Chapter 19 Radiation Effects in Metals:

Void Swclling and Irradiation Crecp


L'n til ahou I ] 967 the most dr trimen tal radiation e ffe c't ex pected to be str ffe re d I»’ th t stainless-stet•l t Padding of the fuel eleme nts of the p roje ted liquid -me tal -i oole d fast breeder re acto r I Lfi'l f“B R J was emb rit tie me nt due I.o ex‹'es- sis'e hardening at losv tr mp‹'raturrs or helium agglome rati‹›n at grain boundaries at h igli temp‹'raturr s. These proble me, however, were at lt ast q u ali tati ve ly understood , anti su ffi- cient experimental data had been amassed to permit em brit tie mcii t to be circ uni vented bj care ful dPsign. Sin‹'e th at time a n timber of u ru'xpe‹ ted phen ome na have been un covere d by microseop ie e xamination of fuel ele mt n ts an d st rti ct u rat componr nts th at had been irradiated in a fast reactor t'nvir‹i nmen t f‹ir long pe riod s. I n aflditio n to the chemical at tae k of the inside of the cladding b \ the fuv 1 ( Chap. 1.2.1 , s feel.s i rrad rate d to large fast-iu'ti Iron fJ ti‹ ii ‹'‹ s exhibited d ram at ie de nsity decre ases. tJsin g transmission electro n microscop y. Cawt ho rne and F tilt on ' demo nstra t‹'d that th is swell ing was due to the forma tion of small cavi tit'.s within the grains of the me tal. These voids, wh ich did n ct co ntain sufficic nt gas ( i I an y ) to he classed as bubbles. ranged in size from the smallest obst'rs'ahle to greater than 1000 A. Further research has sh own that voids form in stainless steel on ly at te mpe ratu res between 350 to 600°C. U nfo rttinate 1 \ ’, th is range falls squarely with in the temperature xone in which the cladding of LMFBR fuel pins is designed to operate t Table 10.2 ) .

Void fo rmatio n is not unique to s tain less steel; in fact, steel is one of the allo y s most resist an t to this phe nome n on. Nearly all met aIs s well by this mech un /s m over a tempera - ture band from 0. 3 to 0.55 of the absolute mel ting temperature.

The seve rity of metal swelling under irradi atio n also depends o n the fast-n eutron exposure tand to a much smaller extent o n the fast-ne utron flu x ) . There appears to be an incubation period u p to a fast fl uen ce of 10' 2 ne utrons c m 2 in which no observable swell ing of steel occurs. Thereafter swell ing I measured , as in the case of fuel swelling by fission gases, as IV V ) increases as ( 'I›t ) ' , where the exponent n is greater th an unity'. Very' fe w data at fluences above 10 2 " neutrons / cm 2 exist, and , because of

tli‹* man j v=ari ablt's non trolli rig s z'e 11 i Hg, t'xt rapo I ation o f

th‹' duse depei d‹* c‹’ t‹› th‹‘ de sign flri‹’i ce of the L11FBR ( 't X T 02 nerl tr‹›ns ‹'m' ) is \ ’r‘r \ ilJsec \ I rt›. ñ onse que n th ,

tll ‹' r‹' h as bet n in tense aeti v ity in dew lo p iiig theoretical models th at cats at'curatelj pre di ct swell ing at large fl ut'tice s and in de i'ising experimental techniq ues ot hP r than neutron irradiation to produce voids in me tals in short times. Of special it t‹ rest is the fl uen ct' to ›vh ich th e power law A V \ ' ( '1'I I e xte rids and i 1' an d at wli at fl uence the sz'ell i n g saturates. I.evt link off of th e swell in g vu inc has not i ct been obs‹ rved in read ter irradiated xtee 1, Eli t h igh - ent'rgy ion bombard me n t ( Sec. 1.7.9 ) h as sh own' that

smell i rig of stainlt'ss stet•l saturates at II tie rices ap prtiac hing

1.0 ru*titro us i,triz 'flit' li igh t qui \ 'ale tit nt•ut ron fl lien t'e

ion -i rrad iati‹in st tidies, tak t'n wit li t xtrapol ation of lo w- fl urncc' ne utron -i rradi ation data, suggest th at ty pe US sta init ss st.t*t 1, which is the most li k e lv I>âI FE 11 cladding, will 5 well h y 5 t o 10’ in a c om mt'r‹ ial rt iict‹›r. 'I'he rami fi ‹'ations of v‹i I u me in ere ase s of th is magn i ttide on ftit'l-‹'lt'men I design arr p ro found, ‹in d flu' n'medi es are c‹is t I y . SO bit of f h t ti ii dest rable .s id r e ffe‹'ts cif .s well i n g t'8Il be flllrYiflted b \ tier related phenomenon uf irradiation

ree p. The r ffects of swelling and irradiation crt'ep on ‹'ore desi gIi are discusse d in Cls ap. 21.

The origin.s of i'oid swe fling of me tals are q ual itati ve I y under.stuod. fiulIisi‹›n of fast neutrons with laftire atoms produces \ large numbers of Yacanc}’— in tersti tial pai re ( see Chap. 17 ) . host of th‹’se point de fec'ts evrntuall \ ' reccm- hine with each r›ther ur migrate to site kS il the* solid where the poin t defects lose the ir identity . The most e ffective sinks are d relocations, eith er th osc w ) i ie h are part of th e natural dis locatio n network of th e me tal or dislocation loops created h}' conde nsation of radiatio n-produced in ter- stit ials. Precipitates and grain boundaries dlso act to remove point de fects from the medi u m. The dynamic balance between the point-defe ct creation and removal proce sses during i rrad iat ion sustains concentrations of vacancies and in terstitials far in ‹'xcess of thermal equilih riu m ( see Fig. 13.1 7 ) .

Nucleation of segregated cluste re of inte rstitials and vacaH cies can take place provided ( hat the tempe ratu re i.s high enough so that both in terstitials and sae an cies are



mubil‹ in the sulid, but nut su high tlzaL Llzc* poin I de Fetus are re moved b;’ recuillbiila£iulJ ur migra£iun tu sin ks so quitk I ¿’ th at li igh su pers at utation cannot be main taiiied. 'f'he I}’pe cf cluste r l"ormed h \ ill te rstitials is in \ ’ariabl \ a dj slocati on loop. Vacan cies, li owever, can agglo me rate either in to platelc* ts, win ie h roll apse in t‹› disluc at ion luups, or in to th re'+-di mention at clustc*r5, \ vh ich are term‹'d ›'ui0s. The atomic' structu re s of inte rsti t ial arid van an cy loops are shown in Fig. Id. I .

The collection of interstitial atoms as cxl ra planrs in the la ttice causes the solid to swell. If the vac an cies condensed in to analogous vacan cy loops, the lattice con- tractioiarou n d these loo ps would ca use shri n kage of the surrounding solid by an a moun t that just coun te rbalan ces the swell ing due to interstitial loops. loo we ver, whell the vacaii cies agglomerate iii to void s. n o lattic'e c'on t raction is available to cance 1 the dilatation due to the in te rstit ial loops, and a net volume in crrasr of the solid ensues. I n irradiated zirconiu ni, for example', large vacancy loops. but no voids and he n ce no swell in g, arr obse rvvd .

The relative stability of voids a lid wacan cy loo ps can be

assessr d by comparing the energy di t'ference between the part i cular cluster conta inilig m vac an cies and the perfect lattice. For th e void this di ffere nce is ju st the ‹• uergy required to form the surf ace of the void:

( 10. 1 )

w |iere ) is ( he su r fac't ( i* ns in ii of th e so 1 id ( ap pro x i mate 1} 500 dykes cm for stainless steel ) and It is the radius of the s'oid, w his li is rt• lated to the n uniber ot‘ va‹'an cies iH the cavity by

t9.2 )

whert‘ \ / is the a to mic \ ol M me , cr tI \ t’ volume con trihu ted b}’ each \ acanc¿ tu th e ›'oid . ’I'he P ne rg}’ of Lh e void is thMs

Th e e ue rgy of a faul ted dislo c'atiOii loop composed of m

\ 'acanc ie s in a disk u I radius Rj is

( 10.1 )

where rg is the energy’ per unit length ( i.e., the line tension ) of the disloc‘atiun comprising the pe riphe n uf the loop. Accord ing to kq. 8. \ 0 d ”Gb* , where h is the Burgers

\ ’ector of the faulted loop.

The term q,t is the energy per tin it area of the stacking fault encl osed by the loop. As show n in Sec. 3.6, tht sequence of close-packe d ( 111 ) planes in the fee stru ctu re is ordered 123123... . \ Vhen part of one of these planes is removed or a section of an othe r ( 111 ) plane is inserted , the stacking sequen ce is disturbed, but the atoms surrounding the stacking fault are surrounded by the same number ( 12.1 of nearest neighbors as in the pe rfect lattice. However, the configuration of the next nearest neighbors is slightly al tered, and the stacking-fault con figuratio n is somewhat more energetic than the perfect lattice. This energy di f ference is manifest as the stacking- fault energy. Because the energy difference is due to second-order atomic

arrange me n ts, q’ t is snJal I, t \ pic“al \ ’alutx he iM g \ 0 d \ ’ices,:’«m.

In l"tc m‹’ tale ctislucat iuiJ l‹Jups furm un th e clc c*- packed ( 111 ) planes in which the area per atom is 3* a 2 , .*4, where a„ is the lattice constant. The radius uf a vacanc}’ I oop created by rem oval of m atoms from ( o r the condensation o f m \ aca iicies on ) a ( 111 ) plane is


where I/ = aq ' 1 is the ato wit rolume iH the fev stru c't u re . Th e em'rgy of the faul ted vacate t j loop is tin're fore

I I the loop is min faulte d ( i.‹'., the stac‘king faul I is removed ) , the sccund Le rm on the right uf Eq. 1.9.6 is ahsenL, but The' resulting rrd uctio n iti env rgy is partially compensated by the larger Burgers vt cto r txt th e pc rfect loop compared to that uf the fariltt‘d luup.

Th‹ uuid and luup t‘nt'r¿ic's given b}’ I'Jqs. 19..J and \ 9.b arc‘ rather close tu ‹’acid uther, and conclusions concern ing the relati v+ stabiIit}’ of the two t \ ’pes uf ›’acanc} clusters arc' uncc'rtain because' in purtaI1 I para me term, such as II e di.slocatiun line te usion, are Mot accurately known. appears that the void is thr stable form for small clusters ( small m ) . but, as m incrc'ases, the loop becomes the energetit-all y favored con figuration. I f the presence of the stacking-fa ult term in Eq. 19.5 is ig no re d temporaril y, the

tel the loop , and the energy bal an ee tips its favor of the loop at void rad ii of st i'eral te ns of angstroms. However, collapse of the emf›ryo void into a vacanv y loop is probably

impeded by the prese nce of small quan ti ties of he liu m gas in the i'oid , a nd th us voids may su n'ive and gro iv. Equation

19. fi also indicates th at loops rather than voids are favored in metals in which th e stack ing-fault energy is lo w. Gold , for example, has a ve n low stac ki ng-fault energy, and irradiation -produ ced voids have not he en observed in th is metal. O n the other hand, ve ids are easil y produced iH

nickt•l, for vfhich i.f is large. The sta cking-fault energy iii stainless steel lies between th csv two e x I remes, and i oid s

c'an be prod need iH th is all oy but on ly at mu ch higher fl uences than that required for void formation in nickel. This observation is cons iste nt with the pre crding discussion of the ef fe ct of stacking-f“ault energy on the relative stability of voids and vacancy loops, but man y other factors influence the relative resis lances to void formation of a complex alloy, such as steel, and of pure metals, such as gold or n i ek el.

Gran ted that, given a choice between forming loo ps or

voids, vacancies will condense as the latter, there remains the question of w hy the irrad iation-prod uce d point defects form separate interstitial loops and voids in the first place. Since vacancies and inte rstitials are formed in eq ua1 n u mbe re by fast-neu tron bombardment, one would expect that poin t defects of both tv- pcs would diffuse to voids at equal rates and hence produce no net growth of the voids.

Inasmu ch as the v ords represent accumulated excess vacan- cies, the in terstitials must be pre fe re ntiall y absorbed else- where in the solid. The pre fere ntial in ie rstitial sink is


undoub tedl y the d is locations, e it he r th ose bet on gin g to the original network in tht• metal or the in te rstitial loops. I t was noted in Sec. 1.3.9 th at dislocations exhibit a sligh tly larger capture rad ius for in terstitials than for vacancies, and it is this fact which fun damentall \ provides the me chan is m for i'oid formation. The pre fere n ce of dislocations i'o r intersti- tials is due to the inte ractio n of the strain field arotin d the dislocation with the strain field established b ) the misfit of an in ie r› titi al atom in the latti cc' ( the stra in field around a vacancy is much smaller than that around an interstitial ) . This strain-field interaction cause.s an attraction of in ter slit ials for dislocations iv he n the two are in prox imi ty . Ham" has sh own th at the di recte d due it r in te rsti tials toward dislocations can be in cor porated into a di f fusional model ‹if the transport process if the dislocation line is assi gn ed a somewhat larger capture radi u.s for in ie rsti tial s

to voids' ' 7 con tain mu ch detailed in to rmation pertinent to the experimental and theoretical status of the subject. Emphasis here is placed on vo ids fo rmed in neutron-irradi - ated stainless steel. Void formation in the potential cladding materials nic kel and its allo y s vanadiu m and mol \ 'bde nu m will not be conside re d in detail. I n addition to fast-neutron irradiation, i'oids ma y be formed by bo mbard- ing metals with lieav y ions ( e.g., protons, carbon, and sel f-ions ) or iv it h electrons. The results of these investiga- tion s are su mmari zed in Refs. 4 and 5.

Th e bulk of the in formatio n o n void formation in metals has bee n obta in ed by transmission electron mic ros- copy i Sec. 18.1 ) . 2’liis tcp chn ique permits the no/d dis li‘ibu - lion ( ’unc I ion, N ( R ) d R - n umbe r of voids/ cm w it li radii between R arid R * d R, to be measure d. Often, on lj the total void n limb er de nsity,

than for vacancies ( see problem 13.7 ) . The preferred migration of in terstitials to dislocation s leaves th e matrix of the metal sligh I ly de pleted in in terstitials relative to vacancies: so nonpreferential sinks, such as voids. absorb

the aide rage void si ze ,

N J N ( R ) d R

( 19.7 )

vacancies a t a somewhat greater rate than in terstitials and growth results.

I n su mmary , the conditions neces.sary for void swell in g

1. Both in ie rstitials and i'acan cies must be mobile in tta e sol id. ’£his require me n I is easil j me t by in te rstitials, wli ich

R ) " R N ( R ) d R

or the void say elli n g,


H N ( il ) d R

( 19.8 )

( 19.9 )

can migrate in mrtals at s'e ry low te mperatures. I f the vac an cies are not mo bile as we 11 , ther Will simpl y be an n ih ilated by the cl oud of mcv in g in ters titials.

2. Point defects must be ca pable of being removed at sinks prov ided by structural defe cts in the solid in additio n to being destro \ ’vd h \ recumb in at iun. ñ1oreove r, une of the will ks must ha•'e a prt•ference for the’ illtersti tials ill orcler to pt'rmit establish ment of the ‹'xc'c'ss \ acancj population necessary fOr voids to form.

3. Th e su prrsatu ration o f vacan cies must be large en ough to pc rmit voids and dislocation loops to be n u clt'ated . e ith e r ho mog ene on sl y or hete roge neon slj , and to grow. At temperatures su fficie ntl y li igh th at the thermal eqtiil ibri u m conce nt ration of vacancies at the \ ’oirl surface is comparable to that sustained in the mat rix by i rradiation, void nucleation an d growth erase. A I la igh tempe rattt res voids thermally emit vacate cies as fast as the irradiatio n - prod freed vacancies arrive from thr bul k of the solid.

4. Tra‹'e quantities of insoluble gases must br p mse n t to stabili ze the e mbryo void s and pre ve n I collapse to wac'ancy loo ps. T ransm utation lu'liu m provides the ne ce seat gas con ie nt in n e u tron - irradiate d mc tal s, al th oug h othe r gas- eous i mpu ritit's ( oxjge n , nil roge n, and li y d roge n ) pre se n t in mos I metals can perform the same fun ction. Altli o ugh some he liu m gas is undoub tedly prvse nt in voids, there i.s de finitel y n of en‹›ugh to ‹'lass th we cav ities a.s eq uil i briu m b ub bles.



Ex‹ r'He la t sum marie s of tht' expc'rime ntal obse matrons of voids in metals h ai'e bee n pre sr n ted by be me n t and by iNorris. I n acld itio n , the papers in two con ferenrt s de i ot ed

ar‹ re ported. If the ve id d is trib ut ion is n arrow, th e en elf in g may be ex pressed by

( 19.1U )

Most tht'oretiral treat me rite are c'ontt'n t to pred ict th e as erage ve id si ze , assunii rig th at the void de n sitj is a spv‹ i fied n timber rather th an th e complete void distribution fun ction.

Sz'ell ing can also be e x pe ri me n tall y dete rmin ed by inn me rsi n g a samp 1 e of kn own we igh I in a fluid to rneasu re the .solid vol time. I to we ve r, on lj the electron microscope c an gru \ ide d aha utJ \ 'oicl size ancl dt‘tJ sit}’. In arlrl itiun, H› is tool can provide in formation on the evolution of the dislocation structure of the irradiated metal. 'I'h is in forma- tion consists of:

I . 1'h e de nsi £} of we £wurk d islocation s ( i.e., dislocati uns other than those comprising the loop.s ) .

2. The total d islocation line length of the loops. which is determined bj thy ai'erage diamc• ter of the loops and th e nu mber density of the loops.

19.2.1 The Void Distribution Function

F igu e 19.1 shows the void-size distribu tions for stain - less steel irradiated at di ffere li t temperatures b ut to the same fl uc nce. The distributions at low temperatures are appro ximatel y fiaussian, z'itli the peak ,sh i1“ted to the large r

\ 'oid siz‹‘s as thc’ te mperat \ mm* is int reased. The \ ’e narrow cl istrihutiuns at luw tt‘mp‹’ra£rir‹ s indic'ate th at. alth‹›ugh void n uc leati on li as o r!cur red , th e I ow growth ratt prt•ve li ts

id rrom at tai n iris large sizes in the allot ted irrad iatioii time. A I h igli temperatures the d is trib utio n fun ction is i e o’ broad and con tains some i'ery large i'oids and a small proportion of litt ie one s. Th is ty pe of distribti tion suggests


indicates a rapid in crease in void size at low temperatures and a smaller rate of increase at high tern peratures. Similar nonlinear behavior is seen along the fl uence ax is. Figure

19. 2 ( b } shows that the void n u mber density decreases with increasing temperature and increases with fluence. Observed vo id densities range from 10 1 to 10' voids cm .


Fig. 19.1 Void-size distribution N ( R ) in type 316 stainless steel irradiated to a fluence o f 6 x 10 2.2 neu tro ns/cm° at various temperatures. ( A fter d. I. B ramman et al., p. 1.25, Ref. 6. )

that n ucleation has ceased and a constant densi tj of v'oids is in the proce ss of grow ing.

19.2.2 Void Size and Density

The ze roth and fi rst monie n Is o f th r• i'oi d d ist ri b u ti on fut ctiun, which represen t the \ ’oid nrlmbe r dei \ sit \ and avtrnge \ 'uid size, respecti \ ’eI}’, are shown its the three - dimens in na1 re prest•ti latin n s of Fig. 19 . 2. Pigti re IS. 2 ( a )

19.2.3 Void Swelling

According to Eq. 19.10, the de pendence of volume s welling on temperature and fl uence could be constructed by multiplying the cube of the surface heights of Fig. 19.2{a ) by the surface heights in Fig. 19.2 ( b ) . Cuts th rough this three-dimensional representation of volume ssvelliti g are show n in Figs. 19. 3 and 19.4. Figure 19.3 shows the restriction of swelling to the temperat ure band

350 tu 600”C with peak swelling occurring at 500”C. Figure 19.4 indi cafes a po wer-law increase o f void swelling with neutron fl ue nee. 'I'he fluence dependen ce is of the form



where the expone nt n js about un its' at 400‘C and in creases to about 2 at high te mperattires. Other functional forms have been suggested fo r the fl uen ce de pe nden ce of swell ing. Because of the scatter ct the data, swelling can eq hall y well be fitted to a linear eq nation w ith an in c ubat ion period du ring which voids are absen I:

( IS. 1 2 )

l b I

Fig. 19. 2 Void size ( a ) a nd n u mber de nsity ( b ) in fast reactor irradiated a us ten it ie sta i nless steel as a l'u nc- tion of fast -rie u tron fl ue nce and irradiation tern per at ure. [ After T. T. C la nd so n , R . W. Ba rk er, a nd R. L. Fish, V xc f. p pl. Tr e 11 ii o 1. , 9 : 1 0 ( 19 7 0 ) . ]


are fret from disl ocatit›ns. V oids easil y fo rm in tliest xont s and are res possible fri r the second h ump in tlit' sivelli rig t‘urve t'or t \ pe 30 i st a in lt ss steel. ’I’lit• clislocatiu n st ru cture int roduc‹•d by c olcl work ing of ty pe 3.16 stainless stee 1 appt ars to be nior‹* stable. The majo r di fferr ii ce betwet n tlu'se t wo steels is the 2 to 3"zr molybdenum additioti to t \ ’pe ,31fi stai n less stet'l. This alloying e Ie me n t can en ffi - eien t I j rt d tir'e th e inn b ili ty of dislucations ( by pi nn ing ) tt› cli rn ini str tlit• rt'co ierj pr‹ ) t ess.

300 300 500 600



19. 2.5 Effect of Precipitates

’l'li t t t‘fect of all oj compt›sitio n is eve n more d ramati-

all \ t x li ibited in the s welling be havior of nicke 1 and the li igh li ickel-co n ten t alloy lncoiit*l ( Fig. 19.6 ) . N it kel with

0. t"‹ i mpurities swel 1s confide rabl y less than li igh -purity' nir-kel , and 1 ncont 1 act uall y de nsi fies during irradiatio li. 'l'h t' ext:t'llt'nt swelli rig rt'sistanct• tif I n ct›n el is probably due to tht flue Ni , Nb prer'ipitatt• that is present in this matt rial. '1’his p rt cip itatt particle' is cohvrt'ii t, wh icli means that its lattice ci›iistaiit is 1 use to th at of tht' inatri x, and the precipitate mat rix in tt rf‹ict• is con tin uousl y loo nded . 11 will be sh own latt'r th at culieren t precipitate's ac't as

Fig. 19. 3 Effect of irradiatio n teiriperature on swelling of type 30.4 stainless steel at a fluence of 5 x 10 2.2 neutrons/ cm°. , transmission electron microscopy. , immersio n density l After S. D. Hark news and Che-Yu Li, Met. "Ei ans.,

2: 14.57 ( 197 1 ) . ]

"the i ncubation p‹ riod , ( 'l›t ) , is of th I Ord er of 10' ' neu fret us ‹'m' an c1 is bt'l it's ed to re p rt sen I the nt ti mo n dt›se lit't'de d to p rOd ttce t'nO fig h Int I iu ni to pt riiii I voi c1 titit'l c'a- tion to p ro cc ed . The in ductio n pe rind maj al so be req u i red to build u p a su fficient de nsity o f interstitial loo ps to allo w the pre fe rential absorption of inte rstitials by dislocations to su ffi ci en II j bia.s t he poin t de fe ct po pul ati on i n the metal i n favor of vacancies so a.s tO pe rmi I va can cy a Sql orne rat itin into voids.

Neithe r of the above e m pt rical formu 1 ation s o f the fl ue nce de pendP nce of void .swell ing indi e ates satu rati on ( i .e., le ve 1 ing off ) Of this phen omeno n.

19.2.4 The Effect of Cold Work

€iold work , w hich increases the de usr ty of network d isl ocati ons, h as a significant e ffect on the swell in g cha rac- teristics of austenitic steels. L'p to a point, cold work ing inn pro ves the resist a net o f steel to swell i ng, as is shown by the smaller swelling of 20”‹ cold worked ty pe 3 lG stainless steel compared w ith the solu tion-treated ( i .e., an nealed ) material ( Fig. 19.5 ) . Excessive cold work may not be bene ficial, as indi cated b y the curve for ty pe 304 stai n less steel in Fig. 19.5. For th is steel, two swe fling peaks are observed. The low -tempe ratu re h u mp is associated w ith normal void formation in a iTie tal of const an t microstru c- ture . The high -temperature peak is pro bab ly due to the instability of the disl ovation network in trod u ced by cold work . Above 600‘C e xte nsi ve recovery an d recy stall i zation occur in the steel, and large segments of the microstructure

FLUENCE ( E > 0. 1 MeV 1 , neutrons/cm*

Fig. 19.4 Effect of fast-neutron fluence on swelling in type 316 ( ) and in type 34.7 ( ) stainless steels. Irradiation temperatures were between 4.70 and 540°C. ( After W. K. Appleby et a1., p. 156, Ref. 6. )


316 ( Soluhon t eu«*ll

3 1 G 120“ CW )




500 600 700



Fig. 19.5 Effect of cold work ( CW ) on the swelling behavior of austenitic stainless steels. The curves for ty pe 316 stainless steel are plots of Eqs. 19.12a and 19. 12b for a f luence of 5 X 10 2 ° neu trons/cm 2 . The curve for 50*i CW t ype 304 stain less steel is for a fluence of J4 X 10° 2 neutrons cm 2 . ( \ fter S traalsu nd et al., p. 142, Ref. 6. )








0. 0 i 0 z. 0 s 0 n. 0 . 0 x 4 0 2 I

NE U TRON F LUE NC E E I MeV l. neu tr cns ‘cm*

Fig. 19.6 Swelling of high-purity nickel, nickel of 99.67c purity, and I nconel ( 739c N i—17?â Cw87o Fe ) at 4 25° C. [After J.J. Holmes, Trans. Amer. N ucl. Soc., 12: 11 7 ( 1969 ) .]

recombination sites for vacancies and in te rstitials and th us contribute to reducing swelling. Another way that a dispersion of fine precipitate particles in an alloy reduces swelling is b \ impeding dislocation climb ( i.e., the}’ act in a man ner similar to molybde num in ty pe 31 ñ stain less steel } . Another nickel -based alloy wh ose mi crostructu re contains a fi ne dispersion Of coherent t precipitates is Nimonic PE lfi. Titanium and al U minu m are added in equal amounts to this all oy, and thy precipitates have the compositio n N i , ( Ti Al ) . This alloy .shows less swell ing than does ty pe 316 stainless steel at high fl ue n ces.

19.2.6 Empirical Void Swelling Formulas

I n view’ of the rudi me ntar y state of the theory of void formation in alloy s, empirical eq uations are used to account for the effects of void swelling in fuel-ele ment performance estimates. The equations used in curre nt core -design studies reflect the in fluence of the primar y variables of tempera- ture and fluen ce and the degree of cold work of the alloy. For ty pe 316 stainless steel, the swelling equation for solution -treated steel is

( ”1 ) - ( ‹I›t x 10— 2 * ) ** 0 S ! 0 * !’ l I T 40 ) 10—’ 0 j exp ( 32.6 5100/T 0.015T ) ( 19.12a )












10 22

N E UTRON F LU EN CE , neu trons/c 2


N E UTRON F LU E NC E , neutrons/ 2

Fig. 19.8 G rap hs of equations correlating the size and density of the f aulted interstitial loops in type 3.16 stainless steel for various temperatures and neu tron fluences. ( A fter Ref. 10. )

and fuel-ele me nt perform an ce pre dirti one will be forced to rel y on empi rical correlations for L UP Blt design. Howe s e r, theoretical models r the process are val uab ie because the y offer guidan ce for experiments atid elucidate the factors that may preve n t or at least retard x'oid groivt li in el add i rig materials.

Void -for mation tlieorie s us vi all y div ide tht iiverall pro cess in to distinct nucle ation and growth phases, mod els for w hich are presented in the foll€i wi ng two sections. Pre di c- tioiof the e solution of the loop and void distribu I ion functions with irradiation time requires coupling thr hasic nucleation and growth laws in to poin I defe ct, loo p, an d void conservation state me nts. Progress in th is aspect of void s we hing th con’ is reviewed in Sec. 19.6.


N ucleatioii of voids refers IO the rate at wit ich t iiij embryos of these de feet cluste rs appear in the solid . Once nucleated , the P mbrv os te nd to grow and are safe froin destruction . N ucle ation and growth are often treated as seque n tial ste ps in the overall proct'ss of void formation. Supersaturation of the solid with point defects is a prereq uisite to both nucleation an d growth , bu t a higlie r

.su pe maturation is required to force n ti cle ation than to con tinue gro z'th of e x is ting ernbr \ ’os.

’The’ cc›mn1on example uf nucleation is the tond‹‘ilsatiun u I wale* r \ apur ii air. I f the partial pres u re uf a ter in dust-free air is sIu wl \ increased be \ ’und the* equilibr ium apur prt'ssrtre, not h ing happc'ns until the' supersaturatiun I i.e., th ‹’ ratiu uf the partial pre ssure tu the

\ ’apor pres.sure ) attains a ›’alue uf about 5 tu 6. Ac this puii t a l”ug, whic'h corrr'sponds tc Mucl‹‘atiun uf small liq slid drople to, appears. 1'h+' su pt'rsa turation uf the gas pIi ase falls abr \ iptl at the unsef ‹›f rl u ale a tiun, and the ne wl1’ born droplets c't›nsumt' the re raining e xcess water i-a por at a purt°1y di ffusion-limited rate un til the t•qu ilibrium vapor pre ssurt° in ( he gas phast• i.s aha int d. £“ormation tif voids and loo ps i n solid s maj not be as c'learly divisible in to n ucleation and growth phases because in th is case genera- tion of point defects acts to main tain the su pe rsatu ration. Nucleation of new v'oids and lo ops may proceed in parallel with the grow th of e.x is ting ones.

to nvt he less, nucle ation and gro w th prticcsse.s can be anal›-zt•d as iildivid ual phen ome na, the rates t›f wli ich are ftinc'tions of tht• poin I-de feet su pe rsa turatio us, the lit I itim con te n t of the solid, and the ie mpt rature . Afte r the basi c rate equatit›ns have bee n deri›’‹ d , simultaneous ope rat ion of


‹›r ‹he appr‹›pridL‹‘ cuns‹' ”avio n statement.s l”or \ ’oid s, loops,

fi‹‘d , and most the‹›ri‹’s ‹›f ‹›id furmati‹›n in me Fall ha '‹' adopted the n ucle ation follou e d -bi’ -Pro ivth approar'h.

As with th e on de neat ion of u.'ate r. n ti cleation of voids and ltiops i n mt' ( all can be cl asst'rI e it h e r ‹is h ‹›inoge neou s or

poi n t de fects e xecu tin g ra ndo m wal ks in the' solid . 'I'he stab ilitj of th Use el usters re lativr to the iii di vid ual point defe‹'ts of whic h th ey are o inpt›srd ( i.e., voids coii tain vacancies and pe rli aps gas atoms wht're as lt›ops con ta in intrrstit i als ) is th e clri x ink f‹›rc e t'ur nti leatiu n. No ne of th e struct ural featu res of the sol id are nc'c'ded to vausr• atigl omt ration of th e poi n I de fe cm.

I lete roge neo us nucl eat ion re t'e re to flu' appear an t ' txt’ voids on distinc I strur'tural feat urt s t›f the solid. In iv-ute r conde utation , for e xa mple . d net part i‹‘1es provide he te roge- neous n ticleatioli sites. Hi metals th e In'tc'ruge neitic's th at i T1 a \ ' acc‘e le rate roid nucle a tit› n in chide p reex isti rig gas bubble s I ‹'on Gaining ei the r inipti ritj gast's in the as-fabri- cated rru t al or irradi at ion produ‹ r d hel itim or lij d role n which has pre‹ ipitate d int o equil ib ritim hub bles prior to iiu t'lt'd tion of i'oids ) , i licohe re ii t prt'‹'ip it ate parti‹'1c's, and dislo‹'ations. 'l'he de plc ted zones created in tlu ‹'ull isit›n

Therr is no ge n eral e‹xise us us on the pre do mi n an t void nticleatio n mechan is m. 3’he irn portaH ce of homogeneous nuch'atioli vis a-vis heir rogeneotis n tic'leation has bven dc‘bated si n ce irrad iatioiJ - pr‹›du ced ›’uirl s in n t tall ver‹ first discov‹' red ( Refs. 4, 5, 1.1 , an d 1.2 ) .

N u‹ I cation of \ ords in th e de plc' ted zoHes fo rmed in tlit' collisioH case ade is Int li ke I j because o I t1u• rapid th e rnaal

at the peak swell in g temperatu res in stai Hless s feel ( see Sec. 15.5 ) . Fu rt he rmore , irradi ati on of metals by etc ctro us results in copious void formation, even th ough de plc ted zones are not formed by th is ty pe of bombarding particle ( Sec. 18.5 ) .

