17.8.4 Effect of Focusing and C hanneling on the Number of D isplaced Atoms
I f in the c ourse of formation of a cascade a recoil becomes channeled or develops in to a dy namic c ro svdion. the k inetic energy of the rec‹›il is lost to the ca.evade; i.e., its energy is transformed to heat through electronic stopping or su bth resh o I d atomic collisions. "I'he probability of the occurrence of a ‹'ry stat effect is a fund tion of recoil energy. "the notation P ( E ) is u md for either of the pro babilities Pt or P,. , . However, the effect of focused collision sequences on the displacement cascade is quite sma 11 owing to the u pper energy limit E t of 100 eV in the focu sing process. ’l'he basic integral equation governing i'ascade r»rinaticin
c'an be mod ified to accou nt for cry stal ef feels by amending Eq. 1 i . fi 5 to
i ( E I - P ( E ) * [ 1 — P ( E 2E, 2 /' r ( "I’ ) dT ( 17. 11 1 j
The first term on the righ t represen As the lone displa‹'ed atom ( i.e., the PKA itself} wli ie h resu Its if the PKA is
‹'han neled or focused on its fi rst collisio n. The set ond term, which is weigh ted with the probability 1 — P{ E ) , gives the number of displacemen Cs ‹ reated by a PKA that ma kes an ord inary d isplacing fi rst collision. T his equation t'an be solved by thP method used in the pres ion s set tion if the probability P is assumed to be iudependen t of enrrgy . Tak in g the derivative of E q. 17. 11 I sv il h respe‹ I Its Ei then y ields
whi‹'h c an be in tear:ited t‹› gi ’e
CE' ' " ’ — P " ' 1 — 2 P
'I'he integration const an I C can be found by substitu ti ng this so lu tion into Eq. 17.111:
The c'onip lete srilu tion is therefore
pr‹iduced by a single PKA that receives energy E from a collision with the bombarding particle. 1 n this secti on the su pply of energy to the atoms of a metal from fast neu Iron s is con pled with cascade theory to permit calculation of the rate at which va‹'ancies and interstitials are produced in a
.specified neu Iron flu x spec trum. N‹i a‹ ct›un t is taken of the reduction in the n umber of displacements due to recom bi- nation \ v ithin the volume of tht ‹ decade.
Let ‹i„ ( E„ , E ) d E be t,he differential energy-transfer c ross section for the production of PKA s sv ith energies in ( E,dE ) due to neu Irons of energy E„ . Eat h PKA gors on to produce r ( E ) d isplaced atoms. I f the differential neu tron flux is O ( E„ 1, flu rate at wh ie h at‹ims are displac-rd is
x ‹ „ ( E„ , E ) r ( E ) d E d isplaced at‹›ms ( 17.113 j
’l'he energy tr‹insfer parameter. . \ , is given by Eg. 1 7. H, u'1iicli. for th e case of neutrons, can be iv ritten
( 17.114 )
where A is the mass nu mbcr of‘ the lattice atom in atomic mass units. ’1’he u pper limit o n the inner in tegral of Eq. 17.11.1 is the maximum-e nergy P KA that can be produk ed by a neu tron of energy E„ , and the to ever 1 imit on the ou ter integral is the m inim um neutron energy that produ ces a P KA tif energy E,; . Neu trr›ns of energies less than Ei,; /. \ t whi c'h is abo ut 200 eV ft›r the major ‹'on sti tu ents of stai rile ss steel ) create no displacements by elastic c‹illisiOns sv ith the n uclei of lat tice atoms.
Therefore, thermal neu tron s {mean energy - 0. 1 eV ) are incapable of causing damage to strut tural or c Padding metals by d irect colli sion energy transfer. H owes er, thermal neu trons ‹!an t'au se display ements by becoming absorbed in a nucle u s and producing a radioactive species that decays by eini si‹in of a high -energy gamma ray . The decay- product atom recoil s from th is ei'ent with su fficient energy to disp lace itsei r and per haps a few other lattice a toms. We do not treat this process here, in asmu ch as the .s‹ altering collisions between lattice atoms and energetic neutrons are
1 — P E $* 1 — 2P \ 2E,t /
“ P 1 — 2P
( 17.112 )
far more important in fast reactors than is the damage caused by capture reacti ons involving slow neu trons. Problem 17. 7 at the end of the chapter dea 1s with the recoil
fi quatiun I 7.112 was first obtained by Oen and
Robinson.' Equation 17. 112 reduces to the Kinchin— Pease result ( Eq. 17.68 svh en P - 0. 'the crystal effect ( principally chan neling ) is most important for large P KA energies, whir'h simply reflects the greater n umber of recoils su e ptible to loss from the cascade by th is means. For P - 7 , for example, a 10- keV P KA in iron produces 100 di.sp1aced atoms according to Eq. 17.112. When channeling is neglected, twice this number is generated.
energy of latti re atoms that become rad ioactive by virtue of neutron capture.
17.9.1 Displacement Cross Section
Equation 17.113 can be written in terms of the displacement cross section:
Rm ' N i d ( E ) p ( Eg ) dE ( 1'7.115 )
w here nd is
d!* › ,
* " v ( E, ,E ) r ( E ) dE ( 17.116 )
Up until this point we have been concerned with the methods of calculating r ( E ) , the nu mber of displaced atoms
The displacement cross section can be comp uted if the nuclear scattering cross section for neutrons w ith the
elemen I comprising the lattice is k nown. As mentioned above, r ( E ) m ust be k now n as well. Graphs giving d as a function of neutron energy can then be constructed for each nuc fide ( isotopes included ) contained in an alloy su ch as steel or zircaloy. This graphical information can then be combined with the neutron-flux spectru m characteristic of the particular location in the reactor in wh ie h irradiation
the di fferential angular cross sections for the scattering reactions by use of the first equ a lily in Eq. 17. 2 2:
d ( co s dE
d ( co s 0
occu rs in the same manner prescribed by Eq . 17.115. I n this way the results of experiments conducted in one flux spectrum can be used to estimate material be havior in a
* m in
dE ' rt E ) dE ( 17.11b l
reactor with a different neu tron-fJ ux spectrum.
T he scattering of fast neu trons by the nucleus of a lattice atom can be elastic or inelastic. I n elastic scattering the nu cleu s of the stru ck atom is not excited to a h igher energy state as a result of the collision; k inetic energy is conserved in the scatterin g event. In inelastic scattering the nu cleu s recoils from the collision in an excited state. The ex citation energy , Q, is provided at the ex pense of the k inc tic energies of the scattered neutron and the recoil ing n u cleu s; total energy rather than kinetic energy is conserved in the collision. Inelastic scatterin g become s tmp or tan t when the neu tron energy becomes just a bit larger than the excitation energy , Q. When Eg Q, inelastic scattering is energetically impossible. ’l“he lowest ex cited state of the nucleu s generally has an energy of 1 Me V a bove the gr ound state energy.
I n inelastic scattering, one neutron is ejected from the nucleus fur each neutron absorbed. At higher neutron energies the n ucleu s may be left in such a high ly excited state as a resu It of m omentari ly absor b ing the bombard ing neutron that two neu Iron s are emitted in the decay of the compound nucleus. 'l'h is interaction is the ( n, 2n ) reaction. flecau se the fl ux of fast reactors is low at the th resho ld energies of the ( n, 2n ) reaction, the contribution of th is reaction to damage is sma ller than elastic or inelasti c neu Iron scattering.
'J'he angular dependence of the elastic-scattering cross
section can be written in a series of Legendre pol \ ’norn ials:
where o, t t E n ) is the total elastic-scattering cross section for a neu tron energy E„ , P is the Uh Legendre polyn omial, and values of a I are the energy -dependen t coefficients of the cross-section expansion . A I the neu tron energies en-
countered in fast reactors. it is su f ficien t to retain onl v the
1 0 and 1 = 1 terms in the series expansion of Eq. 17.11 fi. Since o ' 1 tlHd P , = cos fi , eve can sv ri ie
, ( E„
| 1 * a , ( E„ I cos 0 ] ( 1 7. 1 20 )
where at has been set equal to unity for normaliz ation and a , ( E . i represents the degree ‹if anisotropy ‹i f the el as ti‹' scat tering reaction. I I a i = 0, the di fferen tial ‹'runs se‹'ti‹›iJ for isotropic elastic scattering is recovered.
\ Vhen s‹ attering is elastic, the angle— e nergy tran.sforrna- t iota derii ative is given by Eq. 17. S w ith 4’ a nd E replaced b ’ Rd n respecti vel j .
Neu tron scattering can also be c haracterized as isotropic or a nisotropic. I n inelasti c scattering the incident neutron is first absorbed by the nucleu s, and the scat tered neu tron
d ( cos*V
( 1 7. UI )
is in reality emitted a very short time later from the com ptiund nucleus. Because absorption precedes reemission of the neu tron, the angular distribu tion of the inelastically
.scattered neu trons is to a very good approximation iso-
tropic in the center-of-mans sy stem.
Equation 17.121 i ••n d r both isotropic and an isotropic
elastic scattering.
Since inelastic scattering is isotropic in the center-of mass svstem , o„, I E„ , ( 7 l simplifies to
Below about 0.1 Wle V, elastic neutron scattering is also
isotropic in the cen ter-of-mass system. A I h igher energies,
o„, ( E„ ,0 I - u;, ( E )
( 17. 12 2 )
however, the elastically scattered neu trons have a distin ct forward bias. T his phenomenon is k nown as p -wave scat tering.
To explicit ly accou nt for elastic and inelastic neu tron scattering, we can write Eq. 17.11G as
u here • i . i E n ) is the to tal inel as tic-scattering cross section.
The inelastic-scat tering process can excite the struc k
nu cleus to a num ber of discrete levels having energies Q, above the grou nd state or to a con tinuum of levels at high energies. For sim plicity , we treat here the case in wh ich on ly a sin gle discrete state with ex ci tation en erg y Q is produced.
Because the recoil in g nucleus has absorbed energy in
X u q ,
( Eg .E l r ( E ) d E ( 1 7. 1 17 )
the collision, the el asti c-scattering form ula relating energy transferred to scattering an gle, Eq. 17. 9, is no longer valid.
where u,., tE„,E} ‹ind u„, ( E„,EJ are the dirrerential energy'-transfer cross se‹-tions for elastit and inelastic neu tron scattering, respective 1 \ ', and E„, i q i : t nd E,p „ , are
the limiting recoil energies in the inelastic-scattering
process. Equation 1 7.117 can also be w fi t ten in terms of
Instead. the collision k inemati cs must be based on conser va- tion of total ( rat her than kineti c ) energy , iv hich re.en Its in addition of a term Q to the righ t-hand side of Eq. 17. 4. The analog of Eq. 17.5 for an inelastic collision wherein the stru ck nu cleus retain s an energy Q is
E- 1 . \ Eq 1 — ' A Q
2 2A E,
— 1
1 + , j Q ‘i
A Eq
C O S 0 ( 1'7 . 1 23 )
Except for resonances, the elastic scattering cross sec- tion, w e t ( E n ) , is more or less constan t with neu tron energy. The inelastic-scattering cross section, . however, sharply
increases with energy above the thresh old ( E n ) p ip . The anisotr Op y factor a, ( Eg } tends to decrease the displace-
w hich reduces to Eq. 17.5 if Q - 0. T he maximum and miniirium recoil energies are obtained by setting cos 0 equal to — 1 and 1, re cspectively:
1 + A Q
2A E„
ment cross section because forward scattering transfers less energy, on the average, than does isotropic mattering. If both inelastic scattering and anisotropic elastic scattering are neglected and the elastic-scattering cross section is assu med to be ener gi' indepen dent, Eq. 17.129 reduces to
m d ( E„ ) — ( 17.130 )
E,p , q — 2 \ E„ 1 1
— 1
( 17.125 )
I n this sim plest of cases, the displacement crO ss section increases linearly w ith neutron energy.
Inasm uch as \ Eg , 2 is the average energy transferred to t he lattice atom by a neutron of ener E p , the coefficien I
. \ Ep 4E d is the average nurn ber of displac'emen ts produced by‘ a neu Iron of ene rgy E„. For 0.5 -Me V ne utro ns in iron
"the th resh old energy for production of the excited state is given by the requiremen t that the term under the square- root .sign be greater than zero, or
( A - 5 S ) , the displacemen t cross sectio n is - 350 times larger than the nu clear scatte rin g cross sect io n. The t‹i fat displacement rate for th is case ca n be obtained by inserting Eq. 17.130 into Eq. 17.115:
where c,q ( E„ } is zero for E p ( E q ) p q .
