22.101 Applied Nuclear Physics (Fall 2006)

Lecture 1 3 (10/30/06) Radioactive-Series Decay

References :

R. D. Evan s , The Atomic Nucleus (M cGraw-Hill, New York, 1955).

W. E. Meyerhof, Elements of Nuclear Physics (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1967).

We begin with an experim e ntal observa tion that in radioactiv e decay th at the probability of a decay during a sm all tim e interv al t, which we will den o te as P( t), is proportional to t. Given this as a fact one can write

P ( t ) t (12.1)

where is th e proportionality consta n t which we will call the d ecay cons ta nt. Notice that this exp r ession is m eaningf ul on ly when t < 1, a condition which defines what we m ean by a sm all tim e inte rval. In other words , t < 1/ , which will turn out to be the m ean lif e tim e of the radio i sotop e .

Suppose we are in terested in the su rv ival p r obability S(t), th e probability that the radioisotope does not decay duri ng a n arbitra r y tim e interval t. To calcula te S(t) using (12.1) we can take th e tim e interval t and di vide it into m a ny sm all, equal segm ents, each one of m a gnitude t. For a given t the num b er of such segm ents will be t / t = n. To survive the e n tir e tim e interva l t, we need to surv ive the f i rst segm ent ( t) 1 , then the n e xt segm ent ( t) 2 , …, all the way up to the nth segm ent ( t) n . Thus we can write


S ( t ) 1 P (( t ) i )

i 1

= 1 ( t / n ) n e t


where the arrow indicated the lim it of n , t 0 . Unlike (12.1), (12.2) is valid for any t. W h en t is sufficien tly sm all co mpared to u n ity, it redu ces to (12.1 ) as expected. Stated another way, (12.2) is extension of 1 P(t) for arbitrary t. One should also notice a close sim ilarity between (12.2) and the pr obability that a particle will go a distance x without collision, e x , where is the m acroscopic co llision cros s section (recall Lec1).

The role of the decay co nstant in th e probability of no decay in a tim e t is the sam e as

the m acroscopic cros s section in the probability of no collis ion in a dis t a n ce x. The exponential attenu ation in tim e or space is qu ite a general result, which o n e encounters frequently. There is another way to derive it. Suppose the radioisotope has not decayed up to a tim e inte rval of t 1 , f o r it to su r v ive the n e x t sm all segm ent t the pro b ability is just 1 - P ( t) = 1 - t. Then we have

S ( t 1 t ) S ( t 1 ) 1 t ] (12.3)

which we can rearrange to read

S ( t t ) S ( t ) S ( t ) (12.4)


Taking the lim it of sm all t, w e get

dS ( t ) (12.5)


which we can readily integrate to give (12.2) , since the initial condi tion in this case is S(t=0) = 1.

The decay o f a single radioisotop e is de scrib e d b y S(t) which depends on a single physical constant . Instead of one can speak of two equi valent quantities, the half lif e t 1/ 2 and the m ean life . They are defined as

S ( t 1 / 2 ) 1 / 2 t 1 / 2 n 2 / 0 . 693 / (12.6)


dt ' t ' S ( t ' )

and 0 (12.7)

dt ' S ( t ' )


Fig. 12.1 shows the relationship be tween these quantities an d S(t).

Fig. 12.1 . The half lif e a nd m ean lif e of a surviva l probab ility S(t).

Radioactivity is m easured in term s of th e rate of radioactive d ecay. The q u antity

N(t), where N is the nu mber of radi oisotope ato m s at tim e t, is ca lled activity . A standard unit of radioactivity has been the cur i e , 1 Ci = 3.7 x 10 10 disintegrations/sec, w h ich is rou ghly the a c ti vity of 1 gram of Ra 226 . Now it is replaced by th e becquerel (Bq), 1 Bq = 2.7 x 10 -1 1 Ci. An old unit which is not often used is the ru therford (10 6 disintegrations/sec).

Radioisotope Production by Bombardment

There are tw o general ways of producing radioisotopes, activat ion by particle or radiation bo mbardm ent such as in a nuclear re actor or an accelerator, and the decay o f a radioactive series. Both m e t hods can be discussed in term s of a differential equation that governs the num b er of radioisotope s at tim e t, N(t). This is a first-order linear differential equation with constant coefficients, to wh ich the solution can be read ily o b tained.

Although there are different situa tions to which one can apply this equation, the analysis

is fundam e ntally quite straigh t forward. W e will treat the ac tivation p r oblem first. Le t Q(t), the rate of production of the radioisotope, have the form shown in the sketch below.