I I has not been possible to unequivocall j dete rna inc the cond it ions under which hetc‘roget eo us iJ ucl‹'atiulJ r›f \ uid s on second -phase parti clv s is import an t. Bloo m' ' has foun d that whe ii the vo id con ce ntration is how t either by combination of low hue n ce at low teinprratu n' or high fluence at h igh tempr rature ) the voids are ofteil associated with dislocations or precipitates. A I constant flue n ce Brager and Straalsund ' ' observed what appears to be homo- geneou s nucleation at low temperatu res, whereas at high temperatures the voids were fewer in n umber and attached to pre ci pitates. Ne \ ’ertheless, the idea th at a fixed li umb er of heteroge neo us sites is re sponsible for all void nucleation is unacceptable on two coun Is. The con cept p redi cts th at the void co nce ntratio n should be ( 1 ) limited by the nu mbe r density of nucleation sites in the me tal and ( 2 ) rude pendent of irradiation ie mpe ratu re . Neither of these ex pectations is satis fled by void formation in stainless steel.

All studies of void n ucleation in irradiated metals agree that the presence of he liu m in th r solid profoundly affects

the uncle at ion proce ss. al tho ugh hr liu m is not a pre req hi- r » c 1‹ ation. Ne utron -irradiation and io n-bombard

when I e.x pert men ts in wit ich helium gas is expressly pre injr cted in to the samplr show a larger density of voids th an expe ri men Is in w'hic'li heli u m is to tall j absen I ( ion bom- ba rd mci it ) or builds u p contin uo usly du ring irradiation ( nr u tron i rradiati on } . 4’he i ncu batt on fI ue nce of 10 2. 2 nt utrons rn ' i Eq . 19.12 ) may be the time neede d for suf fit ien I trans mutation lieliu m to be p raid u ced by irradia- tioito cause void n u‹ lt'ation . Although th r void density is mar kedly in ‹'re asrd by th e prrsen cr of he liu m, the to tal

swell i rig o 1‘ flu' me tal is tin a ffected .' Ty pie all j , 0.1’ of the free rac'an cies produced by the displace inrn I pro cess in a fast He utron flu x end It p in voids tsre problem 19.1 at the en d of this chapte r ) . The rv main ing 99.S’ \ e itliv r recomb in e t›r ar‹‘ re mud ed at ii n ks. ’l*l \ e pn'sence o f he li i m does i ‹›t altt‘r this parti ( it›tJ ing uf the lacan c‘ies. Accurd it \ g t‹› Sq . i 9 . 10, i f IV V is tu rt*main c‹›Ms£an £ ‹‘ \ ’eI \ thcuglJ N

increa.see. tlu' ‹i ve rage vo id size must de cre ase. The explan a tion for th is obse rmation is th at the high void de nsitic s in t'xpe ri men Is with pre injectt•d he liu m provide more e ffe eti ve' traps for vacancy capture, thereby redu cing the vacancy stipe re attr ration and slo wing do wn the' rate of g ro wt h uf the

In uc‘ bit run irradi a tion thc‘rr’ is no wa}’ uf turn ing ‹› ff tile hrliu in prod uction as a means of con troll in g vc›id forma- tion . O n e ‹'an at bi st hopr to understand the mechanism by wli ieh ht liu m in flue nces void n ucle ation in order to be able to predict void belt avio r at fl ue nce s as yet un aha in able by neutron - irradiation tests.

The details of th e pro cesses by wh ich he liu m affe‹ Is vo id nucleation are not kH o wn . Thr me chauism may simply be a matter uf stahilixiiJ g embr}’o voirls that have i ucle ated without the aid t›f g*as atoms ated pre‘ \ ’enting collapse* of tht embr \ ’os to vacanc \ loops. I f such collapse uccurs, the fat‹* o I the' loop is dete rmi iu'd because of th e p re fern ntial bias of disloc'ations uf any sort for inte rstiti als, th e vac an j loop will collect morv in It*rstitials th an vacancies an d will be destroy ed. However, it is more likely that helium is in timatc 1 y in volvr d in the nu cle ation process, pro bably by preci pitating si mu I taneousl y with vacan etc s and in terstitials to ftirm embr yo voids that are partially gas filled. Wla ether or not this role of helium converts a honiogrnrous nuc'1eatio n process to a heteroge neo us one is a matter t›f semmi tics. I f, however, the he liu m fi rst migrates to an d is trapped b \ ' imperfections in the so lid ( e.g., precipitate s ) and then s mall voids form by accretion of vacancies to the se bu bbles. the nucleation process is c ) earl y hete rogeneous.

Although void n ucleation pro bably occurs by a mixture of ho mogeneous or heterogeneous processes. each assisted by heliu m, onl y h ornogeneous nucleation has been treated quantitatively. Ho mog‹•neous nucleation of voids in metals is not simply a matter of applying classical nucleation theory to a new system. C lassical theory , wh ich was developed to ex plain liquid -droplet formatio n from super- saturated vapor of condensiblr gases. has been appl ied to man y pre ci pitation processes occurring in solids. However, in all nucleation problems th at have been treated by classical theory, growth or sh rin kage of small cl usters occurs by exchange of a sin gle species betwee n the embrv os and the su persatu rated mediu m. Void nuclea tion, however,


involves the ex change of at least two spe‹'ies, namel y, the vacancy and its antiparticle the inte rstitial, between the clusters an d tlL' lattice. A void ‹'an grow either by adding a s'acancy or by releasing an iiiti•rstitial; it than sly rink by adding an interstitial or by emitting a va‹-ancy. âlorrove r, if lit'litini is invul i't'd in I.IH' n u cl‹'ati‹in pr‹, tfi ree species iiitLst b‹• considered in t.In' elm ri n kagr an it enlargenien t pro‹•esses sv hich t'onti‘ib utc' to h omog‹'neous n ucle at ion.

In th e re main dtu of th is section , ho nioge neo us n uclea- tion ot’ voids l'rotn a matrix on tain ing arbitrary su prr-

.satu ration s of both i ac ‹in cies and interstitia1,s is de scribed. Progress in in c‹irporati rig li e liuiii in to tlit• n ucleation proct'.ss is onsidere d brie fl j : ii tlele ation of in ter.stitial loops is treated in Sec. 19. 4. The bulk concentration of vacancies and in terstitituls, which drivvs the n uclt•ation proce.sses, is as.stimrd to be dett•rmint*d h1' poin t-de feet balan ces that consider all sources and siniss of point defects in tht• solid , as slJow n iiJ Sec. 19.5.

19.3.1 Homogeneous Nucleation of Voids

I loniogrneous nucleation theory begins by dcd ucing the' eq uilibriu m i'oid distribution function, N’° ( m ) ( where ni is tht nhin ber of 1-ac'aii ties in a void ) , wli ich is di•i'eloprd by ‹i supt'rsaturation S,. C,.,''C{”' v I v'di'ancies in th e s‹›lid. 'flit' theory then ‹:cinsiders the noneq tiilibrium situation tif arbitrary s a‹ an c \ an d in It'rsti tial .su pe maturations in wli ich tin'rt is a nc t fl ux, I, of i'oids from one size to the next largrr size. Th t• rt'stilti fig equation for I svli i‹ h is the dc si red nucleation rate } is soli'ed with the' aid ol’ the eq nil ibriu ni dis Trib rtti on , frO in wit ich cc' rtain ‹'oe f ficien ts appearing in the ii orlrq uilibriurn equation are obtained. 'J'he thet›ry of liomogent ours nucleation of voids in tlir absence of gas atoms sva.s dex'eloped st multaneously and independc'ntly by Katz a lid V'irdrrsirli ' and hy Russc•ll.' S

19.3.2 The Equilibrium Void Distribution Function

When there is no vacancy supersaturation tS, - 1 ) , the equilibrium concentration of vacancies in the solid is given


min iintim at soiim ‹'HLster size and tlirrrafter ink rt ase.s rapidl y xvit li in. Th is eqti ili b rium distribution cats not be attained i n practice be‹'ausc' it implies large concentrat.ions of large voids. I n spite of th is practical d i f ficult \ , the equilibriu m dis trib u tion is use ftil be‹'a ust it pt'rmit s esti ma- t ion of certain pro parties of void y ow t,h and sh rin k‹ip‹' which are net•de d ft›r analysis of the a‹ t ual uon‹ gis ilibriu rat case.

\ \ 'e the re forr drte rminc' th t' hy poth e tical void distribu tion fund tion N'q i arising from a su pt• rsaturatioti S,. of va‹'aii cies. The ›acancirs are iii equilibrium with the entire void population, or in the language of chemical the rmo- dv nannies, the rra‹:tion

is at equilibrium for all values of rn. I lere v dt notes a i-acaric; and vp is a void compo.sed of m wacant'ies.

Since a situation of total the rmod ynamic equilibriu m i.s eiii'isaged, the in terstitials pn•sent in the .solid i:iust also bt' in equilibriu m with the vacaii cies according to t tic reaction

svhrrt' i denotes an in ie rstitial and n ull mean s an at o m on a normal latti‹'e site. ’l'hr eqn ilibriuni conmen tration of i ii ters ti male in a .sol id wlie re I It the wdcancic s are also at eq uil ibri um is

kT ( 19.23 )

where c; is tht• energy of formation of an inte rstitial. Equation 19.22 requires that thr product G„ Ci be a constant, and this constant must be rq ual to C§° C," . Or. the concentration of interstitials in rq uilibriu m with a supersaturated solution of vacancies is given by

( 19.24 )

'the in terstitials are unde rsaturated by an amount equal to the vacancy .su persaturation S, . Because of this fact and because of the high formation energy of in te rstitials, the interstitial concentration in the matrix conta in rug a su per-

C°° N, rx

p k*

( 19. 20 )

satu ration of vacancies is negl igibly small.

The distrib ution function N e ' ( m ) is obtained by’

where N, 1;'f2 an d is the n u mber of ato tn sites in a unit volume of solid and e, is the ene rgy of formation of a va‹ an c'i . Even in this situ ation there are some small voids ( i.e . , clusters containing morr th an one lacan cy ) . 2’he c quilibrium fraction of divacan cies, for example, was de riv'ed in Sec. 6.4 and is given by kq. 6.22. Similar calculations can be used to determine the concentrations of voids containing three or more vacancies. For the particular case of unit supersaturation, the equilibriu m concentration

v I clusters decreases rapidly as the cluster size increases; i.e.. for S, - i, N eq ( is a rapidly decreasing function of


When the v'acancy concentration is maintained at a value greater than Ce° ( e.g., by irradiation J, it is also

possible to compute an equilibrium void distribution function. For S„ > 1, however, N e " ( m} is not a monotoni- cally decreasing function of m. Rather, it passes th rough a

appl ying the critr rion of che mi cal equilibriu m to reaction

19. 21. Specificall y, Eq. 5.14 becomes

xvhere p, is thr chemical potential of a vacanc}' and p„, is the chemical potential of a void of size m. The chemical potentials are related to the total Gib bs free energy of the system by Eq. 5.50:

t19.26 )

where the partial derivative is taken with temperature, total pressure, and concentration of clusters of sizes di ffe re nt from m held constant. By analogy to the cases of monovacancies ( Eq. 6.11 ) or divacancies ( Eq . 6.16 ) , the total Gibbs free energy of a system containing a distribu- tion N’" ( m ) of clusters is give n by


where' Ci„ i t,he free e nergy o1’ the perfect lattice and g,p is flit' Ciiiibs frt'e ene rgy, c'r reve tsible work, required to form a v oid of size m, which is

Eni ' h rn TSni m + P m ’*in

ltc're c„, is the energy required to form a void of m vacancies, s,p is the excess entropy associated with th is process, and s'q is the volume ‹'hange due to introduction r›f a void in the solid I v„, - m12 local contras:tion around an isolated vacancy in the lattice is negle cte d ) ; p is the h s drostati c stress in I.h e solid . following the usual simpli fi-

‹'ations in dealing with point-de feet e q uilibria, the last two terms on the right are neglected, and g„ red uce s to c„ . flower er, it should be noted that the presen ce of the term pv,p in the above expressit›n provides a means whereby the state of stress of the solid ‹:an influence the nucleation rate. 1-“or large rn, the energy or in‹' i'oid is assumed to be adequately represented by the surface energy , which may

be obtained by comb ining fiqs. IS.1 and 19. 2:

Equat ion 19.28 re presents the eapillarity iiiodel of homogeneous ii ucle at ion, in wli ich tlir energy of a clustr r is related to a macroscopic param‹'ter, namely , the surf ace t‹ nsion . Equation 19. 26 has n o mean ing for cluste rs of ‹i ne or two vacaliciés. The energ;’ requi rt'd t‹› create a mon o- vac an cj , is th c vacanc y formati‹i n rue rg j c„ , and n ot the righ t side of Eiq . 15. 26 with m - 1. Th is in ah ility to accurately describe th t• enrrgy o1’ cltistP rs too small to be treated as droplike en tities but t‹io largr to be considered in atomic terms is common to all applications of nu‹ leation theory, including the pn•sent one.

"i'he last term in Eg. 19.27 is the temperature times tlir

particular vo ids are re mo ved does not produ cr a distinguish- able state ) . ’i'he quantity‘ rri N “’ is factored front the nur›teratur of the abo+'e equation, and the tcp and hottom are multiplied by [ ( N /m ) - N“^ ( m ) | !,

( 19. 29 )

Substituting Eq. 19.29 into Eq. 19.27, using Stirling's formula for the factorial term, and taking tlir dt rivative as required by Eq. 15.26 yields

N’ " ( r n ) N,

lii ob Gaining th is result, z'e have neglected md“" ( in )

‹'omparc d to N, because the s't›id concentration is lois. for nioiiova‹-an cies ( m 1}, Eg . 15.il0 reduces to

y„ c„ + kT In N s ( 19.31 )

'f'h e v a can cy-formation t•iiergy is eliminate d from Eq. 19. 31 by Eq. 19. 2O. This pr‹icedure leads to

p, kT In k1' ln S„ ( 1f ) .32 )

Having dete rmitied p„, and p, in te rms of th e dis tri butio n fun ction N"° ( m ) and the i-acancy su persaturati‹in S,. , we determine N e ° ( m ) b y substituting Eqs. 19. 30 and 19.3 2 into the criterion of chemical equilibrium, Eq. 19.25. and relating c,p to m by Eq. 19.2h. The equilibrium void distribution function is foutid to be

N"' { m} N exp ( iii tn S, Jm ) { 19. 3 3 )


vonfigurational entropy ( or entropy‘ of mixing j. It can br obtained by calculating the numbe r of ways in which voids

‹'an be d rstribtited in a crystal containiil N s lattice' sites per

( 36N2 ) '* 7

( 19.34 )


unit volume. To perform th is computation, we make the

‹resumption that the .solution is dilute in voids and vacancies, so the co nibi natorial n umbe re Wp can be calculated in de pende ntl y of rach othe r. This problem has already bet n treated in Sec. 6. 4 for the parti‹ ular case of divancies l m 2 j , and similar mt•t h ods are appli cd he re. I lowe ver. the proble m is simpli fied by requiring that the clusters be spherical, wh ich eliminates the orientation factors that entered in to the divacancy calculation. We begin with a unit volume of perfect lattice and withdraw voids of size m sequentiall y until there are N"° ( m ) of these holes in the solid. The size m is fixed during this process. 2’he crnter of thc• first void can be removed from any of thc• N, available sites, wh ich leai'rs N, m sit,Ps from which the second void may be withdrawn. The th ird void is removed

from the s km n'maining sitvs. etc'. The product of each of ttiese factors gives the nurnbe r of di ffere nt way s of re moving N" " ( m ) voids of size rn from the solid , or

N, ( N, m J ( N, 2 ni ) ... ' N, -- [ N"" ( m ) 1 | ni l

l N•*" ( ni j I !

w'here the den‹›nii natt›r sr rres to ct imin ated permutations among the identical i'oids {changing the orde r iti which

is di inrnsionlrss and of magnitude betw en 10 an d 30.

Eq nation 19. 33 is the result of purely the rmod yiiami v arguments and is in de pe nden t of th e me chan ism by iv hic h the eq uilib rium void distrib u tion is established. âlechan is tic in formation of the n ucleation process can be extracted from Eq. 19. 33 if the distribution is re gatded as a dynamic balance or the rates of va‹ an r3' capture by a cluster and vacancy emission from the cluster. At equilibrium the rates of these two processes are equal, and, since the rate constant for the forward ( capture ) process is known, tlir rate constant of the reverse process can be dcte ruined from Eq. 19. 33.* Equilibrium is attained if the rate at which cltiste rs of ni vacancies c•apture single vacan‹'ies is equal to the rate at which cluste re of size m + 1 t•init s'a‹'ancies, or

d„ tni ) N”" t nil - n,. ( in + lJ N"' ( m + 1 ) ( 19. *15 )

*This procedure is an e xample Of th e application o f the pri nci pie o f detailed bala ncing, which has previo usly bee n invuked to determine the climb velocity uf ai edge disl oca[ioI1 ( Eqs. 16. 5.1 and \ 6.5* ) and Eo calcul ute th e rnt+' of condensation of UO, mn the cold side uf a pore ( Eq«. J 4.14 and 14. I .5 ) .


where J, ( @ is the rate of vai•ancy i'apture by a size m cluster and o„ ( in ) is• Uie rate of wacan cy emission front a size m cl tiste r.

A fiorinu la similar t.o Eq. 19.35 applies to interstitial capture ated c iiiissio n from a cluste r, but, because of the i'en s iiial1 interstitial conce ntrat ion at eq uilibri u m. this relatir›n is lin ner't ssarv. 4’lie i at in N"" ( rn ) N"" ( rn + 1 ) is not aim d l’i-‹› ni Lq. 19. 3'4.

N" * ) n ) 1


In drrii'ing kg. 19. 3fi, thy approximation { 1 + ( 1,!m ) J 1 + ( 2 ! 3ni ) has been made.

If thr rluste re are assu rued to be spht•rical, the 'ac'an c' \ ‹"aprtire rate' is ‹’x prossert b \ the rate constant for puint-defe‹'t absurptioM by sphe rical sinks derived in Se‹’s.

1 .1. I and 1 J.S. Spc‹'ifi‹ ally, #„ ( in ) is givP 1 \ by the prurIu‹’t of“ the rate t'uiisl tin I k of Eiq. 1 .3.S G an ct flu' hul k i'dc'an c' con cr ntration I’, . In the present appli‹'ati‹in the i'oicl t'lubrytis are st› small that the c'‹iptu rr rate is of tlu' mix ed

‹’c›lJ trul £} pc ii1 \ vl1ic lv hutlJ difI'usiolz aild reac[iuiJ rate limitations ar‹‘ t›f ccn garal›l‹• nlagn itride. ’f'hus

where a„ is tl4r hill ice conman I and D, is the v'acan cj diffusion coefficient. lf unitj in the denominator is neglected ( which corresponds tti complete reaction-rate rontro 1 of tlir raptu re kinetics ) . Eq. 19.37 reduces to the formulas used in Refs. 14 and 15. However, Eq. 19. 37 is pre frrablr to thr reaction -ratv -limited form since a„ ,!R is liever larger than un ity. In rithrr case, R in Eq. 19.'37 is rc'latt•d to thr ctustr r size m bx- Eq. 19 ‹1, and an appro si- tuate ex pressiuti l'or 9v ( ml fur a„ / R 1 is

represents the rate at which neutrons pass a particular energy ( i.r., the fl ux of neutrons in energy space ) . Since small void clusters grow by capturing vacancies and sh rink either by capturing in terstitials or emitting vacancies, the nucleation current is the di ffr n'rice between the rate at which cluste rs pass frt›m size m to size m + 1 and Hoc rate at which cl uste rs o f size m + 1 arr reduce d to size m:

I by ( my N ( m J a, ( m + 1 ) N ( m + 1 j

§; ( m + 1 ) N ( m + 1 ) ( 19.40 )

where N ( m ) i.s the i'oid distribution function for the nonequitibrium but steady-state case. The vacancies and iilterstitials ate supersaturated to urhitrary extents; thus L" and C, are not related b3 a mass action formula such as Eq. 19. 2*t. Irt addi£iun, the oid population re presented by the distribu tiui N ( m ) is not in equilibrium with either the acartcies or the iiJ£erstitial.s in the solid. There fore, N ( n ) call un Iy he deter nin‹*d b \ k iiletic argumc't ts.

Eq uation 19.-t0 is applied to the case in wli ich thr samr ntinibt'r of s'oids pass front sixe m to size m + 1 per unit volume no matte r how large m is. To maintain the situation implied by th is require men t, one imagines that some mechali isiTi is as ailablr for destroying large i'oids and rrturti iug tlirir component racancirs to tlit' metal lattice. In practice, z'e nerd not worry about the art i ficiality of this de i'ice for main tain ing the s tt•ady state ; n u c le ation theory is use d solv ly to determine tlir ra tio at w h ie h i'oids pass the cñtical size that assu res thrir confirm urd rxistencr. Then'- aftrr, the fate of thr i'oids is determined by growth models, which arr formulated indeprndentl y of the nucleation model and pru› ide the sources aud sinks necessa to establish the s acancy and inte rstitial supersaturations used in the tiucl‹'ation analysis.

Th e captu re rates are assumed to hc• the same as th osr u.sed iii determini rig the equil ib rium distribution ; 5, ( m ) is

U. si in £iqs. 19. 35 anal 19. 3b in Eq. 19. 35 gives the rate constant


gis'en by Eq. 10.'47 or 19..48, 4’lie ra ie at wit it'h a i'oid absorb.s in tc'rstitials. 3, ( m ) , is give n by e ithe r of th ese equations with tlir subscri;›t v e placed by i. 'The nucleation

txp 2

iatv drprnds ten the ratio of the capture rates of in tt•rstitial.s and s'arancies by tlir soids, or by

The preceding formulas show that the s'acanc3'-captu re ratr increases v'itli cluster sizr, wht reas the varane5'-emission rate decrr•ases witti m. O ncr a cluster has managed to reach a certain mini mum si ze, it.s prope nsity to grow out we igh s its tendency to shrink, and c'ontinued existrncr and development of tht• rmbryo into a full -fledged void is assured. I3eterminatioii of the critical sizr be3'ond which growth is fas'ored is the next task for homogeneous nucleation Theos.

19.3.3 The Nonequilibrium Void Distribution Function, the Nucleation Rate, and the Critical Cluster Size

2’he nut'leation curre n 1.1 red pre sen ts a rate of flo iv of voids ill the pliasr space of cluster sixe ( as opposed to rral space, wherein the flux would be denoted by J ) . The current I is tier nrt ratr at which clusters of size m grow to

( 19.41 )

Th e above ratio is calls d the a rri0al-tea le ion lie and is indrprnden I of void size. I I dr peri ds on the rate's of poin t-drfect production arid re mo val in the bulk solid. These balan ct's arr considert•d i n the section on growth. For the iiioint'n t, we assumr that #, /#„ is a specified constant that is just a bit smaller than un its‘.

Tlir vacancy-emission ratr constant a is assumed to be the .same as the ones deduced for the equilibriu m i oid population, Eg. 19.39. The term in Eq. 19.40 re presenting intrrs titial emission from a s'oid has bee n neglec'ted owing to the ve ry largr formation ene rgy of inte rs titials, wit ich ri iaclers C*" ve ry small . Therefore , a formula of the typr gis'en by Eq . 19. 39 for in ie rst it ials would slio w o, m 0.

Elimination tif n„{m + 1 ) from Eq. 19. 10 by use ot‘ Eq. 1R.36 yields

cluste re of size m + 1 prr unit volume. It is analogous to the slowing-dow n de nsity in nut lt•ar reactor analysis, which

N’* ' ( ni ) /J

N"* t m + 1 ) * #t,

( 19. t2 )


wI \ ert’ I lie ra I i‹› g, ( n \ * 1.1 ‘g„ ( n1 ) h as h‹'‹'n apprux i mat erl l› \ #, ( nil,!#, I in ) , ivhi‹ h is a ‹'onstatit. \ Ve now defint' a fun ‹'I.i‹nl

ivli i‹'h is d‹'term in ed by Eq . l S. 3fi in con jtin ‹'ti‹aii cvi th the spet-ified t'onstaii t value of th' arri val-rate ratio. 2’1ie solution of Sq. 15.4.3 is I see problem 19. 2 at the end of th is t'liapt‹'r )

N"" ( in ) ‹if small m. ’fihis ‹'‹iiiditioti is hased ‹in flu' supposition that, v‹'ry’ tiii y voids ‹'apt,u re and shed va«in‹ ies so rapidl y tlial. tliry re main in equilibrium wit li tlit' va‹'ant'v

\ tpt’r al riratir›lJ t4e pitt‘ tlJc‘ I1e I d rain cari$t't1 h \ I.ljc* n tic'lt'a- ti‹›M t‘ \ trrPn 1.1. ii nc'c’ il c all h‹’ slot› \ I’ll t”rt›m l'Jq . I fi . 1.1 th al li - N"" us in - - 1, l,11t• fi rst t•ondit imin is

N 1 as ni 1

1'lJt’ st’t’uncl t'‹›i1ditioll r‹*qtIirt’s that tllrre he no \ ’er \ large’ vuids in lli‹' s \ s ( .em ur rI \ at


h ( m ) #" ( *' ) #, N

N, V’'m'+1 ) ’/„


1- iqu‹ition 15..1 4 is plol tt'd in l'’ig. 19.5 fc›r i•arious arris al - rate ratios and for irradiati‹›ii c'onditions appropriate to reat’tc›r c‘latIrling. ’I'IiP prup‹'rl i‹’s ‹›f iiit!kel »’erc' rist'rl in

1 nl t•gratioii of I'lq. S brtwe e li tlit'st• li irii t,s ;'it• Eds



. 10 ' O


1 50 100 150 200



'lxli is eq uation can br simplifit'd by n‹›t ing th at ftinct ion li ( m J has a very sharp minimum at. a clustt•r sizr ni, ( silo w n ‹is dot s in r'ig. 19.S ) . 'l'h e min i iuu in be c'‹›nies broader as J;,.J,. •1, l›ut, in view t›f the lfi order-of-niap'iiitude riingc t›f the ordinate of I ig. 19.5, the mini ni um is st ill qti ite disl i n ct. 'I“h t in te gr‹il in Eq . 1 fi. 15 is determint'd primarily by tlit• beliai'itir ‹if li ( in} nvar f li is minimum. Cunseq tie n tl y , b . ( n4 ) . mli ii'li is a slowly s'‹iri ilig fun ‹'I i on ‹›f in, is ev'al tial en at in,. an d re rruived fri› rn I he

Fig. 19.9 The function h ( m ) calculated from Eqs. 19. 44 and 19. 36 for various values of the arrival-rate ratio #j /#,. Physical properties for determining from Eq. 19.3 4 are for nickel at 900°K. The vacanc y supersaturation S, is 4.30. 'J“he dots indicate the location of the minima of h ( m ) . ( After Ref. 14. )

pre paring the plots, on the grounds that th is pure metal resembles stainless steel. The curve for 3,/3, 0 corre- sponds to the equilibrium distribution given by Eq. 19..33.

Using Eq. 19. 4.3, we find that Eq. 19.42 becomes

I § ( m ) h ( m ) N ( m ) N ( m + 1 )

h ( m ) h ( m + 1 )

For suf ficie ritly large values of m ( i.e ., m > 2 is su ffi‹ ien t ) , the difference in the brackets of the above formula can be approximated by a derivative, and

I - —J3 h d ( N / h


Solutioli of Eq. 19.4 5 requires one boundarv en ndi tion, but an additional condition i.s nerded if the he retofore un - k nosvn nucleation rate I is to be determined as well as the distribution function N ( m ) .

The fi rst requirement on the distrib ution fun ction is that it approach the equilibrium distribution function

ilJt‹*yraI and lit li ( n ) in ‹*x |›«nrt‹'rl i n ‹i ’l'a \ ’I ‹›r ^‹* rit's ah‹› \ i I

IJ li ( in J In | li I rn,. )

wht* r‹' m,. is de I*int*d h¿

I n


Substit t lu' srrit's i ntti I£q. 15..17 and in ft•g riit i rig j ield.s

d' l h dm'

7’he fi rst fat'tt›r on tlu rich t of Eiq . 15. 4.8 is cal!e d the Zeldovich factor.

The void-n ut:mation rate is there fore determinc'd hv the vacancy -capture rate of a ‹'ritiral -size s'oid arid the prope rties of thr fu n‹'tion li ( m I near its min i mum. 'l'h c complete s'oid distribution function N ( m ) can be determiu ed , but it is of no utility sinre only the n ucleation rat c i.s desired .

Nucleation rates calculated from Eiq. 15.4 8 are plotted in Fig. 19.10. 'I'he curves for #i,5, - 0 correspond to cl assical nucle atio n theory applied to a single -compon en I system. lt can be sren that in rlusion of iuterstitials







j 4

1 0 0

incubation pe riod that is also observed ex peri mets tall y .* In fact, the theos' would suggest that voids should be nticleated e arly in irradiation w'h ile th e su pe maturation is

tnicleatiun ap}iv ars to put ee de voi d iiti ‹'leafier n }. ’I’1ie loops atrginen I the n timbe r of poi i i t -dt feet sin k s i n th e sol i d and , in s‹› d‹›ing, red \ lt‘t' the supt'maN i rati‹›IJ ‹›f hu fh \ ac‘anc*ies and interstitial.s ( i.e., rluriI \ g irracIiati‹›n, the \ acan‹‘ \

‹*‹Jncc’t1trati‹›iJ drups fr‹Jm une ut' the' s‹›Ii‹l ‹*ur \ ’‹‘s in Fig. 1.1. 17 ( aj tu the L‹›rres|›‹›tJcling dam t'cI ‹'ur \ 'e ) . It is bel ie ve d that the re aeon for the i n cuhatioii pe riod ‹›bsrrvcd in s 'elIir1g experi rrx’n ts ix a otiat‹‘d H'ith th i* fi ir ‹' r‹‘tjfi irec! f‹› h u il d up su fl”irit’n £ Inc‘liu wJ ill Ill ‹’ ma trix .

19.3.4 Nucleation in the Presence of Helium

’l'he pre cedi n g I heorj u I voi d n u ‹'1 eat i‹›ti in a s‹› I id s ipersaturat‹‘d with varai1‹•ies al1cI intr'rsti tials was h: \ s‹*d t›n the assump tion that p‹›i nt rle fe‹'ts we re «apart Ie t›f rt'arl ill inu \ ’ii+g het \ \ 't'el \ ›’oids anrl tht’ hulk sulid . I'Jx te nsiu \ 1s ref

\ oid nucleati‹›n the ur \ tu account Our helium in l11‹' mc' ma \ ’t’ he en ad›'an‹‘eCl l› \ Kate rl \ \ ’ii clersich ' " anrl h \ '

1 0’ 1 0* 10* I 0^ 10’ 10‘


Fig. 19.10 Nucleation rate as a function of vacancy supersaturation for various arrival-rate ratios. ( After Ref 14. )

drastically’ reduces the nuclc'ation rate. Increasing the iirrival - rate ratio from 0 to 0.58 red uces the nucleation rate t›y six orders ‹if magli itude. 1 f Jt 5, - 1 , nucleation is impossible be cause intersti ti als arrive at a void enib ryO as fast as vacancies. The su persaturations on the abscissa of Fig. 15 . 10 are ob tained from the poi nt de feet bal an ces, w h ich will be co nside red i n Sec. 19. 5. An example of the vac an cj and interstitial concentrations ex pected in fast reactor cladd ing is shown in £’ig. 13.17. Alth ough at a fi xed S, the nutleation rate incre ases with temperature, the supersaturation at high temperature is greatl y red uced frum what can be maintained at low ie mperattire. A t T =- 700° K,

wh ich is some iv hat be lo w the peak swe Hin g temperature of stain less steel, Fig. 13.17 ( a ) shows that it is quite possible

to sustain a vacancy super saturation Of 10 4 , and Fig. 19. 1.0

gives fOr this conditio n a nucleation rate of 10 s'oids cm ' sec ' Cladding P xamine d a fter a \ ear ( 10’ sec ) in-pile wottld bt' ex pe cted to silo w a roid de nsity of 10 1 cm , which is of the correct orcle r of magnitud e. Ho wPve r. the n u cleation com pu tation is li jgh 1 \ ' sPnsiti \ 'e to poo rly kn own parameters, such as the arrival-rate ratio J, #„, and properties, such as the surface tension of the solid . In add ition , the su persaturation is determined by the densities and e f fir ien cies of poin t-defect sin ks. which are di fficul t to

Heli titn ge ne rated in the sri irl is much less mcibile th an va‹ ancit*s nnt1 in fersti tials at the te in pr’ratfi res whc*re \ uid f‹›rmat iuil is i n1p urtan t. llure uv e r, ‹›rl‹ ‹' a h‹'I ium at‹›lu lv as been trat›t›ed t› \ a \ ’uirl emh r \ ’u, re turn to the matrix is \ ’er \ difficult. Consequently, nut Ination in thy preseii‹'r uf hel iu in need not in volve flu' si mu I tats cone eq uil i h ration ‹› 1’ all th ree species l vacancies, i n tt*rstitials, and tielitt ni atoms I het ween the void emb ryes and the bulk s‹›lid . A simple r an al ysis of the effP‹ I of ht'1 in m on vo id n u cleati‹›n may be en nstrticted b; re garding the hel ium atoms as immobile nti clr'ation sites to ivh i ch i'a‹ an cies and i n fr'rsti ti als ‹'an mi grate to fa rm \ oid eluste re. \ \ 'e visualize pain I defect.s quickly moving to and fr‹›m a distribu ii‹» ‹or e mb ry ‹› v‹› ids which con tai n s a fi xed n u mb er O f gas ate ms.

