Chapter 18

Radiation Effects in Metals:

Hardening, Embrittlem ent, and Fracture



The nr u tron ect›n omy of a fast reac for is not so sign i fican tl y affected by neutron capture in the structural materials in th e core as is th at of a th ermal reactor. First, most neutron-capture cross sections increase with de- creasin g n eu tron n ergy’, an d the ne u tro n population of the liquid - metal fast breeder reactor ( U4 FEH ) co n tains a far lower perce n tage of thermal nt utrons th an does that uf a ligh t- wate r reactor ( LW It ) . Secs nd. th e ratici of the mass of structural me tal tO th £' mass of fissile materials is much smaller in a fast reactor than in a thermal reactor. Co nst q uv n tl y, mt'tals th at in :i thermal reactor would se very 1 y imp ai r neu tr old vc'on‹›mj‘ are acceptable in a last re actor, and th ‹' sent'cti o n of core str ttctu ral ma t.e ri all ror tlu Ight FBIi can bt basc•d primarily on cost anri me chan ical arid chemical prope rties. The d own grading of ne utro n- absorption characteristics from the ' It's tio n c rite ria for core strti ctural metals me ans th at the' r'ostl j zirvonium all oys used in the rmal reactors need not be emp loyed in fast reactors. Hoz'ever, parasitic nem tron ‹i bsorptioii by non f uel compont n Is is important enough ter c atise I âI FH 11 core de.signers to be q trite sparing in using cert‹iin structu ral me tals. The irradiation properties of high-ni ckel all oys, for example, are ge nerall y su perior to those of oiwen tional stainless steel, bti t nil'kel has a seriously large vr‹iss section for absorption of fas I It nitrous.

The most important metallic c omponent of a reactor core is th e fuel cladding; tti is iriember provides structural integrity tr› the t'uel element, presents fission products frum escaping t‹i the pri mark’ cixil a n I system, and separates the soriiu m coolant fro m the ceramic onto n«i i 'ith w hich it reacts ) . ’F he cladding must be thin-w-alled tu bind I hat can remain in tact in a fast reactor environment ft›r periods tit up to 3 years at temperatu res IO 800 C, diametral .strains ‹›f 3’ , ‹ind l3 uences up to 3 x 10 2 nvu tro ns ‹'iii ' svr . Th e clarlri ing allu y selected for the LII FB It is the austenitic stainless steel describetl as ty pe 31fi. Th is material has an fcc cr› st at structure. l .Austenite is th e fcc irio d ificat io n of‘

iron. I I is the stable form of pure iron bet z'een 910 and 1400 C. The add it ion of nickel stabilizes this strut ture above room temperature. ) lt has goud high temperature creep strength and resists corrosion by liq uid -sodiu m and hypustoichiometric mixed-oxide fuels. $Ioreover, it is cheaper than mo re exotic metals, a vailable in su rricient quantities for the fast react‹› r program, and is easy’ to fabricate. ’I'lie c‹inip‹›sitions ‹if two austenitic stainless steels are given in Table 18.1.

The austenitic stainless steels, h‹i w’ei'er, are h ighly susceptible t‹i smell ing ‹i wing to vo id formalin n and t‹› high ie inperat ure embri tile men t by the hel iu m prud need ill neutro n reac tio ns w ith co nstitu c n I.s of the alloj‘. Com- mere ial nickel allo ys I e.g.. 1 n‹ onel anri I nc‹il oy ) are bac kti p materials for o re struc'tural comp‹i nents in the liq uiri - metal fast brvt der rt'actor. I’m r'sv allo ys appear to be lvs.s prone to v o i ri s u' c' 1.1 i n g , b u I t li e i r n e u t ro n - a b so r p t i o n cross secti‹in is higher than that of steel. Vanad iu m-based

‹ind refrac tory'-metal alloys are lo ng-ran ge ‹'and iciates for LSIFBR fu‹ 1-vlemv n t cladd in g. ’l'hvse two classes of metals but h possess bcc lattice st ructures ated ‹me more resistant to Incl iu m emb rit tlemc'nt than are th e austc n itic' stainless steels or nickel alloys. I n ariditi‹in , th e refra‹-tory met als I e.¿. , mol \ ’bde n u m ) d‹› n ot f‹irm \ o ids under large i-nc'utro n l1 uences at th e vlad d ing s‹'rvice temporal tl rt s of the LII FB li. llCis’ever, f›oth vanadiu m alloys and the re fractCiry metals are mu‹'li mo re c'ostlj th an smirk steel, and th eir use as cladd ing vould significantly increas‹• the capital cost of a fast reactor.

Although the generally t'avorable high-temperature properties of the austenitic stainless steel are utilize‹l in the fast react or core co mpoun ds l e.g., in c 1 ad ding and asse mb ly w'rappers ) , the lo wer flu x, lo wer ie mpc•ratu re ens'i ro n ment outsi d e the core per rn its less ex pensii e steels to be used for tlir reac'tur pressu re vesse 1. I n froth UIF B It and L \ VR syste as, t›rdinar \ fe rri tic or ‹ill os steel i.s used for th is coiripone n t. ( Fe rri te is a b‹‘c mo d i fic'ati‹›n ci f i r‹›n . ) ’I'y pi cal alloy -steel c omposi tions are sh u \ vn in ’I'able lH. 2. ’I’ll is material does nOt possess, n Or does it need to possess, the high -temperature sire ngt li and t o rrosicin resistanc'e of stain-


4 9

Table 18.1 Composition o f A ustenitic Sta in less Steels

T y pe 30 4, T y pe 316.

E le me nt

def‹irmati‹in o‹-ctirs at high strc*sses and rather q uie k ly . Uo wevt'r, the strct'yth ‹› I fuel-ele ment clacld ink in must accuratel y rcprescntccl h \ the resistance uf the metal tu sl‹›w defurmati‹›n by creep, since the internal luacliny un

the cladcliny ne›’er reaches the yield stress. 1‘he creep

Fe 70




0. 06



i . 6



0. 02





0. ?




0. 000?






Ni 9

6 S

1 7

1 .3

M j‹› strength of a metal is usuall}’ determined by thL tinJo c‹›i sti£utnts requirccl fur failure undtr a fixed applied stress ( i.t*.. a Stress

In tci-*t i I i‹ \ I

i mpu ritic*

ru pt u re test ) .

E mbrittlement of a metal is measured by the amou nt u f plasti c or creep deformation that occurs before fracture. Fast- neu Iron irrad iati‹i n in vari abl y renders a metal less ductile than the unirradiated material. Fractu re ‹!an be of the brittle ty pe in whic h a small crack swiftly pr‹ipagates across an entire piece, or it can occur onl y a fte r lo log ti mcs at stress and after appreciable deformation. Failu re by stress ru ptu re tak es place by I ink u p o f small interbranular cracks or cavities that have d eveloped th rougliou t the interi‹›r of the metal.

Table 18. 2 Co mposition o f P remsure-Vessel Steels


he ment


M n P

S i s



A 302- B,

wt. ”/•


( J 2

0. 01

0. 02

0. 2

0. F›

A 21 2- B,


0. .1

0.0 1

0. 3

0. 0 J




I ntei'st i t ial

S u be I i r u tir› na 1


The radiation -produced en lilies responsible fo r c hanges in the mechanical pr‹›pcrties of neutron-b‹imbarded metals can be identi fied , cOu nted, and sized with the aid of the electro n rnicrosvopt'. When an electron beam o r several- hu ndred k iloelectron vol ts energy passes th r‹›ugh a thin metal specimen, s‹i mc of the electrons are transmitted th mug li the fo il, and others a rv d i ff ractcd in rnu ch the' same way that X rays are ‹li ffrai ted by parallel atomic plaiic's near the su rracv of a c rystal. 2’he foil is su rii‹ icntl y th in

( 1000 to 5000 . \ ) and the incident electro n bean en f-

less steel, but it is much cheaper. 1 n co m mon wi th most bcc metals, ferritic steel ex hib its one potentially serious rad ia- tion effect. Belo iv a certain temperature k nown as the ductile—brittle transition temperature ( DBT"F ) , or nil- du ctility tempcratu re ( N DT ) , the metal is susce pti ble to brittle fracture. As long as the lo west operating temperature is greater than the nil-ductility temperature, the metal is ductile. Ho wever, the nil-ductility temperatu re increases d ramatically with neu tro n exposure, and, toward the end of a 30-year lifetime, a pressure vessel can be subject to brittle failure. Such catastrophic fa ilures have occasionally oc- curred in bridges, large storage tanks, and ships. Usually the entire structure breaks apart when brittle fracture occurs.

Four broad categories of mechanical behavio r are pertinent to reacto r performance:

1. Radiation hardening.

2. Embrittlement and fractu re.

3. Swelling.

4. Irradiation creep.

This chapter deals with the first two of these features. Swelling and irrad ia tio n c reep are considered in the following chapter.

Radiation hardening usually means the increase in the yield stress and the ultimate tensile stress as a function of fast- neutron fl uence and temperature. The y ield stren gth and ultimate strength are measured in tests in wh ich

that only a part of a si n Lily tirain is probed. \ V ills in th is single -crystal region of the material, some atomic planes are properl y oriented to di ff ract the incident electro n beam. ’Phe angle of the diffracted beam relative to the incident electron beam is determined by the Bragg co nd it ion based on the de Broglie wavelength of the incident electrons and the spacing of the atomic planes of the solid. The intensity of the transmitted beam is red uced to the extent that the intervening solid satisfies the Bragg conditio n and produces

strong diffraction. Figure 18.1 is a sketch of the setup for brigh I-field transmission-electrun microscopy. The trans- mitted electrons are brought into focus at an aperture by means of an electrostatic lens. ’I'he position of the aperture is adjusted so that only transmitted elec trons are permitted to pass; the diffracted beams are stopped. Any defect that

locally destroys the perfection of the crystal lattice also alters the di rrractio n conditions at th is point. \ Y hen the orientatio n and/or spacing of the atomic planes arou nd the defect more closely satisfy the Bragg co nditio n than do the planes in the perfect crystal, the d i ff faction phenomena n is stro nger for the planes aruund the defect than for those in the perfect crystal. With reference to Fig. 18.1, if 1 I t , then the transmitted beam rrom the vicinity of the defect is weaker than that from the perfect crystal. The defect appears on the photographic plate behind the aperture as a dark image on a brigh I background. The co ntrast of the image is pro portio nal to Iq IQ . Such photographs re prc-






sent the projected image of the three-dimensiona l crystal de feet. Atomic planes that are out of register ( as those near a grain boundary or a stacking fatilt ) or zones of the crystal that are distorted by a strain field ( as around dislocations ) produce interference patterns and can therefore be imaged. Gas- filled bu bbles at equilibriu m ( i.e., gas pressure balanced by surface tension ) do not strain the surround ing solid, whic h therefore behaves as undistorted c rystal. Even when the cavity conta ins no gas ( a void ) , the strain field iii the vicinity of the defect is negligible. Bubbles and voids are detectable by virtue of the smaller absorptio n of the electro n beam passing th rough the cavity compared with the electrons that pass thro ugh a sectio n of the foil

consisting entirely of solid.

Figure 18. 2 sho we the microstructure of a typical



unirradiated austenitic stainless steel used for fast reactor fuel-element cladding. t°igure 18. 2 ( a ) shows an ordinary photomicrograph of a polished specimen. The grains arc clcarl y visible and average 25 pm in size. The trans mission- electron micrograph of Fig. 18. 2 ( b ) contains only seg ments of the dislocation network of the as-fabricated metal.



18.2.1 Black-Dot Structure

Fig. 18.1 Illustration of image formation in bright-field electron microsco py. The values I2 and Ip denote the intensities of the transmitted and dif fracted beams for incident electrons passing t h rough a region of perfect crystal. T he primed quantiti‹'s d‹'note the arialogo us intensi- ties from the region of the defect.

Figure 15. 3 sh ows the microstructure of a specimen irradiated at 100 C by a fast-neuCron fluence of ‘10* ' neutrons/cm 2 . ’f'he defects produced at these conditions appear zs black dots in the electron micrograph. The defects arc too small to permit their structu re to be revealed by the electron microscope, but they are he lie ved

( a ) ( b )

Fig. 18.2 Microstructure of unirradiated type 304 stainless steel ( a ) Photomicrograph showing grain struc- ture. ( b ) Electron micrograph showing dislocatio n structure. ( From E. E. B loom, A n I nvestigatio n of Fast Neutron Radiation Damage in A n A ustenitic Stainless Steel, USA EC Report ORN L-45 SO, Oak Ridge Na- tio nal Laboratory, 1970. )



Fig. 18.3 Type 304 stainless steel irradiated at 93° C. [ From E. E. Bloom, W. R. Martin, J. 0. Stiegler, and J. R. Weir, J. N ucl. Mater., 22: 68 ( 1967 ) . }

to represent the depleted zones or vacancy clusters pre- dicted by radiation-damage theory ( Figs. 17. 2?› a nd 17 30 ) . As long as the irradiation temperature is belo w 350°C,

increasing Fluence simply increases the density of the black-dot damage.

When irradiation is carried out at temperatures greater than 350°C, the nature of the microstructure is entirely different from the black-dot pattern characteri.stic of low-temperature irradiation. In stainless steel irradiatt•d above 350‘C, the point defects created by the collision cascades are sufficiently mo bile to move about in the solid and agglomerate into larger defect clusters. The damage structure consists of dislocation loops and voids.

18.2.2 Loops

The defect agglomeratio n commonly called a loop is formed by condensation of radiation-produced vacancies or interstitials into roughly circular disks followed by collapse of the atomic planes adjacent to the platelet. Vacancy-loop formation is show n in Figs. 18.4 ( a ) and 18.4 ( b ) , and the corresponding process for interstitials is dep icted in Figs. 18.4 ( c ) and 18.4 ( d ) . The end result of the condensation collapse process is a region delineated by a circular edge

dislocation. In the fcc structure, loops invariably form on

The direction is indicated by the Stiller ind ices in the brackets. The sign depends on whether the loop was formed from vacancies or interstitials. The length of the b urgers vector is given by the square root of the sum of the squares of the Miller indices times the coefficient ap /3, or ( ap /3 ) 3'* - ap / 3 .

Edge dislocations can slip only in the direction of their Burgers vector. The cylinder normal to the loop on which the dislocation can move is not a 1110 ) glide direction for fee slip [ Fig. 8. 2 ( a ) l Therefore, the Frank dislocation loop cannot move in the direction of its Burgers vector and hence is immobile, or sessile. ’Fhe loop can change diameter by absorbing or emitting point defects ( i.e., by climb ) . Net

addition of the same type of point defect causes the loop to grow, whereas absorptio n of the opposite ty pe of point defect causes shrinkage. The stacking fault can be elimi- nated by moving the crystal above the loop relative to the solid belo w it. This shearing action is accomplished by passage of another ty pe of dislocation, called a Shock ley dislocation, across the faulted area. The Shock ley disloca- tion and the Frank dislocation react to form a dislocatio n loop at the same position as the original Frank loop but with the interior of the loop now in perfect stacking registry with the neighboring ( 111 ) planes. The loop unfaulting process occurs spontaneously in stainless steel at about 600°C. The Burgers vector of the un faulted loop is


b= " 2 [ 110] ( 18. 2 )

This Burgers vector is properly oriented for glide in the fee lattice [ Fig. 8. 2 ( a ) ] , and the loop is therefore mo bile. As it moves by slip, it sweeps out a cylindrical surface tilted at an



( 111} planes. When a ( 111 ) plane is added to or removed from the lattice by agglomeratio n of a disk of interstitials or vacancies, the stack ing sequence of the perfect close- packed structure ( Sec. 3.6 ) is disturbed. The circular edge dislocation thus encloses a s Mac h ing fault.

The dislocation loops shown in Figs. 1 S.4 ( b ) and

18.4 ( d ) are called Fran h sessi/e dislocations or simpl v Frank loops. The term sessile means immobile. Because the dislocation encloses a stacking fault, Frank loops are also

I a I




I b }


called [anlt ed loops. The Burgers vector of a Frank dislocation is perpendicular to the plane of the loop. and its

magnitude is equal to the separation of the 1111 l planes. ’This Burgers vector is denoted sy mbolicall y by

( d I


b - * [ 111 j ( 18.1 )

Fig. 18.4 formation of vacanc y loops and interstitial loops.


angle to the ( 111 ) plane. Because of the shape of slip pattern, the unfaulted loop is often called a prismatic loop. It is distinguished from the shear loop shown in Fig. 8.6 by the direction of the Burgers vector with respect to the plane of the loo p. The Burgers vector of a shear loop lies in the plane of the loop, whereas the Burgers vector of a prismatic loop lies outside the plane of the loop. The dislocation of the unfaulted loop given by Eq. 18. 2 is perfect in the sense that movement along the slip plane leaves the atoms in positions equivalent to those previously occupied. The dislocation characterizing the Frank sessile loop ( Eq. 18.1 ) does not satisfy this criterion, and the Frank loop is said to be imperfect.

Faulted and unfaulted dislocation loops are shown in Figs. 18.5 ( a ) and 18.5 ( b ) , respectively. Because of the stacking fault they enclose, the faulted loops in Fig. 18.5 ( a ) appear in the electron microscope as opaque circles. Removal of the faulted region renders the interior of the loop identical to the rest of the solid, and only the outline of the loop remains [ Fig. 18.5 ( b ) ] . Since the unfaulted dislocation loops are mobile, they easily lose their dis- tinctive circular shape by gliding under an applied stress and

0. I pm

( b )

Fig. 18.5 Dislocation loops in type 304 stainless steel. ( a ) Faulted. ( b ) Unfaulted. ( From E.E. Bloom and J. 0. Stiegler, in ASTâI Special Technical Publication 454,

p. 451, American Society for 'Testing and Materials, Phila- delphia, 1970. )

becoming tangled with the natural or deformation- produced dislocation network of the solid. Loops disappear from the irradiated solid at about 600 to 6 50°C.

18.2.3 Voids

Under some conditions the embryo collection of vacancies of Fig. 18.4 ( a ) can begin to grow in a th ree- dimensional manner rather than collapse into a dislocation loop. This route leads to the formation of voids in metals and consequent swelling of the structure ( Chap. 19 ) . Voids produced in stainless steel by high-fluence fast-neutro n bombard ment at 525°C are shown in Fig. 18.6. The voids are not spherical. Rather, they assume the shape of a regular octahedron with { 111 } planes as surfaces. The ends of the octahedron, however, are truncated by {100} planes. Voids are annealed out of the microstructure at about 7 50°C.

18.2.4 Carbide Precipitates

In pure metals, only vo ids and dislocation loops are produced by intermediate-temperature irradiation. In a material as complex as stainless steel, however, neutron irradiation also causes different solid phases to precipitate. Carbon is added to steel in the molten state, where the solubility of carbon is high. Carbon solu bility, whether in the solid or in the liquid forms of steel, decreases rapidly as the temperature is reduced. however, when the steel is rapidly quenched from the melt, the kinetics of carbon precipitation are too slow to keep u p with the rapid decrease in the mobility of the atomic species in the solid. Consequently, the 0.06 wt.% carbon in steel ( Table 18.1 ) is maintained in atomic form as a su persaturated solution. When the steel is heated to temperatures at which su per- saturation persists but atomic mobility is appreciable, the carbon can be expelled from solution and form a second phase in the metal. When steel is aged ( i.e., heated for long periods of time at elevated temperatures ) , dissolved carbon reacts with the matrix elements iron and chromium to form a compound M C, ( M - Cr and Fe ) which is insoluble in the austenite or gamma phase. These carbides are formed by the reaction

23M ( y ) + 6C ( y ) - Mt , C„ ( mixed carbide )

where denotes the austenitic phase. The carbide formed is a mixture of Fe, , C, and Cry fi„ . Since chromium is a strong carbide-forme r, the mixed carbide consists primarily of C •2 3 C, . The nickel constituent of stainless steel does not form stable carbides.

Neutron irradiation accelerates the diffusional processes that control the mobilities ‹if the atomic species in the lattice and hence the kinetics ot‘ the prece ding precipitation reaction. Carbide precipitation occurs at m uch lowe r temperatures and shorter times than those required for aging in the absence of irradiation. Radiation accelerates the rates of precipitation reactions when such processes are thermo- dy namicall ravorable. 11’ the irradiation temperature is above that at wli ie h the solut› il its li rni I o f‘ carbon is c•q ual to the carbon conte tit of the' stet'l. irradiatio n an not cause precipitatitin. for ty’pe 31G sta in lms steel containing 0.0fi*i

4 23

with the major constituents, principally nickel. At tempera- tures below t50”C, the he liu m atoms produced by stopping the al pha particles in the material are not mobile enough to migrate and nucleate bubbles. Consequently, heliu m remains in solution and is invisible to the electron microscope. A t high temperatures helium bub bles form in the meta 1 in the same way that fission-gas bub bles form in ceramic ox ide fuel material ( Chap. 13 ) . ’i'he helium bubbles in the metal are nearly spherical, wh ich suggests that the internal gas pressure is very nearly balanced by surface- tension f‘orces. Figure 18.8 shows the heliu m bubbles in stainless steel at 800°C. In this instance, the helium was injected into the specimen by a cyclotro n. 'rhe bubbles on the grain boundaries are larger than those in the matrix. "I'he intergranu lar helium plays an important role in the high temperatu re embrittleme nt of stainless steel. Short of melti rig, heliu m bubbles cannot be removed from the metal by an sealing.


Much of the mechanical testing designed to elucidate the effects of neutron irradiation on structural metals is perf‘ormed after irradiatic› n with conventional metallurgical testing machines. Usuall y the specimens are irradiated in a neutro n flux c›f‘ known energy spectrum for a fixed period of time and then removed for testing. 'rhe effects of large neutron fluences ( i,e., very long irradiations ) can be

Fig. 18.6 ’I'y pe 316 stainless-steel specimen irradiated at 5 25° C to 7.1 x 10° ne utrons/ c m ( P3 > 0.1 Me V ) . Mean void diameter, 640 A; void n umber density, 4.4 X 10' voids/cm°. [ from \ V. K. Appleby et al., in Radiation- Induced Voids in Me tale, A lba ny, N. Y., James W. Corbett and Louis C. lan niello ( I.ds. ) , U SA £?C S ymposiu m Series, CO N F 710601, p. UG, 197 1.

carbon, for example, carbide precipitation is thermo- dynamically un favorable at temperatu res greater than W00°C. At temperatures lower than 400°C, diffusional processes are too slow ( even when enhanced by irradiation ) to cause observable precipitation in reasonable irradiation times. Between 400 and 900°C, however, exposure of austenitic stainless steel to fast-neutron fluences between 10 2 ' and 10 2 2 neutrons mcm° produces carb ide precipita- tion. Figure 18.7 sho ws an electron micrograph of carb ide precipitation in ty pe 316 stainless steel. Carbide particles are found both within the grains of the 7 phase ( austenite ) and on the grain boundaries. "I'he presence of precipitates on the grain boundaries affects the cree p strength of the alloy.

18.2.8 Heliu m Bubbles

At temperatures above S00°C, dislocation loops and voids are not fou nd in irradiated steel. I n addition to grain boundaries, dislocations ( augmented by the un- faulted loops that have joined the original dislocation network ) , and carbide precipitates, the microstructure contains small helium- filled bub bles. Fleli u m is generated by ( n,a ) reactions with the boron impurity in the steel and

Fig. 18.7 Nearly continuous M› , C, precipitation along grain boundary of solutic›n treated type 316 irradiated at 850°C t‹i 5.1 X 10° neutrons/c [ Prom II. R. Brager and J. L. Straalsutid, J. .X"uc 1. Va te r., 46: 134 ( 197 3 ) . ]

4 24

5000 &

irradiated at a fixed temperature provide information on the thermal stability of defects that are responsible for the change in strength brough t about by irradiation. For some properties, however, out-of-pile testing, even at a test temperature equal to the irradiation temperature, does not adequately represent the behavior of the metal in the reactor environ ment. This complication can be eliminated by performing mechanical tests during irradiation; such experiments, however, are difficult and costly. In pile testing is usually restricted to measurement of mechanical properties that depend critically on the neutron flux as well as on the neutron fluence ( e.g., irradiation creep ) .

This section reviews some of the conventional mechanical-property tests that are applied to irradiated structural steels.

18.3.1 Tensile Test

The tensile test provides a means of uniaxially loading a rod or bar-shaped specimen and of measuring the elongation for various applied loads ( Fig. 18.9 ) . When a specimen of initial length lp and cross sectional area Ay is subjected to an applied load in tension P, the length increases to 1, and the cross-sectional area is reduced to A. The engineering s Press in the test is defined as the ratio of the load to the initial cross sectional area, or PHA q. The true te nsile stress, ho wever, is based on the actual specimen area, or

"l'he engineering s tra in is the elongation divided by the initial specimen length, or ( I lg ) /I . The /rue s/roi/t, on the other hand, is the integral of the increments of strain over the specimen length:

- In


( 18.4 )

Fig. 18.8 Transmission electron micrographs of stainless steel injected with 5 x 10*' atom fraction helium, tested at 800°G. Large helium b ubbles are seen in ( a ) the grain boundary and ( b ) in the grain boundary, with smaller bubbles in the matrix. ( From D. Kramer et al., in ASTM Special Technical Publicatio n 484, p. 509, American Soci- ety for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1970. )

determined by the simple expedient of removing core components of a reactor and fabricating test samples from them. Aside from the problems associated with handling and shielding radioactive samples, post-irradiation testing is a routine operation, and a large amount of mechanical- properties data can be accumulated quickly and in- expensively.

The mechanical properties of irradiated structural steels depend on the irradiation temperature. When testing is done after removal from the reactor, the testing tempera- ture is unavoidably introduced as an additional parameter. This additional d egree of flexib ility is often valuable; tensile tests over a range of test temperatures on specimens

The true strain is always somewhat larger than the engineering strain. The true strain defined by Eq. 18.4 is

( a l

Fig. 18.9 The tensile test. ( a ) Test specimen. ( b ) Uniform elongation. ( c ) Necking.


not equivalent to the strain components commonly em- ployed in elasticity the Ory ( i.e., Eq. A.10 of the Append ix ) . 3’he relation between the in finitesimal strain components and d isplacement is determined by Taylo r series ex pan- sio ns, which neglect products of strain compo nents. 'J‘he strain of Eq. 18.4 is applicable to finite deformations encountered in tensile tests far into the plastic region. It is also called the logarith mic strain.

In the elastic stress regiOn, the true stress—strain cu me obeys Hooke's law, ss’hich for the un iax ia1 tensile test is


Ec . Hose ever, tensile tests are generally intended to investigate the behavior of the metal at mut h larger stresses than those fr›r wh ich Ho‹i ke's law is follo z'ed. The large, irreversible plastic strains in must tensile tests ta ke place at essentiall y constant vulume because d eformation occurs primaril y by shear. \ Vit h the specimen volu me constant, area reduction is related to elongation by

dl dA


’th us, the true strain c'an also be expressecl bY

( 18.5 )

( 16.6 l


Fig. 18. 10 Stress—stra in curvr fur fer ritic steel.

The pre‹'ed ing eg uati‹› ns apply' without quali fixation to the p‹› rtion ‹›f the deforms tion in wh ich the cross-sectional area of’ the specimen is reduced by the same amet unt er t he en ti re lengt h of the spe‹ imen. This mode ‹if def orma- tion is called uii //’r›i iii r In n ya I mo n | i'“ig. 1 8.S ( b ) ] . At a certa in l‹›ad the cruss sectional area of a localized section of the specimen he¿ins t‹› decrease more rapid I \ ' than the

remainder of I he bar | Fig. 18.9 ( ) I This plienomen‹in is called ii e c- k iiig, and the stress or stra in at wit ich it begins is the p‹›int ‹if jo las 1 ie iii s lab ili 1 s .

