22.101 Applied Nuclear Physics (Fall 2006)

Lecture 2 2 (12/4/06) Nuclear Decays

References :

W. E. Meyerhof, Elements of Nuclear Physics (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1967), Chap 4.

A nucleus in an excited state is uns table becau se it can alway s undergo a trans i tion (d ecay) to a lo wer-energy state of the same nucleus . Such a transition will be accom p anied by the em ission of gamm a radiation . A nucleus in either an excited or ground state also can un dergo a tran sition to a lo wer-energy state of another nucleus .

This decay is accom p lished by the em ission of a particle such as an alph a, electron o r positron, with or without subsequent gamma e m ission. A nucleus which undergoes a transition spontaneously , that is, without being supplie d with additional energy as in bom b ardm e n t, is said to be radioactive. It is found experim e ntally that naturally occurring radioactive nuclides em it one or m o re of the three types of radiations,

particle s, particles, and rays. Measurem ents of the energy of the nuclear

radiation provide the m o st direct inform ati on on the energy-level structure of nuclides. One of the most extensive com p ilations of ra dioisotope data and deta iled nuclea r leve l diagram s is the Table of Isotopes , edited by Lederer, Hollander and Perlm a n.

In this chapter we will s upplem ent our previou s discuss i ons of beta decay and radioactiv e decay by briefly exam ining the study of decay constants, selection rules, and som e aspects of , , and decay energ e tics.

Alpha Decay

Most rad i oactive substances are e m itters. Most nuclides with A > 150 are unstable against decay. decay is v e ry unlikely for light nu clid es. The decay constan t decreases expo nentially with d ecreasing Q-value, here called the decay energy, ~ exp( c / v ) , where c is a co nstant and v the speed of the partic le,


. The m o me ntum and energy conservati on equations are quite straightforward


in this case, as can be seen in Fig. 20.1.

Fig. 20.1. Particle em ission and nuclear recoil in - decay .

p p


0 (20.1)



M c 2 ( M

c 2 T

) ( M

c 2 T

) (20.2)



Both kinetic energies are sm all enough that non-relativistic energy- m o m e nt um relations m a y be used,




T p 2 / 2 M

p 2 / 2 M


/ M D



Treating the decay as a reaction the correspond in g Q-value b ecom e s


Q M ( M M ) c 2

= T D T





A 4

This shows that the kinetic energy of the -particle is always les s than Q . Since Q > 0 ( T is nec e ss arily positiv e), it f o llows that -decay is an exo t herm ic process. The

various energies involved in the decay process can be displayed in an energy-level diagram shown in Fig. 20.2. One can s ee at a glance how th e rest m a sses and

Fig. 20.2. Energy-level diagram for -decay.

the kine tic e n ergies com b ine to en su re ene r gy co nservation. W e will see in the nex t lectu r e th at energy-level diagram s are also us ef ul in depic ting collision - in duced nucle ar reactions. T h e separation energy S is the work ne cessary to se parate an -particle from the nucleus,

S M ( A 4 , Z 2 ) M M ( A , Z ) c 2

= B ( A , Z ) B ( A 4 , Z 2 ) B ( 4 , 2 ) = Q (20.5)

One can use the sem i -empirical m a ss form ula to determ ine whether a n u cleus is stable agains t -decay. In th is way one finds Q > 0 for A > 150. Eq.(20.5) also shows that when the daughter nucleus is m a gi c, B(A-4,Z-2) is large, and Q is large. Conversely, Q is sm all when the pa ren t nucleu s is m a gic.

Estima ting -decay Constant

An estim ate of the decay constan t can be m a de by treating th e decay as a barrier penetration problem , an approach proposed by Gam o w (1928) and also by Gurney and Condon (1928). The idea is to assum e the -particle already exists as a particle inside the daughter nucleus where it is confined by th e Coulom b potential, as illustrated in F i g.

20.3. The decay constant is th en th e proba bility per unit tim e that it can tunnel throu gh the poten tia l,

Fig. 20.3. Tunneling of an particle through a nuclear Coulomb barrier.

~ v P (20.6)


where v is th e rela tive spe e d of the and the daughter nucleus, R is the radius of the daughter nucleus, and P the tran sm ission coefficient. Eq.(20.6) is a standard form for describing tunneling probability in th e for m of a rate. The prefactor / R is the attem p t frequency, the rate at w h ich the particle trie s to tunnel through the barrier, and P is the probability of tunneling for each try. Recall from our study of barrier pen e tration (cf.