2’he transformation from scatterin g angle to energy transfer is
4E d
‹p ( M.131 )
d ( cos 0 ) 2
t 1 + A $
17. 127 )
where Eg is the average neutron ei erjjy and ‹I› is the tutal
dE „, . \ Ep A Eq
Substituting Eqs. 17. 120, 17.121, 17.122, and 1'7.127 in to
17.11 d y ields
neu trun flux ( wi th energies abu \ 'e E d ‘.1 ) . For the condi- tions
N =0B5x 10°' atoms,em'
u,. \ - 3 bariJs
‹I› ' 10' ’ neuf rons c‘tn ' se‹‘
_ 2E
. \ E
› ( E ) dE
4E d
- 350 displaced atun \ s,’neutrun c‹›llisiun
x "rr a x r ( E I dE
( 17.1 2b )
we find that R d is S x 10' " displa‹'ed atoms rm ’ see ' Or, div id in g by N, the displacetren t ra ie per at‹ilr ( dpa sec ) is 1 II"’ : eac'h atom in the metal is disp laced from a n Ormal
If more than one excited state contri but ecs to the inelastic scattering process, the last term in Eq. 17.128 is replaced by a sum over the excited states. eat h with its particular u „, , Q, E„, , , and Eg „, .
To proceed further, we m ust specifv rt E ) . .A simple result can be obtained by using the Kinchin—Pease expre+ sion for n ( E ) . Su bstitu tin g Eq. 1 7.68 in to Eq. 17.126 and
neglecting d compared to . \ E„ its the first integral restt Its in
( 17.1291
We ha \ ’e assumed fur illu rra£i \ ’e purposes that The maxi m u m P KA energy . \ E„ is less than the i onization limi I given by Eg. 17.4'4.
lat tice site once ever y 12 days.
A lt hough Eq. 1 7.130 ice useful for illti strat in g the order of magnitude of the di.splacement cross section, it is not suf ficiently accurate for predicting mechanical-pr Opert y behavior u nder irradiation . Doran ' " an d Pierc y' " h ave calculated displace me nt cross sections for stainless steel and z ir‹ onitim, respectively , using the Lindhard model fOr r{ E ) l Eqs. 17. 90 to 7. 9 3 ) and available data on the energy dependence uf the el a.stic- and inelastic-scattering cross sect,ions and the anisotropy parameter a , I Ep 1. Figure 17. 17 shows the d isp laceinent cross .section fOr stainless steel. ’I’he jagged appearance of the cur ves is due to resonances in the elastic' scattering c'ross section.
Figure 17. lb show's the di f feren tial neu tron-flu x spectra in two fast reactors and one t hermal reactor. ’1’he average neutron energy in the all-metal Experimental Breeder Reactor 1 I ( E OR -II ) core is 0. 85 i \ 4e V. 1 n the mixed o x ide Fast 'I'est Reac't Or ( F'I’R l core, the average neu tron energy
D ispla‹ emt nt c russ st 'tion fu r sta i mess steel.
i nor Ref. I S. )
L ”1
Fig. 1 7.1 8 Go mparison of ne utro n -flu x spectra r« th » reacto rs ( FV R, Fast Test Reactor; Erin -i I, E qriniental Breeder Reactor II; ETR, Engineering Test Reactorl . The FTR and EB R-II are fast reacto rs; t h‹• ET R is a t hermal reactor. Th rissio n-ne ut ro n -energy spectru m is show n f‹ir comparison. ( After \ V . N. Me El ro y and R. E . IN ahl, Jr., ASTM Special Technical P ublicatioii No . 184, p. 37 5, American So ciet y for Test ing and materials, 197 0. )
is 0.45 MeV. The fission neutron spectrum ( average energy = 1 Me V ) is sh ow n fo r comparison. To compute the displacement rate in stainless stee 1, we m u hip ly the cu n'e of F ig. 17.17 by one of the spo‹ tra in F ig. 17. lS and in leg rate t he produ ct according to Eq. 17. 115.
17.9.2 Damage Functions
The ultimate objective of calc mating R d is to permit prediction of the extent of a particular mec hanical-property change in a fast reactor from the results of experiments
conducted in irradiation facilities that have considerably different neu tron-flu x spectra. Ty pical mechanical- property changes induced by fast-neu tron irradiation are the yield strength , the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature, and swelling. I t is by no means generally true that the change in any of these properties is proportional to the number of
displaced atoms produced by an irradiation or k nown duration. Although the exten t of vo id formation in metals appears to depend primarily on the number of vacancy— interstitial pairs created by irradiation, mechanical proper- ties such as y ield strength are determined by the clusters of vacancies and interstitial loops that remain a fter the nascent cascade has annealed and the isolated vacancies and interstitial.s have disappeared at the various sinks in the solid. The proper theoretical approach in the latter case is to compute the produc tion of stable point-defect clusters resu lti rro ni radiation, not the total number of displaced atom s. 4’his can be accomplished by replacing r ( E } in Eq. 17.11b w ith the number of clusters that are produced b›' :i PKA of energy E , w hich may be estimated from com pu ter simulations of radiation damage. The restil ting
rate of cluster formation, R . ...‹. ., should be a better measure of the damage ( i.e., the y ield-strength change ) than is the rate Of formation ‹if total displaced atoms, R„ .
Ca l‹ ii lati ons of lh is sort have been performed by R usscher and Dahl . 2 '
’l'hese completely tliet›retical attempts to predi‹ t some iniv rose opic property of radiation damage t e.g., rate of formation of di.splaced atoms or rate of formation of clu hers ) .me n‹it su ffi‹'ient to correlate macroscopic prop- erty changes in reactors of di f ferent flux spectra primarily because other c on sequences of irradiation besides the number uf displac em ents or clusters affect the macrosc‹›pi‹ property in question. 3’hus, although void formation certainly de pends ‹›n th e rate of producti on of vacancies rind interstitia I atom s b y radiation, it is also a fun‹ tie o of the' quantity ‹if hel iti in gas generated by ( n,o 1 rea‹'tions in I he metal bt•‹-au se hel rum appears to be ne‹'essary to stab ilize em bry‹i v‹i ids. t'a lc'ulation of the disp la‹'eirient rate R,; , rio matter lit›iv a‹ ‹ urate, provides no inf onnation on the hel iu m-producti on rate.
Becau se of the ina bil ity of displacement calculations to cope with the comp lex ity of most macroscopic radiation effects. a semiempirical method, k now n as the da mage ( u nc I icon me lhod, has evolved. 2 2 In this method the rate of displaced-atom production appearing on the left-hand side c›f Eq. 17. 115 is replaced by the change in a partic'ular macroscopic property in a time t of irradiation, and the di.sp1acement cross section on the righ t is eliminated in favor of a function G ( E q ) , w hich is to be determined. The damage fun‹ tion ror the particular mechanical property is I, ( E„ ) . Th u s, Eq. 17. 115 is replaced by
In th is eqn a tion, AP; represents the change in the proper ty labeled by the index i during an irradiation of time t in a neutro n flu x +. The spectru m of the riux in the irradiation facility is O ( Eg ) . The equation has been multiplied and divided by the total neutron fiu x
l- u ( E, ) dE, ( 1’7.133 )
so the ratio d ( E q I J fi ( Eg ) dEp is a normalized flux sped tr mm. T lie produ‹ t 'let is the total neutron fluence.
'I he term G ( E ) is the damage fu nction for property i for neutrons of energ Eg. The conditions under which the
property Pi is measured after irradiation and the conditions ( exclusive of the neu tron flu x I during irradiation must be carefully speci fied. 'the damage fu ncti on depends on these iionneutronic conditions. For instance, if P, is the yield streng th of a part icu lar metal, the temperature at wh ich the irradiatio n and the .su bseqtient mechanical test are carried on t must be k now n. "the derived damage function may chan ge if either of these tw o auxiliary conditions is at tered.
The technique for obtaining Gi ( Eg ) is to measure AP; in as many dif feren t ( bu t k now n ) neu tron-flux spectra as possible. O ne then at temp ts to deduce a single function G,l Eg I from the data obtained in eac h irradiation by using equations of the form give n by Eq. 17. 13 2. 'l'his process is called damage-function II nfold ing. Deduction of G;l E" I from a set of mea.sured IP, value.s i n different neu tron-fl u x spectra is ana Ing ous to the determination of the flti x sper'trum of a reactor by activation of foils of a nuns ber of neutron absorbers of different energy dependent capture cross section.s. The damage function is determined by iterative solti tion of the set of equati on s given by Eq. 17.1 3 2; a first guess of G ( E„ I is inserted into the set tif integrals, and the ‹-al ‹'u lated property changes IP, are compared w ith t he measured val ues. 'The function G, ( E„ ) is then adjusted, and th e calculation is repeated un til the measured property chan ges are reproduced as closel \ ' as possible by the in tegrals on the right of Eq. 17. 1 3 2.
1 n th is process both the n timber of iteration s required and even the accuracy of the damage fu nctit›n ultimatel
‹obtained depend on the ‹ivailabilit ' of a gotid first gues.s of t he damage fu n ction. "F he best initial estimate of G, ( E" is the di splat'ern ent t ro s ser‘tion o, I Ep ) o n the as sum pt itnl I flat t lie damage I i .e.. the r!hange in the rnec han ical p rt›perty in questit›n 1 sly ou ld be rough ly’ proptirtional to the n i mber of displaced a turns.
Figure 1‘7. 1é ( aj sho \ vs the damage function for UJe
yield strength and swell ing of .stainless steel determined bv the met hod described above. "rhe u nit.s of the dama ge function s are those of the pr‹ i p •• y I › '' eld strength in k ilo New to rms per sq care meter ( kN ' m° 1, swelling in percen t ( " ) l divided b the total neu tron fluence ( u nits of neutrons/ cm ) . Eiach damage function was determined from tests
conducted in several different reac tors w ith different flux spectra. 4’he dashed lines in the graphs are the displacement cross section of F ig. 17.17 extended to lower energies than in Fig. 17.17. The increase of uq ( E„ } a nd Ci, ( E„ } at neutron energies below 1 0* â4 eV is due to damage produced by recoil atoms activated by ( n.j ) reaction s iv ith slow neutrons ( the cruss section s for cap ture reaction s are proportional £o the inverse of the neu tron speed ) . A lt hough the damage fun ction is appreciable at very low neu tron energies. the property change IP, is n ot greatly affected by this low -energy tail of G; ( E„ ) because the flux spectru m of fast reactors co mains relatively few low-energy netl trons ( Fig. 17. 18 ) . T he insensitivity of damage to low -energy neu trons is reflected by the bread th of the error band for Eg 10 ñIeV in F ig. 17. 19 ( a ) .
’f'he y ield -strength damage fu nction is very t lose to t he
displacement cr oss section used as the input first guess of Gi ( Eg J. This accord implies that w hatever features of the displacement cascade are responsible for an increase in the strength of irradiated steel are at least proportional to the nu mber of displaced atoms. The damage function dedu ced
Fig. 17.19 Llamage l'tinctiuns for two radiation effects in 304 stainless stec•l. ( a ) Yi c'l c1 strrua gth for irradiation and test
£c‘mpc‘ratures ‹›f 4 HO“ ñ. | Frc›m R. f.. him mo»s et al. , \ ’«c/. 7’t’‹'// izu/., 1 6 : 11 ( 10 ? 2 l. | I h ñwellin g at t EU“ [ Frum
R. L. Simnio li.s ct at . , '/’i’aiix. I tile r. .Vt«-f. .5o‹ ., 15: 2 4 9 ( 197 2 j.
from the initial que ss G, ( Eg j t onstant is sh ow n as the dotted curve in Fig. 17.19 ( a ) . ’I’his curve is vastly dif feren t from the damage fu ncti on obtained w ith the aid of an in put displacemen t function, for w hich the initial guess is G, ( E„ ) o„ I Eg ) . T he dotted curve is incorrect and reflects the stringent requirement of a good first gue ss if the iterative method is to co diverge to the correct damage fu nction.
Figure 17.191 b} shows the da mage functi on obtained for stainles+stee1 swelling due to void formatio n. T he damage function for this property c hange is similar to, but not identical to, that for the y ield stren gth.
17.9.3 Damage Production by Ion Bombardment
'the e stent t› f radiation d amage produced by ex posure of a structural metal to a fast-ne utrun flux depends on the duration of i rrad iatio n . The damage in creases w ith the fast-ne ut ron flue nce , w hich is the prod uct of the fast- neutro n flux , '1 , and the i rrad iation time, t. The economics of nu clear pow er requi res that the fuel of commercial fast breeder reactors remain in service for a fluence in excess of 10° neutrons /cm 2 ( i.e. , for a year at a flux approaching 10' 6 neutrons cm 2 sec 1 ) . Accurate assessment of the durability of structural metals for use in L6IFBR cores requires that the radiation effects produced at these
fluences either be measured directly in an irradiation facility where the expected fluences can be obtained or be extrapolated from tests at muc h lower fluences by recourse to an appropriate theoretical model. Acceptable theoretical models are often not available for particular radiation effects, and son nd fuel-element design can be achieved only by testing to the expected service fluences. This situation applies to swelling of the cladding due to void formation;
no accurate theory is available for prediction of void
production, and extrapolatio n of low-fluence swelling data is risky because the pheno me non is not linear with fluence. Even if adeq nate irradiatio n facilities w ith a fast- neutro n flu x of 10' neutro ns cm ' sec ' were availab le, 3-y ear-d urat ion tests would be required to at tain the design fluences of a n LMFB R core. I n a test facility with a flux of
10 ' neutrons c m 2 sec*' , 30 years wo uld be necessary. There is therefore a great incentive to dev ise irradiation tests that can simulate fast -neutron damage at fl uences of
10 2 neutro ns cm 2 in a reasonable amount o f time ( say of
the order of days ) .