’I'he ntresswtrain r-urie.s for a ti pii'al { u nirrad iatecl ) l‹iss all ‹›y steel are show n in £ ig. 18. 1 0. 3’he general shapes of these ‹'urs'es arv t haracteristi‹ of most metals that crystallize in the bcc lat tice structure. The solid line depicts the end in eering stress—strain curve, which is a plot of P A„ vs. I I 1 t, ) 1 i, . J“he ma terial deforms elast i‹-allv according to Htiok e's la u’ u p to the point U, where the specimen appears tO gis'e w'a ' or tt› iefrJ. ’the lt›ad then drops cvi t h itat'reasing el‹›ngati‹›n to the poin t L. The po ints I' and L are called the upper and I o over yield p‹›ints, rcspe‹ tively. The re'pur t ed

\ ’ield sire myth ‹if a material is usually’ the stress at the lower y’it'ld p‹›int. F“or a sh ort strain intvri at f‹›1lu wing p‹iint L, pt astic deformatir›n prr›ceeds w'i th no increase in loacl. Th is in teri'a1 is t'alled the L uders strain. The stress level characterizing the Luders strain regi‹›n is essentially the same as the l‹iw'er \ 'ield ptiint, altho ugh it is sometimes

£ ‹› 11 r›u'ing the L u'ders strain is a regiun ivh ere the stress red uired tt› produt e furtive r stra in increases. ’I'his portion of the—strain curve is t'alled the ,str clit-/iorr/cftiiig or user/: /io›rJcn/iiJ region be‹'ause the material becomes

str‹›nger as a result Of the deformation process. Plastic instabilit y terminates the work - hardening portio n of the stress—strain curve at the poin t labeled U’fS, which stands for ulli'rnale fcrLsi/c ,sfres.s. This point represents the maximu m l‹›ad-bearin ¿ eapacit y o f the specimen. At all times rl u ring defurma I iun, the I‹›ad is equal to the prud uct r› I the ac I ual cr‹»s-sect i‹›nal area and the true stress. ur P ‹/ \ . At the L1*S, dP -- 0, ur

cl d A

‹i A

A‹'c‹›rding to Eq. IS.G, —d A A - dc‘, so the onset of necking, whic h occurs at the UTS, is located on the true stress—strain curve at the puint at ivli ich

( 18.T )

Up to plastic instab ility, the true stress—stra in curve ( the dashed curve in Fig. 18.10 ) can be constructed using Eqs. 18. 3 and 18.4. During neck ing, Eq. 18.4 does not appl y if the gau ge length 1 is interpreted as the total specimen length. Ho we ther, nowh ere has it been specified that I mu st be the entire specimen lenyth ; it could \ ’ery well have been cht›sen as a very short segment right in the necking region. Over this small segment, elongation is uniform. It is ex perimentally diffit'ult to measure length changes in a very tinv gauge length. However, Eq. 18.5 applies to the necked regio n prr›vid ed that the area A is the cross-sectional area at the most severely necked part of the specimen. Therefore, applicatio n ‹if Eqs. 18.3 and 18.6


with the nerked area taken for A permits the true stress—strain curve to be extended from the UTS to fracture ( point F“ ) . The true strain and stress at fractu re are always larger than those based on the engineering stress— strain curve. At small strains, however , the difference between the two stress—strain curves is negli gible. The yield stress, for example, can be represented by either curve with no appreciable error,

Pigure 18.11 sho avs the tensile behavior of a typical austenitic steel. The primary ct if ference between the stress— strain cu irises in F its. IS. 10 and 18.11 is the absence of a

\ •’elI-defined ¿’ield puint in Fiy. 18.11. For must metals with an f‹'c struc ture, the stress—strain curv-e continuously

Figs. 18.10 and 18.11. The yield stress is reduced at low strain rates because the slow mo ti•on of dislocations at low stress levels becomes sufficient to become manifest as plastic deformation. In unirradiated steels, ductility is not significantly affected by strain rate.

Strain rates of 0.01 min*' are characteristic of co nven- tional tensile tests. This figure is also approximately equal to the strain rates induced in cladding by ty pical reactor power transients ( shutdown, startu p, and power cycling ) .

\ Vhen the strain rate in the test is reduced to 10* min*’ and the temperature is high, the test is called a creep- ru pture test. This strain ra ie is ty pical of that imposed on clad ding by fuel sw'ell ing in the reactor.

18.3.2 Tube-Burst Tests—Biaxial Stress State

The tensile test described above is an experimentally conv'enien t u'ay of measuring the mechanical properties of a metal. In acid ition, theoretical interpretation of the stress— strain cuin'es is simpli fied by the fact t hat there is o nl y one n‹inxero component of the stress tensor, namely, the normal stress in the direction Of the applied load. However, the stress state Of fuel-eleme nt cladding loaded internally by fission-gas pressu re and fuel swelling more closely resembles that in a long thin -walled cy lindrical tube closed at both ends and pressurized by a gas. Since cladding fails by creep ru pture after long periods of being subjected to stresses w elf belci u' the yield stress, considerable creep- ru pture testing of unirradiated and irradiated steel tub ing has been performed by pressuriz ing closed tubing with an inert gas. These tests are called tube burst tests.

According to elastic it y theory, the normal stresses in ctused tu bes loaded by an internal gas pressure p are given b}’ ( see problem 1 d.6 )


Fig. 18.11 Stress—strain curve for austenitic steel.


‹i, 0

( 18.8a )

( 18.9b )


deviates from Hoo ke's law as the stress is increased , and it is impossible t‹i assign a definite stress at wh ich plastic deformation begins. That is, the me tal does not yield in an unequivocal manner. Hence, yielding tor the onset of plastic no iv ) in su ch metals is arbitrarily eo nsidered to uccur when the permanent strain in the tensile test is 0.?-’ . This stress, denoted by o j' in Fig. 18.11, is called the 0.?'."• r›//ief 5'ield s I i‘eiigth of the me tal.

Duc I ilil v is measured either by the amount of strain between the true fracture stress and the yield stress ( c;. eg ) or mo re commonly by the total uni form elo nga- tion u p to necking. Einhrit I lr me ii I means a reduction in either of these two measures of ductil ity. A brittle material fails when yield occurs or, in the case of a material having no sharp yield point, when t‘ailu re occurs before 0. 2 offset strain.

The rate at which deformation is imposed in the tensile test, or the strain rate, affects the stress—strain curves of

where D is the tu be diameter and t is the wall th ie kness ( t D ) . The in finitesimal radial and tangential strains appropriate to conventional elasticity theory are ( t t„ ) /t‹, and ( D D„ ) Di, , rvspe‹ tirel v . 'the logarith rrli‹ strains should be used u hen appreciable cteformation occurs. The true ( logarithmic ) strains are

( 1 H.9h )

( 15.Sc )

w here D„ and t ‹, are the initial tube diameter and u'all thick ness, respectivel y. By raryiny the gas pressure, p, plastic deformation ‹if the tu be can be induced. Because the tube wall is subject to twc› stress components or -


parable magnitude, the stress state is 1› ia.x ial. To interpret tht' re.sult.s of' tu be-bu rst tests, une nee‹ls ter k now the correspr›ndence betss'eon the states of plastic stress and plastic str‹iin r‹› the unia xial and biax ial situat ions. For ex ample, i f yield ‹›‹'cur.s in the ten.sile test at a true .stress ct’

In the’ «niaxial tensile tert, , o , , _ o

‹› , -- i›, 0. Lquaticn 18.1 ñ reduces tc

, 0, ‹incl

ii , at iv hat gas prc'ssur+' should the tube yield?

Store gt nrrall y, the t riterion for yielding in niultiaxial states is needed. I n the tensile anti tu be-burst tests, no shear stresses are ins'olved. In these ceases the coordinates ( x, y,z ) and ( r, ( 1,z. ) are callrd the principal axes, and the n‹irmal strvsst s ac ting on planes perpendic'ular to these a xes arr the principal stresses. 1 n situati‹ins where the shear strains are not zer‹›, it is always possible to rr›tate thr c‹› nventi‹›nal cuordinatr system ( t*drtesian, t y lindrical, an If spherical ) into another srt of coordinates, called 1, 2, and il. for which the shear stresses vanish. 'I'he normal stresses ac'ti rig .ilung t hese axes, i/ , u . 'and ri i , are th e print'ipal stresses ‹›f thr system. \ ltli‹itigh n‹i c'uordinate rr›tati‹in is neermary in th e tensile and tube-burst tests, the multiax ial yit ld riteri‹in will be tlevelu ped in terms o 1' the prin‹'ipal stresses, ‹i , , ri , and ri , , and thrn spe‹'ializcd to the twu cases of interest.

In th e abse'nce ‹›f a shear stress, the elastic strain enc'rg y derisit y of a def‹irmed s‹iIid is gii'en by F.q. A.2fi ‹if the Appendix as


A genc'ral yielding c riterion c-‹›uld be based ‹›n tier lit’pr›thesis that y ielding riccurs when the strain energy, E,., , rcac-ht's a critical value. H‹iivever, this criterion is next enuugh, because it is well k nown that large amounts of strain energy can be stored by the action of purely hydrostatic stresses without causing the material to deform permanentl y. Von SI iscs pr‹iposcd that the appropriate strain energy is the di fference between the t‹›t‹il envryy density ‹›f Eq. 18.10 and the energy density that the solid would acquire had it been subject to the mean of the th ree principal stresses. The mean nurmal stress is

( \ H.1t )

and the elastic-energy density arising from the hydrostatic stress is obtained by substituting nt, for ‹5 , u› , and ‹i , in Eq. 18.10,

( E,.t ) ' 2 \ E J ’h

1— 2

( u + U z + ‹›; ) ' ( 1H. 1 2 )


According to von Mises, yielding occurs ivli en the distortion energy, E,.t ( Ei,; ) t, , exceed.s a critical value. This energy density is obtained from Eqs. 18.10 and 18.12 as

When the ritht-hand sides c›f Eqs. t8.I 3 and 18. t4 are equated, the stress o, is interpreted as the true stress in a uniaxial tensile test, wlii‹'fi is equivalent to the rnultia xial streets state characterized by thi• principal stresses, ‹i , , o . and u i . The rquivalr it I .slrr,s,s is tlit•n

'J“o fun phasize the cont ept of equivalent stress, we repliice the uniax ial stress i/, with the notation ‹› '!. 'l'li is quantity is alsu t'allcd the strrss des'iator bei-‹tvise it pertains only to that portion ‹›f the strr s syste m whic'li lrads to ilistortion in spec'iiren shape but does not include the stresses that e‹›ntribute In vulu me dilatation.

P‹›r the tu he-burst test, ‹i , u# , cr; = ri, = u, ! 2, and

o ii, 0. Substitu ting these' strt ses in tu the rifle t-h‹inrl


Eg tiatii›ns 18.1 S› ated 18.IG apply from flux yield point to fr‹it ture'. ’[’‹i determine tlit intern ‹it gas pressure th ‹it sli‹iuld i•aum yie•l‹ling ‹›f a ‹'l‹ised tube, we set ‹r" rqti‹il ter ‹i , the measured y ivld stress in a tensile test: ru, is ttis’i'ii by Sq. I g. 8a. Equati‹›n I H, 1G tl \ ‹'n ii \ r's I.I \ L' prt s.sur‹’ tn ‹'a ure yielding ‹›f th+ tuhe

p ( y ielding ) -

’I'hc strain deviator aiial‹›g‹›us to thr de•viatur ‹›f Eq. 18.15 is defined as

¿* = 2'


The strain deviator, c*, is also called thr equivalent strain. The coefficient ( 2/3 ) '• arises because we want c" t‹› rrduce to c - c in a tensile test. Although the stress is unia x ial i n the tensile test, the plastic strains are not. The transverse strains are equal to each other, but, because the material is inc‹impre+sible in plastic flow, we have

( 1 H.16 )

or, with C 2 '

and Eq. 18.17 shows that c* - c t - c, , as desired.

For a pressurized tube, e, = —c,› ( since c, = 0 ) , and the equivalent strain is give n by

+ ( u, up j' + ( up a, ) 2 | ( 18.13 )

2 ( 2 ) *

6E° )

( 18.19 )


u'here C is gii'en by Eq. 18.9 b. The radial strain is difficult of the two testing methods are indeed collapsed into single tti measure during plastic' def‹irmation or a tube, but ct , curves w hen plotted according to Eq . lS. 21.

which is called the di!a rue tra I s t i a in, is more accessi ble.

Alth ough pressu rized-tu be-deformation measure me It 1s can be used to generate stress—strain cun'es, tensile tests are much more suitable for this purpose. The principal use of

18.3.3 I rnpact Testing and Transition


the tube pressuri zation experiments is to measure the ti me fJ ne of the major dif ferences between the mechanical required to burst the tube under a fixed gas pressure. Since behavior of austenitic and ferritic steels is that ferritic steels these ru pture times are generally rather long ( ranging rrom tend to become brittle at lo w temperatures, whereas 1 to 10,000 h r ) , the phenomenon is called ‹'r‹ cp i iiy/ ii i'c. austenitic steels remain ductile to as low temperatures as it The diametral strain can also be measured at rupture. 3’his is possible to reach in tensile tests. The degree of ductility quantity is a q ualitatii'e indicatio n of the ductility of the or brittleness is related to the strain at fractu re {the point 1'“ specimen. Similarly, the time derivative of the dia me tra 1 in Fig. 18. 10 ) . \ s the temperature at wli it la a telasile test is strain is a measure of the creep rate. I f steady -state creep conducted is reduced, the fracture stress bec‹›mes smaller t Fig. 8. 22 ) prevails for most of the test, the i uptu i e li rrle, and eventuall y coincides with the onset of“ yielding. I tt , is given by Another measure of the abilit y of a metal to deform

. pl asticall y before frartu re is the energy per unit volu me ( 18.20 ) required for fracture. This q uantit y, ivh ich is called

C loud/iocxs, is the area under the stress—strain curve up to

TR UE I N I T I AL TANGE NT I AL STRESS t i I, k N ' m2 x j -

where c y is the diametral strain at failure and é is the r reep point F’ in did. 18.1 0. Determining the energy of fracture rate, whirh is assumed to be constant for 0 t I t . by measuring and then integrating a complete stress—strain 1“igure 18.12 sl4oz's t ypic al stress ruptu re curves for cu rve is tedious, and quit'ker methods, k nown as impact type US stainless steel at vari‹›tis temperatures. ’l'he stress tests, have been dex-ised. These tests are not intended to

R UPTU R E TIME ( t p I, h r

Fig. 18.12 ltupture life of unirradiated type 31 ti stainless steel. , uniax ial. - - -, biax ial. ( After A. d. Lovell and R. \ V. Barker, in AST \ 4 Special Technica I Publication 4 84, p. 4 SS, A meri can Societ y f‹ir ’I'esting and Materials, Philadelphia, 197 0. )

dependence of the rupture time can be obtained by provide an accurate measure of the true energy of fracture; substituting Eq. 8.46 ft›r c into Eq. 15.20. lf the diametral rather they can quickly and reproducibly indicate the effect rupture strain is c'onsidered constant for tests at different of such variables as temperature and radiation on the stresses and temperatures, we obtain change in the brittle characteristics of ferritic steels. Impact

E ( 18.21 )


tests are generall y referred to as comparative tests as opposed to tensile and tube burst tests, which are designed to measure one or more well-defined mechanical properties

In this equal ion, E is the activation energy for stead y-state of the metal.

creep. The most com mo nly used impact test for mild steels is

For dislocation climb creep ( Sec. 16. 7 ) , the exponent m the Charpy V-notch test illustrated in Fig. 18.13 ( a ) . A is 4, so the slope of the creep-ru pture line on a log—lOg notched specimen of standard size and shape ( 1 by 1 by 6 plot sh ould be 0. 2-0.3. Figure 18.12 co nfirms this ex pecta- c m 3 ) is end-mon nted in a holder ( sho wn as the solid tion. Equation 18. 21 also suggests that the temperature triangles in the drawing ) . A hammer attached to the end of dependence of the stress—ru pture plot can be remoi ed by a pendulum is raised to an initial height h , above the plotting the stress as a funct ion of the product tit ex p ( —E/ specimen which corresponds to an energy of .325 J at the kT ) rather than simply tq . The compound variable is called moment of contact with the specimen. The difference the Dorn theta parameter. The curves in Fig. 18.12 for each between the initial and final heights of the hammer








temperature is called the ri// due ti/Joy Ie mp ct a In i e ( N DT ) . At temperatures above the NDT, the specimen bends under impact but does not break. The N DT is approximately equal to the DBTT obta in ed from the Charpy test. Because the small size of the Charpy test specimens ma ke them easier to load into capsules for irrad iation, most irradiation embrittlement studies are made with the Charpy test. Howei'er, the N DT correlates well with the DBTT, and the two terms are used interchangeably.




I a )











h I

Fig. 18.13 The Char py V-notch test. ( a ) Test setu p. ( b ) Variation of absorbed energ y wit h temperature.

( h , h e T gives the energy absorbed fry the specimen in the fracture process. When Charpy tests are performed on specimens at different temperatures. the absorbed energy

( called the impact energy ) ›’aries as shown in Fig. 18. 18 ( b ) . The impact energ y increases from 15 J at low tempera- tures to a high-temperature plateau k nown as the shelf energy, which is ty pically 100 to 150 J. The transition occurs over a father narrow temperature range, and the temperature at which the impact energy is 40. 7 J is arbitraril y used to se parate the ductile and brittle regimes. This temperature is called the ‹In r'f i/e —bi it f/e li ansilion lempera I ii i e t DBT'i’ ) . For unirradiated mild steels, the DBTT is between —50 and 20”C.

The drop weigh t test illustrated in Fig. 18.14 is perhaps the simplest of the impact class of tests designed to assess the susceptibility of a metal to brittle fracture. In this test a bead of weld material is deposited on the bottom of a test plate ( S by 35 by 2. 5 cm" ) . and a small crack or notch is made in the weld. The test co nsists of dro pping a weight fro m a fixed height on to p of the plate directly over the bead. The height of the end su pports for the plate is fixed so that the ma.ximu m deftirmat ion of the specimen corre- sponds to 5 of bend. At low temperatures the specimen fractures in the test. As the test temperature is increased, a temperature is reached at wh ich the fracture does not extend thrr›i igh the entire thickness of the plate. This

Fig. 18. 14 J'he drop-weig ht impact test.

Because of the empirical natu re of the impact tests, neither transition temperature has a well-defined theoretical signi ficance. Howei'er, changes in the DBTT or the N DT due to n‹•utron irradiation can be related to fracture theory.


Over 20 years of intensive ex perimental effort has established that exposure of all metals to fast-neutron irradiatio n results in an increase in the yield strength. In ferritic steels this radiation hardening appears as an increase in the lower yield point. Irradiation causes an increase in the 0. 2”r offset yield strength of austenitic steels and may even result in the develo pment of a stress—strain curve that exhib its a definite yield point ( i.e., the curve resembles that shown in Fig. 18.10 rat her than that of Fig. 18.11 ) .

Typical engineering stress—strain curves for the two types of steels are sh own in Fig. 18.15. In addition to increasing yield strength with irradiation, the ductility ( as measured either by total elongation or by uniform elonga- tion ) is reduced. The curves shown for the two ty pes of steels apply only when the testing temperature is low I ess

than one-half or two-thirds the meltin g po int ( ° K ) , depend-

ing on the neutron fluence } . Austenitic steels irradiated and tested at high temperatures show no increase in either y ield or ult innate strength; only the ductility reduction persists bottom curve of Fig. 18.15 ( a ) | . W hen bcc metals are irradiated a nd tested at high temperat ures, the stress—strain curve of the u nirradiated material is completel v recovered, Whatever radiation-produced defects are responsible for strengthening and the loss of du utility are removed by annealing processes at high temperatures.


I r radia ted

( luw tels[feral urel U nir radiat ed



a )


Fig. 18.15 Effect of fast neutron irradiation on the tensile properties of reactor steels. ( a ) Pace-c'entered cu bic st ru c- ture. ( b ) nod j -centered cub ie structure.

For b‹›th the austenitic and ferritic steels, irradiation increases the yield strength mu ch more than it dries the ultimate tensile strength. The approach of the yield strengt h to the UTS as a resul I of irradiation is responsible for the ductility loss. The u p per cuin'e in Fig. 18.15 ( b ) shows a case in which the y ield and ultimate strengths coincide. When this occurs, there is no uni furm elcngaticn, and neck ing begins as soun as the specimen departs rrom ( he line representing elastic straining. In the bcc me tals, when the tes£iny temperature is lcw enuugh and the irradiatio n exposu re large eno ugh, there may not even be a region of necking deformation; the specimen can fracture while still on the elastic line. Such specimens are totally brittle.

Radiation hardening in both fee and bee metals is attrib uted to the production by radiation uf s a rio us ri efects within the grains. Defects produced hy neutron i rrari i‹ition of metals include

1. Point defects l vacancies and interstitials ) .

2. I mpurity atoms ( ate mically dispersed transmutation products ) .

3. Small vacanc y t'lusters ( depleted zones ) .

4. Dislocatio n lot› ps ( faulted ur un fa ulted, vacancy’ or interstitial ty pe ) .

5. UiSl‹›cation lines ( unfaulted loups that have i‹›inc'd the disluc'ati‹›n uf ( Ice ‹original micrusfrii‹'turc ) .

6. Cavities ( voids and helium bub bles ) .

7. Precipitates ( in the case of stainless steel, M; , Ct, carbides or intermetallic phases ) .

In this section theories that predict the increase in strength due to defects 3 through 7 in the list are presented. Point defects and impurity atoms are believed to contribute negligibl y t‹i hardening compared to the effect of the larger defect clusters.

ltadiation strengthens a metal in two differs nt ways: ( 1 ) I I an increase the stress required to start a d isl‹ication moving on its glide plane. Resistance to disk i›i•ation startup is called sour‹'e hai-‹le n rug. 4“he applied stress required to release a dislocaticin into its slip plane is called the iitipiun iii g or Eni locL iiip st ress. ( ?- ) O n‹ t' mos ing. dislocatio n can be impederi b natu ral or radiation- proriut ed obstacles close to or lying in the slip plane. ’I'll is is r';illeri // ir'//ou liat'cle ii iiig.

18.4.1 Source Hardening

In unirradiatr d fee metals, the stress requ ired to initiate disl‹ic•atiOn motion can be identified z'ith the un pinning stress of the Frank—Read sources in the me ta1 I Eg. 8.15 ) , ss'hich is in s ersel y proportional to the ri is tance between pinning points.' The gradual onset Or ielding characteristic of this cl ass ‹›f me tals can be ex plained by‘ the distribution of stresses req u ired ie› operate the sciurces. At lc› iv applied stress, I he sources easiest to ciperate l i.e., those with large separatio n bet u ecu pinnin g points ) generate dislo‹ ations. Plastic strain ceases when pileu ps pr‹iduce a back stress ten the sources iv hich stt› ps their opera tion. \ s the stress is in‹ reased, more r1isl‹ic‹itiOn sources ‹operate and thy strain increases. The mu lt i pli‹-atiu n of riislocations in the co'stal causes tangling cf the mc› ing clislucatiuns, ‹ind ‹idcli tiunal applied stress is nt‘ccssar \ fur parallel dislucatiui s tu mu›'e past eat h either ‹ir fcir non par‹illel clislur atic›ns tt› i'ut through each either. T his process of svtark hardening causes the smooth increase in st ress as ‹i function cif strain illustrated in l'“ig. 1.8. 11.

A1tlit›ugh suurce hardening is ncit fciunri in unirradiateri fc'c metals and alluys, th is pheno me nCin is ‹'cimmon in bcc metals in the unirradiated state. Source hardening is manifest by’ upper and lower ;’ield puin£s in the stress— strain curve. Unirradiated ferritic steels shcisv this err i quite clearl y | figs. 18.1 0 and 18.1 6 ( b ) | . In few' metals the j‘ield dro p that indicates the presence of source hardening is

observed ‹›nl \ after irradiation [ Pig. 18.1 * i I ’the de- velo pmen t ‹›f sn urce harden ing in irradiated fc‹ metals is prt›bably due to the irrarliati‹in-prOciured defert clusters in the vicinity of £ ran k—Read sour‹'es. 'l’hesc• obstacles raise

the stress req uired tu expand the I‹›ups and tu permi I rnuI tiplicatir›n tt› c‹›n£inue, evil ich is tantan1‹›un I £u increas- ing the stress required to oper;ite th e st›urce. ( i nce the stress level is sufficient to release the source, the moving dislocations ran desire y the small defect c lusters ( loops}

‹incl th us reduce tlir stress needed tu t›ntinue deform;ition. 'I'herefore, a yield drop similar to that observed in unirradiateri ferritic steel is l“uunri in irr‹idiated austenitic' steel but f‹›r a qu ite di1‘ferent reason. ( The t›rigin of source hardening in u n irrariiateri t'erriti c steels is discussed in Sec. 18. 12. )


18.4.2 Friction Hardening

3’h e f‹›r‹ es responsible for rt sis ting the motion of a dislci‹-ati‹›n th rough the crystal an be cliaracterixerl as lr»ig range ‹›r short range. ’the t‹›tal applied shear stress tu'‹'e sarv tt› m‹› \ 'e I h e disl‹a ‹'ati‹a n is the sum of the long- ra me a nri sly o r t- ra n ge stressr's:

where i , is t IH friction strt'ss and th c' su bscripts INR and s repress ii I the lolig-range and short-range contribu tiotis, r‹'- specti i'el y. An i ncr‹'ase in o, due to irradiation, to wcirk harde n in g, or to agitig is termed friction li arde n ing. 'F tie friction sirs ss is rr›ugh 1 v equal to the tru v stress at a n y p‹›i lit in tli‹ plastic drfurmation rPgion of ( li‹' stress—strai n plot.

The l‹›ng-range forces' arise fr‹› m th v repulsii e i n tera‹'- I ioli het ween tht' mowing ‹1 isl‹i‹-ati‹in and the ‹i mpcinents

‹›f th c' d isl‹›cati‹in net Evo rk uf the s‹i lid. A lt hough the rlis1‹›t ‹iti‹›n nvt wo rk ‹›f a metal does not resemble a regular array , it is often represented as a series ‹›f cubes the erl qcs

‹›f iv hi‹-h are formed ‹›f disl‹icati‹in lines. F'igure 18. 1 ti shows su ch an irlealize d rlis1‹ication net work cvi th a loop on a glide plane parallel t‹› tht t‹i p anrl bt›t tom faces of the en be. 'l'he l‹› ng-ra me forces are ri ue to the interact ion of the strPs.s fields of the• disl‹›cati‹an forming the loop and or the net ivt›rk disl‹i‹ ati‹› ns that ma ke up the en ges ‹if the to p and b‹›tt‹› m planes ‹›f the u be. wit ich arv parallel to the l‹›‹›p. F'ur si nipli‹ ity, a su me th at tht' interai!ti‹›n f‹›rcc s between the lo‹› p and the network d isl‹›cations parallel to it can be appr‹›x imaterl by the for‹'e between parallel edge d islocatio ns ( Sq. 6. 24 ) . Setting f ( f/ I equal to its maximu m v‘alue t›f 1.1, tak ing 1 r 1.2, and a pprox ima I ing the distance between the Iu‹›p and the nearest parallel ne£wurk dislocat in n as cine-hal f the cube side ( y 1 2 ) , we obtain the long-range for‹ e on the mo ving dislcicatio n,

'the st revs needed to ovt'r‹ ‹› me th is f‹›rce is F t it b: thus,

( t823 )

The d islocatio n netu'ork dep icted in Fig. 18.16 is the same as that emplo yed in the B UBL swelling code ( Sec. 13.12 ) . From Eq. 13. 280, the length 1 is related t‹i the dislocation densit›' p, by

18.24 )

An y process that increases the rl isl‹icatio n density cif the material ( e.g., cold work ing, unfaulting of rad iation- produced prismatic loops, or work hardening ) decreases 1 and increases the long-range stress on mo bile dislocations. In additio n to dislocations in the network , pileu ps of dislocations on slip planes parallel to the slip plane of an expanding loop can exert long-range forces capable of resisting and even stopping motion of the mobile disloca-

tion ( Fig. 8.18 ) .

Fig. 18.16 model of the dislocation network in a solid.

Sli ort- Rangr Strasse.s

Sh‹›rt range f‹irces are due to ‹obstacles that lie in the slip plane of the rn‹›vin g d islocatio n ( these represent what are callPd italian /?oi‘i ir'cs ) . fl'hc sly ‹›rt -ran ge fort•rs are a‹ tii'e unly when the niu 'ink disl‹›‹ ati‹›n ‹‘untor ›’er}' I‹›se t‹› ‹›r c‹›ntacts the t›bstacle. Such obstacles exert a ft›rce ‹›n the moving dislu‹!at it›n ‹›nl›' at the p‹›int ‹›f t›ntact. Short- raige f‹›rces can be further su bdiv ided into ath ermal and thermall y activa£+d cumpunenLs. A n a thermal stress c‹›m- p‹›nent is ‹i ne whose magnitucle is inrlependcn I t›f tempera- ture. A ther mal rue chanisrrLs normally inv‹›ls’e bow in g ‹›f a dislocatio› n arciu nd an imprnvtrable obstacle. 1 n a thermall y activated pr‹›cess. ‹ii erccimi ng the t›bstac1e usuall \ req ri ires that the mt›i'ing dislcicati‹› n cut th r‹›ugh or limb ‹» er th e barri‹'r in its path , I nasmu ch as passage of a dislc«‘ati‹›ii line thrt›ugh or over an ‹›bsta‹'le requires energy that can be partly su p plic'd by thermal flue tuatio ns, the tliermall y actii'ated ccnn p‹i nen I ‹›f the sh‹irt range stresses decreases with increasing temperature.

The I'ricticin stress due to ‹i d ispe rsicin of barriers

depends un the average separa riun fret wean the uhs£acles in flit slip pla nP ‹›f the mo viny d isl‹›catio n ( not the at erase separation bet ween ‹obstacles in three dimensions ) . Figure

18.17 sh‹›ws a unit area uf a slip plane that is intersected by

portions ‹if spherical objects ‹›f radius r w'hirh arc randomly'


Fig. 18.17 The intersection of spherical obstacles with a slip plane to form an array of planar barriers.


distributed th rough out the solid at a concentratitin N cm A

Any spltre that has its renter with in the slab of v'Olume 2r centered on the slip plane intersects the slip plane. The number ‹›f ‹obstacles in this vulu me t•lement is 2 rN, which is also the nu niber uf intersec tions per unit area on the slip plane. Since the inverse sq uare ‹›f the average obstacle spacing alonb the slip planr ( 1 ' ) is equal to the density of intersc'c'tio ns on the plane, we have

1 - 1

( 2 rN )

( 18.25 )



At lo w temperatu res and low fluences, the ma in iricrostructural effect of the neutron irradiation of steel is the pr‹iduction of depleterl zo nes. The irrad iation condi- tions th at result in de pleted zo ne damage exclusively are most likely to be found in the region of the reactor pressure vessel. C‹ire comp ‹›nents are su bject to h igh-temperature and high-fl uence cond it ions that pr‹id nice the larger defects listed at the beginning of Sec. IP.4. H‹›iv'ever, harde•ning due to depleted znnes has been ‹observed in both austenitic and rerritic steels at low temperature and l‹iw fast-neu tron fluente. The effect Of the depleted zones ‹in met hanical properties an be classi fled as friction hardening ‹if the short-ra nge I hermall y’ acti v ated ty pe. A theory proposed by See g er 3 for the radiation strengthening t›f metals due tO the formati‹in of depleted zr›nes is reviewed in th is section.

A rlisl‹›‹ ation line wend ing its may th rough a metal c‹intainins u un iform d is trib ution o f depleted xo nes is presserl ‹against a nu mber of these obstacles at all times. "l'he plane u I the d rawiny in Fig. 18. 1 ñ ( a ) represent s II \ e slip plane of the ri isluc‹itir›n, z'h ich is sho z n as the soliri line pressed against the obstac'les A, B, and C under the infl uence of the applied shear st ress. According to Eq.


;, \ D

Fig. 18.18 A dislocation line pressed aga inst de pleted zones in its sli p pla ne. A, B, C, and D are pinning points.

by h in Fig. 18.1 S ( b J. I n an y array of p‹iints on a plane, the

18. 2 2, the net stress available for mo ving the dislocatio n

large r 1

is, the smaller h is. I n fact, the distances 1 , I

, and h

th rough the metal is the difference betz'een the applied stress ( o, ) a nd the stress nec'essary to mo ve the dislocation aha inst the Ion g- range forces ‹›1’ the dislocation network naturally present in the solid ( ‹i t, t ) . Thus, the dislocation segments bet ween obstacles A, H, and C are acted on by a shear stress u, u, ‹i t, ,t . ther a use o f th is applied stress, dislocations move th rough I he field ‹›f obstacles and thereby produce a macroscopic strain rate c in the solid. However, the motion of each dislocation line is jerky rather than smooth, and the entire dislocation line does not move at the same time. The line progresses rrom the left to the right in Fig. 1 8. 18 ( a I as points on the dislocation line cut th rough obstacles one at a time. Th us, the line is held u p at points A, B, and C; but, with the help of thermal

arc related by ( see pro blem 18. 3} :

1 2 - hl‹ ( 18.26 )

’the value of l„ is determined by the requirement that the cun'ature ur each segment of The dislocation line between pinning points is at all times fixed by the balance between line tension o f the dislocatio n and the net applied stress. Equation 8.15 shows that the rad ius of curvature of the line under applied shear stress , , is


The geometry of Fig. 18.18 ( b ) shows that

fluctuations, enough energy can be su pplied fo r the line to penetrate the obstacle at B. When this event occurs, the line

.fi 2 = l 0

+ ( .fi h ) °

quickl y moves to the posit ion sh own by the dashed line, where it is pressed against obstacles A, D, and C. The area of the slip plane sheared by this elementary step is shown as

Combining the preceding three equal ions and mourning

h /2 .fi 1, we o bta in

the dotted zone.

In general, the distance l‹, between pin ning points is greater than the average separation of obstacles in the slip


( 18.27 )

plane ( 1 given by Eq. 18. 25 ) . The distance that the According to this formula, the dislocation line adjusts its disk ocatio n advances when the obstacle B is cut is denoted orientation in the s1i p plane accord in g to the applied stress;


it selects pos iti ons where the scpara tion betivee n pinning points satisfies Eq . 18. 27. The means by which this spacing is attained is illustrated in Fig. 18.18t c ) , \ Yh ie h show's the shapes assu med by the line when the actual pin ning point spacing I O does not satisfy E9. 18.27.

When 1 \ < 1 0 , the equilibriu m bowing of the line after it cuts the obstacle P is shown as the dashed line in Fig. 18.18 ( c ) . I n this case, the next obstacle, D, is not reached. Because the line remains between the points B and D, the value of 1 effectively has been dou bled, a change that is in the proper direction for rectify'inb the ineq ualit y 1 0 I .

When 1 I , tht dislocation line bows out and touches obstacle D before cu tting obstacle B. 3’hererore, \ IJBC, not ABC, is the stable configuratio n Of the line bef‹›re an;’ obstacle is cut. In the solid curve sho u'n in the figure, 1 0 I s appro ximatel y equal to the distances A D or BD, both of which are smaller th an the original I O AB. Again, the line rearranges its position in a man ner that tends t‹i drive the interobstacle distance t‹i war‹l the value expressed b \ Ed.

18. 27.

( 18.31 )

The depleted zones are modeled as sp he res each of radius r ( equal to 10 ° \ ) . The energy U* is the energy req uired ror the dislocation to cut th rough the approx i- mately circ ular region on the slip plane whic h is intersected by the spherical depleted zone. The shaded circles in Fig.


18.17 depict these intersections. I n the absence of applied stress, the variation of the energy with the distance of penetrati On of the line th rough the zone resembles the sketch show n in Fig. 18.19 ( a ) . The energy rises by an amount U„ fru m the point of contact of the line and the zone to the point at which cutting is complete. 3’lie average radius of the ci rcle of intersectio n of the depleted zo ne and the sli p plane is smaller than the radius of the spherical zone proper because the slip plane in general does not pass th rough the center of the depleted zo ne ( Fig. 18.17 ) . The a verage radius ‹if the circle Of intersection of the zo ne and the slip plane is ( see pr‹›blem 10. 5 )

There is a stress a box e iv hic h Eq. 18. 27 is no longer

\ alid. When u is large enough f‹›r I„ I, kg. 18.27 sh‹Jws

( 3

( 19..32 )

that o 2t›b 1. \ Ve shall see later that this stress is the

‹'ritical stres4 ut svhich a dislocati‹›n line can move th rough an array of obstacles solely by box'ing around them. Cutting through the Obstacle is n‹i longer a prerequisite to motion.

be next compute the shear strain rate d ue to ( he tY pe of dislocatio n motion d escri bed ah or e. The strain rate is given by Ed . 8. 21:

where p is the density of mobile disl‹ieations ( total d is location density less the density of dislocati‹›ns c‹irn prising the imm‹i b ile network ) and v,t is the relot'ity of the movinti dislocat ions. ’I'his i elocity’ is

At ant' point —r' x r', the force resisting dislocatio n motion is —d L ,'dx.

\ Vhen an applied stress acts on the slip plane, the energy profile is altered as sho iv n in Fig. 18.19 ( b ) . T he shear stress exerts a force of may nitude , b per u nit length ‹if dislucati‹in li ne in the + x-direction. Since the o bstacles are

( 1529 )

where I is the probability per tin it time th at O ne seq me nt cuts th rough an Obstacle against which it is pressed. for the

purpose uf comp u ting the disl‹acation velocity, the distinc- " tion between I and I has been neglected . If I n 1 , Eq .

18.26 sho \ vs that h l.

The cutting frequency 1“ is eal‹ ulated b \ ' analog y to the jump fre‹juv ncv of an at‹›m jump ing from O ne equilibrium site to ano ther urvr the sad dle-pOint energy barrier. 3’o pt•netrate an obsta‹'le. the seq me nt ‹if the d isl‹ication I ine in c‹›ntac't with the obstacle must acqu ire an activatiun energy U '’, ss hich is suppl ied by thermal fluctu ations. Thy disloca- tion line at the Obstacle can be imagined to be vibrating with a frequenc \ r, strik ing the tibstacle at each s’ibrati‹in. The fraction of the vibrations sufficiently strong to penetrate the obstacle is. by ana1‹›gy’ tO the atomic jump-frequent 5 f‹irmula ( F.q. 7. 4 1 j , given bl

Substituting I'!qs. 18.2é and 18.30 intu Ed. 18.28 gives the strain rate:

Fig. 18.19 Energy profiles of a dislocation line cutting throug h a de pleted zone. ( a ) No stress. ( b ) Shear stress in I he x-directit›n. ( F“rom Ref. 3. )


separated by a distance 19 , the force exerted by the applied stress on each obstacle is o, bl . Let U ( x,o, ) be the shape c›f the energy profile in Fig. 18. 19 ( b ) and U ( x,0 ) be the sh ape


' k ln


( 18.39 )

l P b r 'é{ 2rN ) *]

in the absence of applied stress. When a stress is applied, the force at every point during penetratio n is given by

and is not truly constant because it depends on the strain

rate c at which the metal is deforming and on the concentratio n of deple ted zones, N, wh ich increases with

d d

dx dx

U ( x,0 ) + o,bl„

irradiation time. Ho wever, these quantities appear in a logarithmic term, and the effect of their variation on T is

That is, the force in the absence of the stress ( the first term on the righ I-hand side ) is reduced by the contribution of the applied stress ( the !ast term ) . I nteg rating this equatio n gives

V ( x,c ) ' U ( x,0 ) o,blq x + constant ( 16.33 )

Inspection of Fig. 18.19 ( b} shows that the energy barrier to penetratio n with an applied stress is reduced from Ub to

( 18.,34 )

Tc› calculate L' ' , we must k now the energy profile of Fig. 18.1Sl a j. Seeger assumes it to be ‹›f the f‹irni

small enough to be neglected.

d'he stress ri, of Eqs. IS. 37 to 18.39 represents the radiation hardening due to depleted zones. At temperatures belo w 350' C in steel, o, is manifest experimentall y as the increase in the yield point due to irradiation on the stress—strain cu o‘es sho wn in Fig. 18.15. The hardening effect given by Eq. 18. 38 decreases with increasing tem- perature and disappears entirely for T "£,. At tempera- tures around 350‘C in steel, depleted -zone hardening de‹'reases even more ra pidly wit h increasing temperature than the prediction of Eq . l8. 38. I n the postirradiation tensile tests th at are usuall y used to measure hardening, h igh testing temperatures cause annealing ( i.e. , destruction ) of the depleted zones, which results in a decrease in N with

1 increasing temperature. 4

( x,0 ) L!‹› J

1 + exp ( x/r’ )

( 16.35l

Seeger's theory has been verif ied experimentally.

£“igure 18.20 shows the frictional hardening effect of

The exact functional form of U ( x,0 ) is not important: it

.simply must have the approximate shape of the curre show n in Fig. IS.19 ( a ) . is'hich Eq. 18.35 has. Substitu tinti Eq . 18.35 into 15.33 and forming the dif ference on the righ t of F?q . 18.34 v ields the fol1oz'ing expression for U* ( see problem 18.3 fu r details ) :

\ Vhen u, is large en uugh tt› render the righ t-hanH term in the parentheses of th is fo rmula farrier than unity, the disl ocatir›n can cu I th rough the depleted zone with ou I and assistance fr‹itu thermal fluctuations. The stress o at v'h ield the term cNi the righ t in the parentheses is eq ual to unity reduc'es the barrier height U ' to zero›. Th us, ‹i represents the stress required tc› moi'e dislc›cations through the

low-fl uence low-temperatu re neutro n irradiation ‹› n copper and nirkel. Bo th sets of data are pl‹›tted un c‹›urdinates suggested by Eq. lb. 38. The predicted linear relationship between ( o, l and T '^ is exhibited with high prec'ision by c'opper. ’I'he cu o e l'or nickel, however, shows two clistinct



obstacles at 0 K. L sing Eq. 18. 27 fo r I and Eq. 18. 25 for 1, we l'ind

, Eq . 18. 32 for r'

( 15.37 )


where u is the max imu m fric tional hardening due to depleted zo nes c›f radius r presen t in the solid at a volumetric concentration N.

The effect c›f temperature ‹in depleted -zone hardening can be c›btained by solving Eq . 18. 31 for U ' and equating

the resul t to the righ t-hand side of Eq. 18..3tL l„ , r’, and 1 as before, we obtain


0 20 40 60 80

where is given by Eq. 18.37 and T,. is a characteristic teniperatu re given b \

Fig. 18.20 Irradiation hardening t›f co pper a nd n ic ke 1 plotted according to Set•ger’s t heor y, Flue nce, 7 x 10' " neutrons/rim 2 ; irradiation temperat u re, 100°C; test tem- peratur es, —200 to 200"C. ( Arc› in llef. 1. )


linear seq risen t.s, u hic h suggests that two ty pcs of de plc ted x.‹ones arc’ c're«te‹J h \ irr‹ \ ‹dia I i‹›n. ‘the t'ype that pre- d‹›mina tee at l‹» \ tenlpera ture ( I \ ’pe A ) apparently’ has a lori er tI„ , and ht'n‹'e lower 3“,. , th‹ih d‹›es ty pe H ( see

t‹i be pr‹i p‹irti‹i nal to the area ci l’ thy circle of in terser tion

‹if the deplt'ted zt› ne u'ith the slip plane, or tJ„ r' fI‹›iv‹ ver, lv pts \ z‹anes niu st fee ‹'rea tell more freq uen tl y’ by nt utrun c-ol1isi‹› us with the metal la I ti‹'e than tj pe B zo nes, sin‹'e the liartleninb at O K is greater for type A than t \ ' pe lt. In penr'ral, a spec'tru rn ‹if z‹ines with c ‹›n tinu‹ius dist rib ut i‹›ns ct’ si ze r anal enerbx’ barrier U„ is probably forme‹l lij' irradiation.

A‹lclit i‹›nal supp‹›rt f‹›r Seeber's fheur \ has been ub- tained by e‹imparing hardening due to neu Irons and t -Me V electrons. 'l'hc' irradiation temperature and the ranye Of’ tensile test temperatures z'ere identical for both ty pcs of radiati‹›n, and the ‹l‹›ses s'erv adjusted to produk e the sa int' number uf F'renket pairs ‹is c'alc'ma fed by simple c'as‹-aclr• theory ( I’leap. 1 7 ) . ’l'hr' harden in g blue to electrons was f‹›und t‹i be term‘ small c‹› mpared t‹i that fro ni neu trons. I sing the tsvu-body’ k ink in‹i tics ap pr‹›priate tu relativ is tie electro us, we can sh ‹»v that eac li -I-Me V eler tr‹›li an transfer a max imum ‹›f 00 e V to a coppe r kn‹›ck-on.

\ ccorc1ing t‹› the K inc hin Pease mo‹lel, th is vnergy transt‘er produces a casc-ade c‹insisting of only tiv‹› ur tlirPe members. "th us d ispla‹ tune n I sp ik es ( or deple ted z‹›nr's ) c-annot br I erms d b \ ' clef tru n irradiati‹in , and the' damat'= c onsists ‹›f isola ted i ar-ant'ies and in terstitials. 'l'hesc defects an neal on I a t i cry’ l‹›iv t empera tu rt's ( interstit ia 1s a re naoh ile at a I'e w tens ‹›f K ) . my ix'ay ‹›f c'o n trast, the depleted /‹›nes are the rrn all› sta ble u p to .J50' K. In add ition, is‹ila ( ed point del'ec Is are not as effic ient strengt he ners as is a vacancy ‹'luster. The virtual absence ‹›f radiatio n hardening

displacement spikes in a l‹›calized re¿i‹›rz can he a less efl'ective hardener than n snia her, isolated zones.

To pred ict the in crease of the depleted -z one concen tra- tio n with IN uence, the rate ‹if product ion of zones must be ima ted. There are ,'f' neti tron ‹iJlisitins cm ' sr ' ’it h lattice at‹›tns, sv he rP k, is the macroscop ie scattering c r‹iss sectio n and 'h is thr total fast thu x. If the ai'erage rast-lieu I r‹› n e nergy is 0.5 Me V ( typical of FBR spectra ) and A 5 S ( iron ) , Eq . 17.114 sh owe that the ai'erage energy of the k n‹ick-cms is 20 ke V. 9’he depleted mine rcspo nsible for radiation hardening in belie vied to he restri‹'ted to clusters c‹›nta ining 10 or more i aranc'ies. The distributi‹in ‹›f s’iic‹inc \ '-cluster sizes resulting front kn‹›rk-

‹Ans ‹›f 20 ke V is sli‹›wn in i'“ig. 17.29 ( b J. The nu tuber ‹›t’ p‹iint defect.s inclu dcd in the luster distributi‹in sh‹›sv n in th is figure is 200, of \ vli ich 5’ , Or 10 i-ai'an c'it*s, are v‹›n tained in a cl uster ‹›f 1 0 me mbers. T herefore, one cluster conta ining m‹›re than 1 0 varan cies is formed bV the av'erabe fast-neutr‹›n c‹›ll ision in irti n. 3’he time rate of rha me ‹›f tht density of clu sters of th is size is given by

dt " -' l› ( l i'N )

z here o is th e n umber cif clu sters ( zones} created per nr'u t r‹›ti eo llisi‹›n. It is appro x imatel \ u nil \ . 'I'he term in paren I theses represents the l'raetion of’ the solid \ ’‹›lume which, ac'curd ing t‹› Ma k in's theory, is ai'a ilable fOr the creation of neu' de pieced zo nes. "1’ht fracti‹i n v N of the v‹›lume is inactivated by the presence of the depleted /‹›nes.

Intt'gratio n of the pre‹'ed ing diI‘ft rt'n tial vq ii‹ition y it'lds

( 1 8. t l )

v'hich, when used in Eq. I H..J7. predicts

due to elec'tron irradiation su pports the hype thesis that the

depleted z‹›nes are real anal are responsible for stren bthe n -

^ { 1 exp ( —cv k,'I't ) ] '’

( 1 H. 4 2 )

ing o f met als at low tempera tures.

18.5.1 Saturation of Radiation Hardening

Acc'ording to Eq . l8.'17, ri, should increase as ( N ) ". In the absence of mechanisms of destru ctio n of the deple ted zones. N is pro portional to the total neu mo n fluen ce, and the theory at th is stage predicts that

( 18.40 )

Two models ha ve been pr‹›posed to ex pla in the observa- tio n that hardening does not follow th is formula at li igli fl uence. Both of these theories introdu‹'e processes that remove depleted zones and thereby permit a steady -state i'alue of N to be attained at large fluence.

18.5.2 Makin's Theory

Makin and Minter* postulate the existence of a \ ’olume v around each depleted zone within which no new zone can be formed. This no Lion appears to be contrary to ( he computer experiments simulating radiation damage, which showed that cascade overlap causes the zone to grow ( Fig. 17.30 ) . Ho \ veyer, a single large zone created by, say, n

Th‹‘ c a pture \ ’‹›Iu n ' ›’ has heen estimated fr‹›m radiatit›n- harclenitly da t‹ \ t‹› hP he tween 50 and HO \ equ i \ 'alent spher ical ctiam ter.“ ’I'll is size ‹‘an be c‹›mparecI with the P timatecl ?0 \ rl ianlc’her uf the depletecl zune pr‹›per, which ‹occupies the center uf the cap ( ure vclu me.

18.5.3 Thermal Annealing of Depleted Zones

We have mentioned that thermal annealing is a ptitential mechanism for destroy ing de pleted zcines. I3‹›1lins has presented an a nalysis of depleted -zone dy nami‹ s which includes thermal an nealing. The o bject is to pred ict the concentratio n of depleted zo nes as a function of neutro n fluence and temperature. It is assumed that une depleted zone ‹›£ radius R„ is rormed per neutron oollisiun with a lattice atum. Once formed, the zune sea'es as a sink f‹Jr free vacancies and interstitial atoms that are creafecl alung with the depleted rones in the collision cascade. Because the zone can absorb poin I defects that reach b \ ' diffusion, there will be a size distribution of zones, N ( R,t ) , at any ( ime I during irra1iafi'1n. The conservation of depleted zones can be formula ted in a mai› ner similar to that applied to de termine the size distribution of fission-gas bubbles in the fuel, which grew by absorption of a Comically dispersed xenon and k¿'pton ( Sec. 13.9 ) . This type of conser›’ation


statement, z'lii cli l"‹i cu ses o n a fixed particle-size inters-al and equates the difference in flu xes across the boundaries of the interval to the time derivative of the particle concentration, is ap pro priately termed /?ufet’ion. In man y cases an equally acc'eptable conservation principle can be fcirm ulated in a foJroiigñii manner by follow ing a small grciu p of particles r«›»i the ti me they are r'reaterl up to current time. "I'he size of the particle as it ages is deter mined by a grtnv th law, d R ' dt, which is appropriate to the part ie ular system. l'’or example, the Pro wfh la w for a cavity in a solid su prrsa Curated with pts in t defects is given by Eq . 13. 1 7 1. ’l'his growth law can br applied tO the depleted zones: '^

d H I l

’the very low eq u ilib riu ni interstitial c one eqn tration permits C, q to be neglrc'terl. The i'at-anc y c oncvntra tion at the surface is ‹abtainrrl by treating the zone as a siriall i uid, l“or which the €’, p is obtainc*d 1'rorn kg. 1 .t. 17t› with the internal- gas- prt•*.sure tertTi net lcc ted:t

( R k"l’ )

'l'he steady-state point de1‘ec't balanc'es that serve to fix C, and C, are similar t‹i Eqs. 1'J. lb6 and 13. 187. f“tir th is calculation the det“er't pr‹iduction rates are determined in the fo 11 ‹i w ing manner. because some ot' the i’acanciPs prciHucPd i Ii the c‹›ll is ion case ade initiatecl bY a rast neutron are c‹intainrd in t ) ie depleted zune formed at the same time as the free p‹iint defer Is, the yield Y,., is rt•pla‹ ed by r, interstitials and r ,. free va‹-ancies per prima n’ k nOt k -on ate in ( P K A ) . "l'liese quant it ies are rela ted to the size ‹if the nascent cleple ted zone ( only one is assu med f‹irmed per neu trun cu II isiun ) by’

* In the growth law used by Doll ins, the second term in the bra ck ets ap pea rs mu It ip l ied by R/a„ , wlie re a„ is th e lattice constant. This d il'fe rence arises l‘rom the assu mp tion o f reaction- ra te -controlled vacancy capture by the depleted zone instead of the it i I fti sion -l i mited ca pt u re assumed in th is eq uat ion. C?omparison of Eqs. 1,3. 7 0 a nd l ,3 . fi 5 shows that these twO I imit ing ra tes d i I’I’er by a 1'acto r of’ R/a„ . The interstitial capt ure rate by the zone ( the fi rst term in the growth law ) , on the other hand , is taken by Dollins to be diffusion controlled. For consistency, we will assume d iff usion-limited k inetics for both types of point-de rect capture by the depleted zones. The mixed contro l formu la, Eg. 13. 96, is pro bab ly most approp ria fe because of the small zone rad ii but, for si mplic ity , will not be emp Io yed .

tT he a rgu ment of the exponv nt ial te rm of C,. tt in Dollins’ analysis’ is the d iffere rice between the vacancy- formation energy a nd the bind ing energy of a vacancy to the deple ted zone. If the zone is large enough to be treated


where r, is eoiupu trd from isolated coast-ude throry ( e.g.. the Kinchin—Pease model J and redu crd by tlir i'acaticy— interstitial an nih ilation that ta kes place d u riny ‹'ascade formation. In Ei‹ill ins’ a naljsis r, is c'sti match t‹i be 1 ( ) "/ ‹il’ the Kin‹ hin —Pease walue.

'l'he P KA prorluction ra te on the left in figs. 1 .t. 1 8ii and 1,3.1 b7 { i.e., is'hat has been termecl F w hen the b‹iinbard ing particles are l"issio n l'rag ments ) is w ri ttc'n as ‹l', the last-neutron cell is ion density.

The numbers Z, and Z, in hqs. 1 '4.18fi and 1 '1.1H7 are' given bv' the last ter nis o1‘ Eqs. 1.1. 1 82 and 1 .1. 1 b.1. Neglecting the first terms tin the right-hand sicies Of these fo rmulas is equip a lent t‹i assu mini that point-defect ab- sorpti‹in by dislocations is pu rely rli ffusi‹i n r ‹introllecl. 'l’hP dislocatio n-c‹ire radius is assu med to be the same for i-acancies and interstitials ( i .e., Z, Z, - Z ) .

The' in tersf it ial str persaturat ion is assu mccl larbe enough to negle‹‘t C,"' c'o mpared t‹i C,.

F“inally, Eqs. 1.L 18fi anal 1.4. lHi ar‹' su pplrnien ted b \ additional terms re presenting the abst›rpti‹›n uf point de fet ts by the depleted zone•s, and the point-defect balances bec‹›rne

R N ( R,t ) d R ( 1 d.•1ñb )

4’he integrals are terminated at R Rt, because the z‹›nes shrink rather than grow; so the ne wlJ' c'reated zones are the largest in the distribution.

'The size d istribu tion o f depleted zunes can be deter- mined as l'ti 11c z's. The zones in the size ra nge R to R + d R at time t are th‹ise which were created fat size R„ ) in a previtius time interval d r at r, cir

N ( R,t ) dR - ,'I› d r 1846 )

'I'his ctinser vation statement is equivalent to conserving depleted zones in a fixed size range ( e. g. , by adapting Eq. 13.196 tO depleted zones ) . Using the preceding reaction, we ob tain the distribution function:


The shr in kage law is employed to determine the ratio of the intervals dr and d R I i.e., the Jacobian of the transformation between R and r ) . The value R, wh ich is the radius at time I of a zone created at time i, can be obtained by integrating Eq. 18.4 3 provided that only the steady -state si tuation is considered. I n th is case C, and C„ are constants arid R is a function of R alone. Integration yields


as a macroscopic cavity above is applicable.

the capillarity formu lation used


( 1847 )


Di fferen tinting u ith respect to R i ields



and the distribu£i‹Jn functi‹›n of zunes stead}’ state is ñ

N ( R ) -


1 18.48 )

No te that anal v tic in teb ratir› n of the sh rin kage law’ can nut he perf‹›rmed in the unsLead \ state v hen fi, and C,. are time dependent.

Subtracting Ed. 15.4 5 b fro ir Eq. 15.4 5a and using Eq .

18. 44 yields


—D , i c, —*'I

U 4 8 1 2 I ti 20

Fig. 18. 21 7 \ pproach to saturation c›f the concentrati‹in ‹if depleted zon es in an irradiated metal. For h ( akin’s model t he capt ure v olume has bee n assumed to be 7 3 \ i n diameter. The foll‹iwi rig parameters were used in Dcilli ns’ cumpu tatiun : U,. 0. 38 exp ( 11'7,000 R'I' ) cm* *sec; IN,

7 . 5 x 1 0 ° 4 t'x p ( —2!1, ( ) 00, RT ) vm 2 , sec , r„ 3. 23 . \ ; i i 2 I

* : ñ, - 0. 16 mm“' : LV ‘! exp ( —117,000 k’I’ ) \

H kT

UN ( R ) d R

‘I’ = ñ 7'4"K: p ñ o X 1 0 ' " cm ° ; 7 250 d y iu•s/ cir; a n d P, 90. A cti icat i‹iii cut'rgies in J mule.

thermal -an neali n g an alysis pred icts a mu ch slou'er appr‹›ac'h

Su bstitu tin g Eg . 18. 4 8 into this equation , we find that the left-hand side is identical t‹› the se‹:und term un the right, which leads to the f‹›Iluv’in# rela tiun fret ’een C, an‹l C, :

D, C, D, l C„ C{ " 1 0 ( 1H.i9 )

and £?q. l S. t 8, at'ter the ex p‹inen tial term is expanded in a tw'o-teriri "Fayl‹›r series, .simplifies t‹›

The tutal density ‹if depleted zu nes at stead y state is t›btained by in tel ra tints the d is trib u tion Nf R ) ,

N ' " N ( R OR - 1 H.51 )

If desired , t he c‹i n centratiuns C, and C, can be determined bv inserting Eqs. 18.4 9 and l 5.50 into either Of the puint-de feet balances t Ed . 18.4 5a or Eq . 15.4 ob ) and solving for one of the poin t-defect concen matrons. Equa- tion 18.4 9 then determines the u the r.

D‹ill ins’ treated the u nstead y-state case ct’ de pleted- zone formalin n an cl an neal in g, ‹if whic h the preceding anal \ sis rep resen Le th e limit as I ( satura tit›n ) . ’the

ariatirHJ ur ‹h e deple ted z‹›n e c‹›ncen[ra Li‹› n acc‹›rd ing tu fJt›ll ins' I liermal -an nealinp moclel is ccimpared z ith flak in's rupture-i'olume mechanism ( Sq . 18.4 1 with a capture v‹›lume equip alent to a 75-. \ diamc'ter s phere ) in F“ig. 18.21. The agreemen I bet ween the satura tion-zo ne densities pre- dicted by the tz'o methCids is somewhat fortuitous, inasmuc h as the N ( ) predic ted b \ \ I akin ‘s theCiry is inversel y’ pr‹iporticinal I ‹› the cu be of the capture-volu me rad ius. Even w ith v la ken In give appro x imately eq ua1 saturaticin ccincentrations fr‹im the twci m‹›c1els, the

to sat u ratio n than does flak in’s simpler model. The reason fOr th is is the hurl t-in time lag in the an nealintt ‹'alc'tilat ion due tO the necessity of di f t'usinb poin t defects to the z‹ines t‹› make t he zt› nes sly rin k. flak in’s capture-volu me calc'ula- tion. ‹›n the other hand, pro vides a me‹ hanism for instan tance us redu‹ ti‹›ii in the rate of zone formation .

The thermal an neali n g computation is extremel x sensi- tive to the ralue of R„ st let'ted. The N ( ) i.s temperature insensitive in flak in’s an alysis but is very sensitive tCi temperature' i r ‹hermal annealing is respunsihle f‹›r depleted -zone destru‹'tion. A drastic drop in the stead y- state concentra ti‹in of zones is calculated to occur between

300 and 4 50’ C, alt htnigli this result is also highly de- penden I on input parameters in the annealing anal ysis.


t4 ften the barriers that lie in the glide plane of a mo ving dis location cannot be cut by the dislocation as could the depleted zones. A dislocation line mo yes th rough a field of impenetrable obstacles by bowing around them. The increased strength prod u ced by obstacles of this sort is often ex ploited in the metal treatment called precipitation hardening. Neutron irradiatio n can precipitate M , C t, carb ides or hard in ternietallic phases consisting of the major components of steel ( e.g. , the sig ma phase ) .

There is usuall›' a misfit betwee n the precipitate particle and the matrix in sv h ich the particle is lodged. If the precipita ie s olu me is larger than the metal it replaced, the particle acts as a poin t center of compression and creates a stress field in the surrounding solid. A d islo cation “feels” the presence ‹if such a par ticle ( whic h is called a oh ei'e n I


precipitate ) via the stress field before actual con tact is made. O n the other hand, if the precipitate occupies a smaller vo lu me than the material that has been replaced, there are no in ternal stresses in the solid around the foreign particle. For these itic oli e ren I precipitates, the dislocation must physically contact the particle before the interaction force is appreciable.

Figure 18. 2 2 ( aJ ill ustrates a mechanism by which a moving dislocatio n line ( or a portion of an ex panting



O 4

( bl

Fig. 18.22 Passage of a dislocation through an array of barriers intersecting the glide plane of the dislocation. ( a ) Precipitate parti cles. ( b ) Cavities ( voids or heliu m b ubbles ) .

dislocation loop ) negotiates an array of precipitate particles in its glide plane. Four stages of the process are sho wn in the drawing. having been stopped by the particles { 1 }, tht' line bows ou I between contact po in ts because of the effective stress, which is the applied shear stress less the internal stresses due to long-range fo rces ( 2 ) . When the applied stress is high enough to result in a radius of curvature of the bowed segments which is equal to one-half the interparticle spacing, the semicircular sectio ns o n either side of a particle meet ( 3 ) and pinch off, in much the same

manner as a Frank—Read dislocation source operates ( Fig. fi.13 ) . The final state ( 4 ) is a free dislocation line and precipitate particles surrounded by small dislocation rings left as debris of the interaction.

At the pinch-off po int, R in Eq. 8. 1 5 is l ' 2, and the

stress needed t‹› force passage ‹›f a dislocati‹›n line th rough the obstacle array is:

2fib ( 18.52 )

“’ i

The factor of 2 arises because the line tension of the dislocation has been taken as Cib . Had the line ten.sion been given by G b 2 2, the ra ctor of 2 would not appear. The par ticle-separation distance on the glide plane, 1, is given by Eq. 18. 25, in w h ich N is the volumetric' concentratir›n of precipitate particles and r is their radius.

Equation I 9.52, which is callerl the Oruwan stress, is the largest possib Ie resistance to dislocation motion for an array of barriers of planar spacing 1. It has been derived assumin g a regular pattern ‹if obstacle intersections with the glide plane. If the array were random ( as it ac tuall y is ) , the Oroz an stress would be reduced by 20’‹ . This red uction, ho wever, is less than the factcir of 2 uncertaint y in the numerical cC'e fficient of Eq. 18. ñ 2.

Passage c›1‘ a mcibile dis1cic'aticin line th rough solid ccintaining cavities ( vciid s or heliu rn bu bbles ) that intersect the glide plane is sh own in Fig. 18. 2?-t b ) . 3’he only dif Terence betw'een the precipitate particles and the cav ities as obstacles is that the bowed arcs of the dislocation line meet the surI'ace of the cavity at righ t angles. 3’he critical stress required to trims e the dis location is identical t‹i that derived for the cach r're nt precip it;ite. l'nli ke tht pre- cipitate, nu clislucation rings dec-ora£e the cavity’ al”£er the process is c oinplete. A more detailed at c ount of s'oid hardening is given by Coulonib.

In addition to bo sv ing and pinch in g oI’f, a d islor-ation maj‘ be' able to cut th rough a cav ity as it does t1ir‹iugh a depleted z‹›iie. lf the dislot'ation is ‹'apable ‹if c ut tilig through the car it y, the emu cture of the dislocation and the void are the same after the event as before. "I herefore. the interaction energy bet w een these two objects as a functio n of their separatio n is symmetric about the os erlapping p‹isition, instead of has ing the shape sh‹› \ v n i n f“ip. 18.19 ( a ) for dislocations cutting th rough depleted zones. Aside frO m t h is distincti‹› n, the stress required to force a d islocatiun through a v oid can be obta in ed by the method applied in Sec. 18.5 t‹› anal yze cutt ing of‘ a depleted ztine l see pr‹›b fern IH.'4 ) . If the ma ximu m interac ( i‹in energy bet w'een the disI‹›‹ari‹›n and che \ '‹›id is L!„ , the sire‘ s tu cut tlJruugll IS


w'here R is the radius of the cavity. 'I’he interaction e nergy o tJ be apprux imated as the elastic strain energy contained in the volume of s‹alid equal to the cavity volu me and centered on the line. 'I’ll is strain energ y is released w hen the cavity attaches to the line and must be su pplied to separate the two. The elastic-energy density around a scre w dislocation is gis'en by Eg . S.S. l nstrad of integral ing this expressio n ‹»'er the volume ol' a sphere r entered ‹›n the


rlisl‹ii-ation. u'r re place' tlit' sphere w'itli a cylinder of’ radius li alirl lc•ng th 2It. 'I'lit' ttital c'lastie enc•rgy contained in this v‹›lumr I which is tlu• s'oitl- tl isl‹›‹•ation interacti‹in ent•rgy )

c'la ti‹*it \ £l u‹›¿' in ‹›I'ten u eel t‹› cle ‹’riI›e the I‹›‹›p—- tlislocation-lin‹• intrraeti‹in. ’l“his prorrdure, lii› w'es'rr, is ‹if dubious s•alidity w hrn tlir line actuall y c'uis the lo‹›p. Calc'ulat.i‹›n ‹›f the purely elastic interac:tion between a stra ight. rigid disl‹›eation line that papers near to, but clties nt›t intersrc't, an irnrn‹›bilr c'iretilar loop is prc'sc•ntrd in this st•c'tion a.s an example of’ the type t›f analysis needed t‹›

pr‹›virle F „, , . 'I'li ( ' results l'or interse‹'ting lot›ps and lint's

wli ield rl i ffers from tlit' I iruu'ail stress t £.q . 1.8. ii2 } by a fac-to r ol’ lii ( l t :' r ,t ) . I . lt appe‹irs that ii sh‹›ulrl be easier l'or di.sloi•ati‹›ns t.o cut r‹itlier than b \ ’pass small i'as'itic•s, but tlit' stress rt•q ti ir‹'nients l‘‹›r tlit' tu'o mechanisms are .s‹› ‹:l‹›.se and the a n‹il \ .sc's so app r‹› x i iBatt• th at u sv ‹› l’ t hv fir‹iivan strt'ss is the rn‹›re prurle n I ap pr‹›ach.


"l“hc dislo‹'aiion l‹i‹ips l‘‹›rnied by e‹›nrlt ns‹iti‹›n ‹it’ irradiati‹›n-pr‹›d ucrrl interslit ial ati› nos arc' sillier of the pure-edge ty pt' if the' li›‹›p is t‘au lterl or of mix ed -t•rlge and srrev' ‹‘hara‹•[t‘r if [l1e l‹›‹›p iS rmf‹l \ lltet4. II“ flat' #lidt! plant‘ ‹›l” a liu›bilc• rl isltit'ati‹›ii passes t'l‹›se tt› ‹›r intcrset'ts ii li›‹›p, rli l‹›t"a ti‹›lJx c›n tlJ‹’ plane \ vill t‘xt›erit’i1‹ t’ a rt’ isU \ lJc'c’ tc› rnt›tio n. 'l’‹i e xt'rt a sign i fi«tn I ref ‹irrl in g 1’‹›rt'e ‹›n th t' mtibile rlislt›cati‹›n, Um ‹'e n It'r ‹›f the lt›op in u st lie ‹'lose t‹› I lie glirle plane { s‹ij' u'ith ili a lcn›p riiarneter ) . Siiu'e the loop diameter is gt'nerall \ ' run t'ti le. s th‹in the rlistant'e bet \ vc'en loops o n the slip plane', t'at-li l‹»p is viru'etl as exerting a ftirce t›n the d islocati‹in line ‹›nly at the puint at wtiich ctintact is marle. "l'he applied shear stress nc crled to overctime the l‹x›p resistance c'‹›rresponds t‹i the ma ximu m ftirce, F“„, „, . bt•twc•en the 1‹›iip anal the disl‹›‹-ation line. If the spacing of thr l‹›ops on the glide plane is 1, the retarding

are ‹›f Her s‹irn ( ' ge nrral fu rna as th use o btained fr‹im l‹›np-ran g ( c'l;isti‹' in trra‹!t it›ns.

i'’igu re 1 IL 2't shu ws ‹i lu rib, st r‹i igh I ed be disl‹›t'‹itit›n vliose slip plane lit's a distance s t’r‹ini the plane ‹if’ a circular loop of pure-rrlge character. Wr wish t‹› e‹iniputc the ft›rcr I-“, brtwern tlic• two entities a.s a funrti‹in ‹if’ the distanc-r x. 'l'i› dti so. we first t ale ulate tlu' w'ti rk rrq ti irrd to grow tlit• loop fr‹›iu /rr‹› sixt to radius 11 t. We then clil”fc‘rc’tJ[ia[e Ill is u'‹› rk witlJ ruspe‹‘t £‹› x t‹› ‹›htail \ F’ . tJal‹ u Ia£i‹›ns c›f tie in sc›rt have hc’uIJ perl”c›ri \ Jc’t1 f‹›r tJ \ aric'ty

‹›r i‹›‹›p line c'‹›i \ 1binati‹›ns.'


Pig. 18.23 S trail lit-rtlge dislticatiun passi rig li y a f;iulted rt i I‹›t“atiur \ l‹›up. 'l*lit* slip pIan‹' ‹› f tli‹' tlislt›t'ati‹›n is paraIlt‘1

£u tilt' pla \ \ ‹' ‹'‹›ntainilzg th‹’ black ink faul l ‹› f th+ l‹›‹›p.

force per unit mug th ex perient'ed by the liiu' is £ „,

, '1. ’l'he

'rht t ss i'i in in tln• solid adjac:cut to a straight edge

oppositrl x' di rr ated ft› rcr u n the line due t‹i the applied shear stress is n b„ , \ v here' b,. is the l4urge rs ve‹'tor uf the mobile rlisI‹›cati‹›n. I I all I‹›‹›ps ‹‘xerf‹°cI the same max imum f‹›rce un the mublle clisI‹›c"dti‹›ns in the scJ|icl, a sharp ywlrI point would be ex pected when o, b,. eg ualletl ‹›r ex‹'evtletl F„, „, :'l. 8J‹›re precisely. the inc in the y ieltl stress of‘ the due to the pn'sence uf they li›‹›p.s ( li›‹ip hardening ) is given by

"’ b,.l

The calculation ‹›f o can be perf‹i rmed in tz'o strps:

I . Calculati‹›n ‹›t' I '„ , , wh it'h ‹-harac'teri es the interac- tin n uf a single loop and the rlislt›c-atio n line.

2. Calculation of the distance l between lt›op intersec- titins with the glide plane.

Calculation of F„„ , is of necessity approx innate tiwing to the large number of orientations of a circular loop with respect to a particular glide plane and the different possible Burgers vect‹›rs of both the loop and the mobile disloca- tion. Since thr loop is a circular dislucati‹in, classic al

disl‹ir'ati‹in t'‹› ‹if a slu ar c'r›niponent and n‹›rinal

‹'‹›rnpt›ne nts ‹i, , ‹i„ , and ri , . "l'h t she•ar ‹›iup‹in‹'n t a‹'ts in the plane t›l' the lt›t›p shu w n in F'ib. 18. 2.4 bu I in a direeti‹in perpenclicular t‹› the I Jrrrbers \ e‹’t‹›r b ‹›I' the' Iu‹›p. I Tt'n‹'t', th is stress c'u nipu nent exrrts nt› l’t›r‹'e t›n the l‹›op i.e., I lie b t'oinp‹›iient in the first term uf Eiq. 8.11 i.s /.em ) . Siniilarl;', tlir n‹irmal stress et›rnponents ‹I antl r , the not exert forces on ttir loop w'hit h act to retard its gr‹iwtli. ’I'lie nominal stress ‹i, , un the t›tlic•r hand, trnds to pull apart. t›r push t‹›getlier the sta‹ king fault, w'h icli is surrouiided by the l‹›op. ’I'lierefore, th is stress c«›iupunent exerts a radial f‹irt-e on the l‹›up. F'igure 8.1 0 ( b ) is equivalent t‹i the situation dep ietrd in F'ig. 18. 2:4. "fihe t‹›tal furce ‹rn the Itiop due tu the ‹'‹›!upt›nenf ri,. is ( 2r Ii t ) ‹i,. b t. ’fihc• Ivor k d‹›ile as llic‘ l‹›up c'x panrls fr‹›n h t‹› h * rl H/ is

or thr t‹›tal wtirk ftir thr loop tti expand against the ntrrss frinu the nearby straight edge disloi'atiou is


1 he stress u,. is

( 1 d. 5b )

to loo ps distributed uniformly in a slab of th ic'k ness 2 H; aht›ut The slip plane is

Gb„ b t

2z (


kquati‹›n 1 b. SG w'‹is ubt ained fro ni the stress comp‹› nents in c5 lindrica l t ‹›rn ponents shown in F“ig. II. 8 in the manner indi cared at the beg inning of Sec. 8.6 for ob taininp other ccimpone nts in Cartesian ‹'t›‹ird in ales. Insert ing Eq . 18.56 into Eq. 18.55 antl ta kind the derii'ative t›f \ V with respect to x yields

In deris ing Eq . lb.55, we have assu med that the stress u,. cloes not var}’ apprc'c'iabI \ uver the arc‘a uf the I o‹›p. This siinpli fication is acceptable onl y iv lien the line is far frs in the 1ot›p i i.e., x' + y' R/ ) . £“rir c luse approach of the line to the l‹iop, t he variaticin of r ,. oi'er Hoc lu‹ip area

must be take n in IO a‹'c‹ unt, and the F, fc›rmula is considerably more en niplit'ated than L'iq . 18. 57. The resul Is

‹if the ct› rn plete c'alcula I i‹i n r‹› R and \ 0.1H arc

u here the numerical ct›el'ficie nt o ( wh it h is of order unity ) de pends on the relative orientations and the burgers vet'tor

‹i l' the loop and the disl‹ication line. A s'eraging oi'er all orientations and Burgers vector combinations, Kroupa an d Hirsch I ' fi nd that the average of the max imu m fort'es due


GI›„ I*, 2 I J l'1



Fig. 18.24 The x-force on the dislocation line fo r the orientation of Fig. 18. 23. ( From Ref. 11. )

I ntc'raction l“orces due to loops ‹iu tside t›f th is slab are negligible because ol“ the y * 2 dependent e uf P ,p , ( Eq . 18.58 ) . dieing kq . 18.SP in 16.5 I sh‹› \ ve II the hardc‘ning ef l‘e‹'t of the lutips is

( 18. 50 )

Ptireman ' 2 has perl‘orrned ‹'‹mm pu ter c'alc'u la tions ct’ loop hardening in ss’h ich the e lastit interact ion forc'rs Of the model presented above are neglected. I nstead, the c'ritical stress for tearing the line a Eva y l"ro rn the ltiop is based on the sta bil ity of the ju nctions ft›rmed iv hen the ltitip and the line intersect. In the calculations a shear strc•ss drives a disl‹icati‹in line in to a stolid en nta in in g an array o f loops tif spcc'i fied size and spacing. At stresses below the walue needed to mt» e the line en ti relv th re ugh the array of loops. the d islo cation reac'hes an eq uil ibriu m ptisiti‹in. As the stress is increased in small see ps, the line mo yes l’‹irward It› new equilibriu m positio ns. £“igure 18. 25 shows the eq u i libriu ni con figurations cif a dislt›cati‹i n line t init iall y cif pure screw character ) in a cloud ‹if mops iv hose ‹diameter is /t


Fig. 18. 25 Three stages of the movement of a dislocation ( initiall y screw ) u pward through an array of loops. The applied stresses corresponding to each position are ta )

0.5 4 4 G b/ 1. ( b ) 0.550 G b/ l; and ( c ) 0.556 G b/l. ( From

Ref. 12. )



or the loup spacing in the glide plane. Each dut en the dra wing corresponds to a loop cu tting the glide plane of the dislocatio n. The three positions o r the line correspond to three different values of the applied shear stress, which acts upward in the d iagram. When the applied stress exceeds the value corresponding fo the equilibrium position ( c ) , file array of loops can no longer prevent mo tion of the d islocation. That is, the array of loups ex hibi ts a well - defined yield point at a certain critical stress. When averaged over all dislocation and luup orientations, Fore- man's computer simulation gives a critical stress of


Foreman ’s results differ from those of Krou pa and Hirsch ( Eq. 15.60 ) not only in the numerical factor in the denominator but in the interpretation of the spacing l as well. In Fo reman ’s analysis I is given by Eq. 18.25. In Kroupa and Hirsch*s analysis, I is larger than this \ ’alue because of zigzagging of the dislocatio n through the array of loops. Th is difference further in creases the discre pan cy between Eqs. 18.60 and 18.6 1. The bul k of ex perimental evidence on loop hardening favors rel at io ns of the type of Eq. 18.61 with l given by Eq. 18. 25:

( 19.fi2 )

where is the c‹›ncen trap iun or i‹›t›ps in the s‹›l id and # is a numerical factur fret \ veen 2 an rl I . With ei Elder or these cunstan£s, the in creased st rent I h du r* t‹› I‹›‹› ps is un I} 20’ Of the full O rowan I Fiq. 1 8.5'l ) iv h ie h results from an array of impenetrable r›bstacles.


Two reatures dominate the e frects of fast-neutron irradiation on the austenitic stainless-steels—hardening, or an increase in the stress needed to initiate plastic deforma- tio n ( the y ield strew, the pro purtio nal elastic limit, or the to w stress ) , and emb rid Element, ur the redu ction in specimen elong atiun prior £o fracture.

18.8.1 Radiation Hardening

The strengthening erfect of East-neutron irradiation depends un the fl uence and the temperature ( both irradia- tion and test temperat ures ) . High temperatures act £u remove damage infl ic£ed by fast-neu tr‹›n collisions with lattice atoms. During irradiation, creatit›n and thermal annealing uf defects proceed .simultaneously. IJuring testing at sufficiently high tempera tures, unly thermal annealing

continues, and this process tends to mitigate the hardening efrect of the n+u£ron irradiat ion. Damage efrects can be roughly classified by regions of f]uertce and temperature. "f'he fl uence regions above and below 10 2 ' neu trons/'cm* ( fast ) correspond appr‹›xima£elv t‹› the dosages received fry in c‹›re structural components in fast anrl thermal reactors, respectivelv.

18.8.2 Low Fluence

!n this regime ( 'I't < 10 2 neutrons/cm ) , the primary furm or adiation damage consists uf the depleted zunes described in Sec. 18.5. Because of the low fiuence, sizable quantities ‹if disiocation loops and voids have not formed. Tern peratu re su bdivisio ns in the lo w- nuence regime are ap pro x imately div ided by one-hal f the me lting point in degrees Kelv in, sv hich for stainless steel is 550 to 600°C. ( The nielti ng point of steel is 1650 to 1700‘K. ) For T < Tq, / 2, su f ficient displacement damage survives anneal- ing during irradiation and testing to cause an increase in the yield strength of the steel. This form of hardening decreases u'ith test temperatu re accord ing to Fiq. 15. 38. A ty pical st ress s. train cur \ 'e fullu winb a lo w-tempera ture Iuw-fluence irradiati‹›n is shuwn at t ) Je top or Fig. 18. l 5 ( a ) . At temperatures greater than T„ /2, the depleted zo nes and embryonic interstitial loops an neal so rapid ly during irra- diaticn and/or testing that no hardening is observed in tensile tests. The stress—strain curve coincides with that of the u nirradiated material ( lo over curve of Fig. 18.15 ( a ) ] .

18.8.3 High Fluence

At high fast-neutron fluences ( 'l't 0* neutr‹›ns/ cm* ) , disluca£iun loops and voids gro \ v tu large sizes. These large defects require appreciable time t‹› anneal uut e \ ’en in elevated- temperature mechanical tests: so their effect un mechanical pruper£ ies persists £‹› higher temperatures than does the effect uf the depleted zunes. ñumplete reco \ ery of the rad iation hardening rloes nut take place un Oil tempera- tures in excess or 8oo “c 2T„, /:J ) . Figure 1 d.26 sh‹›ws th‹* postirrad iatiori yield of t \ pe 30 4 sta in less steel as a function tif the test tent perature. ’Plie specimens were irradiated at a temperature equal tu ‹›nc*-half the mel ting puint in a rast Ouence in exc'ess t›f 10' 2 neu trons/cm 2 . At testing temperatures up to ahuu £ 400“C, the hardening is due tu a combination of depleted xunes, dislocation luops, and vuids. The displace ment damage ( i.e., hardening due to the depleted zones ) becomes i egliyihlc at abuut 400"C ow ing both to thermally activated en tting ‹if the zones by mo bile dislocations and to remo val of depleted zones by thermal annealing during the test. flet ween 400 a nd S 50”C,

Fig. I b, 2£i Y ield sire ngth of ty pe 30 4 sta inl ess steel be fore and arter irradiation at T - T,p/2 t‹› a fluency of

I . 7 X 1 0‘ ' neu mo n.s /c m' . { A fte r J. J. l i o I mcs vt al. , zl ‹’/n

I \ I‹' I. , 16 : 9s fi ( 1 968 ) . ]

442 FUN IN AMEN"YAL AT Ph?C."f’S Gf'“ N IJCLk."A R R E AC. TO H F UF. I. F. L F. MF'. N T!S

the hardening is ie rnperatu re independent ( athermal ) . At tent peratu res between 550 and 6 50“C, the loops are either unfaulted Or an nealed out during the test. Radiation harden ing dim inislies until at fi 50°C only hardetiing due to voids remains. The voids are not t ompletely eliminaterl until temperatures above 800°C. The rather distinct regions of radiation hardening determined by tensile testing cor respond to electron-microscope evidence of depleted zones ( black dots ) , loops, or voids in the microstructure of the specimens. The measured hardening due to loops and voids show n in Fig. 18.26 is somewhat lower than the values predicted by the theories outl in ed in the previous section, although the a thermal natu re of strengthening due to these defects is in agreement with theoretical expectations. The discre pancy in the magnitudes of the experimental and predicted hardening can be due to undercounting the concentration of defects from electron microgra phs, which do not reveal defects less than a few tens of angstroms in diameter. With Eq. 18.25 the defect concentration can be used to determine the obstacle spacing on the glide plane. This latter quantity enters the void-hardening expression ( Eq. 18.53 ) and the loop-hardening formulas ( Eqs. 15.6 1 and 18.62 ) .

The onfy radiation-produced defects that can be seen in the electron microscope for T > b00°C are heliu m bu bbles, and these are not nu merous enough to cause appreciable hardening. They do, however, draniaticall y reduce ductility at temperatures u p to the melting point.

18.8.4 Plastic Instability

The sizable in crease in the yield strength of austenitic stainless steel resulting from low-temperature irradiation is not matched by a corresponding increase in the ultimate tensile strength of the metal. Figure 18.15 shows that the percentage increase in the yield strength is much larger than the percentage increase in the ultimate tensile strength ( which is th e stress at the maximum of the engineering stress—strain curve ) . 'I'he ra diation-produced defects are more effective in impeding the motion of dislocatio us than they are in preventing the theoretical fracture stress from being exceeded in the specimen. The former ability is re- sponsible for the large yield strength increase, and the latter fu nction accou nts for the modest increase in ultimate strength. Thus, the net effect of radiation is to decrease the difference between the ultimate and yield strengths of the steel, or to decrease the work-hardening rate, dv mdc.

Work hardening of an unirradiated metal arises from the creation of obstacles to dislocation motion as mobile dislocations become tangled with each other and wi th the preexisting dislocation network uf the solid. In an irra- diated metal there are already so many radiation produced o bstacles to dislocation motion that the additional harden- ing effect of dislocation tangling ( normal work hardening ) is a small increment to the f•ic tional stress.

According to Eq. 18.7, when the work -hardening rate do/dt is reduced, the stress at wh ich neck ing or plastic instability occurs is correspondingly lowered. If the stress for necking is lower, so is the strain at this point. 4’heret’ore, the reductio n in ductility which occurs in co nju nction with hardening ( i.e., at low temperatures ) is simply a conse 9uence ot’ the early onset r›f plastic instability.

18.8.5 Dislocation Channeling

In some h ighly irradiated metals, the onset of neck ing can coincide with yielding. That is, there may be no uniform elongation at all during a tensile test. An example of the stress—strain curve for a specimen exhibiting this sort of instability is shown as the u pper curve in Pig. 18.15 ( b J. This unusual macroscop ie behavior during deformation is believed to be associated with the microsco pie phenomenon of dislocation channeling.' ° In this process defects im- peding dislocation motion in a metal are destroyed as the dislocation moves th rough them. Succeeding mo bile dis- locations therefore experience a smaller resistance to motion than their predecessors and th us move along the partially denuded glide plane more easily than the disloca- tions that first cleared the way. The stress required to move dislocations over slip planes that have been cleared of radiation-produced obstacles is far lower than the stress required to start the first dislocation moving. Thus an avalanche of dislocations can be released along the planar channels that have been cleared of obstacles. The strain due to th is type of dislocation motion is highly localized. A group of closely spaced parallel slip planes that have been stripped of defects by moving dislocations is called a dislocation chan nel. Dislocations continue to be generated in and move along a cleared chan nel until normal work- hardening processes ( intersection of glide dislocations with the dislocation network of the metal ) increase the stresses req uired to maintain dislocation motion. Man y chan nels can become activated during deformation. Evidence of defor mation by dislocation channeling is seen in Fig. 18. 27. Lhe dark bands, which are called slip traces, represent

o. s r

Fig. 18.27 Type 304 .stainless steel deformed 10 after irradiatio n at 1 21° t?. 3’lie sli p t rares ( dark ba nds ) rvprt'svnt the intersectic› ri of ( 111 pla n‹ s wit li t he surface of the r••' I * rr ir E. E. D lr›om ct a 1., J. ltte/. i nt a ter‘., 2 2: U8

( 15 ( i7 ) .


fiig. lb.26 \ mechanism tif lt›t›p tlt strut tit›n la y a irt»’i rig disl‹›t'atit› n. 'l'he glidt disl‹›c'ati‹› n ( uts {a ) i n tt› the loop I t‹› f‹›rin stabl ‹• jun‹'ti‹›ns I a I the p‹›ints ‹›f interac'ti‹› n l h ) . t1 ride ‹›t’ b‹›t h parts ‹›t’ I li‹ l‹›ti p t'auses tl1‹' j uI1 ‹'ti‹› ns it› I t'n#t h+’lv ul \ ti I 1.11 e} jui n ‹ii J’ i n ( t' ) t‹› ‹’.xteNd ar‹›fi nd l \ ‹th' t ) Jc’ l‹›r› p. ’l' ) 1t‘ I \ \ ‹› IJ‹i I \ ’t‘ ‹› I' I lie loo p t lu'n gliile top‹'f luar ( rl ) ‹il‹›ng I heir glirle ry li n‹lers ‹›w ing to rruittial att, r‹u-l.i‹›n .i nd ‹'oal‹'s‹-e. | \ ft‹'r

\ . J. E. l'ori'iut'n and J. ¥’. .? tiitr p, Ph iI. .’Vay., 19: 53.1 t 10t›fi ) .

‹lislocatir›n chuniirls s'lierc l‹irbe loi'‹ deforniatiun li‹is orcurrc'd. ’l’liP material bets'c't•n the slip batids is nut def‹irrned. £*:«h ‹›r th e slip b:little in the phot‹›gr‹i ph correspt› rids tu the in lersec ti‹›n of‘ ii Arou p ct‘ ( 111 ) pl‹int's with the surf at v. 3’lie ' 111} planvs are the prefr rre‹l glide plane.s in the fee struc tu re | £“ig. 8. 2 ( a ) | .

The radiation-pri›dured ‹lefr‹'t most likels destroyerl my moving glide disl‹›cations i.s tht:‹›cati‹›n li›t›p. £’igu re lfl. 28 shosvs li‹›w' an imni‹›bilr l‹›‹›p can be transt‹›rmt'd intt› a part ‹›t’ the moving rlislut'atii›n as a result of the intersection of them ts'i› spe‹'ic s, After passage of the glidt• disluc-ation, the lr›op ‹-r›mpletrly dis‹ippears. fJ ther ni‹›dels of ltiop destruction by mo ving r1isl‹›cat ions in v‹›lve chopping the 1o‹›p intt› smallc•r bits, st›me ‹›f wh ie h clan be inc‹›r pt›rated in to I he m‹›virig d is hit:‹i tits ri.


Creep rupture refers to the failure uf a specimen that has been subject to stresses well below the yield stress ft›r long periods of time. Deformatit›n of the metal ut'curs by creep rat her than by the nearly instantaneous plastic defor mation characteristic ct' a tensile test . Crerp-ru pm re tests can be cond ticted eilhrr in rq uipnient similar to that employed for tensile tests or by tube-burst tests, in whi‹'h a closed tubular specimen is loaded by internal gas pressure. In both ty pes of tests. the time to failure, or the ruplurr life, ttt, and the e ( ungaliun al failui c. c/-, are measured. Provided that steady-state creep prevails fur the major portion of the test. these two quantities are related to the creep rate by Eg. IB. 20. The crrep ru pture properties depend on the exten t of irradiati‹an, the irradiation and testing temperatu res, and on the degree of cold work of the specimens. These variables directly con trol the cree p rate, c, and the elongation at fracture, c y. The rupture life, tit , is

indirt* iiffc'eted by the same vari‹ibles 1it•‹'ause il is I lie ratii› i›f C t to t .

l3 ueti‹'es ‹›n thr ‹'reep- ru pture propt'rt ies t i1’ ;tn ;iiisl t'n it i‹' stainless steel. In th is purt it'u fur st•l. ‹›l’ t•x peri wit'rite. t he

.spc'cinieiis ss'ere an nt'‹iled l i.e., n‹›f ‹'t›ld ss ‹›rk‹'rl ) . ‹i nil I h neutri›n ex posu iv, tern pt'r‹i ttire, ‹uid the aJ›Jilierl were fixed. I luly tlu• irra‹liiil,ii›ii t‹'iiiJ»'r‹iture svas

arierl. ’f'lJ‹* nama ii1rIit.ltc* that tlJc* t‘rc‘ep rt t‹’. . ix l‹›wi'r in tlJc' irrarl iat‹*ñ spu‹'inJt‘ lx tlJ«llJ in fllc' \ ilJ irrarliat‹‘‹l itic’t.aI. '['lJ‹” rurlu‹•t.i‹›n is greatest. a I the’ l‹»"t’ I irr‹t‹Iiit[i‹›t1 t‹’!n[›‹’r‹il i rt‘ ’f*his lrentl is ‹‘t›tJxi.s[r lJt \ vitIJ tlJ‹’ t'ff‹’t [ ‹›l* tt‘lJJp‹‘rttl rim’ ‹›iJ

x‹›tJe , l’*r‹ \ l \ k l‹ ‹›px, anrl \ ’‹›irI gr‹›rltl ‹'‹'rl t› \ I let’ fil I nt'ul r‹› n ht›nJhard m‹‘n I, itll ‹›f q'l \ i‹’lJ iI1Jpt*‹lc‘ the mt› ti‹›tt ‹›t rlislt›‹“a- ti‹›ns through the s‹›lid. As thy irradiati‹ni temperature is raised, these ‹obstacles t‹› disl‹›eati‹iii mt›tion are pr‹›gres- sively rem‹›s'ed front the sprcinirn by annealing, and the creep rate in creases. At 7fl0”fi the creep rate is pram-tically equal tt› that of the unirradiated material.

h'ot all investigatiti ns li‹is e ‹'‹›n firnic'‹l the obseri’‹it i‹in of‘ rcducx•d .steady -sl‹i ie r reep rate in neu trt›n- irriitli‹i ted steel. 'l'he ‹›p posite effet't, Ot t asi‹›nall y t‘titin d, i.s at I ribu t ed tc› the removal ‹if at‹› mically dispersed carbon from the mat rix by the formation of large carbide partit'tes {II , C„ I by the of radiation-indu‹'rd precipitation. The dissulsed carbon apparently at'ts as a str‹›nger barrier t‹i disI‹›catit›n motit›n than the larger but ru‹›re widely spaced carb ide particles.

i- 'inure I S. 25 also demonstrates that radiation redut'es the elt›ngatit›n tr› fractu re. As in the i:ase ‹›f the creep ru ie, the strain at ru ptu re is smallest f‹›r the specimen irradiated at the lo west tempera ture. 7’his redut'tion in c t is nit›st probably d in to thr loss of s'ork hardenability aceoni pan y-



20 U r i i r r.›‹J i al ‹’rt


Fig. 18. 29 Effect of irradiation the inperat ure ‹›n the en ‹•p ru ptti re of a nn ‹paled t ype 30 t stain less stee 1 irradiated tu

1. S X 1 neutrons{c m' ( 0.1 Me V ) ari d tt'sted at 5 50‘ C It ndP r a stress of 'I X 10’ k x 2 . i E. E. Ii loom a nd

J. h. \ V err, Jr., .Vttc/. I“ech n of., 16: t 5 ( 157 2 ) .

inb the r‹idiat i‹in stre rig thr•ning tif the met at and leads tO pre mature plasti‹ i \ Jstabilit} ( see Sec. 19,9 ) . As the irraclia - t in n temperate re is increased , the el‹ingatio n tO frar'ture begins t‹i re tu rn to the i alue ehara‹'teristic' ‹i l’ the u nirra- diated mate rial. \ \ '‹›rk liarde nability i.s recovers d a.s the rad iation-iiiduc't'd in create in ielfl strength is reni‹ii ed by the rmal annealinti. l4oivevc'r, ct en at 7 b0 C, who re radia- t iOn stre rig I heni rite should havt r'ompletelj annea led out, the ‹-reep sly t›ivs a sit ii il‘icant loss in cl net il ity. l n fact, as the irradiation tetJiperature is in creaserl to values greatt*r than thtise show n un £’ig. 18. 25, thr el‹ingat iO n t‹i l“rac'tu re aha in dec reases. ’l'his high-tempe raturr loss ‹if dut'tility is associated with the helium p ro‹luced by ( n,o ) reac t ions in the metal ( see f“cillowin g sP‹'tion ) .

Th e efl’e‹ t ut’ l‘ast-neutron fiuenr'e on tht• c'l‹i ngat ion to r acture \ \ ’ith all ‹›tI‹er variahlrs held rixed is situ \ vt in

£“ig. I g..J0. The dri‹'tiIity ( strain at fracture ) is rerIuc«ñ r«›

a value ‹›f 20”C f‹ir the unirradiated material tO 0.1"i at fl ue•n‹ es ex pecteci in Li \ :i l'“B lt serv i‹ e. For th is particu far se t or «›nditiuns, rarliatiun cau.sPs a 00”r r‹*rI u ctiun in the ductility r the specimen.

4’lie combined effects of fiuence and temperature un the creep-ru pture properties can also be demonstrated by ru p ture 1: re graphs of the ty pe show n in Fig. 18.1*, wh ich illustrated that, l'or unirradiatt d steel, increasing the trust te mperature mark Pd ly red ut'ed the ru pture li fe. This effect is a mani mutation of the rapid in crease in the steady state creep rate, , with trst temperature I i.e. , in an A rr henius fashion, Eq. S.4 S 1. Figu re 18. Al shows that at fixed stress and fixed test temperature radiation redu ches the ru pture life. ofte n by as much as an order of magnitude. Heductic›n or i g is due predominantly to the severe loss in ductility ind vided by radiatio n. 4’he effect of test temperatu re ( ivh ich shout d not be exon fused with the influence of the irradiation temperature indicated by Fig. 18.2S ) is similar to that found in unirradiateci specirne us ( Fig. 18.12 ) .

The erfect or neutron Ouence un ttt is exhibited in F"ig. 18. 32. The ru ptu re life decreases d rastieally with increased fl uence primarily because of the loss in ductility illustrated by Fig. 18.30.

F L U E NCE , r›er, tro r›s,';m 7.1.0 v y

Fig. 18.30 Postirradiatiu n ductili‹ r type 304 sta iii less steel irradiated at various temperatu res bet seen 370 and 4 70° C and tested at fi00”C and 1.5 x 10" k N/ m°. ( After

E. E. Hlo‹i m a nd J. O. Stiegler, in ASTM Spec ial ’I'echn ic'al Pu blication 184, p. t 51, \ merican .So‹'iet j for Testing a nd hJateria 1s. Phi ladt'l phi a. 1 S70. l

I i l |Ifll| I W

! ! ) I I I#

I 1.1 L llll I I /1 I II ) I I I |JJ I




Fig. 18.31 R u pture I i re of type 31fi stainless steel irradi- ated to a total neutron fluence or i.c x 10 2. 2 neutrcns/cm* at a n irradiatio n temperature or 44 C. 7’ested at various tempe ratures in uniaxial tension.——, unirradiated.- , irradiated. ( After / \ . J. Lovell and R. \ ¥. Harker, iH ASTM Special Technical Pu bli cation 454, p. 468, American Soci- ety for Testing and materials, Philadel phi a, 197.0. )







i I I


i 1 i 1






10*' 2

5 10#* 2

F L U E NCE , neu tror s/cm I >0. 1 MeV I

5 10*^

cladding is that void formation anal swelling are suppressed ( see Chap. 19 ) . Consequently, a 10’ cold -worked material appears to represen I the best compromise between improve- ment of swelling resistance at the expense of some degradation of the creep rupture properties.

18.9.1 High-Temperature Fracture

The nature of the fractures that terminate the high- temperature creep process i.s quite different frum the mode of fracture exhibited by metals and alloys following tensile tests at low temperatures. At low temperatures fracture tends to result from shearing through grains of the metal ( i.e., the transgranular mode ) and often occurs only after

appreciable deformation. The fracture mode that termi- nates the third stage of high-temperature creep or the defor mation in a high-temperature tensile test is usually of the interg ranular type. In addition, high -temperature frac- ture is often accompanied by the observatio n of minute cracks or cavities in the metal adjacent to the fracture surface.

The nature of the i.ietal after fracture in a relatively high -stress tensile test is shown in Fig. 18. 34. In the

unirradiated specimen ( Fig. 18.34 ( a ) I the metal in the v'icinity of the fracture is full of wedge-shaped cracks. The actual fracture surface probably followed grain boundaries

along a path that had a high density of such cracks. 'fihe grains are deformed in the direct ion of the applied stress. I n the irradiated specimen [ Fig. 18.3 4 ( b ) ] , the small internal

1 0

uu 0.5 .

0 3 o’





Fig. lb.32 Effect of neutron fluence on t lie postirradia- tion rupture lifv of ty pe 304 stainless steel. "I'he irradiation temperatures were between 37 0 and 4 30‘C. J'he tests were per formed at 600”C at a stress of 1.9 x 10” k N/ ni 2 . ( After

E. E. Bloom and J. O. Ste igler, AS'FM Special "I'ec hnical Publication 4 84, p. 4 51, American Society for 3’esti rig a nd

1 0—*

Materials, Philadel phi a, 197 0. )

The degree of cold work of the tu bing used in the fuel elements is a controllable fabrication variable that can be used to optimize the in- pile performance of the cladding. Co ld working is measured by the percentage reduction in cross-sectional area resulting from drawing the tubing at room temperature. M icrostructurally, the degree of cold work ap pears as a higher dislocation density than in the annealed metal. Cold working increases the strength of the metal by mechanisms similar to th ose responsible for radiation hardening, but, in com mon with th is phenome- non, the effects of cold work diminish grea tl y at elevated temperatures owing to the removal of the mechanically produ ced dislocatio n tangles by thermal processes ( re- covery J. The effect of cold work on the stress ru pture properties of stainless steel is shown in Fig. 18.33. Moderate cold working ( 10 to 30* ) enhances the short- term stress ru pture strength, but the long-term strength eventuall y becomes poorer than that of the rull y an nealed material. If a long ru pture life at low stress was the sole criterion for choosing a cladd ing material, the fully an- nealed metal would be su perior to all grades o f cold -worked metal. However, the principal value of cold wcirking of the

Fig. 18.33 The effect of cold working on the rupture life of I ype 316 stainless steel. Tested at 7 00° C. ( From ’F. Lauritzen, Stress- Rupture Behavior of Austenitic Steel Tu bing. I nfl uence of Cold Work and Effect of Surface Defects, USA E C Re port GEAP-1 3897, Ge neral Electric Company’, 197 2. )


Fig. 18.34 Fractures of type 347 sta in less steel after a tensile test at 600 C. ( a ) Unirradiated, c t. - 1 b c. ( b} Irradiated to a fast flueiice of 2 x 10° neu trons/c ,

C F = 3?c. ( Frorri M. Kangilask i ct al., AS’I’M Special ’fiechn i- cal Publication 457, p. fi7, A mcrican Society fr›r "I'esting and Materials, Philadel ph ia, 1969. )

cracks are absent, and the grains do not ap pear to have been deformed.

Figure 18.35 shows similar photomicrogra phs of the fracture surface produced in a creep-ru ptu re test. "I'hc me ta1 near the fract ure in the u nirradiated specimen contains many small cavities on the gra in boundaries ra ther than the wedge-shaped crac As tha t appeared in the high -stress tensile fracture [ Fig. 18.34 ( a ) ] . G rain deforma mo n perpendicular to the fracture surface is evident in the fa ilcd u nirradia ted specimen. The general a ppearan e of the fracture surface following the creep-rupture test of neutron -irra dia ted steel ( Fig. 18. 35 ( b ) ] is pract.iea lly indisting ti is ha b le I ro m t h at observed after a tensile test | F’ig. IS. 34 ( I› 1 | . Its bti th cases, i nterg ranular crack ing ap parently occu rrt•‹l ra p irl [i’ as so‹in as a few g rain-bou ndary cracks or cavit ice s e re f'orrned. 'Tlar absence of internal crac ks or cavities near thy crack surface and the lack of gra its det'or ma tio n are tooth cl tie t‹i fler ra‹l iation harde ning of the matrix ot the bra ins, v'h i efi t‘‹irces failure in a nea rl y britt ie rna n n er am ny g ra its br› undaries. I n c‹› nt.rast tr› the rapid t'a i l ti rv ‹› l’ ir ratl i‹itt'‹l s pecime ns as son n as a sina 11 li u tuber of’ r r‹i r k s ‹›r clay it ies

are created, fractu re t›f the unirradiated metal is a result of the slow gro wth of cracks or cavities bv grain -boundary sliding di ffusio nal processes.

18.9.Z Wedge Cracks

The high-tern perature fracture process can be divided in to nucleation and growth regimes. Small wedge cracks are spontaneously f orrn ed at grain- bou ndary triple points wh en


the a ppl ied stres.s ex creed s ‹i cri tic-al val ue. S troh ' c‹ilcu- lated the cri tic-al stress fur the n uc'leati on ‹if wedge r‹i‹ ks on the as siim pti‹in that dislocati‹in pi leups in a slip band pr‹›i ided the necessary stress c'on ‹:en tration. Figure 1.8.,36 sh ows a grain on tain ing a disl‹ic'ution source that has em it ted disl‹›cation s into a slip plane u nder the ac'ti on of the a pplied shear stress o, . 3’he disl ovations are stop ped by ‹i grain boundary, and a pileu p ensues. : \ s noted in Sec. H. t›, th e p ileu p dev elo ps a ten sile stre ss i that ten ds t‹i

‹i pen u p ‹i cr at'k at I lie head ‹› I the slip band. 'J'he te n sile

Fig. 18.36 Crack nuclE'atiun h the pile up ‹› £ disIo‹'ations against a grain b‹› undar \ ’. ( I'°rotrl ñtr‹Jh, lie I”. 1.1. )

stress is greatest at an angle of 70 to the slip pla ne

«›ntaining the pileup; so the crack develops in the t›rien tation show n i n the driiw ing. T lie stress ‹in cen tra tion is give n by E q . b. 11 in iv h ie li the d istan‹ e frtim th e tip I ‹› th e p ileu p is taken as the cra‹! k length, or

2 C - L ,. I b.S 3l

w here C is the length ‹if the crac k ‹ind L is the len gt h of the p ileu p. The stability of the c rack is determined by' the Griffith energy riterion , w h ie h balances the loss of el‹istic energy o f the so l id iv ith the gain of sur face energy of the crack. \ \ hen the exact stress distrib it tion in th e vicinity o r the crack is em pl oyed to com pu te the el as tic-ene rgy term, the wurk required fu furm the crack is

) ( 18.66 )

\ in eth nd of estimatin g L and of ac com modatin g Stroll ’s ‹inal ysi s to the obseri ation that the wedge-shaped

r‹ick s alm ost ‹il ways occur :it grain ‹'orners l i.e., tri ple poi nts, see Fig. lñ. lb ) h as been proposed by $1 cLean.' He argues that the slip pl‹mes iv ith in the gra in s on wli ield the p ilPu ps ‹i ct'ur i n S troh ’s t heory can be replay ed bv sl id in g grain bo undaries, "I lie cram km r rmed by this process are shuw n in F ig. 18. 37. I n a pply ing Eq. 18.6 fi to the triple- poin I crack, we assum e that L is the len gth of the sliding in terrace, w hic h is a pproximately equal to the grain sixe.

\ \ 'lien precipi fates ( e.g., hel iu m bubbles or NJ 3 6 partic'les ) Isa i'e collected o n the grain boundary, sl id ing is inn peded. C t› nsequently, w eaver 1 " suggests that the len gth L sly oul d be take n *s th e average distance between particles ten the grain bo un dary.

If no plastic derormati on occurs around the ti p of the c'rack, in Eq. lb. GU is best approximated by th e differ- en re between the energy of two free surfaces whi ch were formed and the on t grai n boundary w hi cli was eliminated at the time the crac'k appeared:

âl odifiers of stainless steel ( e.g., titanium ) a ffect the c-reep-ru pture properties by increasing the effecti s'e surface energy either by segregating on grain bOu ndarirs Or by rem oving im purities such as ox ygen ‹ind nitrogen front the bra in boundaries.' 7 I n either case, o ne ‹›r the other ‹›f th' terns on the rig h i r rd i 8.67 is altered.

\ \ 'hon the grai n s of the metal are capable ‹if def‹irming plasti cally, the stre ss c on cen tration at the tip ‹if the rack clan be par tiall y relief ed b \ ' plastic fl uw. 'I'he net c'ffect ‹›f grain deformation is to in‹'rease the energy required tCi f‹i rm


+ 2Cy ( 18.G4 )

w here I is the elastic energy of the perfect solid and is the energy required to prod ti ce a unit area o f crack surface.

Setting d \ \ ' 'dC - 0 y iel ds



Cu' ( 1 d.65 )

\ Vhen the relationshi between the elastic constants

, [E - 2G ( 1 + r ] is e oyed and the crack length is denoted by 2C instead o , Eg. 1b.65 is seen Jo be the fracture stress cri terio of G riffith ( Eq. 16.5 ) . Cracks upon taneously nucleate w hén the applied shear stress c/ ,. a tions a value that renders the righ I-hand sides of Eqs. 18.63 and 18.65 e 9 ual , or


Fig. 18.37 \ wedge crack fo rming on a grain-boundary’ triple point as a result of an applied stress no rmal to on e of the boundaries.


a uni I area of fresh crack surface, or to in cre z s 7 ‹tbore the value predicted by E q. 18. fi 7. I n fairly soft metals, r'rack n ucleation occti rs on ly at sire.uses th ‹it correspond to

J'latrix siren g then ing by irradiati‹›n-produ ced defects is probably one mechanism of the loss of ductility in neu tr‹in born barded steel.

The n ucleatio n condition gi ve n by Eq. 15.65 is a pp lica-

ble only to .small crac k s. As the crar'k gro w s, r ontrib u ti one to the energy b‹ila n‹ e w' hirh depend cgq the c rack wid th become i in por time t. I n t ltisi‹in ‹i f th est terms leads to a new criti cal stress for un stable r rack growth and, for stresses bel ‹iw the critical i-alite, to an eq uilibri u in crack size. The wid th of the r rac k i s assumed to be equal to the prod uct ‹if th e number of disl‹ica ti ons in th e pileu p, n, and the avid th of each di slocation, wli ich is appr‹iximatel y eq ital to the magnitude of the Bu rgers vector. b. "fihat is. the crack is visuali zed as a con de nsati on of n single d is1oc‹itions into a

.su perdisl ovation or B urgers vector n b.

The work per u nil len gtli required to f orin the r'ra‹'k is given by

8y G 1.8. 7.2.1

I nspec tion of Fig . lb. 70 she we th at the r‹i‹› As C are real i f

11 1 ( iA and i I B 15 \ . I I B l 6A, the em a Her

‹if Use two ruo Le repre.sen Is the st.i ble crack length, and, if l3 16A, th e crac ks are unsta ble an d fracture oc c'urs. ’l'he condition ‹›f neittral stability is given by li l I›. \ , or

( 1H.7'3 )

’rhe «rack ›v idtli n h in this f‹›rm‹i la in ‹›btaiIJed fruit the

‹ippl \ ing Eq. b.39 to determine n b, we assume that the p ileu p length ( i.e„ the dist an c'e front the dislot ati on son rce to the crac'k ) is appr‹ix imately eq'.tal Its ‹Inc- half the grain size d. The crac k growth criteri on on which the preceding analy sis was based a.ssu med that the metal was sir bject to a t‹'nsile strt*ss ri n‹›rmal t‹› th‹' gr;ii ii b‹›uticiary i n wli ich

reduced b \ a shear

‹’r•fc km ‹ipp‹‘‹lr‹’rl. 1’l ‹‘ rl i I‹›‹'‹lti‹›n de \ 'el‹›pnien I ‹›f rhe ‹’ra‹'k, hu \ ve›’er,

stress ‹i l‹ing the sl ip b‹ind ( ‹›r grai n b‹au ndury in I li is c'ase ) . "I’tie dislo‹ ati‹›ns th.It move al‹ing the grai n b‹itindar› and con dense i nt‹i the r r‹ic k are inn peded by the frit-tion al stress

L”› ( nh ) ' I n

lz ( 1 r )

nb *!


( 18.74 )

"l'he first t wo term s are crintained in the energy balanr e for so» or «k . 'rh‹ i’ represen I the elastic energy of the crack in the applied stress field and the surf ace energy of th t'

ru‹ k. 4’lie th ird t‹'rni is the elastic energy per un it length ( i.e. , the line tension ) t›f th e super disl ovation. 4’his quan ti ty has been calcu lated for a single dislocati on in See. 8. 3. Eqiiati‹›n b.S gii'es the energy per unit length of a screw dislocation of Burgers vector b, and the corresponding result for a si ngle-edge d islocation is obtained by dii'ision b \ ' 1 P. \ ?ith I he ‹'ra‹'k m‹ideled as un edge su perdisloca- tion. the R urgers vector is nb, and the ccire radius is re plat c d by C 4. The t'ti toff radius or the stress field o r the su per dislocation, .fi, need n‹i I be k now n, because on ly the derivatii'e of \ V with respect to C is needed.

The last term in Eq. 18.6 8 represents the work done by

the applied stress in opening the crack to a finite volu me

¥‘,. . The crat k has the shape of a triangle ‹›f base n b and lieigh t C. so

iv here the length of the pile up has been taken as ‹one- half the grain si/e.

Substitu ti rig Eq. 18. 74 in t‹› 1fi. 7'1 yields thr critical tensile stress:

2G 7 ( 18. 75 )


I n F iy. 1d..3' the com ponen I o I the applied stress ( ha I pr‹iduces shear along the grain boundary u . is approxi- mately eq ual to o 2. I f. in addition, , is small, the critical ten si le stress for u notable triple-poin I crack growth given by E q. 18. 75 is very nearly eq ual to the criti cal shear stress for crack nucleation in S troh’s theory ( Eq. 18.56 ) . Because the internal stress , is gen erally appreciable, u t t given by E q. 18. 75 is larger than the value gi s'en by Eq . 16.fifi, which means that fracture is controlled by crack growth rather than by crack nu cleation. Thus, ,,i t of Eq. 18. 75 repre- sents the u ltimate strength of a metal w hen failure occurs

V ( nb ) C

( 18.69 )

by the formation and ex tensio n of grain-boundary cracks. The forego ing analysis of crack stability can be applied

Equation 18.69 is su bstitu ted into Eq. 8, and

d \ V dC is set equal to zero, I hereby y ielding the following q uadratic equation for the stable values of the crack length:

Cz B t1 2 ) C + AB - 0 ( 1 d.70 )

w here

A ( 18.'?t )

to estimate the elongation at fracture when failure is due to g rain-bou ndary triple-point cracks. Elongation ( or creep strain ) of a grain occurs because n dislocations have traversed the grain and coalemed into a crack . Each of the n dislocations cau se.s a displacement b; so the displacement due to a crack of’ width n b is equal to nb. The elongation, or fractional displacement, of the grain is nb/ d. Equa- tio n 18. 73 can be regarded as the condition giving the critical crack width ( at w hich fracture occurs ) for a specified applied stress. At the poin t of fracture, nb is the


product of t he grain diameter and the elongation at fracture; elongation ‹-an be fou nd from E q. 18. 73:

Once n ucleated, v'oids are believed to grow by absorbing vacancies from the bulk un til they are large en ough to interlili k and can se fracture. Vacancies probably fl ow to the


' ud

( 1H.76 )

v ords via the grain boundary since, at modest temperatures. grain-bou ndar y d ifftI.sion is more rapid than lattice diffu-

Equatio n 18. 7G, w hich was first proposed by \ \ illiams,'

h as been applied to th e embri It lemen t of neu mo n -irradiated I nconel ( a nic kel-based all‹ij ) .' "

'I'he prediction t hat grain re fi nemen I ( i.e., red u ction in d ) reduces em britt lement is burne on I by ex per intent. Equal ion 18. 7S als‹› pred refs that due ti1 ity is impr‹›ied by in creasing th e surface energy J. Th is parameter is the energy required to form a unit area of fresh .surface at the

‹'rack tip. I I the metal in hard and hri tile, approaches its

minim um value given by Eq. IN.67. O n the o ther h and, soft metals permit plastic flow at the crack tip. thereby requiring m ore energy to c reate fresh surface than j ust the surface energ}'. In th in c a e, c an he \ en' mu ch larger tha n J, . Hy hardening the matri x, irr‹idiati on acts to red uce the extent of plastic fl‹iz' around the era c'k ti p duri rig creep, tlu rt'b y rl vcri'‹tsin y ) . I n gc'nt'r‹il. any plien‹›invnon tli;it

b ritt lv.

The inverse dependence ‹if c t. on the applied stress indicated by Eg. 18. 7 G d oes no I appear t‹› hit v'e been veri fied ex perimen t‹illy .

18.9.3 Grain-Boundar y Voids

Creep i n met‹i 1s ‹it h igb temperutu re can be accom- panied by t he gro myth of v‹iids for avities ) lying un grai n boundarits that are Frank \ ’er e fo the applied tr*n i Ie fr‹’ss. ’I’ grain-boundary i ‹›id s can gro w ut stresses well below the cri tical stress requ ired for un st able gr‹›wtli of wedge cracks ( Eq. T 8.75 l.

The ‹'‹›nditiun ‹›f mechanical tquilibrium ‹›r rree spherical ca vit \ ' in a s‹›lid s « b i c t tu ten si le stress ii is gii'en by Eq. 1 .1. 4 ( in th is relati on, howe ver, ‹i represen fs a r riln pressive sfres.s ) . \ ca r ity will tend t‹i gro iv i l’ it.s radiu.s


4’o deg 'ri be creep ru ptu re by gr‹›w th of su ch voids, we must in quire as to th e mcc hanism of the ‹'reation of void n uc lei with radi i large enough to satisf y the above stability criterion and then determine' the rate at w h ich these voids grow.

Vo id.s are easily nuc leaked run grain boundaries where stress con‹-c'ntratioiis occur. "I“he trip le poin t wedge cracks sho wn in I’ig. 18.'17 can h ai'r equ ii-a len I radii large en ough f‹ir th e righ t hand side of E q. 18. 7.7 to be smaller th an the ‹ipp lied stress, even th ough the applied stress does nt›t exceed the cri ti‹ al stress for wedge-cra‹ k gro iv th. ll‹› ivever, i'oids in creep specimens are o bserved all over the grain bou ndaries and n‹›t j ti st at tri plc points. IJefec ts in the gr‹iin bu un dury that can lead to i'oid nuc lea tion include prec ipitate parti c les or small ledges, bot.h of wh ich are effective stres.s ‹'uncen traders.

si‹in. 'Fhe description of a quantitative model of the growth

‹if grain -boundary voids u nder stress, proposed by li u 11 an d Rim mer " and laundered by S peig h I and Harris,' ' foll ows.

. \ ssume that Ng , voids of radius R o have been nucleated per unit area of grain bou ndary transverse to the

tensile sire.+s by one or a c'ombination of the mechanisms listed in the pre‹!eding paragraph. The R is ‹issumed to be greater th an R,. t of 18. 7.7. Figure 18.38 show's such a

or the grow th process when th e r‹id ins

h as i n creased to R . "l he ‹inulysis neglects nucleation of nt'w v‹iids d urine growth ‹if the bat‹ h ion cheated at th e time the

V 0 I D W I T H R A D I U S P



0 F L RA I N


Fig. 18.3 8 \ rn‹›de l fo r I he gro wt h of v oids on grain bun ndari‹'s during er 'p by d i rfusion of vaca iu'it•s in th e grai n b‹› und‹i rj .

tensile stress was applied. Hj ‹in ‹ilogy t‹› the me ‹rim em ‹›f the th ree-d imension ‹il gro svth of gas bu bbles in the fuel ( C hap. 13 ) . th r i'oid population is divided in to a serie.s of identical unit cells, each w ith a cen tral void surrounded by the associated g rain-boun dary area. 'the ex ten I of grain botindar y from iv his h the i'o id draws its vacant ies is determined by


Vacancies are assumed to be rented at a uniform rate in the an not lar disk h r .A' \ irruunding each vt›id. ‘I'he th ick news of the disk is taken to be t he grain b‹itindao’ th ie k ness, w. The i a can cies created in the an nut us dif fuse t o and are ab.sorbed by the v oid at the center, causing t he latter to grow. because of the u wit cell approximation em bo died in E q. 1.8.7b, t he void and its ;iss‹›ciated grain- buundar \ area are treated as an isolated entity ; s‹i the vacancy flux at r = .N is zero. ’the wat-ancy-diffusion eq \ ial.ion in £l1+ \ v heel-shaped region surrounding ea‹’h ›'t›id in

) * G, ' 0 ( 1H.79 )

w here IJ„ gp is the di ff usion coe fficien t of vacancies in the grain boundary, C, is the i'‹› lumetric concentration of


vacancies, an d G is the uni form volu metric source of vacancies in the diff usion zone. The vacancy concentration at the void surface '^ ( r R ) is given by Eq. 13.17 ( i svith P 0:

C ( R ) = C{’" ex p R kT ( lb. 80

w hich means that because of surface tensio n the sol id in the vicinity of the x o id surface is placed in traction, t hereby in creasing the equilibri um vacancy concentration above the value in the stress-free sol id. The boundary condition at r - ."4 is

- 0 ( 18. H 1 )

The solu tion of Eg. 18. 79 with the above bolt ndary conditions is

" R ( lb. 85 )

This equal i‹›n sh oivs that the growth rate becomes positive w hen the vo id size exceeds the cri tical value given by Eq. 18. 7.7. Cavities smaller in radius than R,.,., t sinter at a rate given by E q. lb. b5 and eventu ally disappear. Ve ids for w hich R p > R,. „, grow at an ever-increasing rate.

The fraction of the g rain-boundary area occu pied by voi ds is

1.1 H. 8fi j

Fracture ( or creep ru pt ure ) is assumed to occur when the voids touch. I I the spherical voi ds are disposed on a regular square array, linkage occurs when the fractional area occupied by the voids is rR„. / ( 2R p i 2 - n,'4. where R p is t he voi d radius at frac ture. Set ting f - r t in £iq. 18. 8 ( i y ields

' R ( 1H. H2 )

T he vacanc y -concentration profile in the gr‹iin bou nd ary uruund The pure depends on the rate uf va‹ anc}’ crea tion in ( ,he gruin buundar}’, U,.. This quan tit} is not k now n a priori, and S peigh I and Harris in ve ke the arbitrary cunditi‹›n that G, is just su I ficient tu render the \ acanc \ c'uncentrati‹›ii mid w‹iy between i'oid.s l i.e., a t r 1 equal to the thcrmud}‘nunlic equilibrium Tal ie appropriate £u the solid under the appl ied tensile stress ( see C liap. 13 ) . Or G, is determined by ‹ipp ly i rig the a ux iliar y c'ondition

tu Eq. Id.d2.

Havin g Vol ved the d i££u iuiJ prublcnl, \ ve ubt ails the flu x of v acancies tu the vuid by

Rt. - ( * ) ’' .‹' ( EH.H7 )

'I'he time to ru p ture is obtai ned by in tegration of the gro ivth law from R R t, t u R R;. , or


' d R I dR , dt I

'l'hc el on gati on ( c'reep strain ) at fra‹'tu re than be esti- mated as f ol lo ws. I irogine the sol id to be dii' ided into righ I-squ‹ire prism s ‹irien ted parallel to the applied stress. 'I'lie hei gh I of ea c h pri em is the grain size d , and the base of the p rism i s a sq uare w ith si de s equal to 2R t, . / \ void nuc leus is l ocated a I the t'en ter of the top and bot tom bases. ’l'lir s olume of solid ‹'on tained in eat li prism is I 2R t, ) ' d. \ t fra‹'ture the t‹ip and bot tom bases of coach pri srn have bee n tran sf‹irrnt•d in IO lierta tsp here s o f rad in s R p . r e presenti rig the \ ’OidS t.hat dc veloped f rem the n u ‹'lei. 'I'l \ e ‹'enters o \ * ( he hemispheres at ei I her end u I the print are separated by :‹ distan‹’e d * *w \ , \ \ ’l›erc• ñ is Ii‹› ‘n so th the \ ’ulu iTic' ulid in the uriyi i \ ‹t I ‹t nd in £h e final

is the sair›e. u

Assu ir ing that the void remains spherica l despite the f ac't that its vac an cy su pply is restric ted to a bel I of wid th w R at its mi ddle, we find the time rate o f hatige t›f th e volu me of the voi d to be

d dt

The gradient at the void surface is ob tained using Eg. 1.8. 82, and G,. is el imino ted by use of Eg. 1.8.b.4. The produk I D, g b C ( "II is identified iv ith the grain-boun dary self-di ffu-

sion coefficient ( see Eq. 16.4 4 ) . Because the argume nfs of

the exponentials in Eqs. lb.b0 and lH. b'4 are small, e‘ is approximated by 1 + x . Eq nation 18.8 i yields

th c gi-ain -b uu nd al-y th i ck n ess w. T h t' vu id s url'a ce w i I h i n th t' grai n bciu n d ‹u’y is ap p re x inn ii It d by a cy l i n d en ti f rad ins R .

where the last term on the right repre nLs the vulume uf the two hem isp heric'al ‹'as iti es at either c'nd of the prism. 'the 1'ractional el On gation Of the grai n ut frac'tu re is 2f› ,'d, w hich from t.he preceding l'‹irm ula is found to br

" rl '4 d S u bstituting Eq. 18. fl 7 fOr lt j, y ields

Ace-ording In th is formu la, d uc-tility in materi als tlia t fail by cavitation is impro›’ed by grain re1’i nement and by de- c'reasing t, he density of vo id n uelei ‹in grai n boundaries.


’I’i i e th r'or y ‹if i oi d n uc leati on in the grai n b‹›u ndaries I as ‹›pp‹›sed t o tht gro iv th th t'‹›ry ju st preen tefi ) i s n‹›t en t't‘i‹'irn tl y ivt'll dev‹ I ‹›ped t‹› perm it prediction ‹if th e v‹iid spaci n g .fi. l [ou'ever, this qua n ti ty can be de tc'r In i n cmd by in t ‹isu ri n g th c v‹›id densit y ‹›n grain boundaries from iiii‹r‹›gr;lpl4s uf the fracture' surfa‹'e and tnripl‹›ying E q. 1 b. 7 b. E st imates cif the time t‹i ru ptu re based on the p reef ding an al ysis are! in rvasona b le agreemc nt cvi th the resul Is of ‹'recp-ru pt ure tests for many me t‹ils. fi x ‹'ept f‹›r the ar bit r‹i ri tic ss of the cond iti‹›n of E q. 18.83 , the II u H— Hint inrr tlir‹iry pr‹›v ides •i p ln' si‹-‹illy acceptable ex p la na- ti ‹› n ref ‹'revp rii p tu re bj‘ grain - b‹iu ndar y v‹ii de at strc•sse.s bc'luw that rt quired t'‹›r ivedgt -‹ rack propag‹iti‹›n. / \ n a lit rna lii e analy sis of thy grow t It pr‹›‹ c ss is ‹'ansi dere d in p roblein 18. l II.


l lr liu in g‹ts pr‹›du‹'c•d b5’ tran em u tation of th c ‹'ornp o- reits of stainles.s steel causes embri It leinen I ( loss of d uctili tj L iv hi ch can no I be eliminated by h igh - teni pvru tu re an urea link. Like fi.ssi‹in gases prod u‹'ed in the f'tie 1. he litini is thertu‹›dynaniit'all y in:«›l u blc in metal s and tends IO pret'i p i- tate i n to bubbles i f the tent per a ture is li igh en ough for thy hel ill m at‹›m s t‹› migrate. I f the hel iu in bsl bbles are t“‹›rmed in the matrix, they i*‹in ‹'on tribu ie to radiation hardc'n ing of tin' metal in the same manner as s’‹›ids I i.e., by Eq. 18.5'4 ) . l4 ‹iivei'er, w he It t lie' tern perature is lo u' en‹›ugh for stable dISI \ ›c"dLi‹›i1 l‹›ups ‹ind ›’‹›ids i.‹‘. , ’I' •* 700 t‹› H00 C ›, the iii ‹'rt'ni t nt of siren gth provided by the h elium bu bble.s is small cm part d w itti the vontributi‹›n.s of the other radiiiti‹›n -prodii‹'ed defe‹ ts. \ 1.1 end pt'r‹tturr'.s that re.str 1.1 in c liin i na ti‹›n of voids and di.slo‹'ati one by ‹in neali ug, tht strength ‹›f the steel retu rn s to i Le uH irradi‹ite d i-a Inc i see

£“ ig. 18. 2b ) . The helium bu bbles may have coarsened by coalt•si:ence to the p oin I that not enough bu bbles are presen r to cause appret*iable hardeni log.

\ t ele›’ated temperatures, h‹›we 't'r, helium a uses se- vere emhri £tlement ul” the steel. ’I'I \ e t’l‹›ngation tu fra‹'ture i1e \ ’er rot'u \ ’ers ar high tern peratures s d‹›es the yic*lcI sire ng th. F rar'ttire in t he unirradiated metal or:en r.s in a transgranular t›r cum bination tran sgranu lami ntergrailular

mode, ‹v hereas fracture irradiated steel occur.s invariably

a l‹ing grain boundaries. ’the ex ten t of h eliu m em brit I leme H t depends on fast-neu trcin fluence, steel cimpositi on, and tern peratu re.

Various mcc han isins for exp lain in g heliu m end britt re- men t have been sugge.sted. Woodford, Smith , and M utef proposed that the heliu m bu bbles rema in in the matrix iv here th ey impede the motion of dislocation l in es. The increased strengt h of the matrix preven Cs relaxation ‹›f stress con centration s at grain-boundary triple p‹iin Is and thereby enhances failure by propagation of wedge i:racks.

Kramer et al. 2 " o beer ved that heliu m bu bbles are nucleated mainly on grain-boundary carbide particles ( i.e., SJ; , C, ) , thereby allowing cracks to form w ith ou I I he necessity o f satisfy ing Stroh’s n uc leation stress criteria n of Eq. lb. fi6. Rei ff° has sh oiv n that the presence of heli um in tri ple-point crack s permits unstable grow I h of these cracks at stresses lo wer than that required for a gas-free crack ( Eq . 18.7 5 ) .

However, the m ajori ty of the workers in this field attri bu te em bri ttlemen I to the stress indu ced growth of lic'l iu m bu bbles on grain boundaries wh irh eventually link u p and ‹-an se in tergran ular fai lure. 2 " 2

18.10.1 Helium Production Rates

Before discussin g the em bri tt lernen I inechan ism in dt tail, we t'irst deter mine the am oun t of helium produ ed by the neu tron fl ux. The tran em u Nations that produ‹'e an alpha particle ( wit ie h is the n ucleus cif a hel iuni atom ) ‹-an be divided in tO reaeti‹iiis iv hirh ‹ic‹ ur preferentially in a thermal-neu tr‹›n fl ux ‹ind I hose ivh ield requ ire a fast- neutr‹›n flu x.

I n a thermal fl ux spectru m, the prirriar y source ‹if hel iu rn in stem l is d ate ter the reaction

H ' * n ' L i + He

wh ie h has an effe‹'tive ‹'rows ser tion in ex ‹'ess of‘ '40 ( JO barns in a flax z'ell ian ( i .e., I lierni al t'lu x spectrum. "I'h u.s, ct en th c em all quan ti ties uf bi›r‹›n in .stainless steel I 3’a ble 18. 11 produce su bstan tial qt1‹in titie.s ‹›r re I in rn. Jlure‹›ver, the b‹›ron in steel i.s of ten as.s‹›‹-iated wit h grain b‹›u ndar y carbides, w hich h ave th e generic f‹›rmu la â ' I , ( C l1 ) . 1.1 ert if denutes irt›lJ ‹›r t‘1Jr‹›mium, and ( CU ) ni‹‘: ns that burun

an d arb‹›n are in ter changeable in the t'‹›inp‹› \ i nd. Th u.s, the

helium pr‹›du‹-ed fr‹›m the hurulz rea‹'Li‹›n in strategi‹ ally’

avail able ‹'l osc t‹› grain boun daries, where it can do thy tit ‹›st d‹ini age.

h'at ur at b‹›ron r'‹›ti tain s on ly 20’ 13 ' " , ‹ind, in v ivw of I lie sin ‹il l i‘tin t'eti mat i‹in s uf th is i in pu r i ty in m‹i st stee 1s, the

‹lv ‹ii mhm' II ' " is burnc d on t ‹if the ‹'ladd ing bj rc•tir'tit›n

18 . Elf ) tear ly i n I lie l ife of the few I ele in en t. £t‹›ivever. th e

‹irn ount of helium f ound in the ‹- laddiu g on tin ues to in‹'rease, p ar tly be‹-au se ‹if the foll ciwiii g tw‹i-step rca‹'t i‹in involv ing ther rnal neu trons and nil k vl:' "

N i" n 1 - - N i " +

N i’ " + n ' —• F e’ " + 1.1 e ' ( 1.8. 91 b )

’l'he effective th erma l-neu tr‹›n ‹'ross sections for these reacti on.s are L 1 ‹ind 1'4 bar ns. respet'ti vel j . J3e‹*atise th e

.su pp ly ‹if ni‹'kel in a usteni tic stainl eve steel is in cx hausti ble ( l'rom a nu‹'lear rea‹'tion poin I of“ view ) , thy helium produk ed by the two-step reaction ‹if ne tttron s ‹ind nil kel i!on tin ues I lirough ou t the l ife of the fuel element.

l n th e fast breeder ri'actors the fast -neu tron fl ux is some four orders of magnitude greater than the th ermal cut ron flux. By r'u mparison the fast and th‹'rmal c'o mpoiu• me of thro neu tron fl ti x in t lie so-callt d thermal reactors ari* abou t equal ( see Tablt' 10.1 ) . 3’h tis, a Ills ough reacti o ns 15.5 O and

18.91 produce helium in the cladding of an I.hI FHR , the fast fl u x induce.s ( n,o ) read tion.s in all components of the meta 1. r st-neu tron irradiation ‹if so produ c'es ( n ,p ) reactions on nearly all nuclides. However, the hydrogen produced by these reactions does n ot cause em bri ttl eme nt because of rapid diftu siun of th is elemen I in steel, which leads to escape from the cladding. | B irss has reviewed The reac tions that produce helium in reactur materials. The most impor tan £ helium producers in the steel are the nickel


and iron. 'I'he other major constituent of steel ( ‹'hr‹imiurn ) also produces signi fit-ant quantities of helium. ’l'he impuri- ties nitrogen and boron also release helium as a result of

’I'able 18. 3 ii ffecti ve ( n,o ) Cross hecti‹ins in a Fission- Neutron iipectrum

t n,n ) rea‹'tions indui'ed by fast neu trons. ’l'lie ( n.a l rea‹'- tion.s in the metals and the ligh t impurity element-s in steel

are of the threshold type, sv h ich means that the ‹-ross

.section is xero for all energies lx'lo w' a ni inimuin or thresh‹›Id ›’alue. 'I'he thr‹°xh‹›Id energy uccurs because the reacti‹›nx are end‹›thermi‹* ‹ind I ei ce require th+ kilzeti‹' energy .su pplied by the n en tron to pr‹iceed. By con mast, reacfi‹›its 18.90 and 18.91 are ex utlzerinic with ‹'r‹›ss

( 'i”




actions that inc' as E '’. F’igtire 10..4fi sh ows the• c'nergy dc'pendence of the throws c'tions for a typical ( n,a}


Fig. 18.39 E iterg¿’ dt’pt‘l rl+net' ‹›f a t}’pi‹ al ( n,« ) crt›xs

reac ti on. 'I'he th rests ul d enc'rgy is of the order of' 1 t‹› 5 MeV. \ Vhen m u ltip lied by I hr energy sped'mum of the flux ( £“ig. 17. lS I •ind by the density of the partir u la r n u‹'fide. the rate' of produc tion ‹›f heliu in is given by

signifii-nut cotitri halters of helium in fast reactor fuc*l- element ‹'ladding. 'l“he effet'ti ve ( n,o} t-ross »'t'tions in the flux sprctrit m of' a ty pical I.61 I'“I4lt art' ahuut ‹'qtial t‹i tli‹›st' gis en for tli‹' fission-ntunron sp‹'‹'trtun i n 'l'alilt' 8..3.

F inure lS. it ) sli ‹owe t he helium ‹'‹›ti‹'en trati on.s pro- duced in f«xt and I hc'r m al rea‹'t‹›r ‹'ladding. ’I'he di run ti- n uity in I lie he 1 iu in Jirodut ti‹›n mite in the tli‹!rinal re:it t‹ir is due to burnou t of‘ D' " "I'lic continued rise in heliuiii concentration is due' t o threshold ( n,‹i ) reactions in the c ompunent of the neutron flu x. ’I'hr two-step nic'kel reaction t›f Eq. 18.51 is not considered in the p lot. ’l'he helium c-t›ncentration i n the rea‹'tor cladding bc‹'omes Itirger than lhat in the therlntil mat'£‹›r a fler I ITU day’s. DPspife the mm till t'r‹» se‹'ti‹›il.s, the II u xes in Flat rea‹'£‹Jr are largL'r tl \ ‹ilJ in the th£'rtfiaI rtat'f‹›r. , \ ft£‘r appr‹›xin1alcl}’ a 2-yt'ar irradiaLiun periud, the I \ elirtiJt t'oncentration in thc• ‹•ladding apprtiat lies WI ppm.

