1.021 , 3.021, 10.333, 22.00 : Introduction to Modeling and Simulation : Spring 2012 Part II Quantum Mechanical Methods : Lecture 5

More QM Modeling for Solar Thermal Fuels, Plus a Little H-Storage

Jeffrey C. Grossman

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Massac husetts Institute of T ec hnology

Par t II T opics

1. It s a Quantum W orld: The Theor y of Quantum Mechanics

2. Quantum Mechanics: Practice Mak es P erf ect

3. Fr om Man y-Body to Single-Par ticle; Quantum Modeling of Molecules

4. Application of Quantum Modeling of Molecules: Solar Thermal Fuels

5. Application of Quantum Modeling of Molecules: Hydr ogen Storage

6. Fr om Atoms to Solids

7. Quantum Modeling of Solids: Basic Pr oper ties

8. Advanced Pr op . of Materials: What else can w e do?

9. Application of Quantum Modeling of Solids: Solar Cells Par t I

10. Application of Quantum Modeling of Solids: Solar Cells Par t II

11. Application of Quantum Modeling of Solids: Nanotechnolog y

Lesson outline

F eeling g ood about energ y le v els

Contin ued discussion of solar thermal fuels

Interactiv e calculations and discussion on candidate fuels

Hyd r ogen storage

Let s l ook at a sing le element:

carbo n

Nanotube architecture © John Hurt; graphene integrated circuit © Raghu Murali; other images © sources unknown. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/help/faq-fair-use/ .

Ca rbon in Ene r g y to Date

One Bar r el of oil (159 liters) =

1.73 MWh of energ y .

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Sa me C: 10 5 X Imp r o v ement

That same 1 barrel could be used to make the plastic needed for thin-­‐film solar cells.

© source s unknown. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/help/faq-fair- use/ .

The solar cells could generate ~16,000 MWh of energy over their lifetime, or 10,000 X as much.

Ene r g y Le v els a nd Basis Sets

L et s pause and f eel our oneness with these things.

H G ( r ) = E G ( r )

Wavefunctions for various values of n in an infinite square well.

Energ y L e v els

The S. Eq. leads to w a v efunctions

Which squar ed lead to pr obability distributions

Which once spin is ta k en into account

Image adapted from Wikimedia Commons, http://commons.wikimedia.org .

Courtesy of David Manthey. Used with permission. Source: http://www.orbitals.com/orb/orbtable.htm .

T ells us about energ y le v els!

Energ y L e v els

Courtesy of Mark R. Leach on meta- synthesis.com .

http://ww w .meta- synthesis.com/w ebbook/39_diatomics/diatomics.html

R e vi e w: Basis functions

Matrix eigen value equation: G = Σ c i ф i


H G = E G

H Σ c i ф i = E Σ c i ф i

expansion in or thonormalized basis functions


d r ф H

i i


d r ф Σ c i ф i


c i ф i = E

i i

Σ H j i c i = E c j


H c = E c

Basis Set Con v e r gence

When is a basis set con v erged?

Man y basis sets h a v e been made f or diff er ent elements.*

Y ou can ma k e y our o wn one to o .

This can lead to big tables (but chemists lo v e big tables!).

* see , e .g., bse .pnl.g o v

Basis Set Con v e r gence

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What else?

After the basis set is con v erged, is the calculation “right”?

example: what is the most stable structur e of 20 carbon atoms?


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see http://ocw.mit.edu/help/faq-fair-use/ .

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a p p l i c a t i o n e x a m p l e : S o l ar Chemical Fuels

Sola r - Chemical :

Heat sto r ed in chemical bonds

Old Idea, BU T: ra p i d deg r adation for ALL cases.

Cha r ging


Discha r ging

A no v el a pp r oach to sola r thermal f uels

There are many, many photoactive molecules...



...that are terrible solar thermal fuels.



h Stilbene


Ca n w e tur n the m int o goo d ones ?

Role of the CNT template

Intermolecular Separation (A)

Rigid substrate fixes inter-­‐molecular distances over long range, enabling:

steric inhibition


hydrophobic interactions

Enables design of spe cific intermolecular interactions not available in free azobenzene



Ne w Mate r ials for Sola r Thermal Fuels



Template Materials + Photoactive Molecules

Ne w Chemistry Platform for Sola r Thermal Fuels


So Why do W e Need QM?


E a


Solar radiation spectrum © Robert A. Rohde/Global Warming Art . License: CC-BY-SA. This content is excl uded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/help/faq-fair-use/ .

excited state


In-Class Calculations of Sola r Thermal Fuels

K ey Conce pt: Density of States (DOS)


F r om The Ba nd Ga p to Stor a ge Efficiency

Assume that all photons that h a v e higher energ y than the band ga p get absorbed b y the molecule AND lead to photo- isomerization.

Let the fraction of molecules in the excited state (cis state) be x.

Then, f or a solar spectrum I(lamda):


λ max ,ci s



I ( λ ) d λ = ( 1


x )


λ max ,t r an s

I ( λ ) d λ

λ max = E


bandg ap

F r om Absor ption Spectr a to Stor a ge Efficiency

Assume that all absorbed photons lead to photo- isomerization.

Let the fraction of molecules in the excited state (cis state) be x.

Then, f or a solar spectrum I(lamda):

x Z abs

( λ ) I ( λ ) d λ = ( 1 x ) Z abs

I ( λ )

( λ ) d λ


( hc )

tr ans

( hc )

λ λ

But how do w e g e t this abs” f unc ti on?

-­‐-­‐> from the energy levels!!

Summar y/Reading

What is con v ergence in a Quantum Mechanical Calculation?

F eeling f or what those energ y le v els mean!

Connection of energ y le v els to light absorption, and connection of that to charging efficiency in

solar fuels.

Extra r eading: g oogle “atomic orbitals , “molecular orbital theor y , etc .

A bit on h yd r ogen storage .

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3 . 021 J / 1.021J / 10.333J / 18.361J / 22.00J Introduction to Modelling and Simulation

Spring 20 1 2

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