Bo mbardment of metals by energetic heavy ions has proven to be a useful tool for compressing t he time scale of irradiation tests by many orders of magnitude. Reasonable currents of H*, C’, and metal-ion beams o f energies from 1 to 10 Me V can be obtained from accelerators. Because the range of heavy ions in solids is quite small ( t y pically 10 km ) , all the initial energy o f t he io n can be dissipated in a small volume of the specimen. Since thP nu mber of displaced atoms in an irrad iat ion e xperiment is a reasonable measu re of t he e xtent of radiation damage, w e calculate the
R p
I b )
rate at w hich a beam of energetic heavy ions causes lattice displacements and compare this figure with that attainable in fast-neu tron irradiatio ns.
Figure 17. 20 shows some features of ion sto pping in solids. In Fig. 17. 20 ( a ) a beam of ions enters a solid target wit h energy E,g . The ions slow dow n in the solid and come to rest at a depth given by the projected range. Figure
17. 20 ( b ) shows the energy-loss characteristics of the ions while traversing the sol id. Because the incident energies are in the million electron volt range, electronic excitation is the principal energy-loss mechanism over most of the range. Figure 17. 20 ( c ) shows schematic plots of the electronic and atomic stopping powers as fu nc tions of ion energy. The electronic stopping power is based on Eq. 17. 5 2, a nd the
Fig. 17. 20 Pat hs and e ne rgy losses of io ns penetrating solids.
unit c ross-sectio nal area and th ick ness d x w hich transfer energy in ( E,dE ) to the atoms in this element is N I ‹i ( E„E ) d E d x. Or, the nu mber of collisions per unit volu me per unit t ime w hich tra nsfer energy in ( E,d E ) at depth x is NI ( Ei ,E ) d E. Now the number o f d ispl aced atoms for each collision that produces a PKA of energy E is r ( E ) . Therefore, the rate of production of displaced atoms at depth x is
. \ Ei
R, ( x ) = N I E g ' o ( E, , E ) r ( E ) d E
atomic stopping power is obta ined by inserting the appro- priate cross section for energy transfer from the ion to the
d ispl aced ato
cm’ -sec
“ ( 17.135 )
lattice atoms into Eq. 17. 29. The ion energy at depth x can be obtained by integrating the electronic stopping- power formula of Eq. 17. 52:
1 2
Ei ( x ) - ( E, j" 2 kx ( 17 .134 )
where E, is given in terms r x by Eq . 17.1 34 a nd . \ is given by Eq . 17.8. Nlult iplication of the abo ve equatio n b y the irradiation t ime t and division by t he lattice atom density N gives t he number of displacements per latt ice ato m in irradiatio n o f fl uence It:
The nu mber of atomic collisions between t he ions and the lattice atoms at depth x ca n be calculated from t he
dpa disp lacemen ts
o ( E„E ) r ( E ) d E ( 17.136 )
following considerations. Let o ( Ei,E ) d E be the di f ferent ia1 cross sect io n fo r transferring em rgy in the range ( E,d E ) to latt ice atoms b y an ion of energy Ei . The pro bab ility o f a collisio n bet ween an ion and a lat tice atom in d x which transfers energy in the range ( E,d E J is N ( E, ,E ) d E d x ( see Eq. 17.19 ) . Since I ions mcm' pa ss depth x per second , the n umber of collisions pe r second in t he volu me element of
Uivisio n o f Eq . 1‘7.136 by the fl uence \ 'ields
dp a at de pth x = J u ( E„E ) r ( F? j d E ( 17 .137 ) ( ions mcm' )
A si mple ill ust rat ive integ rat ion of the right -hand side of Eq . 17.1 37 ca n be obta in ed if t he cross sect io n r ( E, ,E ) is
assu med to be given by the R ut her ford formula and if t he Lindhard model is used for r ( E ) . Sub st it ut ing Eqs. 17.37 and 17.90 into Eq. 17.137 and assuming t he coefficient
( E ) in Eq. 17.90 to be a constant equal to 0.5, we obtain
d p a x Z 2 Z 2 e M, . \ E,
bard ment is 4000 t imes as e ffective as ne utro n bo mbard- ment; t he same nu mber of displaced atoms are prod uced by a 6-hr ion bombardment as are produced by a 3-year neu tro n irradiation.
Ion bombardment is not simply a matter of telescoping
( ions Jcm° ) 4Eq E, — 1 n E d
( 17.138 )
the time scale of damage product ion. Figure 17.21 shows that the damage is contained within a very thin layer of t he
w here t he subscri pt i denotes the inciden I ion and t he unsubscripted pro perties refer to t he lattice atom. Eval- uat ing t he right-hand side of Eq. 17.138 for bo mbard me nt of nickel by 20 Me V C’ ions g ives a damage rate at t he target surface ( E d ' E io ) ° b 3 X 10 ' d pay ( ions/c m 2 ) .
Inasmuc h as E i decreases w ith x, Eq. 17.138 shows t hat
the damage efficiency sho uld increase until just befo re t he
10 ’
10 '
J 0
10 ' ”
ion sto ps. K ulcin ski et al . 2 have used Eq. 17.137 to determine the efficiency of displacement production by various ion beams. Figure 17.21 shows graphs of the displacement-damage effectiveness for various ions imping- ing on nickel .
7 4 E 8 10 !2 DTSTAMCE INTO SOLID, q»
Fig. 1 7. 21 Displacement-damage effectiveness as a func- t io n ‹if penetratio n depth for io ns inn pinging o n nickel. t From Hef. 2 3. )
The amount of damage produced in a given time depends on the intensity’ of the io n beam. For medium- weight particles. such as H* and C’, intensities of the order o f 10 ' ions cm 2 sec ' can be obtained from accelerators. The maximum intensities of heavy -io n beams, such as Ni’ and Ta‘, are ro ughly an order of mag nitu de smaller. Using the maximu m displace ment rate fo r 20-Me V C’ ions fr‹i m Fig. 17.21 and a C’ beam intensit \ of 10 ' ions c m “ sec ' sho ws that u p to 4 K 10 ’ d pa/sec can be achieved . By way of co mpar ison, the calculated figure for a fast -neutron flux of 10 ' S ne utrons cm ' sec ' based o n Eq. 17.1 31 gi s'es a displacement rate of 10* d pa /sec. The ion bom-
specimen close to t he surface a nd mo reo ver varies by an orde r of mag nitude wit h depth. Fad -neutro n damage, on the other hand , occurs rather uniformly t hr‹i ug hout the ent ire volu me of t he metal. Such a variation in d is placement efficiency over t he damaged zone in an ion-bo mbarded metal is equivalent to a com parable variation in flue nce in neutron irradiation. Da mage effects in io n bombardment ar e contained in a narrow band between a free surface and undamaged bulk solid at depths greater than the ion range. The in flue nce of the nearby free surf a ce and the close pro ximity of t he highly damaged zone to undamaged metal on radiation effects involving mig ratio n of the point d efects created by the collision cascades is d if ficult to assess.
Sect io us 17.7 and 17.8 of this chapter reviewed the analytical methods of predicting the prin ci pal feature of a collisio n cascade, namely, the number r ( E I o f displaced ato ms ( a nd hence t he nu mber o f vacancies ) created by a PKA o f energy E. The simplest model due to Kin chin and Pease was modified to account for
1. A realistic e ne rgy -transfer cross section.
2. Co ntin uo us elect ro n ie energ y loss d uring cascade formation.
3. Channeling of recoils.
Each of t hese factors reduces t he predicted value of r ( E ) by some 10 to 50"r, depending ‹in the PKA energy . All analytica 1 cascade theories, however, deal w ith the mechan- ics by which a collection o f isolated Frenk el pa irs is created by an e nergetic atom . That is, no interaction between t he vacancies and t he interstitials or between point defects of t he same ty pe was permitted . The former pro cess leads to mut ual annihilatio n o f Fren ke1 pairs and is acco mpanied by a marked reduction in r ( E ) . The lat ter process acco unts for the clustering of like point de fects; these clusters are the precursors o I interstitial dislocation loops or embryonic voids. Both of these entities exert a pa werful influence on t he mechanical behavior o f the irradiated metal.
Within t he last decade the advent of large computers
has made possi ble the direct solutio n of the equatio us of motion of a large enough collection of at‹›ms ( a cr \ ’staIIite ) to accuratel y simulate a macrosco pie crystalline sprcime n undergoing irradiation. 2 " In these computer experi- ments, o ne ato m in a static asse mbly of several hundred to several t ho usand atoms arranged in o ne of t he cubic structures ( dcc or bcc ) is gi \ ’en an initial pulse of kinetic energy in a part ic ular direction. T his initial state simulates a
latt ice atom st rue k by a fast ne utron and thereby tra ns- formed into a PKA. The PKA goes on to strike one of the neighboring atoms, w hich is set in motio n ( a nd displaced if the energy transfer is great enough ) . The entire seq uence of collisions bet wer n atoms in t he crystallite is folloive d as a
function t›f I iine . ’Fhe positions uf all atoms in t lie cr ystallite du ring t h‹ ‹'as‹'ade is gt›i'e rned by a set ‹› I se ve ral h und red t q ti at io n.s of mo t it› n tif I he t y pe
c1 I
( 1 ur i 1 , 2, . . , n ) t 1.7. l .3 fi )
sv here F, is I lie form e o n t he i//i ato rn du e to t he re pulsivv i litvract in n ‹›f its nt' igh bors. ’th ese forces ina3' be repre- ss uted as t he su ni of I he pa ir-ititeract io li potent ials bet ween the i/// at‹› m and I he surr‹›uncliny at‹›ms:
F, — ‹ ) V
\ \ ’ It ‹’re r „ x, x, | is I h‹’ ctista it‹‘t b‹*t \ \ ‹‘‹‘n the i//› a nd j//I ato ni ‹›f I ime t. S i nce I he re pulsii t' turtle re pr esei it ed b y I he g radical o 1.1 ht in tera r't i‹› n potential V is short ra me, o nl›’ ato ms in I he immed iate i ie in it j of I he i //i at‹i in l n t a rest and ne xt -nearest ne ighbors ) need be included in tht abo ve u m fh r tx›tentia 1-+'iu'rgy function in «r the f» m show» in
£’ig. 1.7.5. Si nr t' ty pical kint I ir P lierg ies o f mo i ing ato rns in
thr ca.s‹ adt art' - t0 ke V, p‹itt'nt ial f un‹‘t i‹i ns t›f I he B‹ir n—Player I y pe arc' riu›st fr t'q uen th’ u.sed . As in a nalyt i‹ al r ascade I he or y, dis plact• me n I i.s assumed to t›ccur i f a smu c k at‹i ir rt cci we t'rie rg y in ex cess of a ste p th resh‹ild £•,j I usuall y t a k t'n as 25 ‹' V j.
\ \ 'e first exa rn irir I ht result s ‹i f t't› ir put er sinful at it› us f‹ir PK› \ t nt rgies eltise t‹› I he d isplacemt nt I hreshold . Fig ure 17.2 2 sho ws t he at om trajectories created by a t0-e V k noc k-on in a small cr ysta llite ( about 500 atoms ) t›f co pper. According to Eq. 17.64, on ly one f4t nk ct pa ir is
created b y a 40-c V PKA. The ato rn labell ed A in t h‹• figu re is t he PKA . The d iag ra m re prese nts a sect io n t hroug h the 1100 ) plane, in w hich the ato m posit ions are denoted b y large circles. T he stnall dots represent t he centers of the atoms. The initial direction of the PKA in Fig. 17. 2.2 ( a ) lies in t htm ( 100 ) plane at an angl e of 15 ’ to the 010 | d irec tio n. Atom A str ikes ato m B with su ff icie nt
c nvrgy transf er tt› d is place B. After I he co llisio n , A falls
in to I he site vacated by B . Th is is called a i’‹'/ifa‹'‹ iiir'ii/ i-olli!siori. Atom B then goes on to dislodge C whi ch, h‹›ivever, does not have sufficient t nergy left to d is place D. ’f he I ina I jx›siti‹›ns of t ht ato ms alo ng the [ 010. 1 d irect io n are mar ked wit h primes; a vacant site is left at I he or ig inal PKA positio n, ato ms A and B occu py t he former sites t›f B and C, respectively, and atom C becomes an int erstit ial. Thr'se mo cements c‹›nstitute a miniature focused re place- ment seq ue rice o f t he ty pe described in Sec . 17.b. ’the remaining atoms in t he cry stallite recei ve subt hresho ld increment s of energy a nd simply oscillate alx› ut t heir
‹'q uilibri u m jx›s it io ns. The iv riggles about thr initial at‹›ir
‹ en ters in I he tliag ram s how t he mot io n of t hr ato ms d tiring the cascade. F‹›cu••d energ}' pr‹›pagati‹›i is appar‹ Int in I he
I <! 1 direct ir›n, as ‹’xpected, a nd c‹› a lesser extent alo ng I he [ 001 ] d irer t i‹› n from atom A .