18.10.2 Stress-I nduced Growth of Helium Bubbles on Grain Boundaries

'I he a lialy sis uf tht rate ‹›f gr‹›wth ‹›f helium bubbles l \ ' ing un grain b‹›undaries perpendicu lar tu the direct ion t›f the applied tensile stress is based on the H ull—R immer void calc'u lation presented in the pre•vious c'tion. Only two

N b 9 ( p E l r/y

„, j ( E ) dE = rate of He produk:tion

per unit vol unie of metal t 18. 92 j

aspects of the s'oi d analysis ne•ed to be changed: the stability criterion and the vacancy concentration at the bu bble surface during growth.

4’he stability ‹-riterion for voids is given by Eq. 1tt.’i 7.


where N is the drn sity of the nuclide in question and r {E ) is the flux spectr um. \ n effe‹'tive c'ross section in a particular fiux spectr um c-an be defi ned by

( n .c ) e f f

The denominator of Eq. 1b.93 is the total flux ( E > 0.1 ñIeV ) . The effective ( n,o J cross section for the major con.stituents and two impurities in stainless steel in a Mission spectrum are listed in Table lb. 3. 'I“he ‹-ross sections rep resen t the ›’alues for each stable isotope of the elemen I in the l ist weigh ted with the natural abunda rice and summed.

Note that the cross sections for the metals are of the order of m illibarns, sv hereas the thermal cross actions of reactions 18.90 and 18. 91 are three to four orders of magnitude larger. The nitrogen and boron fast flux ( n,a ) cross sections are m uch larger than th ose of the major constituents of the .steel; so th ese impurity elements are

'The analogous criterion for gas- fi lled bubbles in mechanical equilibriu m with the solid was deduced by H yarn and


Fig. 18.40 Helium concentration in type 304 stainless steel exposed to LXIFBR and L \ YR flux spectra. |After

A. DeP ino, Jr., Irans. I mer. .Vu‹ f. .Soc., 9: 386 ( 1956 ) . ]


Sum ner.” 2 Con i dcr a bu bble Cha L con taint m heliuiil atom s. In the a been ce of stress in the surrou nding solid, the radius of the bu bble is gi ve n by Eq. 13.1ñ ; we have assumed I hat the bu b ble is large en ough to permit application of the perfect gas law, a condition iv hich is less restri cti ve for helium than it is for xen on. Th us,

( 1.8. S4 j

\ Vhen a tensile stress ri is applied. t he new eqtiili britim radius of the bu bble is gi ren by Eq . 1 .4. I:



and the i dca l-gas law:

of Sq. t6.96 is greater Than the right-hand side, there is no stable bu b ble rad iu s, an d u nl inn ited gro wt h ocr urs. Eqtt a- tion 15.98 is the bu bble analug or Ed. 1 d.'7'7 fur ’oids. F‹›r a gix'en size of cavity, the critical st ress is seen to be a r«i« of 3 smaller for equilibriu m gas-filled bu bbles than it is for voids. ’th is result reflec As the f act that the gas pressu re, p, in Eq. 18. 95 asst.sts the applied stress, ri, in en larging the bu bble.

4’he gro \ v th law for the ga rilled bu bble is ft›rniulated in a ni an ner simil ar to that appl ied by ftull and Rimmer to grain bound‹iq voids I prev in us sectio n 1. "1’he densi ty of

ing t‹› Sq. 18. 7.8. l f it is assuni ed th at all the heliu rn pr‹idu ced in the matrix is in the form ‹›f bu bbles and all the bu bbles are at Mac hed to grain boti n dar ies, an est innate of Ng t, r'an be made. l.ct Al be I lie t‹›tal eo n‹ ent rat ion ‹i f helium in th e metal, as determined fr‹irn F ig. 18. -10. lf It q is

I he size of the bu bb les in the abse urge of stress, the num ber

( :N' ) mkT

of gas atom s per bubbl e is g iven bj Eq. 1.8. 0 t. 'l'lie bu bble den.sity ( num her of btibb les per n n it volume ) is

E line inati n g m and p frum Eqs. 18. 9.1 to 1.8. 9ti y ie Eds the relatio n


R \

1H971 1 f the g rain d iarnctcr i n the spe‹'iIn en is d, th ere are N d bu b bles per g rain. . \ sstim ing I hat the g ra ins are ‹'u bi‹*al in

Equation lb. 97 i.s plotted in F ig. 18.4 1 for three i a Ines of Rd , iv hich, accord ing to Eq . 1 b. 94, is a measu re ‹›f the num her or hcli um at om s in the bu bble. ’I'h ru nc tion has a maxim um w ben R - ,3''R t, , at w hic h size the stress and the initial rad iu s are related by

R„ R ( 16.9H )

’1’his form tila can be in tvr p re ted in ei I h r i Evo wa j s. For a given app lied ten sile stress, it gives the t'ritical initial bu b ble radius, Rt, t , for sta bility. 1 f R R‹ ,;, . ap pl ina- tion of the stress causes the bubble to enlarge to the size th at satisfies Eq. 18. 97. Alternatively , i f the initial bu bble radius is specified, the form ula gis:vs the critical stress ‹i,.„t for stab ility. l f either ‹ir Rt is such that the left- ha nd side


shape and I li at th e Nd‘’ bti b bles are u nifurm ly disp‹›sed

‹›‹'er the six of the c'ube, lltere are id fi b \ i bhles |›er unit area of g rain bo urldary from one grain. lie over er, t'a‹'1i g r‹iiti boundary is su pplied w ith bit b bles front to’o adjac't'n I grci ins; SO

Xd b I hhle \ i n ir grain b‹›und‹ir \ ' nr‹‘a

L’ n for tunatelj , Eqs. 18.99 and 18. 100 du not un iqu el \ determ inc Ng , . I n addition, we in ust eitli cr speci fy the bu bblt size. R , or the bu bble density, N. K now ledge of eith er ‹›f these two quantities depends on fhe bubble nu cleation, migra tion, and coalescence properties, no ne of w hich is well established.

Nevertheless, assturi ing that the bti bble density o n the grain boundaries, N ;, . an be estiira ted, the Hull—R iminer an alysis is iden I ical to that pr even ted for voids prov ided I hat the boundary t ondition gis'ing the i-a‹'ancv cnu en tra- tion at the bubble surface, E q. 18. H ( I. is ni odi fied It› 'u‹'t'oun I ft›r fhe effec I of the in tern al gas p rescu re. ’I'‹› do th is, we use Eq. I:3 . 1.7 S:

F“‹› How'ing the l ines of th e H ti I l—R im rner de ri inati on, the grt›u th law for th e h el itini bu bb les is fou nd to be


10* 1 0“‘ 1 0’

R, ;

10# 1 0"

R )

X ( .•y,'/Rl'— 1

21n ( .%'R›— l• ( h.v/ ) '

Fig. 18.41 Critical strrss for unlimited stress-induced growl h ti l’ eg nil ib riti in bu b b les as a fu n ‹:titin o f i n itial bu bble si ze. I 1’r‹i In ftei . 0.2. )

"l'he gas pressure p in th is form Sila is ex presse d in terms of in a nd H b \ Eq. 18.9ti, and integration act ording IO Eq . 18. 88 ca n be act om pI ished i f in is a on sta nt or a k now n fti nction of time. Sqm ation 18. 10.2 redu ces t‹i the


case for voids ( Eq. 18.85 ) if t he cai'ity contains no gas ( i.e., when p - 0 }.


If the applied stress is less than the critical value gi \ 'en 8

by Eq. 18. 98 for the particular initial bu b ble size Rd , the bu bbles enlarge from radius Rd to a final :'alue that satisfies

Eq. 18.97 at a rate given by Eq. 18. 10 2. However, if th e 6

applied .stress is grea ter than 0. 7 79 ' Rd , groz'th proceeds at the rate prescribed bi Eg. 18. 10 2 bu t w ith no u pper limit

to R. I n th is case, growth is terminated when the bu bbles

tuu c-h, w hich occurs at a rad ins given by Eq. lb.b7. The 4

time to ru pture is given by Eq . 1b.b b, and the elongation at fracture, by Eq. lb. b9. L sing Eq. 18. 100 in Eg. lb. 8 9 gives

( ld.l08 )

Equation lb. i 03 shows that t he greater I lie density of bu b ble s, the m ore severe the em brittlemen I due to he1 iurn. Owing to bu bble grow th by di ffusi on and coalescence at the ex pen se of nucleation of new bubbles. N inc reases


4 00 500 600 700



l in earl y’ w ith neutr‹in fJ tie nce and probably decrease s z' ith increasing tern per a ture. l'h is plie nomenon is t'oni mon ly called ot'er‹tgii ig.


Alec h an ical proper tie s are i‘‹›ni mon ly measured in either ten sile { high strain rate ) or vreep-ru pture ( l ‹iu' strain rate ) tests. I n these twti tj pcs ‹if test s, the r‹idiati‹in effects run

\ 'ield sire Ing th , j , and elongati‹in at fra‹'ture, ct, are ni ost pronounced. \ s a re sul t of irradiation, o, is in‹ reased and c t is decreased. The radiatio n-indu ced loss of ductility is m ore signi fi cant in fuel-elem em design than is the inc rease in y ield strength; rad ia ti‹›ii h ardening enhan‹ es seri'ice per form ance, whereas dli clit ity I osses dec rease service li fe. Of these two factors. serf ice li fe is by far the m ore im port ant in I imit ing t he de sign of a reactor fuel e lemen t. Embrittlement u' ill prr›bably be the lifetime limit in g factor in the fi rst w ail of f usio n reactors as well,

Em bri filament increases monotonicall y with neti tron fJuence in both ten sile and creep rupture ie st s ( Fig. 1 8. 30 ) . The effect of irradiation tent perature, however. is quite complex ( irradiation tern peratu re should not be con l'used w ith testin g temperature, th tree I of w hich is show n in Fig. 18. 3 1 ) . Figu re 1b. 4 2 shows the effect of irradiation tern perature on the el on gatiun at fracture in low-tent pera- ture postirradi ati on tensile tests of specimen s that have all been irradiated to the m me fast-n eu tron fluence. A t low tern per at ures reduced ductility is due to pl astic in stability Secs. 18.3 and 1b.9 ) , w hich in turn is due to the large inc rease in yiel d stress w ith out a com parable in crease in ultimate strength. As the tern perature approaches 500° C. barriers t‹› dislocation m otion ( e.g., l‹›ops ) responsible ft r hardening begin to be rem oved , and the metal recovers its w ork hardenability. As a con sequence of this recover y,

Fig. 18. 42 Effect of irradiatio n temperature on the d uc- tilit y o f irradiated stain less steel. Tensile tests at 50° C; fast-neu tron fluence > 10' 2 neu trons cm 2 sec ' | After

R. L. Fish arid J. J. Holmes, J. S'ucl. .'Via ter‘., 46: ( 197 3 ) . ]

migrating and precipitating in tu bu bbles that segregate at the grain boundaries. Consequen fly , du ctil ity falls because of helium em bri them en t. As the tern perature reaches b o 0’C, rem o \ al of vuids becomes appreciable, and t he matrix so f tens some more. ’I“he so fler matrix permits plast ie

flow in the neigh b or hood of wedge cracks and t hereby tends to cou nteract the em brit Hem en I due to h elitim. "the resulting ductili ty minim um has often been obse rved in ten sile testing of irradiated steels. E venttially , ho ivever. helium embrittlem ent orerw' helm s a 11 other effects, and I lie du clit ity drops tu verj low i alues at high tern peratu res.

Design of fuel elements is usually based on one ‹ir more creep-ruptu re pro pe rties of the irradiated metal. For exam- ple, i f ladding is to operate in a reactor for a sped i fied i rradiation time t,,,, the a How ab le stress to v hich it maj be subjected by in I ernal pr essure from released fission gases a nd or fuel—cladding mechani‹-al interaction can be re- quired to be the smaller o f the fo llo w in g two values:

{ 1 J S7’ of the stress for rupture in time t„, or 1 2 j 100’ of the stress to produce 1’r to tal strain I elastic. plastic, and creep ) in time I, t, .

F‹ir irradiate d mc tal tlit all oivable stresses under c'ond i- tion ( I ) can be ub tained from out-of-p ile test re sul Is such as those show n in Fig. I b .,31. 'J'he data in P ig. 18. 29 perm it estimation of the m in inn url allowable stress under ‹'ondi tiun ( 2 ) .

"these condi ti‹ins assume that the stress a pplied t‹i the cladding is cunstan t r»'er the I ifetiine t,t,. \ V hen this i.s nut so, the tech niqtie kH‹›ivn as thy str in rna /Jc›/i of Ii! f'e fi‘a l in ii.s is often emplojt•d. Neglect for the moment the effec'f ‹if irradiation, and su pposr that the ladd ing is

ductilit y increases. At a pprox inn ately the same tern perature

subjet't to sire ss ‹i t 1‘or time t , ‹i› f‹ir tim e _ I

, e t‹ . ’l'he

that point defects in the m etal become su fficiently m obile to an neal out the defect clusters that cause hardening, helium atoms in the matrix also become capable ‹if

sum of the time increments t, * I; * = t,t,. Corresp‹›nd- ing to each st re ss le ’ct is a rupture l ife I q , t q ,. fl'lie

allowable c'om bination ‹if tiin es and stres s is gi ven by


l llH1 ( ) l )

the stress dependen‹'e uf the rupture li fe is k n‹›is' n. Equ ation 18. 10 t dues not in ‹'l ude the far tur of en fetj in

‹audition i 11.

S ink ilarl j , conditi‹in ( 2 i is rn udi fied in the c-ase of different stresses du ring claddin g li fetiiiie to

11.8. 1.05

u' her e t, , is th e ti me red u ired to prudu ccc I" str ain at str cms In a r;ir1i‹iti‹in fit'lrl. tile firm' t‹i ru|aturv, tit, in


Eq. 18. I tJ 1, ‹in d the ti we t‹i ‹ie lii ct e I’ strai n. t, , i n Eg . 18. 1.05. depend on thy st ress i , , th e tern pt rature 'l' . and the ‹t‹-ctt In til‹ited fliience ' t 'l', I, f‹›r thy i ntvrv‹il t, I Isa 1.1 he laddin g h‹is be e n i n I liv on d iti ‹in denott:d bj the su bsl ri pt i. "l'h u s. st ress-rup ture fai I ure ‹i‹'‹ rms iv'tien

In-pile irradiation creep ( Sec. 19. 7 ) is not i ncluded in th is analysis.



'fhv theories of radiati‹›n hardening reviewed in See s. 18. t t lirough 18.7 appl y vqu a 11 \ ' w ell IO b‹ c and f‹'c nic'tals and .tlloi s. l I ‹›wei'er. there .me set eral import an I difl“erences in the repays flint these tw‹› types of inc tale respond to radiation, all of w’ hi‹'li ‹-air by tra‹ ed to the greater rn ‹ib ility of at‹ini s ur p‹iiti I defe‹-ts in th e inure open bcc lattice c‹xnpared t‹i the close-packed fee crystal emu e ture.

18.12.1 Y ield Drop

( l ne ot’ the m est im oortant di fference,s in the me‹'hani cal properties of austenitic and ferritic steels in the unirradiated condition is the absence of a y ield drop in the stress-strain beha vior of austenitic steel. The e xisten ce o f a sharp yield poin t in unirradiated ferri tic steels ( the u pper yield point in Fig. 18.10 ) is attributed to the p in ning of dislocation lines by impurity atoms ( princi pally carbon ) strung out along the line. Before a Frank —Read sou rce can be operated by the applied stress, the disloc-ation line in the source ( BC in Fig. II. 13 ) has to be un pinned from the inn purity atoms that have become attached to it as a result of migration from the matrix. The stress fiel d around dislocation lines can attract impurity atoms. I nterstitial carbon atoms, for exam pie, are therm ody namically more com for table in the ten sile region below the extra half-plane of atoms of an edge dislocation th an they are in the perfect matrix. T he stress req uired to release the dislocation from a row of carbon atoms can be estimated.' Once free from the pinning action of the elute atoms. the dislocation can m ove at a lower stress, which causes the drop in the yield stress from U to L in Fig. 18.10. Y ield then propagates at a

nearl y onstant flow stress until the begin n in g of n orrn a1 u or k-hardening processes arising from in ter action between

’l’he carbon dislocati on loc king mechanism is not impor tan t in a us ten iti c steels because the dif fusion coeffit ien t of carbon in the t l use-pat ked fee l atti ce is lower than i I is in the more ‹open bcc structure of ferriti c steel. Under n‹irmal quenching pru‹ edures, the carbon at ours in austenitic steel cannot m ove rapidly enough to the d islocation I ine to pr‹›v ide a cont'en traticm ‹if at‹›ins along t he line which is su fficien t to strongly lock the dislocation. As indicated in See . 18.5, fee metals develop a y ield drop under irradiation bec'ausv pt›in t dc few ts can take th e pl ace ref in pu ri ty atoms in l‹›r k ing disl‹ications.

18.12.2 Radiation An neal Hardenin g

'I'he li igh rn obili ty of impurity atoms iii bcc me tats is man i fest by the phenorneno n of i‘acliu lie i i on ii ml Ii ai‘dc ii iit g, ivh it h is n of observed in fee materi als. l f, f ollow' ing a low temperature irradiation, specimens of ali fee- metal are a nnealed for several hw urs before testing, th e radiation produced in reasv in the y ield .stress det'reases itni furni ly with an neal ing temperature. \ V i th bcc metal s. on the oth er hand, the yiel d stress fi ref increases with air nealing tern pera- ture, then passes th rough a max imum bef‹ire returning to the s'al ite observed for the unirradiated metal. The in creased hardening arising from the annealing process is due to the In igrati‹in of in tersti tial ink pu rit y a toms ( ox ygen, nitrogen. and c'arbon ) to radiatit›n -produced defer I ‹'lusters, su‹'h as the depleted x‹›nes or disloc-at i‹i n loops. ' I mpu rity —defet't

luster ‹-om plexes for rn in ore effective obstacle s to di sloca- I i on m otion than do irn puri ties an d defect ‹'meters iv hen they ex isl separately in the in atri x. The h ig h in tersti tial- atom d ifl“usivitie.s permit migration of the small iin p urity atoms to the defe'ct c dusters at temperatures lower Hi a n I hose at iv hich the clu.sters are destroyed by an nealing. Hosve \ ’er, at sufficiently high temperatures, b‹ith the

oniplexes and the defect cluster.s are removed. and h‹irden in g diminislie.s w it h temperature its in fee metals.

18.12. .3 Creep Strength

'I'he h igh diffusio n rate of the in min six' components of the bcc metals ( the vacanc'ies and inatri x atoms ) in the more open brc structure is responsible for the p‹›‹irer creep -rupture streng th of the ferritic steels compared with austeni tic steels. Creep by growth of grain-boundary can t- I ies, for exam plc, occurs by vacan ‹'y diffusion ( Sec . 1.6. 9 ) , which is greater in bcc metals than in fee metals. F‹›r this reasun. austenitic steels are used in high-temperature t'ore t ‹inn ponen Is rather than ferri tic allo ys.

18.12.4 High-Temperature Embrit Element

O ne of the stri k ing di fferen ces between bcc and fee metals is the absence of helium embrittlement in bcc metals. That is, bcc metais ai‹d alloy s are not su bject to the drastic loss in ductility when irradiated at high tern perature. One w'ould ex pect that the higher di ffusi on coef fi cients in the bcc m aterials would accelerate rreep ru pture by the growth of intergranular voids that are stabilized by helium.

45 6

w hi ch is believed to be the principal mechanism of helium embri ttlem ent in fcc metal.s. The virtual absence of helium end bri ttlem en I in bcc metals indicates th at creep f ailure in these materials does n of occur by the sires.+e n hanced cavi ty growth mechanism. Rather, it is believed that the large eel f- di ffusi on coe fficien As in bcc metals permit ef ficien I reduction of stress concentrations at grain bou ndaries. there by reducing the tendency for triple-point or wedge crac king. ' 'l“he h igh point-dt feet mobility assi sts in the processes of recry stallizati on ( growth of new grains ) and recovery ( softening ‹if the matrix due to annealing of the d islo‹-ation network ) . Be th processes act to redu ce stress concen tratir›ns and t he reby inh ibit in tergran ular fai lure.

18.12.5 Brittle Fracture The Cottrell—Petch Theory

O n th e basi s of an earlier the or y or Petc h, Cottrell " has proposed a theor y of yielding in metals ex h ibitin g a distinct yiel d poin I w hich can be applied to determine the rrac ture stress. K nosvledge of both the yield and rracture stresses permits l.he condition s for brittle frat'ture to be deduced.

The lower yield p oin I in bcc m etals or in irradiated fee metals contains contributions due to .source hardening and friction hardening ( Sec. 18.51. Fr iction hardening is the stress experienced by dislocati ons m oving th rough I he metal. So urce hardening represents the applied .stress needed to unlock pinned dislocations and set them i mo m otion. Cottrel l assu mes that d islocati ons in a few isolated grains have been unlocked either because the orientation of these grains relative to the load is such as to produce the maxim um resolved sh var stre ss on active slip planes or because a few sources in these grains have particularly lo w un pin ning ln either case, the dislocations produced in the prematurel y yiel ded grains pile u p against the grain boundary. The enhanced shear stress in the neighborhood of the pileu p triggers the sources in the adjacent grain. Like a row of d omin oes, yielding propagates across the en tire specimen, or the material flows.

The shear stress exerted on the slip plane in a grain next to one that has y ielded and released an avalanche of dislocations w hi‹‘h are st‹›pped by the grain boundary is sh ow n in Fig. lb. t 3. The shear stress acting on the sour res in grain 2 consists of tw o coinponen ts, the applied sh ear stress o, ,, and the shear stress due to the proximity of the p ileup in grain 1 . The latter is given by Eq. 8.41 w herein o, y is reduced by , to account for the fricti onal stress experienced by dislocations in the pileu p in grain 1. Thus, the sources in grain 2 are subject to the shear stress

( lb. 107 )

where d ( the grain size J is taken to be the length of the pile up in grain 1 and L' is the distance from the grain boundar y to the nearest dislocation sou rce in grain 2. The ratio d/ L' is generally m uch greater than unity. The stress required to operate the sources in the material is denoted

by of . I n high -purity unirradiated metals, •d ' s the stress needed to activate Frank—Read sources ( Eg. 8.16 ) , but, in ordinary bcc metals or in irradiated fee metals, •d 0 R


Fig. 18. 43 S hear st ress on source i n u n yie Ided grain du‹• to pileu p in adjact nt yielded grain.

bec-ause of lock ing of the source disl o‹'ation s by imp unities or poin t defects produced by rad iation.

A I the instant yielding is triggered by the mechanism of F ig. 18.4 3, u ’i s eqn al to I he yield stress , and is equal to q . flak ing th ese su bstitutions in Eq. 18.1 tJ7 gives

or, so lving for the y ield stress,

) { 1 d. 108 )

If the product cm d ( L’ ) !’ is denoted b} a constan I k, , the yield stress becomes

uy = u, + k d“” ( 18.109}

The second term on the righ t give.s the source-hardening contribution to the y ield stress. The two components of my can be determined ex perimentally by one of tz o means:

1. By extrapolating the w ork -hardening portion of the stress strain curve in Fig. 18.10 to the elastic line. The intercept is interpreted as u; , and the diireren ce between the lower y ield poin t and the intercept is the source- hardening contribution k„ d"”. This procedure has been em plo yed by Mak in and M inter to determine the effect of neu tron irradiation on the friction and source-hardening components of copper.

2. By measuring the y ield stress for specimens of differen t grain size and plotting a vs. d ". T he intercept of such a plot is u„ and the slope gives k, . 3 Most metals obey a plot of this sort quite well.

With k,. determined from y ield-stress measu remen ts, Cottrell calculates the critical tensile stress for fracture by substituting Eq. 18.109 into Eq. 18.7 5. At the yield stress,

, , is identified w y ith O , and the term in the parentheses of Eq. 18. 75 is given by k, d"*. Thus, the fracture stress is


"c ri t £’

2GJ d " ( 18. 110j


quentl y, the theorj‘ suggests that the yield stress should increase m ore than the ultimate stress as a result of

The ef fee t of grain size on the fra ct ure stress ( or ultimate tensile stress ) and the yield stress o f a low-carbon steel is sh ow n in Fig. 18. 4 4. The two lines cross at the ductile—brit tle transition. To the righ t of th is poin t, the material is ductile, since it j ields before frac turin g. The in crem ental «tratfr F eg needed to cause fractu re is supplied by work -hardening processes, whi ch mean s that the metal m ust deform plasticall y. A s show n by the lower curve in this fi gure, appreciable elongation occurs before fracture. ’to the left of the transition. yielding and fracture

occur elm ultaneously. Fracture takes place aJ ong the yield stress line since y ield in g is a prerequisite to fracture. I n th is region the metal is t‹i tally brit tie.

The Cot trell—Petc h theory can be em p toyed to ex plain the effect of radiation on the y ield and ul timate tensile strengths of steels. The f ric tion a ) componen t to th e y'iel d stress, u, , is quite sensitive to radiation ow in g to the defect c l u st er s p r o d u c e d b j fast-neu tron bombardmen I ( Sec. 10.5 ) . ’I'he parameter k,. , on the other hand, depen ds on the stre ss t‹i ‹operate disl‹›‹-ation sour‹'es in th e metal. ‹i, . In fee meta is and alloys, this stress is sligh tly int reased by radiation because the poin t defects assist in pinnin g the

›urces. In bcr' metals, however, the source s are str‹›n gl› pin ned by impu ri ty at‹›ms in the absence of neu tron- produ ced poi nt defects; so radiation has a negligible effect on k,. for metals of this cry stallograp hic structure. Conse

irradiation. This prediction is borne on t by experiments. The drastic loss in ductility at low tern perature results from

the di fferen t sensitiv i ties of t and * F to neutron damage. Figu re I b. 15 shows the Cottrell—Petch theory dis- played on a tern perature plot for different values of the

frictional stress. The increase in u, is assumed to be due to neu tron irradiation. 7’he du ctile—brittle transition tern pera- ture ( DBTT ) or the nil-ductil ity tern perature ( NDT ) is defined by the condition th at p - o t , or from Eq. lb. 110 by ( he formula:

( l b. 1 11 )

/ \ lthough this eq uation coul d in principle be solved for the tran siti‹›n temperature ( using the temperature dependencies of ‹i, and k,. , it is in ost om monly em plojed to estimate the effect of neutr‹in ex posure on the temperature at which ferri ti c steels become bri tile. 4’lie graph ie illustration of the increase in the tran si ti on temperature show n in F ig. 18.45 can be ex pressed quantitatii'ely by usin g Eq. 18.111 and noting that the righ t-han d side is essentially constant during irradiation and temperature variation. Th us.