Th e sul id is also su pposed IO vOn tain a di stri h If ti Oh o f gas atom cluste rs, âI, , which is the ntimbe r of gas -atom cl u stP re pe r ti nit volu me cumposed uf j ht'l itlm atoms. 3’h e total hel i rl m ‹‘uncc'tJ I r ati un i l \ the Jul id

( 19.49 )

j - i

at ari \ time d uring i rradiation is determined by the helium production rates disc tlssed in Sec. 18.10. I I is assumed that nucleation of voids proceeds independently and concurrentl y on each of the gas-atom cluster populations characte ri ze d by \ Ij n ucle ation sites per un it volume. All these parallel nucle ation processes are dri \ ’en b \ the prevail in g vacan cj and inte rstitial su persatu rations. I n add ition to File IJeterogeneuus n ucle ation paths provided b \ the helium cl usters in the me tal, the homogeneuus nucleal ion mechanism described earlie r in th is section still occ fms on the N, lattice sites in the solid . 'I'he total nucleation rate is the sum of the con tribu tions of the

estimate and in an y case change d tiring irrad i ation. In

gene ral . homogi tae Ous n ucle atio n the Or ) as out lined does not p re diet +s ni.ri y voids as arc in fact obse r ved in irradiated clad ditig. nor is i I Jh le to accoun t f‹› r the cluster

*There is an in cub at io n period inhere nt. in the theory, but it is not as long as the incubation time 1’or obse rx ed void swell ing in stain lens steel ( see R ef. 5 )


parallel procesr« or I omoge neuus and heterogeneou.s nucIeatir›n

h ‹› n ‹› * !j ( 19.50 )

whe re p 1 t,„ is given by Eq. 19.4 S with h ( m ) give n hy Eq . IS .4 4 and N eq $ rd. 19.33. Th us, we need onl y to

‹determine the heteroge ne r› us n u cleation rate Ij on the M; lieli um-atom cl sisters ( each containing j he liu m atoms ) per un it volume. Each of the voids fo rmed on these Mj sites contains the fi xed numb er j of gas atoms but a variable

!iu mber rn of vacan cies. "l'he void emb o os that form on the gas-atom ‹'lusters are described by the equilibrium r4istrib uti on fun ctions:

Nj°" ( m ) = nu mber of emb ry- os pe r tin it volu me that

contain m vacan cies and j gas atom,s

Eq uation 19. 33 gii'es the equilibriu m dist ri h tition of roid s that con ta in no gas atoms ( j = 0 ) .

3’he eq uilib ritim rt'actions th at establish the distribti tio n N,"" I m ) are

where i'q„ de nute.s a void consisting of ni vacant ies and j cas atoms. In accord with the as.stiinption that the he li um is immob ile, no chetni cal re ac I ion expressing equilibration of gas atoms between the voids an d the bulk is writte n. 'I'he c riteri‹›n of che mical eq uilihriu m for the a host reactions is

where p„ is the che mi‹ al potential of a vacan cy I F.q . 19. 32 ) and yp j is the hemical potential of a void with m ice and j gas at‹anis. 'the latter is givr n by

iv here the total Ciibbs free ene rg \ depe n ds on both the va cati ‹'; and hel iu m at‹i m on te n t of the voids:

G G„ * {Nj”lm ) g kT in h' , ) 119.53 )

z'he re gq j is i he re versible work red uired to form a cl uste r c‹›ii tai ning m i-aean cies an d j helium a toms and k lii \ \ '„, j is the en n fi gu ration e ntropy due to th is class of cl uste rs. The effect of he lium on the nucleation rate is entire I} con tained in these two terms.

1 ) ... JMj [N° " ( m ) I}

Following Arguments similar to those applied to homo- geneous nucleatlon on all lattice sites, the number of ways of armnglng N•j° ( m ) voids on My sites is found to be

[N{° ( m ) ] !

M N ° m ]! ( N ° m ) ) !

Expressing Why by the above equation and using Eq. 19.53 ln Eg. 19.62 yields:

Ne xt we determine gp j , thP re vt rsible work of forrni n g the vacancy gas-atom cluster from a solid wit ich has no vacan ‹!ies h ut contains the j gas-atom cl us te rs embedrl‹ rl in the ot h cruise perfe ct lattice. The term gp, j o mists of o terms. 7’he first is the wo rk re q lii red to create a gas-free void in the solid , w h ich is give n by Eq. 19. 28. The se‹ on d re presents the work required to move the helium from the sol:d to the space inside the void . Si n ce he liu m is nearl y’ insoluble in the me tal, it ha.s a nat ural te nrle ncy to escape from the solid to the gas space of the void. Thus, we ex po t t that work can be recove red bi re i'e rsibi y transfe rriiig hel iu m from th e solid to the void , or th at th is step r‹ d u‹ es the work require men t of void formatio n and co nseq ucn t1; facilitates nucleation. 'J'he he lium trans fer ope ration is per for med in th ree stages to determine the free-e ne ray change:

1. Heli u m is ivithd ra wn from solution to a gas t:on tainer at the equilibrium helium pressu re correspond in g to the temperature an d the total he liu m con ce nt ration of ttie solid. This pressure is denoted b e Peg

2. The gas is ex pande d isothermall y an d reverxibly to

the pressure at w hich the he liu m e x is ts in the void.

3. 'I'he heli um is tran sfe rre d to the void .

Consider fhc free-‹*r1erg1’ cl a»ges tit at ar‹’umpat \ each of thP aho›’e .steps.

1’he fi rst ste p, »’IJich is analog ous I.o Ynporization uf a liquid at its vapor pressu re, involves rio t hange in free energy'. lsot he rmal, reversible expansion of j ato ms of min ideal gas from press ttre p e p to p r essu re p pro vide.s a rele rise of free ene ray of the amount

jk4’ ln ’p )

Th e third ste p in Yo I i'es no work and hen ce r'oo tri bu tee no th i ng Its the free-e Hergy ch alige.

/ \ sell mi log th at the lJeli him its the \ ‹›icI c›lJ‹‘ \ s the ink ñl ga.s Ian , we fi Mol th‹‘ pre ssurs‘ p is gis t*t1 b \

iv here mi I is the volume cif ‹i v‹i id m‹ide up ot“ in var'an ice each of whi ch co ntrib utes a volume \ 1.

Dete rminatioii of the eqn il ibri u m li e li urn pre ssu re , p e q , requ i res m‹ire iii formation . Although lie 1iu m is nearl j insoluble in metals, it is not c-omplete I y so. The solitbilit y

of a gas in a me tal t aii be air ali ze d by s t ati stical inec hau ical me th ods, as shown in Chap. 5 ( see proble m 5.5 ) . lyric fly , the chemical potential of gas-phase hel in rn is eq uated to the chemical potential of dissol ved heli u m t I'm ich is assu med to be mon atomically dispersed its the latti‹ e ) . 3’he parti tion of gas-phase heli u m needed to compute the che mir'al potential in the gas is due t‹i trait sl ation only . 'I'he partition func tion of dissolved hel iu m is ob tained b}' assu ming th at lie li um in the lattice beha ’es as a th n‘e-din eiisional oscillator. ’1*his procedure }’ieIds

pig = M kT ( hr

N, \ kT /

where SI /' N, is the tt›tal atom fray tion ‹if helium i n the metal and r is the e nervy di f fe re nc'c bet ivc en an atom of gaseous hPl ium a»d ‹›' e in the Saltier ( i.e., the’ he«t uf soluti o n ) . i r i I is assu me r1 th at lir liu ir oc‹ u pies

pq - g„,j + kT ln

( 19.54 )


substitutional positions in the metal latti ce, kg Very’ closely represents the e ne rg y required to remove a metal atom from a lattice and place it on the surface. This step provides

Accounting for the stabilizing effect of helium, the reversible work to form a void emb ryo of m vacancies and j gas ato ms is

the opening into which a he liu m atom can fit. The bonding between helium and the surrounding me tal atoms is quite

gq, - 4a jkT ln HMmU


( 19.57 )

s mall; so the entire energj req uireme nt in the process is consu med in remo vin g the me tal atom. Conseq ue ntl y , eg should be ap pro ximate 1j equal to the formation energy of a vacan cy in the metal, or c g e . The vibration freq uen cy r in Eq. 19.56 is that of a he liu m atom on a latti ce site and is appro ximatel y 10' sec ' , , mt is the mass of a hel ium atom. an d h is Planck's constant.

Because C is positive and large compared to kT, the ratio p,q 6J is also large. Fo r the parts-per-million he liu m concen tratio ns en coun tered in LMF BR fuel-eleme nt cladd ing, p,q may be as large as 10 9 atm. It shotilci be emphasized that the heli u m in the cladd ing never exists as a

gas at the pressure p e p ; it is either in the me tal at conce n tration M or in the void at pressure p. The eq uilibrium pressure given by Eq. 19.5fi appears sole ly as a result of computing the work that could be extracted fro m

the process of transfe rri ng he li u m from the latti ce to t he void i f it were do ne reve rsibly.

where H is the coe fficient of M in Eq . 19.56 ( i.e.. H is the He nry’s law constant for the dissolution of he liu m in the metal ) . I t is a fun ction of temperature only.

We no w substitute Eq. 19.57 into Eq. 19.54 to determine p„, j and use the resulting equation and Eq. 19.32 for p,. in Eq. 19. 51. Solving for the eq uilibriu m dis tribution, we find

Nj’° ( m ) - hJ, exp m 1 n S„ $m

+ jkT ln HMmO ) ( 1P.58 )


w here is given by Eq. 19.34. \ \ 'hen j - 0, Mj - N S and Eq. 19.58 reduces to the equilibrium distribution for gas-free voids, given by Eq. 19.33. Figure 19.11 shows the negat ive of the argume nt of the exponential in Eq. 19.58

Fig. 19.11 Plot of t he free energy of void formation as a function o f the n umber of vacancies ( m ) and the number of gas atoms ( j ) in the void. Conditions: S,. - fi00, p, q - 5000 a tin, T - 500‘ C , 7 1 000 dynes cm. ( After Ref. 17. }

twhich is somc'times callrd the free energy of s'oid formation ) plotted as a function of m an d j. The intert ept

‹›r this surract' at j = 0 ( no gas ) corrcspoii ds to thr d, #„ - 0 c tirve in Fig. 19.5. Gas ato nis in tht v‹iid re d ucc the ent'rgy barrier for nucleation below the value characteristic of gas-frrr voids. 2’ht' saddle point on the surface shown in Fig. 19.1 1 occurs at m - 1.1 and j - G. 'I'his plot, hw wevt'r, does not consider inte rstit ials, wh ich art inc:hide d in the analysis in exactly the same man uer as in the casr of homogeneous nucleation in tht' abse ncr of gas.

The remaining anal j sis is s «Cth ir‹›rward . The arrival

independent of the presence of gas atoms in the void. As long as the helium is immobile and does not mon' among the voids, Eq. 1 S. 10 is i-alid i f tht stibs‹ ript j is appe lided t‹i both 1 and N in th is formula. ( Only th' func finn li ( m 1, w'hich depends on tht' equilibrium void distribution function, t'hanges ex plicitly. I n plact' of 1-iq ., we write fur gas-c'on Gaining v‹iids

( m’ ) +#,


To es'aluate the nuclt'ation rate on thr gas-atom clusters in tht’ metal, we murt rxtimate the distribution or th available ga.s l h4 atoms ›'cm" ) a mon g the various cluster si zes. In principle', the distribution M, could be ob tained by considering independP ntly the problem of hrlium-atom agglomeration in the cladding in much the same way that rissi‹ni-gas precipitation into bubbles in the fuel was analjxed in t?liap. 1.4. However, for .simplicity, the distribution

is assumed. The di.stribution must also satisfy Eq. 19.49. Figure 19.12 shows thr results of calculations basrd on Eqs. 19.€i0 and 19. 01 1’or h4 eq uivalt• nt to 10 ppm helium I whic:h i.s the' ‹on‹'e ntration that would be formed in stainless-steel cladding follo wing irradiation to a fluencr of 5 x 10*° nc'utrons,.'cm' ) . '1“he vacancy supersaturation scale is divided into rrgimc's ex pecte d its a re ac'tor and i n an ion-bombard me nt ex periment. I t can be seen from the graph that, for all supersaturations expected in-pile,

N e q pj'+{

( 19.59 )

hett'rogriu•ous nucleation on helium-atom clusters far outz'e ighs liomog‹'neous nuclt'ation . 'l'his behavior

F“or a speci fird value of j, the min imum of the ftilit'tion lij ( m ) occurs at m,j t'at an cies, and tht• nucleation rate on the population of j helium-atom chiefs rs is g ivvn b \ the analog of Eq. 19. 1 b:

d 2 ln hy 2x 1 dm*


cmm.stitutrs the orrtical con firmation of the oftc'n observc'd en han ct'mr nt of v'oid nucle ation by lieliu m. The relative import an ce or hcmoge Ilrcus and UP tt•rogt‘necus nuclratioi Chi ris acc ording to the helium con t ntration because' hq„„„,tm ) is proportional to N„ whereas hj ( m ) is proportional to 8J;. At low fluence homogeneous m‹clt’atiun is cluminan t he cause tht'n' is not enuuglJ helium

VO I D N UC L EATION R ATE I I ) , cm- sec- '

10 0

i o 3




Fig. 19.12 Void-nucleation rates ( Ij ) on helium-atom clusters and the homogeneous nucleation rate ( I h ) a S fu nctions of vacancy supersaturation at 500°C. Total helium content of 10 ppm. ( After Ref. 16. )


I o d rive hete rogeneous nuc'lc'ation. lJoweve r, sin ct' Ig„ q, is quite low, n o voids are observed until su fficic•nt helium has been gene rated by t,raiismutation reactions to give the high lietrr‹igciit•uus iiueleatioii rates show n in tig. 19. 1 L'. 'I'his inc-ubatioti period is equivalent to a fJ tie ner of 10' ' neu tru us /cm' for stainless steel.


Tlit' tHirrostructtire of irradial ed steel is fouiid to exon tain a high ‹.'on c'‹'ntration of in te rstitial d islr›c-ation loops in add itio n to voids. I n Sec'. lS. 3, it was shown that void nriclt ation ir dri \ ’en fry the supersaturation s, or ,‹aizc'ier aided by a sligh tly Arr:iter rate of vac'anc}’ than inte rstitiat absorption by the voids, w hich is expressed as ( J,/#, l,„, 3,

<.l. Nucleation of loops because of interstitial dupe rsatu ration S, is p‹issible be a use more in terstitials than i'ac'ancirs arrive at all riislocatiotas in the solid, or

td, ( m ) N"" ( m ) = n, ( ni * lJ N"" ( m * 1 ) t

where #; ( m ) is the rate at which a loop of size m captures inte rstitials ated a; ( m ) is the rat‹‘ at wli i‹'l the Iuop emi I* in terstitials. \ Vith the aicl of Eq. 19.G I , 19.6'4 clan I»' solved f‹›r I he in te r tit ial -‹*mission rate


'l“tie iiiterstit ial-capture rate J i t ni ) is a sluwly varying function of m. and the primary' size clependen‹x' of the t mission rate is contained in the e xpont n tial te rm iii F•i 19.64. I n estimating c„, . R ussc'11 an fl Pri well ' ' negle ct the stacking-fault ene rgy in Eq. arid use a slightly differi•»t r‹› rmula for tln' stra in riirrgy of the loop ( i.e., the

first te rrn oli the right uf b?q. 15.6 J. ’l'hr lomp energy they usrd is given by

c - ’a00 m” kJ,* mule ( 19. fJ 5.1 ror in > 1 and c c, -- 4.20 kJ,'molt• for the formati‹›ii

td, . p ;#i j,p

p, < 1. The fact that the rrlatis'e i'arancy ancl

i•iu•rg3' of a singlr interstitial. L*sing th is rnergy formula and

interstitial arri›’aI rates are in 'erted fur voids and loops is a c-onsequetice or tne small but e xtre mely important preference of clislocati‹›ns fc›r iliterstitials. £“orinally. interst,itial loop n tic'leation c'ati be t re ated in precisely I he

:.ame maiiiirr as void nucleation. btit the s'ery’ large fr›rmatioii e nrrgy of in te rstil ials ( c, 4 e V ) comparrcl to lhat ftir va‹aiicirs lc, e¥’ ) profoiiiiclly alters the q tiantitatii'e aspec ts of t he nut Ination prO‹-rss. Ancittit' r ink portan t cl i ffe re me betv, et n s ‹›ic1 an fl loop n ti‹ leat ion is I Fiat t 11 e l;itte r is not st1bjt'‹'t to cull aiic'‹'n»' nt by ht•1iu rn in the stolid. t3 rt›w in g lotips arr nt›t. sin ks for iiu'rt. gas ato nLs, as I rr s'Oids. hoop Nucleation by Classical Theory

'l'lit' iiirth‹ids applied to predict vuid-nucleation rates iii the prerediii g srct ion clan be u tilizrd in t‹ito for hoop nuclea- tion simply by r xcli an ging the subscripts i an d v in all tif the formul as an d by ie placing the void energy given by Fq. 1 S. 3 by the e nergj‘ of a faulted loop, Eq. 19.6. Such a

calcn lation has be en pe rforme d by Russell alid Pow'ell . i

They found that the critical cluster for loop nucleation contains only two or th rPr inte rstitials, evr n in the presence of vacan ries. ’I'lir reason for this result can be explained as foil or's. The equilibriu m cluster distribution fi.e., the dir I ril»i ticiz fur ‘hirh cl hete re, vacan vies, an d in te rstitials

.irt all in eg tiilib rium I is give ii by the analog of’ Ltd. i S..i3:

why re N e ( m ) is th e n umb e r of loops pe r un it volu me com prise fl of m inte rstitials; S; is the interstitial supersaturation

S, - = f2fi, exp kT ( 19.G2 )

and e„, is the work required to form a loop of size m from a perfect solid. Application of the principle of detniled balancing to the interstitial-capture and -emission rates for a loo p leads to *. formula similar to Eq. 19. 35:

a typit'al interstitial supersaturation of 10' , w'e find tin' emission rates from di- and tri in terstitials to be

Si Ice /j ( l ) ”g, ( 2 ) , a; ( 2 ) is some 9 orders or magnitude larger than a, ( ñ ) . I n uther wurds, the triinterstit ial has virtuall y no te ride n r y to str ed inte rstitials and is the re for‹ the c'ritic'al ‹'Hester ftir lot›p nucle ation.

Application of classical i ucleatioii theory feven when nu›di fiecl to ac‹-oun t for poin t cle fr cts of the opposite sign J is of dubious i'alidit;' whPn the ‹-riti‹'al rluste r ‹'ontains ‹iiilj- two or th ree parti‹'les. Pirst, the use of a cluster energy form ula based on the strain ene rgy of a irc ular dislocation loop as calculated from elasticity theory hardly seems appropriate for cli - and triiiitrrstitial.s. Second, approximatio» «r its di fferencrs by differentials, as is required to ubtain Fq. 19.‹s rrom th+ preceding formula, and thr su bseq tie nt manipulation of the in tegrals is of ques tion able aci!u racy whe n the sums in volvc d con ta in only two ter th rre t.erms. Consequently, loop nucleation is best analy zed by a mrthod that vie ws the nucleation process as the result of homogeneous rract.inns betz'een the point derects and small c lust+rs.

19.4.2 Loop Nucleation by Chemical

Reaction-Rate Theory

The kinetics or point-defect ani›ealing are commonly treated by methods analogous to those employed in homogeneous chemical kinetics.’ This me thod has heen used in Sec. 13.8 to calculate nucleation rates or fission-gas bubbles in fuel. Ha \ ns 2 " has treated interstitial loop nucleation in a similar manner.

1. The vacancy and inte rstitial stipersaturations are

independent of the loop-n ucle ati on process. For void nucleation, S, and S, are assumed to be specified by point-defect balances that consider all sinits in the solid.

2. Vacancies and in terstitials are mobile.

.8. Di- and triin terstitials are immobile.


4. lJestructi‹in ‹if the clustt• re by radiation ( i.e., by dynamic resolution due to tin' t nergetic n'coils in thi i rradiated metal ) i,s neglected .

Th e rate of the' reverse of n•a‹ tion 1 i'

( 19. 7.01

Conditions 1 and 2 are quite appropriate «i«a‹ii under fast reactor conditions. "I'lie th ird assumption is probably n‹›t valid, tout inasmu‹:h as interstitial chtste r migration is not confide rt d e itlier in v‹iid -n u‹ lc ‹i ti‹›n the ury f Sec. 19. 3 ) or in void - and loop-growth the‹›ry t.$ec. 19.5 } , we sly all trot introduce it at th is poi!it. 'I'he e ffect of re-soluti‹in liii 1o‹ip nucleal.ion rate.s is treated in t›r‹›bleru l S. 7 at the end of' th is t'li‹iptc'r.

’Fo visu alize the process o f loop nu rle at ie› n in irn i rradiated solid clearly , we first examine the .simpler situation in wh ich the metal contains a supe rsatu rati‹›n ‹if inte rstiti als S, but no vacant ies. fit te re ti ti al ‹'lu sl,c'r n:iclva tion is me rl t,‹i be go verne‹1 by th o ri :ict ioiis

[ '2.

The physical justi fication fOr th is mech aniwn is that the rates of formation and decomposition of diinterstit ials according t‹i react ion 1 are very rapi‹1 r'ompar ed to the rate t›f formatio n o f triin te rst it.ials; s‹i 1.h c small d rain ‹›n the diin terstitial population caused by reacti‹in 2 d Oes rim c appre‹•iably disturb the e quilibriuin ‹if re act ion 1 . 'I’h‹• triinte rstitials do not d t'c‹i nipose, bi'rnitise of the very l‹› u- value o f ci t ( 3 ) .

In Set:. 13. 4 the fo rward rate of reactio n 1 has bet ii

‹letenr ined for the case o f i‹i‹'ancii•s. F‹:r interstitial :. the'

›vherr, fry ariaIr›gv t‹› Fx{. I 'J 49,

19.67 )

where * I i is The combinaturial number that includes the number of sites frum whiclt a diinterstitiaJ ‹Lai be furmed in a single j Amp uf one i»terstitiaI at‹›m t‹› an adjacent one. For the vnc'anc \ '--vaci \ tJc;' rracti‹›t \ ill f‹’‹• metals, this coefficient was f‹rUncl t‹i he 84, bu I the rutr must be mu It ip lied by a f actor o f ?* to acco u n t f‹› r I IL' url bil ity ot’ both p‹lrtners of the rea‹*Li‹›n. 'l'hus th‹' r‹›mhit1atorial number z \ , is pruhabI \ b‹*tw•en J IJ0 and 1+ ( J ( J. lit.stead uf the rate c‹›ristants k , nu cle at i‹ati tb.eo ' u ses arrival rates #; thus the forward rate o I tvactio u 1 c tin a!';o bt• w rittcn as

lt t t ,:, ( 1 ) C, t 19.tib )

and is tin arri'a1 rat e o f in terstitials at a t: luster of size l ( i .e. , a not he r ir*t'rstiti al }.

where N ; i.s the vol iiinetfic concentrati‹›n ‹›f diinterstitial:: and exif.' ) is givPn by Eq. 10.64 w itli in - 1. . In c hem ical rate the ‹i ry, the fo iTnatic›n en ergy ‹›f a diin te rstiti al is nu I appr‹ix inn ated by the st rain energy o f a d islocat ion lotip uf two inte rstitials as it is in cI.issical nti cleation the on . It:-›t,ead, '2 is related to the bir'ding i iivrg \ ' of ttH• Prin terstit ial by l,he an alog ‹› f E‹J. fi.1 5:

where B is the energ3' required to separate a diiii terstitial 'nt‹› tw‹› isolat ed interst it ials. ir i « 25 kJ ’mule i' staiii less steel, c, calculated frorn Eq. 19. 7.1 w ‹mild be identical to the value ub tained by sr 1.ting in - 2 in

£ \ q . 1 !t I›.! pi ‹:d u‹'es i,li e result



Assuming th e itiinterstitial to be iiulnobile. wr find the arri v‹il ratr of i:il,rnit iti‹ils at diiuterstit':ils ti i be gi ven by

( 19.76 )

where z; , is th e n ttrn ber o f sites su rrou nding a d iinterstitial from which a single inte rstitial can jump to form a triinte rstitial. O nct• the latter is formed, it cannot be destroyed: s‹› the rate of nucleation ‹if inte rstitial loops is equal I u t ht' mite r› f four ation ‹if triin te rst it ials:

( 97G )

where the asterisk denotes nucleation in the absence of vacan‹!ies. Substittltion of Eqs. 15.75 and 1H.75 int‹i Eq. 19. 7fi y ield.s the nucleation rate:

( 1.9. 7.7.1

‹›r, ill tc‘nns ‹›t t,IJ e inte r tit. iiil stlpr re:it \ ›rttir›M r*x}» I‘ t*d b1'

I q. 19.b.’..


To apply loop-nucleatio n theory to irradiated metals, we must consider the role of vacancies. To do so, the preceding analysis is modified to include react ions between vacancies and di- and triinte rstitials in addition to reactions 1 and 2. The additional reactions are

V + I I 1 3]

| 4 l

for wh ich the rates are

( 19.79 )

( 19. 50 )

where d, ( m ) de no tes the rate at wh ich an interstitial cl us ter o f size m captu res vacancies:

( 19. 81 )

z, ,p being the numb er of locations surrounding a size m interstitial cluster from iv hich a vaca ticy can ju mp and reduce the cluster size by one.

React ions I to 4 are depicted schematically in Fig. 19.13. ’the n uc leat ion current I„, is the net rate at which clusters of size m grow to clusters of size m + 1. Balances on di - and t riinterstitials ca n be e xpressed in terms of the nu cleation currents by

( 19.82 )


1 2 ' R, Rq ' t ( 2 N z p ( 3 ) N 3 ( 19 85 )

It will be recalled that steady -state n ucleati on re fers to the co nd ition in which I - 2 3 ' ' { ( j @ p Applica- tion of this constraint to Eq. 19. 82 and u se of Eqs. 19. 84 and 19. 85 show that

§,C, - ( n ( 2 ) + /, + /,J N 2 „N, ( 19.86 )

Because the arrival rates J i ( m ) and ( m ) are very weakly dependent on m, the arguments denoting the cluster-size dependence of these coefficients h ave been deleted in Eq. 19. 8fi; , and d, are co nside red as kn ow n con stants which depend on 1 y on the vacanc y and interstitial su per- saturations.

Under irradiation, the rati o J„ /d, at loops is just slightly less than unity ; thu s J; and b,. are o f comparable magni- tudes. However, it was show n earl ier in th is sect ion t hat

o, ( 2 ) is 10 times larger than 5, {or #„ ) . Conseq uently, the last t wo terms in th e brackets of Eq. 19.86 can be neglected . By the same token, .since N , is no greater than

N 2 , the last term on th e righ t is also negligibly small. Therefore, when stead y-state nucleation has been attained, d, C, -— o, ( 2 ) N, , o r the eq uilibriu m of reaction 1 is not signi fica ntl y perturbed by the int rod uction o f vacancies

into the system. 'l'h erefore, N; is give n by Eq. 19.7 3, whether o r not vacancies are present alo ng with inte rsti ti als.

At stead y state, Eq. 19.83 and analogous balances for m - 4. reduce to

' d t

2 ' 3

( 19.83›

As indicated in Fig. 19.13, the n ticleation curr en ts are related to the reaction rates by

( 19.8'7 j

Since the vacancy and interstitial arrival rates are ap pro x i- matel y eq ual, t he above equations are satisfied by

N, =N,=N,= ( 19.86

Th e n ucleation rate is eq ua 1 to an y of the l„, . Using m - 2,

T„„„ = h = R; R, -/,N, —/„N, ( 19.H9 )


or, ta king into accou nt the equality of N o and N, ,

( l 9.90 )

Fig. 19.13 Relations between nucleation currents and the rates of elementary reactions between point defects a nd interstitia I clusters.

lnasmuch as N; is gi ven b y Eq. 15. 7 3, the product Ji N 2 in the above expression fo r ltp p is the nucleat io n rate in the absence o f vacancies. The vaca ncv supersaturation of


the metal ti nder irradiatio n reduces the loop nucleat io n rate by the factr›r | 1 - ( J . !!. ) I ’£ht point -dt*frrt balances dcveluped in Dec. 1fi.5 .suggest that 0.9 9 #,. #, - 0.999 at

loops; so loop nun 1 r'atio n u nd er irrad i atio n is red uced by fact‹irs rangi ng from 1 ( ) ' I o 10° oiv itig to vac'anc'y arrival at the critical nucleus ( the tri inte rstitial ) .

In the fee fall ice'. z; , 20 ( t he same coirib in atori al number was assumed for fission-gas-atom capture on two -atom clusters in the b ubble-nucleation calculation o f Sec. 13. 8 ) . 'lit e interstiti al di ffusion coefficient ca n be approximated by

( 19. 51 )

kT )

where c,* is I he activation energy for intent it ial migration. I n stainlt'ss stee l, c is believed to b‹• about 13 kJ mole. ’l'hr' other parameters in tht nucleat ion rate art

c, 4 20 kd!mo le

'the b in ding energy o f a diinte rst itial in st ainlvss steel i.s not k no wn, b ut the value obtained by the loop strain-rnergy approximation of Eq. 19.65 is US kJ mole. "taking r 10 ' sec‘ ' , kqs. 19. 7 fi and 19. 90 I ogvt her yield

the sin k streng I hs ( and h en ce the rates o f point-defect removal J due to the evo lu tion o f the microstructure of the iiietal during irradiation are very slow compared wit h I he time rcqui red for I he po int -defect po pulat ion to resp‹i nd to suc h change.s.

’lie spat ia 1 gradients in the po int-d rect popul atio n are also neglect ed because both the rates of productio n and removal are assumed to be uniform throughout t he metal. ’lie calcu lat ions are thus o f t he in fi nite-medium ty pe. Very stro ng etc nce nt rat ion g radients do ex ist in the immediate vicinity of I he microstructural features of t he solid which are responsible for po int-d efect absorptio n. 4“h is complica- tioiis remo ved from the point-defect balances by ho mog- enizing the sin ks. 'I'hat is, t he discrete sin ks in the solid arr replaced by spatially u ni rorm absorbers of po int defects. The .strength o f the ho niogen ized sin ks, however, must be determined by solving the point -defect d i ffusio n equations in the immed rate vicinity o r the discrete si nks. These calculations have been reviewed in Sec. 13.5. 'f'h e approa ch is similar to that applied to nun lear react or analysis before the ad vent of extensive comp uter facil ities; propert ice such as resonance capture or thermal ut ilizat io n were determ in ed by analy.sis of the spat ial d ist ribut ion of neutro us in a ct 11 containing re prt•sentative quantities of fuel and moderuto r in a geometry appropriate to t he actual fuel-el eme nt con fig urat ion. ’l'h is analysis pro vided t he infinite m ult iplica - tio n fact‹ir, whic h could then be used ( wrthe ut further


R ( T ' 10 I

( 19.9 2

reference to the inh‹imogeneit ies in the internal con f igura - I ion of t he core } t o i ‹impute the c rit ical sizt• o f the reactor from tie utro n di ffusio n t heor y in which the sy stem was

For a typ ical LM FBR fuel cl add in g S, 10' , /, ;3, 0.98,

and T 500’“C. Using the se values in Eq . 19.9 2 g ivvs

1 q = 10 i 2 ' "fh us, a loop co ncentrati‹i n of

10' ° cm* is esta b1 ishe d a fter ab‹iut 3 hr o f irradiaticin. 4fi is t ime is consid erably shorter th an the ineu bation time needed for vo id nucleatio n, ivh ich is ab out 1 y ear. 'the obser vat ion t hat loop nu cleatio n precedes vo id nucleat io n is thus theoretically justifiable. However, the substantial uncertainty in pro pert res such as t he b in ding energy of the d iinterstit ial in sta in less steel renders the acc uracy o f the calculated n ucleation rates nO better than a factor of 100.