£“ig ure 17.2 2 ( b ) s ho avs t he sa me eve nt wit h a cha nge in I he la keo ff d ir ectio n o f t he PKA , w hi ch is 2.2.5 sv ith
respect to I ht | 010 | directio n . I n t his c'ase I he { 01 1 lot used rr placc'nu'nt rhain is act ivat ed , a nd a dynamic crowd ion pro pagatrs in this d irect io n . Th e d is placed atom
appears at F.' at t he e nd o f I he perio d o f cascade format io n. ( July fo vuse d t ners y tra nsfer occurs in the | 010 ] d irect io n , iv hich in the pre vio us ca.st pro vided a displace d at‹› m as w el 1. 'Fh e vac an cj is pro d uced at A .
( 00 J ]
IOOJ ] ( 01 J ]
( a )
•••••+•- [0J 0]
( b !
l0J 0]
Fig. 17.22 Atom trajectories and displacements due to a 0.04 -ke V ( 40 e V ) PKA in the t 100 ) plane of co pper. The PKA was created at A. For two PKA takeoff direct io us: ( a ) 15 to [ 010 ] . ( b ) 22.5 to { 010 ] . After Gibson e t al., Ph s'.s. lie o., 120: 1.2.29 ( 1950 ) I
17.10.1 Displacement Spikes
In t he prec nding discussio n o f a near-t hresh old co llisio n cascade, t he quest io n o f the spat ial co nfiguratio n o f t he dis placed atoms was t rivial; onl y on e Frenk el pair was created , and , tha nks to focusin g, the vacancy and inter- stit ial were su fficie nt ly se parated to prevent annihilatio n by spo nta neo us reco mbinat ion. In coll isio n cascades produced by hig h-energy PK As, liowe ver, many Frenk el pa irs are created, and t heir relat ive posit ions are crucial in dc ter- mining t he nu mber of t hem that survive anni hil at ion or immo bili/of io n by cl ustering.
The quest io n of the co nfigurat io n of the d isplaced atoms and vacancies in a collisio n cascade was invest igat ed analytically by Brink man' 7 before large co mputers were available to descr i be t he cascade in atomic detail . Brin k man calculated the mea n free path of an energet ie reco il in the lattice and fou nd t hat w hen E was of t he o rder of .several tens o f k iloel ectro n vo lts I he spacing betivee n successive collisions a p proa c ht d ato mi c st parat io n d istances. "l'h is means that every atom in I he path o f I he primary is displaced a nd the cascade can not be tho ug ht o f as a collect io n o f isolated Fren kel pairs. "l'he essence of Brink- ma n's a nalysis ca n be co nve yed in I he folio w ing simple ( b ut not v'er y a ccurate ) calculation. The mean free pat h for a ny ty pe o f collisio n is defined b y Sq . 17.2 3. The particular I ype o f collision of int crest he re is t he o ne that causes atomic displacement, i.e., w hirh transfers energy i n e xcess o{’ E, . 'l“he cross sP ctio n for I his process is g ive n in terms of the di fferential energ y-transfer c ross sectio n bet wt'en lattice at‹i ins b y
/ ( M ) u ( E,T ) dfl ( 17.1.t0 )
Note that ‹ ,’t ( E ) is n‹›t the samP as the displace ment c'rcss section of Ed. 17.116, which refers to the i u mber of displaced ato m.s created b \ ’ a neutro n o r a part ic'ular r nerg \ ’. Equatio n 17.140 has no thing to do wit h neutro ns. In orde r to eval nate ‹i,; ( NJ, we use the equii'alent hard-sphere mod el, for ivh ich ri ( E,’f I is giir•n by Eq . 17.39 l with . \ 1 in the present case since ide ntical atoms are in vol v't*d in I he collisio n ) . I nsertio n of Eq . 17.39 into Eq . 17.140 and integ ratio n yiel d
been used. ’I’he otiset of clc›sely spaced d isplact'ment collisions ( i .e., w hen 1,d is of t he order of 3 to 10 .. \ ) is seen to lie bet wer n a few tent hs of a k iloelrc tr‹i n i'olt a nd several k iloe I ectro n volt s. l3ecau sts tht° red uctio n in 1, w ith PK. \ energy is rat her gradual at low energy , assignir e nt ‹i I a specific energ y at ivh ich a displacement spike is generated is impossible. \ ¥e also do trot k no iv iv lit t he r coll isio ns must bt separated b y o ne, two, ‹i r t hre‹ inte rato inic di.stances to g enerate a di.splacement spike. Finally’, thr l,t ( I'd ) ‹'ur \ ’e.s are very sensitive t‹i t he intera ctio n Jute nt ia1 used in the calculation a nd to t he method used to estimate tuu'rgy transfer. I low I ver, all calculat io ns of I his sort suggest I hat the displacements caused by a recoil z' it h a n t nt rgy between 1 to 10 ke V are se parated bj o nl y ‹i in* ‹› r I wo lat tice parameters. Now t he average t n‹ rgy ‹i f I li‹ Phi \ produced b›’ a ne utr‹in fl u x in iv his h the a vt rage nr'utro n energy is E„ is givr n by
( 1 7 . 1 1 4 )
For stainless steel ( A 60 ) in a typical L$1FBR core ( E„ =
0.6 Me V J, the above formula shows that the average PKA e nerg y is about 15 ke V, w hich is just about I he e ners y at iv hich the displace me nt co llisio ns been me se paratc d by distances of the order o f a lat tice parameter. Th us I he b ulk of t he PKAs generated in I he cladding of a fast reactor sho uld create co llisio n cascades t hat c‹i mist ‹if d is place me nt of e s'ew atom in t hv pat h of t ht' PKA .
EI 1 ( 17.1 41 )
where t/ ( EJ - 4rr 2 , ( E ) is the total colli sio n cross sect ion between lattice atoms, one or hich is moving with e nergy E. The term r„ ( E ) is the equivalent hard -s phere radius, w hirh we take to be given by Eq . 17.4 1. Th us we have for u ( E )
( 17.142 )
Fi naff y, the mean free path for displacement collisions is given by
Fig. 17.23 Displacement mean free path and total collision cross sectio n for co pper atoms mo ving in co pper.
\ Vhat does such a collisio n cascade loo k like? It most certainly does not resern b1e the collect io n of iso lated Frenkel pairs envisaged in analy tical cascade theory. Figure
17. 24 sho ws Brink man's co nce ptio n of the collision cascade
created by a ty pical 5- to 20-ke V PKA. The high density of collisions alo ng I he path o f t he primary ejects atoms o ut ward . These atoms appear as a shell of interstitial atoms surrounding a ho how core of vaca ncies. Brink man called this collisio n cascade a dispfo‹‘rmeuf spike. lt would seem that t he configuratio n sho wn in Fig. 17.24 is unstable, and
I E - ' '
' G o d ( E ) N o ( E ) [1 — ( E d / E ) l
17 . 14 3 )
indeed it pro bably is. The collapse of the structure, ho we ver, need not result in anni hilation o f all the vacancies and interstitials t hat were formed, although it is likely that
Eq uat io ns 17.142 and 17.143 are plotted in Fig. 17.2 . The Born—Mayer constants for co pper shown in Fig . 17.5 iiave
a large fraction of the point defects w ill be eliminated very soo n after t he energetic event is over.
Brink man pro posed the displacement spike before t he phenomenon o f focusing was disco vered . Seeger modi- fied Brink man's pict ure of the displacement spike to acco unt fo r t he to ng-ra nge t ra nsport of the atoms struck by the PKA b3 focused co llisio n sequences. Seeger's sche mat ie of t he closely spaced collisio n cascade is show n iii Fig.
17.25. The main difference between t he configurations shown in Figs. 17.24 and 17.25 is t he greater se parat ion of t he an n ular shell of interstit ials from the central co re of vacancies in the latter. This difference is d ue to the transport of displaced atoms as d ynamic crowdions. Seeger called t he ne arl y empty hole a dr pm left zu ne.
The displacement spike o f Fig. 17. 24 or t he de pleted zone o f Fig. 17. 25 must be regarded as edu cated guesses of the con lâgurat io n of a co llisio n cascade. Quantitative descri ption of the displacement spike was made possible only by computer si mulatio n of crystallites large enoug h to contain the secondaries and higher order reco ils of PK As wit h e nergies in t he range from 5 to 100 ke V.
I a )
Fig. 1 7. 24 Original versio n of t he dis placement spike. ( After J. A. Brink man, A mci’. J. Ph ys., 24: 251 t 195 S ) .
O O N ’ O O ON O O O O O9 O O
O O . ’ O
E N E tt G Y
O O ’
”O O
' '* O O O tO
O 0 O O O 0 O
{ 1 00]
( b )
Fig. 17. 26 Computer si mulat ion of displ acc ment spike due to a 5 -keV PKA in iron . All out -of -plane da mage has been projected onto the ( 001 ) plane show n in the figure. ( a ) Recoil t rajectories. ( b ) Vacancies a nd interstitial atoms at end of the collisio n cascade ( 0' K ) . The diago nal I ine in
( b ) shows the effect of channeling ( see text ) . ( After Ref. 26. )
F ig. 17. 25 Later version ( stil 1 q ual itat ive ) o f t he displace - rr ent .spi ke. . › at"dI1c \ . •. i I1[E' Mt,i tial at ‹›in. , path o I neutro n. - -, path of PKA. t Af ter Ref. 28. )
Th e cascade show n in Fig. 17. 26 re presents t he final con figuratio n of t he displaced atoms and vacancies in bcc iron result ing from interact ion with a 5-ke V PKA. The temperature of 0‘K is assigned to the calculation because no motion of the point de feet s which requires thermal activation ( i.e., processes with a rate governed by a
CFt*dt Ord
Fig. 17.2 7 Displacemt• n I spike due to a 20-ke \ ' PK \ in ir‹an pro ject cd onto the } 001 ) plane ( *“ I After
J. It. 8eeler, Jr., Ph 's. He v., 1 50: 170 lsfis } . ]
Boltz mann factor ) is allo wed. S po ntaneo us recombination o f vacancies and interstit ials has been included by simply removing from the calculation any vacancy that is within a sphere co ntain ing 30 lattice sites arou nd an interst it ial and vice versa. The size o f this spo ntaneo us rec‹› mb inat io n volu me is not well established {see Sec. 13.4 ) . Lines joining adjacent s-acancir s in dicate s table i‹i‹ anc›’ r‘I us ie rs, sv hich are formed by chance during cascade gene rat io n.
Fig ure 17. 2 fit a ) shows t he trajectories of all t he dis placed ato ms projected o nto the ( 001 ) plane. The short thick track is that of the PKA, and the paths of the secondary k nock -o ns are re presented by heavy dotted tracks. The thin dashed o r solid tracks are those of t he higher o rder recoils. Figu re 17 .26 ( b ) shows the damage pattern created by the trajectories of Fig . 17. 26 ( a ) . Again the t hree-dime nsional configuration has been pro jected o nto t he ( 001 } plane for illu strative purposes. The q uali- fat ive co nce pts of B rin k man and SPeger are co nfirmed by t he co mputer e xperi ment. The interstit ials appear in a shell aro und a vacancy -rich core [ lower left-hand co rner of Fig.
17. 26 ( b i l Focused collisio n chains wPre responsible for removing the interstitials fro m the co re. In additio n , t he
importance of c hannel in g is dramatically ill ustrated; all damage above t he diagonal line in Fig. 17 .26 ( b ) disappears whe n a very sl ight change is made in t he initial PKA d traction to permit t he head-on secondary in Fig. 17 .26 ( a )
to c hannel. In this case it loses esse ntiall y all its energy by electronic stop ping w hile mo vin g down a [ 110 ] chan ne1.
Fig ure 1 7. 27 shows a displace ment spike c reated by a 20-ke V PKA in iro n. The nu mbe rs o n t he plot indicate clusters o f po int defects. The cascade is sl ightly larger than the 5-ke V cascade and is elongated in the directio n of t he in it ial PKA. The Kinchin—Pease formula t Eq . 1 7.6B ) predicts that 20,000/ ( 2 X 25 ) 100 EYenkel pairs sho uld have been ‹ reated by the 20-ke V PKA . There are 198 vacancies and 198 interstit ials in Fig. 17. 27. The reduction in displace ment ef ficiency is due primarily to s jxinta neous a nnihilatio n of defects o f o pposite ty pe which hap pened to hax'e been created wit hin t he 30-site recombinat io n vo lu me.
17.10.2 Annealing of Displacement Spikes
\ V hen a collision cascade is produced in a met al at a te mperat ure great er than absolute zero, t her ma 1 motion of the jxi int defects prod uces reco mbinatio n and c lustering beyo nd t hat iv hich occ urred in t he nascent cascade. The lifetime of cascade formatio n can be considered to be the interval between the initial e nerg izing of the PKA and t he sto pping of the last hig he r order reco il. Cascade lifetimes, incl uding spontaneous reco mbinatio n of unstable Frenkel pairs, are 10 ' " sec. 'I'he an ne aling peri‹id d uring ivh ich the spike mat ures into a more or less stable em ity requires
fru m 10 to 10 " sr r l w hich is the t ime required for each point del‘ect t‹› ma ke several hu nd red to se feral tho usa nd ju m ps ) . At t he end or i he a nnealing period , must of I he i cry mo bile co mpone nt s of t he spi ke, such as m‹i nu - and di vacancies and mo no a nd diinterst itia 1s, ha ve escaped fr‹i m t he spik c center ( w hich i.s roug hl y iv here t he PK› \ was born j and have jo ined t he gc neral po int-defect po pulat io n in t he b ul k ‹i f t he metal. \ Yh at re mains of t he initial collisio n cascade is a en llect ion o f pra cti call y immo bile cl usters of intv rst it ial atoms a nd i aca ncies a nd a few st ugg ish mono vacancies. Th‹• clusters may t it her ver y slo \ v ly atro phy by’ t hermall y shedding po ink d r«ts or gro w by accrr•tion of mo bil e point defects t‘ro m I he e run ron mP nt.
