Design Goals and Interrelationship among Core Design Parameters
Course 22.39, Lecture 2 9/11/06
Professor Neil Todreas
Major Design Choices PWR G FR |
Coolant |
Water Thermal UO 2 • A ctive (Gen II) • P assive (AP1000 and ESBWR) Rankine |
He or SCO 2 |
Neutron Spectrum Fuel |
Fast |
Fuel |
Dispersion in Matrix CERCER |
(U-TRU) C/SiC |
Decay Heat Rem o val System |
Active or Passive |
Power Conversion Cycle |
Brayton w ith |
Supercritical CO 2 |
Or Heliu m |
Principle PWR Design Challenges
#1 Reduction of Capital Cost
Design Approaches:
• C onstructability
Modularity, Infor m atics, Constructi on Techniques
• Design Approach
Safety b y Natural Phenome n a
Unique Approaches
Filtered, Vented Containment
Containment i n Cooling Tower
Stea m Generators out s ide Contain m ent
Rapid Refueli ng Technology
#2 Reduction in O&M Cost
Design and Management Objectives:
• Reduce Operator Burden
• Reduce Plant Operating Staff
#3 Reduce Spent Fuel Inventory (holding fuel cycle cost level)
Design Approaches
• I ncrease Fuel Burnup
• I ncrease Plant Thermal Efficiency
• S eparation of Actinides
• Reprocessing of Actinides
Typical Nuclear Plant Operating History
S o urc e : 22.39 “Class N o t e I”
Time Periods in an Operating Cycle
Operation |
O utages within Operator C ontrol |
O utages outside Operator C ontrol |
At Power E f f ective Full Power Period, EFPP |
Unplanned Outages (UO) T UO |
Planned Outages (PO) T PO |
Idle Outages (I) T I |
Outage Extension (EO) T EO |
Forced Outage (FO) T FO |
Refuelin g Outage (RO) T RO |
Main tenance Outage (MO) T MO |
Plant Operating Characteristics
S o urc e : 22.39 “Class N o t e I”
Effect of Cycle Length on Plant Op erating Factors (assu m ing a 30 day refueling outage length, T RO ) and 30 Da y Idle Time Period, T I , outside the Plant Operator’s Control
0 % F L R
2 % F L R
4 % F L R
0 % F L R
2 % F L R
4 % F L R
0. 95
0. 9
U n i t O p er ati n g F act o r
0. 85
0. 8
0. 75
0. 7
0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0
O pe r a t i ng C y c l e Le ngt h , Tc ( c a l e n da r m o nt hs )
Equivalent Annulus Representation of the pin cell geometry and the inverted or matrix cell geometry