Having determined the rate at whic h embryo voids and dislocation loops are introduced into the solid by n uclea- tio n, we next develop t he theory fo r calculating t he rates at w hich these defect clusters grow. Point-d efect balances pro vide the means of computing the vacancy and void su persaturatio ns ( S, and Si, or, e quivale nt ly , C, and Ci ) wh ich d rive both the nucleation and growth processes. The effects of applied stress and internal gas pressure on the growth law are considered later in this sectio n. The present analysis is restricted to gas-free voids and unstressed solids. Th e concentrations of vacancies and interstitials in the irradiated so lid are determined by equating the rate of productio n of point defects to the rate of removal by all mechanisms. The treatment is quasi-statio nary because the

time derivatives d C,/d t d ) d d i J dt are neglected. This approx imat io n is just ifiable on the grounds that changes in

regarded as homogeneous.

Po int -defect balance equatio us have b ecu developed by, ’l'esk , and Li; 2 ' \ V iedersich;° ° and l3railsford a nd Bull‹iugh. 2 3 These three a nal yses are eq uivale nt in ap- proach but differ in deta il. Wiedersich's method was developed in Sec. 13.10 fo r in determining t he growth rate of noneq uilibrium gas bu bbles in the fuel. In this sect io n the I heory of Brailsford and Bulloug h is used, since their treatment of vacancy emissio n from the va ca ncy sin ks in the metal is superior to that used in the earlier theo ries.

19.5. 1 Point-Defect Production Rates

Vacancies a nd int erstitials are created in the collision cascade caused by the scattering of fast neutro ns fro in lattice atoms. Each collisio n creates a primary kno ck-o n atom ( PKA}, which in turn produces free in terstitials, free vacancies, and clusters of interst itials and vacancies w hich are the debris of t he displacement spike ( Sec. 17.10 ) . If t he defect clusters are thermally stable, the n umber of free vaca nc ies and free interst it ials created by a PKA need not be equal, although the total number of vacancies ( free pl us in clusters ) m ust be the same as the total number of interst itials. Sect ion 18. 5 treats a case in which more free interst it ials than free vacancies are formed, the remainder of the latter appearing as a depleted zo ne. This calculation showed that th e d epleted zo nes were not t hermally stable ( i.e., they tended to eva pm rate ) at temperatures abo ve 350°C, which is the lower temperature limit for void formation. Fo r T > 350°C, t he defect clusters formed in the collisio n cascade proper are very quickly dest roy ed, either by d issociat io n into their compo ne nt point d efects

b j th erm al ev‹ipu rat'.In or 0 y a ii n ih ila Rio n by p‹ii nt dvt‘‹ cts of I lie o ppt*sit e k i nd. Fo‹ the piirpt›ses t› I i'm id -growth iiiialysis, w c in ay a›:su ter th at eq ual n u ni bers, r', o f’ vacancies anal 'n t erst it ials tire Drod itrt d by v in li fast -ii•. r!t run s‹att er- r rig roll isioii vat li a lati i‹ e :u r›n . : ht i o li i rn r'!.ric [›rodu ct ion i”at e ii 1' po iii I tie feet s is

I'h t• m ac re sewer pi c .icat ter i rig rinse sect ion l'o r the inc*d I is ? It is th e prod ttct r: f th c iii icrosc op ie ,t att t'r i i i2 cite ss se‹: r io n an d I he de nsity c› f inc ta1 at i its. i'’‹ar sta i nless st ccl, L, - cm ' , 'b is the' tot‹il fast-iii'utroli flux ( with nc i troii t'ice rgies IN 1 41c V j.

19. r e.2 Bulk Recombination

lie cornb ination of vacant ice and i nt erst itia!s tO reform air atom On a n orrnal latti cc site occurs i n th c bul k of the metal at a rat e equal to k, ,C,.C, cm sec , w her t• k „, is the rate ‹You slant fo r rccombiii ation ( Eg. 13. 121.

19.5.3 Removal at Microstructural Sink s

Natural a nd radiatio n-prod uced ni icrost ructu rd I feat ures in the m etal capture point defects o f both ty pes. Th ese sinks ca n be divided i n to th ree categories: 2

1. Unbiased ( n eutral ) sinks. 'this type o f sin k shows nr› pret'erence for capturing one type of defect over the other type. The rate of absorption is proportional to I he prod net of the diffusion coef ficie nt o f the point d efect and thy difl erence in the concentrations of the point defect in the b ulk meta I and at the sin k surface. Incl uded in t his categ O# are ( 1 ) vo ids, ( 2 ) incoherent prr•cipitates, and ( 3 ) bo und aries.

2. Biased sinks. .4 ny d islocation in the solid e xhibit4 d preferential attraction for interstitials compared with vacancies. ’rh is b ias is due to the nonra ndom drift of interstitials down th e stress gradient near the dislocatio n core. Vacancies do not e xh ibit stress-indu ced migration iv hen near the dislocatio n. The effect may be incorporated into ordinary d if fu sion calculations by making the effective radius of the dislocation core slightly larger for interstitials than for vacancies. Dislocations are u nsatu rable sinks for point defects because they can climb as a result of absorbing a vacancy or an interstitial ( provided that climb is not impeded by pin ning of the li ne ) . The dislocatio us in the solid are divided into two classes: ( 1 ) network dislocations

present in th e unirradiatc•d inc tal a nn and rue nted b› un faulting ii I“ t In' 1'ran k d1 s local in n. loo Joe a nd { 2 t rlisl o‹“a tion lr›ups fa rmt'd b› aggl umeration of int erm i I ial.s.

’the o nly d ifference bet w'c •n lo ops and we tsv‹›rl‹ ‹list ‹› ca

at ! li e c ore l4 ot1‹ 15 pcs o 1' d!sl o cal. in li s t•x h ibi I ' he sa na t' b:‹i.s ter Eva rd int cr st it ial a b so rp tio n.

/i . ( ':›herent pre cipil ate.s. 1 f a p‹›i nr d e I t s t a pr ur ed b’. .i s iri k but tl o e s not lo'.e its id t'nt it› o n añ!‹or pt in n, ii ‹-an oli lv wa it at I lie ::in k su rfa‹'e ( It tn• an ii ih ilal''d f› \ po inf d el'e ct s o f th v o ppti 'site I j p . S:i ch sin ks act a'› rc*t'ombi!• ii I i.›r. r t i‹ter s u I i ink ited r'ajiac'il.j . 'I h‹' mu: t i in porta nt c x amp le o f I h i!› I j p e t› 1’ s i n k i s t lit c ‹i he re n t p rt•r rpm 1 a I e.

15.5.4 P oiiir Del ect Absor ptiun try V oids

Th e diffusion i't› ritrolled rate of absorption o f i a‹ a nt ie.s li i' a 11 of I he voids in a u nit vO lume o f solid is given bj

ii'herr' H is the at’erage rad in s o f the ve id po pulation and N is the total ponce nt ratio n o f x oids in the solid . 4’he vacanc Y con c cut ratio ii at the ve id sur face ( the second term i n t he brac kvt s o f Eg . 19.95 I has bee n t a ken as th at corr cspond i n• to I her mod yna mic eqn il ib rium its a .so lid nude r a negative hg dro static stress 2 r /n . 'rh is te nsil e st ress arises from the surt‘a‹ c‹›ii Of the solid . which pulls the surface inward . 'the analogous fortri ula for interstitial absorption b y

i o ids is

( 19.96 )

'l'h e inter st it ial concen trat ion at the vO id surf acc is eft’e‹:

18.5.5 Incoherent i'recipitates

Equations 19.95 and l9.9fi apply to iiicoheren I pre- cip itates if R and N are interpreted as the average radius and concentratio n, respectively, of the precipitate partial cs.

19.3.6 Grain Boundaries

For simpl ie it y, gra in-bou ndary absorptio n of point defects is not incl uded in the analysis presented here. It is, however, coi'ered in problem 19.9 at the end of this chapter. The stre rig th of grain-bo undary sinks has been estimated in Refs. 21 and 24. 'Fh e latter study showed that for grain sizes larger than 10 p m, grain-boundary absorp- tion of point defects is small compared to the effects of the uther sinks in the metal.

19.5.7 Network Dislocations

Network d islocations maintain the eq uilibrium vacancy concentration at the core radius. The rate o f di ffusion- controlled absorp tio n of vaca ncies by the p cm of network dislocations per cm 3 of solid is given by


Pvt:ere .F is aJ›pro xi in atelj one-hal f the dis tan ce bet,wee n dislo rat io us ( Eq. 1.4. 79.1 a rid Rd„ is the rad ius o f I h e dislo c'at ion cor* for vaeau‹:ies.

For int erst itials the absorption rate by net ivor k dislo ra- tio ns i:,

where lt d , i.s the' core radi us for in I ei stitials. Se tt ing

.size to e xist in eq uilibrium w it h tlie point defer I t'n viroti - rnent prr› vid ed that C i C'"'. Co n versa ly, a cstablt v‹1 car it i’ loop i c›it!d form in a solid in which C, f?b". I Ie re ii i' c'oinp ut t the size of a ii i nterstit ial loop u'hich ex ists in t 9 nil ib n nut w ith a specified vacancy c‹ince ntrat ion C{, a nd the c orrespe nd ing e quit iDriuni iiiter:›! it ial o ncentr‹:I ion C . l“h e t i la b.s tree e ners j of a pie er c›f in t‹al :'ri i‹t a i ninb ii ,,

i a can cies, n, interst itials ( at c oiicentrat in us C{ atiti £’ , ie.speet ively ) , and o ne interst it ial d isl o cati‹on loop ‹'‹i nta i' ing ir, in terstitials is


" In ( ,@/Rq , j

( 19.59 )

w here p, a rid y, are th e chemical potei it ials ti I’ the var a nt ie and the interst it ials, respectively , c ( in, ) is the e nerg y o I I li' loo p, and tib is the reference free energy of’ t lie pie‹ t ‹›1 metal with out the loo p and with p‹a i nt det'ect t:o nr'en tra

Eqs. 19.5'? a»d 19.Sd can be w rit£en as


( 19.10 I )

( 19. 10. 2 !

tions €’'*" and €'''" .

\ Ve now p erttirb the system by tra nsferri rig po› nt defects betw'een the b ul k solid and t he loop. ’I'h e ritc'rion

‹if chem ical equilibrium states t hat t‘or the sy ste rn u I

‹equilibrium t ) 1e free-energ y change, f›f, . for th is pr‹›ce -s is zero. Th us, taking the differential of Sq. 1 S. 105,

I nasinucli as Rd i Rq„ , Z, Z, . 4’h e rat io ( Z, Z„ } Z„ is estimated to be between 0, 01 and 0.0 2.

19.8.8 Dislocation Loops

The onl›’ di f fere nce between networ k d islo‹-ations and interstitial d islocation loops is the e quilib rium vacancy con centratio n at the core. \ Vh en a d islocat io n loo p emit s a i acanc y or absorbs an interstitial atom , the area o f t ht stack ing fault e nclosed by the loop and the perimeter of the

The n umber o f interst il ial at‹iiiis in I lix' luo p t'a n by en:i righ rl onl j at t he e xpense of the p‹i int d efe‹ Is iti the b ul k, en t lir pertur batio us arc relatt'd by

kl iininat ing ñ in, from th e preceding equatio us \ ield s

loop increase. Accord ing to Eq. 19.6, e ne rgy is required for this e xp ansio n to o ecu r, and so vacanc y emission or interstitial absorption by interstitial lo ops is less favorable

( dc

\ din,/

/›n, ñi, + q,Gn, + p;ñii, - 0

tha n network dislocations. The latter, if u np inned, are free to climb without changing their length and so are not su bject to the energy restraint that affects loop ex pansion. T his phenomeno n is ta ken into account by expressing the rates at whic h loops absorb vacancies and interstitials by the equations

( 19.101 )

( 19. 10.1 )

"the coef ficivnt s Z, a nd Z, are the sa me as they are for netwo rk dislo cat ions since the stress fields around a dislocation are t he same for the two types. The point-defer t concent ratio ns at the disl ocatio n core, h owever, are d if- ferent for net w o rk dislocations and loops; C l . and C| are determined by the rmod y namic arguments.

In a solid co nt aining eq uilibrium concentratio us of vacancies and interst it ials, interstitial loops ca nn ot ( thermo- dynamically ) e xist; the system could reduce its Gib bs frer energ y by dissolving the loops. However, if the point-d efect concentrations are altered in such a way that the vacancies and interst it ials are a1 ways in eq uil ibriurn ( i.e. , C,C C‹"'Ct" ) , it is possible for an interstitial loop of a part ie ular

’Yli r hanges I› n, and I› n, are arbitrary’ and in dc pcnde nt o f

each other; thus the coef ficie nts of both t hese per r u rhii- tio ns must independently be set equal to zero. 'th is requirement leads to two relatio us:

( 19.10t›a )


The clH•mical pr›tent ial o f vacancies in a solid is’ it li a concentration C'. of th is species is gi ven bj Eq . 19..i .? :


For in I erst it ials th ro rm ill a is

\ \ h en the vacancies and i nterstit ials are iti equili h ri nut ii itli each oth er, COC |, C"° C{‘°, iv his h is equi i al‹ nt to


( 19.10 8 )

applies. Therefore, Eqs. 19.106a and 19. 106b are equ iva- lent. Using the former in co njunctio n w ith Eq . 19.107a gives

dc/d m,


C,'! e

The loop e nergy c ( m i ) is given by Eq. 19.6. lf t he coefficient of ni '^ in this formula is sy inbolized by K arid the stack ing-fa ult term is neglected ( because it is small compared to the line-ten.sio n term ) , dc /dm, can be com - puted, and t he abo ve equation can be w ritten

the temperature is high, the exponential terms in Eqs. 19.111 and 19.112 approach unity, and the disloca- tion network and the dislocation loops behave in an identical man ner toward the po in t de fects in the solid .

19.5.9 Coherent Precipitates

B railsford and Bullo ug h 2 ' assign the recombination function of coherent precipitates to the plane o f matrix atoms adjacent to the seco nd-phase particle. 'JR is pla ne. or interface. is endowed with the capa ci ty to strongly bind or trap poin t defects that ho p in to it from the adjaee nt mat rix. Figure 19.14 show s a cross section thro ugh the precipitate—mat rix interface. Vacancies and in terstitials

C C " ex p ( K

2 ( m, ) * k’I'

19.109 )

that are trapped at the in terf ace afe assu med to be unable to escape ; remo val of trapped point de fects occurs only by an nihilati on \ v ith poin t defects o f the opposite tj pe which

Had Eqs. 19.106b and 19.107b been used, the result wo uld


impinge on the in ter face o r by recombination of trapped vacancies and in terstitials. ’IN e cohe rent precipitate is


2 ( m, ) kT

( 19.110 )

distinguished from the other microstruct ural de fects in the solid by the abse rice of thermal emissio n of point defects ( w hich ap pears in the terms i n solving Ct" in Eq . 19. 95 for

According to Eq . 19.55, K - 500 kJ/mole in st aiiile ss steel.

Eq uation 19.109 shows that the vacancy concent ration in eq uilib rium \ v ith an interst it ial dislocatio n loop is less than the equilibrium concentration in the loop-free sol id. Simultaneo usl y, C| is greater than C " in o rder to maintain the loo p.

Although the above anal ysis applies to a strictly the rmod y namic situation, the results can be employed in the n one quilib rium e nvi ronment created by irradiation of the solid. ’to do so , it is assumed that the concentrations of poin t defects in the solid im med iatelj adjacent to the co re of the dislocation line comprising the interstitial loop are given by Eqs. 15. 1.09 and 19.110. The concen tration s in the bulk of the solid far from the loop are C,. and C i, whi ch are not in equilibrium w ith the loop ( no r with e ach othe r ) . The assumption o f inte rfacial eq uilib rium is en mino nly used in analyses of many chemical e rig in ee ring mass-t ransfe r ope ra- tiois. \ V ith this assuin ption t he rates of vacanc y and inte rstitial absor priori by the loops in the solid are

voids, in Eq. 19.97 for netivo rk di slocations, and in Eq . 19.111 for loo ps ) .* \ Ve iv ill su mmari ze the funct io n of these sinks in the ma nne r visualized in Ref. 23.

Although the interface between a coherent precipitate particle and the matrix does not release point de fects, the fact t hat it is of limited ca pacity means that the cone en tra- tiois o f va can cies and inte rstitials at the surface of t he part icle are not reduced to zero as they iv ould be at the surface of a totally black sink . Figure 19.15 sho ws schemat icall y the concert rat ion profiles of point de fects near a co he rent precipitate—matrix inter face. ’I'h e rate s at which vacancies and interstitiais flow to the inte rface can be d ivid ed into tiv o steps, iv hic h proceed in series. Between the bu lk of the solid and the interface, the flow o f po int defects is governed by o rd in ary d i ffusion to a spherical sin k. The driving fo ree fo r this step is the co ncent rati on di ffere rice C„ C* for vacancies and C, C* for inter st it ials. For di f fusion -controlled absorption by a sphe rical

determined u sing Eq. 19. t09 in Eq. 19.10 3 and Eq. 19.110

in Eq. 19.104. Fo r applicatio n in the pcint-de feet balan ce equati ons, m i in Eq s. 19. 109 and 19.110 can be appro x i- mated by the size of Ore ave rage lo op in the solid. and the point-de feet ab sorpt i on rates by loops beco me

*T h is u n ique pro per ty means that coher en I pr eci pita tes are c a pab ie o f rem o ving po int de feels from a so lid in w h ich the poin I-defect co ncentratio ns are at the equilibrium values C," a nd CQ". O r these supposed 1 y I h erm ody namic q ua nt ities are determ incd b y Eqs. 19. 20 a nd 19. 23 o nl y in

Q \ = Z, D ,. r C,. C " exp


2 ( iñ, ) RT

( 19.111 )

so 1 ids that co iJ ta in no en her ent p rec ip itate s. If en here nt precipitate p.irticles are added to a solid that initially en nta in ed its ecju ilibr iu m co m p I em ent of po int defec ts, the prec ip imat es iv o ul d a ugment I he homo geneou s recom bi na- tio n pr ocess a n d thereby dcpress the co rice ntrat in ns of vaca ncies a nd interst it ia 1 s bet ow the equ il ibr iu m val ue. The exte nt o f the dec rease woul d d epe nd o n I he nu m ber of

Th us the loop compone nts of the total dislocation density’ of the solid do not exhibit q uite so large a bias for in terstitials as do the netw ork dislocati ons, for wh ich Q and Q are gis'en by Eqs. 15.101 and 19.102. 'J'he alte rations in the d riving forces due to the last terms in the b rackets of the ab ove formulas tend to reduce the bias

toward in terstitials introduced by the inequality of the coe fficients Zi > Z,.. However, if the loops are large and for

precip ita te p ar tic I es and t hc dens ity o I net wor k dislocatio us in the solitl. The latter are t he principal suppliers ‹ir rem over s o 1’ po int def ec ts iv he ii I he eg uili brium en rice nt ra- t ions at‘e pert u rbed by the in tro duct io n o f sources ( e .g. , by irradia I io n ) or sin ks ( i n th e case of co here n t pr cci p it ales ) . De spite the u n palatab ie I heoret ie a 1 en need} ue n ces of the lac k of thermal em issio n o f po int d e Ice ts f rom coh ere nt precipitates in a sulid, the practical effect on C{’< is neg lig ible ( s ee pro ble m 19. 11 a I the v nd f t li is eloa p ter ) .

48 7











Fig. 19.14 Schematic diagram of the interface the host matrix. ( After Ref. 23. )

bod y in wh ich th e co rice nt rat io us at r R„ ( I he part icl r rad ius ) and r ( the bitlk solid l art' speci fied, the fiu xes are given by Eq . 13. S6:

between a coherent precipitate particle and

coefficient by Eiq. 7. 29. 1’h us the rate at iv hich vacancies impinge on a unit area of trapping surface is give n by

Vacanc y imp ingem ent rate


t 19. 1 1.4 )

t 19. 11.1 j

Si milarly , t he interstitial impingeme nt rate on the interfar e from the ad jaceut matrix is L1,C* ,a„ . These inipi ngt•ment rates can be regarded as the solid-state a na logs of t he rate at

where J, and J, are the nu mber of po in t defects reach ing a unit area of precipi tate per u n it time. Because th ere is no net accumulation of ei ther type of point defect at the inte rface, the fiuxes m ust obey

J„ J, ( 19.11 6 )

The concentrations C* and C* refer to the matrix adjacent to th e trapping interface. In order to evaluate these concentrat ions, we must consider the seco nd step in the series, that of po int -defect attach ment to the interface. We first determine the rate at which point defects impinge on the trapping interface from the adjacent mat rix w hen the vacancy and interstitial co ncentratio ns here are CQ' and C*, respectivel y. Co nsid er the case of vaca ncies. The pla ne of matrix atoms above the interface plane contains 1 a , latt ice sites per u nit area from wh ich a vacancy can hop toward the interface. The fraction o f lattice sites th at are

occupied by vacancies in the matrix at this po int is C*f2 ' C*a , w here n is the atomic volume arid ap is the latt ice parameter. "Ph erefore, a total of ( aj '2 ) ( C*ap ) - aq C*

vaca ncies per u nit area ca n potentially reach the trapping

wh ich m olecules from a gas stri kc a unit area of surface. ’I'o determine whether the imp inging vacancies and interstit ials stick or are re flected back to the matrix, we need to calculate th e f ract io n of the ava ilable sites o n the trappi rig interface wh ich are occ upied by the tw o types o f po int defects. To do th is, imagine the trapping interface to be a simple sq uare grid that binds vacancies at the mesh points and interst it ials in th e open spaces. The mesh -po int sites may either be occupied by a t rapped vaca ncy or e mpty ( i.e., occupied by an atom ) . Similarly . the iiiterstit ial trapping sites may e it her be occupied by a trapped interstitial atom or empty. Let 0„ - fraction of vacancy trap ping sites o n the interface occupied by vacancies and 0 , - fraction of interstitial trapping sites on the interface occupied by inter st it ials. .' \ vaca ncy is trapped o nly if it jumps into an unoccupied site; the pro bability o f so doing is 1 0 . The rate at which vacancies are trapped on the interface is the product of the impingement rate and the fract ion o f u no rcupied sites. Since the process of diffusion from the bul k to the interface is in series with the process of attach ment to the interface, we eq uate the rates of diffusion and trapping,* or

interface in o ne jump. The freq uency with w hich a vacancy

jumps in any one directio n in the matrix is w, ( See. 7. 2 ) . For the fee latt ice, w,. is related to the vacane y diffusion

*Eq u ating t he rates of seq u ential processes is also used in analy z ing se ries resistances in heat-tra nsf er processes.


'l'he consequences of interstitial atom impinge me nt on the interface are ob tained from processes ( a ) to f c} by intercha ng irtg the subscripts i and v.

\ Ve now en net met a b ala nce eq uation for the trapped vacancies and interstiti als. He cause the system is at st cad y state. 0 , and 0, are time independent, or the rate at v hich point defects become incorporated i nto the i nter face by process ( c ) mttst be equal to the rate at which they’ are removed by process ( b ) . Note that process ( b ) remove s a point defect of the opposite ty pe from t hat iv hich process

( c ) adds to the interface. Conservation of trapped vaea ncies is e xpr essed b y

where the left side is the input due to the fraction of imp inging va cancies that strike an uno cc upied site t hat is not ad jacent to a trapped interstitial and the right s ide is the rate of remo val of trapped vacancies by imping ing interstitials from the nearb y matri x. The balance on trapped inter st it ials y ields

Fig. 19.15 Vacancy- and interstitial-concentration profiles

a„ ( l—Q,— M„ ) -- a„

O, ( 10119 )

next to a coherent precipitate particle.

Subt ranting Eq . 19.119 from Eq . 19.11d y ie ids


’"'R ( C,—C} ) =

D, C*


( 1 0„ ) ( 19.116 )

which, whe n compared with Eqs. 19.115 and 19.117,

simply confirms the fact that the fl u xes of the t wo types of

For inter stitials, the analogous formula is

-"* ( C,—C ) D,C* ( 1 B , ) ( 19.11’/ )

point defects from the bulk to the coherent precipitate are eq ual no matter which ste p of the two back -to -back processes is considered.

R a Equat ions 19.118 and 19.119 can be sol ved for fi and 0, to y ield

To deduce th e connection between the point defect occupatio n of the trapping interface ( the 0 ’s ) and t he

*I 1 + ( 7* 1 ) z]


( \ 9.120 )

point-defect concentration in the matrix adjacent to the 7 *

^ 7” *

trapping interface ( the C*’s ) , we must specify the details of the interact ion between the free po int defects and the trapped o nes. Many models of this interact ion can be construct ed; here we will investigate a primitive model similar to that invoked by Bra ilsford and Bullough ° in their analysis of the same phenomenon ( the present model differs from theirs in that recomb inatio n reactions between


7”’ 7“#

7*’' 7^ + Z


7 D,C*

( 19.121 )

( 19.122 )

trapped po int defects are not considered here ) . Three possible fates of a vacancy imp in ging on the trapping interface are depicted in Fig. 19, 16. Th e imping ing vacancy


In Fig. 19.17 0 and 0; are shown as functions of the parameter 7* for a fixed value o f z ( e.g., z = 4 ) . Eq uatio ns

19.1 20 and 19.1 21 appl y only in the range

( a ) Strike a site at ready occupied by a vacancy, in wh ich case the imping ing vacancy is returned to the matrix.

1 7 *

( 19.1 23 )

( b ) Enter an unoccup ied site that is adjacent to a trap ped interstitial. The probab ility of this event is z0 i, where z is the number of vacancy sites surro und ing a trapped interstitial which result in certain recombination when jointly occ up red ( for the simple square inte rfacial stru cture, z = 4 ) .

( c ) Enter an u no ecu pied site that is not adjacent to a trapped interstitial. The probability ot such a jump is 1 8 , z0 ;.

Beyond this range, either 0, or 8, is zero, and the other is given by the form ulas shown on the graph. When 7* *. and 8, are both equal to ( 1 + 2z ) ”’

The trapping a nd recombination efficiency ot the interface has been analyzed with the a id of a particular model of what goes on at the boundary separating the precipitate particle and the h ost matrix. Other models ot these interactions are certainly possible, but they will all lead to relations between the 8’s and 7 ’S Of the type shown




Fig. 19.16 Consequences of vacancy impingement on a coherent precipitate particle. See text for a discussion of the p rocesses labeled a, b, and c.




D, C,. ( 1 fl , ) ( 1 fi , )

D ,C, ( a„ /R J + ( 1 fl , ) ( a„ /R q ) + ( 1 0, )

19. 12 fi )


According to Eq s. 19. 120 and 19. 12.1, 0,. a nd 0 i are f unctions of I he single parameter 7* ( ass urn ing z is a

.specified constant ) . Inserting ttiese equations into

Eq. 15. 12ñ determiiu's y* as a f unction of D, C, /lJ, C„ svh ich is speci fied by the bul k concentratio n of po int

defects. O rice 7* is d eterniined, 0 a nd 0 i are obtained from Eqs. 19.120 and 19.121, and C*/C„ a nd C*/C„ from Eq s. 19. 124 and 19.125. The desired fl uxes of va‹'ancies

and int erstit ial atoms to the coherent precipitates are th en obta in ed by eliminating C * and C* from the fl uxes given by Eqs. 15. 113 and 19. 114. NI ult iply ing J,. a nd J, by 4s R2 Np ( where N p is the number of pr ecip it ate particle s per unit volume of solid ) y ields Q* and Q*, the re moval rates of vacancies and i nterstitials per unit volume of metal by the

Fig. 19.17 Point-defect occu patron probabilities of the coherent precipitates. Following the procedure described trapping interface for a simple model. above yields

in Fig. 15.17. .Although this aspect of the t heory is dependent on the m odel ch osen. the devel op me nt u p to Sq. 19.117 and what follo avs fr‹irn now on are applicable to an} mechanism uf trapping.

I f we use th e second e qtialit irs Of Eqs. 19 . 11fi and

19.117. C* iC,. and C* 'C, can be ex pre.ssed as functions of 0, and 0, :


1 + ( 1—0, ) ( 19.124 )


Q,°. - 4aR pNq D, C„Y,

Q* 4rR p N„ D ; C, Y,

( 1 IN, )

" ( @/R„ ) + ( 1—d, )

( 15.127 )

10. 130 )

a, ' ( a„ , R p ) + ( 1 0, J '

Rp ‘' and d arid 0, are knciwn functions of the ratio D,C, D,C, f19.12b ) determined by the method outlined above. The coeffic'ie nts

Y,. a nd Y, represent th e b iasi rig of po int -defect fluxes to

Now J„ and Ji are set equal to each other and the C*’s are the coherent precipitates. They are a nalogous to the expressed in terms of the 0 ’s by the above formulas. These coefficients Z„ and Z, which established the preference of manipulations lead to dislocations for interstitials. For coherent precipitates,


howl s vi . the b iasing coefficients Y„ arid Y, depend on IN, C„, D, C„ wli itch is in I urn e.stab1ished b3 t he streng the of' ‹›thc•r p‹›ilit de t‘ects in the system. Th us, the b iased

•ihsurpl. io n pr‹›perties o f coh ere nt precip itates depend o n the e iii'iron inc nt in iv hich the precipitates are situated . iv h ich is mo t the case for t he fixed-bias dislocations. ’Fhe m str ner in u'hic h t lie co her crit precipitates funct ion can be illustrated q ualitatively as follo ws. l3e cause Z, Z, by a perce nt ‹ir sc , D, C, ,/D, C, is greater tha n unity b y a

defects b3 coherent precipitates is give n b3' Eq. 19.133. The rate of htiirogeneous recombinatio n is k„. C,. C„ w here k,, is given by Eg . 13.4 2. \ Vith th ese sin k strengths, Eqs. 19.134 and 19. 135 become


rd,'I› - 4aR ND,. C, C " exp

,. C„

D, C,

‹'omparable amou nt ( ‹it her w ise voids ivoul d not nu cleate or gro iv ) . Since D„C,. ›'D, C, 1, Eq. 15. 1.2 G shows that 0, :- 0, or, at ct›rding t.o Eqs. 19.1 29 and 19.130, Y, > Y, . "l'he rvquirvrn ‹•nt that t he re bt no net accurn ul atio n of po int defects at th e t cihere nt precip it ates ( as ex pressed by Eq. 19. 12b 1 cad s to

a nd


+ 4s Rp Np D, C,. + k„. C,C„


2l iñ, ) ' kT

( 19.13b )


' ( 19. 131 )

4zRNDC + i ( 0 N + fil ) 13 C

so the prooleni is red u‹ c d I o o ne ot’ finding the inag n itudv of Y„ ( ter tif Y, ) . 1 f the precipitate rad ius, R„ , is rea so nably large ( say several h undreds of angstroms ) , the ratio a„ /R p is small ( 10* 2 ) . lf, in add it io n, th e ratio D„C„/D, C, is close I ‹› u nity. then the parameter y* w ill also be to ma its , and Fig. 15. 17 shows that 0 and 0 , are eq ual to ( 2z 1 ) * ' 1G* 1 . For this sit uation, Eqs. 15. 129 and 19.130

she w that Y, a rid Y, are both r lo se to unit y. We in a› ma ke

+ 4 Rp N p D,. C, + k„ C, C, ( 19.137 )

Equations 19. 136 and 19.137 can be Vol ved for C„ and C, ( analytical solu tions are reported in Ref. 23 ) . Fo r N, pt, and Np 0, the po int-defect balances given above reduce to tht›se o btained earlier for treating fission-gas bu bble grow th in the fuel ( Eiqs. 13. US and 13.187, in wh ich C"" = 0 ) . The general shape of plots of C, and C i i t s f unct io ns of

thy appro xini at ion

Y, 1

D, C,

( 1'2. 132 j

teiiiperat ure are show n in i'ig. 13.17. Su‹'h solutions are treaded for fixing the supersaturatiuns S,. and Si in n uc leat io n I heory and for ve id g rowt h.

19.5.11 The Void-Grow th Law

Th e void-gro wth law is t he t ime rate o f ch ange o f the

a nd Eqs. 19. 127 and 19. 128 reduce to

( 19.133 )

vo id radius R at any ill stant d ur ing irradiation. "the void is assumed to be spherical, and its grow th is controlled by diffusion of vacancies and in terstitials from the bulk of the solid to the void su rface. The g row t h law under these

'th is e quatio n adequat el y describes the st reng th of cohere nt precip itate sinks in irradiated meta 1s.

19.5.10 Point-Defect Balances


Having determined the rate of production o f vacancies and interstitial s from fast-neutron colli.sio ns svit h lattice atoms and the rates at which the point defects are consumed b y various processes in vo lvi rig the large defect s in the Vol id, we can w rite the steady -state po in I defect

circumstances was d erived in Sec. 13.9 for the case of a cavity that co n tained some gas ( i.e., a bub ble ) . The same growth law is valid for the gas-free cavity l the vo id ) provided t hat the in ternai gas pressure is .set equa 1 to zero whe rever it appears. 'I'he i'oid-growth law is o bt ain ed from Eiqs. 13.17 1 and 13.17 fi, wit h p = 0 in t he lat ter,

R dR


balances as

rk,‹I› - Q{. ' d + Q + Q + Q,", + homo. recom b. ( 19.134 )

R D„ C,. C5" ex

D, C, t19.138 )

for vaca ncies, and

for interst it ials.