Horan' " has de i'elo ped a co mputer si mulat i‹i n o f dis placement spike ann‹'aling. ’the calculatio n usvs as in put in format io n 0 ‘K ‹-a scade ‹x› nl'igu rat io ns such as tho se shown in P igs. 17. 26 and 17. 2 7. "the po int defects are per mit ted to co ni me rice ran do in oval ks in the damaged solid. \ Rio ntt' Carlo tec hniq uc is used ti› deter mine t he jum p direct ions o f each p‹i int de feet. Since t he interst it ials arc' q uite a bit more mo bile than t he vacancies, I he interstitials are per mittrd to ju mp more frvq ur•nt ly than I he vat ancies. ’the ju mp fre q uencies of I hest t Evo p‹› in t deft cts are r‹ latr'd by ( Chap. 7 ) :
’The migratiu n e nerg y uf a vacancy, c , , is quite a bit largrr than t hat of an interst it ial, c,; so u , ,'w, is grt'atr'r t han unity a nd is tent pe ratu re de pe ndent. At In iv tern perature ( i .e., 300 K ) , w , /iv, is severa 1 t huusand , a nd, at temperatures o f about 800 “K . thr rat i‹› is 100. heal ti me du ring the a nneal is not com putt'd accurate 1 \ ’ |there is no ne‹•d t‹i do
*› ) —the po int-de feet ju mp rate serves as a cloc k duri ng annealing. ’the ratio ot‘ t ht' ju mp rates is chosru to be consistent w ith I he sa me an nealing I ime. Fu r e xa mple, 6000 inter.stitial ju m ps and €i0 vacanc y ju mps at 800 K bot h corrcspo nd to a real tirrie o f 10 " se‹'.
If a poin I defect ju m ps into t he presc ribed reco mbina- tion volu me aro und a point dcft'ct of o pps sit e sign, t he two are annihilated . A point d efect mo ving into a lattice site adjacent to a cl ustPr com Jxised o r t h› me ty pe o f dt'feet increases the cl us ter sizP by o ne. '“ If a point defect joins a cluster o f o pposite ty pe, t he cl us ter shrin ks b y o ne.
The computation is continued until a stable state is atta ine d, iv hich usuall y occurs after most of t he mobile interstitials that have n‹i t been annihilated o r inco r porated into clusters earl y in t he anneal escape from I he spike. At the end of the an neal, u p to 80"› r I he defects in the nascent cascade have been annihilated ( t his figure is in addition to t he losses t hat occ urred by at hermal point- defect reco mbination during cascade ror mat io n ) . The anni- hilat io n loss in creases as t he te mperat ure beco mes higher. The final state of t he 20-ke V cascade sho iv n in Fig.
17.27 after annealing at 800”K is depicted in Fig. 17.28. Twel ve interstitials t hat have escaped fro m t he co nfines of the region covered by t he diagram are not show n . The annealed dis placement spike co nsists mostly of clusters,
* Next -near est - ne ig hbor vaca nc ies also fc›rm sta bl c clus- ter s.
su me of which co nta in a sizable iiu mber of point defects. Fig ure 17. 25 sho avs the e ffect of t he sh‹irt a nnealing pt riod o n t he d istribut io n u f clusters in t he spikt'. Al thoug h S 3'
‹i f t he interstitial ato ms w ert pr ese rat as isolated Jxi iiit d‹ r‹ cts at I he start of t he animal | £ñ g. 17.29 ( a ) ] , t he thu mb t t o f mono - and d i int erst it ials remaining after a nnt al - ing is just about eq uaJ to the nu mber of interstitials
‹ on tainerj in clusters of three or more me mbers. Vacancy clii ste ri ng d uring t he annea I is e ven more no nunifo rm [ Fig.
1 7. 2 fit b l | . 0n1 y about 7’ of t hP vacancies present in t he nasc't nt cascade {wh‹'t her cl ust ered or not ) survive t he an neal i ng as rn u n in-ai‹in cies. 'I'he rt'st 1 .1’ ‹ ‹it’ th e i ii itial
17.10.3 Cascade Overlap
The final state o I’ the annealed ‹ asvade t ypified by £“ig.
17. 28 is stable for rel at ive ly l‹› rig ti mcs. 1 n a prolonged irradiatio n, it is lik cly that a seen nd o r e vv n a I hird d isplacement s pike will be created in the same regio n of so lid as t he first one. Beel er ’" has exa mined the co nse- q uenec•s ‹› f cascade o verlap bY co mputer si iriulat ion tech- niques. The result of t hret collision cascades si mil ar to the o ric shown in Fig . 17. 26 at nearly t he same lo cat io n is sho wn i n Fig. 17.30. Spike arinealing was n‹›t c‹i nsider‹'d. to wet hel ess, a 25-vacancy cluster was fo und in the particu- lar r x pt•rime nt show n in Fig. 17. 30. \ \ ‘hether a cluster gro ws ‹ir sh rin ks as a result of t he in teract ion of cascades de pe nd s on a large nu mber of factors, including t he separation and directions of the PKAs initiating the successive s pikes and t he rel at ive size t› f t he spikes ( i .e., in it ial PKA e nergies ) . In particular, the vacancy clusters in a spike ‹ an be destroy ‹ d by I he lo ng-ra nge d \ na mic crow d- i» mo m a nc'ar b \ ’ ( n‹›t tlrcessar ily ‹› vt'rla ppi ng ) c‹›llisi‹›n casca dc . One is led to e x pect t hat vacanc j clusters in an irradiated m‹ tal iv ill reac h a satu rat ion co ncentratio n at large fast-ne utr » ri uenct's.
So far, t he t heoretical a nalysis of radiatio n damage has been restricted to monato mic substances. Although co m- puter si mul at io n of c‹i llision cascades in metals is rat her advanced, vr ry little co m para ble wo rk o n binary inorganic compounds has been re purted. Reference 3 describes low - energy PKA computer si mulatio us o f d isplacement cascades in lead iod ide, and Beel er and Be sco have studied radiatio n damage in beryllium o xide. No com puter si mulat ion of damage in li eav y irietal oxides has been published . Most of the a naly tical studies intended to elucidate the damag ing effect of fission frag ments o n reactor fuels have been confined to uraniu m metal. To a pply t hese results to mixed-o xide fuels, we must co nsider the collisio nal pro par- ties of ox ygen. The sim plest approach to this problem is to consider the interact ion o f I he fissio n fragment wit h two mo nato mic substances, o ne co nsist ing of uranium atoms and the ot her co mposed o f oxygen atoms. The radiatio n- damage para meter for the compound UO; is assumed to be the average of t he values for the two ele mental calculatio ns.
' 1U0›
Fig. 17.28 Eiisplaceme nt spi ke I p = › jected onto the 1001 plane ] due to a 20-ke V PKA in iron a1“ter an nealing at 800° K ( 6000 interstitial jumps and 50 vacancy jumps J. "l'he pre an nealcd spike is sho w'n in I-'ig. 17. 27. Numbers on the diagram denote cluster si xes. 'I'wel ve interst i tials have migrated outsi cle the range of the diagram and are not shown . ( A1"ter Re f. 29. )
There is so me justification for this approach. Because the energy -transfer parameter .i { Eq . 17.8 ) is unity for U—U a nd O—O coilisio ns but o nl y 0.2 3 for O— U collisio us, a ura niu m PKA t ransfers e nergy more efficie ntly to the catio n su blattice than to the a nio n sublattice. Similarl y , a collisio n cascade beg un by an o x yge n PKA tends to rema in o n I he o xygen sublattice . Co nsid ering radiat io n damage in a b inary fuel as t he su m of two independent elemental damage problems is at least preferable to simply assuming I hat UO; behaves as ura niu m metal.
In t his section , we use the above approach to calculate two q uantities t hat were used in Chap. 13 to describe different features of fissio n-frag menf interactio n in oxide
fuels, namely , t he Fren kel- pair y ield per f issio n Y x i and the microsco pie fission-gas re-solution parameter b. To treat these pro ble ms in a concise, yPt tolerably acc urate, ma nner,
we introduce a nu mber of simplifying assum pt io ns, t he most significant of w hich is the independence of the to ta1 stopping power of the fission fragment ( electronic plus ato mic ) o n energy. Because of the large init ial energy of the fission frag ments, 90?‹ of the energy loss is due to electronic stop ping, w hich is better appro ximated by the square-root sto pping law ( Ref. 3, p, 219 and Ref. 32 ) t han by a co nstant stop ping power. However, t he co nstant stopping-power simplificatio n is often applied to describe fission-fragmen t slowing down and will be e mploy ed here.
17.11.1 Frenkel-Pair Yield from Fission
A general relatio n between I he energy spectrum of the fission-frag ment fl ux ( assuming all frag ments to be born at a specific energy EQ "• ) ca n be o bta ined as follows. We do not yet invoke t he co nstant stopping- power assumption. Consider a sphere of unit cross-sectional area at some point w it hin the fuel and set p ( E„ ) dE„ as the n u mber of fissio n fragments w ith energies in the range ( E„ , dE „ ) crossing this unit sphere per second. Since the sto pping power vs. energy form ula provides, by integratio n, a uniq ue relation between fragment energy and penetrat io n disfance, ali frag ments in the energy ra nge ( E , ,dE„ ) which cross the unit s phere must have come from a s pherical shell of thickness d x at a radial distance x from the unit sphere. The volume of this shell is 4s x° d x. The rate at w hich fission frag ments are produced per unit volume of fuel is 2 F, w here F is t he fissio n density. Of those frag ments born at a distance x from the unit sphere, a f ractio n 1/ ( 4s x° ) crosses the latter ( the angular distrib utio n of the fissio n fragments being isotro pie ) . Th us the energy spectrum of the fission- fragment fl ux is
o ( Et t ) d Et t = 2 F ( 4r r x 2 dx ) p g = 2 F dx
Fig. 1.7.30 A 25 -vat anc y clust er formed by the o verlap of three successive 5-kr V d isplaceme nt s pik es in co pper ( 0 K ) . l .If ter Ref. 30. )
( ) '
( 17.1 t6 )
Fig. 17. 29 Cl ustt'r d istrib ut io ns fo How ing a 20-ke V PKA collision cascade in iro n. The nascent cascade t preannealed state} conta ined about 200 of each ty pe of point d efrct. A n nealing at 800"“ K. ( a ) I ntersti tials. ( b j Vacancies. I After geL 29 )
N‹»v I he d istance in ter val d x ‹'an be related to the cnetg y ra nge d Et t b y t he de finit ion ri f the mo ppi rig p‹iw er:
d E t t
dx -
( d Ett /d x ) , „,
where' I d F. t t /d x ) t „ t is the su m ‹if the elec'tro ni c and atomic sto p ping po we rs for both ri x ygen a nd utani um ( take n together ) . ’the ‹'nergy s pectru m of the fissio n -fragine nt flu x ts
( 17.145 )
lf w e now int rriduce the con slant stoppi ng- pony cr assu lnp-
The rate at w hich displ ace d atoms are produced b v fission fragments is obtained by the same arou mt• nts that led to Lq . 17 . 113 lot fast ne ut rons. Di vi sion of the d isplaci me nt rate per unit volume b \ ' the fission density yirld s t he The nkel-pai r yie ld per fission on the uranium su blattice:
w hrre N t i is the density ‹›f uraniu m atoms and . \ ' is the energy -transfer parameter fo r collisions between fi ssion frag ments and lattice uranium atoms. Assuming tht fissi on- fragme n I mass to b t one -hal f thP ti raniu m atom mass,
( 1.7 .148 )
"to evalual.e I.he integral in Sq. 17.147, we take
I io n. ( d f \ t d x ) „ t ,
can be replaced by E}”¿ ' " 'y t t . w he re yt t
r ( E ) E/ ( 2E ) and r/t t. t I Ktt ,E ) as the Itutherf‹ird cross
F H ñ ] N F I N i ' i L N U '.I? E H ( J I K T E R S T I I . \ L I N C LU S I F P
is the range r› f fission fr ag rNe nts in the fuel . Sq uat io n 17 .145 rt'd uces t,r›
se ct ion h cliv the n fissio n fragments and latt ice atoms ( Eq . 17 . 37 ) :
41 0
( 17. 149 )
Subje‹ t tu t fun ab‹›i e .sirn pl ifi c atio ns, t lie f“renk cl - pair y ield pe r fiss it› n i n ti raniu in is
( 17.150 )
\ \ ’h en ct altiated fo r I he heavy fissio n f rag me nt ( I?}' “ ‘ fi7 Me V , rang e in L €i fi p rn ) o n t he ura niu m sublatt ice in HU i Nt - 0.0 25 U am› me \ ’ ) , the abo ve fo rmula gi ves I Y, , J t 2.S x 10’. F'or tlir same fission frag ment inf er-
;t‹'t in g u'itli flit ‹axj g‹'n sit b1attic'e ‹›f U _ O I N tj 0.0 i9 O a tones . \ ’ ) , th I' Art'n ke 1- pai r \ ’iel d is ( Y, , ) t ' 6. 5 1 (
Pro bab il ity o I a ff c‹ill isio n with a U ato ni
which yields a Frrn krl- pair yield in UO › of 2.4 x 10’ . This figure era n be red uced by nearl y an o rder ‹› f may nil ude i f t htm collisio n casc-adcs o n each sublatt ice are not iso lated from eac h other, as has been assu med .