Chap 5, eq. (5.20)) that the transm iss i on coefficient can be written in th e form

P ~ e ( 2 0 . 7 )

2 r 2

1 / 2


dr 2 m V ( r ) E

r 1

2 b

2 Z e 2

1 / 2

= dr 2 D Q

ħ R r


w ith M M D /( M M D ) . The integral can be evaluated ,

8 Z

e 2


D cos 1

ħ v

y ( 1

y ) 1 / 2



where y = R/b = Q /B, B = 2Z D e 2 /R, Q v 2 / 2 2 Z e 2 / b . Typically B is a few tens or m o re Mev, while Q ~ a few Mev. One can therefore inv oke the th ick barrier approxim a tion, in which case b >> R (or Q << B), and y << 1. Then



cos 1 ~ 1 y 3 / 2 ... (20.10)

2 6

the square b r acket in (20 . 9) becom e s



~ 2 2

O ( y 3 / 2 ) (20.11)

4 Z e 2

16 Z

e 2 R 1 / 2



ħ v ħ v b

So the expression for the decay cons tant becom e s

v 4 Z D e 8


2 1 / 2



ħ v ħ

Z D e R


where is the reduced m a ss. Since G a m o w was the first to study this problem , the exponent is som e ti m e s known as the Ga m o w factor G.

To illus t ra te the applica t ion of (20.13) we conside r estim a ting the decay co nstant

of the 4.2 Mev -par tic le em itted by U 238 . Ignoring the sm all recoil effects, we can write

T ~ 1 v 2 v ~ 1.4 x 10 9 cm /s, ~ M


R ~ 1.4 (234) 1/3 x 10 -1 3 ~ 8.6 x 10 -1 3 cm

4 Z e 2


173 ,

8 Z e

2 R

1 / 2 83


ħ v ħ


P e 90 ~ 10 39 (20.14)

As a result o u r estim a te is

~ 1 . 7 x 10 18 s -1 , or t 1/ 2 ~ 1.3 x 10 10 yrs

The experim e ntal half-life is ~ 0.45 x 10 10 yrs. C onsidering our estim a te is very rough, the agreem e n t is rather rem a rkable. In general one should not expect to predict to be better than the correct o r der of m a gnitude (say a factor of 5 to 10). Notice that in our exam ple, B ~ 30 Mev and Q = 4.2 Mev. Also b = RB/ Q = 61 x 10 -1 3 cm . So the th ick

barrier approxim a tion, B >> Q or b > > R, is indee d well jus tif ied.

The theoretical exp r ess i on for the decay c onstant provides a basis for an em pirical relation between the half-life a nd th e decay energy. Since t 1/ 2 = 0.693/ , we have from (20.13)

n ( t

1 / 2

) n 0 . 693 R / v 4 Z

e 2 / ħ v 8 Z


D ħ

e 2 R 1 / 2 (20.15)

We note R ~A 1/3 ~ Z 1 / 3 , so th e las t te rm varies with Z D like Z 2 / 3 . Also, in the second



trerm v

. Therefore (20.15) suggests the following relation,


log( t

1 / 2

) a b


with a and b being param e ters depending only on Z D . A relation of this f o rm is known as the Geige r - N uttall rule.

We conclude our brief consideration of -dec ay at this poin t . For further discussions the student should consult Me yerhof (Chap 4) and Evans (Chap 16).

Beta Decay

Beta decay is considered to be a weak interaction since the in teraction potential is

~ 10 -6 that of nuclear interactions, w h ich are generally regarded as strong. Electrom a gnetic and gra v ita tiona l in terac tions a r e inte rm ediate in th is sen s e. -decay is


the m o st common type of radioactiv e decay, all nuclides not lying in the “valley of stability” ar e unstab l e a g ainst this tr ansiti on. Th e positrons o r ele c tron s e m itted in - decay have a continuou s energy di stribution, as illustrated in Fig. 20.4 for the decay o f Cu 64 ,

Cu 64 -


Cu 64

-rays/unit momentum interval (p c )

8 8

4 4


0 1 2 3


0 1 2 3

Momentum p c, 10 3 gauss cm Momentum p c, 10 3 gauss cm


Cu 64 -

Cu 64 +

-rays/unit ener gy interval (T c )

10 10

8 8

4 4


0 0.2




0 0.2

0.4 0.6

Kinetic ener gy T c, Mev Kinetic ener gy T c, Mev

F i g u r e b y M I T O C W .

Fig. 20.4 . Mom entum (a) and energy (b) di stributions of beta decay in Cu 64 . (from Meyerhof)

29 30

Cu 64 Zn 64 , T - ( m ax) = 0.57 Mev


Ni 64 , T + (m a x ) = 0.66 Mev


The values o f T (max) are characteristic of the partic ular radionuclide; they can be considered as signatures.

