N eutron Interferometry


N IST Center for N eutron Research

Home to a 20 MW reactor that provides neutrons for scientific research

Dozens of instruments (most for Solid State applications) Some instruments for the study of Fundamental Physics


Public domain image

The Neutron Interferometer and Optics Facility

Public domain image

Isolated 40,000 Kg room is supported by six airsprings Active V ibration Control eliminates vibrations less than 10Hz T emperature Controlled to +/- 5 mK 3

Inside the N CN R

Reactor Core

Fuel Elements LH 2

Guide Hall

7 Neutron Guides


Public domain images


W a v epac k et

Neutr on coming out of the r eactor is a wa v epack et: Sum of man y plane wa v es with diff er ent wa v en umber k [not a stationar y state: e v olv es (mo v es!) in time]


2 p

3 p

4 p

5 p

6 p

7 p

8 p

9 p

10 p


F ourier T ransf orm Pair

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 k


Monoch r omator

Monochr omator selects a small range of momenta

Source: Pushin, Dmitry A. "Coherent Control of Neutron Interferometry." Ph.D. Thesis, MIT, 2006.


W a v epac k et


2 p

3 p

4 p

5 p

6 p

7 p

8 p

9 p

10 p


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 k


Neut r on Interf e r ometer

3- blade interf er ometer fr om single Si cr ystal

Public domain image (source: NIST).


5- blade interf er ometer fr om single Si cr ystal

Photo courtesy of Dmitry Pushin. Used with permission.


W a v epac k et Plane w a v e


2 p

3 p

4 p

5 p

6 p

7 p

8 p

9 p

10 p


Photo courtesy of Dmitry Pushin. Used with permission.

W a v epack et x Interf er ometer consider x =

| i

or neutr on = plane wa v e k = ϕ k ( x ) =



p 2 π

e ik x

Momentum eigenfunctions

| - k i

| k i

| k i

courtesy of Dmitry Pushin. Used with permission.

W e c a n a n a l y z e t h e n e u t r o n i n t e r f e r o m e t e r looking onl y at the momentum eigenfunctions: S T A TIONA R Y SOLUTION (no time e v olution)


Interf e r ence

(Calculations: 1 )

| ( 0) i = | k i


The neutr on is a plain wa v e with k>0. The first blade is a beam splitter (50/50% pr obability of g oing up or do wn)

Interf e r ence

(Calculations: 2 )

p 2 ( | k i + | - k i )


t 1

| 1 i =

After the first blade , the state is a superposition.


Interf e r ence

(Calculations: 3 )

| 2 i =


p 2 ( | - k i + | k i )

t 2

The second blade is a mir r o r , exchanging neutr ons

with positiv e and negativ e 14 k

Interf e r ence

(Calculations: 4 )

| 3 i =

1 i '

p 2 ( e

| - k i + | k i )

t 3

N e u t r o n s i n t h e u p p e r p a t h ( w i t h n e g a t i v e

momentum) g o thr ough t h 1 e 5 phase flag (an object)

Interf e r ence

(Calculations: 5 )

ϕ | i = cos ϕ | k i + s i n ϕ | - k i

them to interf er e .

The thir d blade r ecombines the beams and allo ws


Interf e r ence


The detector measur e the neutr on


P (+ k ) = cos 2 ( ϕ )



(n umber of neutr ons

per u n 17 it time).

Interf e r ence

Courtesy of Dmitry Pushin. Used with permission.


Flux of par ticles

Plane wa v e wa v efunction not pr operl y normalized

( x ) = Ae ik x is

It is difficult to interpr et as

| ( x ) | 2

as the

pr obability of finding a par ticle at position x.

Interpr et

v | ( x ) | 2 = I

as a flux of par ticles


A = mI


~ k 19


of W a v es and Par ticles


T ransmission


Region I


Region II

Energ y > P otential Step E=T+V mv 0 2 /2 > mgH

T ransmission


Region I


Region II

Energ y > P otential Step E=T+V mv 0 2 /2 > mgH



Region I


Region II

Energ y < P otential Step E=T+V mv 0 2 /2 < mgH



Region I


Region II

Energ y < P otential Step E=T+V mv 0 2 /2 < mgH

Reflection/ T ransmission

Reflected wa v e

e ik x

T ransmitted wa v e

e ik x

Incoming wa v e

e ik x


Reflection/ T ransmission

Reflected wa v e

e ik x

T ransmitted wa v e

e ik x

Incoming wa v e

e ik x


MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu

22.02 Introduction to Applied Nuclear Physics

Spring 2012

For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms .

MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu

22.02 Introduction to Applied Nuclear Physics

Spring 2012

For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms .