Chapter 17
Radiation Damage
The preceding chapters have dealt with some of the observable consequences of fission-fragment irradiation of ceramic fuel materials; succeeding chapters will be con- cerned with changes in the properties of cladding metals resulting from fast- neu tron bombardment. These macro- scopic, obser s'able, and often tech nologicall y crucial results of ex posure of solids to energetic particles are collectively k now n as radia lie ii e//?cfs. The primary, microscopic events that precede the appearance of gross changes in the solid are termed i a dia I in it da i tiagc. This branch of physics attempts to predict the number and configuration of the poin t de fects t vacancies and interstitial a toms} produced by the bombarding particles. Radiatio n-dama ge analyses are not concerned with what the de fects go on to do in the solid—such processes are properly categorized as radiation effects. Radiation damage and radiatio n effects can also be distinguished by their characteristic time scales; the primary e \ ’en ts produced by nuclear irradiation are over in less [han 10 ' I sec after the bombarding par tic le has interacted with the solid. Su bsequen I require m uch I on ger times; the diffusion of radiation-produ ced porn t defects to sin ks in the solid can take milliseco nds. The time scale of the nucleation and growth of voids in metals by agglomeration of radiation-produced vacancies iS of the order of mon ths.
The primitive damage-producing processes in volve the interaction of lattice atoms with particles possessing en- ergies far in e xcess of thermal energy ( kT ) . Consv9uentls , the temperature of the solid is of no importance in t he an alj sis or radiation damage. 'l'he processes included under radiatio n effects, however, are concerned with point de- fects, or c lusters thereof, whic h are in thermal equ ilibriu m wit h the host crys tal. T he kinet ics of such processes are therefore hig hl y dependent on solid temperature, w hich invariabl y appears as a Bol tzma nn factor, exp ( —E kT ) , where E is the characteri.stic energ y of a thermodynamic process or a migrator y event.
T he energy transferred to a stationary lattice atom in a collision with a high-energy bombarding particle is of the order of tens to hundreds of k iloelectron volts. This quantity of energy is so much larger than the energy binding the atom in its lattice site that displacement of the struck atom is virtuall y certain . The lattice atom first struck
and displaced by the bombarding particle is called the
;»‘imai x' /z iioc/i-on a In m, or PKA, Because a PKA possesses su bstan tial kinetic energy, it becomes an energetic particle in its oiv n righ t and is capable of creating additional lattice disp lacemen ts. These subsequent generations of displaced lattice atoms are k nown as li ig/ter oi'de r h no cli -o ii s, or rr coil a lo in s. An atom is considered to have been displaced i f it comes to rest su fficien tly far from its original lattice site that it can not return spontaneously. lt must also be outside the recomb ination region of any other vacancy created in the process. The displaced atom ultimately appears in the lattice as an interstitial atom. The emp ty lat tice sites le ft behind by the displaced atoms ( equal in number to the displaced atoms ) ate indistinguishable from ordinary ther- mally produced vacancies. The ensemble of point defects created by a single primary k nock-on atom is k now n as a displace m e itt cascaJe.
The earliest and simplest theory of radiation damage
treated the cascade as a collection of isolated vacan cies and interstitials and gave no consideration to the spatial distribution of the point defects. In the crudest appro xima- tion the number of displaced atoms is computed by approximating the collision partners as hard spheres; the only physical property of the solid needed in th is model is the energy that a lattice atom m ust acquire in a collision in order to be displaced. Many improvements on this simple collision model has'e been made, but the idea of a cascade consisting of isolated point defects has been retained. Hard-sphere scatterin g can be replaced by energy-transfer cross sections based on realistic interatomic potentials. The loss o f energy of a movin g atom by in ter action with the elec trons of the medium, in addition to elastic collisions between atoms, can be added to simple cascade theory. Finally, the sim ple model can be improved by considerin g energy -loss mec hanisms peculiar to the periodicity of the crystalline lattice, the most important of which are focusing and channel ing.
Radiation damage is not restricted to the isolated point de fects produced by the bombardin g particles. Indeed, vacancies and interstitials can be produced so close to each other that clustering of the point defects occurs sponta- neously within the sh ort time required for completion of the primary event. When the distance between successive collisions of a recoil atom and the stationary lattice atoms approaches the interatomic spacing of the crystal structure,
it is clearly in appropriate to infidel the ‹cascade as a collec tion o f iso lated vacancies and in tcrstitials. 1 nstead, a dense cluster of point defects called a disp lu ‹ eiti en I sh› ik e or de file ted non e is formed. because of the proximity of the point de fee As in a displacement spike, the pr‹i bab ility of near-inst an taneous an ni hilation of man y of the vacancies and interstitials produced by tfie h igh -energy c ollisions becom es large. I n fact, the nu in her of point defects that actually surv ive a cascade and are c apable of producing observable radiation effects can be as low as 1’ of the num her predicted by sim ple ‹'ascade theory.
'the ‹ ascade is initiated by a primary k Hoc k-un atom. The• cascade therefore vu n i sts of man y interactions be- tween m cv ing and statio nar y atoms of the same kind . ’I’1ic primary knock -on atom, on the ‹it her hair d, is produ ce d by a bombarding particle arising directly front some nu clear event, pri Hcipall y the fission prot ess. I ii ( erms of daiage- produ cing capabilities, the most im pt›r tan t nuclear partit les are the fission fragmen Is ( in fu el materials ) and fast neu trons ( in the cladding and stru‹:tural In aterials j. Other energetic en batornic partic les, such as electrons, pro toti s, alpha particles, and gamrn a rays, ‹-an also initiate disp lace- ieit cascades. However, these particles are e•ither far less damaging than fission fragmen Is ( e and ) ur are produced in such small quanti ties in reactor fuel elements tha I their cr›ntribution to the total damage is negligible tp and o ) . Only fast neutrons and fission f ragmen Is are c onsidered as born bard ing partic les in this cha pier, and on ly the theo- retical me a tmen I of radiati‹in damage in m‹;liatomi‹ solids w ill be reviewed. f“or practical purposes of estimating damage in reactor ir aterials, the calculations for elemental sol ids are usually simply applied w ith ou t m odificatit›n It› m ul tielemen I sq stems, such as the fuel I U,Pu ) O or the alloy stainless steel.
'rci calculate the displacement rate, we must know the total flu x and the energy spectrum of the bombarding particles. For fast neu tron s the differential flux, Qt Eg ) , is obtained from reactor-physics calculations. 'l'he equivalent quan tity for fission fragments can be obtained from the fission density , F, and a reasonable assumption concerning the energy loss of the fragments in the fuel. 1 f the energy spectra ir of the flu x of bombarding particle s and the energy -transfer cross section for co li isions between these particles and atoms of the lattice are k now n, the number of primary knock -on atoms in a differential energy range c-an be compu ted. T he final step is to use this source spectra m of the primary k n ock -on atoms to determine the total nu mber of recoils, or displaced atoms, usin g cascade theory. Such a com pu tatio n provides the best available estilrate of the damage inflicted on a solid by irradiation for those properties which depend primarily on the presence of isolated point defects ( e ¿. irradiation creep and void growt h ) . O n the other hand, when su ch forints of damage as irradiation hardening or embrittlemeiit are of interest, the size and nu mbcr density of displacement spikes are more important than the concentration of isolated vacancies and in terstitials that have escaped from the spike. I n this instance, analytic cascade theories that predict only the number of d isp laced atoms, no matter how sophisti cated from the point of view of atomic collisions, are not germans. The c'haracteristics of thy cl usters of defe‹ ts
created by a F KA can best be ascertained by cont pu ter sim ulation of the r adiation-damage process.
To predict either the n um ber of disp lac'ed at orns by an a naly tical isolated poin I-defect c decade minded or to com- pute the configu ratiun of a displacement spike by a com pu ter experiin en I requ ires that the in teratomic poten- tial between atoms of the solid be k now n. A great deal of in formation on atoiN ie interaction potentials has been obtained by anal ysis of the equilibrium properties of a solid ( Chap. 4 ) . \ Tnf‹›rtunateIy , these potential functions repre- sent the i n[eracti on at separatiun distances of the urder uf a lattice c'onstan I, whereas the pu ( ential at much smaller operations is rele \ ’an I in radiation-damage c alc•ulations, whi‹'li ii vul \ ’c‘ mutli higher partit ie energic's. ñt›r vc'r \ ’ h igh energies Thu toll iding atoms approach each usher su closet}’ that the bare init lei interac't in a tuan ner pres ribed by a Coulom b potential. I n the encrg y range c harac teriz ing most of the collisions respt›nsible for cascade production, how ever, the n uclear ‹ harges are partially reened by the at untie- electron.s, and no r oinplett•l y sati sf actor y iti ter- atoiiiic potential describes the in terat ti on. The screened Con lomb po ten tial ( sometime.s t alled the i3o hr ptitential ) , the in verse power law potential. and the Born—hlayer pO ten tial are frequent 1 y used. l3ecause ‹if the cumpu National difficulties involved in dealing w ith potential functions that lrad to nonisotro pie' sc at terin g in the center-of-mass sq stein, these potentials are uften used unly t‹› compute the rad ius of the eqn ivalent hard sphere ‹'harat'teri zing the coll ision, but they coll isio ri dy nannies are determine d from the hard-sphere in odel ( which gives isotropic .'«-uttering iri center-of-mass coord inates ) . I n radiation-damagv calcula- tions only the repulsive p orti‹in of t he in teratomic potential fu nction is needed. The attractis'e forces between lat title at‹ims, which are impor tan I in the equil ibriu m proper ties t›f the solid, play no part in the esents asso ciated with radiation damage.
The interaction between a mt›ving atom and the lattice atoms is almost universall y treated as a sequence of two-body elastic coll isions. 'the binary -coll ision assumption is quite satisf actory at high inte'ra‹‘ti‹in energies becau se the approach distances givin g sii bstan tial energy transfer arv very m uc'h .smaller I man the distances betivee n lattice atoms; thus the collisions ‹-an be considered to occur between isolated pairs of at oms. A t energies approaching the thresh old energy f‹ir displacemen I, however, the cross section for atom—at tim interaction is large, and the incomin g atom can interact w ith more than one atom at the same time.
3’he co llisi‹in f›etween a recoil and a lattice atau is often assu m vd to be el as tic, whit h mea us that k inetic ener ’ is conserved in the event. Inelastic it}’ can arise frum exci La£iun ur ionization of the orbital elecfruns uf the at‹›ms invulved in the r-‹›llisiun. Indeed, iilteractiun of moving atuins ur iuns w itlJ the elec ( rons ‹›f the sulid c‹›nstitufe the majur energy -l‹›ss prune a £ high c•nergie . 4’ransfer c›f energ y from the moving ation to electr‹ans does not lead tO displacement, only to heat; the low electr c›n mans mean that the} ‹ arr}' little’ mumen turn e \ ’en £li‹›ugh they may be q uite energetic. Co nsequentlj , it is impor tant to be able to estimate the degree to wh ic'h the energy of a recoil atom is partiti‹›ned bet ween elevtrt›nic ex ‹ italian and
lb..l .I/.1 C• /: 375
ela.stic at om -‹itom collision s. O my the energy transferred in the lat ter p rracess is assail a ble for cau sing displa ce nents. Energy is transferred to thr electrons in .small in creme nts .so closel y spaced that I he process can be regarded as a r'onti n ur›tLs 1 ass of en r'rg \ b \ I li e muvi ng ‹itr›m. '1’hc' at r›ni con tin ties to travel i n a str‹ii gh 1.1 i in' flu I sl owe down as il‘ it is e re n g th rough a i is‹ one ni‹ di u m. 'I'hr ‹it o m— atom i n t v r‹ic I i ‹i us, o n th e o I li er It ‹tn d, ‹›c-t' ur at u'i del j s}iac't'd int‹ ri als, transfer a .signific'ant p‹›rt i ‹›n ‹›f tht' init i:it k i nr'ti‹ t'ilt'rg \ ‹› r I lir‘ mc \ i i y ‹ttr›m i n an t‘ se »ti ally i nñfal1[aMLcMn
inc i i rig atr›rn can lie a‹'r'u rat ct j se par‹ited i n t o twri p ‹irt s: t 1.1 ri is‹'rt'tt' ct ‹is tic at‹i rn- at‹›ni encou n te re ivli icli b‹i I h r‹ ‹1 uc- ‹' th e tuiertij c›f th ‹' inc'i‹1en I atom and pri›‹lute lat t i‹ t' ri i s pl at'e nu' n Is ‹in ri i 2.1 a e r›n t i It u r›iis |i ruc'e s,s r› 1’ t'lt't'I ri› n ie
ti is pl ‹it‘e nu'n ts.
Not all the energy transrerred to a stationary lattice atom b} a recr›il atom by process 1 is used to displace the former. A substantial portion of the ini tial energy of the PKA is degraded to heat by atom—atom collisions that do not del iver the requisi ie disp lacemen I energy to thr struck a tom. I n this event the struck at orri simp ly rat ties about in it.s lat title st ie, ul timatel y degrading the energy i I rece i \ 'ed i n the e‹il 1 ision to heat.
There are several excellent books deal in g with the subject or radiation damage in a comprehensi \ ’e and detailed manner.’ ' 1 n this chapter only th ose aspects or the theory pertinent tu the perr rmance or n \ tcle‹i rum elements are con sidered. Details of some derivatio us have been omitted w hen I her ‹‘dn be f ound in one of the boo ks dev'oted solely to the field of radiati‹›n damage.
17. 2.1 Scattering Angles and Energy Transfer
Many useful aspects or b inary collision s can be ob tained iv ithou t k noivledge of the interatomic potential by ap plica- tion of the laws of momentum and energy co nserration. Oniy nonrelativistic elastic collisions are considered. The masses or the interacting particles are denoted by M ; and M; . Particle 1 ( the projectile ) approaches stationary par ti- cle 2 ( the target ) iv ith speed v , . Figure 17.1 ( a ) shows the speeds and directions of the particles berore and after the collision in the laboratory rrame of reference, ivh ich is at rest w ith respect to the observer. "the a naly sis is simplified by transrorming the coordinates from the laboratory system to one that m oves wit h the vel ocity o r the center or mass of the two-particle system. The speed of the cen ter of
Fig. 17. 1 Hi nary coll isio n bet wet n a projt•et il e t› f mass M , and a targ‹‘t part it I‹• r mans M . ( a ) Iab‹›ratr›ry frame or
«•r‹• t‘. ( b ) Center or-mans c‹›crdinatt‘s. ( c ) Vect‹›r dia- gramrelating the vrlocit ies in the I wo c‹›ordinat‹' s}'stems.
the center-of-mass sy.stem are related to those in the laboratory system by
( 17.2a )
u 2 — v„ ( 17.2b )
The directi on of u is opposite to that or , , . The scattering angle in the center-of-mass system is fi .
When the collision is iewed in the center-or-mass system , the recoil in g particles appear to move away rrom eac h other in opposite directi ons. Mo mentu m conservation along the axes of approach and departure yield
t 1
Mt u * \ t; u t, • * M; u; t ( 17. 3 ) and conservation of k ineti c energy requires that
mass is given by
( 1’7.1 )
1 M t u M,
2 " 2
M, “ 2 M z u z I 17.4 )
Since the cen ter-of-mass velocity is unchanged by the collision, the event ap pears in the new coord in ate system as sh oiv n in F ig. 17.1 ( b ) . The initial speeds of the particles in
Equations 17.3 and 17. 4 are sari ried only ir
° i i = u i o ' "i o *‹ n u, t - u t ' •'. ..
( 17. 5a )
( 17. 5b )
’I'he particle velocities in the laboratory system af ter the collision are determined by vectorially adding the center of-mass vel oci ty to u , t a nd u, t , or
v t = u; t + v,. ,p ( 1 7. Sb )
’the magnitu des of v , t and v j t can be obtained f roin the vector diagrams show n in f'“ig. 17. 1 ( c ) . Application of the law of cosines to the louder diagram y ields
2›’t,m ( 1 — cos d ) ( 17.7 )
where ut t was expressed by Eq. 17. b b in o rder to arrive at the second equality in the above equation. We can eliminate v, from Eq. 17. 7 by using Eq. 17. 1, which produces
Combining these three equ ati cHis and rearranging yiel de
tan ( 17.11a
S imil arly , the law uf sines for the vector diagra m for the recoil particle v ields
wli ich, when com bined w ith kq s. 17. a b and 17. 7, resu Its in the relation
11 7. 11b j
17.2.2 Some Properties o1‘ the Head -On Collision
’The preceding analysis is valid for any nonrelativistic elastic collision for any cen ter- of-mass scat tering angle fi provided the collision partners in the ini tial and final states
Noting that ' E } o
M } * u 2 is the k inetic energy of the
are sufficiently far apart that the interaction energy
projectile and E ; t = S'I, v \ t 2 is the k inetic energy of the recoil part icle, we can w rite the above form ula
E 2 E , ( 1 — cos fi )
'to sim plif y th is notation for subsequent use, we replace E t by E and denote E d by T, the energy transferred to the struck particle by the collision. T he group containing the mass num bers is given a special sy mbol:
between them is negligible com pared to their k inetic energies. During the collision event, however, the separation distance is small, and I he con version of k inetic energy to potential energy is import an t. I n particular, for a head -on collision ( fi s ) , the k inetic energy ( exclusive of the k inetic energy of the center of mass ) becomes zero at the poin I where the particles I urn around and begin to retrace their paths. During a head-on collision, m omentu m conservation can be expressed by
( 17.8 )
and the energy-transfer equ ation becomes
T 1
where v t and v; are the laboratory sVstem speeds of the two particles at some point during the collision. The
( 17.9 ) relative speed of the two particles is defined by*
The maxim um possible energy transferred from the moving particle to the stationary one occurs in a head-on collision , for which P - and
( 17. 10 )
I f the particles are identical, A = 1, and any energy between
g = v , — v; t 17.1 2 )
Rearrangement of the above two formulas permits v a nd vt to be expressed as functions of v, „, and g:
( 17.13a )
0 and E can be transferred in the collision.
The scattering angle in the laboratory system, Q t , and
the direction of the struck atom after the collision, o, , can
M ,
( 17.13b )
be rel a ted to the scattering angle in the center-of-mass system with the aid of the vector diagram of Fig. 17.1 ( c ) . Apply ing the law of sines to the triangle representing the scattered projectile y iel ds
sin ( r — fi ) sin fi t
where u t t is gii'en by Eq. 17. b ( a ) , from which v, can be eliminated by Eq. 17. 1, giving
u,; =
Apply ing the law of cosines to the same triangle yields
,2 - u 1 f 2 — 2v, u i r cos ( a — 8 )
The total k inetic energy of the two particles is given by
' KE
2 ' '' + 2
or, when expressed in terms of v, and g, by
KE- l 1
* I n the general e lasti c collision treated in Sec. 1 7. 2. 1, the initia 1 a nd fina 1 r elative speeds g and gr are represented by the distances separating the two particles in the diagra m
of Fig. 1 7.1 ( b ) be r ore and a rter the col list on. The values of eo a nd gt have the same magnitude ; the collision si mpl y rotates the r elative velo cit y vector by an angle fi .
t 17.14 )
Equation 17.18 defines the total c oll isi o ii c ross sec lion between the incident and target species w hen the energy of the former is E. The total cross section is a measure of the probability of occurrence of any type of colli sio n between
is the reduced mass of the system. Thus, the total k inetic energy can be divided into two parts, one due to the motion of the system as a whole described by v,„, and the other arising from the relatii'e k inetic energy of the two particles. The latter is
the two particles. Cross sections of more restricted ty pes of interactions can be similarly de fined. For example, we may requ ire that the collision transfer energy between T and T + dT to the target particle during the collision and define the d if lcrc ii I ial energy -trOris/cr cm ss sect ion by:
E, 1
2 ( 1’7.15 )
N o ( E,T } d'f d x Probability of a collision in the distance
dx which transfers energy in the ran ge ( T,dT ) to the target particle ( 17. 19 )
During the colli sion the kinetic energy of the center of mass is unchanged, bu t the relative k inetic energy decreases as the potential energy becomes significant, which occurs at close separation distan ces. Conservation of total energy at any poin t in the collision requires that
E,+4' ( x ) -E„, ( 17. 1fi )
w here V ( x j is the potential energy of interaction at a head-on separation distance x and E, is the relatis'e kinetic energy in t he initial state, which is taken to be at in finite separation. An important special case of Eq. 17.16 occurs at the distance of closest approach, x , where the relative k inetic ener gy is zero. If the collision partners are of the same mass, Al '2, and i f the target atom is initially at rest, g — v , , Eq. 17. 16 then redu ces to
V ( xp ) = ( 17. 17
iv here E - \ 1 , v* ' 2 is the kinetic energy of the projectile. ’l'his fcirmu la z ill be used to dedu ce rq uivalent hard-sphere radii as a fun ction of energy for parti cu lar types of in teratomic potential functions.
The term in ol ogy pertinent to the collision and energy- loss processes involving large nu mbers of energetic atoms in a solid is reviewed in this section.
17.3.1 Cross Section
The primitive idea of a cross section is sh own in F ig. 17. 2. Consider a Angle projectile ( or bombarding particle j passing through a medium consisting of N target particles per unit volume. Target species are assumed to be distributed randomly. We wish to formulate the probability that the projectile collides with a target particle while tra versing a path length d x in the med ium. If the incident parti cle strikes the front face of the dx -th ick slice within any one of the projected area.s, , characterizing the target particles, a collision occurs. The volume element in the drawing co ntains N dx particles whose p i ected areas occupy a fraction uN dx of the front face of the volume elemen t. The chance of an interaction is therefore:
N ‹ ( Fi ) dx Probability of the collision of an incident particle with a target parti cle in d x ( 17. 1S )
The differential and total cross sections are related by
( 17 20 )
where ’fp is the max imum energy transferable in a collision. For elastic cold ision s, Tp is given by Eq. 1 7. 10.
n or CT L F
P> R T I C L F. 0 F s
U L! I T A R F. A
Fig. 17. 2 The collision cross sect io n.
The dif’f’ereii!ial aiigiilai’ cross s‹•c'Ii!oii describes the pr‹ibab il ity of an in teraction that resul ts in de flection of the in ciden t parti cle by an an gle 0 in the ce nter-of- mass system:
N ( E,0 J df2 dx = Probability of a collision in dx
which scatters the in ciden t partic ie into a center-of-mass angle in the
range [0 ,dR j ( 17. 21 )
where dfl is an element of solid angle abou t the scattering d irection 0. I nasmu ch as scattering is az.iinu t hally sy m- metri c ( i.e. , equall v probable in any direction in the plane perpendi‹ ular 1.o the x-d irection in F ig. 17. 2 ) , the sol id- a ngle increment is
df2 = 2r d ( cos 0 )
f“or elastic scattering, Eq. 17. S provides a unique relation between ’1’ and 0 ; thus the angular and energy-transfer differential cross sections are connected by
2s r ( E ,0 ) d ( cos fi ) - o ( E,T ) dT
O £
Id ( cos )
I d1'
( 17. 22 )
in a flux spectru m for interactions that transfer energy in a particular range. Thus
F ( E,T ) d E dT - Collisions per unit volume per unit
time between target particles and inciden t particles in the range ( E,d E ) s'hich result in energy transfer to the
The ratio of ii ‹i irferential eleme nts d I cos 0 ) and d'l’ is ub tainecl fro ni Ed. 17.9. The second equalit y in Eg. 1 7. 2 2 c‹›n tarns fh is franst‘orinati‹›n. The notation 6 ( T ) means that f is ex presseri as a ftinct i‹in of T using the same equation. Eq uati‹i n 1 7. 2 2 permits the d ifferential energy-transfer cr‹›ss se‹'tion to be determined i1’ the d if feren tial angular
‹'russ secti‹›n is k no \ v n. \ \ 'hull scatterlny is is‹›tr‹›pir in the
17. 3. 2 Nlean free Path
'l'lie mcc ii free ¿ c /i is the at erage distance travelled by an i ncident particle 1aetz'een collisions. Equat ion 17.1 S sho ws I hat th e nu in her of collisions per u nit path length is N ‹i{ E 1. "the reciprocal ‹› I th is cJ Sian t ity is I he a verage path lt•n gt li per ‹'oll is inn, ur
ñlr an l'ree pat li ‹if a particle
target particle in the range ( T,dT )
= N U ( E ) c ( E,T ) d E dT ( 17.28 )
Equat ion 17.28 can also be regarded as a source term expressing the volumetric rate of production of the recoils in the energy range ( T,dT ) :
N $1,* O ( E ) at E,T ) d EJ dT - N mb« ‹›r recoil atoms
produced per unit ›’olu me per unit time with energies in the range ( T,dT )
17.3. 6 Stopping Power and Range
The s to pp ing po nicer is the energy lost by a moving particle per unit of length travelled in the medium. Equation 17.19 gives the probabil itj‘ of a collision in path length dx which results in energy loss between T and
o 1“ energy’ E
17. 3.3 Current anal Flux
( 17.231
'I + dT. The ai'erage energy loss in d x is obtained by multiplying Eq. 17.19 by the energy transl“er T and integrating o \ 't•r all possible values of T:
r in
The c'ii i i ‹ n I desc ribes the rate of transport uf particle,s i f I hey are all travelf ing in one d irecti‹i n, and the //ii- is the analog‹ius measure f‹ir particles that are tn‹›i ing in many different ‹directions.
'l'he tutal current is defined by
I — N u niber of particles cr‹›ssing a plane of unit area perpendicular to the particle
direction per second t 7.24 )
\ \ ’hen the particles are nut mod'iny in a single d irecticn, the fl ux is clefined in lerms u f fhe unit sphere :
'1 - N u mber of parl icles cr‹issing a sphere ‹if unit
Id E ) - N I T o ( E,T ) dT d x
- Average energy loss of a particle o 1’ energy E in mo \ ’ing a distance dx
Liividing this equation by dx and omit ting the as'eraging symbol on d E gives the stopping pc›wer:
dE = N i u ( E,f ) dT ( 17.29 )
4’he minim u m energy transferred, T„ , need not be zero. ’I'he stopping crciss section is defined as
projec te d area per sec on d ( 17 .25 )
The fl ux can be restricted to th‹›se particles cvi thin the
1 dE ’"
N dx ./
T ut E, T ) dT ( 1’i.29a )
energy ril nge from E to E + d E:
It E I d E — Number ‹i f particles with energies in the range t E.d E l crossing the u nit sphere
per wcond ( 17.26 )
where 0 ( E i is the d i f ferential energy Lux, ‹›r simply the di fferential fl ux ‹›r the energy flu x and is related to the total flux by
17.3.4 Collision Density
If the current of incident particles entering the volu me element in Fig. 17. 2 is I and if each particle has a probability given b5 Eq. 17.18 of interacting, the number of c‹illisi‹ins per unit v‹ilu inc per second is N In. This expression can be generalized th describe the cti1lisi‹›n rate
4’h e t'aftgc IS a measure o 1’ the path Ie ng th in the so lid traversed fry a particle I"rum the p‹Jin I o I its hirth in or entry into the solid to the point at which it no longer possesses k i netic energy. Tz'o ranges can be defined: one easy to calculate and the other easy to measure. Figure 17.3 shows a ty pical history of a part icle that makes a number of collisions before it is stopped. The arr‹›ws indicate the path length between successive c‹il1isio ns. 'l'hev are ap pro xi-
Fig. 17.3 Pat h of a t ypical part icle slo wing dow n in a solid showing t he mean and projected rangi+.
mately equal t‹i I.he mean rree path. The I.o rank r is defined as the mean valur ‹› f thr « ‹› r ih‹• linrar sebmt nts
17.4.1 Potential Functions
hetwevn ‹ ‹›llisir›ns hetss em birth and stoppinti ‹› 1’ the
R t„ , - Al, )
'I’h‹• total range is relatt•d t‹› tlu' st‹›pping p:›we'r hy
/” dE t 1.7..30 )
'J'he t‹it‹al range can be computed i f the dependence ‹if the stopping p‹›wer on energy is known. Acc‹›rding t‹i Eq. 17.29 tlir tlifferential enertiy-transfer cr‹›ss section is neeclecl f‹›r this calt'ulati‹in.
