Reactor Physics: Design Parameters for GFRs

22.39 Elements of Reactor Design, Operations, and Safety

Fall 2006

Chris Handwerk Massachusetts Institute of Technology



Design Philosophy

Traditional breeder designs and traditional safety concerns

Reactor physics design in relation to Gen IV goals

Sustainability/Proliferation Resistance




Portions of this presentation are derived from the Fall 2005 version by Dr. Pavel Hejzlar

Why the renewed interest in GFRs?

Extensive work done in 1970’s

Carter administration ban on reprocessing

Generation IV International Forum







6 Candidate Des igns







Reactor physics and Gen IV goals

Reactor Physics





Proliferation resistance


Reactor Physi cs

Design Solution

E c o n o m i c s

M a t e r i a l s

S a f et y

F u e l P e r f o r m a n c e

R e g u l a t o r y

T h e r m a l H y d r a u l i c s

The Engineering Pinwheel

Fast Reactor Fundamentals

The neutrons are fast

No moderator (most of the time)

Coolant is non-moderating

Liquid metal


Neutronic behavior governed mostly by Pu and TRU

Much lower β than LWRs (0.0035 v. 0.0065)

Shorter prompt neutron lifetime

Tighter lattice than LWRs

A LOCA will insert positive reactivity

MTC not the chief reactivity coefficient of concern as in LWRs

Steady State Reactor Physics Parameters


D esign Philosophy

Power Peaki n g

Pr o v id e su ffic ie nt margin to thermal

Intra-assembly, i.e. pin-to-pin

hydraulic limits

Radi al


Reactivity limited lif etime

A chieve burnups such that the design

(1) is cost competitive and (2) has fluence t hat is not excessive when compared to other options

Isotopic Composition

Minimize the volume and radiotoxicity o f spent fuel while providing enough Actinide i n ventory to act as fuel for current and future cycles

Active Reactivity Control

Reactivity Swing

Control R o d Worth

Keep the reactivit y swing low enough such t h at cont rol rod worth does not becom e excessive (i. e . si gnif icantl y beyond current exper ience, within rod ejection and stuck rod limits)

Steady State T/H Parameters


D es ign Philosophy

Peak Centerline Temperature

Fuel melting

Fiss ion gas release


Peak Cladding Temperature

Mechanic al properties/ integrity of cladding



Pressure Drop

Circulator Work

Natural Circulation/DHR

The Relation between Rx Physics and T/H Design Constraints

Isotopic com position

Rx Physics Effects

Conversion Ratio

Reactivity Parameters

•Reactivity Swing

•Control Rod Worth

Fuel Geo m etry (P/D ratio, fuel pin

outer diamet er)

Safety parameters

Β eff

•Prom pt neut ron l i f etime

•Void reactivi ty

Thermal Hydraulic Effects

Pres sure d r op

Peak Cl ad Temp erature

Peak Fuel Temp erature

Selection of a coolant

Chemical compatibility

Neutronic properties

Thermal Properties

Boiling/Melting Point

Heat removal capability

High thermal conductivity

Large heat capacity


Natural Circulation capability

Required Pumping Power



Coolant Case Study: S-CO 2

Power Conversion System (PCS) work begat the neutronics work

High efficiency Brayton cycle (45-50%) v. Rankine (33%)

Allows for a direct cyc le

Can provide better natural circulation capability than He

Can do it all at lower temperatures (650 o C) than Helium (850 o C)

Requires a higher pressure for Decay Heat Removal and cycle efficiency (20 MPa v. 8 MPa)

What integrated engineering design challenges does this pose?

Traditional sodium FBR designs

Large power rating (~3000MWt)

Very high power density (~300kW/l)

To reduce fuel cycle cost

To minimize doubling time

Short doubling time (~25 years)

Oxide fuels - U O2-PuO2 driver

fuel, use of UO2 blankets

Breeding ratio >1 (1.25)

Pool type reactor

Active safety

Interm ediate loops

Rankine cycle

Difficult maintenance (opaque coolant)

Complex and expensive

Diagram of reactor removed due to copyright restrictions.