If we assum e that in -decay we have only a parent nucleu s , a daughter nu cleus,

and a -particle, then we would find that the c onservations of energy, linear and angular moe m nta cannot be all satisfied. It was then proposed by Pauli ( 1933) that particles, called neutrino and antineutrino , also can be e m itted in -decay. The neutrino

particle has the properties of zero charge, zero (or nearly zero ) m a ss, and intrins i c ang u lar mom e ntum (spin) of ħ / 2 . The detection of the neutrino is unusually difficult because it has a very long m ean-free path. Its exis tence was confirm e d by Reines and Cowan (1953) using the inverse -decay reaction induced by a neutrin o , p n . The em ission of a neutrino (o r antineutrin o ) in th e -decay process m a kes it possible to satisfy the energy conservation condition with a continuous distribut ion of the kinetic energy of th e em itted -particle. Also, linear and angular m o m e nta are now conserved.

The energetics of -decay can be summ arized as

p p p


0 ( 2 0 . 1 7 )



M c 2 M

c 2 T


electron decay (20.18)



M c 2 M

c 2 T


2 m c 2 positron decay (20.19)


where the ex tra rest m a ss term in positron de cay has been discussed previously in Chap 11 (cf. Eq. (11.9)). Recall also that electr on cap ture (EC) is a com p eting process with positron decay, requiring only the condition M P (Z) > M D (Z-1). Fig. 20.4 shows how the energetics can be expressed in th e form of energy-level diag ram s .


Q -

- decay

M P(Z) c 2

Electron capture

M P(Z) c 2

2m 0 c 2

Electron capture


M P(Z) c 2

Q e.c.

c 2

Q e.c.

+ decay

Q +


M D(Z+1) c 2 M D(Z-1) c 2




F i g u r e b y M I T O C W .

Fig. 20.5 . Energetics of decay processes. (from Meyerhof)

Typical decay schem e s for -em itters are shown in Fig. 20.6. For each nu clea r leve l there is an assignm ent of spin and parity. This inf o rm ation is essentia l f o r dete rm ining whether a transition is allowed according to ce rta i n selection rules, a s we will dis cuss



17 Cl 38 14

t = 38 min 8

2 -










t 1/2 = 72 sec

(2 - )


(0 )

1 +

0 +

1 +

0 +

Ener gy , Mev

3 -

2 +

0 +






18 A 38

7 N 14

e.c. ?






2m 0 c 2

Ener gy , Mev


29 Cu 64


4 Be 7

t 1/2 = 53 days


2 +

0 +



28 Ni 64


t 1/2 = 30 hr


[5.4] 43%




1 +




2m 0 c 2

30 Zn


0 +

F i g u r e b y M I T O C W .

3/2 -

3 Li 7

1/2 -






Ener gy

Fig. 20.6. Energy-level diagram s depicting nuclear trans itio ns involving beta decay.

(from Meyerhof) 9

Experim e ntal half-lives of -decay hav e values sp read over a v e ry wide ran g e, fro m 10 -3 sec to 10 16 yrs. Generally, ~ Q 5 . The decay process can not be explained class i cally. The theory o f -decay was developed by Ferm i (1934) in analogy with the quantum theory of electrom a gnetic d ecay. For a discuss i on o f the elem ents of this theory one can beg i n with Mey e rhof and f o llow the ref e rences g i ven there i n. W e will be content to m e ntion just o n e aspec t of the th eo ry, that concerning the statistical factor

describing the m o mentum and energy distributions of the emitted particle. Fig. 20.7

shows the nuclear coulomb effects on the m o m e ntum distribution in -decay in Ca (Z = 20). One can see an enh a ncem ent in the cas e of -decay and a suppression in the case of -decay at low m o m e nta. Coulom b effect s on the energy d i stribu tion are even m o re pronounced.




Rays/Unit Momentum, N( )





0 0.8

1.6 2.4

-Ray Momentum,

Fig. 20.7 . Mom e ntum distributions of -decay in Ca.

F i g u r e b y M I T O C W .

Selection Rules for Beta Decay

Besides energy and linear m o m e ntum conser vation, a nuclear transition must also satisfy angular m o m e ntum and parity conserva tio n. This give s rise to se le ction rules which specif y whether a particular transition between initial and final states, both with specified sp in and parity, is allowed, and if allow e d what m o de of decay is m o st likely.

