Introduction to Nuclear Energy

Jacopo Buongiorno

Associa t e Pr of essor of Nuc l ear Science and Engineering

Figure showing the fission nuclear process.

Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.

U-235 has 2.5 million times more energy per pound than coal: 37 tons of fuel ( 3%-enriched uranium ) p er 1000 MW e reactor per yea r

Nuclear provides an emission-fre e hea t source that can be converted into multiple products

Electricity (worldwide)

Steam for industry (done in Switzerland, Russia, Japan, not in the U.S.)

Hydrogen (future with development of technology)

Nuclear com p ared to fossil fuels

Fuel energy content

Coal (C): C + O 2 CO 2 + 4 eV

Natural Gas (CH 4 ): CH 4 + O 2 CO 2 + 2H 2 O + 8 eV

Nuclear (U): 235 U + n 93 Rb + 141 Cs + 2n + 200 MeV

Fuel Consumption, 1000 MW e Power Plant (=10 6 homes)

Coal (40% ef ficiency):

10 9 /(0.4x4x1.6x10 -19 ) 3.9x10 27 C/sec (=6750 ton/day) Natural Gas ( 50% ef ficienc y) :

10 9 /(0.5x8x1.6x10 -19 ) 1.6x10 27 CH 4 /sec (=64 m 3 /sec) Nuclear (33% ef ficiency):

10 9 /(0.33x200x1.6x10 -13 ) 1.0x10 20 U/sec (=3 kg/day)

1 eV = 1.6x10 -19 J

U ore Y e llow cake F uel assembl y

Fuel pin


Boiling W ater Reactor (BWR)

Public domain image from wikipedia.

Rankine Cycle

Reacto r

Image removed due to copyright restrictions.

Tu r b i n e - generator

turns heat into work, then electricity

Pressurized W ater Reactor (PWR)

Public domain image from wikipedia.

PWR P rimary System

Courtesy of Westinghouse. Used with permission.


Reactor V e ssel Showing internal Structures and Fuel Assemblies

Public domain image from wikipedia.

Heat Discharge in Nuclear Plants (2 nd law of thermodynamics)

Nuclear Ener gy in the US , toda y

104 US reactors, 100 GWe is 13% of US installed ca p acit y but p rovides about 20% of electricit y .

In 2007 nuclear energy production in the US was the highest ever .

US plants have run at 90.5% capacity in 2009 , up from 56% in 1980 .

3 . 5 GWe o f uprates were permitted i n t he last decade .

3.5 GWe are expected by 2014 and more by 2020 .

59 reactor licenses extended, from 40 years to 60 years of operation, 20 more reactors in process.

Electricity production costs of nuclear are the lowest in US ( 1 - 2 ¢ /kWh)

Calver t Cliffs - M D

Robinson - SC

Indian Point - N Y

Diablo Canyon - CA

Prairie Island site - M N Surr y - V A

The MIT Research Reactor

- 5 MW power

- Located near NW12 on Albany St.

- Operated by MIT students

- Just turned 50!

Nuclear Ener gy in the W o rld T o da y

Courtesy of MIT student. Used with permission.

About 440 W orld r e actors in 30 countries, 14% of global electricity pr oduced.

6 0 new reactors are in various stages of constructio n

Olkiluoto Finland

Lungmen T aiwan Kudankulam I ndia

Fl amanv ill e F rance

Rostov R ussia

Shin kori S . Korea

Shimane Japan

Sanmen C hina

3 on g oin g in the US!

V ogtle, G eor gia Summer , South C arolina

W atts Bar , T ennessee

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The Case for New Nuclear Plants in the US

Concerns for climate change…

S o u r c e s o f E m i s s i o n - F r e e E l e c t r i c i t y 2 0 0 8

S o l a r , W i n d & G e o t h e r m a l 6 . 1 %

H y d r o 2 1 . 7 %

Athabasca Glacier, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canad a

Photo provided by the National Snow and Ice Data Center

Courtesy of National Snow and Ice Data Center. Used with permission.

