Large and Small Break LOCA Analysis/Result

Course 22.39, Lecture 15 11/1/06

Professor Neil Todreas

11/1/06 22.39 L ecture 15: Large Break LOC A Anal ysis/Result 1

Professor N e il Todre a s

Event Categories




(from Lillington, UK)




Conditions that occur regularly in normal operation



Faults that are expected during the life of the plant:

Anticipated moderately frequent events requiring safety response



Faults not expected during the life of a particular

plant: Anticipated infrequent events requiring safety response

~10 -2


Improbable events not expected to occur in the nuclear industry but provided for by the design

~10 -4


Extremely improbable events not provided for in the design of the plant

~10 -6

Figure by MIT OCW . After Lillington, 1995.

22.39 Lecture 15: Large Break LOCA Analysis/Result 2

Professor Neil Todreas

Example Events

(from Lillington, U K )



Bringing the Reactor to Full Power


Loss of External Grid Loss of Feedwater

Loss of Reactor Coolant Pump


Small LOCA V alves Open


Lar ge LOCA

Main Steam Line Break


LOCAs without ECCS

T ransients with T otal Loss of ON- and Of f-Site Power


Figure by MIT OCW . After Lillington, 1995.

11/1/06 22.39 Lecture 15: Large Break LOCA Analysis/Result 3

Professor Neil Todreas

High pressure make-up water supply at ambient temperature

Energy Outflows as Steam and W ater

Bleed and Feed

Primary coolant circuit

Mass lost as steam = GOOD

Low mass flow rate High enthalpy change

Heat input

from core Mass lost as water = BAD

High mass flow rate Low enthalpy change

Figure b y MIT OC W .

Decay Power and Integral Decay Power As A Function of Time

By C h arl e s F o rsberg. C o urtesy o f Oak Rid ge N ati o n a l Laboratory.

• P ressurize d Water R e actor

• S NF Burnu p : 33 GW(d )/MTIHM

0.1 0.1

Decay Power [MW(th)]/[MW(th) Reactor Output]

0.05 0.05

0.02 0.02

0.01 0.01

0.005 0.005

0.002 0.002

0.001 0.001

0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0 .5 1.0 2 .0 5.0 1 0 2 0 5 0 1 00

Time (d)

Integral Decay Power [MWd]/[M W(th) Reactor Output]

11/1/06 22.39 L ecture 15: Large Break LOC A Anal ysis/Result Professor N e il Todre a s



Diagra m m atic representation of PWR prim ary and secondary circuits and the emergency cooling systems

Diagram removed d u e to cop yright res t rictions.

Figure 4.4 in Collier, J. G., an d G. F. Hewitt. Introduction to Nuclear P o wer . Washington, DC: Hemispher e Publishing, 1987.

11/1/06 22.39 L ecture 15: Large Break LOC A Anal ysis/Result 6

Professor N e il Todre a s


Inside containment

Outside containment

Boron injection tank

Refueling water storage tank

High pressure pump

Steam generator

Intermediate pressure pump

Cold leg

Hot leg

Low pressure pump


Normal core cooling system


Figure b y MIT OCW .

Connection pipe diameter/cross sect ion/percentage spectrum of a PWR. (Solid lines) Prim ary loop system ; (dashed lines) pressurizer

Diagram removed d u e to cop yright res t rictions.

Figure 4.21 in Collie r, J. G., and G. F. Hewitt. Introduction to Nuclear Power . Washington, DC: Hemispher e Publishing, 1987.

11/1/06 22.39 L ecture 15: Large Break LOC A Anal ysis/Result 8

Professor N e il Todre a s

Appendix C: Basic Assumptions of the LOCA

1. The reactor has been operating for an infinite period of time at an assumed slight overpower condition. No power or other transient preceeds the accident.

2. Peak core power density or lin ear power generation is at the maximum allowable value.

3. A double-ended rupture of one primary coolant loop is assumed (largest existing pipe)

PWR: rupture of cold leg imposes most severe conditions BWR: rupture of a recirculation loop

Remaining intact loops continue their operation as dictated by available electric supply or stored rotational energy.

4. Off-site power is lost upon initiation of the accident and is restored after several days. (continued)

11/1/06 22.39 L ecture 15: Large Break LOC A Anal ysis/Result 9

Professor N e il Todre a s

5. Reactor scram systems need not contribute to the nuclear shut down because voiding of the core provides suffici ent negative reactivity for shutdown.

6. The reactor is isolated after the initiation of the accident,

i.e. the regular heat sink is removed.

PWR: Upon initiation of the accident the steam generators are isolated on th e secondary side by closing the steam supply valves and the feedwater valves.

BWR: Upon receipt of a reactor-vessel low-water signal the main steam isolation valves close within 10 seconds. Feedwater flow ramps to zero within four seconds. (continued)

11/1/06 22.39 L ecture 15: Large Break LOC A Anal ysis/Result 10

Professor N e il Todre a s

7. EECS are actuated automatically b y appropriate signals. No corrective operator action is assum e d for the first 10 minutes following initiation of the accident.

8. A single failure criterion is applied to the reactor system whereby an additional fault is postulated which may render inoperative any one of the following:

 Mechanical active com ponents (e.g. pum p )

 Active or passive electrical components

11/1/06 22.39 L ecture 15: Large Break LOC A Anal ysis/Result 11

Professor N e il Todre a s

Events in the reactor pressure vessel during a large-break LOCA. a) Nor m al operation; b) blowdown phase; c) refill phase; d) reflood phase

Diagram removed d u e to cop yright res t rictions.