Tlir pruje‹ ted ra ngt', lt„, is the ‹-‹inip‹inent ‹›f the t‹›tal range at onb the init ial diret'ti‹›n ‹›f the part icle. l'‹›r an interatomic potential I hat varic's as f he in verse sq uam ref the st•parati‹›n clistance, the two ra li gt's are related hy : °
ltecaust' ink single potential fiincti‹›n applies urer tlir
entire raii ge ‹if’ st*pitralit›n distuncen between at‹›ins or ions, it is ust•fitl t‹i c‹›nsicler the limiting ‹-ases uf very -high-energy ct›llisi‹nis 1 siiiall distances ‹›f u ppr‹›‹ i cli ) and near thermal energies ti.e., tens of c•lec'tron volts ) svlierr the elertronir cl ‹›uds of the tw‹› species just beJ,'in t‹› oi'er1up. 'l“here are
two principal contributions to the repulsive potential between tsvo atoms which eorresp‹itid t‹› these extremes:
{ 1 ) the elt ‹'tr‹›static repulsion between the p‹›sitirely charged nuclei and t2 ) the increase in energy rrq uire‹1 to maitz taiM tlte ele‹'tr‹›ns ‹›f nearhy at‹›ms iu tile same r‹‘¿i‹›M
‹›f space witli‹›ut vi‹›lai,ing the Pauli ext lu.sion prin‹ iple. Since n‹i two ele‹'tr‹inn can occupy the same p‹›sition. overlapping ‹›f electr‹›ns fro m two rite ms must lie ac‹ ‹›in- panied by prom‹›tir›n of s‹› mt• of the electrons to higher, unoccu pied lev'els ‹›f the at‹i mic structure. The encrby’ required f‹›r this pr‹›c'ess increases as the atO ms ‹ippr‹i.icli L‘acI1 ‹›tl \ er l›ecause a laryPr nil mher ‹› r tht‘ url› ital tIectr‹› its
( 1731 ) At sep«rati‹›ns s‹›in‹' \ vhat smaller than the eqriil ihrium sp. \ ‹'ing cf th+ at‹›ms in thP crystal lat tics, whi‹'IJ is ‹›l tin c›rcltr ‹›f a lat,tic'c' r‹›itslai I, tile n lc‘Icar i”tp \ iIsi‹›n in xmalI
u'lu re SI • and ' \ 4 , arr tht' masses ‹›f the target and prr›je‹ tile species, respeeti vely. A ltli‹›ugh H„ is al ways less than Rt„ „ the difference hetsvec'ii the tw‹i ranges is reclucecl as the ai'erage energy transferret4 per c‹›llision becomes smaller ( i.e., for hI • , 81 t 1 ) .
d'hr' t ‹›nccpLs of stc›pping power and range are useful when many' small-ene'rgy-transfer collisions ‹›ccur during particle slowing rl‹›wn. 1 n this case the energy l‹›ss process is nearl y continu‹›us, and the deflection per c‹›llision is alst› small. ’l'he intera‹'tion ‹›f at,‹›mir particles z'ith the electrons c›f a solid is an t'x ample of th is type ‹›f slowing down. ’I'he ma ximu m energy transferrecl to an electron by a parti‹'le ‹if maxs 6i is a fraction, 4 m,. DII 0.002 tb1, ‹›f the kinet ie energ y of the mo vine atom, ancl, according to Eq. 1.7. 1 la, the deflection angle per coll is ion is m,. h1 - 1.0 radiant.
The manner in which the potential energy of a tiv'o-particle system x'aries with the clistaiirr separating the two centers determines both thr equilibrium proper- ties of an assembly ‹›f atoms and the way that energetic particles interact with a lattice of stationary atoms. The relation between the interatomic potential function and the equilibrium properties of the solid is discussed in Chap. 4. The potential function appears in radiation-damage theory via the differential energy-transfer ‹:ross section, v ( E,T ) , which determines the energy loss rates, the collision density, the mean free path, and other properties of the slowing-down process. The differential energy-transfer cross section is uniquely determined by the potential function, although the connection between V ( r ) and v ( E,T ) is rather complex. Only a few simple potential functions can be converted to analytical expressions for the differential cross section.
because tht' p‹›sitivt• iiiic-lear charges are nearl y romple•tely shielded by the intervening electrons ] Fig. 17.'fi ( c ) ] . In this rcgi‹›n the potential energy of interaction is aclequatrly represented by the l4‹›rn — Prayer p‹›tential:
V ( z ) - A expr ) ( 17.'{2 )
Alth‹›ugh the c‹›nstants A and p in this ftirmula t aiiiu›t he determined fr‹›m the‹›ry, they can be ol›tuined from t lit t‘quilibrium pr‹›perties ‹›f II \ e s‹›lid ( thap. 4 ) .
As the reparatirm distance hetwe‹'n £hc‘ £ \ vr› atc›lns decreases, tlit' cl‹ised -shell repulsi‹›ti ‹lc's‹ rilird hv Eq. 1.7. 32 increase's but, since' th ere are fe we r i*lt•t'trt›ns Incl wr en the tivi› nuclei t‹› sli iel d th t' p‹›sitive t'harges l'ro m ea ‹'li ‹›tht'r, so
‹1‹›es the electrostatic repulsion c‹intributi‹› n t‹› the poten- tial energy. \ \ "hen the interat'ti‹in ent'rgy is st› l‹irpt• th ‹it I he two ii ucle i are se parateti l›y d istaii‹'t's sniallt'r th an thy radius of the in ner vlet'tr‹›n shells ( I ht' K shells l , the prinri pal c‹›ntrib uti‹›n t‹› I h t' t‹›tal p‹›te ntial energy of the system is dur u› thP eect‹stxtir hnre between the two
positively chargt•d nuc'lei | Fig. 1.7 1 a i I ln this li init the interacti‹›n is satisfact‹arily clescribed by the Coult›inh
( 1‘7.ñ3 )
where Z, and Z, are the atomir numbers of the two atoms or ions and e is the clec'tronic charge ( e' - 1.4.4 e V-.t ) .
The intermediate region where both Coulonibic repul- sion and closed -shell repulsion are ‹›f comparable magni- tudes is the most difficult to describe accti rately. Unfortu- nately, these separation distances are just those most likely to occur in radiation-damage situ atio us. This regio n, which is depicted in Fig. 17.4 ( b ) , is often represented by the screened Co ulomb pot-•ntial, wh ich re fleets the d imin u tion of the pure Coulomb repulsion between the nu clei due to the electrostatic screening of the positive charges b y the intervening inner-shell electrons. This potential is given by
functions. A nu mber ‹if theoretical and empirical potentials for describing this region have been proposed ( Ref. 1, pp. 95-1 05; Ref. 2, C hap. S, and Refs. 8 anrl 9 ) .
Iriverse power po tentials ot’ the form
have also beeen used extensively. the constants A and .s are o bta in ed by fit ting Eg. 1 7. 3fi to the screened Co ulomb potential at small r o r t o the Born—SlaYer potentia 1 func tie n at large r. 1 n t his man ner the ent ire interatomic potential can be spliced t r›get her by a .series of fu nations of d if ferent form ( Fig. 1 7. 5 j.
i I'
Fig. 17. 4 lteg it›ns tel’ ap plica bil ity of vari‹›us int erato mic potential func't it› ns. "the + sig n represents t he nu clear
charge, and the shaded annul ar zones de pict t he radii “ between t htm iniu'rmost electrr›ni c shells and t he io ni c
radius. iv here most t›f t he ato rni c el t•ctro ns are lticated. 'the c ross-hat ched area s denc te I he regit›ns of o verla p ‹›f I he electron clouds of the two atoms.
Z Z e 2
V ( r ) = ' exp
w'here a is the screening radius, given by
a — 2 ” A a,
( 1 7. .44 )
where a q is the Bohr radius and is a constant of order u nity ( values from 0.'? 07 to 2.09 have been used in i'arious calculations ) . ’The screening rad ius decreases as the atomic nu mbers of the ato mic species increase because the number of electrons with orbital radii few than a specified value r increases with the charge or the nucleus. As r a, the sc reened Coulomb potential reduces smoothly to the Coul omb potential function.
Eq uation 17.34 does not account for the potential energy due to closed-shell repulsion. which decreases less rapidly than the potential arising from screened repulsion of the nuclear charges. Although Eq. 17.34 extends the range of the Coulomb potential somewhat, it falls off much more rapidly than the Born—Mayer potential. Hence, the screened Coulomb potential can not be used to bridge the entire gap between the Coulomb and Born—Mayer potential
0 0 I 0 1 10
Fig. 17.5 Com po site potential f unctio n for interact ion between co pper atoms.
17.4.2 Energy -Transfer Cross Sections
It is in principle possible to transform any of the potentials described in the preceding section into a differen- tial angular cross section o ( E,0 ) and then to a differential energy-transfer cross section ( see Ref. 1, pp. 105 -107 ) . However, only the Coulomb and inverse power potentials yield analytical formulas for o ( E,T ) . The Coulomb poten-
tial leads to the familiar Rutherford scattering cross section:
The latter can be obtained from Eqs. 17.17 and 17.34 as a solution of
( E,T ) = rZ 2 Z} e’ M,
( 17. 37 )
Z 2 e° exp ( —xp /a ) E
xp 2
The inverse power potential of Eq. 17. 36 y ields the differential cross section:
Setting xp = a and determining a from Eq. 17.35 for Z, - Z and X - 1 y ields the critical energy separating
1 B T I ' ' *’
( E,2’ ) - Constant 1 1
( 17.38 )
Rutherford and hard-sphere scattering when projectile and target atoms are the same kind:
A form of the differential energy-transfer cross section which is particularly convenient for radiation-damage prob-
E = 2Z’'e ' ex p ( —1 )
a p
( 17.4 2 )
lems is based on the billiard -ball d ynamics of hard spheres. This potential is V = for r < 2rp and V = 0 for r 2rp, where r„ is the radius of the colliding hard spheres. It is well known that the angular cross section for hard-sphere scattering is isotropic in the center-of-mass system, or u ( E,0 ) — rt 2r„ ) ° , 4 a. 1 ntroducing this ex pression into Eq . 17. 22 y ields the energ y-transfer cross section:
( 17. 39 )
The major computati€inal advantage of Eq . 17. 39 is its lack of dependence on T, wh ich considerably simpli fies the integrals required to determine energy loss and collisional properties of radiation damage. The prime d isadvantage of this formula, of course, is that it is based on an un realistic interatomic potential function.
The utility of the hard-sphere mo del can be retained and yet some flavor of the correct interatomic potential can be introduced by allowing the hard -sphere radius r„ to vary with particle energy. This so-called equivalent or energy- dependent hard-sphere model can be applied to any interatomic potential function. The recipe for determining r„ is to equate 2r„ to the distance of closest approach in a head-on collision. 2’he latter is determined from the actual potential function V ( r ) . For identical atoms, V ( 2rp ) - E ' 2 ( Eq. 17.17 ) , which sen'es to fix r„ as a function of E. For the screened Coul‹›mb potential, this procedure y ields
Figure 17.5 shows the transition for copper at - 50 ke V. Although the hard -sphere model is to be used for projectile energies less than the value given by Eq. 17.4 2, the total cross section can vary with energy according to rp formulas, such as Eqs. 17.40 and 17.4 1, or the equivalent expression for an inverse power potential.
The principal difference between the energy-transfer cross sections derived from realistic potentials, such as the Coulomb and inverse power functions, and from the hard-sphere model is the dependence u pon T. Equa- tion 17.35 shows that all energy transfers between 0 and Tp = / \ E are equally probable, whereas Eqs. 17.37 and
17. 38 strongly favor forward scattering, in which the energy transfer is small. Despite the sho rtcomin gs of the hard-sphere model, the fact th at it considerably simpli fies the anal ysis makes it valuable for qualitatii'ely demo n- strating the salient features of radiatio n-damage pr‹acesses.
The rate at which high-velocity heavy particles lose energy to the electrons of the mediu m through which they are travelling is important in many radiation-damage calcu- lations; the range of a charged particle in matter is primarily determined by ( d E/d x ) ,. ( Eq. 17. 30 ) . The ability of a primary k nock-on atom to create displacements in the
Z ' e°
= r„ ( E ) exp
2r , E )
( 1’i.40 )
lattice is in part determined by the fractio n of the initial energy of the PKA which is dissipated in electronic interact ions during slo wing down.
where Z, - Z; for collisions between like atoms.