W e will work out the s e lection rules governing and -decay. For the former

conservation of angular mom e ntum a nd parity are generally expressed as


I P I D L S (20.17)


( 1 ) L (20.18)

where L is the orbital angular m o m e ntum and S the intrins i c sp in of the elec tr on- antineutrino system . The m a gn itude of angular mom e ntum ve ctor can take integral values, 0, 1, 2, …, whereas the latter can take on values of 0 and 1 which would

correspond the antiparallel and parallel coupli ng of the electron and neutrino spins.

These two orien t ations will be c a lle d Fermi and Gamow-Teller respectiv ely in what f o llows.

In applying the conservation conditions, th e goal is to find the lowest value of L that will satisfy (20.17) for whic h there is a corresponding value of S that is com p atible with (20.18). This then identifies the m o st likely transition among all the allowed transitions. In other words, all the other allowed transitions with higher values of L ,

which m a ke s them less likely to occur. This is b ecause the d ecay constant is govern ed by the squar e o f a transition m a trix e l em ent, wh ich in term can be written as a series of contributions, one for each L (recall the discussion of par tial wave expansion in cross

section calculation, Appendix B, where we also argue that the highe r o r d e r par tia l wa ves are less likely the low order ones, ending up with only the s-wave),

M 2 M ( L 0 ) 2 M ( L 1 ) 2 M ( L 2 ) 2 ... (20.19)

Transitions with L = 0, 1, 2, are called allowed, first-borbidden, second- forbidden, …etc. The m a gnitude of the m a trix elem ent squared decreases from one order

to the next higher one by at least a factor of 10 2 . For this reas on we are in teres t ed on ly in the lowes t o r der trans i tion that is allowed.

To illus t ra te how the sele ction rules a r e determ ined, we consid er the tran sition

2 3

He 6 ( 0 ) Li 6 ( 1 )

To determ ine the com b ination of L and S f o r the f i r s t tr ansition that is allowed, we begin by noting that parity conservation requires L to be even. Then we see that L = 0 plus S = 1 would satisfy both (20.17) and (20.18). Thus the mo st lik ely tra n sition is the transition designated as allowed, G- T . Following the sam e line of argum e nt, one can

arriv e at the following as signm ents.

8 7

O 14 ( 0 ) N 14 ( 0 ) allowed, F

o 1

n 1 ( 1 / 2 ) H 1 ( 1 / 2 ) allowed, G-T and F

17 18

C 38 ( 2 ) A 38 ( 2 ) first-borbidden, GT and F

4 5

Be 10 ( 3 ) B 10 ( 0 ) second-forbidden, GT

Parity Non-conservatio n

The presence of neutrino in -decay leads to a certain type of non-conservation of parity. It is known that neutrinos have in strinsic spin antiparal lel to their velocity, whereas th e spin orientation of the an tineu tri no is parallel to th eir ve locity ( k eeping in m i nd that and are different particles). Consider the m i rror experim e nt where a neutrino is moving toward the m i rror from th e left, Fig. 20.8. Applying the inversion symmetry operation

Fig. 20.8. Mirror reflection dem onstrating parity non-sonserving property of neutrino. (from Meyerhof)

( x x ), the velocity reverses direction, whil e the angular m o m e ntum (spin) does not. Thus, on the other side of the m i rror we have an im age of a particle m oving from the right, but its spin is now parallel to th e veloc ity so it has to be an antin eutrino instead o f a neutrino. This m eans that the property of and , nam e ly def i nite spin d i re c tion relative to the veloc ity, is not com p atible with pa rity conservation (symm e try under inversion).

For further d i scuss i ons o f beta decay we again ref e r the s t uden t to Mey e rh of and the references given therein.

Gamma Decay

An excited n u cleus can always decay to a lower energy state b y -em i ssion or a com p eting process called internal conversion. In the la tte r th e ex cess nu clear energy is given directly to an atom ic electron which is ej ect e d wi t h a cer t ai n kinetic energy. In

general, co mplicated rearrang em ents of nucleons occur during -decay.

The energetics of -decay is rather s t raightforward. As shown in Fig. 20. 9 a is em itted while the nucleus reco ils.

Fig. 20.9 . Schem a tics of -decay

ħ k p 0 (20.20)


M * c 2 Mc 2 E T a (20.20)

The recoil e n ergy is usu a lly qu ite s m all,

T p 2 / 2 M ħ 2 k 2 / 2 M E 2 / 2 Mc 2 (20.21)

a a

Typically, E ~ 2 Mev, so if A ~ 50, then T a ~ 40 ev. This is g e nera lly neg ligib le.

