Reactor Safety: The Emergence of Probabilistic Risk Assessment

22.39 Elements of Reactor Design, Operations, and


Lecture 7

Fall 2006

George E. Apostolakis Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Pre-PRA Era (prior to 1975)

Management of (unquantified at the time) uncertainty was always a concern.

Defense-in-depth and safety margins became embedded in the regulations.

“Defense-in -Depth is an element of the NRC’s safety philosophy that employs successive compensatory me asures to prevent accidents or mitigate damage if a malfunction, a ccident, or naturally caused event occurs at a nuclear facility.” [ Co mmission’s White Pa per, Fe bruary, 1999]

Design Basis Accidents are postu l ated accidents that a nuclear facili ty must be designed and built to with stand without loss to the systems, structures, and components necessary to assure public health and safety.

Farmer’s Paper (1967)

Iod i ne-131 is a major threat to health in a nuclear plant accident.

Attempting to differentiate between credible (DBAs) and incredible accidents (Class 9; multiple protective system failures) is not logical.

If one consid ers a fault, such as a loss-of-cool a nt accident (LOCA), one can determ in e various outcomes, from safe shutdown a n d cooldo wn, to consideration of delays and partial failures of shutdo wn or shutdo wn cooling with potential consequences of radioactivity release.

Loss-of-offsite-power event tree

LOOP Secondary Bleed Recirc. Core Heat Removal & Feed




So u r ce : O a k R i d ge N a ti o n al L a bo r a to r y

Technological Risk Assessment

Study the system as an integrated socio-technical


Probabilisti c Ris k Assessmen t (PRA ) support s Risk Managemen t b y answerin g th e questions:

What can go wrong? (accident sequences or scenarios)

How likely are these scenarios?

What are their consequences?

The Kaplan & Garrick Definition of Risk

( Risk An alysis , 1 (1981) 11-28)

R {

s i , i ( i ), c i }

s i : s cenario i, i = 1,…,N

i : f requency of s i (aleatory uncertainty)

i ( i )

: pdf of i

(epistemic uncertainty)

c i : consequence i

PRA Model Overview

Leve l I Leve l II Leve l III





Containment failure/release sequences


Public health effects


Accident sequences leading to plant damage states


At-power Operation


Shutdown / Trans ition E v olutions


Internal Events External Events

At Power L evel I Results

CDF = 4.5x10 -5 / yr (Modes 1, 2, 3)

Initiator Contribution to CDF Total:

Internal Events… 56%

External Events 44%

Seismi c Events 24%

Fires 18%

Other 2 %

From : K. Kiper, MIT Lecture, 2006 Courtesy of K. Kiper. Used with permission.

Level I Results

Functional Sequences

Contribut ion CDF

Transients - S tation Blackout/Seal LOCA 45%

Transients - Loss of Support Systems/Seal LOCA 29%

Transients - Loss of Feedwater/Feed & Bleed 12%

LOCA - I njection/Recirculation Failure 7%

ATWS - N o Long Term Reactivity Control 6%

ATWS - R eactor Vessel Overpressurization 2%

From : K. Kiper, MIT Lecture, 2006 Courtesy of K. Kiper. Used with permission.

At Power Level II Results

Release Categories Conditiona l Probability

Large-Early 0.002

Small-Early 0.090

Large-Late 0.249

Intact 0.659

Large-Early Release Freq (LERF) = 7x10 -8 / yr Large-Early Failure Mode Percen t Contribution

Containment Bypass 82%

Containment Isolation Failure 18%

Gross Containment Failure 0.1%

From : K. Kiper, MIT Lecture, 2006 Courtesy of K. Kiper. Used with permission.


Shutdown, Full Scope, Level 3 PSA (1988) Results: Mean CDF s h ut dow n ~ Mean CD F power

Dominant CD sequence:

Loss of RHR at reduced inventory .

Risk dominated by operator actions - c ausing and mitigating events.