Por the Born—M ayer potential of Eq. 17.32, the equiva- lent hard -sphere radius is
The complexity of accurately accounting fo r electronic energy losses in cascade theory can be avoided by the simple expedient of determining an energy E below which the moving atom cannot transfer enough energy to an
r„ ( E ) — 1
in ( 17.41 )
electron of the medium to remo ve the latter from whatever bound state it may be in. Let 1 be the binding energy of an electron to an ato m of the solid. Fo r an electron to acquire
The energy-transfer cross section is given when Eq. 17.39 is
combined with either Eq. 17.40 or 17.41.
Collisions become more hard-sphere-like as the poten- tial function steepens. Figure 17.5 sh ows that V ( r ) is changing most rapidly with r at low energies, where the inverse power or Born—Player potentials are applicable. The Coulomb potential, which varies as r ' , cannot be ade- quatel y apprux imated by an equivalent hard sphere. The crudest approac b to delineating the energy below which the equivalent hard -sphere model can be employed is to equate the screening radius with the distance of closest approach in a head-o n collision in pure screened Coulomb scattering.
energy 1 in a head-on collision with a moving atom of mass M , , the energy of the atom must be ( Eqs. 17.8 and 17.10 with E - E,. and M; - m, , the electron mass ) :
For ionic or covalent solids, the most reasonable choice for I is the energy needed to bridge the forbidden zone between the valence and co nductio n bands, which is several elect ro n volts. I n metals, electrons very near the top of the Fermi sea can be excited by an y amount of energy, no
matter how small. However, the bulit of the conduction electrons in a metal lie well below the Fermi level, and excitation by arbitrarily small additions of It inetic energy is
r NZ 2 Ze 4 ( M } / ' e )
4 E
( M ,’m, ) I
( 17.45J
d E \
precluded by the fact that higher levels are occupied ( Chap. 4 ) . The average electron in metal, therefore, needs to receive about one-half the Ferrni energy in order to become excited and thereby remove energy from the moving atom. Setting m, - 1 2000 amu and I - 2 e V, we find the critical energy for all su bstances to be roughly equal to the mass number of the moving atom in kiloelectron volts:
E, 10’ M ; ( e V ) = M t ( k e V )
When the k inetic energy of the moving atoms or ions falls bel ow th is i'alue, energy losses to the electrons or the solid rapidly become small compared to the energy that the moving atom can transfer to stationary atoms of the lattice by elastic collisions. As a corollary, energy transrer by atorriic collisions for E > E, is presumed to be negligible compared to the electronic stopping of the moving particle. It will be shown later that electronic energy loss in metals continues for energies be to w the value given by Eg. 17.4 3 and that this loss mo de is important in assessing the amount of damage that can be infl icted by nuclear radiations. It is therefore useful to anal y ze energy transfer to the electrons of a solid on a more realistic basis than that described above. Two calculations of ( d E /d x ) ,. are reviewed
17.6.1 Electronic Stopping at High Energies
When a heavy particle at high energy ( i.e., more than several million electro n volts ) penetrates a solid, the great velc›city stri ps off its c›uter orb ital electrons. As a conse- quence, it moves th rough the solid as an ion wh ose charge is denoted as Z ( this is nc›t the ato mic n u mber of the moving atom ) . The moving ion transfers energy to the electrons o f the mediu m by Coulo mb ie interaction. The energy -transfer cross section for the process is given by Eq. 17.37 in whic h the secc›nd particle is an electrcin ( Z 2 - 1, hI, - m, ) . 'J'h us,
When multiplied by a facto r of 2 ( which arises when the
correct quantu m-mec hanical calculation is performed instead of the above classical analysis ) , Eq . 17.45 is k nown as Be the's formula.
2 E
As the ion loses energy, the probability of capturing an electrc›n from the mediu m increases. Or, the charge Z , is dependent on the energy of the ion. Bohr' 0 has calculated an effective charge ( so called because it need not be an integer ) by assu ming that the ion retains in its outer shell only thc›se electrons with orb ital i'el ocities that exceed the velc›city of the mowing ion. 2’he 2’hc›mas—Fermi d istribu- tion c›f the velc›cities of electrons in atc›ms permits the nu mber of electrons in the atc›m with velocities less than the ic›n velocity ( 2 ECM 1' • to be cc›mputed. These electrons are assumed tc› be stripped frc›m the ion. The effective charge c›f the moving ion is gii'en by
( 17.46 )
where li is Plant k’s constant div ided b \ ' 2x and Z now' denotes the atomic number of the mo ving ion. Electron capture and loss from an atom Or iOn moving in a solid are dynamic processes, and noninteger charges should be interpreted as a result of we ig hting integer charge states l including the neutral atom ) with the fractio n of the time that is spent in each charge state. The effective charge cannot exceed the atomic number of the mo ving ion, of course, but Eg. 17.46 indicates that the io n will retain some charge no matter how low its k inetic energy. Actually,
there is a lower energy, E tq e u t. at whic h a neu tral ized moving ate m cannc›t be reic›ni xed by impact with a stationary el ectron in the solid. Consirl er the collision of
the most weak 1 y bou nd e1ectr‹an in the moving atom with a stationary electron in the mediu m. Instead of the atom traversing a sea of stationaq electr‹›ns with a velocity v , — l 2E M t ) ", consider the atom to be stationary and let the lattice electrons move with velocity v t ( i.e., change the frame of reference from the laboratory to the mo vine atom ) . I f one of the lattice electrons makes a head -on coll ision with an elect rrin in the atom, energy equal to
e ( \ ( /m, )
ET 2
( 17.44 )
m, v{ ,' 2 is transI'erred from the former to the latter. I f th is quantity of energy is less than the minimu m ionization energy of the mo \ ing atom, I, re ionizati‹›n van not occu r
where E is the energy of the moving ion and T, is the energy transferred ter the electron during the binary encounter. If the ion energy is su fficiently high, all the electrons in the solid can be excited, and the density of electrons is ZN, where N is the atom densi ty of the solid and Z is the atomic number of the atoms of the solid. The electronic sts pping power is given by Eq. 17. 29 in which Tp - 4 ( m,./M t ) E and T„ = I, the average ionizatio n energy of the target atoms. The energ y-transfer ‹'ross section is given by kg. 17.44 so the electronic stopping power can be ex pressed by
d d E )
’ dT,
Performing the integration y ields
and the at‹im rema ins neutral 1‘or the remainder uf the slo wing-dow n process. The condition
2 m,.›'* E„,.„, h1 ,
leads to numerical values ‹if Fi„ , q . , very similar t‹i those determined for the opposite prcicess l ionization of a lattice atom b› a moving atom ) . \ Vithin the frame work of this simple treatment, the minimu m energy that a mo ving particle needs in order to maintain s‹ime positive charge is appro x imately given by its mass nu miner in k iloelectron volts:
E e u t ' ''I ( ke V ) ( 17.4 7 J
Delow this energy, ( Z ) ,. t t is zero and kq. 17 .4 fi does not apply.
\ r'tuall y, Ed. 17. 4.5 reases to be valid at much g reater etfl'rgies than the tvns ‹›f k il oelv etron vc›lts suggested by simple r ‹› nsirleration o 1’ charge neut ralization. The Dethe f‹›rmula is in fa‹ t valid ‹Int y ‹in tlte p‹irti‹›n ‹›f th e st‹› p p ing pu w er ‹'url e w'hert' I d E rl x ) ,. is rlecrvasin g w'it li energy. £“or heavy i‹ins th is occurs at e nergies as li igh as 1.00 me V. 2’he PKA createcl by fast neu tr‹ins scattering fr‹i m the ato ms ‹if a metal arr prnerall s' nut energetic t•n‹itigh to fall in the
»g ‹›r applii'abilit y ‹if Fig. 1 '7. 4.5; s‹i a ‹li fferent mc'clia nis ni is net clerl IO e.x plain th e electronic st‹›ppinp of prerl‹› mi i \ «n tIy ntu tral at‹›ms passing through a latt irc’ c‹›t \ sisti nd ‹› I the‘ sant£’ spt‘c'ic*s.
1.7. ñ.2 Electronic Stopping at Low Energies
I n ‹trot er to en m pute t rlE clx ) ,. for a toms ‹ir ions moi'ing i i \ a mc‘taI ‹›f tht’ same I} pe, u'e c‹›mp ute the energy’
of the' Fermi velocity v t are able to participate in the slowing-dow n pr‹›cess. Or, th e density of effective electrons in the metal is
( 17.50 )
fiusv c‹› nsider a reference frame attached to the moving atom. The• en rren I of effective ele‹ t rons inip in ging on the ato m is
l„ = n,. gt, n,. ( v „ + v ) n„v„ ( 1.7.51 )
anal the' number ‹›f rr›llisiuns of the effective electrons per sec‹›nrl with a sinyIe muving ato m is n„ l„, where o„ is the
‹'r‹›ñs sr‘t‘ti‹» \ f‹›r the interaction ‹›f the muviMg atom with the c‹›tJducti‹›n electr‹›ns. ’f'he rate at u’hi‹'h a mu \ ’ink at‹›m l‹›se.s energy [u the effective electr‹›ns is o„ I,. Añ, wh it'h,
\ vhen rliv icled h \ the tlistai \ ce m‹›vecl fry the at‹›m i n 1 sec
tra nsfer t‹i the ‹ onduction electrons ver near the surface. As n ‹›terl pres i‹›usly, these ele•ctr‹›ns ‹ an bec‹›me excited by collisions th at transfer considerably less em rgy t han t li‹' energy n r'edPd tu excite the at erase c‹›nductio n elect ro n ( u h icli red uires - c t. 2 ) . Co nsirler an at‹›m of mass
( v „ i
) , ii \ t*s the .st‹›ppiny p‹›wer:
d U Energ y loss/sec-ato m ‹7,. It. BE
\ dx J„ I ) istance trai'elled /sec-atom v
âI , anri vel‹›city v „ t
which ma kes a hearl-r› n cullisi‹› n with a
ñu hstif u tiny 2qs. 17.48, 17.50, and 1.7.51 into the a hove
conrl uction el vctrun moving in the op p‹isite ‹lirecti‹i n wi th
f‹›rmuIa anal ex pressing v,. and v „ ,
as *‹ /, / m,. and
a velo‹ it›' i',.. A‹ e‹ircl ing to Ed. 1.7. 1.2, with v = s’, i , and
M ,
v; —v,., the initial relative spt'r'ri of the tsv‹i partir les is
{i‹i s , + v „. I n a heart -‹in ‹ ‹illision, tht' rvlatis'e vcl‹icit \ vect‹›r ‹'hanpes sign but not magniturle; thus
g t — — l i „ ' ,
+ v,. ) . ’1’hr' speerl ‹›f the ‹it‹› m fu ll‹›wing the
fJr, writ i n ¿ th e r ‹ieffit ient of E" as a ‹'‹›nstan t k , the
c‹›llisi‹›n z'ith the elertr‹›n is given 1›y Ed. 1.7. 1 3a:
st‹›pping p‹›wer be‹'‹›mc's
( 17.52 )
where m, has been negle‹-ted c‹i mpared t‹i NI t . "l'he energy loss suffered by the atom in the collision is
2m „ „ „ ( 17.48 )
Similarly, th e electro n vel‹icity after the cr›llisio n is given by Eq . 1.7.1 3b:
Or, the incre2se in the velocity of the electron is
Ai', — v, t — v, - 2i i « ( 17.49 )
In a monovalent metal the n umber of conduction electrons is approx imatel y eq ual to the atom density N. However, only those electrons with velocities ly ing in the range Av,
hl‹›re acr'urate anal yses of th is stop p ing me chan ism than the simple morlel described ab Crve prori uce differen t values for the co nstant k, bu I the dependence u pon E '• remains ( see Ref. 9 f‹›r a review of th is su bject ) . For like atoms the k -value deriverl hy Linrih arrl is
k — 0. 3 NZ', e V "/ \ ( 17.5 3a )
where N is the at‹› mic density ‹›f the metal in units of .' \ " and Z is the at‹› mic number of the at‹›ms ‹if the metal. Eq uatiuns 17. 5.2 and 17.53 are valid for the energy range
0 E ( ke V ) < 37 Z’' ( 17.53b )
In this formula and in Eq. 17.53a, use has been mane of the fact that Z, M — 0.4 3 + 0.03 for all ele me nts cxcc pt hjd re- APR.
All anal y tical cascade theories are based on the assump- tion that a lattice atom struck by a PKA or a higher order recoil must receive a minimu m amount of energy in the collision in order to be misplaced from its lattice site. This quantity of energy is called the displacement energy or the displacement t hresho ld and is denoted by Eg . If the energy transfer, T, is less than E,; , the struck atom undergoes large amplitude vibrations without leaving the potential well forming its stable latti ce position. The vib ratio nal energy is
quickly communicated to the nearest neighbors of the struck atom and appears as a localized source of heat. O n the other ha nd, i f T E, , the struck atom is able to pass over the p‹itential barrier and move off into the lattice as a displaced atom.
Because of the crystallographic structure of the solitl, the potential barrier surruunding a lattice atom in its equilibriu m position is n‹it uti iform in all direetio us. If the struck ato m moves off in a directio n where its nearest neighbors are favo rablv disposed to remove energy from the struck at‹i m bef‹ire it escapes, the barrier is li igh. Ho wever, the p‹iten tial barrier in a directio n of high lattic'e sy mmetry resembles a mountain pass. These “sadd le points” where the displacement th reshold is low may be along either relatively open direction, su ch as the 11111 directions in the fee lattice, or along cl‹›se-parked directions, such as the 1110 ) directions in the sairie structure. The direct in n acquired by the recoil is dictated by the dy nannies of the c‹illision and hence is random in the sphere surr‹iund ing th e equilibriu m site. "the single value of the displacement energy used in radiation-damage theory is in reality a spherical ave rate of the saddle poin Is in the po ten tial harrier surrcuncling the equ ili brium lat tice site.