Traditional reactor physics (safety) concerns for early liquid metal cooled FBRs

Small effective delayed neutron fraction

Small value of dollar unit for reactivity, hence concern that prompt critical state can be easier to reach

Short prompt neutron lifetime

Concern over extremely rapid power rise if reactivity increase exceeds prompt critical value

Hy pothetical core disruptive accidents

Core geometry not in most reactive configuration

Loss of core geometry may hypothe tically lead to reactivity increase and large energy generation

Although of extremely low probability, these scenarios receiv ed substantial attention

Reactivity insertion > $1 from coolant voiding

Local voiding is also a concern

External blankets required for breeding

Gen IV Goals 1 & 2: Sustainability/Proliferation Resistance

Traditionally h igh utilization of resources (motivated

early development of fast reactors with high breeding ratio - b lankets)

Emphases in Gen IV

High resource utilization

Waste minimization

Proliferation resistance


To reduce waste long-term radiotoxicity to that of natural U in <1000yrs f ull recycling of TRU (including MA) with losses <0.1% needed

Enhanced proliferation resistance favors elimination of depleted U blankets, avoidance of Pu separation and

maintenance of dirty plutonium isotopics throughout the cycle

Impact of recycling TRUs

Sustainability-driven design choices

GFR for both waste management and resource utilization

Use accumul a ted TRU fr om spent LW R for 1 st FR core

Design GFR with BR=1 , no blankets to avoid clean Pu

Recycle TRU without Pu separ ation, Depleted U feed

If enough GFRs deployed, LW R legac y TRU inventory eliminated

After full transition to GFR, enrichment could be eliminated


Nat - U

Enriched U

UO 2

U +TRU + F P

(1 st core)

U +TRU + F P

Conversion & Enrichment Plant

LWR Fuel Fabri c ation Plant


Reproc essing Plant



Storage of LWR spen t fuel

Depleted U

0.1% TRU loss

+ FPs

Storage of Depleted U

High -Level Waste S t orage

Consequences of sustainability-driven choices

Small effective delayed neutron fraction

TR Us have small

TR Us in LWR spent fuel 49%Pu239 , 23%Pu240,

7%Pu241, 6.6%Np237,

5%Pu242, 4.7%Am241,


Smaller marg in to

superprompt criticality, hence reactor control more challenging

What can be done to increase


Not much

Harden spectrum to fission more U238, but this worsens coolant vo id worth

Increase leakage, but this hurts neutron economy

Graph removed due to copyright restrictions.

Consequences of sustainability-driven choices (Cont’)

Increased positive coolant void worth

Safety issue

Typically much smaller in GFR than in LMRs

Can be fast

Smaller β makes coolant void worth larger in terms of reactivity in dollars

More positive coolant void worth is due to TRU loading (primarily Pu239, Np237 and Am241)


Neutron spectrum in GFR

CO2-cooled, Zr matrix UZr fuel Na cooled, TRU fuel

LBE-co oled , TRU fue l

Normalized fraction of neutrons in energy group






10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1

Energy (MeV)

Positive coolant void worth in FRs

Three components of coolant void worth

1. Spectrum hardening

Pu239 capture and fission cross sections



•Neutron population shifts

•Spectrum hardening

•Fission/capture ratio increases

•Reactivity increas es

Major neutron


Positive coolant void worth in FRs

This differs from U235, hence much lower void worth for U235 fueled core

U235 capture and fission cross sections

Fission Capture

Positive coolant void worth in FRs

Minor actinides (mainly Np237 and Am241) exacerbate the problem

Np237 capture and fission cross sections



Shift upon C oolant voiding

Major neutron population

Am 241 same behavior

What about U238? Also an issue but f comes up after 1MeV and only to 0.5barn

Positive coolant void worth in FRs (cont)

2. Coolant absorption

Less coolant smaller parasitic absorption, hence reactivity increases (same for over-moderated LWRs)

Small for GFR but can be significant for LMRs coolants with higher absorption cross section worse

3. Neutron leakage

Less coolant increased neutron leakage, hence reduced reactivity

Smaller or pancake cores have lower coolant void worth

Coolants with larger scattering cross section have larger reactivity reduction from leakage

Ways to reduce CVW in GFRs

A lthough CVW is small (in comparison to LMRs) , its reduction is difficult . Why?