’l“he vaca ncy-r emoval rates per unit volume of so lid, QV fi d , Q , and Q L , are g ive n by Eqs. 19.95, 19.101, and

19. 111. The corresponding terms for in terstit ial removal are given by Eqs. 19.96, 19.102, and 19.112 ( the thermal emission term in the last of these formu I as can be neglected ) . ’i'h e rate of absorption of both types of point

The co ncent ratio n of inte rstitials at the to id surface ( Eq. 13.17 9 ) has been neglected beca use o f t he large energy of formation o f this poin t de feet.

Brails ford and Bullo ug h' ° have inse rted t he solutions of Eqs. 19.136 and 19.137 in to Eq. 19.138 and e xpr essed the void-growt h rate in the following fo rm :

119.1 'T9 )

where Rq is the void-grow th rate in the absence o f both homogeneou.s recomb inatio n ( k„, 0 ) and t licrmal emi Psion ( C{"' 0 ) ,


11 ( Z, p„ + I rR N ) ( Z,p, * I JR N * 1s R N ) ( 1


( 1' )


( 19141 )

1.19. 1 t t› )

is 1 he to tal d islocation dens ity in the solid . Th is growth c ontribut io n is ind epe nden I of temperatii re and d e pends on the dislocatio n bias f‹ir int,erstitials Z, Z,. anri the morplio log y o f the so I id ( i .e., the n umbr•r and si ze ‹›f voids, pre‹ ip it ales, and the dislocation dens it \ ) . I t is als‹› direc th proportio na1 to the defect -pr‹›du‹ I ir n rate, or the fast neutro n fJ ux .

'£h e effe‹'t of ho mog eneous rt‹ o m b inal io n o n void growl h is ‹'o ntained in I he factor F' i ii Sq. 19. 1.3 S. iv li i‹'h is^

wlit re p is the d ime nsion less parameter

‹ir, eliminating k, by u se o f £ \ q . 13. l- and se It ing Z, Z„,

Wht'n homogeneo us recombination is negligible ( k i \ 0 p - 0 ) , th e factor F red uces to unity.

The ef feet of thermal emissio n from I he variou s sinks is con Gained in the void shrinkag e term R,.:

( with Z, Z,. g reater than zeri› ) and a neut ral si n k I w hir'h r‹›r voids pruvidPs hot‘ term felt N ) are n‹‘‹‘‹' s‹im' f‹›r vc›id gro›vt h. ’I'he halant'e b‹'t ’e‹*iJ £l e str‹'iigt he of t he neutral and b iased sin ks, as exempli fied by t lu• d iirensio nl ess q itantit y x, is crucial t‹i vo id gro Pvt h. 'J'h e vti id-gro Pvt h rate is a maximum when x = l . I f x is less than unity tas it would be at tht beg itini rig of irrarliat ion ) , d eereasing x by increasing I he d islocatio n densit y re duees the rate ‹›f void growth. Th is behavior explains the ability of heavily cold-wor ked metals to resist void swelli rig at low fluences. lf, ho wever, x l bec'aus‹ of the d evel r pment ‹›f a sizable void pop ulation , the pr iniars' role of thP disl ‹Anal in us is t‹› pro vide a pr eferential sind for interst it ials. tlit'reby per ni it ting I he exe ess vacancies t‹› fJ ow to flu* vt›ids. In this case, high ly cold-work ed material pro niotr•s r‹lt her tha n det er s void growth.

\ Vh en colieren I pr eci pi tates are prt'se n t i n I ht' a1l‹ij a nd

v‹›ids are not strong sin ks f‹›r varanc'iPs, tt„ bec‹›nu'•

In th is c ase tht d isl oc'atio tis a nd the pre‹’i pitate parti c'l s womb i ne to red uce vi› id gro \ vth. '£his t he‹i rel it at prvdir't ion is in a‹'‹ ord wit h I ht v‹•rj lo w' irradiatio n swelli iig of p $ rec i g p , itate con ta ining allo› s, such as liicti net a nd the st e‹ l

2 7 #j

\ R kTj

2 7

\ R

/2 7

19.5.15 Temper‹iture Depende rice ‹if t'oid Growth

The two hi gh ly te nape rain re ecu sitive pararnet e re in the voi d -grow th law are the vacancy di ffusioti c‹›e fficien I D,. and the equilibrium vacancy concentration €’"". 'J'he temperature depen dence of the parameter i ) is eo n trolled by D, a nd the product Ll„ C'*" appears in R,.. At lo w

( R ( Jpd + 4r RN + 4 ( R Np ( 19.14 4 )

In the terms in the second a nd third lines of Eq. 19.144, differences in exponentials have been appro ximat ed by d iff erences in the arg u ments. Th e value of R,. is inde- pendent o f the defec t-productio n rate and approaches zero at temperatures sufficiently low to render thermal emission negl ig ib ie ( i.e., C"° 0}.

19.5.12 The Factor R

When no cohere nt preci pitat es are present, R„ can be writ ten as

* A quantity denoted by q l n Ref. 23 has been omitted in Eq. 19.14 2. This sim pt ificatio n has no significant effect on the nunneries I values of the void-g rowth rate.

temperatures, D becomes small and Eg . lS. 14 3b sho ws that p becomes large. I n this limi t the factor F becomes small. A.s the tempe rature is red uced, Eg . 19.144 indicates that R e approaches zero. Since both F ( p l and R beco me small at low temperat ure, Eg. 19.139 sho ws I hat vo id growth ceases in this I imit.

At the opposite extreme of high temperature, q becomes small and F approaches uHity; R e then becomes i ncr easing ly negative. 2’hus the theory pred icts a tern pera- ture at w hich the void-gro wt h rate is a maximum. which

corresponds to the observe d peak swelling temperature. Beyond this tern perature, void growth should rapidly d ectease and even tuall y beco me negative since the vo ids tend to evaporate rat her than grow. Figure 19.18 shows how the growth rate changes w ith tern perature for ty pical fast reactor co nditio us. The characteristic bell-shaped swell- ing -temperature plot ( F ig. 19. 3 ) is q uite well reproduced by t he theory. The temperature limits of obse rvable sw eIl ing



affect the eq uilibrium vacancy co ncentratio ns at the vo ids and the d islocations. Because stress- and gas-assisted growth are important o nly at h igh tern peratu res, we may n eglect the presence of interstitial loops. " will have virtually d isappeared by vacancy capture by ti00 “C ( see Fig. 19.7 . The vacanc›’ balances ( with the del ction of the above- ieitioned terms l are given b y Ed. 19. 1 36 if the vacan cj concentration at the i'oid surface is re placed b y

CQ° ex p


Fig. 19.18 4’emperature dependence of the void-growt h rate in stainless steel u nder fast- neutro n irradiatio n. ( Af ter Ref. 23. )

and t he prak swell in g temperature are in accord w ith observations.

B ra il sford and Bullo ugh° " have deduced an appro xi- mate analytical sivellin g law by simpli ficat i‹in o f the forr goiii g eq uat i ons. I Io weve r, in view of th e ch an ge ref the void den sity N and tht' dislocation d ensi t y p, d ur in g irradiation, the void-grow th law should be incorpo rated into a iTio re general analysis that inclu des the e volut ion of the ni icrost ruct ural featu res of the solid w ith i rradiation time. Su ch a co niput ati on would requ ire a loop-g rowt h law in add ition to a void-grow th law. The 1 on p size and concentration con ple back in to the vo id ( and loop ) growth laws ›'ia p , p , and the ave rage loo p size m .

19.5.14 Stress-E nhanced Void Growth

"the growth law developed above is valid only i f the void co ntains no gas and if the metal is not under stress. However. in the temperature ran ge for vo id g rowt h, helium atoms produced by ( n,o ) rea ctions in the metal arc

The vacanc y concentration at the void surf ace d epe nds only on the no rmal st ress at this poin t, iv hich by a fo rce balance is equal to ( 2 ) /R ) p ( see Eq . 13.6}. The stress in the med iu m does not at“fect the vacancy concentration at the vo id provided that the volu me o f a vacanc y in the solid is equal to the atomic volu me o r that there is n r› latt ice cont ractioti around a i-aca ncy. If this is n ot so I and, iii general, it is not}, t he aho ve e xpressi on for the vaca ncy co nce ntratio n at the i'oid surface must be modified.° " ’° We neglect th is effect here but consider it in pro ble rn 19. fi at the e nd of this c ha pter.

The ot her term in the vacancy balance eq uatio n w hich needs to be altered is the eq uilib riu m co ncent ratio n ‹if va cane ies at the net ivor k dislocat ions, whi‹'li depends run st ress ac‹ ording t‹i

C¿" exp k

where u is the hyd rostat ie tension in the solid .

If the modified va cancy balance and the unch a nged interstiti al balance given by Eq . 19.1 37 are substitu te d into t he void -growth rate formula ( Eq. 19.13b in which the vacancy co nce nt ration at the vo id surface altered to acco unt fo r internal gas pressure as indicated above ) , Rb a nd F ( p ) are fo und to be unchanged. Howe ve r, R„ w hich was formerly given by Cq. 19.14 4, becomes ( iv ith N p and

P i 0 )


suf ficie nt ly mo bile to fo rm gas-atom clusters in the lattice. As shown in Sec. 19. 3, voids readily nucleate on these clusters; th us some gas m ust be contained in the vo ids as


) R

Rk’f ( Z, fid + 4aR N )

( 19 146 )

they ente r their growth stage. In addition, the cl ad d in g of a fuel p in is always stressed, either by contact w ith swelling fuel o r b y inte mal pressure in the fuel pin arising from released fission gases. The state of stress in an internally loaded cy lin drical tube is biaxi al, but, to sim pli fy matters, we co nsider he re a metal subject to uni form hy dro static tensio n. Th e theo ry o f vo id growth need s modi ficat ion to account for t hese two com plications. We presen t t he analysis o f Brailsfo rd and Bullough.° "

Eq uation 19.139 sho ws that the void -growth rate co nsists of two compo nents; R, contains the thermal emissio n terms and hence is the only part affected by the state of stress or by internal gas pressu re. Consequently , it follows t hat in temal gas pressure and stress beg in to i nfl uence the g rowth rate only when R, becomes sig nifi- ca nt; i.e., for temperatures greater than the pealt swPll ing temperature. Thus, we need only be concerned with R, , and, in particular, with how internal pressure and stress

In the gas- and stress-free case, the parenthetical term in the

numerator is alwa ys neg at ive, and R, re presen As a shrin k- age. However, the sig n of R, can change when the void contains gas and the sol id is in tension. Sh rin kage d ue to thermal emission changes to stress-enhanced growth* when


' + R ( 19.149 )

The critical stress for unlimited void growth, which depends on the gas con tent o f the ca vity, can be o b tained in the same manne r as that employed in deriving the analogo us condition for void growth of helium bu bbles on grain bou ndaries ( Sec. 1 8.10 ) . Suppose that the void contains j helium atoms. The internal pressure is given by the perfect gas law ( Eq. 18. 96 ) , a nd Eq. 19.14 9 become.s

* Stress-e nh anced swell ing is also called ve I ume creep.


2p 3jk]'

R 4zR'

"I'he critical void radius occurs iv hen d o 'd R - 0 and the stress at this void size is t he critical stress for unlimited void growth:

due to t he delay time required for sufficient helium to have trickled into the voids to render „it of Eq . 19.150 equal to t he speci fled stress. The 600°C results are insensitive to stress because the first term in Eg . 19.139 is the primar y contributor to void growth at this temperature.

Figure 19. 20 show s similar theo ret ical results as a

l28rr9 ''

"’" b1jk’F

( 19.150 )

functio n o f temperature. The dou ble hu mp in the swelling curve has not been co n firmed by reactor irradiations o f steel, but this u nexpected shape has been found in

which , i f j is expressed in terms of t he radius of the stress-free e quilib riu m bubble containing j helium atoms ( by Eq. 18. 94 ) , red uces to the Hyam—Sumner relatio nshi p ( Eq. 18. 98 j.* The only difference between helium bubbles on a grain boundary and heliu m-co ntainin g voids in the gra ins of the solid is the growth law , w hi ch is given by Eq. 18.10 2 for gra in-boundary hel iu m bu bbles and by Eq. 19.14 8 fo r helium-co ntaining voids within the grain.

Whether u nbo unded stress-e nhanced vo id growth will occur for a specified hydrostatic tensio n depe nds on the n umber of gas atoms in the vo id. The total qua nt ity of heli u m gas prod uced in the metal was disc ussed in Sec. 18.10. The h emu m co ntent of stainless steel increases linearly w ith time ( Fig. 18. 40 ) . If there are M atoms of heli um per unit volu me of the metal and i f all t he gas is equally dist ribu ted amo ng N eq ual-size voids, j would be fi xed as M 'N. However, the available he liu m is, in general, part it toned amo ng the matrix, the voids, and the gra in- bou nd ary bubbles. Determinatio n o f the fract io n of the gas which is in the voids requires calculations similar to those presented in Secs. 13.9 and 15. 7 fo r o btaining the distribu- tion of fission-gas atoms in the same th ree locations in the fuel . \ ¥r saw in Sec. 19. 3 that vo id nucleat ion requires only a few h eliu m atoms per void embryo. Unless much more hel iu m is collected by the voids during the g rowt h period, j in Eq . 19.150 may be quite small, and the critical stress may al ways be much larger than the applied stress ( when

,.,, t , the vo id shrin ks rather than expa nds ) .

Brailsford and Bullough have integrated the void- gro wth law ( Eq. 19.139 ) with R, g i ie n by Eq. 19.14 8.t The com pu tat ions were performed for ap plied uni axial tension, which requires that o in Eq. 19.14 8 be replaced by

/3. He liu m was generated at a rate ap propriate to fast reactor conditions; so j increased linearly iv it li time. Since n ucl eatio n t heo ry was not incorporated into the ca lcula- tio n, the void and loo p densities had to be arbit rarily specified. Typi cal resul ts o f these computations are show n in Fig. 19.19, in which the ordinate is the volu me swelling for a population of uni form size voids. St ress-assisted growth becomes d ramatic at high temperature because D„ Ct" in Eq. 19.14 S becomes large. The rather sudden onset of swe 11 in g in t he high -stress 7 00 and 800°C curves is

to n-bombarded metals at a higher dose than o btain able with fast neutro ns.

Restriction of the stress e nh ancement of vo id growth to temperatures in excess of G00°C suggests that the aSsump-

Fig. 19.19 Stress-enhanced swelling for various stress levels and temperatures as a function of fluence. ( A fter R ef. 2S. )

* Equat ion 4 0 of Re f. 2 5 ( w he n di x’ide d by .3 to en n ve rt f rom u nia x ia 1 t o h y dro sta tic st re ss ) a ppe ars t o be in erro r by a fa ct or of 2.

{Act ti u l1y , the compl ete t heory , wit h lo ops a nd gr a in boundaries incl uded as sin ks in R, was empl oy ed , a nd loop g rowth 1‹i w s were used t‹i determine th e change in t he d is Inca tie n p‹ip ulat i‹i n. 'l'he ’simp 1 it'i ed f ‹i r m g ive it by Eli. 1 9. 1 4 fi is ‹i ccu rat e at h igh tern pet at u res.

400 500 600 700 800







Fig. 19. 20 Temperature dependence of stres+enhanced void growt h in steel. The solid curves appl y to a dislocation de nsity of 10 cm 2 and a hel ium production rate of 10 ppma /sec. ( From A. D. B railsf ord a nd R. Pullough, British Report AERE-TP-54 2, 1973. )


tio n inherent in the analysis that all heliu m is in the voids may be unrealistic. I f most of the gas agglo rnerates on grain boundaries, the g ro wth law is that of Eq. IS.1€I2, not Eq. 19.148.

19.5.18 Saturation of Void Growth

The t heo ry just develo ped predicts that voids co ntin ue to gro w indefinitely iii an irradiated metal; no mechanism for saturatio n of g row th is provided. Eq uat ion 15. 146 shows that as the void size R increases the gro wt h rate decreases but never ceases entirely . The only way t hat vo id growth can be completel y hal ted is to remove the pref- erential bias of the dislocations for in terstitials or, equiv- alentl y, to imbue the voids with the same preferential att racti on for inte rstitials as the dislocations.

Harkness and Li° have proposed a mechanism of terminating void groivt h which is based on the first of these two possibilities. They seek to determine the cond it io ns ti nder w hich all t he dislocations become interconnected with the voids in a stable manne r. If the disl ocat io ns are securely pinned to voids, they ( the dislocations ) can no longer climb freely, and hence their ability to absorb more int erstit ials than vacancies is elimin ated. Hrre we reanaly ze ther r proposal by extension o f the met ho d used previously to determine the eq uilibriu m co ncentratio n of point de fects at an interstiti al dislocatio n loop.

Consider a single vo id and the curved leng th of dislocatio n line between void s. The associated so lid co n- tains n,. vacancies and n, inte rstitials at concent ratio ns C, and Ci, respectively. \ Ve calculate the void radius R and the dislocatio n- 1 ine lengt h '/' for w hich the system is stationary i n t he specified point-defect en vironment. 4’he void- d islo ca t i o n segment con figurat io n is de picted in Fig. 19. 21 ( b 1, w here the two halves of the void at the terminatio n of the d isl o catio n-line se gment are shown in place o f a sing le vo id. The remainde r o f the solid is assumed to be a repet itio n of the basic unit shown in Fig. 19. 21 ( b 1, which means that the mic'rost ructure appears as sketched in Fig. 18. 2 2 ( b ) . 4’he casr in w hich the vacancies and inter- st itials are i n equilibriu m ( i .e., C, C, C,"' Cb" ) is t reated first. The d erivatio n is t hen extended to arbitrary point- defect concentrations. The general me thod of calculations of this t ype have been o ut linrd by St raalsund 2 a nd by Wieder sich and Hersch bach . '

The Gib bs free energy of the syst em show n in Fig. 19.21 ( b ) is given by

where p„ and p, are the c he mical potentials o f t he vacancies and i nte rstitials ( for thru first portion of the analysis, y„ —y„ indicating equilibrinnJ be t vee it the two types of po int defects 1: and G„ is t lir frre energy of the est em co ntain ing t he leng th 1 of dislc›cat ion I inc, but no void, in a solid ivh o rein the point -de fee 1. concen motions are C}I" and C§" , rr sped:tively' [ Fig. 19. 21 ( a J | . As iv ith the i nterstitial loop. a i'oid is no t thermodynamically st able un der these con ditio ns. Dislocatio n lines, ho ivever. can exist in a solid co nta ining equili um point -de feet co nc Pntrations. \ Vh en the po int-d efec t no ncentrat ions are changed from C''" and

€'' " . p, a nd i.i. are n o lo tiger xero, and the void-dislo‹'at ion

Fig. 1 9.21 Unit of a system of interconnected voids and dislocations. The shaded area below the dislocation-line segment denotes the extra half-sheet o f atoms comprising the edge dislocation.

line segment sho w n in Fig. 19. 21 ( b ) is created from the n„ vacancies and n i in terstitials in the p iece o f .solid under examination. The energy of the entitv shown in Fig. 19.21 ( b ) is denoted by C ( m„ , m; ) , whe re m, is the number o f vacancies needed to form t he void and m i i S the number of interst itia 1s req uired for the d isl ocatio n line to climb from its orig inal lo catio n in Fi g. 19. 21 ( a ) to the equilibrium posit io n in Fig. 19.21 ( b ) . I f C, a nd C, are such that climb occurs in the op posite direct ion from that shown in Fig. 15. 21 ( b ) , m i is negative, iv hich means th at vacancies rather than interst itials have been absorbed by the pi nued segment o f dislo cut io n line. The energy c ( m, ,m, ) is given by I he su m o f the energ ies of the void and the associated length o f d islo coat io n line:

c ( m„, m, ) - ,la R z y + t ’/’— 1 ) a, ( 19.15 2

w here y is the surf ace tension of the solid and rd is the line tensio n o f the dis!ocat io n. The c hange in the lt•ngth of line in going from the co nfigurat ion of Fig. 19. 21 ( a ) to that of Fig. 19. 21 ( b ) is ?’ 1. Th e fi rst term o n the right o f Eq. 19.16 2 depends only o n t he nu mber o f vacancies in the void because m,. arid R are related by

( 1S.15.3 )

Si milar 1 \ ', I he second term on t he righ t is a f un‹ t io n o f m„ w’hich is related to the area of the circular segment added to the half-sheet o f at‹ims comprising the edge d islocatio n:

b. / ( 19.154 )


If I he system show n in f“ig. 19. 2 1 ( b ) is at eq uiI ibrium, the criterion of chemical equilibrium requires that the Gib bs free energy given by Eq. 19.151 be in variant iv he n small pertur hations 6 m,. , 6 m„ ñ n,.. and ñ n, are applied,

'I'he pertu rb atio nn in the n u mbers of poin t d efo cut s in each locatio n are related by the hal ance:

ñ m, fi m,. = 6 n,. fi n,

’I'he perturbation fi m,. can be eliminated by comb ining the preceding two ‹'q uations. The resulting equation contains fi m„ I› n„, and fi n,. Since each of these th ree perturbations is independent and arbit rap', I he coefficient s of all three must be ind ivid ually eg uated to zero to attain the minim um G ib bs free energy o f the syste m, iv hich leads to th ree equat ions:

The derivative i n t his formula is o btain ed from Eqs. 19.1 0 2 and 19. 1 6 t:


The partial derivatii't' in the last line of this set of equalities ( which is taken at co nstant R because m, is held co nstant in the derivative on the left ) is determined solely by the geometry of I he c urved dislocation in Fig. 19.21 ( b ) . In problem 19.16 at the end of this chapter, ( h ’J'/h. °J ) g is found to hP o f the form

‹J ’/‘


( lS.155a )

f R, . 1

( 15.157 )

( t9.155b )

where the function f ( R, .;P, 1 ) approaches u nity as the void radius approa ches zero. Comhining the prer'eding lh ree equat ions With t he vaca ncv e he mical potential ield.s

( 9.1.55c )

b. ‘¥f k1/

a nd, w it h the re.stric'tion C„C, = CQ" C'“' ,

( 19 . 15 8a )

Because we h ave required equilibriu m between the I wi› ty pcs o f point defects in the bul k solid ( i .e . , p, —p,. ) , Eqs. 15. 155b and 1.5. 155c are t q uivalt nt. h'hus there two independen t relations, iv hirh serve to rix the eq uilib- rium vo id radi us R and t he dislocatio n ix› nfigurat ion ( determined. for con venienre, by t he radius of c ur vat ure

The equilibrium void size is o bt aine d from Eq. 19.155 b, which can be w ritten

C, C{"* b.if kT ) ( t9.15Hb )

If e it her C,. or C, is spec ified, Eqs. 19. ti and 19.158 de te rmine the void size R and the dislocation line radius of curvature .fi for a specified ve id spacing 1, which is related

to the sixe a nd de nsity of v oids in the solid hy Eq. 18. 25:

( 19. I SS )

( 2RN )

' tdm, ) td R ) , dR ( R )

\ Ve now examine t he case in w hich the vacancies and the in terstitials are not in equilibrium ( i.e., COC, C*° Ci'" ) . Th is situ ation ca nnot be t reated by eq uil ibriu m met h- ods; 2 0 so, inste ad o f a t hermody namic a nalysis, we can

The first term in the product of this formula is, accord ing to Eq. 19.1b 2, equal to 8r Rd , and Eq. 19.153 sho ws that the seco nd term is f2/4rR 2 . The chemical potential of the vacancies is kT 1 n ( C,. /Ct° ) ; so Eq. 19.155b yields

only require that the system be in a stationary state. Th is means that the vo ids are not gro wing and t he dislocations are not climbing and t hat the stationary configuration is affected by ki netic factors as well as equilibrium factors.

The e xisten ce o f a stationary state req uires that the net

C, = C " ex p \ R kT7 a nd , using t he restrain t C„Ct = C*° C*° ,

( 19. 156a )

flux of point defects to the void and to t he dislocation

.segment each be equal to zero. Following The argument a pplied to interstitial loops in the noneq uilibrium so lid, Eqs. 19.156a a nd 19.156b give t he co ncentratio n of po int

C, C*° exp

2 7

R kT )

( 19.156b )

defects at t he surface of the void, and Eqs.19.158a and

19.16 Sb apply to the surf a ce of t he dislocation line

Eq uation 19. 16 6a can be recognized as the eq uilib rium concentratio n of vacancies at the surface o f an isolated voicl in the solid ( i .e., Eq. 19.95 ) .

Combining Eqs. lS. 155a and 19.155b y ields

segment bet wee n the voids. The co ncentratio ns C, a nd pPrta in to the bulk so lid, far from the void and disl oca tion- line surfaces.

The fluxes of point defects to a unit area of void a re

J*” " - 4/rRD, ( C; C*"' d )


wh ere C ( '" and C, ' d are now given by Eqs. 19.156a and 19. 155b, res prctivel y. Using these void surface concent ra- tio ns and t he zero net fiux co nd it ion ,

J› ‹› i d = ,J $’‹› id


R kT

Th ese equat io ns d iffer from t hose which apply d u ring vo id growth ( Eqs. 19.135 and 19.137 ) in t hat the thermal emissio n terms from t he d islocat io n have bee n altered to accommodate the picture of interconnected voids and dislocations in which the latter have ceased climbing. During gro wth, net wor k dislo catio ns are free to climb and d islocatio n loo ps are d istinct from ne twor k d islocations. flower er, the two point -defect balances are not inde- pendent relations iv hen satu ration of void growth and dislocatio n climb occurs. Eq uat ion 19.163 , for e xample.

D, C''" ex p #7 -

T ( kI

) ( 19 160 )

can be ob tained by combining Eqs. 19.160 to 19.162. These three eq uatio ns co nta in four un know us, C,. , Ci, R,

Similarly , the fl uxes of point de fects to a u n it lengt h of dislocatio n line are

J j- Z D ( C ,— C d )

and .fi. They can be sol ved for .fi as a function o f R, N, and p d . Prior to saturation, these three quantities increase by the void and loop growth and n ucleation processes de- scri bed earlier. When R, N, and p d il ttain values such that hqs. 19.160 to 19.162 yiel d .fi - 1 2, a stable intercon-

J d Z, D, ( C ,

C'' )

nected net work o1’ voids and dislocations becomes possible, and void growth a nd disl ocatit›n climb cease provided that

where C$ and C'' are given by Eqs. 19.15 6a and 19.158b, respectively . Using t hese concentrations at flu surfa ce o1’ the dislocatio n line and the zero net flux condition,

y ieldn

b. If k’£

all voids and dislocations are lin ked together. If an y dislocaticins are 1’ree to climb, however, growth dcies ncit terminate.

Bullough and co ivor kers 2 ' have pro posed mecha- nisms for terminatio n of void growth which are qu ite different from the saturation model just described. 3’hey calculate t he force exerted on a circular dislocation loop by a near by void. Th is force is determined by noting that t he elastic st ress field emanating from an isolated dislo cation ( e.g., Eq. 8.7 fo r a screw dislocation ) cannot a pply at the

Z,D, C,"'

"p b if k F )

( 19.1. 6I )

surface of the vo id, w hich must be free of all tractions. Willis and Bullo ugh " ' add to t he stress field of t he dislocatio n an image or induced stress field whose magni-

If C, and C, are specified, R and .fi coul d be obtained

directly from Eqs. 19.1fi0 and 19.161.


The point-defect balances are used to determine t he po int-d ef ect co ncentrat ions in t he sol id. At the stat ionar y state that produces t erminat ion of vo id gro ivth, each term in the vacancy balance of Eg. 19. 134 is eq ual to the c o rresponding term in t he interstitial balance of Eq. 19.135. In the sat utated vo id-growth state, both net- work d islocations and loop dislocations are assumed to be interconnected to the voids, as shown in Fig. 19. 21 ( b j, so no dist in ction is made bet ween them. ’rh e po int-defect balances become

rfi,‹I› 4rR ND, C, C ex p


tude a nd position dependence are determined by the req uireme nt that the net .stresses at the void surface vanish ( the surface -tensio n force, 2 ) /R, ap pears to have been neglected ) . Once t he fief d that performs the desired functio n at the void surface is found , the induced stress field away from the surface can be calculated. In particular, the value of the induced stress at the lo cation of the dislocation loop enables the glide force and the climb force on the loop to be comp uted ( by multiplication of the appropriate stress component by the Burgers vector of the 1 oop ) . These forces are shown in Fig. 19. 2 2. If the loop is un faulted and of the interst it ial type, the glide force is attractive. That is, if the crit ical glide stress ( analogo us to the critical resol ved shear stress ) is e xceeded, the loop wiil glide directly into the void and be a nni hilated. When an interstitial dislocatio n loop is captured by a void, the latter

* Rd D C, CQ e xp b

4 Q N p D% C k iv C Cg

29 f2

R kT

* Z;p z H; C, C e ° e xp l b

+ 4N Rp Np Dp Cg kJ \ t C $ C%


( 19.162 )

( 19.163 )

shrinks by an amount equivalent to the number of interstitials contained in the loop. In addition to a glide force, the void—loop interact ion induces a climb force on the loop which causes it to coll apse. For this force to cause loop sh linkage, though, it wo uld need to be greater than the climb force ca using I oop growth arising from interstitial supersaturation of the surrounding solid ( Eq. 19.153 ) . If t he loop initially had a radius greater t han that of the void and could not shrin k by the induced climb force, it would be drawn toward t he void and be trapped as a sort of Saturn ring around the periphery of the vo id.

In any case, the glide force is always effective in eliminating dislocatio n loo ps with radii smaller than that of


Fig. 19. 22 F orres o n a dislocation loop near a void. ( After Ref. 31. j

the void provided that the loo p 1 ies wit him a capture volume around t he void. The capture volume e xtends from the vo id surface to the radial position where t he attractive stress fiel d due to the void—loop interaction ( i.e., the image fiel d, which decreases rapidly with distance from the center of the void J is just equal to the criti cal glide stress. Loo ps farther out cannot be started o ff by the attractive glide force. For large voids ( i .e., R /- 5 00 \ ) , Will is a nd Bul- loug h" ' calculate that t he thir k ness of the spher iral-shell capture vo lu me is 200 . \ . Loss o f disl oeat ions from this en tire volu me around the voids results in io n of vo id growth ( bed a use of the abse nce of the dislocations a nd their b iasing effect ) when t he vo ids are sufficie ntly nu mero us that the ir rapt II re vol umes o ve rlap.

Accr›rding to the mo del ou tlin ed, vo id-growth

saturation should be accompanied by a drast ie reduction in dislocatio n density. The expected rPductio n in dislocation density is o bser ved in pure meta 1s, such as nickel, a fte r long irradiatio n, but it does not occur in stainless steel because of the greater di ffi cult y in moving dislocations in surh an impure alloy. I However, even w hen the vo ids do not succee d in .swallowing the d islo catio ns, the in duced stress fiel d crea ted by’ the neressit y of maintaining the void surface stress-free per.sists. Voids then appear to conta in image d isl ocatio ns that preferentially a bsorb in terstitials over vacanci e.s just. as real dislocations do. By t his mechanism the neutrality of the void as a point-defect son rce is destroyed, and I he void acquires a bias of its ow n for interst itials. The rates of point-defect a bsor ptio n by vo ids w hich h arbor image dislocatio as are given by m ult ipl ying Eqs. 19.95 and

19. 95 by \ ¥ a nd W„ which are bias factors ak in t o Z„ a nd Z, for dislocations ‹ind Y, and Y , for ctiherent preci pitates. Usi ng t he niodi fled void sin k strengths in t he point-def ect balances and in the Yo id gro ivth law leads to replacement of

Z, Z, in Eq. 15. 14 5 b \ Z, \ \ ' i Z, ' \ \ '„ . \ \ 'he li th is di f- Terence becomes zero , vo id gro wt h ceases coinpl etel ) '.


Sect io n 19. 3 described methods of calculating the rates at w hich small vo ids and dislocation lo‹ips reach the critical size for co nti nued gro myth. Hi Sec. 19.4, o vera 11 conser va- t ion equ atio ns ( t he po int-defect balan res ) were de vel oped

for vacancies and in terstitials to permit calcidatio n of t he instantaneous concentrations of point d efects in the bul k of the solid. Th ese balances require knowledge o f t he n urnbers and sizes of voids and dislocation loops in t he material at the moment that the po int-defec t bala nces are appl ied. This information is ob tained from vo id and loop conser vatio n equatio ns, w hich are derived in this section.