The displace ment energy can in principle be compu ted if the interaction potential between atoms r the lattice is k now n. The pr‹icedure is to mos'e the atom from its eq uilibriu m position in a chosen direction and su m the interaction energ ies between the mo ving atoms and all the nearest ncigli bors f‹ir each pusitio n alo ng the line ( or ‹-u n'e J representing the trajectory of the struck atom. \ Vhen the total potential enery reaches a maximum, the p‹isition ctirresponds to a sad die point, and the difference betz'een the energy of the atom at the sa‹ldle poin t. c , and its energy in the equilibrium position, c ,. „ , rt•prese nts the displacement threshold fo r the particular d irec tio n. Su ch calculati‹›ns are usuall y carried out by computer' ' ' ' 2 using a Born—Mays r potential to represent the rep ulsii'e forces between the stru ck atom and the nearest neiglibo rs it encounters during motion. Because the interaction energies involved in thesv th reshold calculations are o nly tens of eIectr‹›n vults, the Burn—May er potential is the correct une to use.
I n this section we illustrate the basic features of such calculations by using a simple r ( bu I un realistic ) description of the interactic›n between neighboring atoms.
The atom in the lo over left hand corner of Fig. 17.6t a ) is assu med to receive energy by collision with an energetic recoil and to start to move in a direction in the octant of the sphere represented by the unit cell in the drawing. We calculate the potential energy of the struck atom, which is
moving in the 1 111 ] di Section. The sadd le point for this direction is the center of the triangle formed by the th ree nearest neighbors to the struck atom, which are connected by the wavej lines in Fig. 17.6 ( a ) . 4’lie energ y of th e struck
atom as a functicin cif position along the [ 111 } direction is shown schematicall y in 'ig, 17.6 ( b ) .
To describe the interaction energ ies, we describe the solid by the simple bond theory used primarily for covalent substances. In this theory, cohesio n of the solid is the result of bo nds of strength D acting in pairs between nearest neighbors. In an fee lattice, each atom is surrounded by 12
nearest neighbors; th us the enerty of a single ato m in a normal lattice site is
c „q - —1 2Li { 1 7.54 )
The zero in energy is taken as the isolated ato m. I n the bond theciry Of smiths. the bc›nd enerb \ ' may be ctimputed from the energy of sublimatio n ( kg . 4 .-4 5 and Table 4.1 ) .
l b )
Fig. 17.6 Displacement of a latt ice atom recoiling from a co 11 ision w ith an e nerget ie atom.
This quantity is just half the energy of an interior atom since su blimation re presen Is removal of an atom from the surface, a process that in vol i'es breaking only half as many bonds as is necessary in removing an atom from the inside of the solid. Thus, for the fee lattice
5E / b ( 0 ° K ) -6D ( 1755 )
Since the su blimation energy of metals in the transitio n region of the periodic table is 5 to 6 e V, the bond energy in the fee lattice is D - 1 e V. When atoms of the lattice are pushed closer to each other than the equilibrium nearest- neighbor distance, r,. q , the potential energy increases. Instead of using a Born—Mayer potential to describe this repulsion, we use a simple parabolic repulsion. The interac- tion potential between two lattice atoms is represented by
V ( r ) - —D + 2
( 17.56 )
V ( r ) - 0 ( for r > rp q )
where the force constan I k characterizing the repulsive portion of the potential can be compu ted as follows. Atoms in the crystal can be made to approach each other mo re closely than r, q either by the mo ve ment of an energetic atom in the crystal ( which is pertinen I to the displacement threshold computation ) Or in a uni form man ner by exerting external pressure to compress the entire crystal. The resistance of the solid to compressio n is measu red by the compressibility, d. In Chap. 4 we shciwed that compress- ibility is related to the second derivative of the crystal energy by
1 d 2 IN
dv 2
where U is the energ y per atum of the crustal when the specific volume is v. For the fee lattice, v‘ - a;* , 4, where a„ is the lattice c‹insta nt. 'l'he nearest-neighbor separatio n ‹lis- tance is r — a„ 2"; th us i' - r ,' 2". The ahove f‹irmula can therefore be written in terms of r as
1 2"
In the bt›nd mcidel of the fee solid , the crystal energy L* ( r} is equal to 12V ( r ) 2 - G V ( r 1, and the compressib il ity is given by
by the stru ck atom is followed by replacemen t of the third atom by the second, etc.
Displacement thresholds corresponding to init ial d irec- tions either than the th ree illustrated in Fig. 17.6 ( a ) and Table 17.1 can be obtained by similar computational techniques. A schematic representation of the results fo r all directions in the plane formed by the [ 100 ] , [ 111] , and
1 110 ] directions in Fig. 17.6 ( a ) I i .e., directions ly ing in the ( 110 ) plane ] is shown in Fig. 17.7. Local minimums in the displacement energies are found in the [ 1 10 ) , [ 1 1 1 I a n d
[ 1 10 J d irections. Similar calculations out o f the ( 110 )
plane show that the minimu ms along these rry'sta1log raphic directions are true troughs, not sadd le points. The single threshold energy used in most rad iation-damage calcula- tions represents the average of results such as those shown in Fig. 17.7 and comparable out-of-plane profiles over all p‹›lar and a zimuthal angles in the octant delineated by the unit cell wit h the struck atom at one corner.
"the directional dependence of Ed , cou pied with the random ness of the initial directions of the stru ck atom, implies that the notion of a sharp displacement th reshold is
Table 1 7.1 Displacement Threshold E nergies in Copper
Displacement energy , eV Direction R ef, 11* Ref. 12 Ref. 13t
1 6 ( 2 ) d 2 2 ( 2 ) ’’k 4 k ka 2
# 9r,.„ \
3’h us the force constant of the repulsive portion of the interaction pote ntial is
Ep ( 1 001
E d ’1 1 1 )
Ep It 1 0 )
i 8, a‹
24 T5,34
80 70,52
25 31, 15
7’ypical values uf „ \ ' and J for metals are 15 . \ " and
s x 1 o ' « 2 dyne, respectively, which y ield ka§ 60 e V. \ \ ’e assu me that the p‹›tential fun ction o f Eq. 17. 6 6, in which the constants were obtained r«›m the equilibrium
*"I’ll e t w ci s'u 1 u es were ci bta in eel by two sets of t lie conman ts A ‹i nd p in the Bc›rn — Maye r potential l'u ncticin o I Ec} . 1 7. . i 2.
I These co n.sta nts were determined by fit I ing rack iat ion -eta mage data. The two se Is ri I th resh o 1 d e ner- Vies I is tecl l'i ( the da ta eq u a 11 y we 11.
properties of heat of su blimation and compressibil ity, is applicable to the interactio n of the mo yini atom in the
When the atom is at the center of the triangle she svn in Fig. 17.6 ( a ) , it interacts with the th ree atoms at the t'orners a distance a„ 'fi'' away. 'I'he energ y at the sadd le point is
1 2 1 2
2 ( ka„ 1 2
6 * )
The displacement energy in the ( 11 1 | d irection is thus
2 6*
Usin g the values of D and k a„ computed above, this eq uation gives E,t t111 ) - 15.ti e V. IJisplaceme nt th resholds calculated b \ ' computer for copper are shown in Table 17.1. 4’he figures shown in the last two col u mns of the table indicate that ‹displacement is consi‹lerably easier when the direction of th e struc k atO m is ale ng a line of atoms in the crystal ( i.e., the t100 ) and t110 ) directions J than it is in the open UI 1 ) direc tions. The ease of displace ment in the former direc ti‹› ns is explained by the plienomc nCin of focusing whereby replacement of the next atom in the line
° ( ) LS!] G| \ ( ,t F FRt ) M T!dE 10 ( J| lJlH fi ( .Tlt ) N
tM T£ 1 uvr nF,
Fig. 1 7. 7 IN irectio nal de pendence o f I he displacement I hresh‹i ld.
oversimplified. Rather, there is a range of displacement
Later on in this section, we will relax restrictions ( 3 ) ,
energies, from Eg „, i„ to E„ , „ ,
ror which d is placement
( 4 ) , and ( 5 ) . In the subsequent section, assumption ( 6 ) will
may occur. For example, in Fig. 17. 7, Eg t p„, corresponds to E d ( 1001 and E d ( ma x› to a n 30° polar angle. This smearing out of the displacement threshold clue to crys-
tall ographic direction o r the stru ck atom is commonly incorporated into radiation-damage calculations by defining a displacement probability, Pd ( T ) , which gives the proba- bility that a struck atom is clisplaced u pon receipt of energy
T. This probability Pd ( T ) is taken to be of the form P,t ( T ) - 0 [ for T E, „, ]
= f ( T ) [ for E,t „, ) ’I < E,t ( ,, ) ]
= 1 l for T > Eg ( „, ) ] ( 17.57 )
Sosin' 4 lists seven different functio us f ( ’I ) which have been used to generate displacement probability curves. The single displacement energy concept most commonly used in damage analyses corresponds to a step-function displace- ment probability in which E t ( ,p i„ — E,t ( „„,, - E :
P„ ( ’I ) = 0 ( for T E,t )
- 1 ( for T E ) ( 17.58 )
I n this model, E d is fixed at a value between 25 and 50 e V, the lower figure being the o ne most commonly used.
The crux of the damage-producing effect of fast neutrons and fission fragments is the production of displaced atoms by the primary k nock-ons. In this sectio n the theoretical basis for calculating the total number of d is placed atoms resulting from a single PKA of energy E is reviewed. The number of displaced atoms is denoted by n ( E ) .
17.7.1 Elementary Theory
The simplest theory of the displacement cascade is that
be removed from the analysis. Assumption ( 1 ) is funda- mental to all theories of a cascade consisting of isolated point defects. When this restriction is eliminated, the cascade resembles a displacement spike. which is treated at the end of this chapter.
The cascade is initiated by a single PKA of energy E, ivhic h eventuall y produces r ( k ) displaced atoms. At some time during the devel‹i pment of the cascade, the nu mber of energetic, moving atoms is larger than 1 but less than r ( E ) , and the average kinetic energy of the mo ving atoms is less than E but still not zero. However, the population of moving ato ms at any intermediate stage will ultimately produ ce the same nu mber of stationary d is placed atoms as the original PKA, namely, r ( E ) . Therefore, the quantity r ( E ) is conserved in the sense that it can be determined by starting with the energy distrib ution of the moving atoms at any time after b irth of the PKA bu t before the final displaced configuration is achieved. In particular, r ( E ) can be determined b \ ' considering the two mov ing atoms that are created when the PKA first strikes a stationary lattice atom ( Fig. 17. S ) . Thus, if the PKA of energy E transfers energy T to the struck atoiTl and leaves the collision with energy E — T, we can say that
u ( E ) - r ( E — T ) + r ( T ) ( 17.59 )
Note that the energy E,t required to displace the struck atom has not been deducted from the energy of the recoil
( assumption ( 3 ) ] . Had this energy loss been included, the last term in kq. 17.55 wo uld be written as u ( ’I’ — E,t ) .
Eq uat ion 17.59 does n of su ffice to cletermine r ( k} because the energy transfer 7“ is not specified. Since the PKA ancl the lat t ice atoms are identical, ’I can be anywhere from 0 to E. However, if we know the pro bability of transferring energy between T and T + dT in a collision, we can multiply Eq. 17.59 by this probability and integrate over all permissible values ‹i f T. I nvoking the hard -sphere assu tTiption ( 5 ) , the energy-transfer cross sectio n is given by Eq. 17.35, and the pro bability that a PKA of energy E transfers energy in the range t’I’,d T ) to the struck atom is
due to Kinchin and Pease.’ " Their analysis is based on the following assu mptions:
1. The cascade is created by a sequence o r two -body elastic collisions between atoms.
2. The displacement probability is given by Eq. 17.58.
3. The energy E,j consu med in displacing an atom is neglected in the energy balance of the binary coll ision that transfers kinetic energy to the struck atom.
4. Energy loss by electron stopping is treated by the cutoff energy of Eq. 17.4 3. I f the PKA energy is greater than E,., no displacements occur un ti1 electronic energ y losses redu ce the PKA energy to E,.. For all energies less than E„ electronic stopping is ignored, and onl y at‹imic collisions ta ke place.
5. The energy-transfer cross section is given by the hard-sphere model.
6. The arrangement of the atoms in the solid is random;
o ( E,T ) d’I’ d'l’
‹i ( E 1 E
( for . \ = 1 )
( 17. fi0 )
effects due to the crystal structure are neglected . F ig. 17.8 Befo re and after the f irst collisio n o f a ‹ ascade.