L eakage component is very small (neg ligible for some gases, such as He)

P ossibilities :

1. Use core and reflector materi als th at exhibit an increase in absorpt i on cross section/reduction in refl ection upon spectrum hardening

2. Use gas that has high scattering ma croscopic cross secti on to increase benefit of leakage effect

3. Minimize coolant fraction in the core

4. Soften the spectrum

1. CVW solution: Titanium reflector

Scattering xs

Absorption xs

This would be nice core material

but nature does not provide such

Ti capture and scattering cross sections

2. CVW Solution: Leakage effect for He and SCO 2

Coolant void reactivity for (U-TRU)C pin fuel with Ti cladding and Ti reflector

0 .4

0 .5

0 .6

0 .7

0 .8

0 .9


1 .1

2. 00

1. 50

C o o l an t V o i d R eact i v i t y [ $ ]

1. 00

0. 50

0. 00

-0 . 5 0

S - C O 2 @ 20 M P a

He @ 8 M P a

-1 . 0 0

-1 . 5 0

-2 . 0 0

-2 . 5 0

H ei g h t t o D i am e t er R a t i o

3. CVW solution:

Tube-In-Duct (TID) Fuel Assembly

Hexagonal duct with coolant tubes

Duct W a l l


Compatible wit h vibrat ionally

(ODS MA956)

compacted (VIPAC) or specially formed “hexnut” pellet fuel

Vented to reduce pressure- induced stresses in cladding and

duct wall (as in GCFR of 1970’s)

Very high fuel volume fraction (~63%) with tolerable core pressure drop.

(Horizontal Cross Section)

Coolant Channels


Courtesy of CEA Cadarache. Used with permission.

4. CVW solution:

Use of diluent to soften spectrum





Neutron Energy Spectra of Fuel with BeO Diluent

N o r m a l i z ed S p ec t r u m - 1 0 % B e O

N or m al i z e d S pe c t r um - 40% B eO

N or m al i z e d S pe c t r um - 20% B eO

N or m al i z e d S pe c t r um - 50% B eO

N or m al i z ed S p ec t r u m - 30% B eO

N or m al i z ed S p ec t r u m - N o B eO

2. 50 E - 0 2

2. 00 E - 0 2

1. 5 0 E - 0 2

1. 0 0 E - 0 2

5. 00 E - 0 3

0. 00 E + 00

1 . 00 E - 05 1 . 00E - 04 1 . 00 E - 03 1 . 0 0E - 02 1 . 00E - 01 1 . 00E + 0 0 1 . 00E + 01

En e r g y ( M e V)

The Diluent Approach

Without diluent, enrichment zoning

BOL CVW=1.6$, radial peaking = 1.56

With BeO d iluent, enrichment and diluent zoning

BOL CVW=0.5$, radial peaking = 1.15

Diluent can also reduce axial peaking

Shapes power by:

Displacing fuel

Minor effect

Softening neutron energy spectrum

Reduces neutron energy below fast fission thres hold

Dominant effect


Moderating effect

Thermal conductivity enhancement

Best CVR reduction among candidate options

Other candidates



Radial Power Shaping Using BeO

Other effects of diluent

Consequences of sustainability-driven choices (Cont’)

Difficult to achieve conversion ratio (CR) of

1.0 in the absence of blankets

Balance between leakage/neutron economy and CVW

Balance thermal hydraulics and neutronics through coolant and fuel volume fractions

Why high heavy metal density?

Unit cell calculatio ns

U fuels

Heavier density fuels

achieve higher BOL


Gen IV Goals 3: Economy

Indirect link

Capital cost via safety - e xamples

Reduced peaking allows higher power density for given structural material temperature limits, hence more energy from the same vessel and lower cost

Low reactivity swing reduces number of control rods (CRDs expensive)

Direct link

Fuel cycle cost

Strive for low enrichment (TRU weight fraction)

Strive for high specific power

Example of long life, low power density design

Inner reflector



Active core

Synergistic twin to thermal GT- MHR

Same low power density 8 kW/l

Pass ive decay heat removal by conduction and radiation

Excellent sa fety

Neutronic a lly f easible


Very long core life 50 years


T e m p erature (C)






0 50 1 00 150 200 250

Time (hours)


K eff




0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0


Effect ive full power years

Bd = 5 0 M W d / k g

Bd = 1 8 0 MW d/ k g




8 . 766 pL T 1 e xT

T- P W R T- G C F R

FCC-PWR (4%)

FCC-GC FR (13 % )

40 But very high fuel cycle cost!!!


F u e l C ycl e c o st ( m i l l s /k W h r)






0 2.5

12 0

F C C- P W R( 4 % )