19.6.1 The Delta F unctio n Distribution

Most theories of void grow th place a great deal of emphasis on determination of t he void -growth law, R, b ut relativel y little is said about what is to be done with t his formula once it is o btained. Co nfro ntation of t he co nser va- t ion eq uat io ns go vern in g the entire pop ulation of voids and loops in the so lid is avoided by assuming simpl ified size distributio us for these two t ypes of defect cl usters. Specifically, all vo ids are assumed to be of t he same six.e at any given time, or the distribution is a del ta function centered o n t he value of R ( t ) obtain ed b3 integratio n of the growth law. Simil arly , the loo p size dist ributio n is assume d to be a del ta functio n. 4’h is approach is valid provided that ( 1 ) nucleatio n and grow th are distinct, sequential processes and ( 2 ) all vo id ( or loop ) n ucl ei are the same size.

If all voids and loops are n ucleate d at t he same time and with the same size and processes that can rhange the size of a cl uster in large cli un ks ( i.e., coalesceti ce or macroscopic reso lu tio n ) are ncgl ig ible, the void a nd loop d istribu tio ns will r eniain del ta run ct io n.s throughout irradiation. That is, with time, all loo ps and voids simply gro iv uniformly but their n umber densit y remains co test a nt. The void size at any time is d etermitied by sim ultaneously integrating t he void -growth law of Sq. 19.139 and t he analogous growth laws for loops. because of t he co mple x dependence of R o n R, numerical in tegrat io n is generally required.

The zero in t ime ( or fl uence ) for growth is the end of t he n ucleation stage, which fo r sta in less steel is taken to be t he incubation fl uence of 10° 2 neu tro us mcm° req uired before any voi ds are o bser ved. lt is assume d tha t t he nucleatio n process provides N voids mcm" of starting size R,. ( t he radius of thr critical nuclei ) and N; loo ps/cm" of i nit ial

size R ,. . By in tegrat ion o f the gro ivth laws, R ( t ) a nd R s ( I are deter mined, and the swell ing at t ime t ( or fluen ce 'I›t ) is calculated from Eq. 19.10. This approach is follo wed by

Bra ilsford and B ullough.°

19.6.2 Eulerian Void Continuity Eq uation

When the n ucleatio n and gro iv t h pro cesses o verlap in t ime, the void and loop conser vatio n equations cannot be circumvented. In t his instance, void and loop si ze distribu- 1 it›ns evolve during irradiat ion. The voids and loo ps present at a particular time arise from nuclei produced from the beginning of irradiatio n up to I he time in question, and hen ce a d istributio n of sizes must be present. The con-

t inuity eq uation for voids was derived by Sears. " 2 It is

similar to t he c ontin uit y equ atio n for fts.sion-gas bubbles in t he fuel ( Chap. 13 ) ,

The void distr ibu tio n functio n N ( R ,t ) d R is t he nu mber of voi ds per unit volume with radii between R and R + d R at I ime t. It is con lenient to beg in wit h a sligh tly d if ferent distrib ut ion f unct io n, N ( ni,t ) , iv hich is the n umber of vo ids

498 F I '!4 t A V F. TA L A SPF. C'T.S OF N I ICL EA R R F- A CTGR FUF. L F. L F. MF. NfS

per unit volu me contain ing m vacancies at time t. Inasmuch as R and m are related by

which states that the meta 1 contains no voids at the start of irradiation.

The boundary conditio n is related to the nucleatio n



the two distribution functions satisfy

N I R, tj -

( 19.164›

( 1?.1 b5 )

process, which proceeds simultaneously with growth. It is usually assumed that all void nuclei enter the solid as small clusters containing m, atoms at a rate Iq q,; rm sec ' . 'J'he critical void size and the nucleation rate are prescribed by nucleation t heor y for the prevailing point-defect supersatu- ratio ns ( Sec. 19. .3 ) . The balance eq uation for vo ids of size m, is

Let us define the current of voids in size space, Ip , as the nurn ber of voids passing from size m to size m + 1 per u nit volume per second. Here I„, is similar to the nucleation rate



( 19.171 )

considered in Sec. 19. 3 except that it is defined for void sizes well beyo nd the critical void cluster size to w hich nucleation theory is restricted. The rate per unit volume at

which voids enter the size m class is ip ... . T he rate at p which voids leave this size class is I„ . 'r her efore, the vt›id

co nser vation st.atement is

where I„,, is the current of voids passing from size m, to the next largest size. I t is generally sufficient to apply a quasi-stationary approximation to Eq. 19.171 and equate I n j to I„,,. With the same manipulations used to o btain Eq. 1 S. 1 SS, the steady-state form of Eq. 19.17 1 pro virles the bou ndary condition



( 9.1fiG I

N ( R„t I null (


( for all t ) ( 1 fi. 17 2 )

Because I„, varies sl‹iwl y with m, the di f ference It„ _ ; lp can be approx imated by the derivative indicated on the extreme righ I side of the above equation. Equation 1. 9.166 appl ies o nly if the nucleation process does not produce voids of size m ( i.e., if m > m, ) . The cu rrent t„, is given by Eq. 19. 40, but for simplicit y the thermal emission term is net lerted in the present analysis ( it can be easily rein staterl ) . Thus

I,p = J, ( m ) N ( m, t ) J, ( m + 1 ) N ( m+ 1, t )

( 5 . -— }, I Nt m,t ) ( 19.1 ti 7 I

where the difference between #i ( m+ 1 ) N ( rn+ 1,t J and #i ( m I N ( m,t ) has been neglect ed. The arrival rate J, is given by Eq.. 15. 3 7 in which the rlenominator is very near u nity because the voids are large. 'Phe formula for bi is the same as that fof y i b the su bscripts are a ppropriately altered and I,p can be expressed in terms of the grois't h law by noting that Eq. IS. US ( without the t her inal emission term ) can be written as

R ( } , ^' t!R'

If Eq. 1 S. 1 G7 is inserted into Eq. 19.166, the size variable is changed fro in m to R by Eq. 19.164, the d istribution functio n is c hanged from N ( m,t ) to N ( R,t ) by Eq. 19.165, and Eq. 19.16 8 is used, the void continuity equation is found to be

where R, is the groz'th rate of the critical size void nucleus.

Equations similar to Eqs. 19.169 and 19.17 2 are needed for dislocation loops as well as for voids. For loops, unfault ing of sessile loops to form glissile loops would have to be added as a loss mechanism, and an additional conservation equation iv ould be needed to describe the t irne rate of c ha nge of the network rlisl ocations as svell.

Deter minatio n of the void a nd loop distribution func- tions requires simultaneous solution of the conservation equations for these defect clusters together with their growth law's. Note that calculation of the evolution of the void and loop populations during irradiation is no longer simply a mat ter of integrating the gro z'th la z s. Rather, the grow ( h laws must be integrated in the form that they’ appear in the void and loop co nser vatio n equations, where R and R are multiplied b y N and N; in a derivative. . \ I any time t, the sz'elling is given by Eq. 19. 9.

’this unif ied approar•h to void swell ing has been applied in the compu ter program developed by Li et al., 2 ' a flow c hart of z'hich is show n in Fig. 19. 23. The y em plo yed the conservation equation { Eq. 19.169 ) and the analogous partial differential eq uatio n for loops in terms of the m variable ( for voids ) rather than the R variable as was done here. A multigrou ping sc heme is as used to reduce the size of the m increments. A sim ilar me ( hc›d \ \ as usPd b}’ these authur.s in co nnec t ion with bu bble growth b3 coalescence ( Eq. 1 3. 201 is analogou s to Eq. 19.189 ) .

\ Ve do not present a ny resul ts c›f either the delta function Brailsford—E ulloug h method of calculating void

@N _

Jt dR

( RN ) 19.169l

swelling or the Li—Harkness u nified approach. The former is very good on the groiv'th la u but does not account for

which is valid for t > 0 and R > R, . the radius of the critical void n ucleus.

I n addition to the growth law R, Eq. 19.169 req u ires an i nit ial condition a nd a bou ndar y condition ( o nly o ne ‹›f each, since the equatio n is f irst order in eac h variable ) . ’I'he initial coud ition is

N ( R, 0 ) - 0 ( for all R ) ( 19.1'70 )

continued nucleation of new voids and loops during irradiation. The latter treats the void distr ibutio n fu nction more realisticall y but incorporates inaccurate nucleatio n theor} and does nut c‹›ntain the detail in thr Pro ’th la •’s that the Rrailsford—Bullough met hod provides. Despite these shortcomings of each method, there are enough unk now n physical quantities in eac h model to provide a sufficient number of adjustable parameters to fit t he



L Ft A I N I Z L

PR E ¿I P I TA T E D I SPE R ¿ I U N 1 I M E I N R L M E N T

which can be rearranged to give

'l’he problem is to determine the r elation bet ween r and the



AV n I LA H L E S i N KS

A L C U I A 1 L V 0117 AN IN LU t P N U L E A T IUN R AT ES

CA L r?U I A T E i N t: RE A $ E I N VG I D A N l3 L UOP v 0 L UM E IN T F H 14 fJ T H E E XC E S? VACAN BY F L IJ X TO VO I D S AN D T H E C X ¿ E ?$ I N T E B TI TI A L F L U X TU LUOPS



H AV E E NUUG rt I M E I NC R EM E N T S 8E E N tJ 0 I \ IP L E T E U T 0 E €JU A L T I M E I N R E A ( ? 1 ( J R


variable.s t and R in order that the argument q of I„ I and


the Jacobian ( dr,'ñ R ) t be exprt'ssed in terms of t hese qua ntities. This identi rication is accomplished by regarding the fu nction R ( t,r ) as the radius at time t of a void nuc leated at time r, w hich can be obta ined by writing the growth law as


dR [ 15.17 4 )


Equation 19. 17 4 can be integrated provided that R is know n expl ie it ly as a f unction of R and t. That this is usually' not the case is the reaso n that the Lag ranbia n approach is restricted to special situations. Sears 3 ° con- siders the artificial ‹'ase in which C, and C, are independent of R ( wh ie h, in general, is not true beca use the point-defect bala nces depend on the void average size ) . I n this case Eq s. 19. 1 7 4 and 4 S.l 38 can be ct›mbined an d inte grated to givr


R 2 ' ',z ) R* + 21/ J, ( D, C, —— D, C, ) dt' ( 19.1'7 0 )

If the integral on the r ight can be pert'ormed ( i.e., if the time variations of C, and C, are know n a priori ) , Eq. 19. 1 7 b c'an be solved f o - r as a functio n of R and t, and


Fig. 19. 23 F low chart of a compu ter program for calcu- lating void swelling. ( Af ter Ref. 21. )

experimentally observed void-swelling patterns discussed in Sec. 19. 2. Nett her model needs ou tlandish values of the adjustable parameters to qualitatively reproduce a wide variety of experimental results, w hi ch impl ies that the basic concepts or the models are sound. T his sort of semiagree- ment between theory a nd experiment mea us that the model calculations are best used to extrapolate existing data rather than to determine absolute swelling from first principles. The theory is an aid to experiment but certainly cannot supplant the continued acquisitio n of data o n void swelling by fast- neutron irradiat ion.

19.6.3 Lagrangian Void Continuity Equation

The method of accounting for the change in size a nd density of loops and voids during irradiation which was described above is E ulerian in nature because it follows flows of defects into and out of a rixed interval of cluster size. For some special cases a Lagru ngian approach may be more useful. The void conservation equation can be succinctly derived by noting that all voids in the size range R to R + dR at time t arise from nuclei created ( at size R, ) in the time interval r to r + dz, or

N ( R,t ) dR = Ip i ( ° ) dz

the righ I ha n d side of Fiq. 19.17.I ca n be expressed entirel y in terms of the last two variables.

A more realistic case in w hich a Lagrangian defect conservation equation is emplo yed in the analysis of thermal annealing of depleted zones is discussed in Sec. lb. 5.


Irradiation creep refers either to augmenta tio n of thermal creep by irradia tion or to development of creep under conditions in which thermal creep is a bsent. The former is termed irrad ia I in n -e lih a nred creey, 'and the latter is known as irt'adiat ioii - incliice d ‹•rer p. A sizeable number of thermal creep mechanisms have been identified ( see Dec. 16. 6 ) , and an even greater number of irrad ia tion creep theories have been proposed. 3 3 To be classed as irradiation creep, the applied stress must cause nonunif orm deforma - tion of the solid ( not just swelling ) , and the deformation rate must change w hen the fast- neutron flux is altered.

Irradiation creep theories applicable to austenitic sta in- Jess steels can be divided into two broad categories, the distinction resting o n whether or not irradiation-produced dislocation loops and voids are involved in the c reep process. I nasmuch as the nucleation of these clusters is strongly temperature dependent, the two regimes ure equivalent to low a nd high temperatures. The boundary occurs roughly at the minimu m temperature for void formation ( 350° C in stainless steel ) .

High-temperature irradiation creep is usually ascribed to ( 1 ) stress orientation of nuclea ting dislocation loops or ( 2 ) accelerated climb of dislocations followed by glide.


l'wo types o f low-teni perature irradia tion creep have been identified. T he first is a transient creep due t.o cl iinb of p inned segments of the dislocation net ivor k in the solid, and the second is a stead y-state form of crecp arising from collapse of vacanc y l oops. Figure 19. k*4 demonstrates the sirn ultaneous operation of transient arid steady creep at lo w temperatures. \ fter a l‹›ug tiiiie of irradiation at a high stress, the load on the in-pile test speciirien is reduced. The vertical line on the left of I he graph represents iin media te elastic strain mo very, follows ing u'hich a n i nc vibation period of - 2000 hr is required before establishirir nt of steady-state irradiation creep characteristic of the lower stress level. '£he strain offset between the end of the elastic recover y and the back ward extrapolation of the new


T I ME. 10^ hr

Fig. 19.24 Stra in recovery in type 304 stainless steel irradiated at 100“C follow in g a stress reduc't ion in pile. ( After E.R. Gilbert and L.D. Blackburn, in Second In terna tional Con ( ere rice on t he S tre rig t h o ( 'He Ials and Allo ys, p. 7 73, American Society for Metals, 1970. )

steady-state creep line represents the amplitude of the transient component of the low-temperature irradiation creep. The data in Fig. 19. 24 can be represented by the form ula:

t ) +

sliglitl y in nd Ified f orni of Hesketh ’s a iial ysis z ill be reviewed here.

Consider a metal in which the disloc-ation dc nsitj is y„ . 'l'he dislocation network is iiiodeled as a cub ical grid of dislocati‹in setiirirnts. cvi th the dista rice between junct io us

Since the I heor y is designed for temperatures well below' the temperature of void formatio n, we will assume that the vacancies produced by the en llision cascades are immobile. 'I'he vat-a ncy and interstitial dif fusion coeffi- cients in stainless steel are approximately given by D,. exp ( c k"I' } and D, exp ( —c ;* k'T 1, where the diffu- sivities are in sq uare en tirneters per second, c 125

kJ 'mole, and c;' 1 .3 kJ m ole. \ 1 100" C, D,. 1t ) ' run' 'sec a nd D, 1 ( I ' m' ,set'. 3’he mean lifetime of a point defect can be estimated from Eq. 7. 24 if the root tiiean-square displacement of an atom at time t is identified z'ith the size of the dislocation network. Tak ing r equal to 1 2 - 10 ' " cm 2 ( for yq = 10 ' ' cm 2 ) and the above val ues of the point- defect diffusivitics, we find the average time for a i-acanc y to reach a dislocation is - 10' sec, whereas an interstitial is absorbed in 10 sec. ’£h us, it is a fair approximation to consider the vacancies as totally immobile and the in terstitials as mobile enough to ma inta in quasi-steady-state concentrations of this defect at all tiiries. The basic resul ts of the anal ysis do not depend o n this restriction, but the anal ysis is simpler than the case in whic h both species are rnob ile.

Consider a spec inien that has been irradiated in a stres+free state for a tinge 1 ong enough to establish a stead y-state microstructure ( the irradiati on-produced inter- stitials cause the pinned segments of the dislocation network to climb until the line tension of the curved d islocation balances the chemical stress due to the inter- stitial supersaturation ) . During the initial irradiation soaking, no creep occurs since no stress is applied. Figure 19. 25 shows a representative cube of the dislocation network of the solid d uring irradiation. Each of the sides of the cube is assumed to co nsist of segments of edge dislocations o f length 1. The Burgers vectors of the segments are randomly oriented. Bowing of the dislocations u nder irradiatio n is depicted as the circular segments terminating at the pinning points ( for clarity, only one-half of the bowed segments are shown in the d rawing ) . The segments

c Ao 1 exp

Co‹l›t ( l9.1'/b )

take o n this configuration because of absorption of

interstitial atoms from the irradiated soft d; so the shaded

The first term on the right represents the recoverable transient strain. The steady-state creep rate is contained in the second term. Here, we explain the mechanisms by which these two forms of low-temperature irradiation creep occur and provide estimates of the co nsta nts A, B, and C in Eq. 19.176.

19.7.1 Transient Creep

Models of transient irradiation creep have been ad-

vanced by Hesketh 3 and by Lewthwa ite a nd Proctor. 3 A

circular segments represent eH tensions of the half sheets of atoms of w hich the edge dislocations consist. The accu mu- latio n of excess interstitial atoms by the dislocation segments cause each of them to acquire a common radius of curvature .fi. 'l'he small irregular shapes with in the cube in Fig. 19. 26 are intended to represent the depleted zones which are formed in the collision cascade and which are stable against thermal annealing at low temperatures. The depleted zones are vacancy agglomerates.

Because irradiation creates equal n umbers of vacancies and in terstitials, a co user vation condition relates the extent


3fl o

b d _ C The poin t-defect balances are


N ( R ) d R ( 19.178 )

( 19.17 9 )

Fig. 19. 25 Bowing of the segments of a dislocation net- work in an irradiation field. No stress is applied.

of climb of the dislocation segments, the nu mber and size of the depleted zones, a nd the point-defect concentrations maintained by irrad ia tion in the solid. The sum of the number of in terstitials associated with the bowed disloca- tio n lines and the bulk interstitial co ncentratioii C; must be equal to the sum of the number of vacancies co nta ined in the depleted zones and the bu!k vaca nc y co ncentratio n C,. ’l'his condition is independent of the point- defect balances, which equate t he rates of productio n and destruction of each type of point defect.

The nu mber of interstitial atoms associated with the bowed d islocation segments is obta in ed as follows. The cu be shown in Fig. 19. 25 conta ins 12 segments, but each of these is shared among four neigh boring cubes; thus there are three segments associated with a volume 1" of solid. With Eq. 19.17 7, the number of segments per u nit volu me is yp Jl. If the areas of the shaded circular segments in Fig. 19. 25 are called . H, the n u mber of in tersti tial atoms

+ 4rrD, C, J„ ' R N ( R ) dR ( 19.150 )

Because of the assumption that the vacancies are immobile, they do not diffuse to dislocations or to depleted zones. Vacancies are removed from the solid on I y by recombina- tion with migrating interstitials. The interstitial balance ( Eq. 19.180 ) is the same as that employed in the analysis of depleted- zone a nnealing ( Sec. 18. 5 ) except for the co ncen tration of interstitials at the dislocation surface. I n the annealing study the dislocations were assumed free to climb, and C d was equal to C e ° -. 0. W hen the dislocations are p inned and climb is stopped by line tension, the interstitial concentration at the surface of the dislocation rises from C e for a straight dislocation free to climb to a value given by Eq. 19. 158b iv hen the line assumes a finite radius of curvature. \ V hen no voids are attached to the ends of the pinned segment, the factor f in Eq. 19. 15 8b is u nity, and C ( ' for the present analysis is given by

Cj C°’ exp kT ( 19. 181 )

Recalling the anal vsis of de annealing in Sec. 1 fi.5, the nu mber of interstitials and free s acancies ( i.e., i acancies not co nta ined in nascen I depleted zo nes ) are related by

( 19. 1b2 )

_ “s

the distributio n of depleted zones, N ( R i, has been derived in the depleted-zo ne an nea link anal ysis of Sec. 18. 5. In the present a pplicatio n the vacancies are assumed to be irrlmo bile: thus Eq. 18. 4 8 beco mes

contained in each is b..J/ £L The area .+Z is a functio n of the radius of curvature .fi and the cube slide 1. The number of

N ( R )

( 19. 183

interstitials per unit volu me contained in the bowed segments is b. z•I p, /lfL

At steady state, there will be a d istribu tion N ( R ) of depleted zones, in which R, the zone radius, ranges from the maximum size created in the collision cascade, R , to zero size ( see Sec. 1 8. 5 ) . A zone of radius R contains 4uR} 3ii ›’acancies. Thu s, the balance oti the total ntnn ber

‹›f p‹›int defects can be written

*A conservation statement a nalogous to Eg. 1 9. 1 7 S cannot be made during void growth because, in this inst an ce, the dislocations are considered free to climb. Poin t dc fects can th us leave or enter a particula r unit vol u me o 1’ sol id by the motion of climbing dislocations. I n the pre.s‹•nt sit uati o n, n‹› pr›int ale fects cross the surface r›f any u nil vein mc in the soli d, and correctly accounting for the fate r f the nonre co mbinerl pc int defects in this closest system 1ca‹ls to Eg. 1 9. 1 78.

If Eq. 19.1 7 9 is su btracted from Eq. 19.180, the d if ference ui r, is taken fro rn Eq. 19.18 2, and the distribution of Eq. 19. 1b3 is used in the integral of Eq. 19.180, we find that the point-defect balances require that Ci - C} , or, with Eq. 19.181,

( 9.184 )

T he left-hand side of this equation is the applied stress needed to bow a dislocation li ne to a radius of curvature .H. ’I'he rig ht- ha nd side is the effect ive, or chemical, stress o ri t he dislocatio n line d ue to the interstitial su persa turation. Equation 19.1 78 provid es an additional relationship between Ci and .fi . The integral can be removed by use of Eq. 19. 183, a nd C,. can be ex pressed in terms of Ci by

Eq. 1 fi. 17 9, yield ing

( 19. 185 )


The rad ius .fi is contained in Eq. 19.185 in the area ( see problem 19.16 at the end of this chapter ) . S imultaneou s solution of Eqs. 19.164 and 19.185 yields C, and .fi.

If the value of .fi determined by this iriethod is less than I{2, the configuration show n in F ig. 19.25 can not be maintained. In Eq. 19.184

. ° ”’ - 10 ' cm

b.f i kT

for most metals at low temperatures ( 100‘C ) . For a metal with a dislocation density of 10’ ' cm , the minimu m value of .fi ( equal to 1 J 2 ) is 10 " cm. 'F herefo re, Eq. 19.165 limits the allowable interstitial supersaturation for the maintenance of a stable configuration of bowed d islocatio n segments of C, C"° < 1 0 . If the dislocation density is 10' ° cm*' , however, the maximum permissible su persaturation of intersti tials is 10’ ".

To approx imatel; calculate C, from Eq. 19.185, assu me that the dlslocation seq ments have bo wed to iiearl› seniicircular confi¿uratio us ( .fi - 1 2 ) , so

2 " 8

Eliminating I in f ax'oi of pq by using kq. 19.17 7,

Eq. 19. 185 becomes f2C, + " $ ' b ( p d )

uniaxial tension in the vertical direction in Fig. 19. 2 b is applied, the edge dislocations whose extra half-layer of atoms is perpendicular to the direction of the applied stress ( i.e.. those with Burgers vectors parallel to the stress direction ) are induced to climb because the stress reduces the concentration of interstitials at the dislocation core. “I'hese dislocations are identified as “perpendicular type” in Fig. 19. 25. They constitute one-third of all the dislocation segments in the solid. The remaining two-thirds of the dislocation segments have t heir Burgers vectors at 90° to the stress ax is, or the extra half-sheet of atoms is parallel to the stress direction. These segments, labeled “parallel type” in Pig. 19. 25, are not directl y affected by application of the stress.

At the f inal steady-state co nf iguration ac hieved follo w- ing application of the stress, the radius of ‹'urvature of the perpendicular-type dislocations changes from .fi to .fi , and t hat of the parallel-ty pe segments changes from .fi to

.fi . ’the interstitial concentrations at the cores of these two dislocation types are altered from the stress-free value given by E q. 19.181 to

tC, ) = C e " e xp ( b d, k T ) e xp kT J


( C* ) = C[" exp ( b « kT ) ( 19.189j

The point- defect bata nces become

t 19.165 )

where the vacanc y—interstitial recombination coefficient, k,,., has been expressed by Eq. 13. 4 2 w'ith a„ - b. Using representative values of the constants in Eq. 15. 18b, we find that the second term on the left- hand side is ver y niu ch larger than the coefficient of 1 flC; on the r igh I- hand sid e. Therefore, the solution of the q uadratic equation is



¥’ ' S " ' j V j V

( 1 9.190a )


b _ /

Rb 2 )

and .fi is determined by substitution of E q. 19.18 7 into Eq. IS. 184.

For a flux of 10' neutrons cm 2 sec ' , R 8 A. and a dislocation density of 1 0' cm * 2 , Eq. 19. 187 gives C, 10 cm‘ . T he thermal equilibrium vaca ncy concentra- tio n o t 100°C is about 1 0 " 6 C iTl SO the vacancy

su persaturatio n is - 1 0" " 'This supersa turatio n is just a bit smaller than the value whirh, by Eq. 15. 184, causes the

+ lt„.C, CJ + 4 rD, C, J " R N ( R ) dR ( 19.190 b )

i Pd


w here C, a nd C/ are the en ncentrations of point defects in the bul k solid after the system has come to equilibrium with the applied stress. The depleted-zone distribution is given by Eq. 19.183 with C o replaced by C;. Following the procedure used in the stress-free conditio n, satisfaction of the point-defect balances requires that the bracketed terms in Eq. 19.190b both vanish, or Eq. 19.184 is replaced by tiwi conditions:

dislocation segments to climb beyo nd the sernicircular

configuration ( .H - 1/ 2 ) . T hus, the preceding anal ysis is limited to metals of high dislocation density a nd low fluxes. As the temperature is increased ( w hich increases C e ° ) , these restrictions are less stringent than they are at - 100°C.

'd kT


( 19.191 )

( 19.192 )

Hesketh" discusses the consequences of interstitial su per- saturatio ns that are large enough to cause the dislocations

The overall balance of point defects, which was expressed b \ Eq. 19. 1 d5 in the absence of stress, now becctnes

to be pulled free of their pinning points by the chemical stress.

During the irradiation period preceding application of

bpq $1

in \ 3 k„, C| 15 i2 2 D,C

( 19.19ñ )

the stress to the specimen, all the d islocations climb by the same amount by absorption of excess interstitials. W hen

where .. I and . H are climb areas corresponding to the radii of curvature .fi and .H . respect ivel y. 3“he final


configuration O f LH8 dislor'‹it io us in the streswd st›l id can be determined by sol v› ng E qs. 19.19 1 to 19. 193 for C,. .fi , and .fi . lnasiii uch as the r hanges in the interstitial concentration and the radii of curvature of the two types of dislocations due to application of the stress are small compared to the values of these quantitie.s established by prior irradiation, the new’ values can be expressed by

d„/ d ( 1.A

So Inti on of Hqs. 19. UI to 1 fi. 19'1 using the a to ve forms with 6 C, ' C, 1 is treated in problrur 19. 17 at the end of th is chapter. 1’o ke‹’p algebraic rna ilipulations to a mini- rim m, we ma ke the even cru der approx irriat ion 6 C, - 0, or C, C„ u'h icti per rn its the right side of Eq. lS. 151 to be replaced b y the lef t side of Eiq. lS. 184. or

I 19.197 )


Since the .applied stress is positive ( tensio n}, Eq. 19.197 shows that .H .H, ‹ar the perpend icul ar-tj pe dislocations adva nce slight ly u pon applicatio n of the stress. 'I’his rnc'ans t ha t a toms are ad ded tt› the boz'ed dislocatio n segments which lie at righ t angles to the stress ax is. T his transfer of matter resul ts in deformation, or strain, in the direction of the applied stress, the magnitude of z'hic h may be determined as follows.

Figure 19. 26 shows a block of the irradia ted metal wit h

F' ig. t9.26 ’l'ransient irradia tion creep due to bowing of pinned disluration segments.

I n pro blem 19.1fl at the end of this chapter, the bracketed term in the above formula is shown to be expressible in the form

d. •/ 1 3

init ial dimensions X, Y, and Z. O ne internal plane con- taining a perpendicular-type dislocation segment and two

dt 1,:'.fi j 12

( 19. t99 )

planes with parallel-type segments are sho wn in the sketch. The shaded c rescent shapes represent the area changes due to a pplicaticn of the stress. E'or the perpendicular- t \ ’pe dislocations, the change in area is , •/ . r/. The solid shown in t he figure conta ins ( /› p 'l ) X YZ d islocation seg- ments of length 1, one-third of wh ich are o f the per pen- dicular ty pe. \ V hen these expand by .W .H, a total o f

3 I

( XYZ ) b

atoms are moved to planes perpendicular £o the stress axis.

Or the voJume displaced in f2 times the above expression,

w here F approac hes u n ity as 1 ',fi 0 b ut becomes large as the sern icircu ) ar con figural ion ( .H - 1 21 is approached. ’the d islocation-line tension is approx imatel s eqn al to G b' . where G is the shear mod ulus; so the terminal creep becomes

c —— d z E' ( 1/.A )


No If rig that according to Eq. 1 S. 1 7 7, p p 1' = .3 a nd replacing t he s h ear m o d u I u s G b y Y o u n g ’s m o d u I u s E - 2 ( 1 + r ) G 3G, we have

w hich is related to the deformation in the stress direction, 6 X, by

F ( _ _ )

ela stic

( 19.200 )

6 X ( YZ ) - atoms moved X fI

Combining the above two expressions yields the terminal creep stra in:

If F ( 1/,d ) - 1, Eq, 19. 200 predicts that the amplitude of the transient strain should be one f ourt h the elastic stra in. This predictio n is consistent wit h the experimental results

shown in F ig. 19. 24, in which the elastic recovery following

6 X p / b ( .+ /t W )

x 31

( 19.195 )

stress reduction is several times larger than the magnitude of the transient strain recovery w hich follows. Lew th waite

The area change .H ,H can be obtained from Eq. 19.194, in which the d if ference in the reciprocal radii of curvature is expressed by Eq. 19.197, and we have


c - =

d d ( j

and Proctor^ report transient stra ins as large as three times the initial elastic deflection, which may be due to values of F ( 1/.H ) larger than unitv. ow ing to bow ing of t he dislocation to a nearly semicircular shape.

Comparison of Eqs. 19.176 a nd 19. 200 indicates that the theoretical value of the constant A is


( 19. 201 )


2’he terminal creep strain attained when an irradiated specimen is stressed at low temperatures depends on the flux to which the specimen is exposed. The coef firient A given b \ ' Eq. 19. 201 is proportional to the geometric factor F ( 1 /,fi ) given by Eq. 19.199, which increases as .fi de- c reases. According to Eq. 19.184, .fi becomes smaller as the interstitial concentration C, bec‹imes larger, an d, by Eq. 19. 187, C, is directly proportional to the flux 'i'. 'l'his effect may be responsible for the larger values of the coefficient A observed by Lewthwaite a nd Proctor,° " who irradiated their specimens in a fast reactor with a fast- neu tron flux of 2 x 10' neutrons cm 2 sec ' , compared to the A values reported by Hesketh,° 4 w hich were based on irradiations in a thermal reactor wherein the fission flux was 4 X 10' ' neutrons cm 2 sec*'

However, the major irradiation dependence of the transient creep mcc hanism we are considering here lies in the exponential term in Eq. 19.176. ’F his equation shows that in the absence of irradiation the expected terminal creep stra in would take infinitel y long to be attained. Rather than attempt to compu te B directly from the theory, we follow the tec hnique used by Hesketh and by Lewthwaite a nd Proctor° " of co niputing the strain rate at the moment that the stress is applied. This initial strain rate, denoted by it , is related to the constant B by

where ( C d ) t is the interstitial concentration at the core of the perpendicular-type dislocations at the moment that the stress is applied. Assembling the preceding four equa- tions yields


Just before the stress is applied, the concentration uf in terstitials at all dislocations in the solid is given by Eg. 19.181. After the specimen has been held at constant stress long enough for the new equilibrium configuration of the line segments to be a btained, the interstitial concentra- tion at the perpendicular-type di.slocations is given by Eq. 19.188. However, at t 0, the radius of curvature is still equal to t lie u nstressed value .fi, but the interstitial concentratio n at the dislocation core is instantaneously reduced by the seco nd exponential term in Eq. 19.188.


( C, ) tt - C"° exp ( b.« kT ) exp ( kT ) ( 19.204 )

If w'e expand the second exponential term in a ’I'ay1or series, the driving force in Eq. 19. 203 becomes

C, ( C d ) t = C, C°" exp kT )

( 19.202 )

The exact time variation of the strain is more complex than the simple exponential form given in Eq. 19.176, bu t the estimate based on Eq. 19. 202 at least gives the correct initial strain rate.

