode I) loading: Straight cracking
Image by MIT OpenCou r seWare.
Imag es removed du e t o copyrigh t restric t ion s.
Pleas e s e e figur e s in Bu eh ler, M. J . , A. Coh e n, and D. Sen. " Mult i-paradig m Modeling of Fractur e of a Silic on Sing le Cr yst a l Un d e r Mode I I Sh ear L o ad ing . " Journal of Alg o rithms and Computati o nal Techn o l o gy 2 (2008): 203-21.
Summary: main concept of this section
Can combine different force fields in a single computational domain = multi-paradigm modeling
Enables one to combine the strengths of different force fields
Simple approach by interpolating force contributions from indiv idual force fields, use of we ights (sum of weights = 1 at all points)
ReaxFF based models quite successful , e.g. for describing fracture in silicon, quantitative agreement with experimental results