U S d a t a

N u c l e a r 7 2 . 3 %

Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.

Ab ou t 700 , 000 , 000 t on o f CO2 em i ss i ons avo id e d every year in the US

The Case for New Nuclear Plants in the US (2)

…and growing fossil fuel imports and consumption

T o t a l U . S . E n e r g y C o n s u m p t i o n

O i l 4 0 %

C o a l 2 3 %

G a s 2 2 %

N u c l e a r 8 %

R e n e w a b l e s 6 % ( P r i m a r i l y H y d r o )

T o tal U . S. Ener g y Consumption

Low C arbon

Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.

Oil is the Challenge

U.S. data from EIA, Annual Energy Outl ook 2008 Early Release, years 2006 and 2030; world data from I EA, World Energy Outlook 20 07, years 2005 and 2030

C an nuc l ear di sp l ace coa l?

Y e s, as they are both used for baseload electricity generation.

What about oil?

Oil Is Used for Transportation.

What Are the Other Transport Fuel Options?

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs)

Liquid f uels from fossil s ources (oil , natural gas and coal)

Liquid fuels from biomass


Long term option

Depends upon hydrogen on-board-vehicle storage b rea k t h roug h

PHEVs: Recharge Batteries from the Electric Grid Plus Use of Gasoline

Electric car limitations

Limited range

Recharge time (Gasoline/Diesel refueling r ate i s ~ 10 MW)

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle

Images removed due to copyright restrictions .

Electric drive for short trips

Recharge battery overnight to avoid rapid recharge requirement

Hybrid engine with gasoline or d i ese l e n g in e f o r l o n ge r t ri ps

Connects cars and light trucks to the electrical grid

Courtesy of the Electric Power Research Institute

PHEVs: Annual Gasoline Consum p tion

Substituting Electricity for Gasoline


Annual Gasoline Consumption (gallons)












A nnu

Compact sedan Midsize sedan Midsize SUV Fullsize SUV

Conventional vehicle

Plug-in HE V , 20 mile EV range

Plug-in HE V , 60 mile EV range

"No-Plug" Hybrid

Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.

Need 150 to 200 Nuclear Plants Each Producing 1000 MW( e)

Refineries Consume ~7% of the Total U.S. Energy Demand

G ases (Propane, etc.)



Energ y inp u ts



Condense Distillate

Primarily heat at 550 C



Distillation Thermal



il Some hydrogen

rude Condense Light O

Oil Gasoline


e Hi g h-tem p erature ga s reactor s could suppl y hea t and hydrogen

Market size equals existing nuclear

T r aditional Refining


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Bio mass: 1.3 Billion Tons per Yea r

Available Biomass without Significantly Impacting

U.S. Food, Fiber, and Timber

Agricultural Residues

Logging Residues

Urban Residues

Energy Crops

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C o n v e r s i o n o f B i o m a s s t o L i q u i d

F u e l s R e q u i r e s E n e r g y

B i o m a s s

A t m o s p h e r i c

C a r b o n D i o x i d e

F u e l F a c t o r y

C a r s , T r u c k s , a n d P l a n e s

E n e r g y

L i q u i d F u e l s

C x H y + ( X + Y ) O 2


C O 2 + ( Y ) H 2 O



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( corn, potatoes, etc. )


Natural gas


Ethanol plant

Steam plant

Nuclear reactor

Ethanol plant

Animal protein



Animal protein


Natural gas/biomass


Fossil energy input 70% of energy content of ethanol

50% Decrease in CO 2 Emissions/Gallon ethanol 50% reduction in steam cost

Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.