Figure 4.18 in Collie r, J. G., and G. F. Hewitt. Introduction to Nuclear Power . Washington, DC: Hemispher e Publishing, 1987.

11/1/06 22.39 L ecture 15: Large Break LOC A Anal ysis/Result 12

Professor N e il Todre a s

PWR operating conditions

Diagram removed d u e to cop yright res t rictions.

Figure 4.5 in Collier, J. G., an d G. F. Hewitt. Introduction to Nuclear P o wer . Washington, DC: Hemispher e Publishing, 1987.

11/1/06 22.39 L ecture 15: Large Break LOC A Anal ysis/Result 13

Professor N e il Todre a s

Adiabatic heat-up for PWR fuel (17 x 17)

Diagram removed d u e to cop yright res t rictions.

Figure 4.1 in Collier, J. G., an d G. F. Hewitt. Introduction to Nuclear P o wer . Washington, DC: Hemispher e Publishing, 1987.

11/1/06 22.39 L ecture 15: Large Break LOC A Anal ysis/Result 15

Professor N e il Todre a s

NRC Appendix K Criteria

1) Pea k Claddin g Te mperature . The calculated m axi mum fuel ele m e n t cladding te mperature shall not exceed 2200 ï‚° F.

2) Maxi m u m C l addin g Oxidation . The calculated total oxidation of the cladding shall nowhere exceed 0.17 ti mes the total cladding thickness before oxidation.

3) Maxi m u m Hydroge n Generation . The calculated total a m ount of hy drogen generated fro m the che m ical reaction of the cladding with water or stea m shall not exce ed 0.01 ti m e s the hypothetical a m o unt that would b e generated if all the metal in the cl adding cylinders su rrounding the fuel, excluding the cladding surrounding th e plenu m volu m e, were to react.

4) Coolabl e Geom e t ry . Calculated changes in co re geo m etr y shall be such that the core rem a ins am enable to cooling.

5) Long-Ter m C o oling . After any calculated successful initial operation of the ECCS, the calculated core tem p er ature shall be m a intained at an acceptable low value and decay heat re moved for the extended period of ti me re quired by the long-lived ra dioactivity re mai n ing in the core .

11/1/06 22.39 L ecture 15: Large Break LOC A Anal ysis/Result 16

Professor N e il Todre a s

Variation of peak clad temperature with time for a large-break LOCA

Diagram removed d u e to cop yright res t rictions.

Figure 4.19 in Collie r, J. G., and G. F. Hewitt. Introduction to Nuclear Power . Washington, DC: Hemispher e Publishing, 1987.

11/1/06 22.39 L ecture 15: Large Break LOC A Anal ysis/Result 17

Professor N e il Todre a s

Schem a tic calculated fuel clad temperatures for a PWR LOCA

Diagram removed d u e to cop yright res t rictions.

Figure 5- 9 in Nero, A. V. A Guidebook to Nuclea r Rea c tor s .

Berkeley, CA: University of C a lif ornia P r ess, 1979. ISBN : 0520034821

11/1/06 22.39 L ecture 15: Large Break LOC A Anal ysis/Result 18

Professor N e il Todre a s

Significant Phenomenon

T emperature ( o C)

Tem perature at which significant phenom ena occur during core heat-up


Approximate cladding temperature during power operation.


Rod internal gas pressure in the post-accident environment causes cladding to perforate or swell

Some fission gases release

Solid reactions begin stainless steels and Zircaloy Clad swelling may block some flow channels


Zircaloy steam reaction may produce ener gy in excess of decay heat Gas absorption embrittles Zircaloy

Hydrogen formed Steel alloy melts


Zircaloy-steam reaction may be autocatalytic unless Zircaloy is quenched by immersion.


Zircaloy melts


Increasingly significant fission product release from UO 2


UO 2 and ZrO 2 melt

Figure by MIT OCW . After Hewitt and Collier.

11/1/06 22.39 Lecture 15: Large Break LOCA Analysis/Result 24

Professor Neil Todreas

Hole ar ea r equir ed to r eject decay heat as steam (m 2 )




1 10 100

T ime (seconds)



Hole Size to Remove Decay Heat as Steam

11/1/06 22.39 L ecture 15: Large Break LOC A Anal ysis/Result Professor N e il Todre a s

F i g u r e b y M I T O C W .


Primary pressure vs ti m e for sm all-break LOCAs in a PWR. (  ) Primary tem perature 175  C; (  ) reflood tank empty. (Two HPI pumps; reflood tanks 4 x 286 m 3 ; no LPI pumps)

Diagram removed d u e to cop yright res t rictions.

Figure 4.22 in Collie r, J. G., and G. F. Hewitt. Introduction to Nuclear Power . Washington, DC: Hemispher e Publishing, 1987.

11/1/06 22.39 L ecture 15: Large Break LOC A Anal ysis/Result 30

Professor N e il Todre a s

Small-break LOCA; mixture level and clad temperatures

Diagram removed d u e to cop yright res t rictions.

Figure 4.27 in Collie r, J. G., and G. F. Hewitt. Introduction to Nuclear Power . Washington, DC: Hemispher e Publishing, 1987.

11/1/06 22.39 L ecture 15: Large Break LOC A Anal ysis/Result 31

Professor N e il Todre a s