This m eans the production takes place at a constant Q o f o r a tim e interval ( 0 , T), af ter which production ceases. During production, t < T, the equation governing N(t) is

dN ( t ) Q dt o

N ( t ) (12.8)

Because we have an external sou r ce term , th e equation is seen to be inhom ogeneous. The solution to ( 12.8) w ith the initia l co nditi on that there is no radioisotope prior to production, N(t = 0) = 0, is

N ( t ) Q o 1 e t , t < T (12.9)

For t > T, the governing equation is (12.8) without the source term . The solution is

N ( t ) Q o ( 1 e T ) e ( t T ) (12.10)

A sketch of the solutions (12.9) and (12.10) is shown in Fig. 12.2. One sees a build up of N(t) during production wh ich approaches the as ym ptotic value of Q o / , and after production is stopped N(t) undergoes an exponential decay, so that if T >>1,

N ( t ) Q o e ( t T ) (12.11)

Fig. 12.2 . Tim e variation of num b er of radioiso tope atom s produced at a constant rate Q o f o r a tim e inte rval of T af ter w h ic h the system is lef t to de cay.

Radioisotope Production in Series Decay

Radioisotop e s also are p r oduced as the produc t(s) of a series of sequential decays.

Consider th e case of a three-m e m b er chain,

1 2

N 1 N 2 N 3 (stab l e)

where 1 and 2 are th e decay constan t s of the parent (N 1 ) and the daughter (N 2 ) respectively. The gove rning equations are

dN 1 ( t ) N

( t ) (12.12)

dt 1 1

dN 2 ( t ) N

( t ) N

( t ) (12.13)

dt 1 1 2 2

dN 3 ( t ) N dt 2 2

( t ) (12.14)

For the initial conditions we assum e there are N 10 nuclid es of species 1 and no nuclides of species 2 an d 3. The solutions to (12.12) (12.14) then becom e

1 10

N ( t ) N e 1 t (12.15)

N 2 ( t ) N 10

1 e 1 t e 2 t (12.16)

2 1

1 e 1 t 1 e 2 t

3 10

N ( t ) N 1 2


2 1 1 2

Eqs.(12.15) through (12.17) are known as the Batem a n equations. One can use them to analyze situ ations when the decay co nstants 1 and 2 take on different relative values. W e consider two such scenarios, the case where the paren t is short-liv ed, 1 >> 2 , and the opposite case where the pa rent is long- lived, 2 >> 1 .

One should notice from (12.12) (12.14) that the sum of these three differential equation s is zero. This m eans that N 1 (t) + N 2 (t) + N 3 (t) = co nstant for an y t. W e also know from our initia l co nditions tha t this cons tan t m u st be N 10 . One can use this inf o rm ation to f i nd N 3 (t) given N 1 (t) and N 2 (t), o r use this as a check that the solutions given by (12.15) (12.17) are indeed correct.

Series Deca y with Short-Lived Parent

In this case one expects the parent to decay quick ly and the d a ughter to b u ild up quickly. Th e daughter then decays more sl owly which m eans that the grand daughter w ill build up slow ly, eve n tually appr oaching th e initial num ber of the par e nt. Fig. 12. 3 show s sche m a tically th e behavio r o f the three is otopes. The initial v a lue s of N 2 (t) an d N 3 (t) can be readily deduced from an ex am ination of (12.16) and (12.17).

Fig. 12.3. Tim e variatio n of a three-m e mber decay chain for the cas e 1 >> 2 .

Series Deca y with Long-Lived Parent

W h en 1 << 2 , we expect th e paren t to d ecay slowly so the daugh ter and g r an d daughter will build up slowly. Since the da ughter decays qu ickly the lon g -tim e behavior of the daughter follows that of the parent. Fig. 12.4 shows the general behavior

Fig. 12.4. Tim e variatio n of a three-m e mber chain w ith a lon g -liv ed pare nt. (adm ittedly the N 2 behavior is not sketched accura te ly). In this c a se w e f i nd

N 2 ( t ) N

1 e t (12.18)



o r 2 N 2 ( t ) 1 N 1 ( t ) (12.19)

The condition of approxim a tely equal activities is called secular equilibrium . G e neralizin g this to an a r bitrary chain, we can say for the series

N 1 N 2 N 3 . . .

i f 2  1 , 3  1 ,

then 1 N 1 2 N 2 3 N 3 ... (12.20)

This condition can be used to estim ate the half life of a very long-lived radioisotope. An exam ple is U 238 whose half life is so long that it is difficult to determ ine by directly m easuring its decay. However, it is known that U 238 Th 234 Ra 226 …, and in uranium m i neral the ratio of N(U 238 )/ N(Ra 226 ) = 2.8 x 10 6 has been m easured, with t 1/2 (Ra 226 ) = 1620 yr. Using these data we can write

N ( U 238 ) N ( Ra 226 )

238 6 9

t 1 / 2

( U 238 ) t

1 / 2

( Ra 226 )

or t 1 / 2 ( U

) = 2.8 x 10

x 1620 = 4.5 x 10


In so doing we assum e t h at all the in term edia te d ecay cons tants are larger than that o f U 238 . It turns out that this is indeed true, and that the above estim ate is a good result. For an extensive treatm ent of ra dioactiv e series decay, the st ud ent should consult Evans.