17.11.2 The Microscopic Re-solution Parameter
In Sec. 13.7 t he parameter b go rner ning I he pro bability per seco nd o f eject io n o f a gas ato m from a b ubble into t he fuel mat rix was de rived o n the assu mpt io n t hat d irect enco unte rs of the gas ato ms and fission rrag ments con- trolled t he process. Herr' we analy ze the d ynamics of fission -gas re-sol ution w hen I he collisio n cascades generated b y fissio n fragments passing near t he b u bble cause energ} transfer to g as ato ms. That is, instead o f transferrin g energy directly fro m I he fissio n frag ment to I he gas atom, t he for rner first ents rgi zes I he latt ice atoms, w h ich I hen transmit their t•nergy to the gas atoms. \ Ye follow I he treat me nt of Nelso n ( Re f. 4 b of Chap. 13 ) w ho o nl y co nsidere d the collisio n cascades on t he uranium su blattice; the o xygen sublat tice was ignored .
’the collision cascades crc ated b y energeti c fission
frag me nt.s in a region of fuel co staining bu bbles .set u p a
o r eco il ato no ( \ v hic'h , follo w ing Nelso n, are taken to be uranium atoms ) . The term E, is the ene rg y o f a recoil atom, iv hich may vary from zero to
\ 'E " ^ . Cc nsider a fission-gas b ubb le co nt aining m gas ato ms immersed in a spat ia 11 y’ uniform flu x o f reco il ato ms. The recoil flux in the fuel is assumed to be the same as the reco il flu x in the gas b ubble. LPt R, g be t he rate o f co llisio ns bet ween recoils and gas atoms in t he b ub ble w hic h result in transfer o f ene rg y to t he latter in excPss of t he mini mu m required fo r re-so lut io n ( ’F„, „, ) . Let the d if fere ntial ene rg y-I ra us fer cross sect ion between uraniu m
imparted to t he gas atom b y collisio n wit h a reco tl of c'nergy E,. 2’he re-sol ut io n parameter is given by Rq g / m, or, on formulating R, g in an analogous fashion to the displace ment rate in Eq . 17.147, by
Note I hat Noel so n does not account for multi plicatio n of the collisio n cascade within the bub ble; r ( T ) is set equal to unit y.
To eval uate b we must derive e xpressio ns fo r the rec'o il -fJ u x .spectru m, Ot E, ) , a nd the differential cro ss sec't to n for scattering o f gas atoms by reco ils, r i t ., t Ei, ,T ) . Let us co nsider I he latter qua ntit y first. Nelso n arg ues t hat since the recoils ha \ ’p energies below 100 keV the equi \ ’alent hard-sphere appr‹›xinJati‹›n can be used to determine the cross section . ’f'hus we may write ( kq.
17.39 I:
t 17.152 )
where 2r„ is I he di.stan ‹ t' o f cl osest approach betw een a recoil of e nerg y E, and a statio nar y gas atom . This quantit y is o bta in rd t'rrirn t he in teratomic potent ial between t hesr two species, Vt g, ( rl , and t he criterio n rel at ing the distance of clo scsi ap proach and I he relati ve k inetic energy of the collisio n. 'rh e latter is g ive n for equal iiiass collision partners b y Eq . 17.17. For the present case the rel at ive k inetic energ3 of the collision is Mg E,t,'{ Wlg + Al t, ) , w here the rec'oil -ato m mass is that o f ura niu m. If we assu me the gas-ato m mass to be t he same as that of I he fissio n fragments ( t he gas ato ms were o nce fissio n frag me nts }, we find t he unequal mass ana log o f kq. 17. 17 is
v„ , ( «*i ( »i.
\ Ve no w need an e xpression f‹›r I he potential funct io n V t .g ( r ) . Nelscn la kes I he iriverst•-square po tent ial { Eiq .
7.36 with s 2 ) :
( 17 .15 4 )
in w hich the ccnsta nt A is d c't ermined b \ mate hing the abo ve potential to I he scree ned C‹›ulomb jxitential, Eq. 17.34, at r - a, w here a is the screening rad ius give n b y Eq.
17.35. From t his we dcd uce
17155 )
where we have taken Zg =- Ztt .
Cc mb in ing Eqs. 17.153 to 17.155 g i ves I he eq ui valent hard sphere radius, from w hic'h I he desired cross sect ion fo How s from Eq. 17.152
t 17.15 fi )
17. 35 «'it h X - 1, I he ‹ u nsta nt K is'
t 17 .15 7 )
In se rting nunu'r iral valut•s l'ur thr q uant it irs in Eiq. 17 .15 7, we fi nd K - 2.1 x 10 ' 2 ‹- \ -tan'
\ \ 't' n‹»v appr‹›ach I lJ‹* more d irrirult task or ‹'alculating the rtc‹› il -flux sp‹'ctrum, ‹, ( FT, ) . 'f'h‹' a l \ al \ .sis in vul ves ‹›n l \ mo ving 1 aft ice at‹› ms and i.s n ot af t’t'ct ed b y I he presen ce of bas ato nos in bu bbles. The ‹'n cry y of I ht' PK› \ pr‹id uc c'd by cull isi‹› n o I a fissi‹› n frag mrnt sv it h a latt ic'‹ at‹› m is dt'noted by E. 'the mercy ‹›f tht' li igher t› rder rec‹› ils in t hr collisio n cascade is drsig nated by E, . Colisider first t he case in iv hirh
( 1 ) dT F
i. .-s.,t
q , ( T,E, l d'I’
t»u• P UA of energy k is prtiduced in the latt ice per unit vol urine per unit t iine ( i .e., the dist ribut ion of Pi'i. \ energies is nt›t yet ronsidrred 1. \ Ve sv ish tt› calculate t he sltiiving- dozy n density t›f rect›ils d ue to this mo noenrrget ie unit
‹ tilt ie ‹'t'n tirn ett'r pt'r se‹'on if d tit' t‹i ii son rt't' ‹i I’ on‹' P K› \ ul’ ent'rg y E per c'u bic' c n I i me lv r }ier st't'‹›n‹l. 'I'ht' rec‹› il
.sItiwi nti-d‹i w'n density rlel ined ‹il›t› i't' is e ntirel j iinalo¿otis to tlit' ncutr‹›n sl‹iwing-rlt›ivn density ‹'‹Eni ni‹› nlj t'ncoun tt'rt«l ili re‹u'tor plc ysics analyst s.
'l'he first collisi‹›ii uf the PK‹ \ produces ‹rim secondary tif t'nrrgy T whilt' t he PK› \ enrrgy is dt•gradt'd tt› E — T ( Fig. 17.8 ) . Just as in the analy.sis of thr n u mber of displa«'d atoms in See. 17. 7, tlu' sl‹›svi rig-d‹›ivn drnsits din' t‹i tht• PK› \ is t'q ual t‹› tlu stint of tlit' sl osvi rig-dtiis'n dt'n.si ties of tht' tsvt› rn i›i i ug iit‹›rns arisi ub from t ht fi rst
‹ ‹›ll isi rim:
I i,. . In this ty pt• c'oll isit› ii, both I lu' st'8ttt•red P Ii. \ •i nd tht' u'co ndar y arts reduced in rnrrgy bt l‹iis’ 1£, atid 1, li us ix›iltri btit e 1 atiini t•aeli tti q , . 1 I‹rtvt'vrr, the y t'aiin ot t';lti si• a ny in‹ire di.splac rmeiits that ‹'‹› ntribul,i' t‹› q t
( II‹I ( l'.—'I' )
-2 2 E ,
( E — E, ) . Ileg in n IV is equi valent t‹› rt•g i‹›ii li ( b¥' .sy m nz'try o f t he diagra m of £“ig . 17.31 ) , and wt' li as't'
q , t E, E, ) - q , t T,E, ) + q t ( £i -— 7’, I' t ) ( 17. 15 H )
\ F’e n‹›w inv‹›kt' I he hard-sphrre sc'a£tering asrunip£i‹›n and take I he probability of an rnerg y transfer in t hr ra nge ( T,dT ) to be dT /'£i. The right nide o f Eq . 17.158 is weighted svith I his probability and integrated o st'r all possible rt't oil energies. \ Ye must, however. carefully c‘‹› nsid+r the c ‹›ntri- b ut i‹›nr tu the slowing d‹› \ vn densit›' rrum I he five regi‹›ns of energy transfer T show n in Fig . 17..31,
lI‹• gi‹›ii 1.’ 0 < T E,t ; l E — E,t ) < ( E — T ) E. \ \ 'hen the secondary receives an ene rg y 1 ess t han E, , it is not displaced and so contributes not hing to thr slowing-duw n density. The scattered P K \ , ho we ver, contrib utes tt› q , .
The co ntribut io n to q t from rt•g io n 1 is
q, ( E — T, fi, j d ( E — T )
E q ( 'i', E, ) d’F
*Nrlso n's cross sect i‹in d if hers from the va lue g iven by comb ining Eqs. 17.156 and 17. 157 by a factor of‘ 2 / ( Z : *
0.25. One of the Buhr radii in Nelson ’s Eg. 1.0 should have been the scree ning radiu.s. Ot her than this error, his ftirmulati‹i n red uces to the present one if it is noted that t he Ryd berg ene rgy is eg ual t‹› i• 2 /2a B .
V ir equi valc'nt £c› rt*giotJ I :
Add ink th‹‘ prr*c’ed ill g fi v‹‘ r'‹›m}x› t em s ‹›l“ II ‹‘ sl‹› \ vii \ y-du \ vn dt'nsit \ ’ y ields
q, ( £,E, ) Jl ( 17.159
A similar analysis for Et < E/2 produ‹'rs thr same result. Converting this integral equation t‹› a different ia1 t q nation a nd solving the latter by the same met hods applied to Eq.
17.65 ( i .e., di ff erentiat io n sv it h re.spe‹ t to E ) y ield s the
«›I utio n
q , ( E,E,} — E ft E,l
Tht• functio n f ( Fq ) ca n br o btained by inst•rting the' aixi s'e sriIution for q , in to t hr integral eq uat ion . iv hich results in
q , ( E,E, ) / E , — Eq E { for E, E ) 1.17.1G0 )
41. 2
Et t . Usi ng figs. 1.7. 1.61 and 17.162 f‹ir q , ( I'?, Et ) , we fi nd t hat t he slr»v ing -do iv n d t'nsit \ ' is
recoil-flux s pectru in using t he co nt in uous slr› wing-d‹›w n model co mm on ly ap plied to si milar pro blerrLs in ne ut ron thermalixation. ’ For hard-sphere c‹›llisir›iJs betwt*en like atoms, one o I which is moving w ith energ}’ k„ the a \ ’erage energ} Iuss per collision is E, /2. Th‹*refore, in ‹› rd‹•r t‹› pass throng h an e n ergy range d E,. , dE, t ( E, '2 ) c‹ill isio us per atci m are ne dded. I f q ( I'd, ) r‹•t’oiI s c*m set' ' ar‹' parsing thr‹›ugh d ñ,. , thr nu mber r›f cr›ll isit› ns per t*tibir ccntim‹'ter per seco nd w hich r›ccurs due to the recoils in the energ} ra nge ( k, ,d E, ) is 2q ( E, ) d E, / E, . On thr ‹›t her hand . I he f‹›£aI call ision dens it y is a lso g i vt'n by ‹i, t . t ( S, ) h', d ( F , J d E, , iv ht r e rat i ( F?, ) is the t‹›ta 1 c ro ss se‹ t ion fo r st at teri ng of st atiunar \ lattice at‹›ms b1’ lattice aft› me m‹›vii g with energy’ E, . Eq Fiat ing £ hese two ‹’ xpr‹’ssions ft› r I he t-‹› I Iisi‹› n rlensit \ ’ j’ields
Fig. 1.7.31 lJiagra ni for t alculat ilig t he reco il slo wing -dti ivn de mity d ue to co ntr i b utio us fro m five red io ns ‹› f e nergy of I he st'c'o ndar v .
Nute I hat
in at cord w'it h t ht Ki nt hin—Peast• rt suit fu r the It u mber o 1'
v here t he f issio It -frag ir em fl u x is given b x Eq . 17.1 4 6 a nd t ht fissi‹i n-frag mv nt— ura ni u m ato m sc att tiring ‹'russ sect ion is u f I ht' H ut her ford ty pts g i ven by Eg . 1.7.145.