âlult iply i rig the rich t - h and side o I Ed . 1.7. 59 by th’ ›' E a rift int e gratify g t'rom 0 to E y iel ds
2 E d
( for E E, )
( 17.69 )
r ( ’l’ ) ] d4’ ( 1 )
'l'he' rich I sir1e ‹if this egg uatir› n c Cinsis ts of twci integrals, w lii‹'h nay be sli‹iwn to be irle ntical by chant in ¿ the i-ariable ‹if in toprati‹in in the t‘irst from T to I“ E — 'l', and Sq. 1.7.IU rem ucvs t‹›
( 1.7.ti 2 )
lie forv at lv mpti nd 1 ‹i s‹i li e th is in teyral eg u at in n , we fi rst
\ \ 'hvn I lie P K› \ is born w ith an energy between i d and
2 d the first collision with a lattice atom has one of two possible results: I f energy’ in ex‹ ess of E . but necessar ilv
less than 2Ed , is transferred to the lattice at oin, thy latter is displaced, but the initial P K› \ is left with e ners' less than E d . The struck a tune ni or es o If its lat tice site, bu I th e P K A fall s in tu th e vacated site, dissipating its remaining k incl ie energy ‹ts heat. Cfc iwersel y, i f the origi n‹il PKA man sfers less th an E d , the struck at‹im is not displaced. l n either ‹if the above two p‹issi bilities, the first PK/ \ collision resul Is in
original PK \ . 4’he same arguments ad vanced abo ve i‹iu be appl ied to the second generation moving atom, and th e conclu sion is that it trio is incap‹ible of creating any' additional displ acemen ts. ’Fheref ore. a P KA is it h kinetic energy between £iq and 2 E,t produces only ‹inc disp1‹ived atom , or
r ( E ) — 1 ( for Ed E 2E d ) 11.7.64 j
4'e may spl it the in tegral in Eq. 17. fi2 int‹i ranges from 0 to E d , E d to 2E d , and 2 E d to E ‹ind eval u ate the first two u sing Eqs. 1.7.6 3 and 17. G4. ’l'h his we arrive at
’Ah e K inch in—-Pease displacemen I funct ion, wh ich con sists of Eqs. 17. ñ 3, 17. fi4, 17.68, and 17. 65, is sh ow n in F ig. 17. 9. The scale is distorted tr› illustrate the four regions predicted b y the iiiodel. lf drawn to scale, I he io niz a tion cu toff E,. u ou ld be 10 to 20 times further out al ong the abcissa than show n in the drawing.
P K E N r n ñ v E
Fig. 1.7.S Thu' n u nib er txt displaced ato me in I he ‹'asc ade as a fu net in n o 1’ PK A e nergv according to t he mod ‹'1 of K i n‹ hin a nd Pease. ( .After Ref. 1.5. )
17.7.2 Use of a Realistic Energy-Transfer Cross Section
"the hard-sphere assumption ( 5 j can be rem ove d by n‹it introducing Ed. 17.60 into the analysis, In this Eq . 17. G 1 sh ou ld be w ri tten as
( E ) k,T ) [ r ( E — T ) + r ( T ] dT ( 17. 70 )
The argum en Is leading to Eqs. 17. fi.3 ‹ind 17.6 4 are still valid ( inasm uch as they depend on ly on energy conseri-a- tion and not ‹in the nature of the energy -tran sfer cross section ) , and the appropriate integral equation is
r ( E ) — 2 E d + 2 "
E E d
v ( ’Y ) dT ( 17.65 j
o ( E )
( E ) — —
Th is equa tion can be solved by m ul tipl ying by E ‹ind differentiating with respect to E, which yields the di f feren-
o ( E ) r : d
x u ( E,T I [r ( E — T I + r ( T j ] dT ( 17. 71 )
tial equation
( 1.7. 6fi )
This equation has been solved by Sanders 1 ' for the energy-transfer cross section based on the in verse power potential ( Eq. 17. 38 ) . The result is
th e solu tio n o f which is
r ( E ) - s ( 2' '' “"’ — 1 J
2E d
) ( for E d
E E ) ( 17. 7 2 )
The co nstant C is ob tained by su bstitu I ion o f Eq. 17.67
into Eq. 1.7.65, which shows C - ( 2E d ) *' . T herefore the nu mber of displacemen Is is
wh ich, for s - 2, reduces the K inch in—Pease result by a factor of - 2. Robin son' summarizes the extensive efforts that have been devoted to relieving cascade analysis o f the hard-sphe re assumption.
( El— E
2E d
( for 2 E d < E < E ) ( l7. 6 8 )
17.7.3 Energy Loss from the Cascade
The u pper limit o n the validity of Eq. 17.6fi has been set equal to E since, by assumption ( 4 ) , only electronic energy loss occurs for higher energies. When the PKA is born with an energy greater than E, , the num ber of displacements is
by Electronic Excitation
Relaxation of assumpti on ( 4 ) of cascade theory requires reform ulation of the conservation principle for r ( E ) . I n this case, collisions o f the PKA with electro us co mpete
LLE ( RTH ( ) FJ
Fig. 1 7. 10 Possible fates of a PK.4 o n pas.sing th rr› ug h a thick ness dx ‹›f so lid .
with atomic collisions w ith latti ce atoms. As discussed in See. 17.1, these two processes can be treated indepen- den tly, and each can be represented by separate energy- transfer cross sections. We rorm ulate t he basic in tegral equation in the man ner origin all j prrsente d bj Lindh ard et a1.' 7 by considering what hap pens to the PKA as it traverses a small distance dx of solid ( F ig. 17.10L A ecord- ing to the basic definiti on of the differential energ -transfer cross section ( Eq. 17. 2 1 ) , the probabili ty p,. dT, tha t a collision between the PKA a nd an electron in the interval dx which tran sfers energy in the range ( T, ,d3’, ) to the electron is
p, d3’, - N v ( E,T, ) dT,. dx ( 17.7 3 )
where l E,T, ) is the energy -tran sfer cross section from the PKA to an electron. Similarly, the pro bab ili ty of a collision in dx which transfers energy ( T„dT, ) to a lattice atom is
p, dT, - N o, ( E,T„ ) dT, dx ( 17. 74 )
I n these equations, N is the density of atoms in the solid.
The probability that nothing happens in dx is giYen by
p = 1 — J “”’ p, dT,. — p” dT,
Su bsti tu ting E qs. 17. 7.3 and 17. 7 4 for p,. and p, and
Eq. 17. 75 for p yields
( 17. 77 )
We now note that the max imum energy transferrable to an electron is very small compared to E; thus u ( E — T, ) can be expanded in a Taylor series and truncated af ter the second term:
dr T,. ( 17.7d )
The last term in Eq. 17. 7 7 can therefore be written as
x ri, ( E,T, ) dT, dE
po 1 — N dx l uc ( E ) — la ( E ) | ( 17. 75 )
where T is the maximu m energy transterrab ie to an electron by a P KA of energy E and o, ( E ) and v„ ( E ) are the total cross sections for collisions of the PKA with electrons
The fir st integral on the righ t of Eq. 17.7 9 is the total cross section for collisions of the PKA with the electron. Th is term cancels the corresponding term on the left of Eq. 17. 77. T he second in tegral on the righ t of Eq. 17. 79 is, according to Eq. 17. 29, the electronic stopping power of the medium divided by the atom density , or ( dE dx ) , / N. When Eq. 17. 7 9 is substituted into Eq. 17. 7 7, the result is
and lattice atoms, respectively .*
We now apply the principle of conservation of r ( E ) by requiring that this quantity be the same w hether computed from the original PKA at its birth energy or whether it is determined by the products of the possible collisions that occur in dx. The -value associated w ith each of the recoil
r ( E ) +
( dE/dx ) [ r ( E — T ) + r ( T ) ]
( E,T ) dT ( 17.80 ) ( E )
atoms in Fig. 17. 10 is weighted with the appropriate probability for the process by w hich it is created and is integrated over the permissible ranges of the energy transfers. Thus
u ( E ) - “ l • ( E — Ta ) + r ( T, ) ] p, dTa
+ O *‘ r ( E — T, ) p e dT, + p 0 r ( E ) ( 17. 76 )
*The analysis is n ot affected b y the fact that the total cross section for e nergy transfer to electrons is infinite.
The subscript “a” on T and v has been deleted with the understanding that these two quantities refer to atomic collisions. When ( dE cdx ) , is neglected, Eq. 17.80 reduces to Eq. 17. 70, and, when, in addition, the hard-sp here model is used to fix the energy-transfer probability on the righ t side of the above equation, the original Kinchin—Pease form ula, Eq. 1'7.61, is recovered.
To show the effect uf electronic stopping on the number of displaced atoms, we solve Eq. 17.80 with the
hard-sphere assumption retained but with ( dE /dX ) e 8 1 ven by the square-root la w ( Eq. 17.5 2 ) . With this simplification, Eq. 17.80 reduces to
QE ) -
2E d + 2 « ( T ) dT —
k E'^ dr ( 17. 81 ) riN d E
coeffi cien t of E 2Eq in Eq. 17. 89 is 0.3, or electronic energy losses have reduced the displacemen t ef ficien cy of the PKA by 70 .
w here Eqs. 17.63 and 17.64 have been used to split u p the integral over T. We will also assume that the hard-sp here collision cross s e w ction is energy-independent; thus k / N is a constant. To simplify the analysis, we introduce the following dimensionless energy variable:
The sensitivity of the above calculation to the c hoice of the hard-sp here cross section suggests that the model shou Id be en tirely purged of hard -sphere characteristics and that realistic energy-transfer cross sections must be employed if reliable predictions are to be obtained. The complete calculation of L indhard' , as a matter of fact, used
y — 2E d and Eq. 17.81 is transformed to
( I T.82 )
c, ( E,T, ) based on the Thomas—Fermi potential function rather than on the hard -sp here result.
Lindhard noted that the parameter r ( E ) in Eq. 17. b0 need not be interpreted solely as the nu mber of displace- ments produced by a PKA. Rather, the integral equation is
2 " r ( y' ) dy' — A y '’ y ’’83
valid for a number of other radiation-damage effects, such as the nu mber of ion pairs in a gas or the nu mber of electron—hole pairs in a semicondu ct or. I n the original anal ysis,' 7 r ( E ) was actuall y taken to be that part of the
A vN ( 2E d ) ’i ( 17.64 )
is a dimen.sion less constant. If A 0, the Kinchin—Pease solu tion r y ( see Eq. 17.fi8} is recovered. 1 f A is small c‹›mpared to unity, electronic stopping only slight ly per- tur be the basic Finch in—Pease resu I t. A stunning £h is £o be the, the num her of displa‹!ements can be writ ten as a power series in the per fur bati on parameter A:
r = y * f ( y l › \ . . ( 1 7. 8o
where the fi rst term on the righ I is the solu tion for A - IN, and f ( y ) is a function to be determined by insertion of Eq. 17.b 5 into the integral equation , Eq. 17. 8.3, which y ields
f ( y ) — 2 J f ( y' 1 dy’ — y "' ( 17.HS )
The solution of this equation can be obtained by
original PKA e nergy wh ich is transferred to the atoms of the lat ti ce ( rather than to the electrons ) during slowing dosv n. ’I'he ra tio of Lind hard's rl E J to E is the fract ion of the ‹'ascade energy transformed into atomic motion, w hich may be de noted by ( ( E 1. Strictly speaking. Lindhard's application of Eq. 17.b0 is not a displacemen I the or y becau se it does not incorporate the displacement threshold restrictions at low energies, w hich are contained in Eqs. 17.6 3 and 17.64.* L indhard's analysis has become k no w'n as the curt gj -par I i lioi iitig //ter .
L indhard's energy -partitioning results can be used to prcdi‹ I displacements, h ow'ever. For su fficient ly high P KA energies, the number of displaced atoms is proportional to the original P KA energy ( e.g., see Eq. 17. Sb for an example of this proportionality in the simple K inchin—Pease the- ory ) . Theref rare, L indhard's t ( E ) can be used as a correction factor to the sim ple theory, and the nu mber of disp laced atoms is given by
di fferen tiating, solving the differential equation, and deter- mining the constant of integration by su bstitu tion into Eq. I 7.85. I n this way we find
UE ) -/ ( E )
2E d
( 17. 50 I
If we restrict attention to high PKA energies ( E E, ) , then y 1, and the second term on the righ t in Eq. 17. 87 can be dropped. Su b stituting —4y for f ( y l in Eq. 17.65 gi sees
L indhard's numerical .solu tion of Eq. 17. 80, u sing ( d E 'dx ) „
gis'en by Eq. 17.5 2 and , t E,’I’, ) determined from an interaction potential based on the "Fhomas Fermi model of the atom, can be ex pressed in the analy tical form by
t ( E } - 1 + 0. 13 ( 3.4c '• * 0.4c '• + c ) ’ 7’ 91 )
where c i s a red uced PKA energy:
r ( E ) 1
4 k E uN ( 2E, ) \ 2E,/
” "" ( 2Z* e* /a )
( 17. 92 )
Note that the valid ity of Eq. 17. 8 S is not su bjec I to an u pper limi I on E , as is the case for Eq. 1 7.68. \ V hen
and a is the sc'reeni ng radi us of Eq. 1 7. 35 u.'ith \ - 0. 88 and
electronic stopping is properly accounted for in the basic integral equat ion, the en tire concept of a definite energy E„ separating regimes of electronic energy' from atomic collisions can be jettisoned.
a - 0 . 88a B
( 17.93 )
"to assess the importance of electronic stopping on d isplacem en t product ion by energetic primary k nock -ons. consider irr›n ' ( Z 26 i. ror which k = 0.2 1 eV’'-A ( Eq. 1 7. ñ 'I ) and N 0. 085 , \ ’ . \ Ve ta ke Ed - 2b eV , an d, for illustrative purp oses, set o - 2. \ \ V it h t hese s'alues the
* \ Yhen only energy transfer to, and not displacement of, lattice a terms is considered, the notion of a d isplacement energy Eg does not en ter the cal culation at all. He nce u ( E ) in crca.see contin u‹iusl y fro m E = 0, and the 1 ower 1 imit on the in tegrul in Et|. 1 7.80 is k ept as it is wri tten,
Figure 17.11 shows the damage ef fieiency function I for various elements ( i.e., for different values of Z ) . I'he dashed line represents the low us of the step-func tion ioniz ation cu toff energies ( E,. ) employed in the Kinc hin—Pease the- Ory.