Significant risk reductions with low-cost modifications and controls.

Midloop level monitor, alarm

Procedures, training

Administrative controls on outage planning

From : K. Kiper, MIT Lecture, 2006 Courtesy of K. Kiper. Used with permission.

Shutdown PRA Issues

Risk is dominated by operator actions - importance of HRA.

Generic studies give useful insights, but risk- controlling factors are plant-specific .

Shutdown risk is dynamic - average risk is generally low (relative to full power risk), but is subject to risk “spikes.”

Shutdown risk is more amenable to “management.” At-power risk is designed in.

From : K. Kiper, MIT Lecture, 2006 Courtesy of K. Kiper. Used with permission.

Integrated Risk (All Modes) 2 002 Update




Percen t o f


Mode 1

Full-power (>70% pwr)

4.28 E-5


Mode 2

Low-power (<70% pwr)

0.15 E-5

2 %

Mode 3

Hot Standby

0.08 E-5

1 %

Mode 4

H ot Shutdo wn

0.05 E-5

1 %

Mode 5

C old Shutdown

0.91 E-5


Mode 6

R efueling

1 .38 E-5


Total Core Damage Frequency

6.86 E-5


From : K. Kiper, MIT Lecture, 2006

Courtesy of K. Kiper. Used with permission.

Reactor Safety Study (WASH-1400; 1975)

Prio r Beliefs:

1. Protect against large LOCA.

2. CDF is low (about once every 100 million years, 10 -8 per reactor year) .

3. Co nsequences of accidents wo uld be disastrous.

Majo r Findings

1. Dominant contributors: Small LOCAs and Transients.

2. CDF higher than earlier believed (best estimate: 5x10 -5 , once every 20,000 years; upper bound: 3x10 -4 per reactor year, once every 3,333 years).

3. Co nsequences significantly smaller.

4. Support systems and operator action s very im portant.

Risk Curves

S o urc e : WASH-1400,


Fr e q ue nc y of Fata lit ies Due to Man-Caused Events (RSS)

Risk Assessment Review Group

“We a r e unable t o def i ne whet her the overall probabilit y o f a core melt gi v e n in WASH-14 0 0 is high or low, bu t we ar e certain that the err or ban d s are u n d erstated.”

WA SH-1400 i s "inscrutable."

"…the f a ul t -tree/event-tree meth od ology is sound, and b o th can and sh ould be more widely used b y NRC . "

"PS A me th od s sh ould b e us ed to de al wit h ge neric safe ty iss ues, to formulate n ew regulatory re quirements , to a ssess and revalid ate exis ting r e gul a t o r y req uirements, and to e v alu a te new designs."

Commission Actions (Jan. 18, 1979)

“…the Commission has reexamined its views regarding the Study in light of the Review Group’s critique.”

“The Commission withdraws any expli cit or implicit past endorsement of the Executive Summary.”

“…the Commission does not regard as reliable the Reactor Safety Study’s numerical estimate of the overall risk of reactor accidents.”

Zion and Indian Point PRAs (1981)

First PRAs sponsored by the industry.

Comprehensive analysis of uncertainties (Bayesian methods).

Detailed containment analysis (not all accidents lead to containment failure).

“External” events (earthquakes, fires) may be significant contributors to risk.

Example PRA Results

M.I.T. Dept. of Nuclea r Engineering Courtesy of K. Kiper. Used with permission. 20

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce and Engineering

Courtesy of K. Kiper. Used with permission.

Summary of Dominant Sequences

Department of Nuclea r S c ien ce and Engineering


M.I.T. Dept. of Nuclea r Engineering

NUREG-1150 and RSS CDF for Peach Bottom

Comparison of Iodine Releases (Peach Bottom)

Quantitative Safety Goals of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

(August, 1986)

E a r l y a nd l a t e nt c a nc e r m o r t a l i t y

r i s k s t o an i n d i v i d u al l i v i n g n e ar t h e

p l a n t s h o u l d n o t ex cee d 0 . 1 p ercen t o f t h e ba c k g r o u nd a c c i de nt o r c a nc e r

m or t a l i t y r i s k , ap p r ox i m at e l y

5 x 10 -7 / y ear f o r ea r l y d e a t h a n d

2 x 10 -6 / y ear f o r d e a t h f r o m ca n c e r .