3’he changes in k,. and u, due to the variables T and neutron fluence t neutro n fl uence is man ifest by radiation hardening or an increase in Ha e frir'tional stress o, ) ‹me

dk„ ) d'I’ + ) d‹/,


l O 5

Combinin g these expressi‹i ns an d neg fee ting the effect of radiation on source hardening ( i.e., I k„ JO o, 0 and hence,


S7PESS. k u ,


0.6 uu



Fig. 18.44 Effect ref grain sizt ‹ri yield and fract ure st resscs of a low-carbo n steel tested at lo w temperat u re. fracture. , yield. , strain. |: \ fter Ref. 36, )


Fig. 18. 45 Effect of te ir per at ure run thP yield and fracture stresses of unirradiated and irra diatc d ferritic steel.


according to Eq. lb. 105, I ,. 0 v, - 1 }, we ob tain the in ‹:rease in the transition tern perature:


( 1 d. 11.2 j

'1“he tern peratu re dependence of k, is st ight, but. .since it is ni ultip lied by a large nu in ber in Eq. 18.112. it is retained in t he an alysi s. "l'lle y tel d st ress, the sours e hardening ‹'oeffi- r it n t, and t heir tern perattire derivatives can be obtained from u ut- of-pile tests. I nser ting n urneri‹ at values sho ws that

a rp = . ) to 5 C per 10‘ kN m‘ ( lb.113 )


for ty pit al pre ssu re ve excl steels. \ s discussed in Sec. lb. 3, t he DB'fT ‹ir N DT can be m easured by impact tests. Figu re 18. 13 ( b ) sho avs that the DBTT ‹›f unirradiated low-carbon steel is about 0"C. The curre.spending c'ur ve for an irradiated .specimen is translated to much higher tem- peratures t han th e data f‹ir u nirradiated material sh oivti in I his graph. \ V hen the radiation hardening ( A v, ) is measured as well, o bserved i alues of A3’p are in good agreemen t with the predir ti‹ins of the Cottrell— Pete h t heory, expressed by Sq. 18. 1.13.

’the increase in the friction a l stress Qtr, is due almost exclu sive ly t o the pr‹›duction of o bstacles in the slip planes of moving dislo‹'at i‹i us. A t the I ow temperatures at iv hic h pressu re vessels in L \ V Rs ciperat.e, Ao, can be identi fied with the hardeni rig due to dep leted xones I Eqs. 18.'38 and

18. 12 J. 1"igure IN. tU sum ni arize s data on th e in crease in the

nil-ductility temperature of various pressure-vessel steels with neu tron fluenee. If the component operates at tern per at ures below 250°C for I ong irradiation periods, a considerable inc rease in the ND'1’ is obseri'ed. As shown by the graph, the N DT can approach the operating tempera- ture of the pressure vessel ( approximately equal to the inlet eoolan I tern perature in a P \ VR ) af ter l ong periods of irradiation. Periodic an neal in g of f erritic steel components of the reactor core may be necessar y to eliminate a ecu m u- lated radiation damage. As part of a sur›’eillance program, ecu pons of the m etal can be inserted in the core and peri odically withd raw n for impact testing.

Additional information on the effects of neu tron exposure on ferri tic steels can be found in Refs. ti, 3.7, and 38.


= latti ce exon sta nt

- cross-sectional a rea of a te nsile test s peci inen; mass n u mber

b - Bu rgers vector

c point-defect con centration ( part ie les per unit ve l u me ) ; c rack lengt h

d - grain size

D - poi nt-dt•fect di ffusion ccc f ficient; tube dia int'ter gra i n-bou ndary self-dif f usion coefficient

di f f tisi v it j of vat an cies in gra i n bou nda ry


t+*n [ ›e ra 1 u rt*

l ’Cl



D l3’1”f


Et b

ducti Ie -to-brit tle tran.siti on ie in per at ure

ne ut ron e nerg y; acti nation e ne rg y for stead y- state ‹'reep; Young’s m‹idulus

- elastic'-e iu•rby de nsitv

Hires loo ld e nervy fo r ( n,n ) reaction

- frat'ti‹›n o f brain-bo u ndarj area ‹ie cu pied by voids

a rig u lar t'u nction s o f the l'o rce betwee ii edge

d islocations iii the x and v dire‹'t'ons, respec-

= for ve on a uri it l e ngt h o f di slo cati on

- sht'ar mod ulus

'uc'a nt'j productio n rate in a grai n bou nda ry

i o 18

N E U T R ( J N F LU E CE , cuircn s cm f 1 M L'V )

k - Holtzirann's co nstant

k„. = va r'anc'y—i ntersti tial reco mbi natio n rate c'on,sta nt k„ t on slant in t he Cottrell—Petcli t hear ) ’, Sq. 18.109 I - ga me lc'tig I h o f ie nsile test spec i men ; s p aci rig of

obstac'les i n a glide plan e, Sq. 18. 25

le ugt li o f dislocation segment bet ween pi n ni rig

per i li ts

L Ie nb t h of d islocati on pile u p

L’ - d is tan r'e front grai ii boun dark to n t a rest d isl‹ica- tion sourt'e

he li um at oins per b ubb le

II nu mber of dislocati‹in•, i n a pile up

concentrati‹in of obstacles, depleted zon es,

Fig. 18.46 Effect of fast neutron fluence on the increase in the nil ductility temperature of low carbon steels irradiated at vario us ie mperatures. ( After L. E. S ie ele and

J. R. Ha w t horne, in AS’FâI Special Technical Pu bli cation

3H0, p. 283. A mexican Society for Testing a nd Materials,

Philadelphia, 19fi5.}

loops, o r b ub bles

nu mber ‹if voids or ht liu in bu b bl es per u nil grai n- be undary area

p gas pressure

p Irrad on ie nsilt' test s pecimen

= radi u.s ot' obsta c'le to dislocation mol ii›ii


r,t - radiu s ‹›f dislot'‹iti‹›n eorr

It -- radi u.s ‹›f ale plc tt'd zone, disl‹›cat i‹›n h›t›p, ‹›r ht liu m bubblt

.fi - radi us ‹›f unit r ell su rroun di rig a void o r b ubble on a grain houtidar \ ; radi us ‹i f elf rvat ure o f a dislocation line: raditLs ‹›f the stress fieltl ar‹iu nd

I --- It inc. iv”all t li i‹:k nt'ss

t , - rupture tini‹•

'L = tc'mperature

’J', = ‹'IJara‹'teristic' l‹'n p‹'rat ur‹’, Ed. H..t9 'I'd, = dtictiI‹'-t‹›-hrit tic* trat \ siti‹›rJ t‹'inp‹°rutur‹'

i = in£trstitial

I '- disI‹›c utic›n loup

Llt - loin range

lllil K - irra xi in u rn

It = at the .surface* ‹›f a defiu I s = short ra nge

v = vacant ) '

Y - at \ tel d pt› i nt


' ’I'„, n1‹*Itit1y p‹›MJt, " K

I' iicti satiiiii i'iiergj for dislo‹ ati‹›ii utti rig of an Ut, = e merge‘ in‹•rt'ase s•hi:n dislut•<iti‹› li cut.s ‹t li ‹ibst.a-

i' - t-apt ure volume ar‹›u rid a dt pleted x‹›n e

\ ’, = \ ’t I‹›t‘i£}’ cal a gl ide tTislt›t J£i‹›n V,. ' ‹'rark vuluin‹*

w - thick ness ‹›f grain boundary

\ \ - work

x - distance a l‹› rig glirle pla ne

y = distance perpendi‹'vi lar t‹› g'lide plan‹• Z = rapture sites ari› mid a di.slocatioti

G ree h he I iei s

o - nu mber of de fi•ct clusters prr neutron i:ollisi‹iii J - numerical ci›iistant, fiq. lb. ti2

- surface ent'rg y ( in‹ ' lu di rig plastic' d t'furm‹it io ii I yg b = g r‹iin -b‹›u u‹lar ) ie usion

J, = surface tt'nsion ‹if s‹›lid I used ss'hen plastic dt'fc›rination at cra‹:k ti p is iin p‹›rta nt}

l - probab ilit j pt'r u n it ti iu‹ t that a d islo‹ ation ruts a n tibsta‹'l e

c strain

c t - strain at rupture C t .C ; ,c , = pri nci pal strai us

c -- equii'ale nt stra in tstrai Ii des'iator ) , Eq. 1 tl.1 7 c strain rate

t - Poisson’s ratio. s ibration freq uenc y of disloca- tion ag a inst an obstacle; n u mber of displace- ments per primary knock-on ato ni

p -- density of mobile dislocations

p q -- total dens it y of dislocations in a solid u - stress I pt›siti ve in te nsi‹ni )

n•' - equivalent stress ( stress deviates ) , Eq. 18.15 a, - friction stress

* ( n, o i = cross section fo r n,o reaction

y = shear stress

z - time

9 ( E ) - neutron flu x spectru m 'I' - total fast-neut ron fluK n - atomic volu me

' s macroscopic neutron-scattering cross section

Su bsrri pts and Su perscri pts

cri I = critical value

e - edge dislocation eq = equilibrium

F - at fracture h - hydrostatic

g*imon, I ru•. , N‹'y Yt›r k , i ' ) G *i.

Ne w Y O rk , I '16 1.

Ne w Yo rk , 1.0 Fi S .

fi . HI. J. ñ'I tik ill a n d I'“. J. RI inti•r, . I ctrl dI‹'f . , II: 60.1 ( 1.0.6 ( l ) .

fi›. II. J. A1‹ik in aii‹l 'I'. H. B lt'witt , ›1‹'f u Jlr' f. , 10: 2 fi l

( 1.06.2 ) .

6. F . A. N icho 1s, J’/i i/ 5 lii y. , 1.4 : , 1'l 7i ( l iJ6 6 ) .

7. C. C. Dti 11 i Its, Jtrirf in I . fi//: , 1.1 : 3.l ( 1.07 I ) . 8 . P. Ct› ti lomb , zl ‹‘I a .W r•f. , 7 : fii fi› S ( l 'l ?› ( l ) .

S. It. \ \ '. ¥t'et•k s ‹• l ii 1. , ’1 i'fu life f. , 1.7 : I -l H3 ( I !l60 ) .

1 IN. M . J. II a k i n , /’/i if trip. , 1.0 : fi!l Fi ( 1.9 S l ) ; s‹*e

F. Kr‹›ci pa, /’/t i/. . \ /‹q¿.. 7 : T’ fl't ( i tf6 ) .

I I . F . Km u p a u nd I’. B. I I irscli , f?is‹'ii.s.s. i'd rrtdu j .Mr› r'. . :1fl :

IO ( I !J6 I ) .

I A. J . I'.. F‹J r‹'n1t \ it, /’////, \ /‹/¿. , 1.7 : .J ñ ( I S bH ) .

I ?J. F, ft. ini‹l t., Jr., U ixl‹Jc . \ t i‹›i1 fJ Isa i1n‹* I ink ill li‘i i‹l ia tc'd

1 ri. D. M‹ L‹':in , .J. / df‹'t‹i/.s. 8 S: 1.68 ( 1 0F›6-ri 7 ) .

1.6. C . W. ¥Yt :iv‹'r, . I i•f ri :lf‹' f. , 0: .i -I 0 ( 1 'IU ( l ) .

1.7 . E . E . B I run na ‹in ‹l .J. R . ñ't ir, .Jr . , in I rr‹irfi‹i I i‹» i fi?//‹'r' I s ii i

.S/ riu'I ii t-ul , I//‹J¿'.s /‹›** 7*//r'› /*t‹y/ ‹//t‹f /''‹y.s/ /f t'‹/ ‹'1 o/-s, Sy m{x›si tim Pl uct•t'd in ji.s, Sa ii l'r:i n t'iscti, t?:i l il‘. , p. 26.1, Am‹'riciin S‹› c•it•t $' l'ur ’ft•sti rig tin rI Chi t ori:i 1s, Ph iI ‹ul e l phi a, Pa . , 19.6.9.

lH. J. A . W illi‹ims, I c £u Cfc f. , 1.5: 1 ."› 9 ( 19.6.7 ) .

19. F . Garzarolli ct .i 1., J. iYti cI. rife f‹'r.. 30 : 2'12 t 196 9 ) .

20. D. H u 11 and D. E. Rim nu•r, /’fi if. ›$Iiiy. . 4: 67.3 ( 10?a S ) .

2.1 . M . V . S pe igli t un d J. E . Har l i s, it/r I ref ,h’r'i. .I 1 : H'3

( 10.67 ) .

2.2. D. A. W‹›‹id l’c›rd , J. P. Sm it h, .i n if .I. JHtit‹' l'l’, .J. .I'm ‹-I.

IVu I t•r. . 29: 1.0.3 t 1969 ) .

25. D. K riinie•r, H . R . Br:iti‹'r, C. Ci. R h‹›tl‹ s, .incl A . t1. P:ird ,

.J. VU ‹'f. \ /‹i f‹'r. , 2.5: 1.2.1 ( l9 GS ) .

24. K . II. Reif I, J. N ii 1. .ha ler. . 33: 1.29 ( 1960 ) .

28. R. S. Barnes, Na I u re, 206: 1.307 ( 196s ) .

26. D. R. Harries, J. Br i 1. N ii i - 1. E itc•rg y Sr›‹ ., 6: 7.4 ( 1966 ) .

27. G. J. C . Cur pen te r ;irld R. B. N icli c›ls‹›n , i n £c‹Jic fi’‹iii Da itiage iii It re c lot’ Ma lc'ria 1s- I !I 6 II, Svni}i‹isi u m Pro- r‹•t cl ings, V it•n n a, Ju tie 2-6, 1969 , Vol. 2, p. ilb 3, ln ter- nii ti‹›n:il A t i›mie Em ‹•rg y A gi ii cy , Vit'ii n ii, 19 6fi ( STI/ PUB /23 0 ) .

28. J. W eitmaii ct al., 7ñ’ati.s. .4 m er. ;Vti‹•I. .$or-., 13: 5 F› 7

11 07 0 ) .

29. I. R. BirSs and W. E. Ellis, in Voids T’‹›i-iti‹’d b¿' lrradia Ii‹›ii u|‘ Reo‹'l‹›r ?’Ia leriuls L’oii|'er‹'ii‹’e, p. 339, British N ucl‹'ar Energy Society, L‹›ndrin, t 07.1.


30. A. A . Bauer and M. Kaiigal:isk i, J. i’Vucf. dfu fer. . 4.2: 91 ( 197 2 ) .

31. I. R . B irss, J. \ ’ucf. rift ter. , 34: 241 ( 197.1 ) .

3.2. E. D. Hyam :ind G . Sumn‹ r, in Radia tioii Dn itingc in

.He lid s. Syrnp‹›si um Proceed ings, Ve' nic‹', Miiy 19.62, Vu 1. 1, p. .3 23 , In fc rn tit i‹› nal A t‹›mic E nt•rgy A gen cy, Vi‹'iiiia, 1962 ( STI/PUB/56 ) .




r i U,

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3.4. S. M . O hr c't a 1. , i ii S‹•c-n till lii tt•i-iui I it›itul C'r› zJereu‹ c rni

.S treti lift n |’ âfi'tri 1s uit d S lie y.s, V‹› 1. 2, P‹i pe i’ 9. 3,

p. 7 t 2, A m ‹'r i c‹tn Sta ci‹'ty I t›r b1t•tals, M ‹'t‹iIs PH r k , O li iO,


35. H . BOIL m and H. Ha uck, /. Nett r‘f. hIa I r i•., 29 : 1.8.4 ( 19 69 ) .

3.6. A. H . Cottrell, "f¥oti.s. A J/lfñ, 212: 192 ( 1958 ) .

3?. L. P. Tru ‹l r'a ti , flu i/iri I try ri f'."/’/e i’ Le r› ii "/’‹› mph ii‹'.s.s ‹›/

fur II tals—U. S. Att›mic Energy Commissi un II ‹nu›- graph , R‹iwm:ui ‹iii ‹l Li It lr' l'i eld, In c. , Nt'w Y‹›rk , .

.3b. N . l g‹i ta un d R. R. I gu I i, J. i4ti i'f. iUu fi'r.. 30: 23.4

( J 969 ) .


18.1 As a result ‹›f irradiation, a specimen of inrtal contain.s voids. The specimen is a nnealed out ‹› f pile at temperat ure T. Voids srow or shrink on ly by vac-ancy ca pturr or emission. The bul k solid contains t he tlit'rmal- equilibriu m s'acanc y coiicrntratioti.

( a ) Her \ v does tlir radius of a void with initial radius Rt, change with annealing timr’?

( b ) If the voicl s izt s a l”ter ir radi a tiun are dist rib u ted a‹ cordi rig to the f unction N ( lt„ ) d R„ - nu mbrr of voids with radii between R„ and Rq + d Rn , sv hat is the void distribution f unction :it a ti me t in t he a ntieal‘? \ s.sume the vacancy-diffusion coefficient D,. , the equilibrium i-acanc y concentration C,", the surface tension of the metal j , and the atomic ›’ulumc‘ \ J are specifi‹’d. Us‹' a calcuIatioi›al method like the one applied to thermal annealing of depleted zones ( Sec. 18. ñ ) .

( c ) Suppose the initial distribution N in ) is Gaussian svith an a verage void radius of 400 .X and a standard deviation of 50 \ . 'the initial void en ncent ratio n, N \ , is t0' cm '. During annealing, the voids ‹if average size disappear in 3 hr. Compute and plot the void dist ributiotis at t - 0 a net I —- 2 h r.

18.2 'Fhe z'ork- hardening region of t he st ressmtrain curve can be represented by the formula ti - kc', svhere n is the work-hardening coefficient. By increasing the yield stress more t han the ulti mate tensile stress, irradiation effectively reduces t he work-hardening coefficient. Using the criterion for plastic instability, calculate the reduction in uniform elongation due to an irradiation that decreases n b y an amount In.

18.3 ( a ) Show that Eq. lS. 2C is valid for a regular planar array of dislocation pinning points [ e.g., the ( 100 ) plane of the fcc structure ) .

( b ) The potential energy of a dislocation cutting

through an obstacle in Serger's treat ment of radiation hardening is of the form

De rnonst rate I he following properties ‹if tlu functi‹›ii Yl P ) :

1. ’l'he barrier ht'ight disappt•ars if .' \ ',., .

*. E xpaild tile luc ati‹› uf the maxi mum a ncI mini n1u n \ in a 'l“a ylcir's series in the parameter i - 1 4 A, w hich is presumed tt› br small and pusitivt•. Show that the extrenia are p iveti by

t8.4 'l'he data fur dr*plc't+d-x‹›l1e I ardt•ni ng b \ ' nickel ( I''ig. H.20 ) .su¿¿t*st that two typ‹*s ‹›[ x‹›nc's art* cr‹'af‹‘d b} irrad iatiun. F'r‹›lri Elec' ‹‘urvc°s ‹›i this I iy \ tr+, txHnpute the' ratic c›f the radii and ‹›f II + i umhers ‹›f tht‘ z‹›n‹' rt'pr‹* t'ntt’d h} linr*s A and H.

18.5 Consider a dislocation line' in a sri lid ct›nta ining N bu bbles of radi us R pe r cubic' centimrter. A shear stress ti y is applied to the solid whic'li the dislocation to glide alontt its slip plane.

( a ) Under w hat conditions will the bubbles be swrpt a lung fry bl e dislucatiui lii r ratht•r than he hypassc'd b y’ it'*

( b ) Under c‹in ditions permit ti in b ubble su'evping, iv hat is thr initial ve'looit y of the dislocation line’* Assu me that the bu bblvs mos'e by t he surface -di f f usion me cha nis m.

( c ) A.s t he dislo‹-ation line moves, it cullrct.s all the bubble.s in its path, which reduces the bubble spacing along the line and slows it down. Neglecting coalescence of I he bubbles a tt 'h ed to the di.slocation line, find the velocity of the dislocation line after it has moved a di.stance x in the clirection of the applied shea r stress.

18. fi Consider a thin-z alled c ylinder of radius R and thickness t,. «'h ich is subject to inte mat pressure p but zero external pre ssure. 'I’h‹' top and bottom of the cylinder are closed; so there is an axial stress on the cylinder wall.

( a} Use simple fri rce balan c'es to dete ruin e the axial stress c, and tht• litiop strt'ss cp .

Use linear elasticity theory ( see the Appendix ) and the assumption of plane strain ( i.e., c, independent of r and z, but not necessarily zero j to determine the following:

( b ) The differential equations and bou ndary condition.s for the radial stress. o . Without the thin wall assu mption, ob tain t he solutions for c, and op as functions of radial p‹›sition. Show that op reduces to the result o btained in ( a ) fo r the special case u f a chin wall.

( c ) The strain component.s c„ c„ and cy .

( d ) The differential equation ( and its ge neral sulutiun ) for tl e radial displacement, u,.

( e ) Shuw that th+ radial .strain, c„ is related t‹› the fractional decrease in wall thickness:


46 j

18.7 An irradiated metal contains a network-dislocation density of d and N; dislocation loops per unit volume of radius Rt. The yield stress of t he irradiated specimen is

measured at te mperatures just below and just above the temperature at wh ich t he l oops unfault. What is the difference in the yield stress between these two measure- ments? Assume that the unfaulted loops become part of the dislocation network of the solid.

18.8 Derive the expression for the force between a straigh t edge dislocati on line and a dislocation loop wh ose plane is pe rpen di cular to t he slip plane of t he edge dislocation and parallel to t he edge disl ocation itsel f. Prepare a plot similar to Fig. 18. 24 for this case when the distance between the slip plane of the straight edge dislocation and the center of the loop is th ree loop radii.

18.9 Equation 18. 7 5 gives the critical tensile stress for stab ilit y of gas-free we dge-shaped cracks on grain-b oundary triple points. Su ppose, however, that the cracks form from pores on the triple points which are initially of volume V and contain m heliu m atoms. Under the influence of an applied st ress , the pores grow to wedge cracks of length C and width rib.

( a} The g rains in the metal are modeled as tetrakaideca- hedrons of size l ( see sketch ) . At a particular time during irradiation, A4 atoms of heliu m have been produced per unit volume of metal. Assume that all the helium has been coIlec ( ed in the triple-point cracks. What is m, the number of heliu m ato ms per crack?


Vn lume = B f2I!* I*

( bl \ V hat is the energy required to form the crack? The effective stress is the su m of the internal gas pressure and the tens ile stress u. In forming the crack, t he contained gas does work.

( c ) What is the critical stress for unstable growt h of those cracks favorably oriented with respect to the applied stress? Assu me low gas pressure to simpli fy your result.

This problem has been anal j zed b y K. Re iff, J. ñ'ucl.

Maler., 33: 129 ( 1969 ) .

18.10 The stress-indu ced gro wt h of grain-boundary voids is to be anal j'zed by a grain-bo undary vacanc y-di ffusi on model si milar to the one a pplied b y Coble to g rain- boundary diffusional creep ( Sec. 16.6 ) . Stead y-state va- cancy diffusion takes pla ce in the annular region R r; < .J of t hick ness w illustrated in Fig. 15.38. The present analysis is two-dimensional, wit h z measured from the mid plane of the grain-boundary slab. Since the system is symmetric about the midplane, only the region 0 z w/ 2 need be

considered. The radlal boundary conditions on C, are given by Eqs. 18.80 and 18.81. O ne of t he two required z boundary conditions reflects symmetry about z = 0, ( fiC, /fiz ) ,_ = 0 for all r. Following Coble's treatment, the bou ndary conditio n at the interface between the matrix and the grain-boundary zone is C, ( r, w 2 ) = C e " exp ( off kT ) ; that is, t he applied stress a ffects the equilibrium vacancy concentration only at t he boundary of the di ffu- sion zone, not, as in Spe ig ht and Harris’ treatment, within this zone.

( a ) Write the diffusion equation and the boundary conditions in terms of the d i mensionless vacancy’ concentra- tion:

0 C, ( r,z ) C, ( R,z )

C, ( r,w / 2 ) C, ( R,z )

( b} Obtain a solution for 0 ( r,z ) by the met hod of separation of variables.

( c} W hat is the total rate of vacanc y diffusion to the void and the growt h law d Red t?

18.11 In the Hull—Rimmer analysis that produced the grain-boundary growth law given by Eq. 16.85, the vacancy concentration mid wa y betw een voids is assumed to be equal to the thermodynamic equilibriu m value under the applied tensile stress. Howe ver, the stress in this analysis is determined b y dividing the applied load to the specimen b y the cross-sectional area. W hen voids form o n grain bound- aries perpendicular to the load direction, the load -bearing area o n the grain boundaries is reduced b y the presence of the voids. flow should the g rowt h law be modified to take this effect into account?

18.12 Calculate t he heli um co nte nt ( in atomic pp m ) in type 304 stainless steel ( Table 15.1 ) irradiated for 1 year in a flu x with a t hermal component of 10' " neutrons cm ° sec ' a nd a fast component of 10' ne utrons cm * 2 sec

18.13 Consider heliu m bu bbles 1000 A in radius located o n a grain bou ndary. 'J'o what size do the bub bles grow u nder the influence of a tensile stress one-half the critical value for instabilit y?

Two of the b ubb les coalesce. What is the equilibriu m size of the new b ub b le?

18.14 Equation 18.98 gives the critical stress for spherical helium b ubb les on a gra in boundary. However, t he equi- librium s hape of bubbles on grain boundaries is lenticular rather t han spherical ( see sk etch ) .


( aJ lf the grain-bou ndary tension is b and t he surface tension of the metal is y, what is the equilibriu m geometry


( i.e., the relation between the angle 0 and the radius of curvature p ) of a lenticular b ubble containing m gas atoms when the solid is unstressed?

( bJ How does the result of ta ) change when the solid is

su bjerted to a hydrostatic tensile stress a?

( c ) W hat is the critical stress for unstable growth of the le nticular bu bble? Express the answer as the ratio of the critical stress for a lenticular b ubble to that for a spherical bubb Ie containing the same nu mber of heliu m atoms. If yg b /y = 0.4, what is this ratio?

18.15 A specimen of irradiated austenitic stainless steel under an applied stress of 2 x 10" kN /m° fails owing to helium embrittlement at a strain o f 1'!i. What concentration ( in atomi c p pm ) of helium in the metal is necessary to cause fracture at this value of the strain? The grain size in the metal is 15 p m and the surface tension is 500 d ynes, cm. The irradiation te mperature is 1000° C.

18.16 Heliu m is produced in an irradiated metal at a rate of G atoms c m 3 sec*' . A 11 this heliu m is trapped in bubbles

on gra in boundaries as soon as it is formed. There are Ng b bubble sites per unit grain-bou ndary area, and the grain size is d.

( a ) What is the rate of heliu m-atom capture at each bubb ie site?

( b ) What is the time I, at which the growing grain- boundary bubbles become unstable with respect to an applied tensile stress a? What is the bubble radius R, at this time? For t t„ bubble growth rate is determined b y the heliu m influx ( i.e., the bu bble is a J ways at equilibrium ) .

( c ) For I > t„ the bubble is unstable, a nd its rate of expansion is controlled ( and limited ) by the rate at which vacancies reach it. Gas atoms are assumed to reach the bubble at the rate determined in ( a ) . Accounting for the continued increase in t he number of gas atoms in the bubble during the unstable growth period, set up the equations needed to determine the rupture time R

( d J What is the elongation at rupture c t-‘?

18.17 The life-fraction approach is to be applied to estimate the most probable service lifetime of a fuel element subject to creep rupture. Stead y-state creep is assumed at all times; so the ru pture life for fixed conditions

is given b ' y t R « /ñ. Neglect irradiation creep and assume that the cree p rate is not affected by flue nce but de pends on stress and temperat ure according to Eq. 8.46. Assume

that the fracture strain decreases with fluence as shown in Fig. 18. 30. 'J'he fissio n-gas pressure within t he cladding increases linear l y with irradiation time at a known rate. Derive the e xpression f rorn which the ser vice life could be estimated if all the constants involved were spe ci f ied. The temperat ure is constant throughout irradiatio n.