5 Advanced Reactor Designs Considered for New Construction in the US

Gen III+ Plants: Improved Versions of Existing Plant Designs

ABWR (GE-Hitachi) US- A PWR (Mitsubishi)


A P1000 ( T oshiba: W estinghouse) ESBWR (GE-Hitachi)

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Nuclear Reactor Timeline

Advanced Reactors (Gen III+) that initiated design certification process with the NRC



T y pe

Design Certification Status


W e stinghouse- To s h i b a

Advanced Passive PWR 1 100 MW e

Certified, Amendment under review


G E-Hitachi

A dvanced BWR 1350 MW e

Certified, Constructed in Japan/ T aiwan


GE - Hitachi

Advanced Passive BWR 1550 MW e

Under review



A dvanced PWR 1600 MW e

Applied in 2007


M itsubishi

A dvanced PWR 1700 MW e

Applied in 2007

U . S . u tiliti es h ave su b m itt e d 18 li cens i ng app li ca ti ons (total 28 units)

Mission/Goals f or Gen III+

Improved economics. Targets:

- Increased plant design life ( 60 years)

- Shorter construction schedule (36 months*)

- Low overnight capital cost ( $1000/kWe** for NOAK p l an t)

- Low O&M cost of electricity ( 1¢/kWh)

* First concrete to fuel loading (does not include site excavation and pre - service testing)

** Unrealistic target set in early 2000s . Current contracts in Europe, China and US have overnight capital costs


Improved safety and reliability

- R e d uce d nee d f or opera t or ac ti on

- Expected to beat NRC goal of CDF<10 -4 /yr

- Reduced lar g e release p robabilit y

- More redundancy or passive safety


Nuclear Safet y Prime r

Hazard: fission products are highly


Aggravating factor: nuclear fuel can never be completely shut down ( decay heat)

Objective: prevent release of radioactivity into environment

Safety Pillars:

- Defense - in - depth : multiple, independent physical barriers (i.e., fuel pin + vessel + containment)

- Safety systems : prevent overheating of the core when normal coolant is lost

Some interesting s afety - related features of the Gen III+ reactors…

Hi g her redundanc y ( US-EPR ECCS )

Four identical diesel-driven trains, each 100%, provide redundancy for maintenance or sin g le-failure criterion (N+2)

Physical s eparation against internal hazards (e.g. fire)

Hi g her redunda nc y ( US-EPR Containment )

Inner wall pre-stressed concrete w i t h stee l li ner

Outer wall reinforced concrete

Protection a gainst airplane crash

Protection against external explosions

Annulus sub-atmospheric and filtered to reduce radioisotope release

Passive safet y s y stems ( AP1000 ECCS )

http://ww w .ap1000.westinghousenuclear .com/ap1000_psrs_pccs.html

Courtesy of Westinghouse. Used with permission.

Passive safet y s y stems ( ESBWR ECCS and PCCS )

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S e v e r e accidents m i t i g a t i o n ( E P R c o r e catcher)


Corium Spreading Area

E x - vessel core catcher concept (passive)

- Molten core is assumed to breach vessel

- Molten core flows into spreading area and is cooled by IRWST water

- H ydrogen recombiners ensure no detonation within container

Nuclear energy economics

Nuclear Ener gy Economics

Financial risk for new plants is high

Initial investement is lar g e ( $3,480/kW G$/unit )

Fear of delays during construction (like in 70s and 80s)

p r e m i u m

R i s k


c o a l / g a s

o v e r

L e v e l i z e d c o s t o f e l e c t r i c i t y , c / k W h

8 $ 2 5 / t C O 2









$ 2 5 / t C O 2

N u c l e a r C o a l G a s

C a p i t a l O & M F u e l

Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.