Fig. 17. 11 £“ractit›n of PKA energy de jxisited in the s‹› lid in t he for iii o f atomic collisions wit h latt ice ato ins l also used as I he damage ef ficiency o f t he PKA ) . Solid lines arc based o n Lindhard's e nergy part it in ning the or y .' ' 'rhe dashed line gives the io nizatio n cutoff fo r use in the Kinchin—Pease model. ( E, is read from the abscissa bel ow the po int at which the dashed li ne intersect s I he solid line for the particular elements.1 l Aft er Ref. 6. )
The sim ple cascade analysts, even when modified to accou nt for a realistic energy-transfer cross section or for electron ex ri tation losses during sl ow ing dozy n, imp lie it ly assumes tha I the solid consists of a random array of atoms. H o ivever, when the cascade is ‹ onsidered to occur in the ordered structure of a crystalline solid, two important phenomena appear: Focusing refers to the transfer of energy and atoms by nearly head-on collisions along a row of at om s and cha n ne ling is the complementary process whereby atoms m ove long distances in the solid along open directions in the crystal stru cttire. I n this case the moving atom is kept in its chan nel by glancing colli.sions with the atomic rows that serie as wall s. F octising and chan neling affect both the number and con figu ration of d ispla‹ ed at oms in a cascade. F irst, a toms rnov ing along t he crystallo- graphic direction favorable to either focusing or rlianneling luse energy only b} g lancing cullisions ›v ith the atolTl s ringing the ax is of m ction. 'rhe energy transfer in these collisions is well bel oiv Eg , with the result that in ore energy is dissipated in su bthreshold collisions than is predicted by the cascade theory reviewed in the preceding section | i.e., the num ber ’ r ( E ) is smaller when the c r \ stal effects are considered than iv hen the PKA enters a random array of atoms] . Second. the focused or chan neled atoms are able to m ove ni uch larger d istances before ‹'oming to rest than ordinary k nock-ons. I n fact, the former ma y constitute the lion's share of the displaced a ( urns Cha I escape recom bin a- tion with the vacant ies wh ich are also produt!ed in the cascade. As su vh, d isplaced atoms tha t have been created by focusing or channel ing inec hanisms centri bute dispropor-
tionately to the radiation-produced in terstitials that control radiation effects, such aS diffu sion-en hance d creep and void growth .
17.8.1 Fuc using
"the phenomenon of focusing can be seen in the calculations of the displacement threshold energies dis- cussed in Sec'. 17.6. When such calculations are made for variou s initial k nock -on direc'tions in the lattice ( Fig. 17.7 ) ,
we find that E d is partieu larly small for cer tain I osv index directions in the c rvstal. For the fee structure, for example. Fig. 17.7 shows that the 1100 ) and II 10 ) directions permit
displac'enten£ to take place at the luwest energ}’ transfer of an3 other lattice direction. "this result at first seems somewhat miex peeled, since in t hese direr tions the knoc k- on encounters a densel y par'ked rOw of atoms rather than an open space wit h an i nterst itial si ie folio \ ying it. The tipen configuration would be expec'ted to permit displacement
iriost easily . \ V hen directed a long the 11 ( ) O ) r›r 11 1 07 atr›mi c' rows in the fee stru ct ure, the tr et hanism of k nock-on penetration in the solid is i'ery different from the way in wh ich k nock -on s initiall y headed i n a m ore or less random d irection achieve displacemen t. A long the closely packed directions, the knock -on hits a I inc of atoms head-on, and displacemen t can occur b y the knoc k ‹in striking and replacing the n earest lat nice atom along the row. The latter then coll ides wit h the next atom in a similar man ner and replaces it. In th is manner the well-k nown billiard-ball
phenomenon in which a direct hit on the lead ball transfers the inn pact to the last ball in the line takes place. 'rhe last ball goes off with essen tially the same energy with which the lead ball was hit. S uc'h a 1 in ear ‹ ollision cha in can occur easily along the I I t ) 0 ) and 11 10 ) direr tion s in the ft ‹ lattic e t Fig. 1 7. i› 1.
If a precise head on collision iv'ere required to produce a linear collision chain, the p henomenon won ld be of no significance since the probability of its occurrence would be very small. '£ he direction of a primary k nock-on is random; so focu ring m usr be possi ble for a siz ab Ie ran ge uf polar angles off the exact close-packed d irection . I! nder certain circum stances the angle between the k nock-on and the ax is of the rci w of atoms is reduced in each successive collision. "I’ll is propert y of the 1 in ear collision is responsible for the name “focused cullision seq hence."
Ihe currelated colli Rons that oocur in a linear ‹'htiin uf
atoms can be analy zed easily if each atom is treated as a hard sp h’ e of radius r„. ,Suppose the distance between the a torn s along a par ticu far cry stallograp hic ruw is denuted b}
D. F igurr 17/42 sh o avs three members of a row of atoms in wh ich a se qttente of nearl y head-on collisions is prt›pa- fat in g. ’1’ lie impa‹'t receii'ed by atom A„ from the atom to its left ‹-auses A„ to move off 4t an ang Ie I ) „ I o the a xis. l'he dashed circ'lr• showy at rhe instant tha I the hard-sphere cu!lisioi \ \ v ith tgum A„ takes place. ’l'he inn pact transfers moments m to ›hq, I i f l the dire‹'tion a Icing the radius terminating at the point u ( ctintact. The recoil angle 0 q, t of A„+ ; can be re lated to the recoil angle of A„ by purely geometrical con siderations. Apply ing the la w of si ries to the triangle ( A„ , › \ „ . .A „ l gis es
Fig. 17. 1 2 ’I he l‘u‹‘u.sed t'‹›l lisi un seque ncc.
39 I
w h i‹' h, I ur em ‹ill ‹in gle s, red u ‹ es I u
’1’his rel‹i I inn is a first- urder li oiiir›geneutis fin ite-difl'eren ‹ e equation , the solu tion of iv h it h ‹-an be found by in spect ) on to be
mass of the element. For example, E tt 1101 is about 80 eV in cuppe r ( u sin g Eq. 17. 95 and the born—hlayer function shrew n in F ig. 17. 5 ) . For gold, it is abou I 00 ( I eV. In bo th
‹ ases, ho z'ever. the max inn um energy at iv hich focusing ‹-an o‹'‹ ti r i E t 1 . is small corn pared In Typ i‹-al P K \ energies; thus focusing is ink por tant out y in I ‹aw -o nergy ‹'ades or a I t, ) ie verb’ end of a high -en ergy cast-ade.
E qti ation 17. 9 4 s tate.s ‹ml 3' the conditi‹›ii for w'hich the
recojl angle of the .struck atom , „ 0 , is reduced by suct'essive
where II g is the an gle that the print ary k tion'k-‹›n ma kes w ith the r r vstall ographic directi‹in of the ato lyric r‹›iv.
I f D 4r„ . th e t'oef fit ient of II in Eq. 1 7. 94 is larger than unit y, and „ 0 is larger than „ 6 , thus the rec'oil angle be‹'ornes larger with ea‹ h c‹illisi on, and debut'twin g o‹’cu rs. H o \ vei'er, if IN .1 rt, ( whim'h is the si t u ati un depicted in
F ig. 17.12 ) , „ 9 decreases \ v it h increasing n , an d the
collisions. It does n‹›t set any 1 imil on the magnitude t›f the in itial angle t/ at u' hich focusing is p‹issible. ’J'he iriax imum angle at which focusing just ne w ••. 0 , for a PKA of ener
E E t can be determined b› e xamin ing the situatir›n
which the dashed circles in F ig. 17. 12 are tangent to the solid ‹-ircles. In th is case all angles al ong the c hain are eqn al to the ini tial angle 0 . "l'he triangle I › \ „ , „ A , A„, t } is is‹is‹ eles, and the cri tie-al angle for focusing i.s de term in ed
collisions bet'ome m‹›re head -otJ in c lJarac ter. I n th in t añe by the coll ision sequence is said to be f‹icused. 'l'he criterion
for focusing to just occur is D -4r„ .
The focusing condition deris'ed abos'e is .strictly geomet- ric in origin since it relates the separation distance D to the radius r„ of the hard spheres comprising the line of a toms. However, som e degree of malism can be injec ted in to the
0 ( 0 0
analysis by consi dering the radius r„ In depend on the energv of the collision accord in g t‹i the eqn ivalent hard sphere model ( Sec. 17.4 j . For the torn—Player potential function, w hich is appropriate to the low energies where
2p ln y 2 A Ei )
( 179b )
focusing is inn portant, r„ depends on energy according to Eq . 17.4 1. We may determine the energy E t at w hich focusing is just possible by eliminating r„ t El between Eq. 17.41 and the geometric f‹icusing requirement,
D = 4rq ( E ) , which leads to
E E t - 2A exp ( — Ei 2p ) ( 17.9 5 )
I I the energy of the initial collision is grea ter t han Et, focusing is inn possible.
In the fee structure, D is 2 '• a,„ ap, and aq 2 '• for the 11111, ( 1001, and 1110 ) directio ns. respectively ( a q is the lattice parameter ) . Th us focusing should occur m ost easily t i.e., Et is the largest J along the close-packed 11101 direction in metals w ith this cry stal form. The focusing energy, E t, also depends on the parameters A and p of the Born—Mayer potential. h hen these parameters are estimated for a variety of metals, Et for and direction increases rap idly with the
w here r„ I E l has been ex pressed by Eq. 1 7. 4 1 and Eq. 17.55 has been used to ob tain the last form ‹› r the ‹'riti cal angle form ula.
The condition for focusing can be ex pressed by either of two quan tities: t 1 ) Eq . 17. 95 gives the energy E for wh ich focusing occurs for a head-on P KA coll ision ( 0 b = 0 ) and ( 2 ) Eq. 17, 96 gives the maximum angular deviation from a head-on collision. 6 , at z'hich a PKA of energy E can initiate a foc used collision seq uence. I n this case E m ust be less than Et.
Equa tion 17. 96 can be used to obtain an important parameter that governs the reduction in the nu mber of displaced atom s produ ced in a cascade ow ing to focused collisions. I f an y mem ber of the cascade is produ red in a collision that sends the struck atom w ithin an angle 0 \ to an atomic row , a focused collision sequence results, and the energy of the recoil is dissipated without mak in g additional
displacemen ts. I n an ordinary displacem en I collision, the struck atoiri mos'es off its lattice site in a random direction. ’I'he probabili ty that the initial direction t›f the struck atom is z'it min a cone of apex angle 0 abou t an atom ie row is, for sni all angle s, given in spheric-al geometry’ by I fi ) ° 2. I f we use the critical angle fi 0 given by Eq. 17.9 ( i, the probability t hat a struck atom of energy E starts a focused collision sequence is
Since E t i 2A 1 but E/Et is of order unity’ I unless E becomes very small ) , the .second term tn the den ominator can be neglected , and ve ob tain
Pt ( E )
( 17.97 )
= 0 { f‹ir E E t )
only at the end by all ow ing r„ to depend on E ar wording to the equ i valent hard-sp here m odel. 1 n the pre sent tease, h owever, z'e m ust permit the interaction to begin before the distance of c losest approac h is reached and the re lutive x'elocitv of the colliding particles i'anishes. I n this way atom A„ j is indu tied to m‹»'e as hon as a tom A„ starts try
mox'e, and, consequently, i \ „ I is t‹i thy righ t ‹af its i nitial position when the turnaround occ'iirs.
1 t is su f1‘icient to analyze the focused replacement process in term s of th e head on collision sh ow n in F ig. 17.1:1 ( a ) . As I he co Hi si on pr‹iceeds, the distance x between A„ and A„ + ; decreases continuously as show n in Fig. 17.131 b ) . At an y poin t d uring the c'ollision, the relative speed of the twO at‹im.s, g, is related to the in terac tion energy V ( x ) ac cord in g to Eq s. 1 7. 15 and 1 7.IG:
w here the reduced mass p is equal to \ I 2 since the r olliding atoms are identical and the initial relati \ 'e speed, g9 , is equal to the initial speed of atom A . . *'i o ' fi Uit IOR 17. 9b also assumes I hat the interaction energy at the initial separation,
V ( D ) . is small compared w ith the initial relative kine tic energy’, yg 2. "F he time rate of c hange of the separation is equal to the relative speed
17.8.2 Dynamic Crowdions
Successive head -on coll isi on s along a 1 inc of hard-sphere
dt '
( 17.g9i
atoms transport the initial kinetic energy of the initiating atom dow n the row. I n addition, the entire row of atoms can be displaced by one lattice site in the direction of the travelling energy pulse provided the fotl o wing condition is met: With reference to F ig. 17, 12, if the A„ is hey ond the midpoin t of the initial separation between .4„ and A„g I , then A„ w'ill fall into the sitr vacated by the recoiling A„ , ; . "l'liis replacement event is re pe uted along the line of atoms, w ith the net result thdt d vacan I si Ie appears at the starting location of the collision sequence and an interstitial is lodged in the sol id somewhere far dow n the line of atoms w here, by some other mechanism, the chain of head-on collisions is terminated. This long-range transport of a single atom is kno wn as a focused re place men t or a d yna m ic cro wdion. *
I I we adhere to the hard-sphere model that was used
previously to calculate the energy focusing cri tens Et or Pt ( E }, we would find that the focused replacement is inn possible; focusing ( with or withou t replacement ) occurs only when D < 4r„ ; yet in a head-on coll ision with th is restri ctio n, the cen ter of the first atom at the point of impact ( A in Fig. 17.12 ) is always closer to Aq than to
Since the curve sh‹iw n in F ig. 17.13 ( b j is s-y mmetric about the midpoint, the collision time I,. is tw ice the time needed to reac h the distance of closest approach, or
g ( d V cdx j
V ( O )
d k 2
w here xp is the distance of closest approach in the head -on coll ision. Note that V t D ) is not set equal to zero in the above integral. If we evaluate dV dx from the Born—Mayer poten tial function of Eq. 17.32 and solve Eq. 17,98 for g as a function of V ( using the conditions p = M '2 and y g 0 2 = E /2, w here E is the kinetic energy received by atom Aq in its previous collision ) , I,. becomes
2M )
x tanh ' 1 — 2VtD ) "
z'here the definition of the equivalent hard-sphere radius given by E 9. 17.17 has been used for the upper integration
A , p
, . Consequently , if we are to describe the focused
limit. For V ( D ) , E 1, the above formula can be simp lified
replacement process, the hard-sphere assumption must be modified earlier in the analysis than i I was in the arguinen t
to yiel d
/2M 2E
leading to prediction of the focusing criterion. I n the latter case the possibility of focusing was decided by purely
\ . E ) ’ In
V ( D )
( 1 7. 100 )
geometric arguments based on the relative magnitu des of D and r , and the real interatomic potential was introduced
*The term crowd ion refers to an extra atom squeezed into a line o f atoms. It is a type of interstitial similar to the split interstitials sh own in Fi g. 6.4. The dy nami c crowdion is a crowdion in motion.