Decay Constants and Selection Rules

Nuclear ex cited states h a ve half-lives for -em i ssion ranging from 10 -1 6 sec to > 100 years. A rough estim a te of can be m a de using sem i -classical ideas. From

Maxewell’s equation s on e finds that an accelerated point ch arge e radiates electrom agnetic radiatio n at a rate g i ven by the L a m o r for m ula (cf. Jackson, Classica l Electrod y na mics , Chap 17),

dE 2 e 2 a 2


dt 3 c 3

where a is th e acceleratio n of the charge. Suppose the rad i atin g charge has a m o tion like the sim p le oscillato r ,

x ( t ) x o cos t (20.23)

where we take x 2 y 2 z 2 R 2 , R being the radius of the nucleus. From (20.23) we


o o o

a ( t ) R 2 cos t (20.24)

To get an av erage rate of energy radiation, we av erage (20.22 ) over a large num ber of oscillation cycles,


2 R 2 4 e 2


R 2 4 e 2


3 c 3


t avg

3 c 3 (20.25)


Now we assum e that eac h photon is em itted during a tim e interval (having the physical significan ce of a m ean lifetim e). Then,






Equating this with (20.25) gives

e 2 R 2 E 3

3 ħ 4 c 3


If we apply this result to a pr ocess in atom ic physics, nam e ly the de-excitation of an atom by electromagnetic em ission, we would take R ~ 10 -8 cm and E ~ 1 ev, in which case (20.27) gives

1 / 2

~ 10 6 sec 1 , or t ~ 7 x 10 -7 sec

On the other hand, if we apply (20.27 ) to nuclear decay, where typically R ~ 5 x 10 -1 3 cm , and E ~ 1 Mev, we would obtain

1 / 2

~ 10 15 sec-1, o r t ~ 3 x 10 -1 6 sec

These result only indicate typical orders of m a gni tude. W h at Eq.(20.27) does not explain is the wide range of values of the half-liv es that h a ve been ob served. For further discussions we again ref e r the student to references such as Meyerhof.

Turning to the question of selection rules for -decay, we can write down the conservation of angular mom e nt a and parity in a for m si m ilar to (20.17) and (20.18),

I i I f L (20.28)

i f (20.29)

Notice that in contrast to ( 20.27) the orbital and spin angul ar mom e nta are incorporated in L , playing the role of the tota l angular m o m e ntum. Since the photon has spin ħ [for a discussion of photon angular m o m e ntum , see A. S. Davydov, Quantum Mechanics (1965(, pp. 306 and 578], the possible values of L are 1 (corresponding to the case of zero orbital angular m o m e ntum ), 2, 3, …For the conservation of parity we know the parity of the photon depends on the value of L . We now encounter two possibilities because in p hoton em ission, which is the pr ocess of electrom a gnetic m u ltipole rad i atio n, one can hav e eith er electric or m a gnetic m u ltipole radiation,

= ( 1 ) L electric m u ltipole

( 1 ) L m a gnetic m u ltipo l e

Thus we can set up the following table,



Val u e o f L

electric dipo le




m a gnetic dipole




electric quadrupole




m a gnetic quadrupole




electric octu pole





Sim ilar to th e case of -decay, the decay constan t can be expressed as a su m of contribution s from each multipole [c f. Blatt and W e isskopf, Theoretical Nuclear Physics ,

p. 627],

( E 1 ) ( M 1 ) ( E 2 ) ... (20.30)

provided each contribution is allowed by the se le ction rules. W e are again interested only in the lowest order allowe d transition, and if both E and M trans i tion s are allowed, E w ill dom inate. Take, f o r exam ple, a transition be tw een an initial s t ate w ith spin and parity of 2 + and a final s t ate of 0 + . This transition require s the photon parity to be positiv e, w h ich m eans that f o r an ele c tr ic m u ltipole rad i ation L would have to be even,

and for a m a gnetic radiation it has to be odd. In view of the initial a nd final spins, we see that angular mom e ntum cons ervation (20.28) requires L to be 2. Thus, the m o st likely mode of -de cay f o r this transition is E2 . A few other ex am pl es are:

1 0 M1

1 1


2 2

9 1


2 2

0 0 no -decay allowed

We conclude this discussion of nuclear dec a ys b y the rem a rk that inte rnal conversion (IC) is a com p eting process with -decay. The ato m ic electron ejected has a kinetic energy given by (i gnoring nuclear recoil)

T e E i E f E B (20.31)

where E i E f is the energy of de-excitation, and E B is the binding energy of the atom ic electron. If we denote by e the decay constan t for intern al con v ersion, then the to tal decay cons tant for de-ex c itation is

e (20.32)