+ : . ; «„ „o r . ,› ..:„›'
Substituting Eqs. 17.154 ated 17.1 65 into 17.1 S.4 y ields
dis placed at o its; t he 1 at ter art' just rt't ‹› ils that have slowed dow n to e nt'rg it•s less t ha n 2E, .
Si nce we are generally intert'sted in re c'oi1 energies far abo ve t h e d ispl ace me nt t hresho ld E, , Eq. 1.7. 1.50 can be si mpl i fit•d In
uit”., ) '
\ Yh en the PKA energy is less than k, , the slow ing-down density is
q , ( F,E, ) ' 0 ( for E, E ) ( 17 . t62 )
Equatio n 17.1 62 ap plies to a unit volunietri c so urce of PK As all o f energy E. Fi ssio n-frag ment bo mbard me nt of the lattice, ho we ver, creates a PKA source w ith a distribu- tioiof energie s. Let F ( Et t ,ñ ) d E d Ett be the rate at which PM As ii› the energy range ( E,d E ) are created per unit vol ume and per un it I ime by Cissie n fragments in the energy
In serf ing I lu' ap pro pr iate ex pr vssio n s ft› r Q{ £ \ t t } a nd
‹it t . ( kt t , E ) and integra ting gi ve
( 1.7.167 )
Nelscn takes a very' rough appro xi mat ion to the t ross sectio n ‹i q. ( E, ) . He assumes that it is e qual to I he sq uare of thr lattice parameter of UO› ( a„ 5.47 . \ j:
range ( Et t ,d Et t }. The slo w ing-down de nsity to t his dis- tribute d so urce is g ive n by
“U - U ( r I
z 4
"" N g a„
( 17 . 168 )
q ( E, ) Jr› “ d Ett Jp ' " q , ( E,E, J F ( Et t ,E ) d E
w here , \ ' Et t is the ma ximu m possible PKA energy d ue to roll isio n o f a lattice atom with a fissio n frag me nt of ene rgy
’Fhe last equality in the above formula is derived from the relation between atom density and the fee strurtu re of the cation su blattice of U $ ( i.e., N q = 4 Raj ) . Using Eq.
17.168 in 17.167, we find the recoil flu x to be
E, ene rgy of b ombarding ion
where B is a constant:*
SF . V
( 17.169 )
) 117.17 0 )
E„ - neutro n e ne rgy
— ene rgy below z hich a mo vine atom cannot be ionized by colli sion with electrons in the so lid
E, - relative k ine tic e nergy of tu'o particles in a hedd -o n collision; ene rgy of a recoil atro m; ma ximu m ene rgy for replacement d uring a focused collisio n chain
d E d x — stopping |x+ \ ver
I nse rting numerical values into Eq . 17.17 0, w e find B 0.7 3 x t0 “ e V I'm.
Substituting kqs. 17.1o 6 and 17. 169 into Eq . 17.151 and neglect ing T„, , n compared w ith . \ ’Et , z'e fi nd I he microscopic re-solut io n pa ramete r to be
b —
Lsin g the values of the co us tants K and B found in Eq s. 17, 157 and 17 . 17 0 and assu ming T „ . 300 e V, w e find that the above formula gives b - 1.7 X 10 ' 7 F sec ' This value is -f0 times large r th an the re solut ion para me ter based on direct en coun ters be ley ecu fissi on fragments and gas atoms in a bubble fFiq. 13.116j. Note that the re -solu tion parame te r gi i en b y Eg. 17.17 1 is very' sensiti ir
= e ne rgy o I su blimatio n
F —— collision densit y
F —— fissions cm ’ sec '
F, —- fo rce on lattice atom i
g relatii'e speed of t wo particles in lie ad -o n collision
G, - damage funct ion fo r pro pert y i
— Pla nc k’s constant d i vided bj‘ 2r
part icle c urrent; bind in g en ergy ‹if an electro n in the solid
k - force constant in a parabolic potential; bo lt z- rna rim ’s constan t; constant in Lindhard's stop- ping pou er formul a, i'q . 17 .5 3a
- con stant given by Sq . 17.157
K E — total k inc tic ene rgy of tw o particles
— ave rage path le ngth beta een c olli sions
to the i'a1ue of 'F„, „, ( w hi ch w as just que ssed by Ne Ison 1, do‹•s n of consider the role of the o xygen sublat tice in UO; at all, inc‹irporates w hat appears to be a rat he r large cro ss
section between u raniu m atoms in the c ascade, and assu mes
l i›
average path length between display einent colli- sions
part icle mass
= electronic mass
a constant e lectronic stopping po \ ve r.
- screen in g radius
- Bo h r radius of the hj d rogen atom
= 1 att ice constant
a \ — coe f ficie n Is re present ing degree of non isot rr›py
N = d ensity of target particles
= dew si ty o f electrons in a sol id capable r› 1' absorbing en e rgy from a mo ving part tel c
- pro bab ili ty o f t' ne rg \ ' trans fc r
P - pro bab ility o f c hanneling o r fo cusin g P, - displace men I probab ility
P, — focu sing pro bab ilit y Pt = Legend re polyn omial
P, - mesh anic al o r d imcn sion al pro pert y o f a so lid
o f el astic ne u tro n-scatt‹•r›ng cross sectio n
PK. \
prima ry k no ck -nn atom
= constant gis e n by Sq . 17.b 4: constant in pot en tial function ; mass nu mber
b = re-solu tio n parameter
= con stan t g ive n bi’ Eg . 17.170 d pa - d isplacemen ts per ato m
T ) bond ene rgy. distance bet ween atoms in a part icul ar direction
e = elect ronic c harge
E k inel ie ene rg y of a part icle
E , = ene rpj below' iv hit'h the hard -s phe re mo Tel is valid
= e ne rgy below \ v hich ioni zation does not take place
—— channe lin g ene rpj
- d isplace ment ene ryy focti sing ene rgy
q - slow in g-d raw n d ensity
- excitation energy of n uclc•u s se paration d istance
r„ hard-sphe re rad ius
= radius of a channel
R,/ = d is place ment rate per unit volume in a neutron fI u x
= rate of collisions betwee n recoils and gas ato iris in b ub ble w his h result in re-soIu tio n
R„ = projected range o f particle Rt„ t — tot al r ang t' of part icle
= e x pcnen I in the in v'erse- power potential; en- tropy of mot ion
- collision time
— t emperat ure, ‘ K; k ineti‹ cue rg transferred to struck part ie Ie
— ma ximu m k inc tic ent rgy transferable to a
st ru c k part icle
particle velo cit3 in center-of-mass coord inates = ene rgy per atom in a solid
— volu me per atom in a solid; part icle speed in
laborator y conditions
414 F L’’! DA HF. NTAL .4 SPE CTS OF A’G'CE F. A R H F. A C T C I H FC'EIz EI. F. 'tfFsh’TS
v,.,p - speed of the center of mass of a two -part icle s5'stem
v, - velo city of c hanneled particle alo ng the channel axis
V ( r} - potential energy bc*tween two particles that are a distance r apart
¥’,. g ( r ) - channel potential w - ju mp frequency x - pat h lengt h
x„, - distance of closest approach in a head-on collisio n
y - diniensionless energy variable, Eq. 17.82
Y„ - yield of Fren ke1 pairs per fissio n z - c hannel a xis
Z - atomic nu mber
Greeli let tors
9 - com pressib il ity
U = uraniu m v — vacancy
1 - particle one
2 - particle two
0 - initial state ( before collisio n )
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3. L. T. Chad d e r t on and I. McC. Torrent, Fissio ii Isa maye iii €’i j's I a 1s, diet h uen & Co., Ltd ., London , 1969 .
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c - migration energ y; reduced ene rg y in Lind hard ’ S 6. R. S. Nel.so n, "I'm e G b se r ‹ a i to it o f A In utio’ t'o llisio it.s in
c* -- e nerg y of atom at sadd le jx› int
of at‹› m in equilibriu in posit io n in latt ice
rorce constant o f tht' channel potential
- w'avelengt h o r get icle trajectory in channel: parameter in the screening radius formula, Eq. 17.,35
, \ = mass-nu mber Pro u p, Eq . 17.8 p - reduced mass, Eiq. 17.14
p t t - fis.s i‹›n -fr‹igiuen t range in a so lid
r - iiu nibrr t›f displaced atoms per PKA di i = differential solid-angle element
Q ( E ) - dif ferential energy flu x
r# , ,p, - scattering angles in laboratory c‹i‹irdinatrs '1› - total particlt• flu x
p = constant in t he Born—Player potential function
u[ F ) = total at‹imic collision cross section
‹i ( £.,'F I - di fferential rnergy-transfer cross section
lI‹ r,0 ) - d i frerential angul ar ‹'ross section
u,; {E„ J - displacement cross section for neu trons of enrrgy E„
u , ( E ) - cross section for energ y transfers between Ep
and E
‹i " ( Ei„.Ei j - di fferent ia1 energ y-transfer cr‹iss section for neutron scattering
fl - scattering angle in center-of-mass coord inates 0" - reco il angle in focused collision chain
0 j - niaximu m anglr fo r which focusing is po sible
0"' "" = maximum in ject i‹i n angle int‹i a c hanne I
= f rartiun uf Pl'iA e ne rpy lost by elvct ronic e xcitatiM d uring slow ing down
.Stil›.s‹'t- ipfs
a - latt ice atom e - e lectron
el - elast ie xrattering eq - at eq uilib riuin
r - fin al state la t't er collisi‹i n I
i - in ie rst it ial
in - i nel asl. ie seattt ring ( ) - o xj‘ten
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21. 7 \ . ‹'‹'¿ ‹'r, ( J ii 1 li ‹' 'I'll t•‹› r \ ' ‹› 1 IN ml i:t ( i‹ › rl lJiI m ill ‹* i \ 11tl
'2! ) . 1.1. I i . I J ‹› i”‹i n , Il‹› rl i‹i I . I'.”|”|. . ’2 : ¿› | ‹ \ ( ] ‹j T I ) ) .
' ( ) . .1. 1t . IJ ‹‘‹• I ‹'i , . ) i° ., ( !‹› n 1 |› It I ‹‘i ii III t \ I ‹i I i‹› it ‹› l' tt‹‹‹I i:i I ie› it
t›. 6s \ , I 'T’? *.
.ñ I . J I{ . it' t*l ‹'i”, .Jr . :t n‹l U. ( * . IJ ‹’st’‹ › , i i› /! ‹/‹/ /‹// /r› / Jai ,//‹,¿‹'
ii%. l1. l3liu;k,£’T‹,..Sl‹£l‹S.h‹› ( i‹£. 10: U/› ( l‹l?% ) .
'% }t. \ ’. ñ1‹'ghi Ulutn a› d | ) . K. lh›ln r^, £h.‹n f‹n ln«T,s
1.7.1 £“igtire 16 . G show s a p‹irti‹in o f a fissio n- frag rue nt t ra‹'k in £!fJ; . : \ t ‹i ne po int , I In' I rack ‹ hanges dire‹'t in n slip ht I› , iv h ich indi cat es I hat I he frag men I has made a RIL he r ft› rd ‹ ‹illisi‹› n wit h a latti‹ e ato rn at t lu s p‹iin t. 'F he frag me nt, whic h may fee assu med t‹› ha i'i* a b i rth t lit rgy of 100 Me ¥’, an am mic nti mbt'r ‹i f t 2, a nd a ma.ss nurnb‹ r ‹›f 100, has I raw ‹ 1 led 2 p m bt'fore undt'rgo ing I hr' t'o 11 isi‹i n .
( a ) \ Vhat is t he t'f ft'r't ii'e ‹‘harge ‹› f t tae frag wit nt at birt h‘?
( h ) Prit›r t‹› t he Itut her fo rd c‹› His i‹›n, I, he fission frag ment loses t•n erg y by el ec tr‹› tiic exe itat i‹i n ac c‹› rdi rig to I he Bet he f‹irm ula. Calc ulate t he frag ment en ‹'rg \ at I he po itit r› f tht Rut her ford coli isio n. Assume I he mea n ext itat ion ene rpy in the Uet he for m ula is 1 8. 8Z ie V ) .
( c ) If I he scat tt'ring a ng ie o n the ph‹a‹igraph is 5 calc ulatt the e nerg \ transferred to t he .strut:k latt ice atom ( 1 ) if the lat t er is o xy’Men and ( 2 ) if t he lath r is ura niu m.
17. 2 thrive I h d i ir‹'rential and ular eix›ss se‹'ti‹›n f‹ir R ut her f‹› rd scat tering fro m I he d if ferent ia I e nervy -transf‹ r cross sect ion ( Eq. 1.7. 37 ) .
17.3 It is desired to join the screened Couloinb pctent iaI to t he in verse po \ v er pctent ial in w hich t he co nstant s A a nd s are k now n. The matching po int ( i .e., the e nervy k:' abo ve whic h the screened Co ulo mb jx›tcntial is used and below w hich I he inverse power jx›tent iaI i.s a ppl icabl ct is d eter- mined by the crite rio n t hat t he dista nc L o f closest a pproach in a head-on collision is the same w he n co mputed b y both potential funct ions. DPrive the eq uat io n ( rom w hich E^ can be calculated .