F C C- G C RF ( 1 3 % )

10 0






2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 1 0 0 1 2 0

S p ec i f i c po we r ( k W / k g HM )


•For U235 enriched fuel

C o r e r e si d e n c e ti m e f or f i xe d b u rn u p

=45%, L=0.90


•discount rate x=10%/yr

•C=3936 $/kg for e=13%


=33%, L=0.90


•discount rate x=10%/yr

•C=1200 $/kg for e=4.5%

•Fabrication 200$/kg


•Twin to MHR-GT not economically feasible

•Specific power should not be much below 20kW/kg, Shoot for 25kW/kgHM (BWR)

SUPERSAFE reactor of no use without a buyer

What works for thermal reactor may not work for fast reactor

Gen IV Goals 4: Safety

Reactivity increase from coolant depressurization

Primary issue is post LOCA decay heat removal

Gen IV emphasis is on enhanced safety

Current trend r ely on passive means

Water cooling

Em ergency cooling Heat Exch an ger

R eactor vessel

Guard containment

Hexagonal bl ocks with coolant chann el s


Cor e

GFR with natural circulation decay heat removal at elevated pressure

•4x50% cooling loops

•after depressurization of primary system, containment pressure increases and provides elevated pressure needed for natural circulation


Low pressure drop core , hence large coolant volume fraction but neutronics favors small coolant volume fractions

Approaches to reconcile neutronics thermal hydraulic requirements


Neutronics needs high fuel volume fraction

Post-LOCA thermal hydraulics favors low pressure drop

Use inverted fuel assembly or plate fuel assembly

MIT approach CEA approach

Courtesy of CEA Cadarache. Used with permission.

Neutronic Design for Safety

Most GFRs have slightly positive CVW

Is this acceptable?

How to assure safety with slightly positive CVW?

Rely on other reactivity coefficients, which are negative

Doppler feedback

Fuel thermal expansion coefficient

Core radial expansion coefficient

CRD driveline expansions coefficient

Strive for a design with such a combination of reactivity coefficients that can achieve reactor shutdown without exceeding structural materials and fuel temperature limits

Possible Safety Approach

Follow IFR approach of reactor self-controllability

Goal: reactor should have sufficiently strong passive regulation of power to compensate for operator errors or equipment failures even if the scram fails .

Core designed such that it inherently achieves safe shutdown state without exceeding temperature limits that

would lead to core or vessel damage

This must be achieved under the most restricting anticipated transients without scram (ATWS)

Unprotected (without scram) loss of flow (ULOF)

Unprotected loss of heat sink (ULOHS)

Unprotected overpower (UTOP)

largest worth CRD withdrawal

Possible Safety Approach (cont’)

Note that this is much stronger requirement than for LWRs

Loss of coolant is not credible in IFR since coolant under no pressure and if vessel fails, the coolant

remains in guard vessel ( but it is an issue in GFR, hence it needs to be accommodated )

Inherent shutdown is determined by:

Reactivity feedbacks

Materi al and coolant -related limits (e.g., clad, boiling, freezing T for IFR)

Need to find such combination of reactivity feedbacks and limits that makes it possible to achieve self- controllability

Safety Approach (cont’)

Quasi-static balance for reactivity encompassing all paths that affect

reactivity is


for GFR

0 power




Since time constants of heat flow changes and temperature induced geometry changes and of delayed neutr ons are in the range of half second to several minutes, and transients are slower, most feedbacks are linear

permitting above equation to be represented as


for GFR


( P

1 ) A ( P / F

1 ) B

T inlet C


P,F p ower and coolant flow nor malized to full power and fl ow

Tin c hange from normal coolant temperature

A,B,C i ntegral reactivity parameters that arise from temperature and structural changes - d iscussed next

Three criteria for A,B,C can be derive d to achieve self-controllability

Wade and Chang, “The IFR Concept Physics of Operation and Safe ty, Nucl. Sci. Eng., Vol. 100, p. 507, 1988

Self-controllability criteria for LMRs

ABR f ertile free, lead cooled actinide burner

LMRs can be designed to sa tisfy these criteria in spite of positive C VW

Transient calculations still nee ded to confirm the performance







Limits Actual values


S1: A/B

S2: C Tc/B

S3:  TOP / | B |


Controls Tc rise in ULOFs Balance between ULOHs

and chilled Tinlet

Controls UTOP

GFR self controllability

Designing a GFR with self controllability is a challenge


Additional term in reactivity balance to account for CVW

Direct cycle s eparate ULOHS and ULOF may not be possible l oss of heat sink (precooler) may lead to loss of flow to prevent compressor surge or stall, hence ULOF and ULOHS will be always combined