Nuclear production costs are lowest of all energy sources

U . S . E l e c t r i c i t y P r o d u c t i o n C o s t s

1 9 9 5 - 2 0 0 8 , I n 2 0 0 8 c e n t s p e r k i l o w a t t - h o u r

1 8 , 0

1 6 , 0

1 4 , 0

1 2 , 0

P e t r o l e u m - 1 7 . 2 6

1 0 , 0

8 , 0

G a s - 8 . 0 9

C o a l - 2 . 7 5

N u c l e a r - 1 . 8 7

6 , 0

4 , 0

2 , 0

0 , 0

1 9 9 5 1 9 9 6 1 9 9 7 1 9 9 8 1 9 9 9 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8

Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.

Production Costs = Operations and Maintenance Costs + Fuel Costs. Production costs do no t include indirect costs and are base d o n FERC Form 1 filings submitted by regulated utilities. Production costs are modeled for utilities that are not regulated.

Source: Ventyx Velocity Suite Updated: 5/09

Nuclear Fuel - Com p act & Economic

Nuclear fuel cycle has made up less than 15% of the cost of nuclear electricity . In 2006 that was about 6

$/MWhr, out of a total electricity cost of 50 $/MWhr

This covers the following steps

Uranium ore extraction and conversion to U 3 O 8, at $48/kg

Enrichment in U235, typically by centrifugal forces spinning gaseous UF 6 , to about 4% (Japan Rakashu plant in side pictures)

Manufacturing of UO 2 pellets, and placing them in Zr tubes (cladding) thus p roducin g fuel rods. The rods (or pins) are arranged in square lattices called assemblies.

Removal of spent fuel assemblies to temporary storage in fuel pools, th en t o i n t er i m d ry s t orage

1 $/MWhr for spent fuel disposal fees

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Nuclear fuel cycle

Fuel Cycle Scenarios ( 1 )

Once-through ( US current )




Light Water







Thermal Reactor



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Milling & Mining Process

1MT ore = 2-3 lb uranium

End product is U 3 O 8 powder (“yellowcake”)

Major suppliers:





Former Soviet Union [FSU]

Large secondary (“already mined”) market dominates supplies

Bellezane , France S ite ( open pit mine)

Bellezane Site: After Reclaimation

Kazakhstan K A TCO ( In situ leachin g)

Conversion Process

U 3 O 8 converted to UF 6 for enrichment process

UF 6 : only form of uranium that is gaseous at temperatures

Gaseous at 133 ° F ( 5 6 . 1 ° C)

In solid form at room temperature


Uranium Enrichment

Two m ajor commercial p rocesses:

Gaseous Diffusion

Gas C entrifuging

Can also blend down weapons-grade HEU

U.S.-Russian HEU A g reement ( “Me g atons to Megawatts”) - ~50% of U.S. fuel supply

Upward price pressure driven by demand Priced in Separative Work Units (SWU)

Enrichment: Gaseous Diffusion


The UF 6 gas dif f uses across a membrane (filter):



U 238 F 6

U 235 F 6

molecules a re smalle r ,

faster: they cross the membrane more often, statistically

Thi s ga s i s enriche d i n U 235

U 238 F 6 molecules are bigger , slower: they cross the membrane less often, statistically

Thi s ga s i s deplete d i n U 23 5

Me m b r a n e

Depleted Exit

U 235 F 6

Gaseous Diffusion E nrichment Facility

Tricastin Site: EURODIF Gas Diffusion Enrichment Plant

Enrichment: Gas C entrifuging

F eed

The U F 6

gas i s centrifuged:

De pleted Exit

Enric h ed E x it

U 235 F 6 molecules are lighter and move preferentially toward the center of the rotor

Re d Bale/Ga s enriche d i n U 235

U 238 F 6 molecules are heavier and move p referentiall y toward the periphery of the rotor

Y e llo w Bale/Ga s deplete d i n U 235

Gas C entrifuge Enrichment Facility

Fuel Fabrication Proce s s

« D e-Conversion »

UF 6 UO 2

1 Powder Production 2 Pressing or pelletizing 3 Sintering

4 Grinding 5 Rod cladding

Light water reactor fuel rod

6 Assembly fabrication

Fabricator Consolidations


Westinghouse (PWR)