The speed of the cen ter of mass of the two-par ticle system is v - ( E/ 2M ) ’^. The distance moved by the center of mass during the collision time t, is t, ( E /2M ) . If this
distance is larger than one- half the initial separation, D / 2, then atom Aq will end up to the right of the halfway point between the atoms before collision. When this situation occurs, atom Aq enters the lattice site vacated by atom
E AD1A7'/O. \ ' Dz \ IIIA C E 393
A„+ 1 instead of returning to its own lattice position. Replacemen t has occurred. According to the above argu- ments, focused replacemen t is possible when the energy being transported in the collision c hain satisfies
E > Et - exp D
Regardless of w hether or not replacement occurs, no focusing is possible if the en ergy’ is larger than E t. ’I hus, dy namic crowdion s can be created by a k noc k-on with energy between Et /4 and E t but not w’ith energies outside this range. 1 n metals of interest in reactor techn ology ( primarily iron ) , the focusing energy E t in the close-pac ked direction is 100 eV. Therefore, the replacemen t energy E - E t 4 is probably somewhat smaller than the displace- ment energy Ed , and the formation of a dynamic crow dion has a sligh tly lower threshold than the produ ction of a random displaced atom. This conclusion is consistent with the displacement thresholds show n in Fig. 17. 7, iv hic h indicate that the 11001 direction, for which D — ay, has a smaller replacemen t th resh old than does the 1110 ) direc- tion, where D = aq , 2'°. On the basis of Eq. 17.101. one wo uld expect that the replacement t hresho ld in the 1111 ) d irection should be ev'en smaller since here D - 2 '* ap . 1 n this case, hr›wever, displacement is governed by the energy required to force the struc k atom I hrough the tria ngle of atoms along the 1111 ) d irection and not by the energy needed to generate a dynamic crowdion. Hence, E q. 1 7.10 1 does not apply to the 11111 direc'tion in the fcc structure.
4’h us f ar the analysis of the d ynamic cro wdion has been restricted to the behavior of the atomic row along which both energy and atoms are transported. 1 n this idealized m odel the collision sequence continues indefinitely since
there is no mechanism for removing energy from the c hain, Two effects appear when the interaction of the ne igh boring rows of atoms with the row along w hich a focused collision is occurring is taken into account.
First, the neigh boring atoms, by their repulsion of a movin g atom that approaches more closely than the eq uilibri um separation, act as a lens and aid in the focusing process ( i .e., they tend to reduce the an gle 6„ on successive collisions to a greater extent than predicted by simple hard-sphere mechanics along the chain ) . The net result of this process. which is called assisted {o ‹ using, i s to increase the critical energy Et at which a focused collision sequence is possible. Focusing is rendered iriore probable by the presence of the surrounding atomic rows ( see Ref. 1 for a detailed discussion of assisted focusing ) .
Second, in addition to aiding the focusing process, the rings of atoms surrounding a focu sin g ax is in the crystal provide the only means by which the energy of the collision sequence is dissipated. The energy loss results from glancing collisions between the atoms movin g in the linear collision sequence and the atoms rin gin g this chain. ’I'h is energy transfer occurs as a result of the decrease in the separation distance betweei‹ an atom in the focused c'oll ision c'hain and its transverse nearest neighbors as the former moves off of its equilibriu m position along the focusing ax is. The increment of potential energy which results from the smaller separation between the mov ing atom in the chain and the neigh boring atoms ringin g the c hain is lost to the energy pulse m oving along the line ( see problem 17. 5 at the end of this chap ter ) . This effect is au gmen ted by vibration of the surrounding atoms transverse to the focusing direction, which increases with the tern perature of the solid.
Figu re 17.14 sh ows the nu mber of eollisi ons in a focused chain of initial energy E in room-temperature copper. The transport of energy along the focusing ax is ends when interaction w ith the neighboring atoms has rem oved the entire initial energy of t,he k nock-on that started the sequence. Focused replacemen t ceases w hen the energy left in the chain is redu ced to E / 4. ’l'hu s the length of the dynamic crowdion for initial k hock-on energy E is the difference between the ordinate value corresponding to
Fig. 17.13 Head-o n collisio us in a focused chain when the interact ion potential acts co nt inuousl y during the collisio n.
( a ) Atom posit ions d u ring the collisio n initiated by the atom o n the left. ( b J Se paration of atoms A„ a nd A„ t d uring the collisio n.
0 4 . 1 0
- ' - - K 1 ! 11 4 It? I 'I r i \ Y I i i'l i Z i i I I i ! ’ m
( l!i
0. fi
1 ( )
E E ,
Fig. 17.14 Length and probability of the collision chain in a 11101 collision sequ ence in copper at room temperature. ( After Ref. 1. )
E /Et and the ordinate value for E /E, - l b . rhe length of the chain or of the dy namic crow dion decreases as the temperature increases due to the greater interference of displaced neigh boring atoms with the collision sequence as the thermal vibration a irip lit ude increases. 'I'he pro bab ility of forming a correlated collision sequence according to Eq. 17.97 is also sh own in Fig. 17.14.
The presence of atoms of unequal mass in the atomic row also serves to dissipate energy from the collision chain. Con si der a ligh t atom san dwic hed between two heav y atoms along the focusin g ax is. \ Vhen struck, the ligh t atom not onl y collides with the downstream heavy atom bu t may also rebound rapidly enough to re-collide with the upstream heavy atom from iv hi cli it received the original impact. Such multiple coll ision ei'ents destroy the unidirec tional nature of the energy pulse and result in substantial energy loss. This dissipation mechanism may be important in stain less steel, ivli i c h von tains substantial q uan lilies of low-mass add it ives such as carbon and boron in ad dition to I he transiti on metals iron, nickel, and chromium, wh ich
have not too dif feren t masses. A similar effect Evo uld be ex pected if a focusin g ax is intersected a lattice defect, such
rather than by interactio n with dislocatio ns, especially at high temperature.
17.8.3 Channeling —
Channeling refers to the long-distance displacement of an energetic k nock -on dow n an open direction in the lattice. The walls of the passageway or chan nel consist of atomic rows. Figure 17.15 shows the 1110 ) channel in the fee stru cture, w hich is bounded by four close-pac ked 1110 ) atomic row s. A toms moving by the focusing or chan neling mechanisms both prefer to do so in close-packed directions in the lattice. However, dynamic crowdions move in the close-pac ked rows, whereas channeled atoms move in between the close-packe d rows.
The m ov ing atom is kept in a channel by glancing collisions with the bordering atoms. I f the atomic rows surrounding the channel are close packed , the discrete repulsive force between atoms, wh ich is resp on sible for the
‹ hannelin g action, is smeared out, and the atom appears to be tras'elling in a long cylindrical tu be. The equivalent radius of the chan nel. R,.;, , call be determined by equating
as a vacanc y.
fi xt ended lattice deft'cts, su cli as a dislo cat io n or a
r R 2 ; , with the ac'tual area ref the open region between the
surrounding atomic rows. ’I he cross-sectional area of the
stacking faul t ( i .e., an interru ptio n o f the sta ck ing sequence of th e planes o f a c rystal ) , represent such large distortions o f the crystal sy mmetry t hat they pro bably terminate the d y namic crowdion, wh ich t hen becomes lo dged in the solid as an interstitial atom. For a heavily deformed matri x w ith a dislocatio n density of 10 1 2 cm , for example, the a ve rage d istance between d islocatio n lines is about 100 . \ , or •t0 atom separation distances in the t110 ) directio n o f the fee lattice. 'I'h is chain length is th ree times lo nger than the average nu mber of collisions alo ng t he f ocusing axis when interactio n with t he atoms surro uiidiii g I he foe usi ng axis is responsible for energy dissipatio n ( Fig. 17.14 ) . Limitatio n o f the leng th of a dy namic crowdio n is most probably controlled by this intrinsic dissipation mechanism
( 110 ) chan nel sh own in Fig. 17.15, for example, is a2 '8'•; so R t, - 0. 34a„ 0.85 ° \ .
I f the amplitude of the lateral oscillations of the moving atom in the channel is w all com pared to Rat, , the ef fee tive poten tial well provided by the channel wa 11 is approx imatel y parabolic in the direction transverse to the chan net ax is. "I'he interaction of the mos'in g atom with the channel wall s can be described by a harmo nic channel potential of the form
t 17. 10 2 )
where r is the la teral distance from the ax is. ’I he force constant. x . depends on the potential function describing atom—atom repulsion and the channel dimensions R,. t, . An
Fig. 17. 15 The 1110 ) channel in the fee lat ti ce.
appro xiin ate deri va ti on of thP force con stan t is given in Ref. T. Fur the D‹›rn—5:Ia1c'r function, for example, i I is
W here IN is the atom it span' ing of I he atoms in the row's form ing the ‹ han nel w a 11s.
› \ na lysis of the traje‹ tory of the c han neled atoms with the aid of the parabolic r Iran nel poten tial of Eq. 17.102 is straigh tforward. 'the mov ing atom enters in to the chan nel with a i'elocity c'omponen I a Ion g the ax is ( t he z-direr'tion } given by
z'liere II , is the off-ax is angle at iv hic h the k noc k on of energy E is in jet ted in to th e chan nel. ’l'he ax ial velocity is graduall y redu ced by electron st opping.
’I'he m oving atom u ndergoes simp le harm on ie motion in the r-d irec tion with a period r gii'en by
r 2z ( 1 7.105 j
The initial wa i'elengt h of I he oscillation is equal to v, „ r for 0 b II, or to
( 1 7. 10fi )
"l"he' amplitude of the lateral o 'illation is determined by the injection angle, 0 t, , and the k inetic energ of the injec' ted atom, E. The r-coliiponent of the atom vet o‹'ity as it enters the cli an nel is ( 2E 'II ) '› sin 0 t, - ( 2E/ SI ) '° 9 „ . Or, I he radial ‹‘‹›ni ponr'n I of the en £ran‹’e k inetic' eMer is ñ , ,
IN. 1. \ f. 1 Ct/i 395
I f this atom leaves its lattice position at a sm a 11 angle with respect to the axis, it may begin to chan net. Equa tion 1 7. 109 was derived for an atom entering the chan nel at r - 0 and can not be applied to a k nock-un en £erin g at r R,. t, . A It h‹› \ igli nu analy tical ex pression for the ‹'hair n‹'l ing probability is available, computer simulations of radia tion damage ind icate that P,.;, is bet ween 1 and 1 0’ . I t is usual I \ ’ assumed t‹› be in de penden I of knock -on energ
and the tra jector y of tlir chan neled atom is
t 1 7. 107 )
Fig. 1 7. 15 Ty pi‹'al traject‹iry of cliann el‹'d atom .
r = 0
E " sin
( 17.108 )
Con trary to the phenomen on of ftit'u sing. there is mm upper limit to the k not k-on energy at wh i‹'li ‹'Iran neling is
A typical trajector y is sh ow n in F ig. 17.1G.
Just as in the case of focu sing, there is a critical angle beyond which t han nel ing cannot occur. 1 n the harmonic approximation . fi O '" is obtained by requ irin g that the transverse amplitu de rp„ , be less than R,.;, , w h it'h leads to
y 1 7. 109 )
Equat ion 17.109 is the analog of the critical-angle form ula
possible; the max irn tim allo ivable injection angle simply becomes smaller us the energy increases. H tiwever, there is a min imum energy bel ow iv hich the osc illatory motion is terminated by a vi‹i fen t cC› llisio n w itli the r la an nel wall. Equ ati‹in 1 7. 1 Ofi sh ows that the Wavelrng th dr creases as the energy of the chan neled at ‹xn dev reases. \ V hen is of the order of a few at om spacings along tln• bound ing news, a large-angle collision becomes probable. ’l'he minimum
chan neling energy . E,. h , r an be estimated by setting X in Eg. 17.106 equal to 2D, wh ich yields
derived for focusing ( Eq. 17. 96 ) . However, the former cannot be used to determine a chan neling probab i1 ity, P, t, ,
' E,. t,
0.1 D 2 ( 17.110 )
in the way that the focusing probability, Pt , gi ven by Eq. 17. 97 was obtained from Eq. 17. 96. ’the reason is that for chan nel ing to begin an energetic k noc k-on mu st be driven in to the open space offered by the ehan nel. For the very reason that a channel is open, there are no normal lattice atoms near the channel axis to act as the chan neled atom. I nstead, chan neling probably starts with an impact on one of the atoms in the row forming the chan nel walls.
For copper, E h - ,300 e V. 3’he energy E, h increases directly as K . \ V hen ‹wail a ble Born-Player parameters are used in Eq. 17.10.3, x , and hen ce E , , are found t o be
larger for heavy elements than for ligh t ones. Thus, clian ml in g is a h igh -energy’ phenomenon of most signifi- cance in low -a to mic- iv eigh t metals. Con tersely, focusing is possible only at low energies and is more important in heavy elements than in ligh t ones.