Self-controllability criteria need to be updated

Decay heat removal may not be fully passive


MIT design with UO2 fuel has too large Doppler feedback (low conductivity, softer spectrum)


Extra Slides

Natural circulation performance - C O 2 and He

Post LOCA core temperature profiles

13 00

12 00

11 00

10 00

T em per at ur e ( o C)

90 0

80 0

70 0

60 0

50 0

40 0

30 0

20 0

10 0

0 . 0 0 .2 0 .4 0 .6 0 .8 1 . 0 1 . 2 1 .4

C o re A x ia l L o c a tio n ( m )


Av er ag e C ha nne l C oo l a nt Av er ag e C ha nne l W a l l H ot C ha nn el C o ol ant

H o t C h an ne l W al l

P = 5. 0 ba r s

m d ot = 78 . 9 7 k g/ s





T em per at ur e ( o C)










Av er ag e C hann el C ool ant Av er ag e C hann el W al l H ot C han nel C ool ant

H ot C han nel W al l

P = 13 bar s

m dot = 1 3. 8 7 k g/ s

0. 0 0. 2 0. 4 0. 6 0. 8 1. 0 1. 2 1. 4

C o r e Ax i a l Lo c a t i on ( m )

CO 2 Heli um

•Limits peak cladding temperature=1200 C, maximum core-average outlet T=850 C

•2% decay heat can be removed by natural circulation

•CO2 much better than He requires backup pressure of 5bars versus 13 bars for He

•Helium i ssue of excursion type instabilities

IFR criteria for passive self-regulation

S1-criterion A/B < 1.0; A,B negative

A-net power reactivity coefficient (Doppler, fuel thermal expans ion) A=( α d + α th ) T f [¢]

B-pow e r/flow coefficient of reactivi ty - c ontrols asymptotic temperature

rise in ULOF (coolant density, CRD- driveline, core radial expans ion


B = [ α d + α th + α den +2( α crd + 2/3 α rad )] T c /2 [¢]

Key strategies:

Small negative A - metallic fuel, hard spectrum

Large negative B - m inimi ze coolant density coefficient

Large B also favors large tem perature rise across the core

But penalties on efficiency, hence compromis e needed

IFR criteria for passive self-regulation

S2-criterion 1.0<(C Tc/B) < 2.0; C negative

C –inlet temperature coef. of reactivity

/ T in

provides balance between the ULOHS and the chilled inlet temperature inherent response (Doppler, fuel thermal exp., coolant density core, radial exp.)

C= ( α d + α th + α den + α rad ) [¢/K]

range comes from cladding limit and coolant temperature rise

Main efforts:

Minimize coolant density coefficient

Increase core radial expansion coefficient, if needed

IFR criteria for passive self-regulation

S3-criterion  TOP / |B| < 1.0

Controls asymptotic temperature rise in UTOP

The rod worth of the most reactive control rod must be limited


Minimize reactivity swing

Use fertile, maximize , C R=1 is a good candidate

Increase Vf - limited by cladding stress constraint

Low-leakage core favored, but hurts coolant void worth

Large B - minimize coolant density coefficient

Increase number of CRDs

Feasibility domain for plate core at 50kW/l

Feasibility domain for carbide CERCER (50/50) 2400MWth core q’’’= 50W/cc

CE A result s


design possible


Courtesy of CEA Cadarache. Used with permission.

Feasibility domain for plate core at 100kW/l

Feasibility domain for carbide CERCER (50/50) 2400MWth core q’’’= 100W/cc

CEA results

Courtesy of CEA Cadarache. Used with permission. 53

Typical reactor response to ULOF









Tem p erature [K]

Fue l Cl a d

Cor e Out l e t C o re In let

Clad temperature limit

400 600 800 1000 1200 140 0

Time [sec]


Cladding must remain below temperature limit

Example of GFR design for passive decay heat removal

Guard co n f in em en t

Courtesy of CEA Cadarache. Used with permission.

CEA and Framatome h elium cooled design 55

Example n eutronic data for CEA design

Example key design data for CEA design