From Eq. 19.198 the initial strain rate is

p d b

31 d t / t= 0

where zero time is w hen the stress is applied to the specimen. If mi is the number of atoms co nta ined in the curved dislocatio n segment,

+ C”’ exp b : i kT ) ( kT )

Now , according to Eq. 19.184, the first two terms on the righ t-hand side of this equation are equal to each other, and the coefficient of H /kT in the last term is equal to C ; Therefore, Eq. 19. 203 becomes




Since Ci is not significantly changed at the instant of application of the stress, C o i the above formula is given by Eq. lS. 187, and the initial strain rate is

d,a, _ n dv,

dt b dt


* 4s

3 2

U EZ, H 2 b ( p )

4x R



where d ;/ d t is the rate of flow of interstitials to the dislocation segment,

Substituting Eqs. 19. 205 and 19. 201 ( the latter with F ( ) 1 ] into Eq. 19. 202 y ields the coefficient B,


dm, dt

where I is approximately the length of dislocation line between pinning points and J;" is the flux of interstitials per

( 19.206 )

unit length of perpendicular-type dislocation line. Prior to application of the stress, the flux of interstitials to the dislocation lines is zero because the system is a t equi- librium. However, application of the stress reduces the interstitial concentration at the core of the perpendicular- type lines, thus inducing an interstitial flux of

J. - z,D,[c, —‹c,°„%

Evaluating Eq. 19. 206 for Pd - 1 0’ 2 cm * 2 yields B - 10 2 ° cm 2 , which is of the order of magnitude of the value of this parameter observed by Lewt hwa ite a nd Proctor.

Equation 19. 205 ind ieates that the higher the dislocation density, the more rapidly is the terminal creep strain achieved. This prediction is also in accord with measure- ments of transient creep in cold- worked and annealed stainless steel.'


19.7.2 Steady-State Irradiation Creep by Vacancy Disk Coll» pse

.4lthoug h dislocation loops . .'rmed by condensation of excess vacancies are not observed in the microstructure of metals irradiated above the low temperature limit for void forma tion, vacanc y loops are formed a nd persist during low- temperature irrad iations. Vac a nc y loo ps are prod uced by collapse of platelets or disks of vacancies | Fig. 1 8. 4 ( a ) ] . 'the lat ter are formed from the vacancies and small i'acancy clusters in the depleted zo ne of a displacement spike. The mec hanism by which the configuration shoz'n in F ig. 17. 27 transforms into a disk of vacancies is not k no w n, but sue h platelets must be the intermediate step between the form less collection of vaca nc ies in a displacement spike core a nd the regula r co nf iguration of a vacanc y loop co nd ensed o n a cl ose- packed pla nc. At t he low tempera- tures w here vaca nc y loo ps are obser ved, homogeneous nu cleatio n of these defect clusters from the free vacancies in t he matrix is v é tuall y impossible because of the lo z value of the vacanc y dif fusio n coefficient. Therefore, t he vacanc y platelets or vacanc y loops must hai'e originated from the complement of vacancies in the depleted zone c reated by the primary k nock-on atcim. Hesket h has pro posed a theory of irradiation creep based on the effect of strcs.s on the propensity of i acanc y d isks to collapse into vaca nc y loo ps. "I’his theory is review ed here.

‘Fhe process b \ which the deplc‘ted zune is transr rmed first into a vacancy platelet and then into a vac a ncy loop is depicted in Fig. 19. 27. lf the depleted zone co nta ins m vacancies ( either isolated or in small clusters ) , the radius of the vacancy platelet, R, fo rmed from these vacancies is

( 19. 207 )

The d isk is assu med to be 1 atom la yer thick ( i.e., a thick ness eq ual a pproximately to a lattice co nsta nt aq ) . Figure 19. 27{ b ) shows the platelet as a circular disk. lJoz'ever, computer simu lation of the stability of sha pcs of this sort in metals shows that the disk will partially collapse near the center, in somewhat t he same fashio n that nets hboring atoms relax into a single vacant latt ice site. The relaxed or rri inimu m-energy en nf iguratio n is shown in Fig. 19. 27 ( c ) . The computer studies also show that the dista nce separating the ri pposite faces of the pla telet at t he ce nter, s, is given b v

s = a„ 1 ( 19. 20 8 )

z'here R; is the critical platelet radius be yond which total c‹›llapse into the 1 oop of F ig. 19. 27 ( d ) is assured. T he critical rad ius is related to the number of vacancies in the c ritical size d isk by








Fig. 19. 27 Formation o r vacanc y disks and loops in an irradiated solid at low tern perature.

configuration show n in F ig. 19. 27 ( b ) and that in disks larger t han the critical size the platelets collapse to the loop conf iguration shown in F ig. 19. 27 ( d ) .

\ Ve next determine how an applied stress perpendicular to the faces of the d isk a ffec'ts the critical size for collapse. Figure 19. 28 ( a ) sh ows that a compressive stress tends to reduce the central separation of the two faces. Conversely, tension would tend to bul ge t he two faces outward. T he


#‹' , 2


( 19. 209d

change in separation, s, due to the stress, v, can be estimated by adapting the solution to a similar problem which has heen treated by classical elasticity theory; this

\ Vhen R - R, I or m m, ) , the two faces of the disk just touc h at t he center. and this is the necessary conditio n for collapse of the entire platelet into a loo p. Hesketh assumes that in small disks ( m < m, ) the platelets retain the

resul ts in

s ( o ) - s ( 0 ) 4 R ( 19. 210 )


AR, ( 10.211 )

The stress effect can be expressed in terms of the change in the number of vacancies in the critical-size disk by use of Eq. 19. 209:


C dR„




F'ig. 19. 2b Effect of stress on the shape o f vacanc y

Substituting Eq. 19. 211 into Eq. 19. 212 and eliminating the ratio ( R, a„ ) " by using Eq. 19. 209 yields

r' E

( I 9.21 J )

'I“his for mula gii'es the red uctio n in the critical size l‘or disk collapse as a function of the appl ied compression. We next need the number of vacancy platelets formed in the solid which are affected by this alteratio n. Figure 19. 29 shows a ty pical distributio n of cluster sizes due to a single fast- neu tron collisio n wit h a lattice atom. This distrib utio n represents low' temperature irradia ti on, so the cluster distri- bution is not pert ur bed by vaca ncy or interstitial absor p- tion frorn the matrix. Rather, F ig. 19. 29 is su pposed to rt present I he cluster distribu tion shoz'n as the dashed histogram in E ig. 17. 29 ( b ) . Hesketh takes the distributio n to be of the f orin

u here s I ‹i I is t he sepa rat ion of the faces at stress o and E is You ng's mo dulu s. * 'I’ht• stress effect suggested by Eq. 1 9. L°1 ( ) is plausible. S tress is more effective ftir large d isks tlia n for small ones a nd for ivea k solids ( lo w E ) than t'‹ir str‹›ng ones.

F“igurr 19. 2b ( b ) she v's the d isk t hat conta ins just the righ t nuiiiber of vacancies to render s ( o ) = 0 ( i.e. , collapse ric'eurs at this stress ) . The radius of sue h a disk, R, ( o ) , is less tha n the c ritical radius fo r collapse of a d isk in a stress free solid. 'F he dashed lines shots' the conf igurati on of a disk of the same radius when o = 0. The inter pla na r se| arat ion s ( 0 ) can be obta ined fro m Eq. 1 9. 2 ( J8 by setting R = R/u ) and R„ - R, ( 0l:

db d I'b‘ c c ( 0 R ( o ) and R ( 0 ) in the denominator has been denoted simpl;' by R„ since AR, is small co iii pared to eit her R, ( o ) or R, ( 0 ) .

A not her expressio n for s ( 0 ) can be ob tained by setting s ( a ) = 0 at R - R, in Eq. 19. 21 0, w hic h gives

st 0 ) E R

Eq uati in the righ t- hand sides of the above two equations permits R, to be written as

* A factcir 1 P 2 , w here r is Poisson’s ratio, has beeix omi tted firom the second ter m on the right of Eq. 1 9. 21 0 for simplicity. This factor is retained in Hes keth ’s an alys is but is of no conseq uence numcr really.

N ( m ) 2

where K is a constant and N ( m ) is the number of de pleted zones ( or disks ) formed from a single primary k nock-on atom ( PKA ) which contain between m and m + dm vacancies.* The distribution appl ies to depleted zones for

F ig. 19. 29 Nascent cluster size distribution in an irradiated meta 1.

*The cluster distri bu ti on shown in F ig. 1 9. 29 is very different fro m that used in the a na lysis of de pleted - zone annealing in Sec. lS. 6. Here, the d ist rib ution consisted ‹if two del ta functions, one at m = l a nd the other at the m value corresponding try a zune I adius of Rd .


w'hich 1 - m i , w here r is the total nu mber c›f F renkel pa irs created by a PKA ( as calculated by isolated cascade t heory, Sec. 1 i . 7 L F“ur a t ypical fast- neutron spectrum. r S0fl if annealing of the cascade is neglect rd. ’l'he cr›nstant K in the aho \ ’e distribution is deter mi lord by the requirement that the total number of vacancies cc› nta in ed in all clusters be eq ua[ to c, or

’I'he precodi ng two eg uat ions y'ield K = i I n u. and the d istr itiu t ion is

( t9.214l

I n an irradiated solid, vaca nay platelets are formed wit li rando m orientat i on.s. A p plication of unia xial stress does not change the ra ndom ness of the formation pattern. How ever, the vaca net disks that a re perpendicular to t he stress axis exhibit a different critical co llapse size from the rema ining platelets. Figure 19. 30 shows a block of sol id of dimensions x, y, and z ( perpen dicul ar to the drawing ) su bjec t to c'ompressive stress a long the x-axis. O f the vacancy platelets formed by irradiation, one-third are of the perpendicular type, which are affected by t he stress, and the remainder are not influenced by the stress.

The n umber of platelet.s crea ted in the parallel orienta- tion w'hich collapse to vacancy loops is represented by the area u nder the distribution to the right of m, in F ig. 19. 29. A nJong the perpendicular- t}'pe platelets, ali those to the right of the abscissa m,. Am, are collapsed. ’I'he shaded area in Fig. 19. 29. which is equal to N ( m, 1 Am, , re presents the extra number of disks that are collapsed solel y because the stress affects the perpendicular-type platelets but not the parallel-type disks. of the .survival of a grew ter propor tio n of the parallel-t ype vacant y disks, the block of solid defo rms more ra pidl y in t he direct ions transverse to the stress axis t han along it. T he number of vacancies contained in the differential area in F ig. 19. 29 is m, N ( m, j A mz. The dif ference between the voluin e of empt y space added per unit time to eac h of the two parallel-t \ 'pe d isks ( oriented perpendicular to the \ ' and z axes ) and that in the x-direction is

1 Z‹QXYZ ) Rm,N ( m, ) 3m,= ( XZ ) d Y

Fig. 1 il. 30 Varanry platelets in ‹in irr.idia ted s‹›lirl.

Because uncolla psed platelets are present in disks ref all orientations in the sol id, continual buil dup o f disk volume uccurs, a nd the solid undergoes vol uir etrir swelling as well as creep ( the latter is due to relative de format in n in I he three principal dirrrtio ns ) . the volume sw chin'' ratr ›s t'iv'en hy


The creep strain along the x-ax i.s is th*' rlifferen''c b‹'t u'r c n the total stra in rate in this dirr•ction a url t he ‹'r› i nJ: n‹'nt ‹i 1’ volumetric swelling, or

Using Eq. IS. 214 for N ( m, ) a nd Eq. IS. 213 for d m,., we find I he irradiation reep induced by the r oinJii essivc stress to be

3 dt




( YZ ) dX dz d X

( 19. 21 7 )

Or, in terms of the strain rates in the principal direr tio ns,

1 z



. 1 dX

X d t

1 dY

Y dt

Comparison of Eq. 19. 217 with the second term on the righ I side of Eq. 19.17 6 shows that t he coefficient C ca n be identified wi th the brac keted term in the above formula. Determining a numerical val ue frt›in I h‹ p.ara inc tt'rs

E - 2.1 x 10’ kN /m*

r = 500

m —- 200

we f ind C to be 20 x 10 3 0 c kN ' m* 2 . Experimental values of this coefficient obtaineri from in pit o o reop tests


o n steel are shown in F ig. 19. 3 i. 'r here is quite good agreement between the magnitude of the t heoretical and observed c reep- rate coefficients. However, the theory does not predict the pronounced decrease in C with temperature ( this heha ior is also contrary to thermal creep, which should increase rapidl y wit h temperature ) . The absence of a temperature effect in the theory just presented arises from the implicit assumption t hat all the u ncolla psed vacanc y platelets fo rmed in t he collision cascade a re stable indefi- nitely in the irradiated solid. That is, their number simply increases linearl y wit h time ( or fluence ) . Had t he theory inc luded destruction of the vacancy platelets by vacanc y emission to the bul k of the solid or by a bsorption of the radiation- produced in terstitials ( w hic h are mobile at the temperatures for which C has been measured ) , the nu mber of surviving disks would have decreased drastically z'ith increasing temperature. T hus, although the rapid drop of C wit h temperature is not explicitly included in Hesket h’s anal ysis, this obser vatio n is a t least consistent w it h his model.

The continuous and linear ) increase in the number of unco llapsed loo ps wit h tiiTiP is responsible for the ract tha I the theoretical creep rate is consta nt ( i.e. , creep is stea d y state ) . Hov’e›’er, as shown in problem 19.18 at the end or this chapter, lack of a mec hanism for removal of vacanc y platelets smaller than the c ritical size for collapse leads to predicted swellings whic h are far larger than have been observed in low-temperature irradiat ions ( although low- temperature swelling due to accumulation of depleted zo nes and their progeny, vacanc y disks, has been observed ; see F ig. 10 of Ref. ,33 ) .

Con trary to t he transient creep mec hanism discussed earlier in this section, stead y-state rreep by stress-assisted vaca ncy disk collapse is irreversible. \ Y hen the stress is removed, the extra N ( m, ) Om, disks that were collapsed because of the stress do not sponta neousl y pop back into

Fig. 1 9.31 Temperature dependence of the irradiation creep coefficient C ( Ref. 33 ) .

platelets. ’I'hus, the creep strain persists. However, a difficulty arises if the theory is applied to creep induced by tension rather than compression. I n the former case, Nt m, ) Am, r epresents extra platelets perpendicular to the stress which have not collapsed because stress a ids in their su rvival by causing the dis k faces to b tilge out Eva rd. \ V hen this stress is removed, one would expect that platelets larger than the

,stress-free criti cal .size would no longer be stn ble and that co llapse would occur, thereby removing the creep deforma- tion established during the time that ( he tensile stress was a pplied.

19.7.3 Stead y-State Creep D ue to Stress-Oriented Nucleation of Interstitial Loops

A t temperatures roug hly bracketed by t he onset of observable void formation and pea k swelling ( about 350 to 500‘C in stainless steel ) , irradiation creep can be produced by preferential nucleation of interstitial loops on suitably oriented planes by the prevailing stress state. This mec ha- nism was first pro posed by Hesketh' 7 and has subsequently been applied to stainless steel by Lewt h wa ite," Wolfer ct al.,° and Brailsford and Bulloug h. 4 '

During irradiation interstitials nucleate into loops o n a particular set of planes in the solid ( e.g., the ( 1111 planes in the fee lattice ) . Loop nuclei formed on planes favorabl y oriented wit h respect to t he appl ied stress have a greater c hance of surviving than those crea ted on pla nes w here the nucleatio n process is unaffected by the stress. A lthoug h there are many sets of equivalent 11 11} planes in the fee lattice, for simplicity we consider only the planes perpen- dicular to the appl ied stress ( called perpendicular type ) and those lying alo ng the stress ax is ( parallel type ) . There are twice as man y of the latter as of the former. The situatio n can be visualized b y regarding the o bjects in the block shown in Fig. 15.'40 as interstitial dislocation loops a nd considering the case of an applied tension rat her t han compression ( althoug h this is not an important choice ) .

Because stress favors t he nuclea tio n of perpendicular-

ty pe loops, there will be a slig ht I y higher concentration of these clusters than of eit her of the two parallel-type loops on the planes lying along the stress direction. In addition to preferential loop nucleation on planes perpendicular to the tensile axis, the growth of the perpendicular-t ype loops is somewhat more rapid than that of the parallel-type loops. However, t his effect has been shown to be of secondary

impor t ance 4 0 and will be neglected here.

Preferential nucleation of the perpendicular-type loops occurs because this orientation allows the a pplied stress to do work on the circular dislocation line as it grows. The

*nergy of formation is lowered by the amount of external work commu nicated to the system in this man ner. Co nsider generation of a loop from zero size to the critical nucleation radius R ,. The stress has no bearing on the formation process for parallel-type loops, and t he energy of the critical-size loop ( assuming t hat t he loop ca n be regarded as a macroscopic dislocation line with a line tension ‹d› is

( 19.21 8 )


However, a tensile stress exerts a force b per unit length in the outward radial direction of growing perpendicular- type loops [see F ig. 8. 10 ( b ) ] . As the loop expands from radius R s to R s dR , the change in energy is

dE} - ** d d R i 2sRtob dRt or, u pon integrating from Rt = 0 to Rt = R I ,

Et = 2rRt,rg rrR2,ob f19. 219 )

As.suming that the probability of nucleating a loop in a particular orientation is proportionaJ to a B oltz mann factor involving the energy of formation, the relative nucleatio n rates of the per pendicular- a nd parallel-type loops are related by*

perpendicular-type loops as a resul t of the slight ly greater num ber of these clusters is

Ext ra atoms in perpend icular-type loopsJ cm

Following the lines of the argument leading to Eq. 1 fi.198, the creep strain d ue to these extra loops in pla nes per pendicu ) ar to the stress is


Or, using Eqs. 19.223 and 19.222,

Pt exp ( —E kT

If exp ( —E 'kT )

- ex

p kT

b ) ( 19.220 )

( R Nt b ) kT ( t9.224 )

The probabilities of nucleating loops on either of the two ty pes of orthogonal planes must sum to unity.

Pt + 2P - 1 ( 19. 221 )


The area per atom o n the ( 111 ) p lane of the fee structure is 3 '' a 2 4 and the Burgers vector of the aq 3 1111 ) faulted dislocation loop is b - a„ ' 3 " . ’£ herefore, the number of in terstitials in a dislocation loop of rad ius Rt is

( 19.222 )

Where the relatio n between atomic volume and lattice constant for the fee structure, H - a 4, has been em- ployed. Using Eq. 19. 2 22 ( with a subscript c attached to ini and Rt to denote the critical-size I oop ) in Eq. 19. 2 20 and combining the la tter with Eq. 19. 2 21 yields

2 * exp ( m;, ofl , k'f ) ,3 3 kT ) ( J 9. 223 )

w here Taylor ser ies expansions have been applied to the exponential terms. If the total density of interstitial loops is N ( given, for example, by Eq. J9.18 ) , the number de nsity of perpendicular-t ype loops is Pt N whic h is greater than the density of loops on either of the tw'o sets of planes parallel to the stress axis. A t some time during irradiat ion, the radii of all the loops will have grown from Rj, to Rt, but, because the effect of stress on growth subsequent to nucleation has been neglected, Rtt - Rj Rt. The loop

radius can be ob ta ined from Ed. 19. 16.

The number of interstitial atoms per unit volume conta ined in the perpendicular type loops is m; N Pt, v/ here m; is related to the loop radius by Eq. 19. 222. lf loop n ucleation had occurred in the absence of stress, the num ber of interstitials per unit volume in loops of all orientations would have been mi N ,' 3 ( i.e., Pt = I Q ) . T here- fore, the add it io na I number of interstitia 1s present in the

*’l'he same ren ul t is obtained lay proceerii rig through homotie ner›us n ucle a ti on theory wi th the formation energy of a loop red uced by the ritiht term of Eg. 1 9. 219. Th c exponential term.s in Eqs. 19.77 and 19.78 would b'• in creased by the te rm conta ining the stress.

If the critical loop nur ie us is known ( mi, is pro bably about 3 but ca n be as large as 10 ) and experimental information on loop size and density during irradiation are known, Eq. 19. 224 determines the creep rate. A Iternatively, the fluence dependence of R; a nd Nt can be obta ined theoreti- cally from the po int defec t balances. the void and loop growth la ws, and the nucleation rates of these two defect clusters ( Secs. 19. 4 and 19. 5 . Th is approach is used in Ref. 40. Consideratio n of all the equivalent set of ( 1 i 1 } planes in the fcc lattice, rather than simpl y an orthogonal set of three, reduces the above creep rate expression by a co nstant factor of 2.5 ( Ref. 38 ) .

Attempts have been made to co nnect the creep strain to the void swelling. This is do ne by assuming that the nu mber of interstitials contained in loops is equal to the nr: mber of vacancies in voids. A bit of consideration .shows that the parenthetical term in Eq. 19. 2 24 is eq dial to the fractional swelling of the solid due to the loops, and if this volume increase is equal to that due to the voids ( IV /V ) , we have

( 19.225 )

There is no theoretical justification for the assignment of equal nu mbers of interstitials in loops and vacancies in voids. Excess inter stitials ca n be a bsor bed by the network d islocations in the solid provided that the fatter are free to clim b. I nterstitial loops disappear from the microstrticture above a bout 500* C I Fig. i 9. 7 ) , but the voids persist to above fi00‘C. Consequently, Eq. 19. 2 2 t i.s preferred to

Eq. 19. 2 25 if information on the fluence and temperature dependence of loop size and density is available. However, Eq. 19. 2 25 can be modif ied by mul tiplicatio n by the fraction of the total dislocation density contained in loops ( i.e. , one minus Eq. 19.15 ) and in this way be rendered a reasonably accurate predictor of the creep rate even when the loo ps and voids do not conta in equal nuns bers of point defects. 4 "

The model of irradiation creep just described is u nique in t hat the stress affects only the nucleation process. Thus, if the specimen is unloaded a pter loop nucleation has occurred ( and perturbed by the stress ) , the creep persists during stress-free growth. Co nversely, application of the stress after nucleatio n has been completed should not produce this sort of irradiation creep.


19.7.4 Climb-Controlled Dislocation Glide

The effect of irradiation on creep controlled by diffusion of point defects to sinks in the solid was discussed in Sec. 16.10 in connection wit h the fuel. I t was shown that radiatio n-produced point defects do not accelerate the normal creep rate when the sinks are grain bou ndaries. The same conclusion is reached when the sinks are dislocations and creep is entirely due to climb of the dislocations. Ho wever, the class of creep mechanisms constructed by Weertman ( Refs. 24 and 25 in Chap. 16 J are susceptible to enhancement by irradiation. lt will be recalled from Sec. 16. S that this type of creep in vol yes climb of mobile dislocations eit her over obstacles in the glide plane or toward a dislocation of opposite sign in an adjacent parallel slip plane. Creep occurs in the first type when the mob ile dislocation reac hes the top of the barrier and quickly glides to the next obstacle, and, in the second type, when t he pileup expands by glide to replenish one o f its members

absorption of point defects, is sometimes called dynamic creep to emphasize the importance of the neutron flux as well as the neutron fluence.

Creep due to clim b-controlled glide of mobile disloca- tions in an irradiated solid can be analvzed by starting from the general formula relating strain rate and dislocation velocity ( Eq. 8. 21 ) :

where p is the density of mobile dislocations in the solid, which is generally less than the total dislocation densitv d Part of md may co nsist of u nfaul ted interstitial loops that

are sessile ( i.e., not mobile ) , or are pinned by voids or

enmeshed in dislocatio n ta ngles. The b is the burgers vector of t he mo bile dislocation; and v is the average veloc ity of the moving dislocation, which is the ratio of the average distance that a mo bile dislocation glides between obstacles and the time required for it to climb over the obstacle:

that has been annihilated by an opposing dislocation from the adjacent slip plane. T he separation of the rate control-

' d

( h v, ) ( 19.227 )

ling process ( climb ) from the stra in controlling step ( glide ) in these mechanisms is essential to the existence of an irradiation effect on the creep rate.

The effect of irradiation o n diff usional creep processes t which inclu de the clim b-controlled glide variant ) has long been the su bject of dispu te ( see Refs. 38 to 4 3 in Chap. lfi ) . O n the basis of recent investigations ( Refs. 21,

39, a nd 41 to 44 ) , irradiation enhancement of Weer tman-

Here, I is the glide distance, h is the distance perpendicular to the glide plane w hic h the mob ile dislocation must climb in order to surmou nt the obstacle, a nd v, is the clim b velocity; h /v, is the average time req uired for the disl‹ica- tion to overcome the barrier by climb.

We imagine the o bstacles to be arranged on the glide plane in a square array with the spacing given by Eq. IS. 25:

type creep req uires an imbalance in the rates at iv hic h dislocations a bsor b interstitials and vacancies produced by

l= 1

( 2RN )

( 19.22g )

fast- neutron bombard tiient of the metal. I n the sections on void swelling in this c hapter, we showed that absorption of excess interstitials by the intrinsicall y biased dislocations can occur o nly if another sink that consu mes excess vacancies is also present. A t high temperatures the vacancy sinks fulfilling t his role are u ndoubtectly the voids, b ut at low temperatures depleted zones can perform the same functio n.

Irradiation creep by the climb-controlled glide mec ha- nism is due to t he climb velocity ( v, ) ;„ with which the dislocation is endowed by virtue of capturing excess interstitials. for irradiation creep to be of significance,

t v, ) i must be at least comparable to the climb velocity ( v, ) ,t, induced in the blocked mo bile dislocatio n by the stress arising from interaction with obstacles tsec. 16.8 ) .

Irradiation simultaneously serves to reduce the creep rate beca use the obstacles that the mobile d islocation must climb over and glide between are eit her t he voids a nd interstitial loops in t he temperature range w here swelling occurs or the depleted zones at low temperatures. The size and density of these clusters increase with fluence. These obstacles are responsible for the increased strength of irradiated metals tsecs. 1S. 5 to 18. 7 ) . They are also the cause of decreased creep rates in postirradiation tests. w hic h should not be confused wit h in-pile irradiation creep. The former is a structural effect since the creep mec hanisms are the same as in an irradiated metal, and onl y the nature and density of the obstacles to dislocation motion are affected b y irradiation. l n-pile, or irradiat ion, creep, iv liic h contains thP a dditiona l element of enha need clirn b by

where R and N are the radius and density, r espectivel y, of the obstacles, which ma y be depleted zones, voids, or interstitial loops. ’J'he applied stres.s is assumed to be less than that at which the disl ocati on ca n pass through the array bv cu tting through the obstacles or by bowing arou nd them and pinch ing off. I n the present case the dislocation line must climb to a critical height perpendicular to the slip plane at which p‹iint the applied stress is su f ficient to perm it slip to continue. A two-dimensional view of the process is show n in F ig. 19. 32. R tow s of ‹obstacles are viewed end-on. The separation of the spherical obstacles in the d tree tion perpendicular to the drawing is the same as the distance between rows in the glide plane, namely 1. If the o bstacles in the real solid were arranged in the perfect sq uare pattern used in the analysis, climb of a blocked dislocation over one row would be sufficient for the dislocation to slip past all the subsequent rows. However, this deficiency of the idealized model should not be taken too seriously since in an actual irradiated solid the random arrangement of obstacles ensures that a mobile dis!oration will be stopped by obstacles after gliding from its previous pinning position a distance given, o n the average, by Eq. 19. 225.

Determination of the creep rate is red uced to calcu- lating I he obstacle height h and the climb velocity v,.

We first co nsider the situation proposed by Har k ness et al. " in wh ich the obstacles to be overcome by climb are voids. I nasmuch as voids attract dislocation lines ( Sec. 1S. S ) , the first dislocation approaching the row of voids is trapped by t hem, in a seq uence of events similar to









Fig. 19.32 11 islocation mo titan over irradiation- produced obstacle.s in the elini b-controlled di.slocation glide model of irradiation ‹'rerp .

that shown in F ig. 1 S. 22f b ) exc ept for the f inal p inc hing off ( whic h dties not occu r here because the stress is less than the yield str ess for this pr‹icess ) . Succeeding mobile dislocatio us, however, a re repelled by the f irst dislocation that has been sue ked into the void row'. ’I'he y must c lirn b ov'er the trapped dislocation to c ontiiiiie on their Eva y.

l n the absence o I irradiation, the clim b pr‹scess is identical to that anal yzed in Ser. 16. 7 ( climb-to-esrape model ) . ’f'he probabilit}’ per unit time tha I a dislocation

i n her en I in the value g iven b v Eq. 1 9. 232. I nstead, it is deter mined by thr flow of interstitials and vacancies t‹› the disloyal inns. Let J, a nd J d be the fluxes of in terstitials arid i”d‹:a ncies, rt'spec tively, to a u nil ie ngt h of d islocation line l Ed. 1 .4. 89 L 7’he net rate at z'hic h interst it ials a rrive at the l ine is J - Jj , a nd, sine o c•uch inter hit ial c‹intribu tes a volu me I/. thr rate at z'hic h the half-sheet of atoms

omp rising t he vdge d islocation ga ins volu me is ( J , 1 Jj ) 1 i cm se‹ ' in of li ne. I n It sec, t ae h u nil tempt h u f line

climhs over the pinned dislocaticJn is gi›’en by Eq. 1 G.73,

ga ins a volu rue ‹if { J ( '

J ) i2 It, w h ie h is equal to the

which ran he used to define an a \ ’erage thermal climb

velocit}’ b}°

product of the wid th of the h ir-sheet of atoms. b, and the d ista nct cli mbed i n A I, w h ie h is t v ) , tt It. T him, the ‹'liin b velocity d ue to the net flow of irradiatio n- pr‹iduced

f10.229 ) in te‘rstiLiaIs Lu thr line is

where the ba rrier heig ht h is gi en b}’ kq. 8. 15 in \ v hic'h, to account for a dislocation p ileup behind the trapped

dislocation, o , of Eq. S. 3 9:

is multi plied by the intensification factor n

h ( 1 .230 )

Equat ion 1 S. 233 demonstrates I hat the limb of d isl uc'atio ns caused b \ ' irradiation is due to precisel y the sa inr phenomenon that is responsible f‹ir ve id Pro w I h, natuel y, the bias of dislocation lines for interstitia 1s.

4’he irradiation cree p rate is obtained by comb ining

In Eq. 19.229 C is a coefficient that arises from averaging the climb process over all impact parameters separating The slip pla nes of I he trapped dislocation and the impinging mobile dislocation ( Eq. 1fi. 7 2 ) , and r, is a characteristic time fo r dislocation climb. \ V hen the climb Yelocity is based on the jog density of the line ( i.e., Eg. 1 ti. 55 ) , r, is given by Eq. 1fi.67. If, o n the of her hand, the entire dislocation line maintains the equilibrium vacanc y concentration ap pro priate to t he stress acting on it, the climb velocity is given by Eq. 16.5 8, and 7, becomes

Eqs. 1fi. 2 25 a nd 19. 227 a nd u sing Eq. 1fi. 230 for li a nd F?q. 19. 2,33 for i , , svh ie h yi elds

c „, -— p,p I ( J J ) b 2 ( I S. 234 )

Now eve note that the product Of ( J d Jj ) and the total dislocation densit›' of the solirl, p , is the difference in the volumetric sink st reng His of the d islocations for in terstitials anrl vacancies, or

( l9. 231 )

Substituting Eqs. 19. 230 and 19. 231 into Eq. 19. 2 29 and using Eq. 5.3 9 for n yields

( 19.23 2 )

where the length of the pileup in Eq. 8. 39 has been ta ken as the spacing bet Gwen o bstacle ro z's.

Under neutro n irradiatio n the velocit y of dislocation climh is no longer governed by’ the I her ma1 processes

\ ’here g/ and g d are given by Eqs. 1 é. 101 and l é. 102, in is h ie h the notatio n N i representing the netwo rk disloca- tions ) is replaced by d ( representing all dislocations ) . For thP present a nal ysis the distinc tio n between dislocation lines and dislocation loops is neglected. The irradiation creep rate ca n be related to void swelling by using the point- defect balances gis en by Eqs. 19.134 and 19.135. As before, eve combine network dislocations a nd interstitial loops into the total dislocation den.sity. Su btracti on of one o f the point-d efect balanc es from the other show s I hat


iv hi‹ h sta tes that, in the absence of' sinks ot her than voids and dislocations, the net flow of interstitials to d isl ocatio ns is jitst eq ual to the net flow' of vacancies to voids. F inall \ ’. t he swelling rate is given by


Combining the preceding fuur eg uati‹›ns and ex pressing the number uf di.s1orations in the pileup b}' Eq. 8. 39 yields the irradia tiun ‹‘reep rate acc‘urrling tu this morlel:

whic h sho z's the direct connection between the swelling rate and the irradiation creep rate.

he creep rate under irradia tion is less dependent than is the thermal creep rate. If Eq. 19. 23 2 had been used in place of Eq. 19. 233 in the forego ing derivatio n, the stress exponent wo uld have been 4 instead of 2. If the mobile dislocation density is low or if the swelling rate is large, the mobile dislocations can climb ox'er the dislocations trapped b› I he voids so q nick l y that p ileups do not ha ve time to develo p. l n this case we set n = 1 iv her ever it appears. with thr result that the irradiation a nd thermal creep rates are proportional to u, y a nd o* y , respectively. I n any case the expo nent of the stress is lower in irradiation creep than in thermal creep, and this predictir›n is cr›nf irmed by experi-

y d 500

where Rt is a function of fluence as determined by solu tion of the loop-groivt h law, which is ob tai ned in the course of solving the void swelling ( by the met hod show n in F ig. 19. 2:4 ) .