17. 4 The simple bolt d I heory of lattice cohesio n is used to calculate t he d is placement t hre.sho Id in tantalu m for a k nock -o n moving in the d irectio n sho iv n in the sketch . "the repulsive jx›ten tial betw een latt ice atoms is a ppro ximated by I he harmonic-force law.
( a ) I ( th‹• en erg y o f su blirn at ion o f la ma lurn is 8.1 ‹' V , w hat i,s t he bon d streny th D‘!
i› ) ir i i ‹ ‹» i iicien I of cont pr essib il ity of la nt alum is
0.5 3 x 10 ' ' c ir' /d› tub and I he de nsid j o r t a nt at u ir is 1 S. 6 p c m ’ . w hat is t In pr‹›d u‹ I o f the f‹›rct• constant k a nd I he sq uar e u f I he I at I iC t• para rne't er‘?
( c ) \ \ ’hat are t he Mill e r i nd i‹ es of the PKA d irr ct io n shuxv n in t he sk t'tc h‘!
( d ) .' \ l w hat po i nt alo rig I his d ire'‹’t io n is I In' PKA pot em ial enery a ma ximu m‘/ Calculat e I he d ifferenr'e b ct we en I lie PK A e nerg y at I his sadd be po int and I he energy in t he t'q It ili brim in I latt ice ) site . 'I'h is potential-rnergy
d if fer t n‹‘e is id en t i f it d iv it li the d isplact•m ent en en › '. •• I his d ire‹ I ion .
( e ) 'l’h‹ lot atiti n mar k ted iv itli an X in thr sk etc h is an t›cta hedral inter.suit ial sitt' in th e bcc I at Vice . \ Vhat is tht' e nerg j o I tht PK \ \ v hr'n it r‹'aches thi s p‹›sit i‹in‘!
( f ) ,Sk etch t b ut do nt› I t’‹›iii pute ) I he variat io n of‘ t ht' P K \ p‹i t em ial e n‹'rgi as it m‹i s es alo rig the spec i fi‹fi d ire ction.
17.5 En‹‘ }’ l‹›ss‹‘s t‹› the ring ‹› r atoms surr‹›u od iny thr f‹›r u sing d irt'‹'t i‹›t1 pr‹› \ idr a mt'ch anism fo r t‹*rm ir ating a
focused co llision sequence. Consider a 1110 ) fo‹ using sequence in I ht' fee latt ice. 1 n t he sketch t lie ato m A is strut k a nd luOve.s off in t he direct ii› n of A . Along t his pat li it must pass t hrs› ugh the ring of atoms label I'd H.
( a ) Cal ‹ ulat t t he II—A , d island e w he n c ollisio n o 1‘ A , and A › o ‹ r'urs. Not e I hat A i , A, , and a B ato in lie o n a t lose- packed ( 1.11 ) plane . Assume t flat t he eq uival‹' nt hard-s phere d iameter based o n the B‹irn—hlayer pot ential ( *r„ ) is smaller I ha n the in teraf‹›mic d ist anct• ale ng I he chain ( IJ ) . E.xpress r„ in te r nos of the energ y o f A , ( denoted by E ) and I i n ter ms of I he fo ‹ u sing e nerp y Et .
( b l Ca ie u late I lie inc rease in the f‹›ur \ i —11 interact i‹› n enr rg ice as A , mo yes l“r‹ini its init ia 1 po sit it› n to I lie co llisio n p‹› int.
( c ) T he t‹›tal of A , —B i ntera ct i‹› n energy ralr mated in ( b ) is lost to I he focused co llisio n se que nc v I his e nerg j appears as I hermal e nerg y in t he latt ice iv hen the f‹i ur II atoms and A, rel a x a nd I he n ‹oscillate ab‹› ut t heir eq ililib riu m posit i‹ins ) . How many collisions can a d y namic cro ivd io n of init ial cue rg y E t Et t•nc t›unt yr a long I hr 1.11 ( ) 1 d ire‹ t it› n before it sto ps‘*
17. 6 A 30-k‹' V io n ‹‘nt ‹re a ‹‘Isa m ‹' I i n th e su lid ials ice and lcises e nerg y unly by elec'trc›nit exe it atii› n. Us ing I ht'
I.i iJdhard st‹› pping- pa› r r inula, defc'rmi ne fht' d islamic‘ travell‹'d b \ ’ I ht’ it He before it is det hamleled . I'he minimum channeling cue rg y is eq ual t‹i 300 vV .
17. 7 'Eph i' i i,J ) r‹ at I i‹› n in " 1 e rt l‹ ‹revs a pr‹› iupt barn rna
( a ) \ \ ’had is I h‹‘ rccuil e the rg}’ u 1.1 he ' Ft‘ prud uc‘f nuc'l eu s?
( b ) U r' the Li ted h ard mudel l‹› deter mine I he n umh r o f dis placed ato ms per ' be re‹'o il. C‹› lii pare I his res ult w it h that ‹›btain‹'d b› t he Ki rich in—Pease for niul a. Assume
‹i = 2.5 e V .
( c ) 1 f t he t her ma 1 ‹'om po nent o f I h‹' ne utro n flu x in a
fast rt ac'tor is 10 ' ’ iu'utro ns c m ' sec ' w hat is the d.image pr‹›d ti‹'tiun ratt ( i .e. , d is pla ‹ enient s ‹ m ’ s‹'‹’ ' I d tie tw the ( n, l reartiun in " Fe’?
wliiit is the damag e product in n rate due to t he fast l4 u x in iro n‘? Assu me I hat scatt er ing o f 0.5 -âJe V ne utro ns fro m iro n is elastic and isot rupic in t he center o f-mass system.
Use t he Ki nchin—Pease displace inc nt fo rm ula in ( c ) and
( d ) and loo k u p t he necessary neutron-rro ss-sect io n data.
1.7.S For a mi› noenerget i rast -neutro n flux of energy 0.5 Me V , calculate t he nu mber of d is place rue nts per at‹› m ( d pa l i n iron at a fast -ne utro n IN uence of 10' 2 ne ut rons / cm'
17. 9 Calculate the average ircin PKA energ y in a fissio n- neutro n s pectru m:
where E„ is the neutron energ}’ in Pte V. How does I his
›'alue compare w ith the appro ximatiun of calculating the
a verag e PK. \ enery due to en llisi‹› n iv it h t he neutro n ‹›f a v‹ rage' energ y‘? Assu me i.sotro pie, e 1 ast ie sc-attvring a nd an t'ii‹'r}i \ i ndepen ‹ltul t scatteri eg cm xs st+ tion.
17.10 Cal‹' ulate the nu mber t›f al oms d isplaced b y a 1 4-Me V in u mo n inc ident o n the sta i rile ss-sirs 1 first wall of a fusio n rr ‹ic'to r. Cn m pare I h is res ult w it h I he nu mbc r of d is placements proct uc ‹'d by a 0.I›-Me V nc'utron. sv hich is the ai'erage ne utro n vru'rg y in an LII l'’li It. ( Jb la in d ispl ace me nt cross srct io ns fro m F'ig. 1’i .1 7.
17.11 IN rile rel at ii'ely energetic electro› ns are capable of causing atta mic di.splace ment s in metal.s. For elec't ro ns in I he nlillio n electron volt ra nge, rel at ivist ie k inc matics ‹› f the co l1isi‹› n pr‹›cess must be em plo y ed . 'th e ‹'ne rgy tra nsf‹ rred t‹› a stat i‹›nary at‹i m ‹›f mass h1 a nd ato ir i c n u mber Z b \ ' a n ele‹'tr‹i li o f e ne ryy F.„ is
s‹'at tering angle and alt e n‹ rg it*s are e x pr essed in Me V.
"l'he intt ra ct i‹› n leading t‹› dis plac‹ me nt is nuclear ltuth‹‘rf‹›rd small ering betwt‘‹n the‘ c‘I‹'ctrun and the un- scr ct ned nucle us or i h‹ atom. '1’he di ff erent ia1 e nervy
where is t h‹ rat i‹› ‹› 1' t he r'leetr‹› n speed tti th‹ speed of light and I hr rle‹'tron enrrgy is
( i n all the abu ve fur mulas, the t’I ‹*‹'r re n rest mass is taken as 0.5 Me V instead of t he accurat c' value of 0.6 1 Me V ) .
( a ) meter mine I he min im um electro n e nergy, E{'’ "’, required to produce d ispl a cements in a meta 1 for w hi ch the displacement t hresho Id is Eg .
( b ) lf an elert ron o f v nerg y EQ' E'" ' ” is injected into or is born in thr meta 1 and deposits all its c'nerg y there, deter mine t he total nu mber of d isplacement.s pvr elect ro n n ( E,. ) , Co nsider I he pro cess as o ne of occasio na1 electro n— ato m collisions between w hic h t he elect ro n loses energy by radiat io n ( bremsstra hl ung ) a nd b y interactio n w it h the other electrons of the medium. The total sto pping power ( d E,. /d x ) ,. d ue to I hese t wo processes is nearl y energy ind ependent fo r 0.2 < E,. < 3 Me V ( Re f. 2, p. 161 }. To det ermine I he nu mber o f displaced atoms, begin by for mul ating t he pro bab ility pd ( Fi,. ,T ) dT = a veraqe n u mber of d ispl a cement cc 11 isions per unit energy loss w hich produces PK As in ( T,dT ) .
( c ) For the 1 i miting case o f E,' just sligh tly larger than E{'“" , obtain an analytical sol utio n to I b}.
17.12 It is desired to calculate I he rate of ato m displace- me nts in a mediu m I hat is subject to a gamma-ray flu x of
k nown spectru m. All damage can be assumed due to t he Compton electrons pro duced by t he interactio n of t he gamma rays with the electrons in the solid. The Co rnpto n electrons are produced w it h a spect rum o f e nerg ies; assume t hat the number o r displaced atoms produced by a single Co rn pton electro n o r energy E,. is kno Ayn .
Thr following quantities can be considered k nown: N the total atom de nsiti’ of thr so lid
$1 t he mass of an attr m in the solid
E, \ the mini mum ‹‘nerg›’ that an atom must recei \ ’e to be displaced, e V
t he energy spectru m of the ga ni rna ra j t'l ux in the rued in m; t he ma xi m tim photo n e nerg y of t he spectru m is £i
the rli f fe re n tial ‹ rriss s‹'t'tiOn t'or prud u c tiun of t’‹i mpton t 1 ct km us wi I h t'nt'rg› i n
the ran gt 1. tr› E„ • d I£„ li pm ‹it‹ins ‹i I e n e r g› fiy ( i . e. . the K It'i n —fi isli i n a t or
n ( £i,. ) the numh‹'r t›f displa‹'‹*d at‹› n s pr‹›d uct'd bj' an rlr‹'tron o f energ}' E,..
( a ) IJerii'e an integ ra 1 e xpressi‹a n f‹›r It,t , t he n u mber of d ispla ced ato ms ‹ rn ’ sec ' ; pay caref u1 at tent io n to I he limits of integral io n.
( b ) \ Vhat is t he minimu rn tame of E, at w'hi‹ li da niagt
17.13 In the fuel. rest ne u£ rons, as \ v ell as fission frag ment s and recoils, can cause re-solut io n of fissio n-gas b ub bles. \ Y hat is the re -solution parameter b for a k no \ vn rast-ne utron-flux s pectrum , I ( Eg J?
l3eter mine b for a mo noenerg et ie rast flu x of 1.0 '
n eu trons t m ' sec ' at E„ - 0. 5 Pte V and a n e lasti‹ scat tering cross sect ion t hat is isotro pic and equal to 10 barns. For t his fast flux. calculate the fission d ensit \ ’ in a mixe d-o xide fu el containing 15"r pluto niu m {see Chap. 10 ) . It is shuwn in Dec. 17. 11 that b ror fissio n-r agme nt recoils is 1.7 X 10 ’ F’ . Compare re-sol utio n by fast neutrons with that b} fissio n-fragment recoils.
17.14 Heli u na at‹i ms en nta ined in hel ium b ubbles t hat ha ve precipitated in sta inlesss-st eel cladding can be red is- solved by energetic collisions with rast ne utro ns ‹ir with recr› il meta 1 air› me. Calculate t he re-sr›1ut io n parameter b for the processes due to:
( a ) Jji rect coll isio us of fast neutr‹in s with he I in m atoms.
( b ) Collisions o r heli um att›ms in the bubble w ith recoil ato ms ( as.su ined t‹› br iron ) pro du ced in the collision cascadt•.
Use the follow ing property i'alues. Elastic -nrut ro n- scattering c r‹›ss sect io ns: heliu m, 1 barn; iru n, 3 barns. Iro n—iron at o ni ie cross sect io n, 5 . \ ' . Fast -nr' ut ro n flu x ( assume mon‹›envrgetic with E„ 0.5 Pte V, '1› - t0 ' neutro us cm “ sec ' ) . ñtinimtim hel in rn ato m e nerg;’ for re-solu t it› n, 200 e V.