Nuclear Fuel Industries, Ltd. (PWR, BWR) AREVA NP

Framatome Cogema Fuels (PWR)

Siemens Nuclear (PWR, BWR) GNF (Global Nuclear Fuels)

GE Nuclear Fuel (BWR)

JNF: Hitachi/Toshiba (BWR)

Spent Fuel Management (waste disposal)

In the US all spent fuel is currently stored at the plants


In the s p ent fuel stora g e p ools for about 10 years

then transferred to sealed dry casks; cooled by air; heavily shielded; internal temp and press monitored; can last for decades with minimal maintenance and cost .

A 1000-MW reactor requires about 80 dry casks for all the spent fuel it produces in 60 years fo operation (about 3 acres of land).

Dry cask storing of all US nuclear fleet spent fuel would r equire only 300 acres of land. (The volumes are small !!!)

Spent Fuel Management (waste disposal) (2)

In the long-term the spent fuel can be stored in deep geological repository

- The Y u cca Mountain site was selected for the US, authorized by then-President Bush, the license application received by NRC in 2008

- The project is strongly opposed by the State of Nevada

The current administration intends to shut down the Y u cca Mountain project and search for alternatives solutions (yet to be defined…)

The Y u cca Mountain Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository

Fuel Cycle Scenarios (2)

Thermal Reactor Recycle (France, German y , Switzerland,

Belgium and Japan current , soon in the U S)

Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.

MOX fuel


Fuel U Spent Fuel Fabrication Reprocessing

Fuel Cycle Scenarios

3. Fast Reactor Recycle (demonstration stage in Japan and Russia)

Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.

Wa s t e Disposal

Fuel Fabrication



Spent Fuel Reprocessing

Fast Neutron Reactor

Spent fuel management (recycling)

Spent fuel from L WRs is reprocessed and:

- Separated Pu is recycled in L W Rs (MOX approach, done in France and Japan)

- Pu+U recycled in (sodium-cooled) fast reactors

(being reconsidered in Russia , US under GNEP umbrella)

Japan ,

France and

96% of a u sed fuel assembly is recyclable

Composition o f u sed light water r eactor fuel

1 L W R fuel assembly = 500 kg uranium before irradiation in the reactor

Recyclable materials Wa s t e

After i rradiation *

U 475 to 480 kg

(94 to 96 % )

Pu 5 kg

(1 %)

FP 15 to 20 kg

(3 to 5 % )


* Percen ta g e s may vary base d on fuel burnu p

The Main Stages in Recycling

T r eatment operations

(shea r ing - d issolution - separa t ion - purification)

R ecy c l e d F ue l

Fuel elements



Unloading Interim stora g e

Vit r ifi e d res id ue s


Hulls Compa c t e d


and end-pieces res id ues

Ultimate Wa s t e

At each stage, nuclear material accounting under EUR A T O M and IAEA safeguards

Standard p acka g in g for lon g -term mana g ement

Compacted waste V itrified waste

Proliferation R isk

Some technical characteristics of the fuel cycle (high burnup, no Pu separation, use of Th) can alleviate (but not completely eliminate) the proliferation risk

For the US the problem is minimal, as the fuel cycle is well safeguarded

For developing countries it is mostly a

political problem , perhaps b est handled

through multilateral and/or bilateral ins p ections ( successful exam p le: Brazil/Argentina)


Nuclear produces 20% of US electricity today

Renewed interest in nuclear stems f rom c oncerns over climate change and fossil fuel imports

Nuclear can displace coal in electricity sector and a lot of oil in transportation secto r

New reactor technologies offer superior level of safety achieved via increased redundancy and/or passive safety systems

Various nuclear fuel cycle options are a vailable

Challenge is capital cost of new plants (not safety… and not waste)

MIT OpenCourseWare

22.06 Engineering of Nuclear Systems

Fall 20 10

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