I n addition to the voids, interstitial loops provide barriers to dislocation motio n of strengt h comparable to that of the voids. W offer et al." " have formula ted the clink b-controlled Slid e model described a brave with loops instead o t‘ v oids as obstacles. The loops d irect l y repel mobile dislocations that approach them. The applied stress necessary to force a dislocation line past a row of loo ps of rad ins Rt separated by a distance I is given by combining Eqs. 1 b. 54 and 1 6. 58:

o€i b i R/

w here y is the d istance between the row of loops aFld the glide plane of the mobile dislocation. If the row of loops lies in the glide plane of the a pproac hing dislocation and if the applied stres.s is too low for the line to penetrate the row I i.e., if a,, w, of Eq. 18.6 1 ) , t he line has to climb by a heigh t y in order to continue slip. Therefore, y can be written as the barrier heig h t h. If we allow for dislocatio n pileup behind the row of loops by replacing w,, b y na , , the above formula can be solved for t he barrier height in

terms of the applied stress:


'I'he irradiatio n creep rate has a somewhat narrower temperature range than does the swelling rate. W hen the

a G b t RQ 'x

h 2 ( 1 r ) nlo ,.

i 19. 2.19 )

temperature is low, a su bsta nt ial part of the total disloca- tion density is present as faulted loops, w hich ran not glide; so p „, pd is lo z'. I n a dditio n, ( A V /V } is small a I lo u' 1 einperatures. and the irradiatio n creep rate is reduced by both I hesP factors. A t the high-temperature extreme, irradiat ion creep by t his mechanism ceases when t he voids do not grow ( i.e., w hen IV V 0 at 'I' - ñ00°C in stainless steel ) . At su 1'ficiently high temperate re, the rapid ly inc leas- ing thermal climb velocity given by Eq. IS. 2.3 2 overtakes tht• irradiation induced climb velocity, and normal

\ ¥eert ma n thermal creep supplants irradiation creep as the principal deformatio n mec hanism. S imilarly, I he u2 , dependence of the therma 1 climb velocity implies that, at any temperature, t hermal creep dominates irrad iation creep if the applied stress is sufficiently high ( but not high enough for the dislocations to cu t through or bypass the voids by bow ing and pinc hin g off ) .

Equation 19. 238 implies that the irradiation creep rate decreases with increasing fluence because the size a nd perhaps the densit y of voids increases during irradiation. According to Eq. 19. 228, the o bstacle separation is de- creased accordingly.

The most difficult term in Eq. 19. 238 to predict is t he fraction of the total dislocation population w hich is mob ile. Harkness et al . 4 3 identify the mobile dislocations with the line length of unfaulted loops in the microstructure. They assu me that Frank loops u nfaul t when R - 500 8 and consider that when the average loop radius exceeds this value, p / p d = 1. When the average loop size is less than

500 A, they employ the a pproximat ion

If the previous derivation is repeated using Eq. 19. 2'19 in.stead of Eq. 19. 230 for h, t he irradiation creep ra te is found to be


) ,. ( 15. 240 )

w hic h, when compared with Eq. 19. 238 for void obstacles, shows a lo wer stress dependence ( linear instead of squared} and a greater penalty due to fluence because of the factor Rt in the denominator.

As a final example of climb-controlled glide models of irradiation creep, Duffin and N ic hols have advanced a mec hanism in which the obstacles are depleted zones. In this model the swelling rate does not appear because depleted zo nes and voids do not coexist in an irradiated metal.


ay - lattice constant

I - area swept out by bowing of pinned dislocation segment

A,B,C - constants in creep form ula, Eq. 19.176 b = leng th of Burgers vector

B - binding energy of a diinterstitial

C - point-defect c oneentration ( particles per u nit volume ) ; constant given by the right side of Eq. 16. 72


C'’ - point-defect concentration at t he surface of a coherent precipitate

- point-defect dirtusion coefficient

= volume self- diffusion coefficient

= energy of a loop

= energy of a void

- fu nrtion defined by Eq. 19.157

= force on a dislocation

= function defined by Eq. 19. 199

= function defined by Eq. 19.14 2

- tibbi rree energy or a c I uster

- shear modulus: total Gibbs free energy

h = climb height for a dislocation to overcome a barrier; enthalpy of a cluster

h ( m ) - function defined by Eq. 19. 4 3 14 = coefficient of SI in Eq. 19. 5G

= nucleat ion current or void curren t j - gas atoms in a cluster

= flu x o f point defects to a cluster

= flux of point defects to a u nit length of dislocation

k = Boltz ma nn's co nsta nt; rate co nstant

k„ = vacancy—interstitial recombination rate consta nt K - coefficient of m" in Eq. 19.ti; given by Eq.

b. 30

distance between d islocation pinning priints = length of a bo wed dislocation segment

vacancies per void or per vacancy lorip; intersti- tial.s per interstitial loop

M = total hel ium concent ration in metal

= density of heliu m atom cl us ter.s containing j helium atoms

= nu mber of dislocations in a pileu p; nu m her of point derects in a region of solid

N total nu mber of voids per unit volume

N ( R ) = vo id d istribtit to n function

N i number of raul ted dislocation loops per unit volume

N = nu mber of precipitate particles per u nil volume N, = nu mber of lattice sites per unit volu inc

p helium pressure

P proba bil ity of nucl coating a loop or a particular orientation

= ratr of absor ptio n o r a poin t defect of type k by all the defect clusters of t ype j in a unit volume of .no lid

= radius of a dislocation core

R = rate of reaction; radius ot a void R = void growth rate

R,. negative of’ void-shrinl‹age rate due to vacancy emission

= void-growth rate in the absenr e of rrromb ination and thermal emission of vacancies

= size of defect clusters created by collision c'as- cade

R t = rad itis of a faul ted dislocation loop

.H = r‹idial extent of the str eve field arou nd a disloca tion; radius ‹if ‹'u nature of a b‹›ived dis1‹ication line

S - su persaturatio n of point defect t = time

T = temperature, "K

v, = climb velor ity of a dislocation v d - glide velocity of a dislocatio n V = volume

d V = volume increase w - jump f requenc y

4' - com binatorial number x = defined by Eq. 19. 14ti

X, Y, Z = d imensions of a crystal

Y = defined by Eqs. lS. 129 and 19. 130 z = combinatorial number

Z = combinatorial number for d islocations, Eqs.

19.99 and 1 é. t00

Cireeh I e llei's

a = point-defect emission rate from a cluster 6 = point-defect arrival rate at a cluster

c —— reep strain. e nergy of formation c creep rate

c -— heat of solu tion of heliu m in me tal

c !’“ energy of migration of a po int defect p = dimensio nless parameter, Eq. lS. 14 3a j - surface tension

7, i - stack ing- fault energy 7* - defined by Eq. lS. 12 2 p = chemical potential

u vibration rrequency; pr›int defeats produced per PKA

= atomic value

= total fast-neu tro n flux

Ad = total dislocation density

= dislocation density as f aulted loo ps

= density of mobile dislocations

0 N - dislocation density due to perfect lo ops and the network dislocations

= h y drosta tic stress ( posit ive in tension ) = shear stress

= macroscopic neutron-scattering cross section

= time

’d = line tensio n of a dislocation

0 = fraction of sites on trapping interface occu pied by po int defects; "I’ —t›23. K

= defined by Eq. 19. 34

Is and Supe rsri-i p 1s

= in critical embrx'o or critical-size vacanc y pla telet eq = equilibriu in

f = forward reaction

ho mo = homogeneous nucleation i = interstitial

irr - due to irradiat ion

1 11 conta ining m point defects nuc I = nucleation

p - precipitate particles = reverse reaction

s - entropy of a cluster; distance between opposite

racrs or a ›’acanc}’ platelet

th - due to thermal process

= vacanc y


1 = edge dislocation with extra half-sheet of atoms per pendi cular to appl ied stress; loop per pendicu- far to stress

—- edge dislocation with extra hal f-sheet of atoms

parallel to the applied stress; loo p parallel to the stress


1 . C. Ca wt h o rn e ari d E. Fult on , S'u I ii ry , 216 : ñ 7.6 ( 19.6.7 ) .

2 . D. ‹I. AI a ze y , J. A. I ( u dson, and R . S. Nelson, .7 . \ i‹ /.

itI‹i I t i’. . 4 l : 2 Fi 7 ( ) .

3. F . S. l la m, .J. :l y/a /. flip'.s. , 30 : 9.1 ?o ( 19 Fi9 ) .

4. A . L. De me n I, ‹I i o i i. . \ "ti r'/. !S c- i. "Tr c'li i i o 1. , 7 : 1 ( 1 9‘7 3 ) .

5. D. I. R. N o rr is, H u cl ia 1. k“ff. , 1.4 : 1 ( 4 9'7 2 ) ; 1.6 : 1

( 197 2 ) .

6. J. \ V. Co rb et t and L. C. la nni e 11 o ( Ed s. ) , he die I in ri /rid ii rat rf to irfs iii Me I a 1s, A l ban y , N. Y . , J u ne 9 -l l , 197 l , A EC S y mposi u m Series, N o. 26 ( CONF -7 1 0601 ) , 19.7.2.

7. \ ’r› ials £’‹i i‘iiit ‹I lay li‘rac!io lino n ‹› f! H eat’ to r .1l‹i lr i‘io Is. C“o nl'ere nce Pruceeil in gs, B riti sh N u clear E ne i'yy So ciet y, Read in g, E n gland , 19.7.1

S . J. I. Bra m ma n et a 1. , Vo id F or ma ti O n i n Cl lad‹l i n g ‹in‹J St ructu ra l Ma ter ia 1s Ir radi ia tecl in D FR , in n ‹l ia I io ii lii d ii ‹'ref k "o i‹ls i ii lr la Is, A l ban y , N. Y . , J line 9 - 1.4 , 19.7.1, J. \ \ '. Co rbe t t and L. €“. Ian n ie l1o ( Ed s. ) , A EG S y m posiu m Ser ies, N o. 26 ( CONF-'7 1 060 I ) , p. 1.2 , 19’7 2.

9 . P. IJ \ i rra¿ , I] ‹'‹i‹- I ‹› r W‹’‹ it ir›/. , 15 : 1.6 ( 1.97.2 ) .

1.0. H. R. Bra ger a nd J , L. S tra a lsu nd , .J. \ 'ii c/. :tfu /e r. , 4fi : 1 '› I ( IS 7 '3 ) .

1.1 . E. E. Blo om. N uc le‹i I io n a nd €i ro w t h o I Ver i‹l s in Sta i n I ess Steels D u ri ng Fast - Neut rra n I rrad ia ti‹a n , in to ‹l to I to i i l i tel a cl ¥’oicls in Ie la 1s, A 1 he n 5' , N . Y. ,

J u ne fi 1.1 , 19.7.1 , ‹I. \ \ '. t'o rbet t and I>. C“. la n n ie 11 o ( Ed s. ) , A Et“ Sy m po s iu m Ser ies, N o . 2fi ( CONF -7 1 060 1 ) , p. I , 197.2.

1.2. J. 0. S t ieg Ie r, V oiil Fo t-ma I i o n i n Neutro n- Irra tl i‹i te d Me ta 1s, in ñ art in I in ii -/i i rf ii t'cr/ Vo icls iii idle let Is, A l ba n y ,

N. Y. , J u ne 9 -1 1 , 1.97.1, J. \ V. C'o rbett an d L. C. Ia nn iell o ( E d s. ) , A EC Sy mposiu m Ser ies, N o. 26 ( CONF -7 1 060 1 ) , p. 29.2, 197.2.

1.3. I ) . W. Kee fer an c1 A . C . Pard , J. .^ 'ri ‹'/. .lfo /r i . 4.6: °›

( 19 7 2/ 19.7.3 ) .

1.4. J. L. Katz a nd H. \ \ 'ie‹lersich , .J. t'li e in. Nli v s. , ii 5: 1.11.4 ( ) ; a some what sh o rter vers io n of th is ana l y sis up pea re in Ref. 6, p. H 2 ñ.

1.5. K. C“. R ussel 1, .1‹'/o. Its /. , 19: 7 7› 3 ( 197.1 ) ; calcu lat ions

21 . S. D. Har k ness, J. A. Tes k, and Che -Yu Li, iVucf.

A p p 1. Tech rio 1. , 9: 24 1 19 7 0 ) ; a lso, .Pte f. Tra us. , 2:

( 19.7.1 ) . _

2.2. H. \ Vi ede r sich, ftiid in t. E ff., 1.2: 1.1.1 ( 197.2 ) .

23. A. D. Bra il st ord a nd R . Bull ough , J. \ ' i‹‹'f. ,flu I rr. , 1.21 : ( 19.7.2 ) .

24. A. D . Bra ilsford a nd R . Bu 11 o u gh , B r it ish Re port A ER E-T P-5 3 b, 19.7.3.

2.5. A . D . Brai lsf‹›rd a nd R. B ul lo ugh , -/. Via r'f. :1Ia Ie r., 4.8:

87 ( 1973 ) .

26. J L. Striuls nut and C. L. t›uth ie, h'nrl. 7rrh uii., 16:

36 ( 1972 )

2.7. F. A. G ar ner ct a 1. , Th e Effect o f St ress u n Rad iatio n- Incl uc eel V u id Gro wth , i n 11 u cl ia I to ii - lii H ii r‹'d Ve ids iti He /‹i /.s, A I ba ny , N . Y ., Ju ne 9 —1 1,, J. W. Corbett a nd L. C. Ian nie lIo ( Eds. ) , A EC Sy m posi um Ser ie.s, No. 26 ( CO NF -7 1 060 l ) , p. S4 1 , 19.7.2.

28. S. D. H ark ness a nd Ch e-Yu Li, Th eoret ie at S t ud y of th e fi well i ri g o f F‹is t -Nentr‹an- Irra di ‹i t ed W4a ter ia 1s, in R a dia i to ii -ln ‹In cr ‹l Ve cds iit : lr la Is, A l b•i n y, N. Y . , June S 1.1, 197.1 , J. \ V. Cor be t t a nil L . C . la n ni ell o ( Eds. ) , A EC Sy na pc›s i u m Serie s, No. 26.1 €“ ON F 7.1 O6 0 1 ) , p. 7.9 H, 19.7.2.

2.9. J. L. St raa lsu n d, .fi‹ i . file I. , 4: 4.5.9 ( 19 7 0 ) .

3.0. H . \ Vi ed ors ich an d K. Hersc h b:ich, S‹'i’. ltte I . , 6 : 4.5.3

( 1972 )

S 1 . J. R. \ V i 11 is a ncl R . Bul lo u gh , in In irf.s ft› riri rd l› y Irr‹i‹l i‹i I io ii ‹›f E cu ‹’I ‹›r flu I rriu Is, fi‹› nfer e lace Pr oce ed - i la g.s, Br it ish N uc ie:i r E nei‘gy So ci ct y, Read in g, Engl a nil, 19.7.1, p. 1.33 .

3.2. V. F. Se ars, J. .VU ‹'f. .l/‹i /cr. , 3.9: 1 H ( 1 S 7.1 ) .

3.3. E. R. G il be rt, 11 eac lo r Tech no 1., 1.4: 2 fi S ( 1 S 7.1 ) .

3.4. R. V. Hes ke th, Ph il. !vIag. , 8 : 1.3.21 ( l S G 3 ) .

3.5. G. W. Le wt li wa ite a ncl K. J. Pro r t o r, ./ .I'm ‹'/. .to I ei’.,

4.6 : 9 ( 19’? 3 ) .

S 6. R . V. Hes ket h, in P roceecli rigs ‹i f the I n te t-uatio nal

C‹› n l'e r t• n ce ‹i n S oli cl fi tate Research a nil A ccc lera trirs,

A. N. G u lancl ( Eel . ) , USA E C R e per I BN L-5 0 08 3,

pp. 38 9-'I 01, 196’? .

3.7. R . V. lies k e th, Ph i 1. Mag. , 7 : S 6.2 ) .

38. B. \ V. I ew t h waite, J. .^'tic f. :1fu I er., 46: 3.24 ( 1 S 7.3 ) .

3.9. \ V. G. W‹a1l’e r, J. P. Foe t er, and F. A. G n r ner, Vu c f. Te r li ii o 1. , 16: S 5 ( 197 2 ) ; W. G. Wol fer an d A. Bol la x, in Co ni‘ere rice on Irrail ia I ion E m br it t lem vn t anal Cree p in fuel G lacl ‹I into a nd Co re Com ponen ts, Lo nclo n, 197.2, Bri t ish N uc lear E nt*rti y S oc iet y, 1 fi 7 .3.

i 0. A. D. Bra ils l‘ord a nd R. Bull‹augh, Ph il. .Slug., 27 : -19 ( 19.7.3 ) ; Br it ish R t* po rt A ER E -’J'P - ñ 4.2, 19’7 2.

4 l . Ci. \ Y. Le wt h wa i ie, J. I'm r f. Ella Ie r, , 38: 1.1.8 ( 19.7.1 ) .

12. G. Marr i n a nd J. P. P‹a tri er, J. fi"tic /. Ella I e r., 39: 9.3 ( S 71 ) .

based on th e Ha eory are re ported in hurl tel. /i//. , 1.2:

13. fi. D. I lal kn os s G , R.

rna p pe 1, ‹ind S. G. Plc D o n a lcl, ‹V uc /.

1.2.7 ( 197 2 ) .

1.6. J. L. Katz and £I. \ Viecle i rich , J. Via ‹‘/. Who /e r. . 46: 4.1 ( 197 3 ) ; also in be[e‹ 1s uitrf He/e c I I! lii s le i-s iii l›rc

:IIe• to Is a url 7"fi err A //c›3's, R. J. Arse na ul I ( Ed. ) , p. .SP 0, National Bure an o f S t anda rds, \ Vash ing ton , 19.7.3.

1.7. K. C. Russell, I r'/o the /. , 20: 89.9 ( 19 7 2 ) ; a lso in

/Jt'/i*‹' I.s u/i d U‹*/r ‹'/ ( ."It ) .sI ‹• re ill Ht*t' iTfc /‹i/.s ‹i ii d 7"h ri*• A lie;'s, R. J. A rse na ult ( Eel . ) , p. fi 4.5, Nat ici na I Bure ‹in of St ‹rla cl ard s, \ \ 'ash i rig to n , 1 ñ"i 3.

1 S . K. C". R u see 11 a n d R . \ \ '. Po well, I ‹‘/o tile /. , 21 : 1.8 i

lS. G. J. Di e lies and A. C', Dam as k, Po I ii I Ne/e‹' f,s i ii it I t' I u/.s, Gord o n and Breach, Scio rice P u lxli she rs, Inc. , New Yo rk , 19.6.3.

20 \ \ . R H. y ns, 1. .^’‹i‹'/. J/«/ . , 56 ' 267 ( 1 9 75 ) .

Tech no 1. , 16: 2.5 ( 19 7 2 ) .

1.4. W. J. Du f fi n a nil F. \ . N ich ‹Els, J. . \ ’u r‘ f. :ho I r. , 4.5: .4 NJ 2 ( 4 9 7 2 19 7 3 ) .


19.1 Using Fig. 19.4, estimate the fraction of the va- cancies created in an irradiation of fluence 5 x 1 0" ' neut rons 'cm 2 w hich i.s in voids.

19. 2 Prove that Eq. lS. 44 is the solution to Eq. 19. 4.3 by using the fact that the logarit hm of a product of terms is


the sum o l' the l‹›6• Uh» r ear h tei'ir a nd b5' caref'ully

xa in ining the beliav ior of h ( @ and N " ( tn } as in - 0.

t9.J fJeter it it e the triti‹’aI cluster sixe and the »uclra lien ra te ii classical iJ ricl ea tion I heor}’ ( i. t. , when g \ /g, = 0 ) .

19.4 Derive the void distribution runction N ( in ) 1"or the noneq uilibriuiii case iv ith stt'ady-state n ucleat ion.

60t ) ' C’ with a flux or i o' neutrons cm 2 ser ' , use the

point-defect bala n‹ es to coiiip ute:

( a ) ’l'he var and'y a nd in terst itial su persa durations h, and

tire void and the solid wi th vara iic concentration C, and inl.erstitial r:oncentration C, ( C, C, - C§° CQ° ) is given by

where I'„ is the race energy of the stress-rree solid w it hon t the void; g ( m„ ) is the reversible work req uired to create a void co tit a ining m, vacancies aga the external pre Curr ( stress I a iv it h constant internal gas pressure p in the cavit y n„ a ted n, are the number of vac'a ncies and of interstitials, rt spec ti \ eT y, in the \ natr ix ‹›r the bI‹›r’k ; a \ Jn y„ and Ui a” thi heliii‹-d l p‹itentials r the point defoc Ls iv hen the solid is ri nder stress.

'l‘he value or is eg \ IaI to k’I' In ( I',/ñ \ * ) where C \ * is thP equilihriui› \ \ acanc \ cuncentrati‹›i1 in the stressed s‹›lid:

( c ) ’I'hc vuid and luop nuclea ti‹›iJ rates. f''‹›r vuid nurlea tion, make a r‹›ugl› estimate from I°ig. 19. IO.

z'here l C \ ' )

is the equilibrium vaca n‹ j etc ncentrat ion in

4’a kc p‹iint-defect migration a nd f oriuation energies t'rom pro blem 19. 11. Use a disl‹›cation densit y of 1.0 c ni*° . ( ’he stec•l co nta ins nO precipitates and is u nstrcssed. Assu mc• that the coin binatoria l mini her for va‹ anc y interstitia l reso iubi- natioti is 1.00. l'’‹ir dislocations, assutiir Z, .'Z, 1 .02.

( ‹l ) How are the resu Its of’ ( b ) and ( c } changed iv lie n the steel i'o nt a ins -1 x 1.0 ' 2 inc oher em precipitate parti‹'les/ c o I radi us equa I to i I ) ( J .'’t‘!

10. 6 A pply homogeneous nuc lea tion ( heory ( as developed in Dec. i 3. 8 for rissio n gases in I he fuel ) to predict the nucleatio n time ( or fluence ) for helium bubbles in the cladding. 'l"he nuc leation time is defined as the time at iv hic h the concentratio n of di-atoms passvs through a maximum. Use the simplii'ied method described in Sec. lIt. 8 ( i.e., invo king Eq. 1.3.13 7 ) . 'the fast-neutron flu x is mo noenergetic ( E„ = O.5 MeV ) and is equal to 10' neutro ns /c m 2 mc*' . Assu me a re-so lu tion parameter of

10 sec*' ( problem 17.1 1 ) and make reasonable estimates of the other parameters needed in the calculation. A.ssume that the diffusion coefficient of helium in stainless steel is 10”’ 6 cm 2 /sec. Compare the fluence ‹fit, for helium- bu bble nucleation with the observed incu batio n fluence of

10 2.2 neutrons/cin 2 needed for void f‹irmation in sta inless


19.7 Incorporate re-solut ion into the theory of loop nucleation by c hem ical-reaction-rate theory. Use the micro- scopic picture o f re-solutio n, in which the probability per seco nd of any atom in an interstitial loop being redissolved by radiation is b. Include re-solut ion as a term of the form nbNq in the balance on clusters of n interstitials. Assume that the combi natorial numbers zq, a nd zq, are equal to 10n.

19.8 We wish to determine the equilibrium vacancy concentratio n C, in a solid in which a void of radius R and internal gas pressure p is embedded. The system ( solid plus void ) is subject to hydrostatic ( compressive ) stress o. To determine C, , we use the tec hnique applied to obta in the equilibrium vacancy co ncen tration at a dislocatio n loop ( Sec. 19. 5 ) . The Cl ibbs free energy of a system co nta ining

the stress-free solid, a tid v is the volume c Isa uge that occurs when one atoiii is moved l'rom the interior ol‘ the matrix to the surface. l n the text, v has been identified with the at‹iiu ie volume II, but this neglects the cont raeti‹›n of the lattice around the vacant lattice site. I f the volume c-o ntra‹'tio n arou nd the varant lattice site is 0 then v is

Lleteriri ne C„ the vacancy c‹rricentrat ion for whic h the system described above is in t hermody namic equilibrium. I n nonequilibrium situations ( such as stress-induced void growl h ) , this concentration is assumed to appl y at the surface of t he i'o id.

19.9 kem‹› \ ’at ur puint derects b \ brain huundaries in tho sulid ad de a terns ( assu nding £J"” in sma II )

( 11

to the vacanc y balance of Eq. 19. 13.4 a nd a similar term to the interstitial balance. The value of k g b i S computed by the following method. The solid far from the grain boundary is assumed to be a homogeneous medium wherein

the vacancy-balance equation, Eq. 19.13 6, appl ies. For simplicity, recombination is taken into accou nt by defining an efrecti \ ’e vacanc}’- produc tio n rate:

’I'erms involving C{i" are neglected. and Eq. 19. 1 is u ritten as

G' = k 2 D„C, ( 3 )


2 v Pd + 4aR N + 4 rR „Np ( 4J

Because the grain boundary acts to ma inta in the equilibriu m point defect co ncentratio ns ( C ° 0 in this calculation ) , Eq. 3 is not valid close to the grain bo undary. Here, the vacancy' balance must contain a term representing diffusion of vacancies toward the grain boundary.

( a} Assuming that the concentration drop occurs very close to the g rain bou ndary, the vacanc y-d if fusio n equatio n in this reg io n can be written for a semiinfinite mediu m in Cartesian coord inates. By solving this diffusion equation, determine the vacanc y concentration prof ile in the vicinity


of the grain buundar \ and the \ acancy fl cix t‹› rlJ e grain

huu ndary’.

( b ) ju \ \ cu t \ sid er the grain as a spt›erc' ut' dia lric‘rer d. Co in pute the t‹ita I t ated of removal o f vacancies b1' the bra i n boundary’ front the rlux compu ted iiJ ( a ) . A rum this result,

( bl Derive the ana log of Eq. 19. 1 4fJ fu r loops. As.suinc N„ - 0.

( c ) Convert the loop-gro z th la w to the time rate of chan ge of the dislocation dens it v of I he solid.

( d ) Define a di irensirinless void size b y Ed. 1 !1.1-tl, in

w hich I he di.sloc'ation density is rvpla‹ ed b \ p , , the value'

19.10 L'alc ulate a nd plcit the relative v ciid-gr‹ z'th ra te H R„ for ni‹i ly bdenu m melting p‹ i nt ’I’„, - 2!t00 Fi 1 as a f unction cif ’l "I'm, . Rise the f ollo u ing parameters:

c„ 150 kJ mol e r = 190 kJ , mo le

Neglect vo id s as .sin ks ( N 0 ) a nd preci p itates ( N q 0 ) and loo ps aS sinks ( p = 0 ) . \ ssunae the vacanc y dif fusio n coefficient ( in c ' sec ) is gi ve n by IN, - 10 1 3 aq ex p ( —c kT ) . .Assu me that t he voids are 300 \ its radius.

Compare the plot for inolybdenum w ith dig. 19. 1S for stainless steel, tak ing the melting point of steel as 1 750“ K.

Would re placement €›f stainless steel b \ ' molybdenum a \ ord void swelling at the pea k cla dd ing temperatii re of S6 0"C"

l 9.11 Show that the re‹ ornbination properties ‹if coherent precipitates arc v irtually nil when this type of sink is introduced into a solid co nta ining equilibrium co ncentra- tio ns of va‹'ancies a nd inter stitials ( i.e., C e ° and C,° ) . The migratio n a nd formalist n energies of interstitials and va- cancies can be taken as

c,' = 13 kJ,.'m ole c, - 4 20 kJ 'mole

ct - 1 25 kJ,'mole c, - 1 fi0 kJ mole

’The temperat ure is 50 0“C.

19.12 Because of image dislocations in the voids, Eqs. lS. 55 and 19. are multiplied by W, and Wi, respectively. What is the growth la w in the a bsence of recombination and thermal emission ( i.e., the analog of Eq. 19.140 ) ? Neglect the terms representing absorption by coherent precipitates.

19.13 ( a ) In pro blem 18.1a, replace the conditio n that the vacancy co ncentratio n is maintained at a value C,’ in the bulk solid by the co nditio n that the o nly sinks for vacancies in the solid are t he dislocations; the dislocatio n density is d and the void concentrat io n is N. Determine t he void

radius as a fu nction of time if the initial radius of all voids

was Rt,.

( b ) Repeat pro blem 18.1a as stated but with the proviso that eac h void initially conta ins j helium atoms.

19.14 ( a ) Derive a growth law for interstitial loops ( analo- gous to Eq. 19.138 for voids ) .

at ( he start ‹› I the g'ruu’th period I t‹› ) . H \ c housing appropr ia te diinensio nless d islocation density a nd time, co river t F?q. 19. 1 tfJ to a to tall y ditiie nsion less e9 uation. Integrate this equation with the initial ‹ondition R ( t,; ) - R„ . ’I'he void and dislo‹'atio n loop densities, N and ' , ca n be a.ven rued co nstant. For this integration, assume that the dislocation density renia ins co nstant a t its initial ialuv. ’I'a ke Z, Z,. exe ept iv livr t• I lie d il ferent e in the se I wu q ua let ities a ppear .

( e ) CO nvert the resu lt u l’ part c t‹i the sa rue dimension less quantities u sed in part d. N uiueri‹'a llv in I eg rate the void and loop ( or dislci‹-aticHa dt nsity ) grci wth law’s starting ix itio the i n iti;i1 ‹'onditions:

H = 1 0 . \

and the cluster densities:

N = 1 0 ' vuids;cm^

N; - 1 0 ' loops cm 3

Choose the i n itia l loop radiu s I i su‹'h that the nu mber o1’ vacancies in the void nuclei at tq i.s equal to the nu mber of inter ti tials in the en br} u luop .

( f ) 'F he incu bation period correspo rids to a t'ast- neutron f luence of l t J 2 neutrons ! cm° Plot the results of the integrations i n parts d and e. Compu ie the swelling at a fluence o f 5 x 1 II° 2 neutrons/cm°. ’i'his solu tion is appli- cable near the peak swelling temp erature w here reco mbina- tion has become insignificant and the shrinkage term has not yet become importa nt.

19.15 A t some time th during irradiation, nucleation of voids occurs. For t tt, , growth of the voids continues.

\ ssume the growth is diffusion-limited and that the ego ncentrations of vaca ncies a nd interstitials at the void surface are zero.

Neglect the c'hanging sink concentrations due to void

and loop growth for t t„, and assume that the co ncentra- tions of vacancies and interst itials in the matrix are constant in time.

Calculate the swelling at some time I > tp , neglecting

swelling at I z , for the following two void distributions at

( a ) A I t9 all voids are of the same size, R, . 4’he total void density is N.

( b ) A t t, , the voids are distributed in size according to the function N„ ( R t, ) .

( c ) Show that the result of part b reduces to that of part a w hen the initial void d is tribution is described by a delta function.

19.16 Consider a segment of a circle of radius .H which has an arc length @ and a chord distan ce of 1.

( a ) Prove that d I /d W- 1/,d, where ‹at is the area of the segment.


( b ) Derive the equation for d.W/d ( 1, .H ) .

( c ) Repeat part a iv hen the ends of the chord are the centers of smaller circles of radius R.

19.17 Solve Eqs. 19. 191 to 19.193 using the approxima-

tions oE Eqs. 19.194 to 19.196.

19. 18 In the Hesketh m odel of irradiation creep by stres+enhanced vacanc y-loop collapse, depleted zones with less than tn 200 vacancies remain in the solid as vacancy platelets. For m < c the volume per platelet of size m is

+n Using the inverse-square distribution function for

vacanc y platelet ( or depleted zone ) sizes prod uced by a

neutron collision, compute the swelling due to u ncollapsed

platelets in the absence of applied stress a t a fast fluence of 1 0 2 ° neutrons/cm 2 . Assu me Z, - 0. 2 cm ' , H - 1 2 A 3 , and r - 500 Frenkel pairs per fast-neu tron collision.

19.19 ’the Lagrangia n formulation of the void contin uit y equatio n is to be applied to a case of simultaneous growth and nucleation of voids in an irradiated metal. It is assumed that the vacancy and interstitial constants and the void nucleation rate are time-independent.

( a ) What is the void distribution function N ( R,tJ for this model?

( b ) What is the swelling as a function of time for

spec ified values of C„ C„ and Iq u 1 ?