The prompt fatal i t y goal appl ies to an aver age indi vi dual l i v i ng i n the region betw een the site boundary and 1 mile beyond this boundary.

The latent cancer fatality g oal applies to an average i ndi vi dual livi n g in the region betw een the site boundary an d 10 mi l e s beyond this boundary.

Societal Risks

Annual Individual Occupational Risks

All industries 7 x 1 0 -5

Coal Min i ng: 24x10 -5

Fire Fighting: 40x10 -5

Police: 32x10 -5

US President 1 ,900x10 –5 (!)

Annual Public Risks

Total 870x10 -5

Heart Disease 271x10 -5

All cancers 200x10 -5

Motor vehicles: 15x10 -5

From: Wilson & Crouch, Ri s k /Benefit Analysis, Harvard University Press, 2001.

Subsidiary Goals

The average core damage frequency (CDF) should be less th an 10 -4 /ry (once every 10,000 reactor years)

The large early release frequency (LERF) should be less than 10 -5 /ry (once every 100,000 reactor years)

Large Early Release Frequen cy

LERF is being used as a surrogate for the early fatality QHO.

It is defined as the frequency of those accidents leading to sign ificant, unmitigated releases from containment in a time frame prior to effective evacuation of the close-in population such that there is a potential for early health effects.

Such accidents generally include unscrubbed releases associated with early containment failure at or shortly after vessel breach, containment bypass events, and loss of containment isolation.

PRA Model Overview and Subsidiary Objectives


10 -4 /ry


10 -5 /ry


Leve l I Leve l II Leve l III





Public health effects


Containment failure/release sequences


Accident sequences leading to plant damage states


At-power Operation Shutdown / Trans ition Evolutions


Internal Events External Events


“Acceptable” vs. “Tolerable” R isks (UKHSE)

Risk cann o t be ju stif ied sav e in ext raordin ary circu mst ances

Con t rol m e asu res m u st be in tro du ced f or risk in t his reg ion to driv e resid u al ri sk t o w a rd s th e broad l y accept a ble re g io n

Le ve l of re s i du a l ri s k reg a rded as insig nif icant -- f u rt her ef f o rt t o redu ce risk n o t like l y t o be req uired

In creasin g in d i vi d u al ri sks an d so cietal co ncern s




PRA Policy Statement (1995)

The use of PRA should be increased to the extent supported by the state of the art and data and in a manner that complements the defense-in-depth philosophy.

PRA should be used to reduce unnecessary conservatisms associated with current regulatory requirements.

Risk-Informed Decision Making

for Licensing Basis Changes (RG 1.174, 1998)

Comply with Regulations

Maintain Defense-in- Depth Philosophy

Maintain Safety Margins

Integrated Decision Making

Risk Decrease, Neutral , or Small Increase

Monitor Performance

10 -5

10 -6

Region I

Region II

Region III

R egi on I

- No changes R egi on II

- S mall Changes

- T rack Cum u lative Im pacts R egion III

- V ery Small Changes

- More flexibility with respect to Baseline

- T rack Cum u lative Impacts

10 -5

10 -4



Acceptance Guidelines for Core Damage Frequency

Risk-Informed Framework

Traditional “Deterministic” Approaches

Unquantified Probabilities

Design-Basis Accidents

Structuralist Defense in Depth

Can impose heavy regulatory burden


Risk- Informed Approach

Combination of traditional and

risk-based approaches

Risk-Based Approach

Quantified Probabilities

Scenario Based


Rationalist Defense in Depth


Quality is an issue